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Nebulos - Fire In The Sky

The noose around Fortress Maximus' neck tightens. Will the Decepticon 2nd fleet led by mighty Scorponok finally subjugate their old nemesis? And if they do, what will be the fate of the Autobot resistance?

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Re: Nebulos - Fire In The Sky

Postby Vulkan » Thu Jun 14, 2012 3:48 pm

The Pestilence--Laboratory

Rust Cut carefully powered up the various devices attached to her latest "patient" each one making a humming noise as they did what they were intended to do. Some where to power up specific parts some were to drain and replace various fluids, some were to transfer that precious life giving force called energon.

Rust Cut continued her notes despite this all being the same as every other time she had tried this method thus far with nothing different. Parts within the Autobot slowly started to whirl and click. Parts of the Autobot started to twitch but nothing seemed different. This was not life. This was simply a reaction to power being given to a machine.

Rust Cut snarled. "I need more, I must have more, they won't give me more." She said mumbling to herself. The fact was Rust Cut was trying to create an efficient way of creating life at this stage of her research however this would not mean she had already successfully reanimated life. Only on paper she was.

The Autobot's mouth moved. Rust Cut seemed excited this being a something she had not seen in many test. She quickly started working finickiness with the various devices by increasing and decreeing their various in and outputs before IT happened again.

Rust Cut tried to give a more subtle supply of power to the body and carefully rising it to the proper supply of power without she knew IT would happen otherwise.

Time passed by and Rust Cut reached the amount of power being supplied to the Autobot that usually IT would happen at. She examined it closely and found the body may of adapted to the strain but this should be impossible. She raised the power being supplied to the Autobot and checked on the various fluids finding that some had already gone bad and realized the energon was being depleted quickly.

She turned back on some of the various devices and continued to supply the lifeless bot energon. She laughed with delight as a strange sound that could best be summed up to when a computer freezes and while audio is playing was coming from the body. The lights of the Pestilence flickered as the sound became louder as did the delighted squeels from Rust Cut. "A 0.000000.45% Event!" She cried out for the first time in many vorns.
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Re: Nebulos - Fire In The Sky

Postby Cryhavok » Fri Jun 15, 2012 8:40 am

Motto: ""It is all about pain.""
Weapon: Fusion-Powered Anti-Gravity Gun
Equatorial Desert

"Standards?" Apeface grunted only to receive a punch to his shoulder from Snapdragon. Yet, neither the playful violence between the two or the prospect of an orbital bounce about to happen stopped Apeface from making another jibe towards his partner in crime.

"You had me fooled there pal. For someone who happily wades into a pool of toxic sludge after rolling around in lubricant of a scraplet infected empty you had torn open - your grasp on hygiene is most inspiring --"


The bounce back to the fortress Tenebrous had quickly followed. And once they had made it back to their temporary home, Vehicon guards had been quick to escort their prisoners to the holding cells. The Vehicons both groundbased and seeker models not to forget the more recent model that were the Sweeps were barely sentient cannon fodder operated by purposedly limited artificial intelligence. These drone soldiers that made the bulk of the Decepticon army were originally developed by no other than Shockwave. Through splitting the remaining spark energies of dying Cybertronians, both Autobot and Decepticon - between Constructicon built clone soldier bodies, the logic driven madmech had created an army for Megatron. Nearly emotionless soldiers, unrelenting and obedient, only few of the drones ever developed any of the characteristics of those whose spark residue they carried.

At least the Vehicons were good for something. Like escorting prisoners for their betters. For Apeface though, they were not true Decepticons. Only pale imitations of true Decepticon warriors. He was easily worth a hundred of them if not far more.

"I swear Snaps. With this speed real Cybertronians are falling without new ones being created, there's nothing but Vehicons left in few thousand vorns. Not to say those slaggers don't have their uses but frag. For every real Decepticon on this system alone there has to be about 10 of those brain dead bores."

A wicked smirk appeared on his simian facial features as he continued, "Such a legacy we are leaving, hah!"



Turmoil's optics were practically burning under the visor shielding them. How in the abyss Cyclonus dared to question him on every turn? Only the Air Commander's value in the eyes of High Commander Scorponok kept the hulking Decepticon warlord from resulting in violence. This was hardly the first time the two had found each in disagreement. While Scorponok had lately utilized Turmoil more in command roles over Cyclonus, there was no denying that Turmoil had often been assigned to merely support the Air Commander. They were rivals over the same position, with both considering themselves superior to the other.

Stepping forwards towards the far sleeker and somewhat shorter purple and silver Decepticon, Turmoil locked his optics with Cyclonus.

"There is a chain of command we both have sworn to follow. And as long as your are part of this operation, I outrank you. If you cannot deal with the High Commander's orders. I suggest you try taking it to him. " Turmoil nearly growled at Cyclonus and let his cannon power up for a stun blast. "Or challenge me over the position through trial of combat, right here, right now and waste our precious resources and time."
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Re: Nebulos - Fire In The Sky

Postby Insidious » Fri Jun 15, 2012 12:29 pm

Motto: "Clarity of thought before rashness of action."
Weapon: Oxidating Laser

Cyclonus stared up at the large Decepticon, not backing down in the slightest. Each of them unquestionably saw themselves as the superior Decepticon. Despite that, Cyclonus had seen no evidence of marked incompetence on Turmoil's part. He had actually come to the field and taken care of one of the Autobot problems on this planet. He would receive his due commendation for that. It was enough for Cyclonus to not press this issue any further--for the time being.

"I can deal with the High Commander's orders as I always have. Yours, however, do not carry the same weight," Cyclonus said, still holding his ground. Turmoil's challenge was tempting. There was little doubt in his mind, despite the size difference, that Cyclonus could successfully defeat this Decepticon in battle and resolve the question of who was truly superior. Size was not everything, and Cyclonus had taught that lesson to more than one Cybertronian over the ages.

It was tempting.

So, so tempting.

"...and waste our precious resources and time," had been the large Decepticon's last words. Indeed, it would be that. The video transmission that Soul Siren had sent him was the priority. He would be doing a disservice to the cause, to Scorponok and ultimately to Megatron if he allowed this to pull his focus elsewhere.

"Another time," Cyclonus said, producing a datapad which reproduced the transmitted video that Soul Siren had sent him. "This resistance is about to come to an end."

