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Transformers movie NOT to be shot in Canada!

Transformers News: Transformers movie NOT to be shot in Canada!
Date: Friday, December 16th 2005 3:07pm CST
Category: Movie Related News
Posted by: Raymond T. | Credit(s):

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Views: 55,873

Several reports has been flooding the web that the upcoming movie, to be directed by Michael Bay will be shot in Vancouver, Canada and is set for a February shoot. As can be read in the following news items.

"HNR can now confirm that Michael Bay (Armageddon, The Rock) is set to roll into town to shoot his next mega flick, the live action version of Transformers! Set construction in North Vancouver is set to begin in February 2006 with a Spring start tipped".
Hollywood North Report
Comic Book Resources

"Transformers: The film crew is scouting locations and trying to lock down studio space in Vancouver for a ten month lease starting this February".
Dark Horizons

However, Don Murphy, the producer of the movie as disclaimed any truth of this as he posted the following on his site in regards to these reports.

"There is Zero truth to this.
Michael has categorically stated that he is shooting in the United States"

Bryce: Location scouting and designing has begun for TF movie

Transformers News: Bryce: Location scouting and designing has begun for TF movie
Date: Thursday, December 15th 2005 12:55am CST
Category: Movie Related News
Posted by: Seibertron | Credit(s): Hotrod

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Views: 55,672

According to Hotrod, Ian Bryce, the line producer for the Transformers movie, has posted a message on Don Murphy's message board saying designing and location scouting has begun for the Transformers movie.

Hello all.... lots of design and location scouting going on at present....exploring locations all over U.S. (and elsewhere)....many states offer filming rebates/incentives....checking all out....many cool designs already....Bay very excited....

Design team includes Jeff Mann (Terminator 3) and many great illustrators who have worked on many big studio films.....also have full location staff and starting set designs.....ILM (Lucas' visual effects house) also working with us on elements of the robot designs.....things moving forward.....working on budget.....hiring will accelerate in January....aiming for summer filming.....may film one sequence early (April)....

You can view the original thread at Don Murphy's message board.

Arcee Dropped from DreamWorks Transformers Movie

Transformers News: Arcee Dropped from DreamWorks Transformers Movie
Date: Tuesday, December 13th 2005 10:46pm CST
Category: Movie Related News
Posted by: Alex Kingdom | Credit(s): JazZeke, Don Murphy Message Board

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Views: 63,643

Roberto Orci, half of the current writting team of the forthcoming DreamWorks Transfomers Movie has let it be known that Arcee has been cut from the movie. He writes on the Don Murphy Message Board:

I hope that all those who hate Arcee will be gracious to those who love her. And to all those who wanted to see her, you should know the decision was not based on a mere dislike of the character, nor an attempt to defeminize the franchise. The decision is, at this point, story driven

See the original thread here.

Neil Kaplan contacts Don Murphy!

Transformers News: Neil Kaplan contacts Don Murphy!
Date: Monday, December 12th 2005 7:20pm CST
Categories: Movie Related News, People News
Posted by: Raymond T. | Credit(s):

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Views: 77,939

Neil Kaplan, the voice actor of Ro-Tor and of course Optimus Prime from Robots In Disguise, has contacted Don Murphy by E-mail. This hot on the heels after Gary Chalk (Armada, Energon and Cybertron Optimus Prime) made a similar contact with the producer of the new Transformers Live action movie.

The E-mail, which we can report was actually send several weeks ago, was made public by Don Murphy on the board of his site. The following is Neil Kaplan's E-mail as it was posted by Murphy.

Hello Mr. Murphy...

My name is Neil Kaplan. I am one of only three actors in the world to officially play Optimus Prime; leader of the Autobots.

I realize that in the grand Transformer universe Peter Cullen is Sean Connery (THE man!)... and Gary Chalk is Timothy Dalton... and I am thought of as "the George Lazenby of the Transformer world!"

--You know, I always did like "On Her Majesty's Secret Service."--

Since posting Gary Chalk's e-mail on your website, I have received several pieces of wonderful e-mail from fans in urging me to get involved with the long awaited live action adventures.

