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From Russia with love

Earth is a beautiful planet, lush with life, overflowing with energy and ripe for the taking. The Decepticons want to conquer it and harness that energy for their own purposes. The Autobots want to keep it out of Decepticon hands. This forum contains their battles and struggles all across the planet.

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From Russia with love

Postby Cryhavok » Sun Sep 25, 2011 4:46 am

Motto: ""It is all about pain.""
Weapon: Fusion-Powered Anti-Gravity Gun
Above Magnitogorsk, Russian Federation

Once everyone assigned to Baneblade's little materials acquirement team had boarded Astrotrain, the triplechanger had not wasted anytime to get several hundred miles between himself and the Decepticon communications officer Soundwave whom he wanted to pound into submission. Given how such action would only bring him more trouble, it was better to just focus on what needed to be done. As expected, the flight from Ultrax to Earth had been quick and uneventful.

However, there had been some changes to Baneblade's original mission plan given the war or words between him and Scrapper. Darkride was not part of the team anymore but Firebrand and Ramplate certainly were. Astrotrain had to admit Scrapper's actions confused him. The Constructicon engineer was usually calm and collected and actually left raw material acquisitions to those that lacked the skill the Constructicons possessed. Why he had tried to dump the acquisition of some materials that meant absolutely nothing to most of Decepticon soldiers to Baneblade had been... well, very uncharacteristic. It was like Scrapper was on an edge, nervous, something was conflicting inside his cranium, making him behave irrationally. Maybe he had been hit hard to head during the battle of the Mt. St. Helens or perhaps it was the stress from Megatron's passing and Stascream's rise to power with the help of Motormaster. Nevertheless, Baneblade had decreed that their job was the raw materials acquisition to the Constructicons, whether Scrapper liked it or not and that they were here to do.

Blitzwing had already left Astrotrain's hold and headed out to do what Baneblade had requested of the commando earlier, thus Astrotrain was now circling their target area at high altitudes, buying the other triplechanger time to cripple the human settlement below. As time was not to be wasted Astrotrain addressed his passengers through his internal speakers.

"Perhaps you could lay out your plans again to the late additions to our team while Blitzwing takes out whatever threats to our operation as instructed earlier commander Baneblade?"
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Re: From Russia with love

Postby Ramplate » Wed Sep 28, 2011 8:11 pm

Motto: "I am no God, nor a force of good to bring peace into their world. I am at best, a sword to separate those who will from those who won't."
Weapon: Shrapnel Rifle
Ramplate hated flying.

Normally a valid viewpoint with most ground-bound Cybertronians, it was still an odd viewpoint for a Decepticon, especially one with an anti-grav unit giving him pure freedom from movement. Perhaps it was more accurate to say that he hated flying under another mech's power, instead of his own. As it was, sitting in Astrotrain's cargo bay, the tank-mech was NOT a happy camper.

"Someone tell me again why we couldn't just bounce our way down?" he muttered, half-heartedly wanting an answer but not really caring, looking more for just an opportunity to gripe than anything. Turning to Baneblade, Ramplate wondered what the changes to the plan would be, especially since the strategist had been rather mum on the details of what Ramplate himself would be doing. Direct orders were more to his liking, rather than vague suggestions. The latter tended never to turn out as well as they should whenever he tried to do them...
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Re: From Russia with love

Postby Firebrand » Wed Sep 28, 2011 10:45 pm

Motto: "The price for peace is war."
Weapon: Gatling Cannon
Though no flyer himself, Firebrand had long ago become comfortable aboard airborne transports. The armored SUV crossed his arms and leaned on the wall, flicking away some of the frost on his shoulder from when Blitzwing opened the hatch to the bitter cold air and flew off on his sortie.

The sterling Decepticon looked across Astrotrain's cabin at Ramplate. Considering his gripe about simply arriving by teleport, but ultimately dismissing it. "Baneblade has a plan and taking Astrotrain down to the surface is a part of it." Firebrand lets his arms drop and shrugs, "perhaps arriving by orbital jump might not have been prudent, who knows, might've tripped a long-range scanner that way."

Firebrand trusts Baneblade's judgment, believing a good leader expects to be obeyed, not understood. Sometimes he wonders if the rest of his brothers realize that.
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Re: From Russia with love

Postby Troile » Fri Oct 07, 2011 12:47 pm

The Horizon above Magnitogorsk

The Storm Approaches

Blitzwing opened Astrotrains side hatch and dove straight forward allowing himself to free fall towards the surface below. From above Magnitogorsk looked like nothing more than a small feature on a map. Blitzwing twisted into his descent in order to pick up speed and velocity on to reach his target below. Once he was almost within striking distance of the city he began the process of transforming from his robot form into an F-15E Strike Eagle. Once the transformation was complete he ignited the engine core and blasted off towards the central power allocation center located in the heart of Magnitogorsk.