>>"Understood, Soul Siren. Good work. I am en route,"<< the sleek, purple warrior transmitted back to Tenebrous. Cyclonus turned from Turmoil and stepped past Scourge, nodding. The two leapt in to the air and transformed. Many of the Sweeps that were not dealing directly with Autobot captives did the same. Tenebrous called.
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Re: Nebulos - Fire In The Sky

Postby Drop Bear » Fri Jun 15, 2012 8:46 pm

Motto: "Well, I'll be a Cybertronic bolt-bat!"
Weapon: Poison-Tipped Missiles
Fortress Tenebrous – Personal Quarters

It returned its gaze at him the moment he had settled his optics on it. Its body language was positive, its posture firm and vertical, attention fastened on him. A servo reached out—as did one from it. They pressed together, unflinching and gradual. As a single entity, they moved without true intentions and with no particular course in mind, just gliding along, enjoying each other's company.

In awe of this beautiful creature and to acknowledge his appreciation of it, he smiled. It smiled back, reciprocating the gesture with the same amount of warmth in which it had received.

Stormbird couldn't help himself. He had to look up. “Will you give it a rest? You've been staring at yourself for, I don't know, too long now.”

Iguanus' servo slowly retreated from the reflective surface. “I suppose I could.” He turned around, grinning at Stormbird. “Just for you, Stormy.”

The black and grey Decepticon's irritation knitted a prominent scowl on his face plate. He did not reply, wary of which bizarre avenue it would haul him to. When Iguanus was plagued by boredom, conversation was not recommended. He often created the most strangest topics, and asked harrowing questions no one liked to answer.

It was an excuse for him to refine his skills in the art of terror, he sometimes threw out there, but it wasn't as though he needed to fine-tune his fear tactics in order to perform at maximum capacity. That aspect was naturally ingrained into his being; had been ever since he could remember.

“It's not like we are involved in any sort of critical activity, you know. We should be able to do as we please.” That grin took shape again. “And that's precisely what I'm doing, if you don't mind.”

Iguanus gave voice to the truth. Nebulos had been seized in the unwavering jaws of the Decepticon force that had been preying on the planet for some time. With it now secured in their grasp, the Decepticons held the power to do what they wished with the planet. And with a few Autobot prisoners currently taking up residence within the great Fortress Tenebrous.

The thought of meeting these Autobots and dealing with them in his own preferred ways was delicious.

“Haven't you heard?” Stormbird said, disbelief heavy in his tone. “Turmoil's out there as we speak, in the Melanossus area, crushing a small group of 'Bots hanging around the place. And you do remember that we're on stand-by, right? We could be called into the action at any time.”

But the thought of participating in genuine battle was positively sensational. To go into combat against a worthy foe was what Iguanus craved. And then to kill him, to plunder him of his life.

Why then had he not been summoned for battle already, by Turmoil or Cyclonus? It was too frustrating to even ponder.

Instead, Iguanus said nothing, and concentrated on conjuring up wonderful fantasies incorporating glorious fights which required his full attention and ability to win. Surely there still were more Autobots spread across this world just waiting to be discovered. Surely Iguanus would be granted the opportunity to eliminate a few himself, because he was one of the Decepticon's top warriors here. And surely they wouldn't, in all their wisdom, be foolish enough to simply leave him at Tenebrous to mill about, letting his talents waste away with each passing moment.

No. No, of course not. What was he thinking? He would get his chance.

Without a doubt, he would definitely get his chance.
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Re: Nebulos - Fire In The Sky

Postby Cravex » Tue Jun 19, 2012 6:02 pm

Motto: ""I am my business""
Weapon: Crossbow
Fortress Tenebrous

Sound was the first thing Afterburner noticed as his systems slowly began to come back online. In some ways it resembled a dream, like the ones he experienced when he was in a CR Chamber. There was something different about the noises that time, something not right but his processor was functioning as its base levels during the reboot from stasis lock.

Maybe he was dead. It wouldn‘t surprise him since the last thing he remembered was being fired upon by… or was he struck by a… what did happen to him? If he was dead he could think of worse things than to float in a world of his own creation. If this was his fate then Primus be praised.

The dream feeling continued until his internal sensors told him he was falling. The impact following that sensation gave him a moment’s pause as his other main systems reactivated. Following his audio receptors came his optics. They flared to life with a burst of energon that both burned and exhilarated him at once.

The first object his optics focused on was Scattershot. So much for praising Primus. He began wondering what he did to deserve Scattershot as a partner for eternity. Only when energon began pumping through his extremeties did the idea of being in the afterlife leave him. Thank Primus for small favors.

Back on good terms with the universe around him, Afterburner began testing some of When the larger mech didn’t move he thought it a perfect time to test his vocalizer. “Afterburner reporting for duty… sir.” At least he was mostly functional. Now if he could figure out how he became entangled with… oh wonderful, he was buried under his comrades.
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Re: Nebulos - Fire In The Sky

Postby Smokescreen85 » Tue Jun 19, 2012 8:56 pm

Motto: ""A look can be deceiving; a touch can be lethal.""
Weapon: Twin Shoulder-Mounted Rocket Launchers
Monsterbot Base

Doublecross watched with great interest as Repugnus rigged up the series of warheads that he would soon attach to the dead Decepticon’s carcass in order to eventually lure in and blow up other ‘Cons that came to investigate. Both sides of the duel-minded Monsterbot’s processor were pleased with the idea, a rarity if there ever was one. When the bug-former mentioned that he would need one of his comrades to fly the body out to an open area where it would be easily seen from the skies, Doublecross was quick to respond.

“I’ll do it, Puggy! I’m sure I can find the perfect place to dump him. Like you said, a nice big field with a tree line or rocks nearby for us to hide behind should do the trick nicely. No problem!” The right half spoke with vigor in his vocalizer while the opposing side growled silently in the recesses of the subconscious mind.

(No problem? Seriously? Why do we have to lug the body out there? Can’t Puggster, himself, do it? It’s his fraggin' corpse after all.)

He doesn’t have wings, idiot. Besides, I thought you liked this idea.

(Just because I like an idea doesn’t mean I want to fly a rotting carcass somewhere. I just want to watch it and some other ‘Cons blow up, that’s all. And I know that Puggy doesn’t have wings you moron! He could still carry the body over one shoulder or, better still, just let Grotusque do it. He's got wings.)

Can’t you just be a team player for once?


Too bad. We’re doing this whether you like it or not!

Fortress Tenebrous - Holding Cell

Strafe was consumed in total darkness. He felt nothing, he heard nothing, he smelled nothing. It was as if he was floating in a void of nothingness. Every so often images of what had happened to him flashed through his cerebral cortex and then vanished as quickly as they had appeared. These flashes were actually nothing more than mere misfires within his processor as it tried to reboot. The aerial gunner’s systems were having a difficult time coming out of stasis considering the damage he had previously sustained from Lockdown, but at least some progress was better than none at all.

At least I’m not dead.