I just want you to know that I am very interested in playing ANY of the many transformers in the
upcoming films.

And yes, if given the chance I would be thrilled to read for the role of Optimus Prime.

Thank you sincerely for your time and consideration.

Neil Kaplan

P.S. you will find attached a one minute demo of some of my animation work, including Optimus Prime from the FOX-TV series "Transformers: Robots in Disguise."

Another Don Murphy Sunday update

Transformers News: Another Don Murphy Sunday update
Date: Sunday, December 11th 2005 1:34pm CST
Category: Movie Related News
Posted by: Raymond T. | Credit(s):

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Views: 50,524

Don Murphy, producer of the upcoming Transformers live action movie, has given another one of his Sunday updates over on the board of his site. The following is an excerpt from his post, related to how things currently stand with the movie.

"Roberto, Alex, Michael and Steven met to go over everyone’s notes and now the writers are hard at work on a rewrite- one that, since it will be further along I will feel more comfortable telling you about, I hope. The initial budget has gone in to the studio and there is now the inevitable back and forth about this and that to close the deal. The film is on track to Greatness.

Basically we are in the “in-between” place, just before Xmas too, as the various pieces of the movie work themselves out. It all feels good, but things need to coalesce before there is any meaningful news to discuss".

Paramount Set to Buy DreamWorks

Transformers News: Paramount Set to Buy DreamWorks
Date: Saturday, December 10th 2005 3:52am CST
Categories: Movie Related News, Company News
Posted by: Alex Kingdom | Credit(s): Seibertron, Los Angeles Times

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Views: 63,647

It has been reported that Paramount Pictures have struck a deal to buy DreamWorks, makers of the forthcoming Transformers Movie. The article reads:

Under the deal, Paramount would gain control of DreamWorks' live-action movie production operation and its relatively small, 60-title library, which includes such Oscar-winning movies as "American Beauty" and "Gladiator."
It also would give Paramount the worldwide distribution rights to all animated movies made by DreamWorks Animation, which was spun off last year to public shareholders and would not be part of the purchase.

It is not clear whether this will affect the making of the Transformers Movie, but there will certainly be some changes at DreamWorks over the coming year.

Read the full article here.

Don Murphy New Transformers Movie Update

Transformers News: Don Murphy New Transformers Movie Update
Date: Monday, December 5th 2005 11:03pm CST
Category: Movie Related News
Posted by: Alex Kingdom | Credit(s): TFW2005, Don Murphy Message Board

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Views: 55,300

Don Murphy has posted a few updateds on the Status of the forthcoming Transformers Movie from Dreamworks on his message board, including:

- Confirmation that there is some mass/volume shifting in the current script but not a lot.
- Arcee is still in the script, but does not appear a lot.
- When asked if things are still OK for a 7/4/07 release, Don responds "stay on target".
- "deals are still being worked out" for most of the alternate modes, so what is in the script now may be subject to change.
- When asked about how far off the casting process is, and if he's discussed this with Michael Bay, Mr. Murphy said "BUDGET is next, it will be a big discussion BUDGET"
- Assurance that "Michael WANTS to make the film." - In response to a question about Michael Bay's level of enthusiasm for the movie.
- And a hint that Don hopes to see furture Transformers Movies after this one, "Suffice it to say, I still believe that this film is gonna be the first of many, many cool Transformers films."

Read it all here at the Don Murphy Message Board.

Line Producer added to the Transformers movie crew

Transformers News: Line Producer added to the Transformers movie crew
Date: Sunday, November 20th 2005 5:53pm CST
Category: Movie Related News
Posted by: Raymond T. | Credit(s):

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Views: 50,529

Don Murphy announced on his board today that they have added another producer to the crew for the Transformers movie. His name is Ian Bryce. In the following excerpts, taken from the board, Don Murphy tells us about Bryce and what function he will fill.

