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Post your NEW character applications here!

Moderator: RPG Support Staff

Re: Post your NEW character applications here!

Postby Old Soldier » Sun Apr 20, 2008 4:38 am

Name: Old Soldier (fan made)
Function:Front-line Warrior
Alt mode: Helicopter
Weapons: Helicopter Blades, Pistol
Special Abilities: Flier
Size: 24 ft
Quote(s):" does any even remember what really started this?"
" sure lasers can be updated, sheilds can be improved, but a good sharp blade will never be obsolete"

Speed: 3 (flight)
Tech skill: 1
Charisma: 5
Rank: (assigned) ( a low rank would make the most sense though)

Profile: Old Soldier Is one of the oldest surviving Autobots. Unfortunately for him Eons of front-line combat have taken their toll. Old soldier has been nearly destroyed and repaired more times than he can remember. which he can't actually do all that well. (heck, he can't even remember his own true name)
Old Soldier's targeting computer and memory banks have been damaged beyond proper repair, and due to the fact that he has been in action longer than most autobots has left him hopelessly out of date. his built in laser pistol is so weak it is barely anything more than a noisemaker, and he no longer has sufficient knowledge of cybertronian technology to properly function in society. However Old Soldier is still a very good fighter and can hack most transformers to peices with his powerful spinning blade.
After seeing so much combat Old Soldier has become more than a bit disillusioned,but he still gives it his all, knowing in his heart that it is for the best.

Abilities/weaknesses: As stated before his ranged weapon is useless (most opponents should be able to shrug it off with little more than a few dents) and he is too out of date to understand modern cybertronian technology, so that means he could be tricked easily.
However in melee combat, Old Soldier is still un-matched. The main rotor of his helicopter form becomes a wrist mounted spinning blade of doom, cutting, tearing, and rending his opponents apart.

Appearance: Old soldier looks very rag-tag, as he has been sustained so much damage over the years. numerous parts have been grafted on, and the paint job on several sections don't match. he walks with slight limp due to a permanently damaged joint , he lies about his condition to not appear weak although the limp is little more than a superficial impediment. scratches and dents cover his body, and numerous body plates are permanently bent out of shape.

Sample post:
The field of battle was still. The bodies and pieces of fallen Autobots were scattered about. The Decepticon gazed over the portrait of devastation he had created. He smiled.

"Even Galvatron would be hard pressed to do a better job than I did." he said aloud to no one in particular.

As the Decepticon turned to leave he noticed something. A lone Autobot,apparently aimlessly wandering across the plain. The Decepticon used his telescopic vision to get a closer look. The autobot seemed to be of an old generation, heavily damaged, shoddily repaired, and walked with a slight limp. The Autobot seemed lost, stopping every few minutes and then continuing in a new direction.

The Decepticon then felt something he had not felt before, pity. Not a normal compassion fueled pity, but rather a cruel mocking pity. the Decepticon shrugged, laughed and decided to approach and talk with this pathetic robot, before putting him out of his misery. The Decepticon readied his twin shoulder mounted ion cannons and started walking.

a short walk later, the Decepticon had reached the Autobot.

" a nice day for a walk, eh? he said before continuing " Here's the deal, you seem really out of place here so surrender now and this can go down a whole lot easier for the both of us."

The autobot looked over his adversary before answering " kid I may be old but I'm not a push over, to be honest I just really don't want to kill you right now, I just want to get back to my base, how about we go our separate ways."

The Decepticon contemplated this for a moment before replying " nope, how about i just vaporize you?!"

the Decpticon then leapt back and quickly transformed. his alt form was that of a 35 ft twin headed dragon. " hahaha!!! burn old man!!!" he yelled as his dragon heads fired deadly disruptor blasts.

The Autobot barely avoided the first volley of shots. he sighed to himself. ever since the war had expanded to earth robots on both sides had exchanged normal,practical, alt forms for crazy and absurd, things from earth, Dragons, Hydras, and Sharks (if such things even existed, a fact which the autobot sincerly doubted) he just couldn't grasp the concept.

" My weapons are state of the art!! you can't possibly win, I'm too advanced to lose!!" the Decepticon cackled.

"we'll see about that." The Autobot replied, and with that, his main blades began to spin. The autobot leaped up and in one smooth stroke cleaved off both the Decpticon's heads.

the Decepticon's body started running around like a chicken without a head. sparks flying as the heads fell to the ground.

The Autobot's blade was now at it's top speed and letting out a loud roar as it cleaved trough the air.

"now we finish this." the autobot said as his final strike hacked the Decepticon's body in twain.

" not bad for an old soldier" said the Autobot as the lifeless pieces of the decepticon fell to the ground
Old Soldier
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Re: Post your NEW character applications here!

Postby Devastron » Tue Apr 22, 2008 4:37 am

Weapon: Energo-Sword
Optimus Frimal wrote:Thought I'd try and get me my last canon character :grin:


Allegience: Autobot
Function: Ground Assault
Alt. Mode: Cybertronian Tank
Weapons: Shatterblasters (X2), 120mm Laser-guided Cannon
Height: 33ft / 10m
Quote: "It's either MY way - or NO way!"

Strength: 9
Intelligence: 6
Dexterity: 5
Endurance: 9
Courage: 10
Firepower: 8
Accuracy: 8
Melee: 7
Tech Skill: 3
Charisma: 5
Rank: 6

Profile: The only way to get Hardhead to follow advice is to persuade him he came up with the idea himself. He knows only one way to do anything- his way. He's as stubborn as a Buick with a six year old battery on a cold winter's morning. He doesn't talk too much, but when he does he's usually brief and to the point, never sparing the emotions of others. Some would say he's businesslike, others would say rude. Soldiering is his life; on the battlefield, he's just as stubborn as anywhere else. Retreat is a dirty word to him- he'll fight until there's nothing left of his enemy... or himself.

Created during the Second Golden age, Hardhead is one of the few Autobots to actually come from a military background. However with few threats and fewer battles, most of his time was spent on guard duty, a job Hardhead grew to despise but put up with. However, when the decepticons rose up and began the second Great War, Hardhead suddenly found himself back in business. Under Optimus Prime's leadership, Hardhead has become significantly more confident in the Autobot way of doing things compared to versions from other realities, appreciating Prime's understanding on the situation they find themselves in.

Abilities: In tank mode, Hardhead has a maximum road speed of 155 mph. He's impervious to most armor-piercing artillery and is resistant to most thermal and electromagnetic beam weapons. His range is 450 miles. He carries a 120mm laser-guided cannon that shoots a variety of incendiary, sonic and explosive shells. In robot mode, he uses two shatterblasters, guns that shoot diamond-hard crystal shards that can shred a foot-thick steel wall with one burst. His tank mode exhaust gases can melt the finish of any vehicle or robot following too closely behind him.

Weaknesses: Although resistant to most exterior fire, Hardhead often suffers internal injuries from the recoil of his own weapons. His stubbornness has often been his downfall in many battles, often leading to battleplans being ruined and whilst he has rarely been deactivated, has prevented his advancement into the higher echelons of the faction.
Sample Post:

Neutral Territory
Hardhead peered over the edge of the building he was lying on. Below him was a group of six Decepticons. Nobody special, at least not that Hardhead could tell. Still though, he and a small group of fellow Autobots had been sent out to see what the Decepticons were doing in neutral territory. Hardhead turned around to one of the Autobots, who was frantically typing away on a small data pad.
“Any idea what they’re doing down there?” Hardhead asked.
“Not a clue.” Came the reply as the Autobot continued to type away, occasionally checking his work.
“Great. Well then, let’s go and ask them.” Hardhead said, standing up and walking towards the rest of the Autobots, who were waiting on the walkway up to the building’s roof.
“Don’t be stupid.” Replied the Autobot with the data pad. “You’ll be fragged before you get within a mile of their little operation down there.
Hardhead stopped in his tracks, then turned around to face the Autobot. “You got a name?” He asked.
“Yeah, it’s Sparkplug.” Came the reply.
“Well, Sparkplug. Have you been put in charge of this mission?” Hardhead said.
“No, sir.” Came the quick reply. “That would be you sir.”
“Correct. And if I say we’re going to go and pay those Decepticreeps down there a visit, then we’re gonna go down there and pay them a fraggin’ visit! Understood?” Hardhead asked, shouting loud enough that if the Decepticons had been closer, then they would have heard him easily.
“Yes sir.” Came the somewhat down heartened reply.
Hardhead walked up to Sparkplug, and pushed his face uncomfortably close to Sparkplug’s own face.
“Good. And if you try and tell me what to do again. Then I’m gonna take your data pad and throw it to the Decepticons, then I’m gonna make you go and get it. Alone.” Hardhead said to Sparkplug, ominously. Before turning and walking away, back towards the rest of the Autobots.
“Right then men! Weapons out! We’re gonna go nail us some Decepticreeps. Understood?”
“Yes sir!” Came the quick reply from the group, in complete unison.
“Good.” Hardhead said once more. “Now let’s get going!” And with that, he transformed into tank mode and drove down the access ramp, with the rest of the Autobots transforming into their vehicle modes and then following in perfect single file.

Approved, go ahead and start him in Iacon and have him join in Prime's group moving out to the Tagan Heights.
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Re: Post your NEW character applications here!

Postby Devastron » Tue Apr 22, 2008 4:45 am

Weapon: Energo-Sword
Sky Shard wrote:Well its been quite some time since i was here and i can't find any of my old characters so here goes with something new.

Name: Carri-Or
Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: team commander
Alt. Mode: Space fighter carrier (like what Galvatron got from Unicron but not as advanced and smaller, designed to carry only about 4 or five smaller vessels)
Weapons: 4 Laser cannons, Proton torpedoes (only in alt mode) Null-Ray cannon (both modes attached to upper arm in bot mode) Energo-doublesword (bot mode, can break at hilt into two separate swords.)
Height: 30’ (making use of mass reduction technology)
Quote: “In space no one can hear your circuits sizzle"
Speed: Carri-Or is capable of speeds just above escape velocity


Profile: Carri-Or is a bully, he charges into fights assured he is the strongest, even when it’s not true. He often uses his strength to push others into doing what he wants even when it’s a bad idea. He is far less intelligent than he thinks he is and to be truthful any intelligent idea he has is usually suggested by someone else with him merely claiming to have though of it. He and his squad left Cybertron during the Great War under orders to expand the glory of the Decepticons Empire. They are trying to make their way back to Cybertron now but due to irreparable damage sustained during battle Carri-Or can no longer maintain transwarp travel. His tech officer estimated a very long trip home with the speeds he was capable of.

Abilities: Flight, space travel, heavy weaponry in alt mode. His Null-Ray cannon has the same effect as a null ray rifle only in a bigger blast area.

Weaknesses: Carri-Or is a bully plain and simple because of this he is not well liked by most his men are loyal but only because they know that the squad’s second in command is the real brains behind Carri-Or’s decisions. However sometimes even they are frustrated by his brash and gruff attitude. Also his alt mode loses a great deal of speed and almost all maneuverability when in an atmosphere. He is dependent upon his second in command or a superior officer for strategy or major decision making. All cannons take quite a bit of time to recharge including his robot modes Null-Ray Cannon, which can only usually get off a single blast in any ground combat. Possibly a second if the fight lasts long enough but by then fellow cons would likely be in the way. And lastly due to the expansion technology involved in his transformation though his armor is excellent in bot mode it is less effective in alt mode. Also due to how dense his skin becomes in bot mode he is slower than most cons on foot. Not that he will let that stop him from charging into battle head on. -2 for weaponry and -2 just because I thought it necessary overall.
Sample post:
Carri-Or sighed internally as Star Render and the rest of his squad were in his briefing room arguing about the results of their last battle. They had destroyed their enemies in a magnificent blaze of glory for the decpticon army. But one of the enemy fighters had slipped around and hit him right in his engines. How he hated being in alt mode so much, he had blasted the fighter into atoms with a coordinated blast of his cannon but his engines had been hit hard. Star Render had patched him up as best as he could but he could no longer make transwarp. He didn’t know what that meant really but it certainly had the others upset. Then he listened in and heard Star Render explain just how long the return trip to Cybertron would take at his current available speeds. He wasn’t worried but mostly because he enjoyed the idea that by taking the long way they would encounter more possible battles and in truth that was what he lived for. The only reason he was leading this damn squad at all was because he had simply taken command once they left he had bullied the others into accepting it except for Star Render, who had supported him fully. He trusted Star Render, he knew he’d come up with something.

Star Render scowled and slammed his hands on the table, “Look slag it, we’re just going to have to accept that this is how things are for now. We’re too far out Carri-Or is going to need all the energon he can get now we could transfer what we have to him and put ourselves in stasis until he reaches Cybertron or unless he needs us and we should be able to just barely make it. And I’ll still have to rig up an solar net for the big guy to deploy near stars to drag off a little extra energy. I don’t wanna rust away in stasis any more than you so vocalizers off skidplates!”

The mechs started to protest again but Carri-Or had enough his voice boomed through his decks,
“ENOUGH! You slag pits are going to go to transfer your energon and then your going to all report to the armory and go into stasis, I’ll keep heading for Cybertron and maybe we’ll run into some other cons on the way. Now step to or I’ll vent you into space!”

Some of the mechs sighed shaking their heads at the way Carri-Or had taken Star Render’s idea and enforced it himself but they knew it was what had to be done. Carri-Or didn’t even notice as far as he was concerned it was him that put the order out so it didn’t matter who came up with the idea first. Too many mechs think too much and act too little, he thought to himself.

Carri-Or is the leader of a squad of space-based cons i came up with a while back if he's approved and after i've played for a while I will probably apply for the rest of the team. Until then they're just part of his background, sealed off in stasis.

The name is a little too Gobot-like. Maybe change it to something more Transformer sounding.