Finally, after what seemed like a hundred vorns, Strafe’s optics slowly on-lined again, revealing a cold, metal ceiling overhead. His vision was fuzzy but it was certainly better than the endless void he had been trapped in for so long. The nervous Technobot tried to recall the specifics of what had happened to him. Strafe remembered escaping the Farstar before it was destroyed and then crash landing in the desert. He remembered being underground where his team was ambushed and he was taken prisoner by that Decepticon bounty hunter, who then drug him up to the surface with his hooked arm. The aerial gunner knew that he had escaped his captor for a brief time before being shot down. Disarmed and outmatched by a superior foe, the anxious mech was quickly knocked into stasis. That’s all Strafe could remember. There were more details than that, but they would return in time. For now, the Technobot flier had the basics and that’s all that mattered.

Sitting up, Strafe immediately noticed the imposing form of Scattershot nearby. “Commander,” the aerial gunner muttered as he gave his superior officer a weak salute before glancing around to find Lightspeed sitting next to him. “I don’t think this is the Pit, Lightspeed, but it’s close enough,” Strafe responded to his teammate's query as he looked around for the rest of the Technobots. “Did Nosecone get away? And where’s Afterburner?”

It didn’t take long for Strafe to realize that he and Lightspeed weren’t sitting on a flat surface. Looking down, the nervous ‘Bot found that the grumpy cycle-former was trapped underneath them. “Oh, there you are, Afterburner!” Strafe exclaimed as he rolled sideways off his comrade and got to his feet. He stumbled a bit but quickly regained his composure as more and more of his systems finished rebooting. “Sorry about that. I thought you were the floor.”

Strafe’s last remark was intended to lighten the mood of their current situation, which was dire to say the least. The aerial gunner again peered around the holding cell that the four Technobots were currently imprisoned within. It wasn’t an ideal place to be, but at least it was better than still being in Lockdown’s clutches. “So, where do you think we are, Commander?” Strafe asked as he looked over at Scattershot. “And, more importantly, how the frag are we going to get out of here?”
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Re: Nebulos - Fire In The Sky

Postby Necessary Evil » Wed Jun 20, 2012 7:17 am

Motto: "Always looking for a new motto."
Weapon: Chomping Rotor Blades
Monsterbot Base

Grotusque arched an optic ridge. “So that's the way things will go? By starting small?” Then smiled. “Works for me.”

Repugnus' plan promised laughs. An abundance of them. Taking note of him cram the poor fellow full of explosives tickled Grotusque's sense of humour considerably, that unflagging grin of his working his lip components yet again. The majority of the Autobots would find this act worthy of the most wicked Decepticon, but he cared none for the traditional values of the Autobots.

Sure, he sheltered those ideals in his processor—and was guided by them to an extent—but this was war. War was terrifying, unrelenting, thankless at times. But worst of all to Grotusque: sombre. He could not continue to fight, to offer everything he had if he knew humour was forbidden in war.

Luckily it wasn't. And that meant he and his team-mates could please themselves in whatever manner they deemed fit. After all, what High Command weren't aware of couldn't hurt them.

“Good thing you're on to it, D.C..” Grotusque chuckled. “Because you've seen me fly, and it's like watching a Seacon trying to run in a straight line on land.” He imitated how he imagined one of their water-adoring foes would fare on a dry, hard surface, limbs twitching and balance dubious at best. “Damn ugly, I would say! What say you, Pugmeister?”


Korajan Forest – Cave

Even though the cave was a secure structure, the high-pitched notes issued forth from the frenetic Insecticons outside desperately seeking access caused Hosehead to doubt their safety. He threw glances at the ceiling, then Nightbeat, then Skyhammer, then in the general direction of the entrance. He repeated this process multiple times while thinking, even mixing up the order of the aforementioned as he continued to formulate a solution. To no avail.

And how could it? There were so many things he needed to do to ensure not only his survival, but the survival of his friends, too. But where to start? Where to start? Something had to be done!

Nightbeat, as per usual, proved to be the saviour, his unflappable calm and powerful intellect plotting their escape with ease. He motioned to Skyhammer, then took off, running towards the exit. Hosehead obeyed immediately, keen to get as far away from the Insecticons as possible.

With haste, he lifted Skyhammer, draped him over his shoulder-plates once again, and began jogging after Nightbeat. Vision peering straight ahead as if tunnelling through the rock itself and pace constant, he did not look back. Not once did he dare to indulge his curiosity by seeing what was behind him, fearing an abominable wave of insect-like creatures would be rolling after him hungry to swallow him up in their wake.
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Re: Nebulos - Fire In The Sky

Postby Necessary Evil » Thu Jun 21, 2012 7:54 am

Motto: "Always looking for a new motto."
Weapon: Chomping Rotor Blades

The town once projected the image of a respectable settlement. Although no comparisons could be drawn with the other towns and cities he had visited thus far, this one was no less impressive. Prosperous and exuding a robust brand of vitality, it was an energetic little place with its residents, whether on foot or sets of wheels, darting along roads and pavements like worker antroids tending to their daily tasks for the common good of the colony.

Not any longer.

Devastation now clutched the town in its embrace. Ravenous flames latched on to whatever they could find amid the wreckage and gorged until nothing remained. Corpses cluttered the streets in their dozens, occupying pools of dark red liquid. Buildings shattered in spirit and design submitted to their atrocious injuries, coughing columns of thick fumes that drifted upwards, congesting what little available space there was in the smoke-clogged sky.

None of this mattered to Bomb-Burst. The destruction was simply a by-product of their true objectives: to apprehend—and eliminate if necessary—the handfuls of Autobot resistance still roaming the planet. While they had achieved their goals, Bomb-Burst's personal satisfaction continued to be disregarded, something that irked him to no end.

Upon Turmoil's instructions, he was to pin Pyro down so they could complete their mission and get on with the cleansing of Nebulos. Seemed simple enough, but that wasn't to be. The Autobot possessed a cunning mind, keeping Bomb-Burst at a distance with an array of bold manoeuvres and that troublesome foam he constantly brought into service. Turmoil's trigger-happy digit and flash grenades helped none, either.

Such a powerful foe. Such sweet, sweet fuel he could have dined on. Such an opportunity squandered.

It was tragic his meal had eluded him, but Bomb-Burst was instilled with a patience that extinguished the inflammation of his fury in the event of an unsuccessful hunt. His patience also taught him the value of war. As long as it persisted, there would always be another opportunity to hunt.

For now, though, Bomb-Burst waited for Turmoil to finish his discussion with Cyclonus, which was turning out to be quite the little show. For the price of one's mere attention, entertainment, including front row seats, could be bought in the form of potential conflict between the Vice Commander and the Air Commander. Bomb-Burst knew not who would claim victory; indeed both Decepticons were highly capable warriors, each with his own collection of lethal abilities.