"Welcome to the project Mr. Ian Bryce. Ian will produce this movie with Tom Desanto, Mr. Lorenzo, and myself. He will have the hardest and most thankless job of all, functioning in the line producer position. Basically, that means that he makes sure we all finish on time and on schedule. At gunpoint if need be.

Ian is one of the biggest and most successful people in Hollywood in his job. I first crossed paths with him ten years ago when Oliver Stone and I tried to do a good update of PLANET OF THE APES. Since that time he’s done a few little films that you have heard of, like SPIDER-MAN and SAVING PRIVATE RYAN. Most recently he worked with out director on the terrific summer film, THE ISLAND".

"Ian, having worked with Michael before, also will be having significant impact on the creative decisions of the film. Yes, he knows about the voice actor movement. Yes, he knows about the board and like the writers, Tom and the DW execs, he will hopefully come and interact with you. Yes, this is big news for the project insofar as you only bring someone like this on when you are seriously close to making the film."

Garry Chalk contacts Don Murphy!

Transformers News: Garry Chalk contacts Don Murphy!
Date: Friday, November 18th 2005 11:48am CST
Category: Movie Related News
Posted by: Raymond T. | Credit(s):

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Views: 58,392

Don Murphy, Producer of the upcoming Transformers movie, has been contacted by someone claiming to be Gary Chalk. On his board, Murphy expresses that he believes it was actually the Optimus Prime Voice actor from Armada, Energon and Cybertron, who of course first started as Optimus Primal in Beast Wars.

Don Murphy wanted to know what the fans thought about this so he placed the E-mail for all to read. The following is a direct copy of the Mail, as posted on the Don Murphy Board.

"Dear Don,
I have been voicing Optimus prime for 12 years. I had heard that you will be doing a feature length film some time in the near future.
Will it be possible for me, a Canadian, to read for the part of Optimus? Just curious. I've been working my butt off doing the ADR for very little money and the prelay earlier in the 90's as well as the Botcon conventions. I did the ADR as a personal favor for my friends at voicebox productions and because I like doing the show. I met a lot of the fans of the show and found their passion for animation quite energizing for me. All I am asking is that you give me an opportunity to audition for the movie if it ever comes into being. Drop me a line.
I'd love to hear from you. Garry Chalk, (Optimus Prime)
Ah, what the hell. Yes I am a big fan of your movies. From Hell is my favorite.

Garry Chalk"

Don Murphy giving the lowdown

Transformers News: Don Murphy giving the lowdown
Date: Sunday, November 13th 2005 2:57pm CST
Category: Movie Related News
Posted by: Raymond T. | Credit(s):

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Views: 51,151

After several months of silence, Don Murphy has once again given an update on the going-ons surrounding the live-action movie. On the board of the official site, the producer, he can be seen making his posts once again.

The following are quotes taken from his posts on the DM-board.

"I read the Kurtzman and Orci draft this week. A seriously terrific piece of writing. There is a reason why these guys are so in demand. The draft I read Mr. Bay has been working on with them for many weeks. There are still things that can be done on it, and will be, but it is a seriously kick ass piece of writing.

Which leads me again to something that I cannot repeat often enough. This film WILL NEVER BE like the cartoon or the comic. There is one reason for that- we are NOT making an animated film. We never were. If you want JUST giant robots kicking each other’s ass (and that is perfectly cool) you have the dvds, the comics, the new ova dvds. We are making a live action summer blockbuster designed to introduce the idea of Transformers to a worldwide audience. That means humans aplenty in a film where they respond to the robots".

"I’m not going to discuss the content of the script at this point. I need to hear from Tom Desanto, and the Dreamworks team, and the director, so ask all your questions, they won’t be answered. We are pretty far along now… I think the fan desires have been properly registered and noted. Let’s see what happens.

What I will note is that this bold experiment of ours seems to be working. Through this board, for the first time, a filmmaking team has interacted with the fans of the property from the very beginning. The producers, the writers, Hasbro, the studio- everyone has been able to come on, ask questions, and interact. The script I read is a direct result if this interaction. Be proud of what you have done so far, and stick around, there is more work to do".

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