He uses 70 stat points but that doesn't include the special abilities you gave him. Reaching escape velocity has a penalty, as does a null cannon (which is basically and EMP weapon), as does being able to carry other Transformers. A transwarp drive is pretty much out all together. The abilities section needs expanding to talk about all of his weapons and abilities. Really, I suggest rethinking this character as he seems to be overly powerful.
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Re: Post your NEW character applications here!

Postby Sky Shard » Tue Apr 22, 2008 10:55 am

Motto: "Unicron is all... embrace the void."
Weapon: Heat-Seeking Armor-Piercing Missiles
Devastron wrote:
Sky Shard wrote:Well its been quite some time since i was here and i can't find any of my old characters so here goes with something new.

Name: Carri-Or
Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: team commander
Alt. Mode: Space fighter carrier (like what Galvatron got from Unicron but not as advanced and smaller, designed to carry only about 4 or five smaller vessels)
Weapons: 4 Laser cannons, Proton torpedoes (only in alt mode) Null-Ray cannon (both modes attached to upper arm in bot mode) Energo-doublesword (bot mode, can break at hilt into two separate swords.)
Height: 30’ (making use of mass reduction technology)
Quote: “In space no one can hear your circuits sizzle"
Speed: Carri-Or is capable of speeds just above escape velocity


Profile: Carri-Or is a bully, he charges into fights assured he is the strongest, even when it’s not true. He often uses his strength to push others into doing what he wants even when it’s a bad idea. He is far less intelligent than he thinks he is and to be truthful any intelligent idea he has is usually suggested by someone else with him merely claiming to have though of it. He and his squad left Cybertron during the Great War under orders to expand the glory of the Decepticons Empire. They are trying to make their way back to Cybertron now but due to irreparable damage sustained during battle Carri-Or can no longer maintain transwarp travel. His tech officer estimated a very long trip home with the speeds he was capable of.

Abilities: Flight, space travel, heavy weaponry in alt mode. His Null-Ray cannon has the same effect as a null ray rifle only in a bigger blast area.

Weaknesses: Carri-Or is a bully plain and simple because of this he is not well liked by most his men are loyal but only because they know that the squad’s second in command is the real brains behind Carri-Or’s decisions. However sometimes even they are frustrated by his brash and gruff attitude. Also his alt mode loses a great deal of speed and almost all maneuverability when in an atmosphere. He is dependent upon his second in command or a superior officer for strategy or major decision making. All cannons take quite a bit of time to recharge including his robot modes Null-Ray Cannon, which can only usually get off a single blast in any ground combat. Possibly a second if the fight lasts long enough but by then fellow cons would likely be in the way. And lastly due to the expansion technology involved in his transformation though his armor is excellent in bot mode it is less effective in alt mode. Also due to how dense his skin becomes in bot mode he is slower than most cons on foot. Not that he will let that stop him from charging into battle head on. -2 for weaponry and -2 just because I thought it necessary overall.
Sample post:
Carri-Or sighed internally as Star Render and the rest of his squad were in his briefing room arguing about the results of their last battle. They had destroyed their enemies in a magnificent blaze of glory for the decpticon army. But one of the enemy fighters had slipped around and hit him right in his engines. How he hated being in alt mode so much, he had blasted the fighter into atoms with a coordinated blast of his cannon but his engines had been hit hard. Star Render had patched him up as best as he could but he could no longer make transwarp. He didn’t know what that meant really but it certainly had the others upset. Then he listened in and heard Star Render explain just how long the return trip to Cybertron would take at his current available speeds. He wasn’t worried but mostly because he enjoyed the idea that by taking the long way they would encounter more possible battles and in truth that was what he lived for. The only reason he was leading this damn squad at all was because he had simply taken command once they left he had bullied the others into accepting it except for Star Render, who had supported him fully. He trusted Star Render, he knew he’d come up with something.

Star Render scowled and slammed his hands on the table, “Look slag it, we’re just going to have to accept that this is how things are for now. We’re too far out Carri-Or is going to need all the energon he can get now we could transfer what we have to him and put ourselves in stasis until he reaches Cybertron or unless he needs us and we should be able to just barely make it. And I’ll still have to rig up an solar net for the big guy to deploy near stars to drag off a little extra energy. I don’t wanna rust away in stasis any more than you so vocalizers off skidplates!”

The mechs started to protest again but Carri-Or had enough his voice boomed through his decks,
“ENOUGH! You slag pits are going to go to transfer your energon and then your going to all report to the armory and go into stasis, I’ll keep heading for Cybertron and maybe we’ll run into some other cons on the way. Now step to or I’ll vent you into space!”

Some of the mechs sighed shaking their heads at the way Carri-Or had taken Star Render’s idea and enforced it himself but they knew it was what had to be done. Carri-Or didn’t even notice as far as he was concerned it was him that put the order out so it didn’t matter who came up with the idea first. Too many mechs think too much and act too little, he thought to himself.

Carri-Or is the leader of a squad of space-based cons i came up with a while back if he's approved and after i've played for a while I will probably apply for the rest of the team. Until then they're just part of his background, sealed off in stasis.

The name is a little too Gobot-like. Maybe change it to something more Transformer sounding.

He uses 70 stat points but that doesn't include the special abilities you gave him. Reaching escape velocity has a penalty, as does a null cannon (which is basically and EMP weapon), as does being able to carry other Transformers. A transwarp drive is pretty much out all together. The abilities section needs expanding to talk about all of his weapons and abilities. Really, I suggest rethinking this character as he seems to be overly powerful.

Well lets give this one last shot and if you still think he's too much I'll try and recreate an older character i took out the minus 5 for escape velocity and another minus 5 for the emp weapon, adjusted his stats so that most of them are a little more balanced. I couldnt find the penalty info for carrying other TF's so let me know on that. Also i was aware that transwarp drive would not be allowed which is why i nuetralized it as part of his background. IE: 'due to irreparable damage sustained during battle Carri-Or can no longer maintain transwarp travel.' Also the name's a bit goofy I know but I'm really fond of it so unless its a deal breaker I'd like to go for it. :D Besides any Bot or Con who's been to earth could give him guff for having a girls name :D

Name: Carri-Or
Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: team commander
Alt. Mode: Space fighter carrier (like what Galvatron got from Unicron but not as advanced and smaller, designed to carry only about 4 or five smaller vessels)
Weapons: 4 Laser cannons, Proton torpedoes (only in alt mode) Null-Ray cannon (both modes attached to upper arm in bot mode) Energo-doublesword (bot mode, can break at hilt into two separate swords.)
Height: 30’ (making use of mass reduction technology)
Quote: “In space no one can hear your circuits sizzle"
Speed: Carri-Or is capable of speeds just above escape velocity


Profile: Carri-Or is a bully, he charges into fights assured he is the strongest, even when it’s not true. He often uses his strength to push others into doing what he wants even when it’s a bad idea. He is far less intelligent than he thinks he is and to be truthful any intelligent idea he has is usually suggested by someone else with him merely claiming to have though of it. He and his squad left Cybertron during the Great War under orders to expand the glory of the Decepticons Empire. They are trying to make their way back to Cybertron now but due to irreparable damage sustained during battle Carri-Or can no longer maintain transwarp travel. His tech officer estimated a very long trip home with the speeds he was capable of.

Abilities: Flight both in bot mode and also space travel in alt mode, he has heavy weaponry in alt mode consisting of 4 180 degree laser cannons, 2 on each side one aimed above and 1 aimed below. He is also stocked with a limited number Proton torpedos (4), capable of producing small explosions which also have to be restocked after any major space battle. His Null-Ray cannon has the same effect as a null ray rifle only in a bigger blast area, a cone of effect expanding outward. It is considerably powerful at short range but at standard distance only is slightly more effective than a standard null-ray rifle. The benefit being the larger area of effect hopefully hitting the target and maybe winging one or two other mechs.

Weaknesses: Carri-Or is a bully plain and simple because of this he is not well liked by most his men are loyal but only because they know that the squad’s second in command is the real brains behind Carri-Or’s decisions. However sometimes even they are frustrated by his brash and gruff attitude. Also his alt mode loses a great deal of speed and almost all maneuverability when in an atmosphere. He is dependent upon his second in command or a superior officer for strategy or major decision making. All cannons take quite a bit of time to recharge including his robot modes Null-Ray Cannon, which can only usually get off a single blast in any ground combat. Possibly a second if the fight lasts long enough but by then fellow cons would likely be in the way. He also tends to rely more on his firepower and the area effect of his weapons (explosions, cone effects)and less on marksmenship resulting in a below average accuracy. And lastly due to the expansion technology involved in his transformation though his armor is excellent in bot mode it is less effective in alt mode. Also due to how dense his skin becomes in bot mode he is slower than most cons on foot. Not that he will let that stop him from charging into battle head on. He also is less accomplished hand to hand than he believes and often loses or suffers considerable damage during battle due to misjudging the correct tactic.

Sample post:
Carri-Or sighed internally as Star Render and the rest of his squad were in his briefing room arguing about the results of their last battle. They had destroyed their enemies in a magnificent blaze of glory for the decpticon army. But one of the enemy fighters had slipped around and hit him right in his engines. How he hated being in alt mode so much, he had blasted the fighter into atoms with a coordinated blast of his cannon but his engines had been hit hard. Star Render had patched him up as best as he could but he could no longer make transwarp. He didn’t know what that meant really but it certainly had the others upset. Then he listened in and heard Star Render explain just how long the return trip to Cybertron would take at his current available speeds. He wasn’t worried but mostly because he enjoyed the idea that by taking the long way they would encounter more possible battles and in truth that was what he lived for. The only reason he was leading this damn squad at all was because he had simply taken command once they left he had bullied the others into accepting it except for Star Render, who had supported him fully. He trusted Star Render, he knew he’d come up with something.

Star Render scowled and slammed his hands on the table, “Look slag it, we’re just going to have to accept that this is how things are for now. We’re too far out Carri-Or is going to need all the energon he can get now we could transfer what we have to him and put ourselves in stasis until he reaches Cybertron or unless he needs us and we should be able to just barely make it. And I’ll still have to rig up an solar net for the big guy to deploy near stars to drag off a little extra energy. I don’t wanna rust away in stasis any more than you so vocalizers off skidplates!”

The mechs started to protest again but Carri-Or had enough his voice boomed through his decks,
“ENOUGH! You slag pits are going to go to transfer your energon and then your going to all report to the armory and go into stasis, I’ll keep heading for Cybertron and maybe we’ll run into some other cons on the way. Now step to or I’ll vent you into space!”

Some of the mechs sighed shaking their heads at the way Carri-Or had taken Star Render’s idea and enforced it himself but they knew it was what had to be done. Carri-Or didn’t even notice as far as he was concerned it was him that put the order out so it didn’t matter who came up with the idea first. Too many mechs think too much and act too little, he thought to himself.

Carri-Or is the leader of a squad of space-based cons i came up with a while back if he's approved and after i've played for a while I will probably apply for the rest of the team. Until then they're just part of his background, sealed off in stasis.
Sky Shard
Posts: 16
Joined: Thu Nov 13, 2003 3:13 pm
Strength: 5
Intelligence: 8
Speed: 9
Endurance: 8
Rank: 2
Courage: 8
Firepower: 9
Skill: 6

Re: Post your NEW character applications here!

Postby Devastron » Tue Apr 22, 2008 1:56 pm

Weapon: Energo-Sword
Mazinman wrote:Hi everyone. I guess its my turn to return. Going to apply for one of my old favorites.

Name: Snapdragon
Allegiance: Decepticons
Sub-group: Horrorcons
Function: Interceptor
Alt. mode: Dragon / Futuristic Jet
Weapons: Gyro-gun / Laser Cannon (Robot and Dragon mode), Four Laser Cannons (Jet Mode)
Size: 35 ft.
Quote: "If it doesn't get you dirty, it's not worth doing."


Profile: Wading up to his neck in grease is Snapdragon's idea of a good time. And if a grease pit isn't handy, he'd be just as happy cracking open an enemy and bathing in his fuel. Not surprisingly, Snapdragon drips a petrochemical trail wherever he goes. His penchant for lolling around on his back in sludge pools gives many the impression that Snapdragon is lazy and difficult to motivate. He is. But he also hides a hair-trigger temper. Cross him and he'll rip your chest plate off with a lightning-fast slash of his claws. When Snapdragon says he doesn't want to be disturbed, he means it.

Abilities: In jet mode, Snapdragon uses dual turbo-booster rocket engines to reach speeds of 8800 mph. Four independently targetable laser cannons mounted on his tail wings make him a challenge to anyone flying within 12 miles. In reptile mode, Snapdragon has heat-treated carbon-steel claws and teeth that can cut through virtually any substance. In robot mode, he uses two gyro-guns, which interferes with the balancing circuitry of any robot its beam hits. Both of these gyro-guns can also be used as laser cannons. Snapdragon is also extremely intelligent which is made more dangerous by the fact that his nature hides that intelligence.

Weaknesses: Snapdragon's can be prone to bouts of extreme laziness. When relaxing in a grease pit it can be a very difficult process to get him motivated enough to do whatever task is required and it usually triggers his hair-trigger temper on whoever dared disturb him. Apeface usually has an easier time of it but it is still not a quick process.

Sample Post:

Cybertron had been almost exhausted of energies after many years of combat between Autobots and Decepticons. In an attempt to acquire the energy they desperately needed the Decepticons sent out missions to explore the vastness of space and locate worlds which they could conquer and exploit. The Autobot sent out missions of their own both to find energy as well as combat the expansionist Decepticons. Among the ships the Decepticons sent out was the small vessel named the Oil Pit. It was manned by only two Transformers but it was a powerful duo, the dreaded Horrorcons. It was an ideal situation for the two bullies. They got to crack heads and spill oil throughout their sector of the galaxy and then enjoy some relaxation in the voyages between planets. Still they were expected to report back on a possible world soon. The two had found an ideal target in the world of Haltharia. A sophisticated and technologically advanced world filled with a mechanical population like the Transformers. They were currently at war which left the bulk of their military resources distracted and their main world vulnerable. Unfortunately for the Horrorcons, the cloaking devise on their ship broke down and they were spotted.