Magnitogorsk MMK was the first target in the area. Inside the F-15 Eagle the multi-function display was pulled up in the Heads-Up Display commonly referred to as (HUD). After acquiring the primary target and moving in to a lower attitude, the F-15 Eagle begin its attack as it could be seen coming into visual display over the impending city. “Time to turn out the lights.” Blitzwing mentioned as he approached his target and prepared a number of AIM-9 Sidewinder missiles. Once the (HUD) had locked on to the primary target through the display system, Blitzwing deployed four Sidewinder missiles towards the intended target. The four missiles trailed across the horizon as they closed in on their intended target and struck Magnitogorsk MMK violently creating a superior explosion that leveled the entire building and produced a mushroom cloud over the central target. The F-15 Strike Eagle surveyed the damage as the entire city went black from the central power station being utterly destroyed.

Blitzwing then began the run on his second target, Magnitogorsk Energomash which was still in the construction phase, however; he didn’t want to leave any unforeseen chances to play. With the same precision combat approach Blitzwing deployed a second wave of AIM-9 Sidewinder missiles that destroyed a secondary power plant that could have provided power to the city. Two specific spots from the city now showed sign of damage and clouds of debris formed from both.

>>Blitzwing to Astrotrain. Mission complete, the city of Magnitogorsk has been disconnected from the outside world; the entire cities power grid has been disabled. You are clear to begin your run. I will maintain air superiority over the city until you have completed your mission.” Blitzwing said via communication to Astrotrain.<<

Blitzwing wasn’t done with the city however despite his initial orders being only to disable the cities power plants. The F-15 Strike Eagle made a cunning downward turn and maneuvered itself towards the Magnitogorsk International Airport in order to take out the city’s main transportation centers. Flames became the signal of anther dangerous attack that was intended to terrorize and cripple the human beings who lived in Magnitogorsk. The International Airport was turned into a violent display of wildfire as the fuel that was stored on site erupted widely all over the International Airport. Cargo vessels that were normally designed to provide transportation were turned into mere rumble. Blitzwing even made a pass with his 20 MM cannon and opened fire of humans attempting to flee the carnage. Human beings were cut in half in a violent display of violence. After destroying the International Airport, Blitzwing travelled to the Magnitogorsk State Technical University.

Upon reaching the center Blitzwing transferred into his robot form and completed a full vertical dive before landing in the parking lot. With quick and accurate precession, Blitzwing transformed into one of his three modes, the M1A2 Abrams and aligned his M68A1 Rifled Gun. Once level and alignment were correct for sight-alignment the M1A2 Abrams fired a number of high explosive rounds at the Technical Center which pommeled the massive institutes foundation. Round after round was fired with little or no concern for those inside as the building was reduced to rubble. After turning the building literally inside out, Blitzwing transformed into his F-15 Strike Eagle mode and climbed back into the horizon in order to maintain air security over the city. He could be seen traveling towards Astrotrains location in order to provide escort into the city.
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Re: From Russia with love

Postby MaP_Prime » Mon Oct 17, 2011 4:17 pm

Astrontrains Cargo Bay

Baneblade had remained silent for the entire trip from the Ultrax to their target destination. His mind was turning over his exchange with Scrapper, it was odd, he normally had to dismiss much lower ranked and far less intelligent Decepticons. The actions of the Constructicon leader, a Decepticon he had much respect for was unusual to say the least. Something bigger was going on in the background, out of sight of himself and likely even Starscream. The strategist had been pondering the possibilities, so much so that his current mission now felt more like a distraction then a priority, however here he was and here he was going to remain. Might as well get this over with.

The massive Decepticon rose from where he had been sitting and moved to the side hatch, he knew the time for their deployment was close and so he had best inform the others of his plans.

"Due to Scrapper's meddling." Baneblade began, his voice raised over the roar of the wind whipping past the opened hatch. "I am now forced to drastically realter our primary objective. Given our reduced manuverability with the loss of Darkride we have to take a greater risk. I believe that by now Blitzwing has cut off all power and communications and is closely watching any possible escape routes by the populcae of this city. Astrotrain will make a combat zone insertion directly above the iron works where all of us will deploy. We will mvoe to secure the area once we have our boots on the ground, neutralizing any and all witnesses and possible resistance. Once we have the area secured we must work quickly to seize any and all refined and unrefined iron ore and steel, which we will then load aboard Astrotrain. Once our mission is complete we will deliever our cargo to the Constructicons construction site before moving onto our next target."

