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Decepticon Battlecruiser Thanatos - Tides of Revolution

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Re: Decepticon battlecruiser Thanatos - Tides of Revolution

Postby Insidious » Mon Nov 05, 2012 1:29 pm

Motto: "Clarity of thought before rashness of action."
Weapon: Oxidating Laser

The trek through the numerous, intertwining corridors of the Thanatos had been expectedly uneventful. The bridge itself would be a different matter altogether. Shockwave was already beginning to calculate percentages regarding possible outcomes of the interactions that were likely to take place aboard the bridge. Starscream's hearing would be another matter altogether. Nevertheless, Shockwave was confidant that the respective pieces would fall in to place.

As the bridge doors slid open and allowed Shockwave and his small coterie entry, the cycloptic strategist took note of every Decepticon present before proceeding further. Certain faces were expected, others had clearly undergone recent reactivation in to service. With Starscream having been attended to, it was now Thunderwing that was of pre-eminent concern. His actions aboard the Thanatos previously had earned the Valckastan warlord a considerable degree of trust, inasmuch as such things were ever allotted to anyone, but rumors regarding the warlord's ambitions, his delays with providing the real details of his new technology and Blackwind's open defiance--and apparent deference to the warlord himself--had shifted Shockwave's internal calculations by a significant margin. Now it was time to see just how far their courses had strayed from one another.

"Decepticon Thunderwing," Shockwave began, his flat affect currently indicating which mechanoid on the bridge currently held his attention, "interrogative--all operations on Earth proceed as expected?"

Shockwave's optical direction shifted just slightly, noting Soundwave'ss positioning and calculating the likelihood that the communications officer had likely already completed the imperator's earlier request. That would resolve's Starscream's fate. The time would soon come to resolve Thunderwing's as well and remind him of the most logical path forward, regardless of whether Shockwave revealed Blackwind's current fate during the course of their interaction here or the warlord eventually discovered it on his own, as he inevitably would.

Recalculation in progress....

Query: prolong? Result: 73.045865% likelihood of unsatisfactory resolution. Query: initiate? Result: 46.0673% likelihood of unsatisfactory resolution.

Shockwave returned his gaze towards Thunderwing and raised his arm cannon, channeling power to it.

"Declarative: Your delays regarding the provision of information regarding your new technology were unacceptable. Solution: Blackwind has been subdued and is undergoing more thorough examination. She is currently unharmed and fully-capable of being brought back online. Whether that will remain a reality is unknown at this time," Shockwave started, beginning with the official reasons regarding why he had taken the actions that he had; however, both he and Thunderwing knew there was more to it than that. "Additionally, her perceptions of my imperatorship were not well-hidden. Nor was her growing loyalty towards you--notably increasing only in Megatron's absence. That was also a factor. I must have assurances of your loyalty. Hers will logically follow yours. Until such time as the Decepticon command structure has been solidified, I will not permit her reactivation. Those driven by science will hold a place of prominence under my leadership, but I can not risk all that has been accomplished up to this point and will take all necessary steps to preserve it. Do you find this to be acceptable...?"

Shockwave had intentionally avoided asking whether Thunderwing found the terms to be "ideal". Few scenarios ever were. Simple acceptability would be satisfactory. The question was more for Shockwave's benefit, as Thunderwing's response would immediately have an effect on the current strategic percentages that were being run in the purple mech's substantial processors.

"...or not?"

Thunderwing's new technology was likely powerful, if impure in its apparent integration of techno-organic materials. If Thunderwing's response was unsatisfactory and utilization of Shockwave's own stores of ultra-energon became necessary, it would be a valuable test to see how well the shell could withstand such an onslaught. If it could, Shockwave would surely need to re-evaluate the efficacy of both the pretender technology and the new energon derivative.
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Re: Decepticon battlecruiser Thanatos - Tides of Revolution

Postby Ember » Tue Nov 06, 2012 8:34 pm

Motto: "I'm not psycho...I just like psychotic things."
The Brig

The scowl that was etched on Starscream’s face grew even deeper as he glared deep into Skywarp’s optics. If this was who Shockwave appointed his successor than the one eyed freak was more desperate than he had originally thought. Although, with the prankster running things on behalf of Shockwave...everything Starscream had worked for thus far could still come crumbling down before he even set foot outside of the cell. He needed Skywarp to do exactly as he wanted…and it seemed that he would get his wish as the purple and black seeker had very quickly accepted his terms.

Starscream’s features softened, but only partially, as he slowly stepped back and away from the bars. His posture straightened and he took on a more dignified stance…well, as dignified as one could get locked inside of a cell with ones hands bound behind their back.

The former Air Commander let out a low hiss and gently shook his head as he took in both Seekers standing just beyond his reach.


He turned on his heel and carefully made his way into the shadows that laced the back of his cell. Obscured by the darkness Starscream settled in on the floor...the only marginally comfortable place he could locate.

From behind Skywarp, Nightraven simply watched the exchange take place between the former Commander and his interim replacement. As expected Starscream was none too happy with the revelation that he had been replaced, if only temporarily, by his own wingmate and subordinate.

Nightraven remained quite as she had no desire to draw Starscream’s ire…not that she was happy he was more focused on Skywarp, she just despised confrontation...even though Starscream was locked behind bars he was still an intimidating mech.

The Seeker’s disappearance into the shadows sent a shiver down the femme’s spinal structure until her focus was drawn toward Skywarp. From the darkness beyond the bars Nightraven turned her attention to the flier that was now facing her. She flashed him a small attempt at comfort and a reassurance that she wasn’t going anywhere.

“Yeah. I'd prefer not to keep Shockwave waiting.”

The femme took a quick look over her shoulder in hopes that there would be a terminal where they could access the ship's logs but saw nothing except empty cells. She looked back to Skywarp and let out a heavy sigh.

“We’ll need to find a terminal so we can access the rosters and locations of all the squadrons. After that we can…well you can...determine how you’d like to coordinate the units.”

Nightraven took a quick look over Skywarp’s shoulder and into the darkened cell, but when she heard no objections she decided it was safe to continue. She flashed the new Commander a delicate smile and offered him a small nod before she leaned in and whispered to him.

“Don’t worry. You can do this. Just keep Starscream apprised, follow his orders and everything will work out fine…and…I’ll be here to help. Now come on. Let’s get to work.”
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Re: Decepticon battlecruiser Thanatos - Tides of Revolution

Postby Smokescreen85 » Sun Nov 11, 2012 1:51 pm

Motto: ""A look can be deceiving; a touch can be lethal.""
Weapon: Twin Shoulder-Mounted Rocket Launchers
The Brig

Skywarp let out a sigh of relief at Starscream’s one-worded response before the former Seeker Commander moved to the back of his cell where the shadows quickly consumed him. The hardest part for the prankster was technically over, but that didn’t mean his job was about to get much easier, far from it. At least Nightraven would be there to guide him through what needed to be done. Never in his wildest imaginations did ‘Warp ever conceive of the notion of being the new Seeker leader, interim or permanent. Regardless, here he was about to take on the single greatest responsibility that a seeker could have. Too bad he wasn’t really up to the task no matter how much Nighty tried to convince him that he could do it.

Listening to Nightraven explain what they needed to do helped ease Skywarp’s anxieties, but only a bit. He’d much rather just listen to someone else’s orders and just follow them like he always had done. Still, perhaps this was a second chance to make the seeker femme proud of him. Although, if history served as any kind of reminder, ‘Warp would likely need a third or even a fourth chance before he got it right.

“A terminal? Right, Nighty, that would help,” Skywarp responded with a smirk before turning away from the darkened cell that contained the one true Seeker Commander and heading for the door. With the object of his affections following close behind, the teleporter exited into the corridor beyond.

Corridors / Data Center

Skywarp had wandered the halls for almost a full breem without an access terminal in sight. He wasn’t very familiar with the layout of the Thanatos, which was why it took him so long to locate something as simple as a computer console. “You’d think there’d be terminals all over the fraggin’ place, but can we find one? Oh, no!” The prankster exclaimed in frustration, glancing over at Nightraven for a moment before returning his optics to the pathway ahead. “This is getting very irritating. How can I possibly lead the Seekers if I can’t even find a stupid terminal so I can organize them?!”