But nothing came of it and Cyclonus made a swift departure. How anticlimactic. His curiosity was genuinely provoked; he wanted to see how the Air Commander would manage against Turmoil. Perhaps next time.

Bomb-Burst folded his arms, appearing unfazed at what had just occurred. “A pity, Turmoil. Your clash with Cyclonus had promise.” He spared the devastation a final glance. “With one well-aimed blast, I'm sure our resources would not have been in jeopardy. Not that it matters, I suppose.”
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Re: Nebulos - Fire In The Sky

Postby Cryhavok » Sat Jun 23, 2012 11:58 am

Motto: ""It is all about pain.""
Weapon: Fusion-Powered Anti-Gravity Gun
The Pestilence - Bridge

>>"A 0.000000.45% event Rust Cut? You are wasting energon and your time."<< Venom's spiteful voice entered the laboratory - where Rust Cut was working in, alongside a holographic projection of the Insecticon Commander.

Venom gave no opportunity for Rust Cut to talk back at him though, instead he gave the scientist new instructions before cutting the holo-link. He wanted the ladybug out of his ship bad. Only alone in in the massive destroyer, Venom could feel any level of peace. >>"Your skills are needed elsewhere. Get into the bounce chamber. You will be relocated planetside. If you play your cards right, perhaps our brethen hunting the Autobots there will give you new test subjects."<<

That would take care of Rust Cut for now, at least Venom certainly hoped so. Bombshell however... he and his closest allies Shrapnel and Kickback... those three were completely different issue.[/i]

>>"Bombshell, please indulge me. Why have you not reported on your progress?"<<
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Re: Nebulos - Fire In The Sky

Postby #Sideways# » Sat Jun 23, 2012 1:09 pm

Motto: "Wake up. Wake up and smell the ashes."
Weapon: Dual Compression Cannons
Outside the cave - Near the town limits of Nimbus

Nightbeat looked back to Hosehead to see if he was still following him. Hosehead was lugging the heavy Skyhammer over his shoulder as he should. But something caught Nightbeat's discerning optics: Movement.

Nightbeat squinted against the darkening sky and spotted the silhouettes of Insecticons, namely Kickback, had spotted them and were moving towards them!

Nightbeat pointed to the Insecticons, "Looks like we aren't out of the woods yet!"

Nightbeat drew his pistols and began to step backwards down the slow decline into the village while firing his weapons at Kickback and company.

"Follow me, Hosehead!" Nightbeat said as he fired his weapons not at the insecticons, but a barrage at the entrance. The entrance collapsed in on itself and left an unrecognizable entrance or an exit to those inside.

Satisfied, Nightbeat motioned to Hosehead to follow him and he began to run down the hill toward Nimbus, keeping a steady fire at Kickback and his buddies.



Nosecone was alone.

... Where are you...?

He was moving silently and slowly in a very purposeful manner.

... Show it to me...

He was tracking his lost comrades' location. Or at least trying to, that is.

... I will find you...

Nosecone's drill powered tirelessly into the sandy desert. He was on the right track...

... Won't be long now...

He paused for an Astrosecond to muse what would happen if he was detected. It was obvious to him: He and his friends would likely be terminated on the spot.

But there was another chance.

... It will work...

A blip on his geo-mappers was growing larger by the second, filling his mind with the hollow beep every time the view was refreshed. He knew it could work. He knew it was possible. It will work. It will have to for his friends.

... There!

He had found his destination and his friend's destination: Fortress Tenebrous.

He had to stay away to a certain degree for fear of detection. It wouldn't surprise him if he already was detected. Then again, when does anything surprise him?


He began to record typographical data and coordinates so that he may send the information to any other Autobots that still remained.
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Re: Nebulos - Fire In The Sky

Postby Vulkan » Sat Jun 23, 2012 9:26 pm

The Pestilence--Laboratory

Rust Cut snarled right after the hologram was cut off and started to throw a fit. "I AM NOT MOVING ALL OF THIS BY MYSELF!" She would start kicking various parts on the floor screaming at what she could only think of as an insult until a sizzling noise was made. She looked behind her and realized IT was happening once again.

Rust Cut would start swearing furiously screaming one cuss after another at random as the room filled with smoke from the corps that laid there. Its optics cracked, wires fizzled and various parts inside of the dead machine shattered and/or snapped out of place.

Rust Cut sighed looking at her latest failure. However this time the fault technically wasn't on her hands but on Venom's. Rust Cut would go to send messages to Venom on the bridge "Send someone down here right now to help me move my lab materials!" She said tearing off a small piece of metal off of her failed projected and munching on it.
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Re: Nebulos - Fire In The Sky

Postby Cryhavok » Sun Jun 24, 2012 10:07 am

Motto: ""It is all about pain.""
Weapon: Fusion-Powered Anti-Gravity Gun
The Pestilence - Bridge

The holographic image of Venom appeared again above the lab's communicator unit. As always, the Insecticon Commander's expressionless visage veiled his emotions. He did let his voice to make it clear how annoyed he was getting with Rust Cut.

>>"The lab is not going anywhere Rust Cut. Only you. This is a temporaly relocation of resources as it is with rest of our brood."<<

As if leaning towards Rust Cut, Venom continued and even added a veiled threat of using his vast talents on different venoms and chemicals on Rust Cut. >>"Take only the minimum amount of your own equipment with you. You have your own clone units to do the carrying. Unless of course... you are once again ready for one of my - memory enhanching treatments?"<<



For a moment it seemed like Cyclonus was ready to test his mettle against the far larger Turmoil. The outcome of a fight between the two was hardly one to be easily predictled. Turmoil was certainly larger, stronger and unquestionably more heavily armed and armored. Cyclonus' fighting prowess however was legendary even beyond their own species. Scorponok's chosen Air Commander rivaled Starscream in cunning, speed and agility which was no small feat to achieve. However, Cyclonus' hand to hand skills were also formidable and likely exceeded those of Starscream's. In a way, Turmoil would gladly have found out if Cyclonus was as good as the Air Commander himself seemed to believe. Extremely agile opponents were Turmoil's achilles' heel after all as it often was the case with Cybertronians of his size. Although the number of such foes that actually were also powerful enough to inflict damage to him were few. And Cyclonus clearly was one of those who held the statistical possibility of actually defeating Turmoil, even if the odds were heavily in Turmoil's favor through his own calculations.

In the end Cyclonus did listen to reason. Although still declaring his defiance against Turmoil - something that thoroughly irritated Turmoil. They would come to blows yet. If the two were to challenge each other every time High Commander was away, their feud would significantly weaken the chain of command. And that was something Turmoil was not going to accept.

"Another time." Turmoil responded to Cyclonus' own words and nodded in agreement to the Air Commander's following statement. The Autobot resistance was crumbling under their onslaught. It would not last much longer.

