Transformers: Universe In-Depth Videos
Sunday, June 8th, 2014 6:50PM CDT
Category: Game NewsPosted by: Mindmaster Views: 14,907
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Posted by Rex Prime on June 29th, 2014 @ 3:36pm CDT
Wasp-shot23 wrote:Whoa, hold up... Rampart?? Oh no you didn't, Jagex...
I got the proof right here that last summer I came up with my own bot called Rampart. A name which has never before been used.
In my description of him and little concept sketch, I described him as a) a Decepticon, b) a heavy hitter and c) a land vehicle with a pointed plough blade front end.
I dunno, people have sued for less is all I'm saying.
Just give us a figure of this guy so I can pretend I have had an effect on the canon TF world at large.
Holy Sh*t! Someone at Jagex could be a big fan of you.
A big number of Beta Invites were sent today, and the game is actually a decent game. A good MOBA style game, though I don't like MOBAs. I managed to like this somehow, it's a pretty fun game, and not as Pay2Win as I thought it would be. Relics are rather easy to get, and I could easily get a new hero after a few hours of gameplay.
Also, here is something not surprising. There is a HUGE number of autobots but a few cons. The autobot base is like FULL! But the Con base is rather empty. However, the Cons are winning the war, %62 precent win-rate right now. Decepticons however are not OP, since the classes/heroes that each faction uses are the same except with different models and names, the guns/weapons have the exact same look/function/s-tech/damage value as it's autobot counterpart.
Posted by VirusCarnage on June 30th, 2014 @ 3:00am CDT
Posted by 1PrimeProductions on July 10th, 2014 @ 10:49am CDT
Posted by VirusCarnage on July 10th, 2014 @ 11:01am CDT
1PrimeProductions wrote:I think flying characters would be a great addition to the game.
Yeah so do I, they might be a bit overpowered though.
Posted by 1PrimeProductions on July 10th, 2014 @ 3:59pm CDT
VirusCarnage wrote:1PrimeProductions wrote:I think flying characters would be a great addition to the game.
Yeah so do I, they might be a bit overpowered though.
If done like the WFC/FOC counterparts, (after all they are in the same universe

Posted by LOST Cybertronian on July 10th, 2014 @ 11:07pm CDT
Posted by NOOBMEATSHIELD on July 16th, 2014 @ 11:12am CDT
Posted by Va'al on July 25th, 2014 @ 11:35am CDT
The faction war intensifies between the Autobots and Decepticons with the reveal of the latest two warriors, available to recruit in the next game update.
When his mentor left him, Autobot Swagger had to fend for himself and learn how to fight the hard way. This led to an unorthodox style, combining dazzling swordsmanship with high-tech gadgetry. Over-confidence is now this Autobot's weakness, and his biggest challenge is keeping his mouthplate shut. Only under the right command can he stealth like a shinobi, and strike like a samurai! Find out more about him on the video below and his full bio page.
Decepticon Diabla is notoriously corrupt and devious, and an archenemy to the entire Autobot army. Small and unassuming at first glance, enemies that get too close will find their systems failing, their Energon depolarized, and an arm blade planted in their mainframe. Find out more about her on the video below and her full bio page.
Both of these warriors come with a new vehicle form – motorbikes! Feel the increased agility and ease of making a getaway. Keep an eye on Transformers Universe for more warrior intel – and be sure to discuss these two warriors on our forum.
Posted by griftimus prime on July 25th, 2014 @ 11:40am CDT
they need to make figures based off the designs in this game
Posted by griftimus prime on July 25th, 2014 @ 12:04pm CDT
Posted by welcometothedarksyde on July 25th, 2014 @ 12:49pm CDT

Posted by PrymeStriker on July 25th, 2014 @ 9:45pm CDT
Posted by Deadput on July 26th, 2014 @ 1:54am CDT
i discovered Swagger a few months ago on the TFU fourms
my name there is Deadput and i discovered many names besides Swagger including


Bombast (is the autobot in alt mode in Daiabla's vid)