Finally, the annoyed teleporter stumbled upon the doors of the data center, the same facility Razorclaw had just utilized before moving down to the repair bay. Of course, Skywarp had no knowledge of the Predacon leader’s prior activities here, nor did he care even if he did know. “I guess there should be a terminal in here, right? I mean, it is a data center for frag’s sake.”

Stepping towards the door, Skywarp entered his security code and quickly gained access to the data facility within. Glancing around the vast room, the prankster was happy to finally see a plethora of computer stations where he could finally get to work. “So, this is where they keep them all,” the teleporter commented as he looked over at Nightraven again, letting a weak smile escape his otherwise serious visage. “I guess it doesn’t matter which one I use does it?”

Without waiting for a response, Skywarp made his way to the nearest terminal and sat down in the respective chair. Again, he was prompted to enter his clearance codes, which granted him direct access to the Predacon warship’s mainframe. Considering his new rank as interim Seeker Commander, the prankster discovered that he already had access to areas where he normally would have been denied. Scrolling down through all of the numerous logs and files that filled the view screen, ‘Warp quickly became agitated once more as he realized that he had no idea what he was looking for. “Um, Nighty? I’m having trouble finding the right file here. I mean, there should be something that says ‘Seeker Roster’ or something like that, right? Unless, I’m just not seeing it.”

Repair Bay

While receiving the repairs and recharge that he needed, Razorclaw found time to weigh his options. Unfortunately, there was no clear opportunity to strike with the knowledge that Shockwave and his minions were now powered up on ultra energon. The new ore would make them far stronger and more resilient than the Predacon lord or his group of Decepticon rebels. They needed to gain access to the ultra energon and power up, as well, if the lion-former had any hopes of eliminating Shockwave from the equation successful. How to do so with Soundwave and his cassettes constantly watching was the real question. The monotone mech still needed to be dealt with in some way, perhaps with a distraction or by more violent means if there was no other choice.

Another unknown factor was how Thunderwing’s carapace technology would hold up against the new energon. Could the Warlord’s outer shell stand up to the raw power? If it could then perhaps he was the key to usurping Shockwave from the throne. Of course, Thunderwing could also possibly take the leadership mantle for himself, which would leave the lion-former in the position of either accepting the scientist as the new supreme commander or facing another time-wasting battle with an opponent that would not be nearly as easy to beat as Starscream was. As Motormaster had previously said, the strongest should lead and that very well could be the Warlord in this case.

It was all almost enough to make Razorclaw’s cranium overload and explode. In the past he only had to worry about his unit while Megatron dealt with everything else regarding the war effort. Now, the Predacon Commander was trying to make decisions for all Decepticons. Even if he managed to somehow overcome the obstacles to the throne here in the Sol System, once word finally got out to the rest of the Empire that the slagmaker was dead, there would be others vying for the role of Supreme Leader. Mechs like Scorponok would surely come or even one of the Phase Sixers. They were all very powerful Decepticons in their own right and would present an immense challenge to the Predacon lord’s reign.

Perhaps I’m better served as a unit commander and not the overall leader, Razorclaw finally allowed his processor to consider. It was something he hated to admit, even internally, but how would he maintain control over those who were far stronger than he was? He had gotten himself into this situation mostly because neither Starscream nor Shockwave were worthy successors and the lion-former refused to follow them. Thus, the Predacon Commander was forced into taking the throne for himself, a move that he was now having second thoughts about. Of course, he couldn’t very well give up, not with Shockwave still in control. Razorclaw had to persevere and be patient for the right moment to make his move and deal with the consequences of those actions at the appropriate time. Until then there was still work to be done.

Once the medical appendages were finished with the last of the repairs, Razorclaw on-lined his optics again and got up off of the automated berth. The Predacon lord then ran a standard diagnostic which quickly ascertained that all of his systems were now operating at 100% with his fuel cells fully charged. Disconnecting the energon line from an access port on his right side, the lion-former wasted no further time in exiting the repair bay. His destination was the barracks where he hoped to find the rest of the Predacons so that he could brief them on the information he had already gathered from the data center. They needed to be updated on the situation regarding the ultra energon and why patience was the key to victory.
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Re: Decepticon battlecruiser Thanatos - Tides of Revolution

Postby Insidious » Sun Nov 11, 2012 2:12 pm

Motto: "Clarity of thought before rashness of action."
Weapon: Oxidating Laser

Rampage's extra supplies were in the exact same places that he had left them originally. It was good to know that the cyclops hadn't gutted and reorganized their ship from the inside out just yet. It would probably happen sooner rather than later, though, if they couldn't manage to get him inside one of those holding cells that the mouthy Seeker was currently inhabiting.

"I bet a Seeker makes the first move. They're too antsy. They'll slip. Shockwave'll respond and then it'll be on," Rampage said, looking over at Tantrum as the larger, fueler loaded up with his own additional supplies. More than Rampage could carry, for sure.

Not that he couldn't understand what they were going through. He was pretty antsy too. He had fully expected weapons fire to be discharging all over this ship by now. Razorclaw knew best, though. Rampage trusted in that for too long a time to begin doubting him now. That kept him in check. The Seekers would have no such check on their own wilder tendencies with Starscream being indisposed--even if it was only for appearances.

"Whoever. Whatever," Tantrum grunted, slamming his storage unit shut. "I just hope one of Shockwave's little gearheads gets in my way."


Motormaster had decided not to take his leave of the brig, much to Dead End's continued dismay. Of all the places to be milling around on this ship, Dead End was hardly keen on lingering in the brig. After all, once this was all over, this was where he was likely going to end up. And that was one of the better scenarios playing out in his mind.

At least Motormaster's attention was not on them, but rather other Decepticon warriors whom they had not seen in some time. Of particular note was Darkwing and Dreadwind. He was sure that was going to be an inspiring little interaction for their thuggish commander. Those two could bring him down, and that was saying something. Of course, they probably thought the same thing about him. If they thought about him at all. Which they probably didn't.

By the time they were done talking, they'd all be ready to sever their sparks.

"I'm hungry," Dead End whispered, closing the distance between himself and Breakdown some.

Now it seemed that not only would he go down in a fiery blaze of nothing, he'd be starving while he did it.
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Re: Decepticon battlecruiser Thanatos - Tides of Revolution

Postby Ember » Tue Nov 13, 2012 1:34 pm

Motto: "I'm not psycho...I just like psychotic things."
Corridors / Data Center

Nightraven had followed Skywarp out of the brig but remained relatively quiet…as was her nature. However she was sure to keep close to the fledgling Commander so he was sure to perceive her continued presence. The last thing she wanted to do was worry him about being abandoned.

His query pertaining to the possibility of finding at least one terminal within the data center brought the femme out of her own thoughts. She stepped up beside him and offered a slight nod.

He then accessed the room and was surprised to find that even on board the Thanatos his security clearance was accepted, but just as he probably surmised Shockwave…or even Soundwave, had probably provided the security system with his clearances. The same could probably be said about the terminals.

Nightraven stopped beside the nervous and no doubt apprehensive Skywarp and with him took a long look at the available computers. And as the black and purple Seeker had determined there was no precise terminal that had to be used.

“No. You can use any one of them.”

Before she was even finished answering his question, though, he was already moving deeper into the room but stopped at the nearest station and sat down. He looked uncertain of just what to do next so with a small smile and a gentle shake of her head, Nightraven made her way to his side.

He gained access rather swiftly and went to work running through what he could find…even if the information he came across had nothing to do with what he was looking for. She absorbed what she could before she looked down at the clearly aggravated mech. After a moment Nightraven leaned down over him and began to narrow down the search parameters to just that of the Seekers within the Decepticon ranks. It was a considerable list but nothing that was impossible to organize.

From her position, leaning over in front of him, Nightraven looked over her outstretched arm and gave him a reassuring smile…at least she hoped he took it as that.

“There. Just stay focused. You can do this.”


This was not part of the plan…replacing him with that idiot was not something that he had foreseen, and by the look on his wingmate’s faceplate it wasn’t foreseen by him either. Idiot. Starscreem sat quietly against the back wall of his tight cell and shook his head. Such a tragedy being here and not perched high upon Megatron’s vacant throne. An error that would soon be rectified.