With Cyclonus and Scourge taking their leave, Turmoil turned to observe as number of Vehicons and Insecticon diaclones salvaged their own fallen and the enemies they had brought down. The city had been damaged badly but in Turmoil's eyes it was a minor set back. At least the propaganda division would have something to do for a while if they wanted to keep the Nebulans from rebelling. However, there was still the issue of the Autobot frigate which had entered the system and shot down. And thus, a transmission to certain interrogator was in order.

>>"Soul Siren, I have received your report. Skyhammer was confirmed as original leader of the Autobot cell on Nebulos. At this point I do not care who lead the resistance. I want to know how many Autobots survived the frigate we shot down and who were they. There's a potential of us having a high ranking officers in our hands and that may open an access to recent Autobot command codes. Scattershot is a possible candidate for this. You will be receiving another possible candidate within the next breem. I trust you are familiar with the name Pyro."<<

Finishing his transmission to Soul Siren, Turmoil found himself being addressed by Bomb-Burst, one of the warriors he had taken to the battlefield with him. The fuelthirsty Decepticon seemed to be at ease with talking to his superiors without being spoken to. Turmoil let it slide this time. After the heat of a battle, many inhibitions were forgotten due to alteration of higher mental processes by the brain-module. One could say that the following state of mind could be compared to adrealine rush on human beings.

"Cyclonus is more valuable to the cause alive than dead Bomb-Burst. Thinning our own ranks helps only the Autobots. It would be in your best interests to remember that." Turmoil stated coldly and initiated an orbital bounce in order to return to Tenebrous.
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Re: Nebulos - Fire In The Sky

Postby Necessary Evil » Mon Jun 25, 2012 3:52 am

Motto: "Always looking for a new motto."
Weapon: Chomping Rotor Blades

If Bomb-Burst was affected by Turmoil's brusque reply, he displayed no outward indication of it. He didn't see the problem with the comment he offered to the Vice Commander. Then again, he had yet to fully comprehend the inner workings of Turmoil, of the Decepticons' motivations to visit Nebulos. And of the war the Transformers were pertpetually struggling to win in general.

Bomb-Burst, at spark, was not a warrior. Nor was he a believer in the causes the Decepticons fought for, the ideals they envisioned and strove to bring into reality.

He was something far different, a unique product of his race. A creature of the night, a predator, a monster. These identities had been tacked on to his swelling reputation as a being who feasted on the vital fluids of others, particularly the Autobots. And even the occasional Decepticon when no one was looking or he knew wouldn't be missed.

The decision to select one of his comrades as a meal was highly rare, but sometimes the delectable aroma of his fuel jumbled his common sense and he surrendered to temptation.

No comrade thus far had lured Bomb-Burst's temptation into activating. He was pleased by this, considering the pitiful amount of Autobots he had to satisfy his thirst with. He hoped no such impulses pounced on him any time soon and harassed him. But with no meal here...

Pushing away his irritation, Bomb-Burst prepared himself for the bounce back to Tenebrous. In spite of himself, he aimed an unenthusiastic wave at Horri-Bull to make the apparently clueless warrior aware of their withdrawal. Because he was sure Horri-Bull saw it, no words followed the wave.

It was just a shame that putrid smell of his had to return to Tenebrous as well.


Outside the Cave

As fast as he could and with as much balance as he was allowed, Hosehead threw one ped in front of the other, jogging towards the cave's improvised exit. He was relieved to have made it without incident, especially since Skyhammer was in his care. When he peered at the sky, however, its brightness softening and diminishing, indescribable shapes of darkness swam through the murky depths of the expanse.

Once Hosehead realised there were in fact more diaclones coming at them, he wanted to take action and fight. But with a fellow Autobot's safety resting firmly in his actuators, no combat on his part would happen. Hosehead's usefulness, he was forced to admit, was limited to transporting Skyhammer.

His frustrations were not eased when Nightbeat produced his two pistols. Responding to the threat, his friend first sealed the cave's exit with a few blasts from his weapons, then committed them to the approaching diaclones. Several volleys of laser fire mingled with the swarm of insect-like creatures.

Hosehead nodded at Nightbeat as the detective gestured to him to begin descending the hill. Taking great care and conscious of his passenger, he climbed down slowly.

Midway in his descent, he cast his gaze at the gloomy sky then levelled it at Nimbus, the town he intended to reach. Not far now. Just gotta hang on a little bit longer, Skyhammer...
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Re: Nebulos - Fire In The Sky

Postby Mazinman » Mon Jun 25, 2012 11:56 am

Fortress Tenebrous

Snapdragon walked while thinking about what Apeface was saying.

"Hey Apey, you remember that one Autobot we scrapped a while ago called Bladehorn? Slag, for a while there I thought that stubborn scrap would never die. We blew off half his head and he still managed to rip off one of your arms and knock most of my teeth and an optic sensor out with it before his spark was finally extinguished."

He stopped and turned to the side to watch Autobot prisoners who where being taken to their cells and pointed to them.

"Now look at what we are dealing with. Could stay out there bringing them in for cycles and cycles and we would never take that much damage."

He crossed his arms.

"Your right Apey but both groups are going through it."
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Re: Nebulos - Fire In The Sky

Postby Insidious » Wed Jun 27, 2012 7:28 pm

Motto: "Clarity of thought before rashness of action."
Weapon: Oxidating Laser
Korajan Cave Exterior--Approaching Village

Following their natural, largely pre-programmed instincts along with their will of their respective core Insecticon masters, the diaclones had effectively swarmed the cave. Some had entered, some had scaled over it, while others still had remained in the air, surveying the terrain. Shrapnel had been among those that had pursued them in to the depths of the cave and that suited Kickback just as well. Shrapnel's powerful electric capabilities combined with that of the swarm's sheer numbers would be enough to subdue them. More than enough. And yet the possibility that their quarry might well emerge once again.

And they had done just that. Kickback had been fully prepared for such an occurrence. After all--it was the kind of stunt he would have pulled if the circumstances had been reversed.

As soon as one of his diacloned units--leaping in mid-air at the time--had caught sight of the emerging Autobots and their paltry attempt at trying to prevent continued pursuit, it had immediately sent a signal to the others. Kickback had giggled gleefully. Kicking off from the ground, he joined Bombshell who was in the air already.

"Mmm...there they are. Such delicious, tender morsels. I wonder what they ate today," Kickback said.

"We will find out soon enough," Bombshell said, sending a signal through his diaclones to communicate with Shrapnel regarding the Autobots' new whereabouts and their likely destination. Venom's surprising transmission distracted him from the hunt, but only briefly.

>>"Little to report. Very little of value. Except...well...give me breem or so, and I should have something most decidedly of interest,"<< Bombshell transmitted back, resuming his focus on the prey at hand.