Not bothering to ask if the others understood Baneblade switched over to his com unit.

>>Blitzwing, I have altered the plan. Astrotrain will make a combat insertion of me and the rest of the time directly onto the Iron works. We will secure the area and the materiales we have come for. Maintain your mission and ensure that there is no threat to our operations here. Once we are finished and have cleared the area I want you to reduce the iron works and any other sensitive targets to ruble. Burn them and cripple this city.<<

He switched off his com unit.

"Astrotrain ETA to insertion site?"
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Re: From Russia with love

Postby Cryhavok » Tue Oct 18, 2011 11:09 am

Motto: ""It is all about pain.""
Weapon: Fusion-Powered Anti-Gravity Gun
Above Magnitogorsk, Russian Federation

Astrotrain had been about to reply back to Blitzwing when Baneblade began addressing the troops the military transport was carrying within his cargo hold. Instead he let the mission commander Baneblade brief the others and contact Blitzwing while flying towards their target.

"Astrotrain ETA to insertion site?"

Baneblade and the rest of the crew did not have to wait for Astrotrain's reply for long. "ETA to insertion site 20 nanokliks... prepare to jump, 15 nanokliks... 10, 9, 8, 7, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1."
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Re: From Russia with love

Postby Ramplate » Thu Oct 20, 2011 4:39 pm

Motto: "I am no God, nor a force of good to bring peace into their world. I am at best, a sword to separate those who will from those who won't."
Weapon: Shrapnel Rifle
Magnitogorsk Ironworks

Ramplate grinned as Astrotrain and Baneblade spoke, servos clenching and unclenching in preparation as the tank strode towards the open door. "About time. Can't let Blitzwing have all the fun..." he said, setting one hand against the frame of the hatchway. As the countdown wound its way down, his ice-blue optics gazed down at the ironworks, trying to pick out a proper target for when he hit the ground.

Once Astrotrain hit zero, Ramplate leaped out into the open sky, falling like a brick as he transformed in midair, his anti-gravity thrusters flaring to slow his descent to something other than meteoric. Once he touched down, he shifted the rest of the way to resemble a blockier human tank, similar to the old German Panzers that he'd seen when looking through alt-modes, treads replacing the mech's thrusters before revving his motor, rail-cannon and laser blisters aimed straight ahead of him.

'Time to tear this place up a bit,' he thought, aiming at the wall of a storage warehouse, the muzzle of his weapon letting out a Whuff of displaced air as shrapnel struck with enough force to tear a good sized chunk of the wall down. Two more such ejections had opened it up enough that he could roll inside if he chose, but waited for the dust to settle. Unfortunately, he hadn't picked the right building. 'Damn, nothing but worker supplies,' he noted, before swivelling his turret around. 'Let's try... that one!'

Another series of blasts took down a loading bay door, and Ramplate crunched the remains down with his bulk before shining his spotlights on its contents. 'Jackpot!'

>>Ramplate to Baneblade, shipment storage located, proceeding with mission. Looks like we hit them before delivery day!<< he commed to the strategist. >>I'm not seeing any night-time security here, either Blitzwing's drawn them off, or it's not obvious surveillance. Recommend we stay in alt-modes until it's located and deactivated. Unless you REALLY want us to level the place, then I don't think it'll matter...<<


The sensation of metal filings pinging off his hull drew the mech's attention to a pair of humans on a gantry. >>Oops! Spoke too soon! Engaging targets!<< he said, letting loose a burst of light from each of his sub-turrets, the coherent light stuttering across space to superheat the guards' bodies, practically making them explode. >>Ugh... messy things... Mind your treads down here, don't want to get guck in your innards,<< he said, before the shouts of yet more guards were detected.

'Alright flesh-bags, time to find out which of you makes the loudest squish noise,' he thought, leveling his cannon on the approaching figures...
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Re: From Russia with love

Postby Firebrand » Sat Oct 22, 2011 6:14 pm

Motto: "The price for peace is war."
Weapon: Gatling Cannon
Magnitogorsk Ironworks

Firebrand lept out from Astrotrain's cabin just after Ramplate, falling through the chill air like a rock. Kicking in the jump-thrusters in his heels and back at the last second, he hit the ground with a thunderous crump immediately transforming into the silver, armored SUV. He sped toward the sounds of Ramplate blasting his way into the compound.

He found his way onto a road leading to the facility, barreling down towards a security check-point. Distracted by Ramplate's destruction, the guards posted there saw Firebrand only as it was too late. The armored SUV crashed through the flimsy barrier and ran right over one of the guards, the other tossed over his hood like a rag-doll. "Ugh... disgusting creatures," the warrior muttered as he engaged his windscreen washers to rinse off the blood spattered window.