Now, if he only knew what that cretin Razorclaw was doing to advance their little coup. What an annoyance…to be detained and not even kept held abreast of just how their plans were advancing. If he didn’t know any better Starscreem would think that his collaborator was working against him and their best interests.

“Cross me and I will be sure you never make it off this ship alive. That you can be sure of.” The internal vocalized thought was spoken in a hushed tone.

Breakdown made absolutely certain that he remained out of sight of his Commander even after Motormaster regarded him. There was no need to draw the bulky mech’s attention back to himself…after all Motormaster found it much more amusing to address Darkwing…no reason to break that blossoming bond. Nosiree.

His watchful gaze was broken off from the spectacle in front of when as Dead End approached him. The warrior’s statement was one that Breakdown could certainly agree with, but to fulfill that need they’d have to figure out a way to get away from their deranged Commander. Of course with Motormaster focused on Darkwing perhaps now was as good a time as any.

“Maybe we could, I don’t know, sneak away and find the commissary? But I’m not doin’ it unless you do it too.”
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Re: Decepticon battlecruiser Thanatos - Tides of Revolution

Postby Devastron » Wed Nov 14, 2012 11:44 pm

Weapon: Energo-Sword

Soundwave received the signal from Shockwave with some surprise. He had assumed that the cold and logical Decepticon would move swiftly to correct what was possibly one of Megatron’s few mistakes and remove Starscream from the picture entirely. Leaving him alive, even if imprisoned, left the opportunity for him to escape and make another play for leadership. While there might be something said for a formal proceeding and execution to legitimize his leadership Soundwave would have been happy with simply shooting the seeker in the head and being done with it. Of course that might foment some sort of rebellion among the other seekers but without Starscream they were nothing more then flying drones in his opinion, stupid and expendable. They could be brought to heel easily enough.

In addition to that Shockwave was calling in the notorious Justice Division. While Soundwave had no particularly problem with the Division personally, few Decepticons could match his track record of loyalty, he did consider them to be a rather unstable and unpredictable element to be adding to the mix. Their slavish obedience to their ‘List’ and penchant for gruesome torture and executions meant that getting a quick response from them was unlikely. In addition he was uncertain as to how they would react to the news of Megatron’s death.

Still he was as ever obedient and sent the request out on their specific channel. He had just finished the message when Shockwave arrived on the bridge with a few other gathered Decepticons. No doubt he was here to confront Thunderwing who had arrived only moments earlier. He offered a nod to the commander to indicate the message had been sent as he observed the confrontation unfolding in front of him.



Clutch looked over as Motormaster asked him a question. He still didn’t like the Stunticon leader or his team, the way he was feeling now he almost considered just challenging him to a fight. This new fuel had him really going. Fortunately he still remembered that he was a ranking officer. He had always done his best to remain obedient to superiors.

“Not much to do around here. You can always get a recharged though, not sure what your ship has left in the way of fuel so you might want to take advantage while you are up here.”

The bulky Con turned to follow Shockwave as he left the room.


Darkwing was partially hunched down from the weight Motormaster was placing on him. This is why he hated being around psychos, that tendency to do something crazy and psychotic. He nodded emphatically after Clutch spoke up.

“Yeah, fuel here ain’t too bad. Get some while the gettings good I always say, right Dreadwind.”

The other flier glared at Darkwing in annoyance. He had been happy enough being ignored by Motormaster in general and now he was getting dragged into the conversation. “Uh, yeah, that’s right. Never know when it will be your last recharge and you wouldn’t want to go out there on empty.”



Clutch silently followed Shockwave on to the bridge. Once he was in the room he did a brief glance around. It was mostly crewed by vehicons now, with Soundwave at some sort of sciencey communication station he assumed. Thunderwing was also standing in the middle of the room, apparently waiting for them. Everything seemed fairly normal and boring until Shockwave leveled his gun at the other Decepticon.

He was certainly caught off guard. Clutch had assumed with Starscream locked up that would be the end of any infighting. Certainly even when Megatron was alive this sort of thing happened but it was fairly rare. To have so much of it going on now in his absence was quite probably a bad sign. Still, if it gave him an opportunity to throw down and fight it out he wouldn’t turn it down.


Thunderwing had arrived on the bridge to be greeted by silence from Soundwave and the drones manning the room. He wasn’t particularly surprised as he assumed Shockwave’s dealing with Starscream would take some time, assuming Razorclaw didn’t spring some sort of trap on him. He found this highly unlikely as he assumed the Predacon would need his direct assistance in taking out Shockwave.

As he expected Shockwave arrived on the bridge with his personal entourage which gave Thunderwing pause. He glanced over at the various Decepticons. From what he could tell they were serving as some sort of bodyguards. Their appearance here on the bridge was not a promising one. At least it didn’t appear that Razorclaw had made some sort of attempt and failed as he saw no battle damage on them. It was possible Shockwave was merely being overly cautious.

The Decepticon nodded at Shockwave’s question. “From what I observed things are moving along quite well. Scrapper was too busy for me to consult with directly but the base is taking shape quite nicely. I assume it will be done in short order. Razorclaw should be able to tell you more about the Stunticon vessel’s state but I don’t think it will be operation anytime…”

His voice trailed off as he picked up the energy spike coming from Shockwave. He watched as he leveled his gun arm at him. In response he activated his own weapon systems, powering them up but not activating or aiming them at Shockwave, yet. Thunderwing’s optics narrowed and he bared the row of razor sharp fangs that lined his mouth as he looked back at Shockwave and his minions. He considered simply lashing out at the other Decepticon. If he could close the distance to him fast enough he could negate the effectiveness of his main weapon at the same time utilizing some of his own weaponry. Unfortunately the fact that he had brought considerable back up made the odds of his success quite unfavorable. He would have to take a different tact.

In an angry tone Thunderwing replied to him. “Loyalty? Loyalty cannot be earned from the barrel of a cannon, no matter how powerful said weapon is. Loyalty is earned through actions and respect. You are quite powerful Shockwave, and intelligent. You could quite possibly take the reigns of leadership of the Decepticons. As of yet, however, you have failed to do so.”

The Decepticon relaxed his tone and posture as he continued. “I recall your disappearance from Cybertron all that time ago. While I have been removed from the war for sometime your absence has been even longer. Now since your return you have reportedly worked with the Autobots and had your leadership challenged twice. While these matters were resolved the fact still remains that your leadership has been continually challenged and called into question. Even now you and I both know that their will be other challengers in the Empire to be the heir to Megatron, and they will not be the sniveling weakling that Starscream was.”

“I would have presented my technology immediately to Lord Megatron. It was, and still is, my gift to the empire, an edge to help crush the Autobots once and for all. I will give it freely to whoever becomes the new ruler of the Decepticons but from what I have observed that decision hasn’t been made final yet. Would your claim to leadership be considered legitimate if it was gained with my technology, or would that only spur on competitors, claiming it was won only because of new weaponry? Would it start an internal arms race among the Decepticons? A splintering of the empire into miniature kingdoms?”

“I would not presume to speak for Lord Megatron, but I have to imagine he would want his heir to take control the same way he did, with his own wits, strength, and raw power. You do have that potential Shockwave, you and I both know it. I suggest you not cheapen it by threatening me and taking hostages. Such things might earn obedience, but true loyalty is not gained in such ways.”
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Re: Decepticon battlecruiser Thanatos - Tides of Revolution

Postby Insidious » Fri Nov 16, 2012 3:21 pm

Motto: "Clarity of thought before rashness of action."
Weapon: Oxidating Laser

Shockwave absorbed the entirety of Thunderwing's response, analyzing the minutiae and running it against the litany of acceptable response calculations he had made within his own processors. There were certain elements of the warlord's response that Shockwave would have taken the opportunity to debate, if a debate was what they were having. For the time being, Shockwave was only determining whether or not he would test his new energy source on another potential rival. At the end of Thunderwing's speech, he had determined that the odds of successfully maintaining the warlord's allegiances were comfortably within the 65th percentile.