The affair had been quick and violent. The Haltharian ship had spotted an unidentified vessel in their space. Being at war with their neighbor they had orders to attack any ship that was not supposed to be there at sight so they did. The vessel moved quickly to hide within an asteroid field and it was followed. When the Haltharian ship entered it was attacked by a lone attacker, a white jet that broke into the ship and continued its attack inside. It changed into a tank mode once inside and caused great damage until the soldiers had injured it and trapped it in a corner. That’s when a violent explosion rocked the ship knocking out all power, the work of the undetected partner of that lone attacker. Lost in the darkness and gripped with growing panic the soldiers were picked off one by one until all that remained was their captain, locked in a room trying desperate to establish an outside line for help. Days passed as the captain wondered what his fate would be, his attempts to get help being useless. Still his command would detect the missing ship. All he had to do was waiting. Time, however, would not be his ally as the secret door was roughly knocked down and a large white robot entered the room looking down upon the captain.

“That was not very polite shooting us like that. You interrupted a perfectably good oil bath you piece of slag.” Snapdragon kicked the Haltharian hard sending it crashing across the wall on the opposite side of the room.
The figure looked up at the Horrorcon, injured from the force of the blow.

“Don’t act like the injured party… you wanted to harm our people.”

Snapdragon chuckled darkly. “Of course we did. We were going to check you out and then call in our buddies so we could bleed you dry of your energy. Of course, we are still going to do that. Not like this will stop us.” His optics narrowed menacingly. “Still, you managed to be annoying little insects. You even damaged my tank mode while I was keeping you all busy so that my partner could do his thing. We don’t have any spare land vehicle parts left and you all don’t seem to have anything useful either so I was out an alt mode, that is, until we found your little office. Quiet the display you have creatures there.”

The Haltharian spit oil at Snapdragon.

“Yes, my hunting collection of beast I have personally slayed. Too bad I did not get to add your head to my trophies!”

Snapdragon grinned under his face plate.

“Well done, but as I looked at it I saw a creature I instantly like and used that information to reformat myself and replace my damaged train mode. Maybe I should thank you, as I love the new form. Inspires much more horror than just a regular rank you know.. Since it was because of you I figured I should let you taste my new form.”

Snapdragon transformed into a terrifying dragon form, its jaws full of razor sharp teeth ominously opening towards the now terrified Haltharian.

“Well now, let’s see what this can do!”

Snapdragon moved forward and soon Death claimed another Horrorcon victim. Moments later Snapdragon was in his jet mode speeding towards his ship. He opened a communication line to it.

“Snapdragon to Oil Pit. I found our missing slag-head and introduced him to my shiny new teeth, Apey. If were done salvaging parts for our repairs we can go. We got an entire world to get payback on!”

Approved, rank 6, start him in Polyhex. Keep in mind that very few Transformers have actually left the planet as you wrote in your sample post. Only a couple missions have been sent to other planets.
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Re: Post your NEW character applications here!

Postby Devastron » Tue Apr 22, 2008 2:05 pm

Weapon: Energo-Sword
Old Soldier wrote:Name: Old Soldier (fan made)
Function:Front-line Warrior
Alt mode: Helicopter
Weapons: Helicopter Blades, Pistol
Special Abilities: Flier
Size: 24 ft
Quote(s):" does any even remember what really started this?"
" sure lasers can be updated, sheilds can be improved, but a good sharp blade will never be obsolete"

Speed: 3 (flight)
Tech skill: 1
Charisma: 5
Rank: (assigned) ( a low rank would make the most sense though)

Profile: Old Soldier Is one of the oldest surviving Autobots. Unfortunately for him Eons of front-line combat have taken their toll. Old soldier has been nearly destroyed and repaired more times than he can remember. which he can't actually do all that well. (heck, he can't even remember his own true name)
Old Soldier's targeting computer and memory banks have been damaged beyond proper repair, and due to the fact that he has been in action longer than most autobots has left him hopelessly out of date. his built in laser pistol is so weak it is barely anything more than a noisemaker, and he no longer has sufficient knowledge of cybertronian technology to properly function in society. However Old Soldier is still a very good fighter and can hack most transformers to peices with his powerful spinning blade.
After seeing so much combat Old Soldier has become more than a bit disillusioned,but he still gives it his all, knowing in his heart that it is for the best.

Abilities/weaknesses: As stated before his ranged weapon is useless (most opponents should be able to shrug it off with little more than a few dents) and he is too out of date to understand modern cybertronian technology, so that means he could be tricked easily.
However in melee combat, Old Soldier is still un-matched. The main rotor of his helicopter form becomes a wrist mounted spinning blade of doom, cutting, tearing, and rending his opponents apart.

Appearance: Old soldier looks very rag-tag, as he has been sustained so much damage over the years. numerous parts have been grafted on, and the paint job on several sections don't match. he walks with slight limp due to a permanently damaged joint , he lies about his condition to not appear weak although the limp is little more than a superficial impediment. scratches and dents cover his body, and numerous body plates are permanently bent out of shape.

Sample post:
The field of battle was still. The bodies and pieces of fallen Autobots were scattered about. The Decepticon gazed over the portrait of devastation he had created. He smiled.

"Even Galvatron would be hard pressed to do a better job than I did." he said aloud to no one in particular.

As the Decepticon turned to leave he noticed something. A lone Autobot,apparently aimlessly wandering across the plain. The Decepticon used his telescopic vision to get a closer look. The autobot seemed to be of an old generation, heavily damaged, shoddily repaired, and walked with a slight limp. The Autobot seemed lost, stopping every few minutes and then continuing in a new direction.

The Decepticon then felt something he had not felt before, pity. Not a normal compassion fueled pity, but rather a cruel mocking pity. the Decepticon shrugged, laughed and decided to approach and talk with this pathetic robot, before putting him out of his misery. The Decepticon readied his twin shoulder mounted ion cannons and started walking.

a short walk later, the Decepticon had reached the Autobot.

" a nice day for a walk, eh? he said before continuing " Here's the deal, you seem really out of place here so surrender now and this can go down a whole lot easier for the both of us."

The autobot looked over his adversary before answering " kid I may be old but I'm not a push over, to be honest I just really don't want to kill you right now, I just want to get back to my base, how about we go our separate ways."

The Decepticon contemplated this for a moment before replying " nope, how about i just vaporize you?!"

the Decpticon then leapt back and quickly transformed. his alt form was that of a 35 ft twin headed dragon. " hahaha!!! burn old man!!!" he yelled as his dragon heads fired deadly disruptor blasts.

The Autobot barely avoided the first volley of shots. he sighed to himself. ever since the war had expanded to earth robots on both sides had exchanged normal,practical, alt forms for crazy and absurd, things from earth, Dragons, Hydras, and Sharks (if such things even existed, a fact which the autobot sincerly doubted) he just couldn't grasp the concept.

" My weapons are state of the art!! you can't possibly win, I'm too advanced to lose!!" the Decepticon cackled.

"we'll see about that." The Autobot replied, and with that, his main blades began to spin. The autobot leaped up and in one smooth stroke cleaved off both the Decpticon's heads.

the Decepticon's body started running around like a chicken without a head. sparks flying as the heads fell to the ground.

The Autobot's blade was now at it's top speed and letting out a loud roar as it cleaved trough the air.

"now we finish this." the autobot said as his final strike hacked the Decepticon's body in twain.

" not bad for an old soldier" said the Autobot as the lifeless pieces of the decepticon fell to the ground

The name Old Soldier doesn't really work, as I can't see a Transformer being created with that name. Tech Skill of 1 is too low, a 2 or 3 would still give the desired effect your are looking for. The abilities and weaknesses sections need to be separate. It might also be a good idea to look over the history and background of the game so you know the setting as your sample post makes me think you aren't familiar with it. Also your grammar needs a little work, have to capitalize the first letter of the first words in sentences.
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Re: Post your NEW character applications here!

Postby Devastron » Tue Apr 22, 2008 2:10 pm

Weapon: Energo-Sword
Sky Shard wrote:Well lets give this one last shot and if you still think he's too much I'll try and recreate an older character i took out the minus 5 for escape velocity and another minus 5 for the emp weapon, adjusted his stats so that most of them are a little more balanced. I couldnt find the penalty info for carrying other TF's so let me know on that. Also i was aware that transwarp drive would not be allowed which is why i nuetralized it as part of his background. IE: 'due to irreparable damage sustained during battle Carri-Or can no longer maintain transwarp travel.' Also the name's a bit goofy I know but I'm really fond of it so unless its a deal breaker I'd like to go for it. :D Besides any Bot or Con who's been to earth could give him guff for having a girls name :D

Name: Carri-Or
Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: team commander
Alt. Mode: Space fighter carrier (like what Galvatron got from Unicron but not as advanced and smaller, designed to carry only about 4 or five smaller vessels)
Weapons: 4 Laser cannons, Proton torpedoes (only in alt mode) Null-Ray cannon (both modes attached to upper arm in bot mode) Energo-doublesword (bot mode, can break at lhilt into two separate swords.)
Height: 30’ (making use of mass reduction technoogy)
Quote: “In space no one can hear your circuits sizzle"
Speed: Carri-Or is capable of speeds just above escape velocity


Profile: Carri-Or is a bully, he charges into fights assured he is the strongest, even when it’s not true. He often uses his strength to push others into doing what he wants even when it’s a bad idea. He is far less intelligent than he thinks he is and to be truthful any intelligent idea he has is usually suggested by someone else with him merely claiming to have though of it. He and his squad left Cybertron during the Great War under orders to expand the glory of the Decepticons Empire. They are trying to make their way back to Cybertron now but due to irreparable damage sustained during battle Carri-Or can no longer maintain transwarp travel. His tech officer estimated a very long trip home with the speeds he was capable of.

Abilities: Flight both in bot mode and also space travel in alt mode, he has heavy weaponry in alt mode consisting of 4 180 degree laser cannons, 2 on each side one aimed above and 1 aimed below. He is also stocked with a limited number Proton torpedos (4), capable of producing small explosions which also have to be restocked after any major space battle. His Null-Ray cannon has the same effect as a null ray rifle only in a bigger blast area, a cone of effect expanding outward. It is considerably powerful at short range but at standard distance only is slightly more effective than a standard null-ray rifle. The benefit being the larger area of effect hopefully hitting the target and maybe winging one or two other mechs.

Weaknesses: Carri-Or is a bully plain and simple because of this he is not well liked by most his men are loyal but only because they know that the squad’s second in command is the real brains behind Carri-Or’s decisions. However sometimes even they are frustrated by his brash and gruff attitude. Also his alt mode loses a great deal of speed and almost all maneuverability when in an atmosphere. He is dependent upon his second in command or a superior officer for strategy or major decision making. All cannons take quite a bit of time to recharge including his robot modes Null-Ray Cannon, which can only usually get off a single blast in any ground combat. Possibly a second if the fight lasts long enough but by then fellow cons would likely be in the way. He also tends to rely more on his firepower and the area effect of his weapons (explosions, cone effects)and less on marksmenship resulting in a below average accuracy. And lastly due to the expansion technology involved in his transformation though his armor is excellent in bot mode it is less effective in alt mode. Also due to how dense his skin becomes in bot mode he is slower than most cons on foot. Not that he will let that stop him from charging into battle head on. He also is less accomplished hand to hand than he believes and often loses or suffers considerable damage during battle due to misjudging the correct tactic.

Sample post:
Carri-Or sighed internally as Star Render and the rest of his squad were in his briefing room arguing about the results of their last battle. They had destroyed their enemies in a magnificent blaze of glory for the decpticon army. But one of the enemy fighters had slipped around and hit him right in his engines. How he hated being in alt mode so much, he had blasted the fighter into atoms with a coordinated blast of his cannon but his engines had been hit hard. Star Render had patched him up as best as he could but he could no longer make transwarp. He didn’t know what that meant really but it certainly had the others upset. Then he listened in and heard Star Render explain just how long the return trip to Cybertron would take at his current available speeds. He wasn’t worried but mostly because he enjoyed the idea that by taking the long way they would encounter more possible battles and in truth that was what he lived for. The only reason he was leading this damn squad at all was because he had simply taken command once they left he had bullied the others into accepting it except for Star Render, who had supported him fully. He trusted Star Render, he knew he’d come up with something.

Star Render scowled and slammed his hands on the table, “Look slag it, we’re just going to have to accept that this is how things are for now. We’re too far out Carri-Or is going to need all the energon he can get now we could transfer what we have to him and put ourselves in stasis until he reaches Cybertron or unless he needs us and we should be able to just barely make it. And I’ll still have to rig up an solar net for the big guy to deploy near stars to drag off a little extra energy. I don’t wanna rust away in stasis any more than you so vocalizers off skidplates!”

The mechs started to protest again but Carri-Or had enough his voice boomed through his decks,
“ENOUGH! You slag pits are going to go to transfer your energon and then your going to all report to the armory and go into stasis, I’ll keep heading for Cybertron and maybe we’ll run into some other cons on the way. Now step to or I’ll vent you into space!”

Some of the mechs sighed shaking their heads at the way Carri-Or had taken Star Render’s idea and enforced it himself but they knew it was what had to be done. Carri-Or didn’t even notice as far as he was concerned it was him that put the order out so it didn’t matter who came up with the idea first. Too many mechs think too much and act too little, he thought to himself.

Carri-Or is the leader of a squad of space-based cons i came up with a while back if he's approved and after i've played for a while I will probably apply for the rest of the team. Until then they're just part of his background, sealed off in stasis.