This autobot (no name right now)

and finally the Decepticon Rollcage

Posted by Va'al on August 13th, 2014 @ 5:23am CDT
Join us as we go behind the scenes of Transformers Universe, bring you closer to the guys that are making the game.
In this episode we catch-up with Vice President David Nicholson for some updates that have been dropping into the game, get top game tips from the team and some of our top players, and we head on over to LA to check in with the two major stars – Optimus Prime & Megatron! Learn more about the VO work they've been doing in-game and get a sneak peak at an upcoming project.
Want to know more about TU? Head on over to our website and try the game right now @ -- After you've watched the video of course.
Posted by Bonfire on August 13th, 2014 @ 12:08pm CDT
Posted by Deadput on August 13th, 2014 @ 6:00pm CDT
Bonfire wrote:A.) the game look freaking awesome, and B.) You can play it now right?
Yes it has been playable for 2 or 3 months.
Posted by Bonfire on August 14th, 2014 @ 11:37am CDT
mirageandjazz1197 wrote:Bonfire wrote:A.) the game look freaking awesome, and B.) You can play it now right?
Yes it has been playable for 2 or 3 months.
I started playing it yesterday, and I must say, it is quite good, for a game in beta. I like how you can go into kinda free roam and do random missions with friends. Like just beating terrorcons with other bots. Just endless mission/waves is a good idea. Keep on going whoever made the game, It's pretty awesome!
Posted by Tyrannacon on August 16th, 2014 @ 12:04pm CDT
Posted by Va'al on August 20th, 2014 @ 6:28am CDT
n Cambridge, the city where the studio is based, the tasks aren't quite as mystical, but as Jagex head of IT Barry Zubel told Computing, their completion will reap rewards for both developers and players as the studio prepares to launch its next blockbuster title: Transformers Universe.
"Our biggest project is virtualisation and that's going to be a big winner for us," he said, describing how "we've historically not virtualised anything operationally" due to the limits it would put on game performance – but that's changing.
"The closer we can push the game servers to our customers, the better the connectivity," said Zubel, who added that while RuneScape is able to function on high latency connections, the upcoming Transformers Universe isn't so tolerant, so Jagex has been attempting to install servers nearer to players.
"Transformers is a little less forgiving because of the game that it is, so we've been looking at placing servers in places where players will be," he said.
Posted by Va'al on September 1st, 2014 @ 1:24pm CDT
Decepticons of Transformers Universe! We thought we'd share a little advanced teaser with you of a new warrior that's on the horizon. Keep your crazy excitement to a minimum though, we don't want a Pandemic on our hands...
"Peace through tyranny!" #Decepticons #AllHailMegatron
Posted by Nemesis Maximo on September 1st, 2014 @ 4:28pm CDT
Posted by Deadput on September 1st, 2014 @ 6:04pm CDT
Nemesis Maximo wrote:The title of this news post should have been "Jagex is still workong on this". Amiright? Lolololol
Maybe it would be funny if the game was not coming out soon and it was not in open beta.
But since thats not the case your joke is crap.
Not funny
Posted by Gallifreyan Autobot on September 1st, 2014 @ 6:04pm CDT

Posted by TulioDude on September 1st, 2014 @ 6:06pm CDT
Posted by megatronus on September 1st, 2014 @ 9:19pm CDT
Posted by Nemesis Maximo on September 1st, 2014 @ 10:45pm CDT
mirageandjazz1197 wrote:Nemesis Maximo wrote:The title of this news post should have been "Jagex is still workong on this". Amiright? Lolololol
Maybe it would be funny if the game was not coming out soon and it was not in open beta. But since thats not the case your joke is crap.
Jeez, rough crowd.
My point is: I almost feel as though this should have come out before TF: Prime had ended. And I know that decent video games aren't made overnight, but come on - this has been in the works since at 2012, and it changed genres several times. Forgive me if I have become disillusioned with Jagex's vision.
Posted by Gallifreyan Autobot on September 2nd, 2014 @ 12:08am CDT