The silver Dartz Kombat T98 screeched to a halt next to Ramplate and took a look at the devastation he wrought. "Looks like I might be tardy to the party," he says with a sarcastic laugh, "I hope you saved some for me." His rotary machine-gun mounted on the passenger-side roof swiveled and sought out unfortunate survivors, spraying a salvo of hypersonic slugs at a pair of just such unlucky soldiers thinking themselves clever crouching through rubble. There wasn't much left of them but a vague, pink mess, "heh, I thought they were ugly on the outside."
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Re: From Russia with love

Postby Troile » Wed Oct 26, 2011 5:58 pm

The Horizon above Magnitogorsk

Blitzwing received the communication from his commander and replied.

>>Acknowledged Baneblade, Blitzwing out.” The Triplechanger acknowledged his new standing orders.<<

Over the heights of Magnitogorsk, Blitzwing maintained air superiority over the city as the F-15 maintained a 360 degree security perimeter around the Decepticons on the ground. It was an intimating site for the humans below as the F-15 continued to scout and harass the entire city. When the Russian government attempted to launch helicopters, Blitzwing reacted with deadly and effective force. Missles could be seen imploding on their targets as several civilian helicopters were removed from the sky. They crashed into various sectors of the city, causing enormous damage to the public population.
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Re: From Russia with love

Postby MaP_Prime » Fri Oct 28, 2011 5:35 pm

As soon as Astrotrain was over the insertion site Baneblade dived out the side door with the rest of his team. He hit the ground like an armoured thunder bolt and quickly transformed into the monstrous mammoth tank that was his alternate form. He slowly rumbled forward on his four treads, the twin barrled turret that housed his large cannons slowly pivoting as he approached the main iron works facility, spying the damage done by Ramplate and Firebrand.

There weren't any military vehicles present at the facility the sounds of the sirens from emergency vehicles could be heard all over the city as emergency teams responded to Blitzwing's earlier attacks. However, a group of police vehicles suddenly rounded a turn, they were heavilly armoured then normal and it was clear they carried a special response and weapons team. Clearly local communications still functioned even if the city was cut off from the outside. The large turret of Baneblade's tank form turned towards the on coming human vehicles, which were rapidly slowly when the massive tank rolled into view. His cannons barked in succession, each one firing a heavy ordance round that landed amongst the human vehicles. The resulting explosions tore them and their occupants apart, leaving two deep, smoldering creaters surrounded by wreckage. Baneblade then rolled forward, smashing through a brickwall as he rolled onto the groups of the iron works.

>>Astrotrain, iron works facility secured. Move in for cargo pickup.<<

Baneblade transformed and looked to the other members of his team.

"Transform and begin securing the materiales we have come for. I want this place cleared of everything we can carry as quickly as possible."
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Re: From Russia with love

Postby Cryhavok » Tue Nov 01, 2011 12:44 pm

Motto: ""It is all about pain.""
Weapon: Fusion-Powered Anti-Gravity Gun
>>"Astrotrain, iron works facility secured. Move in for cargo pickup."<<

>>"Acknowledged Baneblade."<< Astrotrain simply replied to Baneblade's transmission while circling away from the mining grounds in order decrease his speed for controlled landing. Couple of minutes a some precision maneuvering later that had allowed him to transform above a railroad leading into the iron works, Astrotrain - now in his locomotive form steamed into the mining area that had been secured by the other Decepticons.

With his brakes screeching, Astrotrain pulled to halt next to Baneblade and transformed into hulking robot form himself.

"Focus on refined alloys, ignore the untampered ores! Let the Constructicons make what they need from the alloys produced by the fleshlings!" He bellowed to Ramplate and Firebrand. More as an instruction than an order for as soon as he had done so, Astrotrain himself walked over to the nearest pile a steel bars.

"This quality has to do." He snorted and transformed into his shuttle mode again, opening all of his hatches for the other Decepticons to load the steel bars into his cargo room. "If you are able to bind few dozen tons worth of those bars together and attach them to my cargo hooks, I can carry more than what you can fit into my cargo space."

"Too bad we can't use the railroads of the fleshlings. They'd allow far more to be taken at once. But I doubt even Soundwave could keep few miles long train hidden, heh."
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Re: From Russia with love

Postby Firebrand » Fri Nov 04, 2011 10:00 pm

Motto: "The price for peace is war."
Weapon: Gatling Cannon
The silver SUV transformed to his robot mode and acknowledged the command with a snarky salute, "as you say. Let's see here..." Firebrand found a good, large stack of ingots and hefted them up. It was just over his own weight so he didn't have too much trouble carrying them over to Astrotrain, loading a cargo compartment with the alloy metal.