I got to be honest, but the name really bugs me. It really just doesn't seem like a Transformer name to me. For the carrier penalty, I need to know how many Transformers he can carry to decide on it. Also, the history doesn't really work as only very few Transformers have left the planet. I'm also not terribly wild about a player bringing in a whole team of characters. It tends to end up with the player in question being a bit isolated from other players as his team is always together.
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Re: Post your NEW character applications here!

Postby Sky Shard » Tue Apr 22, 2008 4:59 pm

Motto: "Unicron is all... embrace the void."
Weapon: Heat-Seeking Armor-Piercing Missiles
Devastron wrote:
Sky Shard wrote:Well lets give this one last shot and if you still think he's too much I'll try and recreate an older character i took out the minus 5 for escape velocity and another minus 5 for the emp weapon, adjusted his stats so that most of them are a little more balanced. I couldnt find the penalty info for carrying other TF's so let me know on that. Also i was aware that transwarp drive would not be allowed which is why i nuetralized it as part of his background. IE: 'due to irreparable damage sustained during battle Carri-Or can no longer maintain transwarp travel.' Also the name's a bit goofy I know but I'm really fond of it so unless its a deal breaker I'd like to go for it. :D Besides any Bot or Con who's been to earth could give him guff for having a girls name :D

Name: Carri-Or
Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: team commander
Alt. Mode: Space fighter carrier (like what Galvatron got from Unicron but not as advanced and smaller, designed to carry only about 4 or five smaller vessels)
Weapons: 4 Laser cannons, Proton torpedoes (only in alt mode) Null-Ray cannon (both modes attached to upper arm in bot mode) Energo-doublesword (bot mode, can break at lhilt into two separate swords.)
Height: 30’ (making use of mass reduction technoogy)
Quote: “In space no one can hear your circuits sizzle"
Speed: Carri-Or is capable of speeds just above escape velocity


Profile: Carri-Or is a bully, he charges into fights assured he is the strongest, even when it’s not true. He often uses his strength to push others into doing what he wants even when it’s a bad idea. He is far less intelligent than he thinks he is and to be truthful any intelligent idea he has is usually suggested by someone else with him merely claiming to have though of it. He and his squad left Cybertron during the Great War under orders to expand the glory of the Decepticons Empire. They are trying to make their way back to Cybertron now but due to irreparable damage sustained during battle Carri-Or can no longer maintain transwarp travel. His tech officer estimated a very long trip home with the speeds he was capable of.

Abilities: Flight both in bot mode and also space travel in alt mode, he has heavy weaponry in alt mode consisting of 4 180 degree laser cannons, 2 on each side one aimed above and 1 aimed below. He is also stocked with a limited number Proton torpedos (4), capable of producing small explosions which also have to be restocked after any major space battle. His Null-Ray cannon has the same effect as a null ray rifle only in a bigger blast area, a cone of effect expanding outward. It is considerably powerful at short range but at standard distance only is slightly more effective than a standard null-ray rifle. The benefit being the larger area of effect hopefully hitting the target and maybe winging one or two other mechs.

Weaknesses: Carri-Or is a bully plain and simple because of this he is not well liked by most his men are loyal but only because they know that the squad’s second in command is the real brains behind Carri-Or’s decisions. However sometimes even they are frustrated by his brash and gruff attitude. Also his alt mode loses a great deal of speed and almost all maneuverability when in an atmosphere. He is dependent upon his second in command or a superior officer for strategy or major decision making. All cannons take quite a bit of time to recharge including his robot modes Null-Ray Cannon, which can only usually get off a single blast in any ground combat. Possibly a second if the fight lasts long enough but by then fellow cons would likely be in the way. He also tends to rely more on his firepower and the area effect of his weapons (explosions, cone effects)and less on marksmenship resulting in a below average accuracy. And lastly due to the expansion technology involved in his transformation though his armor is excellent in bot mode it is less effective in alt mode. Also due to how dense his skin becomes in bot mode he is slower than most cons on foot. Not that he will let that stop him from charging into battle head on. He also is less accomplished hand to hand than he believes and often loses or suffers considerable damage during battle due to misjudging the correct tactic.

Sample post:
Carri-Or sighed internally as Star Render and the rest of his squad were in his briefing room arguing about the results of their last battle. They had destroyed their enemies in a magnificent blaze of glory for the decpticon army. But one of the enemy fighters had slipped around and hit him right in his engines. How he hated being in alt mode so much, he had blasted the fighter into atoms with a coordinated blast of his cannon but his engines had been hit hard. Star Render had patched him up as best as he could but he could no longer make transwarp. He didn’t know what that meant really but it certainly had the others upset. Then he listened in and heard Star Render explain just how long the return trip to Cybertron would take at his current available speeds. He wasn’t worried but mostly because he enjoyed the idea that by taking the long way they would encounter more possible battles and in truth that was what he lived for. The only reason he was leading this damn squad at all was because he had simply taken command once they left he had bullied the others into accepting it except for Star Render, who had supported him fully. He trusted Star Render, he knew he’d come up with something.

Star Render scowled and slammed his hands on the table, “Look slag it, we’re just going to have to accept that this is how things are for now. We’re too far out Carri-Or is going to need all the energon he can get now we could transfer what we have to him and put ourselves in stasis until he reaches Cybertron or unless he needs us and we should be able to just barely make it. And I’ll still have to rig up an solar net for the big guy to deploy near stars to drag off a little extra energy. I don’t wanna rust away in stasis any more than you so vocalizers off skidplates!”

The mechs started to protest again but Carri-Or had enough his voice boomed through his decks,
“ENOUGH! You slag pits are going to go to transfer your energon and then your going to all report to the armory and go into stasis, I’ll keep heading for Cybertron and maybe we’ll run into some other cons on the way. Now step to or I’ll vent you into space!”

Some of the mechs sighed shaking their heads at the way Carri-Or had taken Star Render’s idea and enforced it himself but they knew it was what had to be done. Carri-Or didn’t even notice as far as he was concerned it was him that put the order out so it didn’t matter who came up with the idea first. Too many mechs think too much and act too little, he thought to himself.

Carri-Or is the leader of a squad of space-based cons i came up with a while back if he's approved and after i've played for a while I will probably apply for the rest of the team. Until then they're just part of his background, sealed off in stasis.

I got to be honest, but the name really bugs me. It really just doesn't seem like a Transformer name to me. For the carrier penalty, I need to know how many Transformers he can carry to decide on it. Also, the history doesn't really work as only very few Transformers have left the planet. I'm also not terribly wild about a player bringing in a whole team of characters. It tends to end up with the player in question being a bit isolated from other players as his team is always together.

Well I'll file this away for now then and think up something else as a new character. I'd rather not have to alter his basics quite so much. I'll see if i can re-construct RoadRage or one of my other old characters. FYI his limit was a small contigent like 7 mechs.(including his squad who as i mentioned were simply there for history at this point as i wouldnt have tried introducing them for quite some time.)
Sky Shard
Posts: 16
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Strength: 5
Intelligence: 8
Speed: 9
Endurance: 8
Rank: 2
Courage: 8
Firepower: 9
Skill: 6

Re: Post your NEW character applications here!

Postby The J Writer » Sun Apr 27, 2008 9:50 pm

BlackDiamond wrote:BlackDiamond
Allegiance: Neutral (later Autobot)
Function: Aerial Scout
Alt. mode: Cybertronian Jet
Weapons: main- Twin shoulder mounted rocket launchers, additional weapons- 1 photon pistol, 1 small laser pistol
Special Abilities: can fly in robot mode (-4)
Height: 27 ft/ 8.23 m
Quote: “Mistakes are proof you are trying.”

STR: 5
INT: 5
DEX: 8
SPD: 9
END: 6
COU: 5
FIR: 6
ACC: 7
MEL: 4
TEC: 5
CHA: 6
Rank: low (given by mods)

Profile: BlackDiamond is a cheerful optimistic flier who has is hard to offend and enjoys the company of other mechs. BlackDiamond is pretty happy with her lot in life and has no desire to fight and claw her way to the top. Sure things could be better, but things could also be a whole lot worse. She enjoys her job as a patrol scout for the small group of neutrals she lives with. Flying around all night looking for intruders and the occasional war deserter are pretty fun duties as far as the young mech is concerned. The planet has been ravaged by the war, but she hasn’t seen any serious, to the death fighting, due to living in the neutral territories all her life. The few remaining neutrals have tried very hard to keep the war from finding them and attracting the interest of the 2 warring factions.

Her paint scheme is a high gloss black coating with some light reflecting particles scattered randomly throughout her paintjob. The effects of the particles make her look like the night sky complete with “twinkling” stars. At night this is a useful camouflage, but during the day it tends to make her stand out a lot. Since her duties have always involved being a patrol scout, rather then a stealthy spy scout (and the fact that intruders rarely come into the territories) this has never caused any real problems to date.

Abilities: BlackDiamond is capable of reaching a maximum speed of Mach 3.1 in jet mode. She can also fly in robot mode if the need arises. Her main weapon, which she can use in both her robot and jet form, are twin shoulder mounted rocket launchers. Her rocket launchers fire normal rockets. They hit, they explode, nothing special. Knowing that she has no access to top of the line weaponry doesn’t bother BlackDiamond, in her mind it simply means that she must train more, so that what she does have, does what it needs to do, namely save her aft in a fight. Her attention to training has paid off in having a pretty good accuracy with her weapons. In robot mode she carries her photon pistol, which shoots light bursts of roughly 5000 watt brightness to temporarily blind foes who don’t have heavily shielded optics. Although the photon pistol doesn’t do any permanent damage, BlackDiamond likes it all the same. It’s just the thing she needs to create a distraction to buy herself time to transform into jet mode and take to the air where she is most comfortable fighting from. The only other weapon BlackDiamond carries is a small laser pistol for when she is in robot mode and needs to actually do damage to someone and doesn’t want to catch herself or her allies in the backlash of a rocket explosion.

Weaknesses: BlackDiamond is terrible at melee combat and knows it. She prefers to make ranged attacks from her rocket launchers or guns. Given the option she prefers to let someone else take care of any melee-minded foes while she falls back out of the way. She is loyal to her teammates so she will reluctantly land and get involved in melee confrontations on the ground if she is ordered to or if her friends/allies need help and her ranged attacks would not be advisable in the situation or have already failed to help. In melee situations in the air, BlackDiamond prefers to use her agility to dodge and keep her opponents from closing with her physically, while simultaneously trying to increase the distance between herself and her opponent. She has enough armoring to withstand some pummeling in melee, but no one likes to hang around and be used as a punching bag, least of all BlackDiamond. She will hang around or in a melee confrontation only long enough to complete her objective and then she will attempt to retreat and take to the air as soon as possible, abandoning the melee portion of the fight. She will rejoin the fight with ranged attacks after she gets into the air or back far enough to be out of immediate danger of being re-included in the knock-down-drag-out fight.

Her other weaknesses are her age and inexperience. Due to the exuberance of youth, BlackDiamond, sometimes can get caught up in what is going on and become distracted. To make matters worse her lack of experience can cause her to make poor decisions on the battlefield sometimes. Like getting caught up in chasing a fleeing foe and not paying attention to the fact that she is running straight into a group of them. Better tactics on the battlefield come from experience, and most experience comes from previous poor judgment. Due to the absence of “real” fighting in the area, BlackDiamond tends to be lacking quite a bit in the experience department.

This is approved, by the way, to start your story with her. Sorry it took me so long - it got rather lost in the shuffle for me. :(
The J Writer
Headmaster Jr
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Joined: Wed May 07, 2003 2:48 am

Re: Post your NEW character applications here!

Postby Mazinman » Sun Apr 27, 2008 11:11 pm

*Shakes fist at databse issues.* Ok, here we go again.

Devastron wrote:Approved, rank 6, start him in Polyhex. Keep in mind that very few Transformers have actually left the planet as you wrote in your sample post. Only a couple missions have been sent to other planets.

Thats fine. I had no plans for Snappy to start the game off planet or go there in the near future. The only reason for the story is to give a possible explination as to why he has a beast form.

Ok, my next application:

Name: Vroom
Allegiance: Autobot
Function: Saboteur
Alt. mode: Rocket Car
Weapons: Illusioniser gun
Height: 28 Feet
Quote: "Don't take a chance if you don't stand a chance."


Profile: Vroom is sneaky when he needs to be, brazen when he can be, and always cocky. He earned a reputation as a daredevil before he ever joined the main Autobot force, when he was a well known stunt driver. After the conflict started, he regularly raced into Decepticon fuel depots to steal what he needed and then set up explosive charges to destroy the rest, he developed a need for this high pressure excitement, and nothing less than the feeling of narrowly outrunning an explosion is good enough for Vroom anymore, which led to his becoming a premiere Autobot saboteur. Although Vroom is always careful to calculate the risks of his actions (even when it appears he isn't), his fellow Autobots are growing concerned about his lust for danger and excitement.

Abilities: Vroom has slightly above average strength and endurance, with great intelligence. He is an expert at covert demolitions and infiltration. H transforms into a rocket car that is coated with shrapnel deflecting rubber armor. While in car mode he can fire off rockets on his back for a temporary boost in his speed. Inner robot wields Illusioniser gun which distorts optic impulses.

Weaknesses: Vroom will sometimes try to make too dramatic an exit from the scene of one of his demolitions, risking great damage.

Sample Roleplay:


Vroom shook his head as his name was yelled via private transmissions. “Wow that was weird of me to just nod off like that. Really strange dream too. Most of the Autobots had left Cybertron to this pleasure resort planet while some of us leftovers we left behind…”


“And I got mad to the point that I quit the army and formed this group called the Wanderers. Wow it was a really dark time what with the Decepticons totally taking over.”

“Focus on the mission!”

“Although the part with that cute Decepticon girl that I was dating wasn’t bad at all. I wonder if she actually exists or if I made her up. I should try looking her up at so…”


“Geez! Stop yelling at me ok? Can’t you see I’m trying to reminisce about my imaginary life!?”