He would likely shore up that questionable percentage, along with a number of other questionable loyalties, once Starscream's threat to his command had been put to rest. Indeed, the Seeker had been a glitch in his wiring eve since his return to this solar system. But that been accounted for. He was just as much of a problem for Megatron. Shockwave was hardly so foolish to as to think he would be less of one for him. So long as Starscream continued to function, he would be a threat to any leader, as the Seeker had long seen himself as the only one suitable to hold ultimate sway over the Decepticon empire.

It was fortunate, then, that he had such a prime opportunity to take care of the rogue Seeker and his treacherous proclivities now.

"Declarative: a satisfactory response," Shockwave stated, lowering his arm cannon as he proceeded further on to the bridge, approaching the command chair. As he did so, he saw that the ship had logged an incoming response from Soundwave's earlier transmission. Shockwave seated himself in the chair and transferred it to the primary bridge viewscreen. "Points of contention remain, but all possess a statistical probability of achieving resolution. One, in particular, I intend to address now."

Shockwave turned to face the screen directly as it lit up and revealed what appeared to be a Decepticon symbol. It was not a typical symbol, however. It was battle-worn. More importantly, it was immediately easy to determine that it was not a simple badge as most Decepticons wore, but rather an integral part of a cranial structure. The figure--a mechanoid who now went by the name of Tarn, a member of the Decepticon Justice Division stepped back, allowing all on the bridge a better view. Behind him, a massive, hulk of a mech stalked behind him as fires raged. It looked as if Tarn was standing in the center of the Pit itself.

>>"Excellent, Kaon. That will do nicely. I can see them all. Ahhhh...Shockwave. When we received the hearing request from Soundwave, I had hoped to speak with someone a little less monotone. It appears I will be disappointed in that regard. Pity. So......this pertains to Starscream, yes?"<<

"Affirmative," Shockwave responded evenly.

>>"Annnnnnd, hm, you are certifying that his actions reach the level of high crimes and misdemeanors against the integrity of the Decepticon empire and are, thus, worthy of our collective consideration?"<<


>>"My...this conversation is already everything I was expecting it would be,"<< Tarn said, sighing. >>"And why does this request not come from Megatron himself?"<<

"Declarative: Megatron is currently indisposed and unable to deal with the matter directly. It has been delegated to me," Shockwave said, choosing his words very carefully, lest he be held in some future contempt himself. He made certain to speak the truth, even if it was only true from a certain point of view. On the viewscreen, Tarn cocked his head slightly, as if he too were analyzing the validity of Shockwave's words. In all likelihood, he was.

>>"Very well, Shockwave. As this petition comes from someone of your standing, we will hear it."<<

From somewhere, well out of view of the transmission cube, a mangled, metallic scream could be heard, before being slowly silenced.

>>"I believe Tesarus is just finishing up. You have, oh, I don't know, about ten breems before we depart for our next destination. We will likely be incommunicado for several orns afterward, unless this situation warrants otherwise. As such, we will commence the hearing in five breems. The Division will hear from the accuser...and the accused, per standard protocol and render our judgement accordingly. Until then."<<

Tarn's image blinked from existence, returning the primary viewscreen to its typical display of outlying space and, currently, the uppermost crest of Sol-3 just above the horizon. Shockwave's optic flickered. With the Justice Division now involved, the cycloptic strategist was confidant that Starscream's treacherous history would be dealt with once and for all. The Division may well authorize him to end Starscream's existence then and there, a perfect message for anyone else still questioning their loyalty. Shockwave's command in this region would be solidified. He would deal with the expansion fleets in due course. They might also decide to enact his execution themselves, as they often did. Indeed, it was one of the Division's primary functions. If they did, Shockwave would have to proceed more cautiously, but he was confidant that matters would proceed as he expected in that scenario as well. All in all, the new imperator was pleased with how matters were falling in to place.

Shockwave brought up a diagram of the ship and selected the primary hangar bay that would serve the upcoming purpose satisfactorily.

"Imperative: Soundwave, have Starscream transferred to the primary hangar bay. Alert all non-essential personnel that they are to bear witness to Starscream's fate, and the ultimate fate of all those who put themselves above the final objective of the Decepticon empire. You will accompany me. Dispatch suitable lieutenants to oversee bridge operations in the intervening period."

Shockwave rose from his seated position and proceeded towards the bridge's exit. His stay here had been brief, but he preferred it that way. What he sought to accomplish by coming here had been accomplished. Now it was time to return to his real work.

"The lingering question of leadership will soon be resolved."
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Re: Decepticon battlecruiser Thanatos - Tides of Revolution

Postby Smokescreen85 » Sat Nov 17, 2012 11:26 pm

Motto: ""A look can be deceiving; a touch can be lethal.""
Weapon: Twin Shoulder-Mounted Rocket Launchers

Razorclaw entered the barracks to find his unit loitering about, some on recharge berths while others stood and chatted with one another. He had seldom been down here before as the Predacon Commander normally had his own private quarters. However, since Shockwave had taken control of the Thanatos, those quarters now technically belonged to the purple scientist. That would eventually change, however, when the lion-former and his elite team of mechanical beasts took back what was rightfully theirs.

Before addressing the others, Razorclaw turned and made sure that the doors to the barracks were closed and sealed shut with the proper security protocols in place. The Predacon lord wanted to be certain that no one else entered or overheard what he was about to tell his squad. Extreme caution needed to be taken especially with the likes of Soundwave and his cassettes on board. It would be difficult to progress their plans, but not impossible just as long as secured comm lines and encrypted transmissions were kept out of the equation. Such communications would only arouse suspicion while a simple conversation would likely go unnoticed.

Predacons, gather around and listen closely to what I’m about to say,” Razorclaw ordered, keeping his vocals low as he walked to the center of the chamber to brief his squad on what he now knew regarding the Ore-13. “You are probably all wondering why a move has not yet been made against Shockwave. The answer is simple: the time is not right....yet. You all know me for my endless patience and it is that patience which has now protected us from making a move too soon and thus a fatal error on our part. I have recently accessed the ship’s logs and discovered that Shockwave and the majority of his supporters have all powered up on ultra energon, derived and successfully processed from the Ore-13. The unpredictability of the raw, untested power they now possess makes it impossible for us to strike without first filling our own fuel cells with the new energon. Otherwise, we will likely fail in our mission to secure the throne under Predacon control. Thus, once again, patience is required.”

Razorclaw locked optics with each of his Predacons, making sure they were all taking in what he had just said and understood his words. “I know you are all itching for a fight and you will get it when the time is right. Unfortunately, the ultra energon is under tight security down in the labs and will be very difficult to gain access to. Soundwave will be a major thorn in our sides if he is not dealt with. Hopefully, his attention can be diverted in some fashion to allow us to make our move and power up on the new ore. It is the only way we will stand a chance against the Military Operations Commander and his forces. Until then we bide our time. Is that clearly understood?”

Data Center

Skywarp sat back in his chair in order to allow Nightraven room to reach down across him and narrow the search parameters that ultimately revealed the correct log file regarding the Seeker Corps. Once again she gave him a reassuring smile along with the promise that he could accomplish the task that was handed to him by Shockwave. For a moment, the teleporter considered that if he just did a bad job to begin with then perhaps the one-eyed ‘Con would simply choose a different interim seeker commander. Although, the purple mech could also see no further use for the prankster and just terminate him on the spot. And, of course, there were Starscream’s orders to do as Shockwave had instructed. If the scientist didn’t kill him for his stupidity then the red and silver flier certainly would.

“Thanks, Nighty,” Skywarp replied, cracking a slight smile from his agitated visage. He began scrolling through the seemingly endless list of seekers, many of whom were stationed elsewhere around the galaxy. “I’m assuming that Shockwave doesn’t want me doing anything with the ones outside of the Sol System since that could raise some suspicions regarding what’s going on around here, right? I mean, none of them knows about Megatron’s demise or Starscream's imprisonment. If I start requesting activity updates from the other squadrons, they may start asking questions that I can't answer. So, for now I guess I’ll just focus on those seekers that are stationed in this sector.”