Flying forward and picking up speed, one of Ransack's clones took a blast which practically sheared off half of its head, leaving a large searing gash as it smoked and crashed its way to the ground. This was followed by another, this time one of Barrage's, which took a blast directly to the chest, searing all of its key, functional components and deactivating it on impact. It's optics had darkened almost as soon as the blast had hit, and it dropped to the ground. Another flying alongside soon befell the same fate, only it had taken multiple shots, crippling its flight mechanisms and leaving it writhing in complete dysfunctionality after it too had crashed to the ground. Several diaclones within range began to return fire as they swarmed over the hillside and through the air towards the village of Nimbus.

The Autobots were at a distinct disadvantage, Bombshell noted. Not only were they traveling by foot, but the wounded Autobot they were dragging along was doing them no favors. It wasn't long at all before the Insecticon Swarm had gained all the ground that they had needed. While those on the ground still kept their steady pursuit, those in the air had begun to drop in strategic patterns well ahead of Nightbeat and Hosehead's projected path--as well as a number of other alternative paths that they might try to switch up and take.

"It was a valiant effort, I think," Kickback said, as he began to descend, making sure that it was diaclones that were in the Autobots' firing path and not he himself.

"Valiant, but fruitless," Bombshell said, touching down and transforming back in to his robot mode, even as a few of Chop Shop's diaclones skittered past him. "Where were they going to go that we would not find them?"
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Re: Nebulos - Fire In The Sky

Postby Marcus Rush » Wed Jun 27, 2012 7:31 pm

Weapon: Automatic Acid-Pellet Gun
Fort Tenebrous - Holding Block

Scattershot's optics broke their long vigil that held the shimmering field of energy as it fluctuated only briefly as it reactivated once another Autobot survivor was deposited. His head still throbbed and staring at the field of electrically charged particles took his mind off the rest of his throbbing torso. His knuckles were singed black as he lowered his head to count the three surviving Technobots in addition to himself who had been captured. The Berserker, brawler and consummate warrior, Scattershot had probed every inch of the cell that now held them. Even going so far as to trying to tear through the armored paneling... the resulting singes to his digits was his trophy for the attempt.

Releasing a sigh, the Company Commander, stood from the narrow bench he had claimed while the others were off enduring the fruits of their most gracious hosts and their medical treatment facilities. "At least none of our sparks were extinguished." He spoke to garner the attention of those who were present. He had heard rumors that other Autobots beyond those of the FarStar Survivors had been captured. Though he held none of that with any credible evidence, he had come to accept responsibility that because of his ship's arrival... "...what ever resistance was lost on this planet, because of our arrival." He spoke the words without thinking and inwardly immediately regretting allowing his personal thoughts to be known.

Scattershot forced the expression from his vestige as he turned to Afterburner, Strafe and Lightspeed... and noticed Nosecone was absent. The driller had gotten away. While irritated his orders were ignored, particularly the fact that they were the worst he could have possibly given in the situation, Scattershot was proud that at least the ground assault specialist and miner could at least cause a little more havoc before falling victim to Decepticon patrols. "Full system diagnostics everyone. I want to know whats functional and what requires more extensive repairs. Knockout weapon systems and transformation cogs. If the cons followed procedure in capturing us, those would be nullified for the time being."
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Re: Nebulos - Fire In The Sky

Postby Insidious » Wed Jun 27, 2012 10:49 pm

Motto: "Clarity of thought before rashness of action."
Weapon: Oxidating Laser
Tenebrous--Holding Cell

Lightspeed couldn't help but chuckle a little at Strafe's response to his question, even if every move he made turned around and made something else ache or grind. Stupid Horrorcons. Lightspeed moved to right himself a little more, now leaning against one side of the cell wall to prop himself up. His systems had barely begun repairing the damage that he had sustained back in the equatorial region of this otherwise pretty intriguing planet. In spite of all the mess they had gotten themselves in to, there was one little glimmer of positivity in the midst of it all.

"Nosecone got....a-away, huh? I'm impressed," Lightspeed said, smiling a little as he leaned his head back against the cell. Though he never would say it out loud and disrupt their fluid team dynamics, he would normally have expected Nosecone to be the first one down in a situation like this. And, honestly, himself not far behind.

And here he was, true to form.

But Nosecone's escape just goes to show that everyone on the Technobots was capable of surprising everyone else from time to time. Good job, Noser, Lightspeed thought. Wherever you are.

Lightspeed focused in as their unit leader requested a systems check. Lightspeed watched as the various reports scrolled across the lower region of his optics as the data came back.

"Brain module's dandy. I...I-I think everything else's pro......probably going to need a little work," Lightspeed said, looking at his chest cavity, which itself looked like it had been mauled by a Predacon. "I can help it along some."

Grabbing one of the sparking wires he began to gently solder together some of the other damaged wiring and torn metal. He was hardly going to pull a Ratchet-level job in here with nothing to really use, but it would be nice if he could stand up again without all his systems misfiring.


Soaring overhead, Cyclonus and his Sweep entourage arced downwards toward the main entrance of the fortress, transforming as they came in. The practically stationary Vehicons assigned to perimeter guard duty barely acknowledged the new arrivals, but the stray Seeker or two who happened to be milling about offered the officers a crisp salute as the purple warrior and blue huntsman walked past.

>>"Rendezvous with me at the holding cell,"<< Cyclonus transmitted to Soul Siren. Given how useful her intelligence gathering had been thus far, Cyclonus was inclined to keep her as a key part of putting the final stake in to this pitiful little resistance the Autobots had attempted to mount to keep this planet free of Decepticon influence.

"Let's see if these Technobots are all they are reputed to be, hm?" Cyclonus said, his footfalls echoing through the darkened steel halls of the fortress. Scourge's only response was the barest flicker of his crimson red optics as he followed a pace or two behind the purple warrior.
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Re: Nebulos - Fire In The Sky

Postby Cravex » Sat Jun 30, 2012 10:02 am

Motto: ""I am my business""
Weapon: Crossbow
Fortress Tenebrous Holding Cell

Had he enough energon, Afterburner would’ve flared his optics at Strafe. Me the floor? Things have gotten off to a wonderful start. Free of his brief stint as the “floor”, Afterburner pushed himself into a sitting position but his circuits screamed warnings to him. The last thing he remembered was charging that Con and then… here. The glitches activated his transform circuit while he was in stasis. That partially explained why his body refused to move without some blasted warning flashing in his receptors and optics. Leaving his internal to handle the adjustment, he remained sitting until system levels reached the lowest nominal stage. Not great news, but at east he could move around. Better than the Cons when he’d get a hold of them.