The voice on the other side sighed.

“Look Vroom, time to get serious, we need you to set those charges in order to destroy the generator to the shield in that base.”

Vroom grinned. “Is that all? I’m already more than done.”

“More than done? Vroom….”

“This is going to be good….”

“Vroom, what have you done?”

“Noooothing…. I just did a little creative use of some energon cubes I found and some power lines to increase the power of the blast.”

“What!? Vroom we could use that base intact! This is about the fact they were using protoforms as slave labor isn’t it? Wasn’t saving them enough!?”

Vroom grinned. “Too late, I’m going for the high score.” He pressed a button and began to run towards the nearest windows as an explosion ripped through the main line to the central power generator. The power spike caused other explosions throughout the base while would pale in comparison to the one that would happen when the main generator would blow and take the energon cube stockpile with it. Truth be told he could have done this from outside but it wouldn’t have been nearly as cool.


The explosions grew more and more intense as they neared Vroom. He transformed into his rocket car mode and spread through the nearest window, crashing to the outside. As he did so the building behind him exploded as a giant fireball hurled outwards, towards him. He could hear the gasp of his fellow Autobots over the communicator as it moved nearer and nearer to him, his armor beginning to melt. Still, this was all coldly calculated. Vroom turned on his thrusters at the last minute and he propelled himself from the explosion. He landed on the around, pretended to spin out of control, then transformed, leaping into the air and landing in front of his commanding officer.

“Viola! One blown up Decepticon fortress!”

From the look of anger at his superior Vroom could tell he would be spending time in the brig… again. Still the looks of happiness on the faces of the protoforms he had helped rescue at the sight of their prison destroyed made it all worthwhile.
Posts: 332
Joined: Thu Oct 02, 2003 2:00 pm

Re: Post your NEW character applications here!

Postby Daze » Tue Apr 29, 2008 4:20 pm

Name: Daze
Subgroup: Seekers
Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Air Warrior
Alt. mode: (Cybertron) Tetra jet
Weapons: Energon whip, EMP bombs, standard Seeker lasers
Special Abilities: EMP weapons (-5)
Height: 27 ft ( meters)
Quote: “Brawn and an empty head mean nothing when you’ve got moves like this.”

Strength: 6
Intelligence: 7
Dexterity: 9
Speed: 8
Endurance: 5
Courage: 5
Firepower: 5
Accuracy: 5
Melee: 8
Tech Skill: 4
Charisma: 3
Rank: (assigned by mod)

Daze has an average Seeker body frame though he is smaller than other seekers, His body is black with silver trim, and there are maroon stripes on his wings slight resemblance to Starscream. He has a retractable faceplate, and targeting visor.

To put it simply he is a jerk, there are only a very few transformers he will give respect to, Rapture an Silverstrike are among them, he shows little for Megatron but recognizes him as his leader. He is known to assess a situation and if it looks like he is going to forfeit his spark he will decline to join in, but that doesn’t stop him from enjoying the show. He is a merciless, cunning, and ruthless killer, he would kill his own creator if he thought he could benefit from it, because of this he was hand picked by Megatron to join the ranks of the Decpticons. He usually speaks in a proper way, is very sarcastic, always says what’s on his mind whether it will insult someone or not, and always has a witty comeback. He feels the only commands he needs to take are those given by Rapture, and of course Megatron, he tends to give most others the brush off. He has absolutely no tolerance for ignorance and stupidity. He has no problems being in the low ranks as long as he gets the chance to frag an Autobot every now an then, but will welcome the opportunity to move up the ranks.

The Energon whip is a stunning weapon. Allowing him to “daze” his enemies long enough to get in a cheap shot or shoot them with his seeker arm mounted lasers. The whip can also be turned into an energy sword when it is put into a solid setting. It can also be used in alt mode as a grapple in jet mode, allowing him to drag his enemies or drop them from heights. The Electromagnetic Pulse bombs drop on ground units, exploding before contact into numerous mini shells, which spread debilitating electrical energy over an area of 10,000 square feet. He also carries the standard twin arm-mounted twin laser rifles that are the hallmark of the Seekers. He can reach a top speed of Mach 3.3 in jet mode, and as a Seeker, Daze can reach Mach one in robot mode. His maximum range is 3500 miles, with a flight ceiling of 52 miles.

His attitude can sometimes cause other cons to dislike him. His low-tech skill hinders him in tasks that require advanced technical knowledge. This is mostly because he refuses to admit to his lack of skill. Daze’s mediocre endurance makes him vulnerable if cornered, forcing him to rely on his speed and agility for attack and escape.

Polyhex-Shockwave’s tower main hangar.

Daze enters the hangar to find Skywarp, Thundercracker, and Silverstrike engaged in a conversation over their next mission. Thundercracker took notice of Daze’s presence, he and Skywarp then proceed to accuse him of eaves dropping.

“You two are nothing more than Rapture’s lackeys. Insults from unskilled suck ups mean very little to me”

He then stared up placing his right hand on Thundercracker’s shoulder and leaned in slightly.

“Besides we all know you’re just angry because I was put here on sheer skill, where you are here because your lips are placed firmly on Megatron’s chassis.”

In an instant he was then standing behind Skywarp. Anticipating he would laugh.

“An you before you even think of polluting my preceptors with that ridiculous laugh. I cannot even fathom a reason why you are here aside from that you would take any order even if it were to extinguish your own spark.”

His attention then went to Silverstike and he darted towards her.

“And what’s a shiny chassis like this doing conversing with two ill mannered buffoons such as these.
Tell me having of dealt with them for so long has it ever crossed your mind to put that pretty little blade of yours through their optics, I’m sure you could easily pass it off as an accident.”

He then shot up behind Skywarp again.

“Do I sense yet another of those annoying snickers coming on, please spare us all. Every time I hear it I feel my intelligence dropping.”

He then steps backward, away from the three.

“You two think you’re so heavily armed with all your lasers an bombs, Ha. Brawn and an empty head mean nothing when you’ve got moves like this.”

He then turned to the door and began to walk away, an pulled one of his static nerve capsule out an flung his arm back.

“Hey Skywarp catch!”
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Joined: Mon Apr 28, 2008 5:01 pm

Re: Post your NEW character applications here!

Postby Smokescreen85 » Tue Apr 29, 2008 8:17 pm

Motto: ""A look can be deceiving; a touch can be lethal.""
Weapon: Twin Shoulder-Mounted Rocket Launchers
I noticed that Smokescreen was now available, so I'm going for him since he's my favorite TF.

Name: Smokescreen
Allegiance: Autobot
Function: Diversionary Tactician
Alternate Modes: Cybertronian-styled sports car
Weapons: Smoke generators, two shoulder-mounted ECM missile launchers, electro-disruptor rifle
Special Abilities: See Abilities section of profile
Height: 26’ / 7.92 m

“A look can be deceiving; a touch can be lethal.”

Tech Specs
Strength: 04
Dexterity: 09
Speed: 07
Endurance: 06
Courage: 08
Firepower: 07
Accuracy: 09
Melee: 07
Tech Skill: 07
Charisma: 10
Rank: 06

Profile: Whether engaged in raging battle or friendly conversation, seldom is Smokescreen up to what he appears to be up to. More likely, an ulterior purpose exists. In combat, his job is to lead the enemy astray, to prevent him from discovering the true nature of an Autobot strategy until it is too late for the enemy to counter it. It is a job he performs with great proficiency. His duplicity carries over to his personal affairs as well. Charming and affable, it is easy for Smokescreen to use his genuine camaraderie with his fellow Autobots in order to root out their deepest concerns. And, at Optimus Prime's request, that is exactly what Smokescreen does, because Optimus feels that his role as Autobot leader creates a personal barrier between himself and his followers that he cannot overcome alone. Strangely enough, in Optimus' eyes, the most devious of the Autobots is also the most trusted.

Abilities: Smokescreen is extremely intelligent and highly skilled at his function, possessing several unique features to aid him in creating battlefield diversions. In car mode, Smokescreen can emit from his tailpipe a thick, black cloud of smoke that has the additional property of gravitating toward metallic objects, such as enemy Decepticons. In robot mode, his twin shoulder-mounted launchers shoot missiles that shatter into thousands of shards that produce a variety of radio signals, magnetic fields and infrared waves, wreaking havoc on the radar and guidance systems of enemy aircraft. His disruptor rifle shoots a web of electrical energy that can short out and interfere with the proper operation of any electrically powered target. He has a top speed of almost 250 mph in car mode

Weaknesses: Although a well-trained combatant, Smokescreen has below-average physical strength, making him quite vulnerable in direct combat. As well, the proper shielding and countermeasures can protect a foe from most of Smokescreen’s unique weaponry.

Tagan Heights – Near Refinery Complex Three

Smokescreen leapt from the hatch of the downed shuttle and landed on the ground near the rest of his comrades in the Lightning Strike Coalition. They were under heavy fire from a horde of Sweep drones flying overhead. Suddenly, explosions erupted around Smokescreen as two drones took shots at the diversionary tactician. He quickly raised his electro-disruptor rifle and returned fire, striking both drones dead on. One streaked by overhead and crashed on the backside of the downed shuttle. The other veered off to the right, hitting the ground away from the main battle.

By then Grimlock, commander of the LSC, had exited the shuttle. He shouted orders to everyone and then took up a position behind a large piece of metal the Dinobot leader had just ripped from the side of the shuttle. “That’s actually not a bad idea,” Smokescreen said aloud. While he was not strong enough to tear off a piece of the shuttle the size of Grimlock’s, Smokescreen was able to find a somewhat smaller piece of scrap metal more his size laying on the ground. It wasn’t as thick, but it would do well enough as a makeshift shield.

Several more fire blasts shot by Smokescreen, hitting the ground around him, one ricocheting off his “shield”. The Sweep drones were coming at them faster now, not letting up one bit. I need to knock a bunch of these mindless bots out of the sky at once.

And with that thought, Smokescreen took aim with his should-mounted launchers at a group of around a dozen incoming drones. He fired two missiles into the sky directly at them. A few astronseconds later, both rockets found targets, destroying two of the drones in a pair of fireballs that lit up the Cybertronian sky. But, that was not all those shattered missiles did. The resulting shards produced by the explosions began emitting various circuit-scrambling radio signals and magnetic fields that radiated outward, enveloping the rest of the surrounding drones that had previously escaped destruction. This sent their guidance systems into a tizzy, causing the drones to go out of control. Some struck one another, exploding in midair, while many others lost altitude and hit the ground in a series of fireballs. In the end, all the drones from that group were destroyed.

“All in a day’s work”, Smokescreen said with a smile.

(For my sample post I decided to write what will become my first real post as Smokescreen if this is approved. It's only a first draft and will be refined some if this application is ok'd.)
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Alt Mode: Nissan Z Proto
Strength: 4
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Endurance: 6
Rank: 6
Courage: 8
Firepower: 7
Skill: 9

Re: Post your NEW character applications here!

Postby The J Writer » Thu May 01, 2008 9:56 am

Smokescreen GT wrote:I noticed that Smokescreen was now available, so I'm going for him since he's my favorite TF.

Name: Smokescreen
Allegiance: Autobot
Function: Diversionary Tactician
Alternate Modes: Cybertronian-styled sports car
Weapons: Smoke generators, two shoulder-mounted ECM missile launchers, electro-disruptor rifle
Special Abilities: See Abilities section of profile
Height: 26’ / 7.92 m

“A look can be deceiving; a touch can be lethal.”

Tech Specs
Strength: 04
Intelligence: 09
Dexterity: 09
Speed: 07
Endurance: 06
Courage: 08
Firepower: 07
Accuracy: 09
Melee: 07
Tech Skill: 07
Charisma: 10
Rank: 06

Profile: Whether engaged in raging battle or friendly conversation, seldom is Smokescreen up to what he appears to be up to. More likely, an ulterior purpose exists. In combat, his job is to lead the enemy astray, to prevent him from discovering the true nature of an Autobot strategy until it is too late for the enemy to counter it. It is a job he performs with great proficiency. His duplicity carries over to his personal affairs as well. Charming and affable, it is easy for Smokescreen to use his genuine camaraderie with his fellow Autobots in order to root out their deepest concerns. And, at Optimus Prime's request, that is exactly what Smokescreen does, because Optimus feels that his role as Autobot leader creates a personal barrier between himself and his followers that he cannot overcome alone. Strangely enough, in Optimus' eyes, the most devious of the Autobots is also the most trusted.

Abilities: Smokescreen is extremely intelligent and highly skilled at his function, possessing several unique features to aid him in creating battlefield diversions. In car mode, Smokescreen can emit from his tailpipe a thick, black cloud of smoke that has the additional property of gravitating toward metallic objects, such as enemy Decepticons. In robot mode, his twin shoulder-mounted launchers shoot missiles that shatter into thousands of shards that produce a variety of radio signals, magnetic fields and infrared waves, wreaking havoc on the radar and guidance systems of enemy aircraft. His disruptor rifle shoots a web of electrical energy that can short out and interfere with the proper operation of any electrically powered target. He has a top speed of almost 250 mph in car mode

Weaknesses: Although a well-trained combatant, Smokescreen has below-average physical strength, making him quite vulnerable in direct combat. As well, the proper shielding and countermeasures can protect a foe from most of Smokescreen’s unique weaponry.

Tagan Heights – Near Refinery Complex Three

Smokescreen leapt from the hatch of the downed shuttle and landed on the ground near the rest of his comrades in the Lightning Strike Coalition. They were under heavy fire from a horde of Sweep drones flying overhead. Suddenly, explosions erupted around Smokescreen as two drones took shots at the diversionary tactician. He quickly raised his electro-disruptor rifle and returned fire, striking both drones dead on. One streaked by overhead and crashed on the backside of the downed shuttle. The other veered off to the right, hitting the ground away from the main battle.