If Skywarp was wrong and had misinterpreted Shockwave’s orders, he hoped that Nightraven would set him on the right path. Until then, the teleporter began isolating the names of the seekers who were deployed planet side along with those generic fliers that were currently on board the Thanatos. Once the list was generated, it was easy to log the activities of the ship-bound seekers as their movements and duties were already documented in the system. The Earth-bound seekers, however, were another story.

“Well, I’ve got activity reports on the seekers that are up here on the warship, but I have no idea what the ones down on the surface of that mudball are currently doing,” Skywarp said as he glanced over at Nightraven. “Am I going to have to contact them directly or is there another way to find out their assignments? I know that 'Cracker, Hellion and the coneheads were on the Ultrax last time I checked, but others like the Intruders and even Slipstream could be anywhere doing Primus knows what. How in the Pit am I supposed to get them all organized and submit activity reports when I don’t even know where most of them are?”
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Re: Decepticon battlecruiser Thanatos - Tides of Revolution

Postby Foximus » Thu Nov 22, 2012 1:59 am

Motto: "Freedom is the right of all sentient beings."
Weapon: Laser Rifle

Growing irrevocably weary of holding Mal Practice's present, Deathdancer simply shrugged and turned away, dropping the leaking remains of the drone onto the floor. She felt it was the time to get out of this dingy lab and stretch her legs. Maybe find Shockie. Who knew what fun things she could find to do?

"La la la..."

Humming happily and skipping merrily, Deathdancer exited the Laboratory to see what she could see.


The tactician remembered Shockie mentioning something about the Brig, so she decided to begin her search for fun there. Maybe she'd find some others over there, but the odds were that they had already moved on. Still, no one would go to the brig if there weren't someone to look at behind the glass. And maybe that someone...could tell her where others went and others could tell her where others were and so on and so forth.

"Pain, pain, come to stay. Go away another day..."

Deathdancer sang her little songs softly as she made her way to the brig, twirling her scythe behind her back like a rotor blade. She was aching to get down to the planet's surface and cause a little havoc. Beautiful piles of carcasses gleaming in a bloody sun. Ah, the glory days. So many Autobots was enough to choke her up.

Deathdancer sighed out a sigh from her intakes, a rare frown gracing her delicate features. Oh how she missed those days...orchestrating genocides in a symphony of chaos and destruction. Those had been the early days....or the later days...she couldn't really remember. All of the beautiful carnage blurred together after a while. Of course, there were those little moments of clarity. Those blessed moments where she was able to witness the life go out of one of her victims' optics.

Deathdancer paused in midstep with a pensive expression on her face. The last time she'd enjoyed that pleasure had been in that lovely asylum - or had it been a penitentiary? It had been so very long ago. Too long. Of course, her only victims were Autobots - well, mostly. There had been a few special cases. She enjoyed the special cases. Sort of sad that it had become necessary for the elimination of Decepticons though. Sad, sad, sad, sad, sad.

"The itsy bitsy Autobot crept up the water spout..."

Very sad. Deathdancer did so detest being sad.

"Down came the acid to wash the bot out..."

She needed something to cheer her up again.

"Down came the Decepticons to clean up all the acid..."

Perhaps someone aboard this craft could do such a thing for her. Someone to...test the cyclops' new fuel on.

"And the itsy bitsy Autobot never moved again..."

Deathdancer stopped in front of the brig doors as the last echoes of her song faded. A smile spread over her face again. Who would she find inside, she wondered. Only one way to find out! Deathdancer opened the doors to the brig and slipped inside.
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Re: Decepticon battlecruiser Thanatos - Tides of Revolution

Postby Cryhavok » Sat Nov 24, 2012 11:26 am

Motto: ""It is all about pain.""
Weapon: Fusion-Powered Anti-Gravity Gun

"Slag. You guys are as stale as Dead End." Motormaster grunted a reply to what Clutch and the gloomy duo of Darkwing and Dreadwind had to say.

"Fine. Might as well get high on energon. Knowing Razorclaw and Shockwave there will nothing else to do for a while." The large Stunticon said, turning to look at his teammates. To be fair, he wanted to hurt someone bad but he was smart enough to know when to cause trouble and when to lay it down.

"We don't want to overstay our welcome just yet, right boys?" He added, flashing the two other Stunticons' a sinister grin before letting go of Darkwing and heading out of the brig. "Now be good little soldiers a fetch me drink before I change my mind."



Yet another disappointing confrontation. A moment earlier it had seemed like Shockwave had been ready to blast a big hole through Thunderwing, but now? The one eyed walking calculator seemed to be happy with Thunderwing's tirade about loyalty and respect. Not that Skullcruncher was going to disagree. Whatever it was worth, Thunderwing was far more inspiring mechanoid than Shockwave. Now, whether he could provide results like Shockwave was left to be seen.

However, Skullcruncher found it odd how even Thunderwing was ready to count Starscream as nothing more than a sniveling coward. The heavy warrior had been a Decepticon long enough to see enough. Sure, the seeker had had his moments which had created such of a deceptive reputation. Starscream had his faults. He was over-ambitious and arrogant but a coward? That was an act. A coward would never challenge Megatron's authority. No, the seeker deserved more credit than that. He hadn't made it to Megatron's inner circle for being a sniveling coward. Starscream was cunning and resourceful and those who failed to see that, often paid with their lives. That being said, Skullcruncher was not going to say anything to protect Starscream's reputation. He really didn't care what Shockwave and Thunderwing thought of seeker - he just felt it was odd for them to dismiss the threat the seeker's continued existence so easily.

Except, Shockwave didn't. The Decepticon Justice Division? Save it for Shockwave to contact the those sadistic psycho killers just for the protocol's sake. As if he couldn't deal with this issue on his own. The further away the DJD was from him, the more relaxed Skullcruncher felt. Not that he had done anything wrong. DJD just happened to have a reputation to come up with reasons to put you on their List as they went on.

This was going to be a pain.
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Re: Decepticon battlecruiser Thanatos - Tides of Revolution

Postby Insidious » Sat Nov 24, 2012 3:24 pm

Motto: "Clarity of thought before rashness of action."
Weapon: Oxidating Laser

Dead End sighed a little and looked around. Of course Breakdown wouldn't make the first move. He didn't really expect any different response, except for the slim hope of something providing a change of pace from their inevitable march towards death.

More than anything else, Dead End was looking to see if Motormaster's attention was suitably occupied with the other Decepticons in the room thus allowing them a suitable opportunity to go charge up.

Yes......yessssss.....I think so.....

"We don't want to overstay our welcome just yet, right boys?" the brutish thug interjected into Dead End's otherwise peaceful ponderings.


"Now be good little soldiers a fetch me drink before I change my mind."

Dead End looked over at Breakdown and shrugged. That was probably as good of an opportunity as they were going to get to fuel up. He hadn't been on the Preds' ship in ages, but he knew they had some kind of chow hall or something where they came to glut themselves after one of their more successful hunts. That was probably the only place they could tap into whatever limited energy supplies Shockwave made available for the rank-and-filers. It was where he was going to go originally. He just had Motormaster's blessing, which would make for less consequences later.

"Right. On it," Dead End said before heading out of the brig. He just wished he could find something in the mess hall to spike Motormaster's drink with and take him out. "Let's go, Breaks."


When Razorclaw had arrived and ordered them to gather around, there wasn't the slightest indication of any hesitation. This was a unit that had been honed over the millenia and primed to strike on command. All of them could feel it: that command was coming soon. Rampage could definitely feel it, at least.

Tantrum's snort was the only indication that he understood Razorclaw's command and would not let his notorious anger get the better of him until he, like the rest of the Predacons, were ordered to make their move. After that, all bets and promises were off. Tantrum would do what he did best.