Posted by megatronus on September 2nd, 2014 @ 7:53am CDT
Nemesis Maximo wrote:mirageandjazz1197 wrote:Nemesis Maximo wrote:The title of this news post should have been "Jagex is still workong on this". Amiright? Lolololol
Maybe it would be funny if the game was not coming out soon and it was not in open beta. But since thats not the case your joke is crap.
Jeez, rough crowd.
My point is: I almost feel as though this should have come out before TF: Prime had ended. And I know that decent video games aren't made overnight, but come on - this has been in the works since at 2012, and it changed genres several times. Forgive me if I have become disillusioned with Jagex's vision.
I think the point was for it to come out around the time Prime ended... but, delays and such. I'm sure there are a few people at Hasbro who are none too pleased at Jagex's performance here.
Posted by PrymeStriker on September 2nd, 2014 @ 3:31pm CDT
Nemesis Maximo wrote:My point is: I almost feel as though this should have come out before TF: Prime had ended.
Why? This game's backstory makes no sense continuity-wise anyway, so what's the point?
And I know that decent video games aren't made overnight, but come on - this has been in the works since at 2012,
Development hell is not unheard of, and it certainly isn't that valid a criticism of a game. If Transformers Universe was an awful piece of crap, you could effectively call them out on this. However, the game has been well-received and is currently being enjoyed by many.
and it changed genres several times.
And yet, the semi-final product has found a happy medium between all the genres they've considered. Imagine that.
Forgive me if I have become disillusioned with Jagex's vision.
Have you played the game at all yet? If so, I'm not sure what your problem is.
Posted by Nemesis Maximo on September 2nd, 2014 @ 4:40pm CDT
PrymeStriker wrote:Nemesis Maximo wrote:My point is: I almost feel as though this should have come out before TF: Prime had ended.
Why? This game's backstory makes no sense continuity-wise anyway, so what's the point?
Art direction; this game is pretty much the TF: Prime Online Game. And I know that the recently released artwork of Megatron is not his TFP body per se, but many of the design elements seem to be based on that continuity more than any others.
And I know that decent video games aren't made overnight, but come on - this has been in the works since at 2012,
PrymeStriker wrote:Development hell is not unheard of, and it certainly isn't that valid a criticism of a game. If Transformers Universe was an awful piece of crap, you could effectively call them out on this. However, the game has been well-received and is currently being enjoyed by many.
That is an excellent point, to which I will concede. It's my fault for not actually hearing what people have to say about the game; my immediate assumption with development hell is that the product rarely comes out pristine, if at all - Duke Nukem Forever, the Halo Motion Picture - I may be comparing apples to oranges, but that's just to illustrate my perspective.
and it changed genres several times.
PrymeStriker wrote:And yet, the semi-final product has found a happy medium between all the genres they've considered. Imagine that.
Also a good point. I stand enlightened.
Forgive me if I have become disillusioned with Jagex's vision.
PrymeStriker wrote:Have you played the game at all yet? If so, I'm not sure what your problem is.
I think problem is a too strong a word in this case. My interest in the game has simply waned over the course of the production. Perhaps disillusioned was also too strong a word on my part.
Posted by Mindmaster on September 6th, 2014 @ 1:36pm CDT
* Challenges will be introduced this Wednesday. Players will be able to challenge one another for rewards. As time progresses, challenges will be given more depth and rewards.
* Drummond Gorge, a new map for the Elimination gametype, is due for release on 17 September. Concurrently released with Drummond Gorge are vidual upgrades for the outer base maps.
* 24 September will see an upgrade for the map "Santa Vega" to rectify some glitches seen on the map, as well as a change to the center of the map to be more vehicle friendly.
* The new gametype "Recon" will be introduced to the game on 1 October. Recon is similar to how Capture the Flag works in Transformers: War for Cybertron and Fall of Cybertron, in that once a player has a flag, they are unable to transform. With its introduction, a new map will also be introduced designed specifically for Recon, with new maps following suit over time.
* New characters in-coming! Jagex-original characters Autobot Outsider and Decepticon Pandemic are coming sometime in September. Two other characters are slated for release in October, but in a neat surprise, they are plucked from Transformers lore... Chromia and Flamewar are joining the Universe fray! No images at this time, though. Not only are they slated to be playable, but two other characters have been leaked to be playable: Autobot inventor and mechanic Wheeljack and the Decepticon with a Ph. D. in narcissism and dismantling, Knock Out! They were leaked along with Outsider, Pandemic, Pitstop, and Contagion not too long ago.