By then Grimlock, commander of the LSC, had exited the shuttle. He shouted orders to everyone and then took up a position behind a large piece of metal the Dinobot leader had just ripped from the side of the shuttle. “That’s actually not a bad idea,” Smokescreen said aloud. While he was not strong enough to tear off a piece of the shuttle the size of Grimlock’s, Smokescreen was able to find a somewhat smaller piece of scrap metal more his size laying on the ground. It wasn’t as thick, but it would do well enough as a makeshift shield.

Several more fire blasts shot by Smokescreen, hitting the ground around him, one ricocheting off his “shield”. The Sweep drones were coming at them faster now, not letting up one bit. I need to knock a bunch of these mindless bots out of the sky at once.

And with that thought, Smokescreen took aim with his should-mounted launchers at a group of around a dozen incoming drones. He fired two missiles into the sky directly at them. A few astronseconds later, both rockets found targets, destroying two of the drones in a pair of fireballs that lit up the Cybertronian sky. But, that was not all those shattered missiles did. The resulting shards produced by the explosions began emitting various circuit-scrambling radio signals and magnetic fields that radiated outward, enveloping the rest of the surrounding drones that had previously escaped destruction. This sent their guidance systems into a tizzy, causing the drones to go out of control. Some struck one another, exploding in midair, while many others lost altitude and hit the ground in a series of fireballs. In the end, all the drones from that group were destroyed.

“All in a day’s work”, Smokescreen said with a smile.

(For my sample post I decided to write what will become my first real post as Smokescreen if this is approved. It's only a first draft and will be refined some if this application is ok'd.)

Hey, I wrote that profile! :P Anyway, looks excellent. Approved; that post will be fine as his first post as well.
The J Writer
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Re: Post your NEW character applications here!

Postby The J Writer » Thu May 01, 2008 10:00 am

Daze wrote:Name: Daze
Subgroup: Seekers
Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Air Warrior
Alt. mode: (Cybertron) Tetra jet
Weapons: Energon whip, EMP bombs, standard Seeker lasers
Special Abilities: EMP weapons (-5)
Height: 27 ft (8.23 meters)
Quote: “Brawn and an empty head mean nothing when you’ve got moves like this.”

Strength: 6
Intelligence: 7
Dexterity: 9
Speed: 8
Endurance: 5
Courage: 5
Firepower: 5
Accuracy: 5
Melee: 8
Tech Skill: 4
Charisma: 3
Rank: (assigned by mod)

Daze has an average Seeker body frame though he is smaller than other seekers, His body is black with silver trim, and there are maroon stripes on his wings slight resemblance to Starscream. He has a retractable faceplate, and targeting visor.

To put it simply he is a jerk, there are only a very few transformers he will give respect to, Rapture an Silverstrike are among them, he shows little for Megatron but recognizes him as his leader. He is known to assess a situation and if it looks like he is going to forfeit his spark he will decline to join in, but that doesn’t stop him from enjoying the show. He is a merciless, cunning, and ruthless killer, he would kill his own creator if he thought he could benefit from it, because of this he was hand picked by Megatron to join the ranks of the Decpticons. He usually speaks in a proper way, is very sarcastic, always says what’s on his mind whether it will insult someone or not, and always has a witty comeback. He feels the only commands he needs to take are those given by Rapture, and of course Megatron, he tends to give most others the brush off. He has absolutely no tolerance for ignorance and stupidity. He has no problems being in the low ranks as long as he gets the chance to frag an Autobot every now an then, but will welcome the opportunity to move up the ranks.

The Energon whip is a stunning weapon. Allowing him to “daze” his enemies long enough to get in a cheap shot or shoot them with his seeker arm mounted lasers. The whip can also be turned into an energy sword when it is put into a solid setting. It can also be used in alt mode as a grapple in jet mode, allowing him to drag his enemies or drop them from heights. The Electromagnetic Pulse bombs drop on ground units, exploding before contact into numerous mini shells, which spread debilitating electrical energy over an area of 10,000 square feet. He also carries the standard twin arm-mounted twin laser rifles that are the hallmark of the Seekers. He can reach a top speed of Mach 2.9 in jet mode, and as a Seeker, Daze can reach Mach one in robot mode. His maximum range is 3500 miles, with a flight ceiling of 52 miles.

His attitude can sometimes cause other cons to dislike him. His low-tech skill hinders him in tasks that require advanced technical knowledge. This is mostly because he refuses to admit to his lack of skill. Daze’s mediocre endurance makes him vulnerable if cornered, forcing him to rely on his speed and agility for attack and escape.

Polyhex-Shockwave’s tower main hangar.

Daze enters the hangar to find Skywarp, Thundercracker, and Silverstrike engaged in a conversation over their next mission. Thundercracker took notice of Daze’s presence, he and Skywarp then proceed to accuse him of eaves dropping.

“You two are nothing more than Rapture’s lackeys. Insults from unskilled suck ups mean very little to me”

He then stared up placing his right hand on Thundercracker’s shoulder and leaned in slightly.

“Besides we all know you’re just angry because I was put here on sheer skill, where you are here because your lips are placed firmly on Megatron’s chassis.”

In an instant he was then standing behind Skywarp. Anticipating he would laugh.

“An you before you even think of polluting my preceptors with that ridiculous laugh. I cannot even fathom a reason why you are here aside from that you would take any order even if it were to extinguish your own spark.”

His attention then went to Silverstike and he darted towards her.

“And what’s a shiny chassis like this doing conversing with two ill mannered buffoons such as these.
Tell me having of dealt with them for so long has it ever crossed your mind to put that pretty little blade of yours through their optics, I’m sure you could easily pass it off as an accident.”

He then shot up behind Skywarp again.

“Do I sense yet another of those annoying snickers coming on, please spare us all. Every time I hear it I feel my intelligence dropping.”

He then steps backward, away from the three.

“You two think you’re so heavily armed with all your lasers an bombs, Ha. Brawn and an empty head mean nothing when you’ve got moves like this.”

He then turned to the door and began to walk away, an pulled one of his static nerve capsule out an flung his arm back.

“Hey Skywarp catch!”

Looks pretty good...I edited in his metric height and the correct speed (Speed 8 = max of Mach 2.9). I'm assuming you asked Tas and Silver for permission to use their characters in the profile? Shoot me a PM to let me know, or have one of them PM me to confirm. Once I know that, I can approve Daze.
The J Writer
Headmaster Jr
Posts: 564
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Re: Post your NEW character applications here!

Postby The J Writer » Thu May 01, 2008 10:03 am

Mazinman wrote:*Shakes fist at databse issues.* Ok, here we go again.

Devastron wrote:Approved, rank 6, start him in Polyhex. Keep in mind that very few Transformers have actually left the planet as you wrote in your sample post. Only a couple missions have been sent to other planets.

Thats fine. I had no plans for Snappy to start the game off planet or go there in the near future. The only reason for the story is to give a possible explination as to why he has a beast form.

Ok, my next application:

Name: Vroom
Allegiance: Autobot
Function: Saboteur
Alt. mode: Rocket Car
Weapons: Illusioniser gun
Height: 28 Feet
Quote: "Don't take a chance if you don't stand a chance."


Profile: Vroom is sneaky when he needs to be, brazen when he can be, and always cocky. He earned a reputation as a daredevil before he ever joined the main Autobot force, when he was a well known stunt driver. After the conflict started, he regularly raced into Decepticon fuel depots to steal what he needed and then set up explosive charges to destroy the rest, he developed a need for this high pressure excitement, and nothing less than the feeling of narrowly outrunning an explosion is good enough for Vroom anymore, which led to his becoming a premiere Autobot saboteur. Although Vroom is always careful to calculate the risks of his actions (even when it appears he isn't), his fellow Autobots are growing concerned about his lust for danger and excitement.

Abilities: Vroom has slightly above average strength and endurance, with great intelligence. He is an expert at covert demolitions and infiltration. H transforms into a rocket car that is coated with shrapnel deflecting rubber armor. While in car mode he can fire off rockets on his back for a temporary boost in his speed. Inner robot wields Illusioniser gun which distorts optic impulses.

Weaknesses: Vroom will sometimes try to make too dramatic an exit from the scene of one of his demolitions, risking great damage.

Sample Roleplay:


Vroom shook his head as his name was yelled via private transmissions. “Wow that was weird of me to just nod off like that. Really strange dream too. Most of the Autobots had left Cybertron to this pleasure resort planet while some of us leftovers we left behind…”


“And I got mad to the point that I quit the army and formed this group called the Wanderers. Wow it was a really dark time what with the Decepticons totally taking over.”

“Focus on the mission!”

“Although the part with that cute Decepticon girl that I was dating wasn’t bad at all. I wonder if she actually exists or if I made her up. I should try looking her up at so…”


“Geez! Stop yelling at me ok? Can’t you see I’m trying to reminisce about my imaginary life!?”

The voice on the other side sighed.

“Look Vroom, time to get serious, we need you to set those charges in order to destroy the generator to the shield in that base.”

Vroom grinned. “Is that all? I’m already more than done.”

“More than done? Vroom….”

“This is going to be good….”

“Vroom, what have you done?”

“Noooothing…. I just did a little creative use of some energon cubes I found and some power lines to increase the power of the blast.”

“What!? Vroom we could use that base intact! This is about the fact they were using protoforms as slave labor isn’t it? Wasn’t saving them enough!?”

Vroom grinned. “Too late, I’m going for the high score.” He pressed a button and began to run towards the nearest windows as an explosion ripped through the main line to the central power generator. The power spike caused other explosions throughout the base while would pale in comparison to the one that would happen when the main generator would blow and take the energon cube stockpile with it. Truth be told he could have done this from outside but it wouldn’t have been nearly as cool.


The explosions grew more and more intense as they neared Vroom. He transformed into his rocket car mode and spread through the nearest window, crashing to the outside. As he did so the building behind him exploded as a giant fireball hurled outwards, towards him. He could hear the gasp of his fellow Autobots over the communicator as it moved nearer and nearer to him, his armor beginning to melt. Still, this was all coldly calculated. Vroom turned on his thrusters at the last minute and he propelled himself from the explosion. He landed on the around, pretended to spin out of control, then transformed, leaping into the air and landing in front of his commanding officer.

“Viola! One blown up Decepticon fortress!”

From the look of anger at his superior Vroom could tell he would be spending time in the brig… again. Still the looks of happiness on the faces of the protoforms he had helped rescue at the sight of their prison destroyed made it all worthwhile.

Hehe, Vroom rescued orphans. What's next, helping Soundwave get his poor kitty Ravage out of a tree? :twisted: Anyway, approved. He can begin in Iacon with Prime's mission.
The J Writer
Headmaster Jr
Posts: 564
Joined: Wed May 07, 2003 2:48 am

Re: Post your NEW character applications here!

Postby The J Writer » Thu May 01, 2008 10:36 pm

The J Writer wrote:
Daze wrote:Name: Daze
Subgroup: Seekers
Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Air Warrior
Alt. mode: (Cybertron) Tetra jet
Weapons: Energon whip, EMP bombs, standard Seeker lasers
Special Abilities: EMP weapons (-5)
Height: 27 ft (8.23 meters)
Quote: “Brawn and an empty head mean nothing when you’ve got moves like this.”

Strength: 6
Intelligence: 7
Dexterity: 9
Speed: 8
Endurance: 5
Courage: 5
Firepower: 5
Accuracy: 5
Melee: 8
Tech Skill: 4
Charisma: 3
Rank: (assigned by mod)

Daze has an average Seeker body frame though he is smaller than other seekers, His body is black with silver trim, and there are maroon stripes on his wings slight resemblance to Starscream. He has a retractable faceplate, and targeting visor.

To put it simply he is a jerk, there are only a very few transformers he will give respect to, Rapture an Silverstrike are among them, he shows little for Megatron but recognizes him as his leader. He is known to assess a situation and if it looks like he is going to forfeit his spark he will decline to join in, but that doesn’t stop him from enjoying the show. He is a merciless, cunning, and ruthless killer, he would kill his own creator if he thought he could benefit from it, because of this he was hand picked by Megatron to join the ranks of the Decpticons. He usually speaks in a proper way, is very sarcastic, always says what’s on his mind whether it will insult someone or not, and always has a witty comeback. He feels the only commands he needs to take are those given by Rapture, and of course Megatron, he tends to give most others the brush off. He has absolutely no tolerance for ignorance and stupidity. He has no problems being in the low ranks as long as he gets the chance to frag an Autobot every now an then, but will welcome the opportunity to move up the ranks.

The Energon whip is a stunning weapon. Allowing him to “daze” his enemies long enough to get in a cheap shot or shoot them with his seeker arm mounted lasers. The whip can also be turned into an energy sword when it is put into a solid setting. It can also be used in alt mode as a grapple in jet mode, allowing him to drag his enemies or drop them from heights. The Electromagnetic Pulse bombs drop on ground units, exploding before contact into numerous mini shells, which spread debilitating electrical energy over an area of 10,000 square feet. He also carries the standard twin arm-mounted twin laser rifles that are the hallmark of the Seekers. He can reach a top speed of Mach 2.9 in jet mode, and as a Seeker, Daze can reach Mach one in robot mode. His maximum range is 3500 miles, with a flight ceiling of 52 miles.

His attitude can sometimes cause other cons to dislike him. His low-tech skill hinders him in tasks that require advanced technical knowledge. This is mostly because he refuses to admit to his lack of skill. Daze’s mediocre endurance makes him vulnerable if cornered, forcing him to rely on his speed and agility for attack and escape.

Polyhex-Shockwave’s tower main hangar.

Daze enters the hangar to find Skywarp, Thundercracker, and Silverstrike engaged in a conversation over their next mission. Thundercracker took notice of Daze’s presence, he and Skywarp then proceed to accuse him of eaves dropping.