"Yes, Razorclaw," Rampage said, indicating his own understanding. Getting access to this ultra energon stuff that Shockwave had been working on would obviously be vital now, especially if he and his cronies were juiced up on the stuff. "Maybe...I don't know, maybe one or two of us should patrol the corridors or offer to stand guard outside or take up our usual bridge positions? Be close by without making it look like anything is unusual. Unless we stay together and attack as one? There's only a few places on this ship where Shockwave will want to be. As soon as we make a move for that new energon, the rest of the game is on, since I'm sure Shockwave or Soundwave has cronies around it all times."
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Re: Decepticon battlecruiser Thanatos - Tides of Revolution

Postby Ember » Mon Nov 26, 2012 10:42 pm

Motto: "I'm not psycho...I just like psychotic things."
Data Center

From her position, situated just above and across the computer terminal, Nightraven cast the teleporter a small but reassuring smile along with a slight nod. If this whole situation was going to play out in their…well, actually Starscream’s...favor then she and Skywarp were going to have to do precisely what Shockwave wanted. Although following the logic driven mech’s orders was leaving a very foul taste in her mouth.

“You’re welcome. And don’t worry we’ll be finished here soon.”

She flashed him another smile before turning her attention back to the screen and the list of names that had appeared. It was an extensive list, one that contained just about all of the active squadrons spread throughout the galaxy. And Skywarp was right, if they contacted all of the squadrons outside of the Sol System it would clue them in to the fact that something was up. Of course drawing any kind of attention to Starscream’s incarceration and or Megatron missing would be very bad indeed.

“Yes. Contacting all of them would certainly raise some red flags. Let’s just make contact with those in the Sol System. You can contact Helly and the others relatively easily. The others, maybe even Slipstream since she has a tendency to wander off…you’ll probably want to perform a search for their energy signatures. It’s probably the easiest and most direct way to find them all. Of course if that doesn’t work…well, then I’m not sure what to do next.”

Nightraven entered a few final commands and then stood back up. She took a good long look at Skywarp before she laid her hand on his upper arm and gave a gentle squeeze.

“Just keep it together a little longer, Skywarp. I’m sure it’ll be over in no time and with Starscream on top to boot.”

The femme sent a small smile down to the seated mech before releasing his arm.

“Starscream’s smart…you’re probably more familiar with him than anyone else besides Thundercracker. You know what he’s capable of. You three have been wingmates for hundreds of vorns…things will be alright….we’ll be alright.”

Nightraven gestured back to the terminal after finishing her pep talk.

“Now, let’s get this work finished so we can move on to other more pressing matters.”


If it were possible for Breakdown to actually swallow hard he would have done so. As it was, just receiving a look, be it casual or otherwise, from Motormaster sent Breakdown’s processor into a tizzy. Very quickly the scout averted his optics so as not to make any kind of eye contact with the massive Stunticon Commander. Although when Breakdown did take a quick peek over at the black and silver semi he just happened to catch that trademark sinister grin that always sent chills down his spinal column. And as quickly as he peeked the white and blue mehc looked away again.

“R…right, boss. N…no need to overstay…heh.”

Breakdown nodded nervously as he very subtly stepped closer to Dead End.

“Yeah. Like DE said…right on it.”

Breakdown couldn’t move fast enough out of the brig. He quickly stepped past Dead End even before the morose ‘Con finished his invite. Although he still had the presence of mind to grab a hold of his teammate’s arm, gently tugging in order to get Dead End to move along.

“Thank Primus for small favors. Let’s get the frag outta here before he decides to dismantle us for no reason.”

He paused for a moment as something else crossed his mind.

“I just thought of something…what if he winds up getting slagfaced on high grade…he’s liable to beat the slag out if us anyway. Oh man, DE we’re screwed no matter what we do…” His final few words were followed up quickly by a low whimper.
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Re: Decepticon battlecruiser Thanatos - Tides of Revolution

Postby phase » Wed Nov 28, 2012 1:08 pm

Motto: "I shall always haunt you, even in death."
Weapon: Overrider Rifle

Afterburner mock-wiped his brow as he finished tuning a spare rifle. He had stopped in to take stock of all the weapons they had, and repair whichever ones needed. A grunt's job, he found it, but he didn't have the guts to tell his commanders.

"If Terradive were here, he would be doing this," the Skyscorcher mused. He almost missed his teammates, if only for having more workhorses.

"All weapons are accounted for, and they are all in prime state," he recorded as he sent the invetory through the correct channels. Exiting the armory, he walked to the bridge, taking his post at the weapons console. He had an odd feeling that today was going to be a weird day as he nodded to Shockwave, but he said nothing.
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Re: Decepticon battlecruiser Thanatos - Tides of Revolution

Postby Smokescreen85 » Fri Nov 30, 2012 9:54 pm

Motto: ""A look can be deceiving; a touch can be lethal.""
Weapon: Twin Shoulder-Mounted Rocket Launchers

Razorclaw listened curiously as Rampage spoke up to offer some suggestions on what they should do while they awaited the right moment to strike. For a violent mech with a limited mental capacity, the tiger-former had some good ideas. Surely they were not his own and probably something he learned from an outside source. “Not bad, Rampage. Perhaps those human television programs you’re addicted to aren’t so bad for your brain module after all. Heh!” The Predacon Commander chuckled before stepping in and slapping his subordinate hard on the back. He then stepped back once more to address the entirety of his unit.

“All right, I want the four of you to break into two groups and patrol the corridors. Divebomb and Tantrum, check out the stasis chamber where the Vehicons are kept on ice while Rampage and Headstrong can patrol around the lab area. Whatever you do don’t linger for too long in either place. Otherwise, someone will grow suspicious. Once you have gathered what information you can, head up to the bridge and assume your normal stations. Meanwhile, I will search out Motormaster and Thunderwing in order to bring them up to speed on the current situation regarding the ultra energon why we must wait until we are equally as powered up. Once I have finished, I will meet you all up on the bridge, as well. Understood?”

Razorclaw locked optics with each of his Predacons, hoping that he had made himself perfectly clear. They weren’t the brightest bunch, but they were still an elite fighting unit and therefore the lion-former had little doubt that they would carry out his orders to the best of their abilities. The Predacon lord wasn’t really worried about them, or even Thunderwing for that matter, as his primary concern lay more with the Stunticon Commander whose impatience was near legendary. Razorclaw couldn’t afford to lose Motormaster’s support because he had become bored and decided to act on his own to find the violence that he was almost certainly craving right now. It was time to solidify support and maintain control over what limited men and resources the Predacon Commander still had.

Data Center

Skywarp listened carefully as Nightraven continued to guide him along in his task to organize all of the seekers within the Sol System. If Starscream had been here, the job would’ve been done before the teleporter had even sat down. That’s just how efficient the true Seeker Commander was. As it were, ‘Warp was responsible now and he would just have to make the best of it and hope that he didn’t screw things up too much. After all, he’d hate to go down in Decepticon history as the mech who single-handedly destroyed the entire Seeker Corps. He might as well just join the fraggin Autobots if that actually happened.

Before he could respond to Nighty’s suggestions, he felt her hand on his upper arm and heard the reassuring words he needed to keep him going, at least for the short term. She was right, of course. He and Thundercracker did know Starscream the best as the three of them had been there from the beginning. Screamer had a plan, one that would ensure the Seeker Corps lived on as the most fearsome aerial fighting force the Empire had to offer. ‘Warp just had to believe that things would all work out in the end and above all he needed to believe in himself.

“I’m sure you’re right, Nighty,” Skywarp finally replied as she let go of his arm. “I think I’ll contract Thundercracker first. Through him I can gather what information I need regarding whatever the others are doing. He’s the only one I can really trust that will take me seriously and be able to gather the seekers down there together. As for the ones that have gone rogue, the signature search will have to be good enough. If I can’t find some of them, I’ll just have to note that on my report to Shockwave and hope he doesn’t take anything out on me.”