His attention was captured by Lightspeed’s comment. Nosecone got away? I’m not surprised, as slow as he was moving. Still… While he hated to admit it, Afterburner felt pride that one of them managed to get away. Then he noticed Lightspeed’s condition and his mood darkened. Talk about biting the energon. Stepping carefully, so as not to fall on his wobbly legs, he strode over and knelt next to his fellow Technobot to try to offer what assistance he could, outwardly ignoring Scattershot‘s orders and running diagnostics of his own.

Maybe it was because he always drew their leader‘s ire, but Afterburner swore he could feel the larger mech‘s optics lock on him. Without caring one way or another he responded when his system check was complete. “Cog‘s offline and my energon levels are at their lower levels.” He cracked a smile and glance at Scattershot, “Of course, we‘re all better off than Lightspeed here. Commander.” With his barb delivered, the gunner watched Lightspeed. He wanted to help but he didn‘t know one wire from another if it wasn‘t attached to a blaster cannon.
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Re: Nebulos - Fire In The Sky

Postby Smokescreen85 » Sat Jun 30, 2012 10:21 am

Motto: ""A look can be deceiving; a touch can be lethal.""
Weapon: Twin Shoulder-Mounted Rocket Launchers
Fortress Tenebrous - Holding Block

Doing as his commander had instructed, Strafe ran a full diagnostic scan to determine just how badly damaged he was. Internally, his systems were not up to standard protocols, but they would keep him functioning, nevertheless. At least, he was in much better shape than when Lockdown had used him as a shield back in the Equatorial Desert. Whatever the medical drones had done to him, it was enough to wake him from stasis. Outwardly, however, the aerial gunner looked as if he had been stepped on by an Omega.

“Commander, my internal systems seem okay, but they are only running on a minimal amount of power,” Strafe reported to Scattershot as he continued to review the readings that scrolled across his HUD. “Physically, I’m hurting, but I can manage the pain without issue. My right leg may be a problem, however, as I took a hit to my upper thigh just before falling into stasis. Otherwise, I’m as good as can be expected in our current situation.”

Strafe tried to put some weight on his right leg, a sharp pain shooting through the appendage causing him to shift his weight back to his left side. Apparently, the Decepticon medical drones had seen fit to not fix his damaged leg, likely as a way to keep him more immobile. As if deactivating my T-cog and being without my weapons weren’t bad enough, an increasing depressed Strafe thought as he hobbled over to the cell wall and leaned against it before sitting down on the floor. The pain in his leg was relieved somewhat, but it would only come back again once he stood back up.

The anxious mech’s processor then wandered a bit as he considered what would eventually happen to all of them. Torture for whatever information they had, followed by mutilation and eventual death were what probably lay ahead. Strafe’s frame shook slightly as his nerve receptors reacted to his inward thoughts. The Technobots had been in dire situations before, but this time felt different to the aerial gunner. This time could very well be the end of the line for them if their fortune didn’t change for the better and soon.
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Re: Nebulos - Fire In The Sky

Postby Mazinman » Sat Jun 30, 2012 12:25 pm

Fortress Tenebrous

Soul Siren flinched as she received the message from Turmoil. When a Decepticon was physically weak as she was their continued existence depended fully on results. The more powerful ones could get away with the occasional failure but she really did not have that luxury. To be told her work did not matter put her at risk which she did not appreciate.

"I understand sir. It does not matter if it is Scattershot, Pyro, or anyone else. The information you require will be acquired.

She responded in a professional manner. It would be suicidal for her to demonstrate any trace of her true displeasure and she was not about to make that mistake. She wished she could just yell but it would not do for her to do that in such a public place.

She would not have the time to find some privacy anyway as the message from Cyclonus came on.

"Understood Sir. I will be there immediately."

She replied and made her way there. Perhaps she could work out her frustrations on some prisoners.
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Re: Nebulos - Fire In The Sky

Postby Insidious » Sun Jul 01, 2012 2:47 pm

Motto: "Clarity of thought before rashness of action."
Weapon: Oxidating Laser
Splendora--the Platinum Towers

It still looked like Nebulos.

The water along the coast was clear, shimmering a crystal blue which reflected beautifully against the gleaming silver of the towers and any number of other structures that had been designed to put the populace at ease. The clouds were thick and white, with just the faintest hints of the now turquoise sky.

It was splendid. Untouched by the hands of the machines from another world, as promised. Koraja and its surrounding area was now almost completely evacuated of all native, Nebulan life. They had obeyed and thus the invaders had--so far--kept their word and not spread their influence outside the Korajan territory. From the footage Galen had seen, the great capital city was hardly a shadow of its former self any more, having been thoroughly corrupted by the Cybertronians. Images from other regions were sparse, if they came through the Interfeed at all.

Even so, he did not really like being here. In Splendora. Galen had always found it to be a region that practically forced one to forget about their responsibilities. It was a necessary luxury for the population at large. They had earned it. How long had their civilization been without war? He had always considered it necessary to be more focused on what could be. That was his responsibility as a Peer, and certainly as the current head of the World Watchers.

In all his preparations, though, he had never imagined an event akin to the plague that had now befallen their world. A rogue subculture from another region that had to be quashed. An extraplanetary visitor that would enlighten their species. All of those things and more their world was prepared to handle, but not this.

And now word that Zarak was on his way, and not with the most beneficent intentions. Galen could only hope that there was still reason to be found within whatever had prompted this reaction in the eccentric executive.

"Zarak has arrived, my peer," one of the council attendants said. Other Peers who were gathered within the room looked to the large doors just beyond the vast, marble atrium.

"Show him in."
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Re: Nebulos - Fire In The Sky

Postby Ember » Mon Jul 02, 2012 7:37 pm

Motto: "I'm not psycho...I just like psychotic things."
Fortress Tenabrous

Their trek through the fortress toward the central hall took less time as either of them had anticipated. Black Shadow had an agenda set in mind and he was determined to see it through. Blue Bacchus on the other hand was just going along for the ride. He’d back his partner as long as he felt it was necessary, after which he would have no qualms in backing off and letting his more ambitious acquaintance take the fall.

“I don’t know why, Blue, but having this planet pulled right out from under me is just not sitting right with me. And do you know why?”

Blue had been paying attention, but only enough hear the question Black Shadow had fired at him. He had decided to answer without offering any smartass remarks, but he was suddenly at a loss for words. He knew Black Shadow was staring at him waiting for the answer, but Blue’s focus instead lay on what he spotted ahead of the two of them.


“That’s right Blue, my friend. Turmoil is to blame.”

Blue Bacchus stopped in his tracks and placed a hand on Black Shadow’s arm halting the mech before he could go any further.

“No. I mean Turmoil.”