“You two are nothing more than Rapture’s lackeys. Insults from unskilled suck ups mean very little to me”

He then stared up placing his right hand on Thundercracker’s shoulder and leaned in slightly.

“Besides we all know you’re just angry because I was put here on sheer skill, where you are here because your lips are placed firmly on Megatron’s chassis.”

In an instant he was then standing behind Skywarp. Anticipating he would laugh.

“An you before you even think of polluting my preceptors with that ridiculous laugh. I cannot even fathom a reason why you are here aside from that you would take any order even if it were to extinguish your own spark.”

His attention then went to Silverstike and he darted towards her.

“And what’s a shiny chassis like this doing conversing with two ill mannered buffoons such as these.
Tell me having of dealt with them for so long has it ever crossed your mind to put that pretty little blade of yours through their optics, I’m sure you could easily pass it off as an accident.”

He then shot up behind Skywarp again.

“Do I sense yet another of those annoying snickers coming on, please spare us all. Every time I hear it I feel my intelligence dropping.”

He then steps backward, away from the three.

“You two think you’re so heavily armed with all your lasers an bombs, Ha. Brawn and an empty head mean nothing when you’ve got moves like this.”

He then turned to the door and began to walk away, an pulled one of his static nerve capsule out an flung his arm back.

“Hey Skywarp catch!”

Looks pretty good...I edited in his metric height and the correct speed (Speed 8 = max of Mach 2.9). I'm assuming you asked Tas and Silver for permission to use their characters in the profile? Shoot me a PM to let me know, or have one of them PM me to confirm. Once I know that, I can approve Daze.

Tas PMed me, so consider this approved (with the bolded changes, of course).
The J Writer
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Re: Post your NEW character applications here!

Postby Jeep? » Fri May 02, 2008 9:45 am

Name: Bombsight
Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Soldier, sabateur
Alt. mode: Cybertronian hovercraft
Weapons: Main weapon - Single shot solid-slug rifle.
Side-arms - laser pistol, survival knife
Special Abilities: None
Height: 26 feet/ 7.9 metres
Quote: "Strength is just an accident, arising from the weakness of others."

RANK: Assigned by RPG moderators.

Profile: Born of the 'budding' reproductive technique on one of the Cybertronian Empire's cyberformed planets, Bombsight came to Cybertron after the fall of Jhiaxus' Empire. Excelling at sabotage and infiltration, he eschews direct confrontation wherever possible, preferring to leave the fighting to the 'throwback' Decepticons around him. Ultimately, he desires to find other Imperials like himself, and one day join them in reclaiming the stars for the Cybertronian Empire.

Abilities: As an expert sabateur, Bombsight is adept at destroying or disabling vital installations or supply routes. He is also able to function for long periods alone in hostile areas, relying on his wits and survival instinct. Whilst he is capable of speeds of up to 140 miles per hour in his alt mode, he prefers to travel in robot mode in order to make less sound, so his average speed is much lower than expected.

Weaknesses: Bombsight is not a powerful warrior, and is not used to prolonged fighting. If confronted in a fight, he will attempt to retreat, as he knows he cannot hold his own. Also, his scorn for those transformers who were not a part of the Empire often leads him to underestimate those around him.

Sample Post:

Throwbacks. All of them. I can't believe I'm still taking orders from something put together in a workshop...

Bombsight picked his way through the rubble around him, taking in the devastated panorama that made up the ruined city of Vos. Visibility was low, but he was taking no chances, continuing to hug the terrain lest someone spot him.

North. Keep going north.

Bombsight's target was the source of a communication which was being broadcast from the ruins, a feeble transmission asking for help. Chances were, it was simply an old transmission from the days of the Vos-Tarn war, played on a loop, but Bombsight's superiors felt he should investigate - and silence any survivors.
A flutter of movement on the periphery of his vision startled Bombsight, and he ducked behind cover, drawing his laser pistol. Slowly, he peered around the side of the ruined edifice behind which he was sheltering, ready to fire at will. Seeing nothing, not even any further movement, he waited a moment longer, and emerged again, realising that what he had mistaken for movement was simply the rubble moving under his feet. Berating himself for his cowardice, he began his trek once more, moving north towards his destination.

No sigs in RPG forums please -Devastron
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Re: Post your NEW character applications here!

Postby HEADWIND » Sun May 04, 2008 6:03 pm

Name: Wingwrath
Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Close Air Support/Tacital Bomber/Range Fighter/Reacon And Spying.
Alt. mode: Variant of the Tetra (Cybertron)/F35 Lightning
Weapons: Energon Cluster Bombs, Arm-mounted lasers,Energy GAU-22/A 25 cannon
Special Abilities: Sealth Ability,can no be dectected by any know sensors/Fiber optic camoflauge(CLOAK)
Height: 24 ft
Quote: "You Can't Hit What You Can't See!"


Wingwrath started his career during the begining of the 3rd Cybertronian War as a close support fighter aircraft and tactical bomber, He's Stealth capabilites also made him a sufficient spy.An egar Decepticon always willing to prove himself to Megatron and would often volunteer for dangerous missions on his own. He doesn't get along with Starscream and would often ignore his orders.He perticipated in the attack on Iacon and unleashed his Energon Cluster Bombs for the first time which resulted in numourous Autobot casulties, an event that later he will regret and question the Decepticons methods. When most of the Decepticons left Cybertron in pursuit of the Ark, Wingwrath was ordered to stay behind as Shockwave's enforcer to help surpress the remaining Autobots often doing bombing runs on suspected bases. He was deactivated during the Great Shutdown an was revived when the planet came back online. After Shockwave made contact with Megatron 4 million years after his departure, Darkwing was egar to rejoin the rest of the Deceticons and against Shockwave's orders left Cybertron in a shuttle to Earth, Upon entering Earth's atmosphere the shuttle exploded, apparently Shockwave inticipated Wingwrath's insobornation and sabotaged his shuttle in an atempt to destroy him for disloyalty. The blast put Wingwrath into stasis lock as he crashed on Earth. 10 years later Backup systems reactived and ran a diagnosic, followed by a small probe which was to scout the area when it approached a nearby airfield where it scanned an aircraft an its systems and reformatted Wingwrath into the F35 Lightning. With all of his systems back online and satisfied with his new form he set off to find the Decepticons which he did an as ordered by Megatron 4 million years earlier to report on Shockwaves actions in his absence. The explosion altered his personality somewhat,He acts like a Decepticon version of Hot Rod. Although he remains loyal to Megatron he will only attack in self defence and he has become somewhat of a fan of the Aerialbots since their first encouter,now when engaged in air to air battle with them will use only none lethal attacks

Stealth ability's cant be detected by any known sensors, able to bend the light around him making him invisible. Energon Cluster Bombs are extremly powerful.

Energon Cluster Bombs require a lot of energy to charged and drains 75% of energy and when fired weapon systems are offline until recharged 100% Clocked field generator requires a lot of energy and needs to divert weapons power to sustain it therefore, weapons cant be fired while cloaked. Not a powerful melee fighter due to a lighter cybertronian alloy.

Physical Description:
In robot mode looks like a little brother of Starscream, Thundercracker,and Skywarp with minor differences most noticable are the wing design and arm laser. He also has a black and blue color scheme

Sample Post:

Some Random Battlefield

Under the burned out ruins of Iacon, The survivours of the attack remembers only one thing, One lone seeker and it terrible bombardment.

"I entend to change the sample post when I have more time if thats ok If not then I'll roll with this one."
ok I modified his skills to compensate for the cloaking device and changed the name to "Wingwrath" I hope thats not taken..
Last edited by HEADWIND on Sun May 04, 2008 8:55 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Posts: 4
Joined: Fri May 02, 2008 5:39 pm

Re: Post your NEW character applications here!

Postby The J Writer » Sun May 04, 2008 8:17 pm

HEADWIND wrote:Name: Darkwing
Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Close Air Support/Tacital Bomber/Range Fighter/Reacon And Spying.
Alt. mode: Variant of the Tetra (Cybertron)/F35 Lightning
Weapons: Energon Cluster Bombs, Arm-mounted lasers,Energy GAU-22/A 25 cannon
Special Abilities: Sealth Ability,can no be dectected by any know sensors/Fiber optic camoflauge(CLOAK)
Height: 24 ft
Quote: "You Can't Hit What You Can't See!"


Darkwing started his career during the begining of the 3rd Cybertronian War as a close support fighter aircraft and tactical bomber, He's Stealth capabilites also made him a sufficient spy.An egar Decepticon always willing to prove himself to Megatron and would often volunteer for dangerous missions on his own. He doesn't get along with Starscream and would often ignore his orders.He perticipated in the attack on Iacon and unleashed his Energon Cluster Bombs for the first time which resulted in numourous Autobot casulties, an event that later he will regret and question the Decepticons methods. When most of the Decepticons left Cybertron in pursuit of the Ark, Darkwing was ordered to stay behind as Shockwave's enforcer to help surpress the remaining Autobots often doing bombing runs on suspected bases. He was deactivated during the Great Shutdown an was revived when the planet came back online. After Shockwave made contact with Megatron 4 million years after his departure, Darkwing was egar to rejoin the rest of the Deceticons and against Shockwave's orders left Cybertron in a shuttle to Earth, Upon entering Earth's atmosphere the shuttle exploded, apparently Shockwave inticipated Darkwing's insobornation and sabotaged his shuttle in an atempt to destroy him for disloyalty. The blast put Darkwing into stasis lock as he crashed on Earth. 10 years later Backup systems reactived and ran a diagnosic, followed by a small probe which was to scout the area when it approached a nearby airfield where it scanned an aircraft an its systems and reformatted Darkwing into the F35 Lightning. With all of his systems back online and satisfied with his new form he set off to find the Decepticons which he did an as ordered by Megatron 4 million years earlier to report on Shockwaves actions in his absence. The explosion altered his personality somewhat,He acts like a Decepticon version of Hot Rod. Although he remains loyal to Megatron he will only attack in self defence and he has become somewhat of a fan of the Aerialbots since their first encouter,now when engaged in air to air battle with them will use only none lethal attacks

Stealth ability's cant be detected by any known sensors, able to bend the light around him making him invisible. Energon Cluster Bombs are extremly powerful.

Energon Cluster Bombs require a lot of energy to charged and drains 75% of energy and when fired weapon systems are offline until recharged 100% Clocked field generator requires a lot of energy and needs to divert weapons power to sustain it therefore, weapons cant be fired while cloaked. Not a power melee fighter due to a lighter alloy.

Physical Description:
In robot mode looks like a little brother of Starscream, Thundercracker,and Skywarp with minor differences most noticable are the wing design and arm laser

Sample Post:

Some Random Battlefield

Under the burned out ruins of Iacon, The survivours of the attack remembers only one thing, One lone seeker and it terrible bombardment.

"I entend to change the sample post when I have more time if thats ok If not then I'll roll with this one."

Edit it in when you get the chance since we'll need to see something longer than what's there.

As well, a few things. First of all, his name needs to be changed; Darkwing is the name of a canon character. Also, that cloak you want him to have will cost at least 15 stat points. On a related note, his Tech Skill needs to be at least 5 in order to operate a sophisticated piece of technology like a cloak. His history needs a bit of tweaking as well, but we can worry about that after the other stuff gets fixed.
The J Writer
Headmaster Jr
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Re: Post your NEW character applications here!

Postby The J Writer » Sun May 04, 2008 11:50 pm

HEADWIND wrote:Name: Wingwrath
Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Close Air Support/Tacital Bomber/Range Fighter/Reacon And Spying.
Alt. mode: Variant of the Tetra (Cybertron)/F35 Lightning
Weapons: Energon Cluster Bombs, Arm-mounted lasers,Energy GAU-22/A 25 cannon
Special Abilities: Sealth Ability,can no be dectected by any know sensors/Fiber optic camoflauge(CLOAK)
Height: 24 ft
Quote: "You Can't Hit What You Can't See!"


Wingwrath started his career during the begining of the 3rd Cybertronian War as a close support fighter aircraft and tactical bomber, He's Stealth capabilites also made him a sufficient spy.An egar Decepticon always willing to prove himself to Megatron and would often volunteer for dangerous missions on his own. He doesn't get along with Starscream and would often ignore his orders.He perticipated in the attack on Iacon and unleashed his Energon Cluster Bombs for the first time which resulted in numourous Autobot casulties, an event that later he will regret and question the Decepticons methods. When most of the Decepticons left Cybertron in pursuit of the Ark, Wingwrath was ordered to stay behind as Shockwave's enforcer to help surpress the remaining Autobots often doing bombing runs on suspected bases. He was deactivated during the Great Shutdown an was revived when the planet came back online. After Shockwave made contact with Megatron 4 million years after his departure, Darkwing was egar to rejoin the rest of the Deceticons and against Shockwave's orders left Cybertron in a shuttle to Earth, Upon entering Earth's atmosphere the shuttle exploded, apparently Shockwave inticipated Wingwrath's insobornation and sabotaged his shuttle in an atempt to destroy him for disloyalty. The blast put Wingwrath into stasis lock as he crashed on Earth. 10 years later Backup systems reactived and ran a diagnosic, followed by a small probe which was to scout the area when it approached a nearby airfield where it scanned an aircraft an its systems and reformatted Wingwrath into the F35 Lightning. With all of his systems back online and satisfied with his new form he set off to find the Decepticons which he did an as ordered by Megatron 4 million years earlier to report on Shockwaves actions in his absence. The explosion altered his personality somewhat,He acts like a Decepticon version of Hot Rod. Although he remains loyal to Megatron he will only attack in self defence and he has become somewhat of a fan of the Aerialbots since their first encouter,now when engaged in air to air battle with them will use only none lethal attacks

Stealth ability's cant be detected by any known sensors, able to bend the light around him making him invisible. Energon Cluster Bombs are extremly powerful.