Posted by Peridot on September 6th, 2014 @ 7:27pm CDT
Posted by PrymeStriker on September 6th, 2014 @ 11:19pm CDT
Metro Prime wrote:I've been playing this game for a couple of months now, and I still don't get it. If this game is supposedly in a new continuity, then why is everything so Prime-ish? Bumblebee is literally just the Aligned version with G1 horns, Optimus almost looks like a more detailed version of his Rescue Bots form, and Megatron looks like a weird fusion of his WFC, G1 and Prime bodies. Everyone else is just a more greebled, slightly altered version of their TF:Prime equivalents.
Because it was supposed to be part of the Aligned continuity, which makes matters worse considering this story fits nowhere in it.
Posted by Deadput on September 7th, 2014 @ 12:38am CDT
PrymeStriker wrote:Metro Prime wrote:I've been playing this game for a couple of months now, and I still don't get it. If this game is supposedly in a new continuity, then why is everything so Prime-ish? Bumblebee is literally just the Aligned version with G1 horns, Optimus almost looks like a more detailed version of his Rescue Bots form, and Megatron looks like a weird fusion of his WFC, G1 and Prime bodies. Everyone else is just a more greebled, slightly altered version of their TF:Prime equivalents.
Because it was supposed to be part of the Aligned continuity, which makes matters worse considering this story fits nowhere in it.
That's wrong
It could take place as a prequel to Prime and by the end of the game the only ones left alive are the cast of Prime and RID (the new one) and maybe a few others but besides that all of the other Bots and Cons are dead
Triage: Dead
Drive-By: Dead (he was dying anyways)
Monsoon: Dead
Prowl: Probably dead unless he shows up in Rid.
that's just a few.
Posted by noctorro on September 7th, 2014 @ 3:05am CDT
Going to try it out today.
There was way to much information about this game over the past months and it wasn't even finished yet with no clear launch date.
Is there a date for the normal final version? I read it's still in some sort of pre-version?
Posted by Deadput on September 7th, 2014 @ 10:05am CDT
noctorro wrote:I wanted to ask if it is actually playable but I read that it is!
Going to try it out today.
There was way to much information about this game over the past months and it wasn't even finished yet with no clear launch date.
Is there a date for the normal final version? I read it's still in some sort of pre-version?
No date besides summer
i assume it will either be at the end of summer or shortly after
Jagex does not know themselves but they believe it will be this year.
The game is a little buggy at this moment due to errors with their latest patch but besides that the game is good.
Posted by Rex Prime on September 7th, 2014 @ 12:42pm CDT
noctorro wrote:I wanted to ask if it is actually playable but I read that it is!
Going to try it out today.
There was way to much information about this game over the past months and it wasn't even finished yet with no clear launch date.
Is there a date for the normal final version? I read it's still in some sort of pre-version?
Yeah, some sort of "pre-version". Also known as the Beta, which is the stage in which many of the fundamental basic features of the game are functional (read working, but not always...). In Beta, the focus is refining, polishing, and tuning what is already there, while adding some extra, new features. The game right now is honestly very Alpha-ish (the stage right before Beta, in which many of the game's features are incomplete work-in-progress and some of the fundamental mechanics have not been implemented yet.). It's got most stuff okay, but the game still needs some polishing, and it's having a player problem (which is explained in the recent dev report, which is an interesting story....older players tend to shift towards the Decepticon side, while younger ones to the Autobots. This caused the Autobot player numbers to be significantly higher then Decipticons, however, since TFUniverse is a complex MOBAish game, the decepticons are winning the war due to most players being older and have better reaction time/understanding/speed/more developed brain then the younger Autobot players. It's also been noted that %23 of the Decepticon players have switched sides to Autobots just to try to fix that skill gap. But, it still isn't working..)
Posted by PrymeStriker on September 7th, 2014 @ 10:27pm CDT
mirageandjazz1197 wrote:It could take place as a prequel to Prime
How did Brawl end up on Earth when the Combaticons were on Cybertron during the events of the Prime cartoon?
Why are the Decepticons using the Leviathan? Where the hell's the Nemesis?
If Arcee's a part of Team Prime, why isn't Cliffjumper? He shouldn't be dead if it's a prequel.
The cartoon made it pretty clear that members of the Ark were scattered across the galaxy. Under what logical circumstances would the Autobots (both established Transformers characters and the new Jagex characters) have to scatter across the cosmos, and how would they achieve this in the first place?
The Autobot and Decepticons' battles are supposed to be kept under wraps. I highly doubt Agent Fowler, or anyone of governmental authority, would let any of the maps in the game take place without any resistance.
What's up with all the Terrorcons? Megatron shouldn't have even found his "army" if it's a prequel, and why would zombies have access to space bridges in the first place?
Speaking of Terrorcons, why would Megatron order his men to destroy them? He wanted to use Terrorcons as an army, and this stance isn't exactly the kind you acquire overtime when you're a tyrannical warlord.
If you could explain all of this, I'll adopt your theory about Transformers Universe being a prequel to Prime. Otherwise, the concept is absolute farcicality.
Posted by Va'al on September 9th, 2014 @ 11:52am CDT