Blue gestured toward the Commander with a jerk of his chin. The gesture caught Black Shadow by surprised as did the sudden arrival of Turmoil.

“Well, well, well. Just look what the cybercat dragged in. Come on Blue. Let us greet our precious Commander.”

Black Shadow took the lead followed closely by Blue Bacchus who was not looking forward to this meeting.

“Ah, Turmoil. How good it is to see you again….in one piece. I trust your mission was a complete success and not one Autobot remains at large?”

From behind the black and crimson jet Blue Bacchus let out a weary sigh and face palmed. Shadow you’re gonna get us both torn in two.


From behind one of the massive pillars that graced the area a black and lime green mech simply waited for the arrival of the one ‘Con he had a payment to settle. Lockdown was used to waiting; in fact it wasn’t unusual for him to lie in wait for his bounty to just happen by.

Lockdown’s attention wandered around the area until his optics caught sight of Black Shadow and his little tag-along. Just what I need. A couple of dead beat interruptions.
The bounty hunter’s focus quickly moved from the two new interlopers and settled on Turmoil. With a deep set scowl Lockdown pushed off the pillar and casually made his way to the Commander.

“Back off you two. Me and Turmoil have a debt to settle.”

Lockdown bullied himself between the Commander and the two other mechs.

“I believe we have some business to attend to. I brought you two Technobots and I want what’s owed me.”
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Re: Nebulos - Fire In The Sky

Postby Insidious » Thu Jul 05, 2012 5:05 pm

Motto: "Clarity of thought before rashness of action."
Weapon: Oxidating Laser
Fortress Tenebrous--Holding Cell

Cyclonus and Scourge passed through the security doors that would lead in to the holding area for any prisoners that had been gathered up during their time on Nebulos thus far. The cell was large, but it was the only one, as this facility was not designed to be a detention center. The Decepticons, as a rule, kept so few prisoners alive on infiltrated worlds that more cells would have proven to be an unnecessary expenditure of resources for most such structures.

As he approached, he could see that Soul Siren was already close at hand, arriving at roughly the same time that he and Scourge had. Cyclonus acknowledged her presence with a nod before approaching the cell itself, his gaze flitting from one Autobot prisoner to the next.

"Skyhammer's foolhardy resistance was not enough, it seems. Nor Vulcan's. Nor Roadbuster's. Now you, Technobot leader," Cyclonus said, his gaze focusing in on Scattershot, "seek to take up the mantle, it seems. To what conceivable end? Spare me the Autobot drivel about defending innocence and sentience. You are so severely outmatched on this world that the very idea has become laughable."
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Re: Nebulos - Fire In The Sky

Postby Mazinman » Fri Jul 06, 2012 12:22 am

Fortress Tenebrous--Holding Cell

Soul Siren waited for Cyclonus to arrive and then followed him as he went to visit Scattershot. Cyclonus and Scourge, two of the more feared Decepticon warriors, and then there was her. Times like this she could not help feel very conscious about her weakness. Cyclonus seemed very intent on questioning the Autobot so she remained quiet until her aid was needed.
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Re: Nebulos - Fire In The Sky

Postby #Sideways# » Mon Jul 09, 2012 2:11 pm

Motto: "Wake up. Wake up and smell the ashes."
Weapon: Dual Compression Cannons
OoC: If this is questionable, proper changes will be made.

Outside of Nimbus

As Nightbeat stepped backwards on the gravel road, he felt the gravel crunch and displace around his feet. He watched in horrified awe as the Insecticons swarmed in complete unison, spinning and twirling in complex maneuvers that would trouble a less discerning mind.

Bombshell transformed in front of him, surrounded by Insecticlones. There would be no way to hit Bombshell directly.

Volleys of laser fire hurtled its way past them and into the road, in an instant the road was vaporized, and their road cut off. Nightbeat didn't need to look at the explosion to his left. The other path was, too, destroyed. Nightbeat looked behind him: an enourmous churning cauldron of lake water, sides frozen from the high altitude and water below freezing. But there was something moving in it in a consistent pattern...

Nightbeat looked to Bombshell with a furious glare and said, "Been a while, hasn't it my disgusting friend? Just let me make amends with my Partner before our deaths."

Nightbeat turned to Hosehead, placed his arm around him and whispered, "I am going to ask you to trust me and to hold on. Shut down all systems and put it on a reboot timer to a breem later when I say."

He turned back to Bombshell, "You know what? I won't give you the glory of killing us. You don't deserve it!"

And with that, he leaned backwards and off the cliff, pulling Hosehead and Skyhammer down with him.


Nightbeat closed his optics.


He looked to Hosehead and motioned with his hand to cut power to the fire truck's systems.


Wet and cold liquid rushed around him as he executed the program to shut down, then, darkness.

Bottom of Nimbus Lake

Nightbeat's shut down form still clung to Hosehead and Skyhammer, drifting towards a metal mass. It was an automated fishing scraper submerged in the lake. It was no doubt scraping for the large fish and shrimp native in the lake, using large nets on either side of the flawless teardrop shaped craft. The scraper caught Nightbeat and Hosehead along with what seemed to be blue shrimp and a school of phosphorescent swordfish-like fish in one of it's massive nets and pulled them into a holding chamber. It was a very tight fit.

Then, the fishing vessel took one more round about the lake and cruised off, taking the hopefully all deactivated forms of Nightbeat, Hosehead and Skyhammer into parts unknown.


Beneath the Fortress Tenebrous

He couldn't tell the time or how long he had been at it, but he knew that he was, finally, under the base after digging a tunnel from where he was spying the base before for, what seemed to be, an hour. He had been going at max speed, much to his own disdain, flaws are very common when someone is going fast (For Nosecone, that is.) and recklessly.

Every second felt like hours when he dug out the chamber. He had to stick out of the range of the scanning, but that had put him in the zone of intense thermal heat. Either way, he had a place to work in.

Nosecone sat in the chamber he just dug out, weapon in hand. But he was not in an offensive position. He was drawing on the ground with the barrel a mock-up of Fortress Tenebrous from what he had heard of on other fortresses from previous missions. He could scan it, of course, but he needed to maintain a low profile and there were probably scan-detectors in place.

Nosecone drew another mock-up from the top view of the fortress.

"Cell Block should be right," Nosecone took a moment before jabbing the barrel of his gun into the drawing, "Here."

He then jabbed it in several other points on the drawings.

"Weak spots in the structure." Nosecone mumbled, staring blankly at the two drawings.

"If I dig here... Here... And... Ah, here then the whole cell block and armory will come crashing down to this level..." Nosecone said to himself as he drew out portions of the space beneath the first drawing.

It'll work. It will have to... Nosecone thought as he Transformed and began to dig away.
Last edited by #Sideways# on Sun Jul 15, 2012 9:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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