Energon Cluster Bombs require a lot of energy to charged and drains 75% of energy and when fired weapon systems are offline until recharged 100% Clocked field generator requires a lot of energy and needs to divert weapons power to sustain it therefore, weapons cant be fired while cloaked. Not a powerful melee fighter due to a lighter cybertronian alloy.

Physical Description:
In robot mode looks like a little brother of Starscream, Thundercracker,and Skywarp with minor differences most noticable are the wing design and arm laser. He also has a black and blue color scheme

Sample Post:

Some Random Battlefield

Under the burned out ruins of Iacon, The survivours of the attack remembers only one thing, One lone seeker and it terrible bombardment.

"I entend to change the sample post when I have more time if thats ok If not then I'll roll with this one."
ok I modified his skills to compensate for the cloaking device and changed the name to "Wingwrath" I hope thats not taken..

Name is fine now. Still needs a proper sample post...and perhaps a spellcheck as well.
The J Writer
Headmaster Jr
Posts: 564
Joined: Wed May 07, 2003 2:48 am

Re: Post your NEW character applications here!

Postby The J Writer » Sun May 04, 2008 11:54 pm

Jeep! wrote:Name: Bombsight
Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Soldier, sabateur
Alt. mode: Cybertronian hovercraft
Weapons: Main weapon - Single shot solid-slug rifle.
Side-arms - laser pistol, survival knife
Special Abilities: None
Height: 26 feet/ 7.9 metres
Quote: "Strength is just an accident, arising from the weakness of others."

RANK: Assigned by RPG moderators.

Profile: Born of the 'budding' reproductive technique on one of the Cybertronian Empire's cyberformed planets, Bombsight came to Cybertron after the fall of Jhiaxus' Empire. Excelling at sabotage and infiltration, he eschews direct confrontation wherever possible, preferring to leave the fighting to the 'throwback' Decepticons around him. Ultimately, he desires to find other Imperials like himself, and one day join them in reclaiming the stars for the Cybertronian Empire.

Abilities: As an expert sabateur, Bombsight is adept at destroying or disabling vital installations or supply routes. He is also able to function for long periods alone in hostile areas, relying on his wits and survival instinct. Whilst he is capable of speeds of up to 140 miles per hour in his alt mode, he prefers to travel in robot mode in order to make less sound, so his average speed is much lower than expected.

Weaknesses: Bombsight is not a powerful warrior, and is not used to prolonged fighting. If confronted in a fight, he will attempt to retreat, as he knows he cannot hold his own. Also, his scorn for those transformers who were not a part of the Empire often leads him to underestimate those around him.

Sample Post:

Throwbacks. All of them. I can't believe I'm still taking orders from something put together in a workshop...

Bombsight picked his way through the rubble around him, taking in the devastated panorama that made up the ruined city of Vos. Visibility was low, but he was taking no chances, continuing to hug the terrain lest someone spot him.

North. Keep going north.

Bombsight's target was the source of a communication which was being broadcast from the ruins, a feeble transmission asking for help. Chances were, it was simply an old transmission from the days of the Vos-Tarn war, played on a loop, but Bombsight's superiors felt he should investigate - and silence any survivors.
A flutter of movement on the periphery of his vision startled Bombsight, and he ducked behind cover, drawing his laser pistol. Slowly, he peered around the side of the ruined edifice behind which he was sheltering, ready to fire at will. Seeing nothing, not even any further movement, he waited a moment longer, and emerged again, realising that what he had mistaken for movement was simply the rubble moving under his feet. Berating himself for his cowardice, he began his trek once more, moving north towards his destination.

No sigs in RPG forums please -Devastron

I'm not sure how much sabotage this guy could do with a Tech Skill of just 2. I'd bump that up somehow if you want him to be able to do much beyond operate doors and reload his weapon. The real snag with this guy is his background, though...we haven't introduced the Cybertronian Empire into this incarnation of the RPG, so it's not possible to have a character hailing from one of its colony worlds. So the backstory needs a good bit of tweaking. All in all, though, this is a solid, well-written application. Just needs some changes.
The J Writer
Headmaster Jr
Posts: 564
Joined: Wed May 07, 2003 2:48 am

Re: Post your NEW character applications here!

Postby HEADWIND » Wed May 07, 2008 10:22 pm

Name: Wingwrath
Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Close Air Support/Tactical Bomber/Range Fighter/Recon
Alt. mode: Variant of the Tetra (Cybertron)/F35 Lightning
Weapons: Energon Cluster Bombs, Arm-mounted lasers, Energy GAU-22/A 25 cannon
Special Abilities: Able to phase through solid objects for a few seconds
Height: 24 ft
Quote: "You Can't Hit What You Can't Touch!"


Wingwrath started his career during the beginning of the 3rd Cybertronian War as a close support fighter aircraft and tactical bomber. An egger Decepticon always willing to prove himself to Megatron and would often volunteer for dangerous missions on his own. He doesn't get along with Starscream and would often ignore his orders, While he tends to lend more towards Thundercracker and Skywarp as older brothers. He participated in many attacks on Autobot encampments and when he unleash his Energon Cluster Bombs for the first time which resulted in numerous Autobot casualties, When most of the Decepticons left Cybertron in pursuit of the Ark, Wingwrath was ordered to stay behind as Shockwave's enforcer to help suppress the remaining Autobots often doing bombing runs on suspected bases. He was deactivated during the Great Shutdown an was revived when the planet came back online. After Shockwave made contact with Megatron 4 million years after his departure, Darkwing was egger to rejoin the rest of the Deceticons and against Shockwave's orders left Cybertron in a shuttle to Earth, Upon entering Earth's atmosphere the shuttle exploded, apparently Shockwave anticipated Wingwrath's Insobornation and sabotaged his shuttle in an attempt to destroy him for disloyalty. The blast put Wingwrath into stasis lock as he crashed on Earth. 10 years later Backup systems reactivated and ran a diagnostic, followed by a small probe which was to scout the area when it approached a nearby airfield where it scanned an aircraft an its systems and reformatted Wingwrath into the F35 Lightning. With all of his systems back online and satisfied with his new form he set off to find the Decepticons which he did and as ordered by Megatron 4 million years earlier to report on Shockwaves actions in his absence. The explosion altered his personality somewhat. He acts like a Decepticon version of Hot Rod. Although he remains loyal to Megatron he has become somewhat of a fan of the Aerialbots since their first encounter now when engaged in air to air battle with them will use only none lethal attacks. Wingwrath is headstrong at times but, a very good warrior none the least.

Energon Cluster Bombs are extremely powerful. Able to phase through solid objects for a few seconds at a time, very accurate weapons fire in robot mode due to modified stabilizers in the arms. Very good air to air combat capabilities and a very effective bomber in alt mode.

Energon Cluster Bombs require a lot of energy to charged and drains 75% of energy and when fired weapon systems are offline until recharged 100% Phasing drains energy at a steady rate and when used in alt mode causes engines to stall.

Physical Description:
In robot mode looks like a little brother of Starscream, Thundercracker,and Skywarp with minor differences most noticeable are the wing design and arm laser. He also has a black and blue color scheme

Sample Post:

Some Random Battlefield
The Koan badlands
Starscream is about to take some new seeker recruits on their final training mission.

Headwind “This is it, our last training mission. Where they separate the Decepticons from the Drones..”

Wingwrath “About time…I thought I was going to shutdown if I waited any longer.”

Headwind “I hear ya..I’m tired of looking after half slagged prisoners.”

Wingwrath “What do you think this Starscream is like?”

Contrail “He’s the Air commander of the Decepticons and Megatron’s second in command.”

Headwind “I hear he’s a lunatic.”

Contrail “Quiet, Here he comes now.”

Starcream “Ok rookie’s, This is your one shot and one shot only to prove you are not just another recall model, This test will your air to air capabilities although Decepticons naturally reign supreme in the skies, You never know when someone or something will rise to challenge your authority. Now then you will be divided in groups , You three are with me, while Thundercracker ‘s group is your opposition. Remember, they will be trying to slag you so take them down anyway you can got it. Those who pass will be a welcomed addition to our Seekers force. Now with that said, Decepticons, transform and follow me.”

They all transform and take to the skies.

Starscream “ Wingwrath, I want you on my wing and Contrail, cover my six. Headwind, take the right flank.”

Headwind “ Yes sir.”

Starscream “You don’t have to be so formal…”
Headwind “Yes sir.”

Starscream “ *sigh* Nevermind…”

Contrail “My sensor are scrap, Hey Wingwrath, See anything yet?”
Wingwrath “ Not yet…all quiet so far.”

Contrail “How many times have I heard that one..All clear then boom!”

Starscream “Cut the chatter, we have inbound.”

Wingwrath” I see em.”

Headwind “There’s more than a group of four…looks like twelve, no, fourteen.”

Contrail “Don’t get your afterburners in a bunch, they’re only drones. The real threat is Thundercracker.”

Starscreams “You are clear to engage.”

Wingwrath “Confirmed.”

Within moments the drones have the seeker rookies surrounded. And suddenly Starscreams peels off.

Starscream “Weapons are not responding Im disengaging. Wingwrath, you take the lead.”

Wingwrath, “What!?”

Contrail “You heard em. We can take them one on one if you’d like.”

Wingwrath. “Alright break and attack.”

Headwind “ You got it.”

Starscream transforms and lands to observe the battle from below. “Now Let’s see what they can do.”

Wingwrath “Ok I got these two. (Locks on two drones and fires.) “Two down.”

Contrail “Ok I got a lock, I’m about to turn you into autobot scrap.” (he fires and downs one of the drones.) “Ha splash one drone.”

Headwind “These two are mine.” (Headwind downs two drones of his own.) Two at a time..that’s how you work. This is way too easy, Like shooting Autobots in a cargo hold.”

Wingwrath “Heads up, don’t get cocky.” (soon as he says that, two drones close in on him from the rear.)

Headwind “You got two on your six, they are locked on to you.”

Wingwrath “I see em.” (the drones close in.) “Scrap, persistent aren’t they.” (He tries to out maneuver the drones but they are able to keep up and closing fast.)

Headwind “They’ve fired their missles, break hard right now..”

Wingwrath “Come and get me….(he tries to shake the missiles to no avail but before the missiles could impact Wingwrath sudden phase almost out of sight and the missiles past right through him.)

Headwind “What The.”

Starscream “Hmmmm Interesting.”
I plan on finishing this but this is just a sample, I hope its enough to get accepted cause right now im at work. And I changed some things and dropped the cloak.
Last edited by HEADWIND on Sat May 24, 2008 6:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 4
Joined: Fri May 02, 2008 5:39 pm

Re: Post your NEW character applications here!

Postby JaAm » Thu May 08, 2008 5:52 pm


Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Explosive expert
Alt. mode: Cybertronian Space Jet
Weapons: 4 "pithound" missile tubes (vehicle mode only) two laser SMGS, "stick" explosives.
Special Abilities: Able to reach escape velocity from a planet’s gravitational pull, flight in robot mode
Height: 35 ft / 10.68 m
Quote: "Do not quit until nothing is left."

RANK: (5-6ish?)

Profile: A master of bombs and explosions, Bunker-buster, (BB for short) has a near-encyclopedic knowledge of his field. Practically obsessed with blowing things up, this pyromaniac loves nothing more than to be in a place where he could shoot to his spark's content. His love of explosions extends to the point where some 'cons claim to see the fires of the pit burning in his eyes. He doesn't talk a whole lot, but he understands his orders and follows them to the letter. This kind of obedience has earned him a reputation among his CO's who love him. However, his peers have less-than-kind things to say about him.

Abilities: Bunker-buster can reach escape velocity. His "Pithounds" are a modified version of standard Decepticon Radar missles, modified usinga special fromula to double the damage output and the area of explosion. His "Stick" grenades utilize special magnets to latch to targets, givng them a moment to realize their fate. He also has dual SMGs for situations where explosions won't work.

Weaknesses; Bunker Buster has incredibly bad judgement. He has absolutly no leadership skills, and cannot make decisions on his own. He will always need someone else to make up his mind for him. Also, the Pithound missiles can be jammed, ruining their effectiveness. His grenades can only stick to metal, also limiting their effectiveness. Also, other decepticons hate his being a yes-mech, and aren't too friendly around him.

Sample post:

Polyhex/Iacon Border

Bunker-buster was visibly shaken by what he was seeing. Of course, so were his wingmechs. The observation outpost that the Autobots had established among the border had been attacked. High command had heard of the attack, and had sent a squad of ‘Cons, including BB, to look into it. Of course, it was all politics. High command had wanted that outpost watched, so they could know what the Autobots were planning. When it had been wrecked, they wanted to know who violated orders.

The investigation force was coming in now. BB already could smell sulfur and nitrogen. Guess this wasn’t an accident, thought BB. As they got closer, they cold see the outpost, or at least what was left of it. The walls had a gaping hole in them, which BB noted had the average diameter of a standard torpedo explosion. The walls were covered with spikes, one having a dead autobot mounted on it. Venom, the psychological warfare expert, said something about how bloodthirsty these people must have been, making an analogy to his own team.

Espionage outpost kappa

As the task force landed and transformed in the outpost, the result of the massacre became apparent. Charred corpses scattered the ground. Wrecked equipment was strewn everywhere. Bunker-buster leaned over to one of the corpses and grabbed one of its hands. It broke off with ease. Heavily charred, probably an incendiary grenade, he concluded. Still holding the hand in his, he turned to look at one of the other experts, who asked, “What happened here?”, a question they all were thinking. All of them, except Bunker-buster, who pondered something else, as he clenched his fist crushing the hand he was holding.

The question is, why wasn’t I here to participate?
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Transformers Podcast: Twincast / Podcast #358 - Size Wars
Twincast / Podcast #358:
"Size Wars"
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Posted: Saturday, September 7th, 2024

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