9th September 2014: Jagex has confirmed today that both Wheeljack and Knock Out, known to fans worldwide as characters from the Transformers TV series, will appear as playable warriors within TRANSFORMERS UNIVERSE.
Premature news of their inclusion reached media overnight. While Jagex is willing to confirm their plans to include these, and many other, signature bots, further details of their weapons, equipment, and special attacks will not be forthcoming at this time.
Mark Gerhard, Jagex CEO, said of the unscheduled reveal, “It’s regrettable that such recognisable faces from Transformers lore should prematurely appear in the public domain without the rightful fanfare they deserve. On a positive note we’re delighted that they’re already resonating strongly with both our existing players and the wider Transformers fan-base. It’s immensely encouraging to see this level of interest, especially as we look at our existing road map and the plans we have for the inclusion of many other signature favourites within the game later this year.”
Further details about both Wheeljack and Knock Out will be scheduled for release soon, as will additional information about Chromia and Flamewar – other lore-based warriors who were mentioned in the latest community update of 5 th September: ... rse-050914
Anyone brave enough to experience killer team combat in TRANFORMERS UNIVERSE can play now by downloading the Windows or Mac thin client at
TRANSFORMERS and all related characters are trademarks of Hasbro and are used with permission. ©2014 Hasbro. All Rights Reserved.
Posted by Doubledealer93 on September 9th, 2014 @ 1:45pm CDT
Posted by #Sideways# on September 9th, 2014 @ 2:44pm CDT
Posted by Zeedust on September 9th, 2014 @ 5:51pm CDT
#Sideways# wrote:So... If this takes place after the show... Why is Knock-Out a Decepticon again? Didn't he change sides?
For that matter, Optimus and Megatron are supposed to be involved. If this is after the Prime cartoon, shouldn't Megatron be a pacifist and Prime be dead? And shouldn't the Predacons factor in somehow?
Posted by Deadput on September 10th, 2014 @ 3:40pm CDT
Nemesis Primal wrote:#Sideways# wrote:So... If this takes place after the show... Why is Knock-Out a Decepticon again? Didn't he change sides?
For that matter, Optimus and Megatron are supposed to be involved. If this is after the Prime cartoon, shouldn't Megatron be a pacifist and Prime be dead? And shouldn't the Predacons factor in somehow?
The hell have you guys been?
It's not part of Prime anymore its now part of the Genarations continuity (not to be confused with the toyline)
I have spoken to one of the Jagex staff on the TFU fourms so i do know this for a fact.
If it was part of Prime the only way it would make sense is if this was a prequel to Prime and after the game events the only Bots and Cons still alive would be the cast of Prime, the upcoming Rid and whoever shows up again in the future.
Posted by PrymeStriker on September 10th, 2014 @ 4:24pm CDT
mirageandjazz1197 wrote:Nemesis Primal wrote:#Sideways# wrote:So... If this takes place after the show... Why is Knock-Out a Decepticon again? Didn't he change sides?
For that matter, Optimus and Megatron are supposed to be involved. If this is after the Prime cartoon, shouldn't Megatron be a pacifist and Prime be dead? And shouldn't the Predacons factor in somehow?
The hell have you guys been?
It's not part of Prime anymore its now part of the Genarations continuity (not to be confused with the toyline)
I have spoken to one of the Jagex staff on the TFU fourms so i do know this for a fact.
If it was part of Prime the only way it would make sense is if this was a prequel to Prime and after the game events the only Bots and Cons still alive would be the cast of Prime, the upcoming Rid and whoever shows up again in the future.
I already explained (to you, in fact) why TFU wouldn't work as a prequel to Prime.
Also, while I'm relieved it's been taken out of the Aligned continuity, you should support your claim as not everyone here follows the TFU forums. If you could link us to this statement or conversation, that would help.
Posted by Deadput on September 10th, 2014 @ 7:46pm CDT
PrymeStriker wrote:mirageandjazz1197 wrote:Nemesis Primal wrote:#Sideways# wrote:So... If this takes place after the show... Why is Knock-Out a Decepticon again? Didn't he change sides?
For that matter, Optimus and Megatron are supposed to be involved. If this is after the Prime cartoon, shouldn't Megatron be a pacifist and Prime be dead? And shouldn't the Predacons factor in somehow?
The hell have you guys been?
It's not part of Prime anymore its now part of the Genarations continuity (not to be confused with the toyline)
I have spoken to one of the Jagex staff on the TFU fourms so i do know this for a fact.
If it was part of Prime the only way it would make sense is if this was a prequel to Prime and after the game events the only Bots and Cons still alive would be the cast of Prime, the upcoming Rid and whoever shows up again in the future.
I already explained (to you, in fact) why TFU wouldn't work as a prequel to Prime.
Also, while I'm relieved it's been taken out of the Aligned continuity, you should support your claim as not everyone here follows the TFU forums. If you could link us to this statement or conversation, that would help.
Never saw the quote
thread is also deleted due to some people leaking warriors (including myself as i found the trick that got us the images of Swagger, Cameo, Outsider, Contagion and Firebreaker early i also have pics of Bombast, Pitstop and Rollcage.)
But you can make a thread on there and ask yourself the staff there are on a lot and are very nice which is why i prefer those forums then Tfw2005 and also this site (which is second on my fave forums list)
Posted by noctorro on September 11th, 2014 @ 3:24am CDT
Core gameplay is good, shooting/walking/transforming/driving.
The base area is great, with Optimus' hologram talking to the troops, really got the feel
that I was part of the Transformers war