Skywarp let out a deep sigh as he opened a comm line to his long time friend:

>>”Thundercracker, this is Skywarp on board the Thanatos up in orbit around this miserable mudball. Starscream has been taken prisoner by Shockwave and is facing a hearing with the Decepticon Justice Division to determine his fate. Believe it or not, Shockwave has named me the interim Seeker Commander. I’m not kidding, and he wants me to organize the squadrons on top of that. I need your help in gathering every seeker together down planet side and inform me of their current activities so I can then present a report to ol’ one optic. Let them know what’s going on up here and try to keep their laughter at my leadership status to a minimum if you can. Contact me as soon as you have what I need. Thanks, buddy. I owe you one for this.”<<

Once the transmission was sent, Skywarp glanced back up at Nightraven and gave her a slight smile. “And I owe you one, as well, even more so.” The teleporter took her hand into his and gave it a gentle squeeze before returning his attention to the computer terminal where he began a signature search for every seeker in the region. Hopefully, strays like Slipstream would be found not too far away and could then be coaxed into rejoining their aerial brethren.
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Re: Decepticon battlecruiser Thanatos - Tides of Revolution

Postby Insidious » Sat Dec 01, 2012 2:23 pm

Motto: "Clarity of thought before rashness of action."
Weapon: Oxidating Laser

Dead End hadn't' put up any resistance when Breakdown had coiled around his arm and practically drug him out of the brig. Dead End was in no mood to stay around there by any means. The more distance they could put between themselves and Motormaster--and the faster they could do it--the better.

"You know he will too, if something doesn't erupt on this ship soon. Can you imagine...what if all those commander types decided to suddenly just start getting along. The Big M would implode," Dead End said, still keeping his voice low. Even if Motormaster didn't directly overhear what they were saying, that didn't mean someone else wouldn't. It probably didn't even matter that they were whispering. Supposedly Soundwave could hear your thoughts, if the rumors were true.

Dead End looked over his shoulder, just to see if the creepy blue mech happened to be following them.

Not this time.

"We are," Dead End said, agreeing with Breakdown's latter point. He couldn't have said it better himself and he he really wanted to. Oh well. "But at least if he gets overtanked, there's a better chance he'll lose a circuit on the first 'Con that says something stupid to him. We just have to make sure that's not us. So, I say we bring him the highest grade stuff we can get our hands and as much of it as we're allowed to take, give it to him and then get the slag outta wherever he is."

They were still going to wind up a little more than charred hunks of metal, but this way they might prolong their miserable lives by a few breems.


Underneath his faceplate, Rampage smirked. Razorclaw seemed a little surprised, but that didn't really bother him. Rampage knew his penchant for the worst in interstellar violent programming had earned him something of a bad reputation, but at the end of the day, he had still been a territorial warlord of Cybertron once upon a time. All of the Predacons came from various positions of power, carved for themselves from the early days of the war. Razorclaw just happened to be the best at herding their fiercely independent tendencies, but Rampage knew he was just as capable as the rest in laying out what it took to win a fight. And that was what they were in. It was a little more complex, technical and political than any of the fights that Rampage had fought in a long time, but that's still all it was. Only this time the territory at stake was the fate of the Decepticon empire. Definitely no small task.

"Just say the word. We'll be ready," Rampage said as he looked over in Headstrong's direction, the Predacon he had been partnered up with for the time being. "Let's get to the lab. Never know who might already be in there."

The ship's laboratory was one of the primary places that Rampage suspected a mech like Shockwave would be hanging out. If they could be close to wherever he was, then it might be Rampage who could ram his blade in to the walking calculator's chest cavity.

Headstrong was already out of the barracks before Rampage could say anything further.

"Wait the slag up!" Rampage called out, picking up his pace as he too left the barracks.
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Re: Decepticon battlecruiser Thanatos - Tides of Revolution

Postby Devastron » Sat Dec 01, 2012 10:11 pm

Weapon: Energo-Sword

Thunderwing relaxed only marginally as Shockwave lowered his arm cannon. He could almost hear the his processors running as he calculated the various odds of keeping him obedient or winning a battle against him. This time the odds had apparently gone in his favor, but there was so much that Shockwave would never be able to fully understand or calculate. Whether he had truly intended to or not he had thrown down the gauntlet at Thunderwing and while that challenge wasn’t going to be met right this instant, not with his various bodyguards around and with him likely powered up by his new fuel, it would happen soon.

The Decepticon turned his attention to the monitor as Shockwave made contact with someone. He certainly recognized the face or, more accurately, what the face was from. Thunderwing had not bothered to look up any specific information on the Justice Division since his return other then to see they still functioned. He was not up to speed on their current members and so it took a minute to realize who Shockwave was talking to. Apparently Shockwave was being very official about his elimination of Starscream. It was likely an effort to cement his leadership with a bit of ceremony. It was an interesting balance he was making between efficiency and appearances.

Once the communication was complete and Shockwave turned to leave he finally spoke up. “Dealing with the Justice Divison even under the best of times isn’t ideal, and this is far from the best of times. I don’t think even you could calculate how they would react to knowledge of Megatron’s fate. We all could be found guilty or complicit in his death or cover-up of it. Starscream may even use that very fact in his defense or to save his life. I assume you are taking precautions or have a plan in case that happens?”

He wasn’t entirely sure whether it would be a benefit to him to have Starscream muted or not. There was always the real chance that he would betray them all if he felt his life was truly and fully threatened which, with the DJD coming, was a distinct possibility. In any case he would be better of having some idea of what Shockwave had planned for whatever trial there would be.


Soundwave watched as the potential battle between Shockwave and Thunderwing was defused, for now. This clash between the two leadership candidates would be something to monitor in the future. While he had pledged loyalty to Shockwave he wouldn’t be dragged down by him if his leadership proved untenable. His absolute loyalty belonged only to Megatron, everyone else was variable. He didn’t think Shockwave would be overthrown but Thunderwing had made a strong point in him being constantly challenged. He would have to play things carefully and quietly, as always.

Soundwave was slightly surprised at the speed of the Justice Division’s reply to his request. Apparently Shockwave’s name carried more weight with them then he had expected. He wasn’t entirely pleased to hear from them either. He did fear them as his loyalty to Megatron and the Decepticons was absolute and extensive. He had been there at the beginning and was one of the few from that time still going.

The Decepticon quickly followed his orders and relayed a signal to all of the Decepticons on board the ship. >>”Darkwing and Dreadwind, report to the bridge for monitor duty. All other non-essential personnel are to report to the main hangar bay immediately. Vehicon detachment one, escort the prisoner Starscream to the main hangar bay under maximum security protocol.”<<

The communications expert got up to join Shockwave in leaving the bridge. He paused as Thunderwing brought up an interesting point. While he was sure he could make it past any accusations the Division might throw at him the likes of Shockwave or Thunderwing were more questionable. Soundwave could always claim he was following orders when it came to any accusation, but those who gave orders did not have such a shield. He waited for Shockwave to answer before following him out of the room.


Clutch was disappointed to see the situation defused so quickly, and with words no less. He still wanted to put this new fuel to the test and a fight here and now looked like his best chance at that. Unfortunately this just wasn’t his day. He clenched his fists in frustration but said nothing.

The bulky Decepticon frowned as Shockwave contacted the Justice Division. He’d been fortunate enough to have never crossed paths with them, but the stories certainly got around. He was pretty sure he had always been loyal. The warrior couldn’t remember any sort of insubordination or mission failures, at least nothing big enough to make their list. Still, he was going to have to be on his best behavior for this meeting.

It would also probably be best to give his partner a heads up. Clutch didn’t want anything Knockout did or might do to reflect on him. Sure they were partners and worked together, but he wasn’t about to die a horrible death just because he did something wrong and dragged him down with him. He didn’t think that would be the case but better safe then sorry.

>>”Knockout, looks like we are having some guests. The DJD is coming to say hi to Starscream. I hope you’re all polished up and smiles for this. I know you’ve heard the same stories about them I have.”<<



Darkwing visibly relaxed as Motormaster released him and left the room. It seemed the powder keg of violence he had expected to detonate had been defused somehow. He didn’t exactly feel safe now, and he knew Dreadwind didn’t either, but it did feel like a bit of weight had been lifted off his shoulders. Maybe they would survive this whole leadership shift, or at least survive to see another day.

His thoughts were interrupted by the message from Soundwave. They were being sent to the bridge while everyone else was going to the hangar bay, possibly to watch Starscream’s execution. While he would have gotten a kick out of seeing old Screamer bite it, being on the bridge was probably safer. He looked over at Dreadwind for confirmation of this.

“That means if anything goes wrong on the ship we will be the ones to take the full blame. It would also be a perfect time for someone one to eliminate us and take over the ship. Nothing good will come of this.”