"Just a few thousand more bars to go, eh?" the sterling Decepticon says with a chuckle. He goes for another load to bring over to Astrotrain, his optics shifting and scanning the surroundings for potential threats as he does.
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Re: From Russia with love

Postby MaP_Prime » Wed Nov 09, 2011 5:11 pm

Baneblade watched as the loading began, arms crossed over his chest. It didn't take long for the stock in and around the yard to be loaded onto Astrontrain. The massive Decepticon walked over to the outside wall of the iron works and with a large fist smashed it open and ofrced his wave inside. Picking through the refined steel he began collecting the best quality he could find. Granted these materials were not up to Cybertronian standards, but the Constructicons were quite capable of reworking the metal into a more acceptable standard.

Arms full of steel Baneblade lumbered back out into the yard and over to Astrontrain. He placed the steel down on the ground and began to load them up to his cargo hooks. Once finished he stood back and opened up his com line.

>>Starscream, Baneblade reporting. We have silenced this city from the outside and have secured our objective. Cargo loading has begun and we should be clear shortly. Scrapper can expect us to arrive in less then one planetary cycle. Baneblade out.<<

His report sent off the large Decepticon returned to gather more steel.
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Re: From Russia with love

Postby Cryhavok » Sun Nov 13, 2011 4:27 pm

Motto: ""It is all about pain.""
Weapon: Fusion-Powered Anti-Gravity Gun
"Alright this does it. I cannot carry more if I have to carry you 3 as well." Astrotrain spoke out as his cargo hooks were attached to a massive load of steel beams by the other Decepticons on the site. "Or am I to just take these to the Constructicons and then return for another load?"

"Nevertheless, how about we hit a cargo ship with steel load next?" He added. "We could sail right into where we want the steel and then sink it. After that we'd have several thousand tons worth of materials for the Constructicons."
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Re: From Russia with love

Postby MaP_Prime » Sun Nov 13, 2011 4:35 pm

Baneblade nodded at Astrotrain's statement.

"Agreed. We shall withdraw form this area at once, any further delays will risk exposing out operation here." The massive Decepticon climbed aboard and gestured for the other two with him to join him.

>>Blitzwing, we are withdrawing from the area. Once we are clear level this entire area and than join us as we head to the Constructicon's site.<<
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Re: From Russia with love

Postby Firebrand » Mon Nov 14, 2011 10:28 pm

Motto: "The price for peace is war."
Weapon: Gatling Cannon
Firebrand nods to Baneblade and steps aboard Astrotain, leaning on a large stack of alloy ingots. "I hope there's enough useful material in the metal to make anything worth the effort. I guess that's one for the Constructicons to mull over," Firebrand says plainly, hitting an ingot behind him with one knuckle.
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Re: From Russia with love

Postby Ramplate » Tue Nov 15, 2011 7:08 am

Motto: "I am no God, nor a force of good to bring peace into their world. I am at best, a sword to separate those who will from those who won't."
Weapon: Shrapnel Rifle
After putting the last of the loads in, Ramplate tried to slide his way into Astrotrain's loading bay, the fit rather tight. It would probably be just as bad for Baneblade, but that was his problem. "So, think we'll get enough to keep them busy for more than a cycle?" he asked Firebrand as they boarded. "And why a cargo ship? You don't mean the wet kind, do you?" Ramplate hated water...
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Re: From Russia with love

Postby Cryhavok » Mon Nov 21, 2011 11:48 am

Motto: ""It is all about pain.""
Weapon: Fusion-Powered Anti-Gravity Gun
"Why a cargo ship you ask?" Astrotrain asked in turn from Ramplate whose's hesitance towards getting wet was rather common preference in Cybertronians. Heh, at least there's something in common between us and the Autobots. The military transport thought as he ignited the thrusters that allowed him to gain vertical thrust when there was no runway to use.

"Because a human cargo ship fitted to transport steel loads across the water bodies of this planet can carry far more at once than I can even in my largest form." Astrotrain added just before he activated his main thrusters for rapid acceleration.

"In addition the fleshlings build their ships out of steel. We can sink the whole ship along with its cargo and let the Constructicons scrap it for their use in the bottom of the sea." He added. "As for getting wet... normal risk factors regarding operations where salt water is involved apply for such a raid I am afraid. Of course, it is Baneblade's call."

"Which reminds me... ETA 10 kliks."

[OOC: And we can continue in the sea of change thread.]
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