Models look great, good animation.
Can't wait to unlock that Arcee like character.
Missions are to easy and small, if there are like 10 players in the map you have to race
to get in a few hits at all.
You practically don't level unless you play for like a fulltime week (40 hours).
And you don't earn enough points to buy anything.
Posted by PrymeStriker on September 11th, 2014 @ 8:51pm CDT
noctorro wrote:Missions are to easy and small, if there are like 10 players in the map you have to race
to get in a few hits at all.
There are some missions that take up to 10 minutes to complete and the enemies can tear you apart if you're not with the group. Most of them are just supposed to be "minigames," however.
Posted by Autobot032 on September 12th, 2014 @ 4:18am CDT
More information from the official Universe website:
To redeem this offer, simply visit the Hangar to find the new pricing on all Decepticons (excluding Founders warriors, which are only available to Silver, Gold and Cybernite Founders – more information here).
This offer can’t run forever, so be sure to make you make your purchases before the end of the week!
Remember, you can earn Relics in-game by playing PvP matches – but if the pressure of time is too much to earn enough Relics, you can always purchase top-ups in-game and on the website.
Feel free to discuss this, and anything else, in our forums.
To get all the details, you can visit the site by clicking here.

Keep your optics tuned to for the latest in news and updates, plus the best galleries around!
Posted by Peridot on September 13th, 2014 @ 7:42pm CDT
Posted by Autobot032 on September 21st, 2014 @ 12:00pm CDT
You can see all of the pertinent info and links in the quote below:
We'll be previewing two brand new warriors for the first time on Monday 22nd September at 6pm BST / 7pm CEST / 10am PST.
Autobot Outsider - Outsider beams in and out of battle in the blink of an eye! This warrior utilizes unique teleport abilities to dodge bullets with his tactical ingenuity. Don't let his 60's style fool you, this Autobot isn't as peaceful as he looks.
Decepticon Pandemic - Pandemic has a fighting style that is infectious! Taking pleasure in poisoning anyone not blessed with his own sharp style, this snake like Decepticon sinks his fangs into his enemies.
Tune in to our Twitch channel on Monday 22nd September starting at 6pm BST / 7pm CEST / 10am PST to see everything Outsider and Pandemic can do.
Keep your optics tuned to for the latest in news and updates, plus the best galleries around!