Darkwing slumped his shoulders at Dreadwind’s words and let out a sigh. “Yeah, probably. Lets get it over with.” The two fliers left the room at a brisk pace.
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Re: Decepticon battlecruiser Thanatos - Tides of Revolution

Postby Insidious » Sun Dec 02, 2012 5:30 am

Motto: "Clarity of thought before rashness of action."
Weapon: Oxidating Laser

Shockwave had acknowledged Afterburner's brief report. He had not personally checked the weapons systems in 0.174 breems, so an update regarding the ship's functioning internal systems was not entirely unwarranted. He motioned for the Skyscorcher to exit the bridge, just as the others would soon do as the main hangar bay would now be their new destination.

"Satisfactory," Shockwave replied simply, before turning his attention to Thunderwing. He then turned and continued walking toward his next destination. The others were 97.4458% likely to follow. This was subject matter that could be addressed in transition. There was no need to remain in the current location.

"Declarative: I have calculated satisfactorily that it is in no one's best interest for the wider Decepticon empire to become aware of Megatron's current status--at present," Shockwave said as he walked through the adjoining corridors of the ship.

Shockwave had made that calculation some time ago, as he weighed the benefits and hindrances to utilizing Soundwave to transmit Megatron's status to every Decepticon in the universe, regardless of how far out their current tour of duty carried them. He had ultimately decided that such knowledge would attract too much unwarranted attention, as every Phase Six Decepticon, fleet commander and would-be warlord would instantly see themselves as the only logical heir to carry on Megatron's legacy and would sweep in to potentially overrun the forces here on Earth en masse. Whether they would meet with success or not was debatable. What was not debatable however, in Shockwave's mind, was the reality that the Decepticons truly would consume themselves at that point. Whoever was left standing would find themselves ruling an empire of burned out, metal husks. For Shockwave, it was an inevitable conclusion to come to. With statistical certainty he was sure it was a conclusion that every other would-be leader would come to as well: the best course was to shore up any dissenting cracks of loyalty here and without the direct interference of others. Even Starscream, in his currently incapacitated state, was almost certainly still plotting ways to assume command. He would continue to do so until he no longer functioned. That moment would be coming soon.

However, that did not mean that an acceptable degree of formal executionary channels could not be utilized and then suitably discarded after their usefulness had come to an end.

"Declarative: given where that transmission signal originated from, it is statistically improbable that the Division will attempt to assess the situation personally. I will likely be given the authorization to have Starscream executed for his treachery and the hearing will end. Word will spread that matters are proceeding here as they should. Once I have determined it is acceptable for the wider empire to learn of Megatron's status, I will submit an action stratagem to my pending governance oversight panel and we will act accordingly."

Already the layout of how Shockwave would shape this empire and ensure their survival was beginning to take shape, but that did not mean that there were not certain outlying factors that could not be addressed now.

>>"Soundwave, declarative--the Justice Division will transmit their likeness via holographics or the main comm screen in the hangar, depending on the resources Kaon has available for establishing the connection. Imperative: assert direct control over all communication frequencies entering and leaving the ship. Starscream will be allowed to rationalize his actions on Sol-3 to his satisfaction, but the signal is to be cut if any direct mention of Megatron's status begins to arise."<<

For all his words and reasonable confidences that it served no one's ambitions for the wider empire at large to become aware of Megatron's death, that did not mean that the imperator did not have contingencies in place.

Ahead, a pair of Vehicon guards stood at attention outside the main hangar bay of the Thanatos. At Shockwave's approach, one of them turned to initiate the opening of the large doors leading in to the cavernous space.
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Re: Decepticon battlecruiser Thanatos - Tides of Revolution

Postby phase » Sun Dec 02, 2012 6:42 pm

Motto: "I shall always haunt you, even in death."
Weapon: Overrider Rifle

Afterburner was initially confused by why they were being sent to the hangar, but he got up instantly. Quietly, he went along with Shockwave to the bay. He did, however, take heavy note of Starscream's imprisonment, which instantly incited thoughts of a trial. This idea gave the Skyscorcher pleasure, as he had never felt like the Seeker was that effective of an Air Commander. Starscream was too cowardly for the scientist's taste. Despite this, he briefly wondered how the Seeker came onboard.

This curiosity drove him to look up at his commander. "Pardon my ignorance, sir Shockwave, but why is Starscream on our ship as a prisoner?" the blue jet asked quietly. "I have been busy, and missed a bit, for which I apologize." He shrugged to the Vehicons as they walked past, not really being fond of the drones. He had assisted in designing their weapons, but found the troops to be more cannon fodder than killers.
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Re: Decepticon battlecruiser Thanatos - Tides of Revolution

Postby Foximus » Sun Dec 02, 2012 11:08 pm

Motto: "Freedom is the right of all sentient beings."
Weapon: Laser Rifle

Deathdancer had slipped into the brig quietly, her tiny form not garnering the notice of the room's occupants. And, for the time being anyway, that suited her just fine. There was a big one - some fragmented voice in her head told her his name began with Motor - and two others who looked very nervous for some reason, fidgeting and looking at Motorhead - as Deathdancer now dubbed him - with something akin to terror.

It was rather amusing to watch. Her twisted mind tried to think of the various ways that she could torment the two stunticons with their fear of Motorhead. A few things came to mind, but they would require things that would take some effort to obtain. The little tactician didn't want to torment them that badly - yet. There were two other too. Fliers. The group took their time leaving the brig, but soon all of them did.

The call came for all Decepticons aboard the ship to meet inside of the hangar bay, which Deathdancer's processor would only interpret as an invitation to a grand and extravagant party. She was about to skip merrily out of the brig when a thought occurred to her. She was in the brig where prisoners are generally kept. Perhaps she could get a look at the guest of honor before the whole party began! What a treat.

Merrily, Deathdancer skipped over to the cell block, peeking into the cells curiously. She finally found Starscream and gazed at him with an inquisitive expression that one might compare to a protoform looking at a strange creature that it had never seen before. The look lasted approximately half an astrosecond before Deathdancer bounced off toward the door, feeling quite pleased with herself.


Deathdancer made her way through the hallways at a good pace, skipping along merrily. Very soon, the real fun would begin. No doubt the seeker commander had something up his sleeve. The tactician was very eager to see what the next move in the game would be. Such a fun game. Hopefully, she'd be more than a mere spectator soon.
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Re: Decepticon battlecruiser Thanatos - Tides of Revolution

Postby Cryhavok » Tue Dec 04, 2012 11:59 am

Motto: ""It is all about pain.""
Weapon: Fusion-Powered Anti-Gravity Gun
Corridors near the Barracks

"You deserve to be left behind if you can't keep up with me." Headstrong scoffed, not slowing down at all as Rampage called for him to wait. The Predacon rhino was not really the best company to be around but the same could be said for the other Predacons as well. That being said, Headstrong was still the most insufferably stubborn mechanoid in the ranks of the Decepticons and Rampage knew it well enough.

>>”Darkwing and Dreadwind, report to the bridge for monitor duty. All other non-essential personnel are to report to the main hangar bay immediately. Vehicon detachment one, escort the prisoner Starscream to the main hangar bay under maximum security protocol.”<<

The sudden transmission from Soundwave echoing around the whole battlecruiser slowed Headstrong to standstill. It conflicted with Razorclaw's orders and quite frankly, if they chose to ignore it - they'd catch far more attention than by going into the hangar. "Huh?"

"Do we count as non-essential? I think we just got insulted."


Transmission from Thundercracker to Skywarp:

>>"More than one. You'd owe me more than one 'Warp. But hey, listen... I can't help you other than naming the seekers present here - me, Dirge, Thrust and Ramjet. See, we have a situation here. The Autobots found our new base somehow. Except it seems like it wasn't the Autobots after all because Onslaught and Ultra Magnus just ordered a cease fire both and are now talking about... Well, let's just say I rather believe you were promoted the interim Seeker Commander than bear witness to the return of the Fallen. Yeah. That Fallen. The 13 all that ancient history mixed with myths Fallen. Uh, you probably should tell Shockwave."<<
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Re: Decepticon battlecruiser Thanatos - Tides of Revolution

Postby Smokescreen85 » Sat Dec 08, 2012 10:25 am

Motto: ""A look can be deceiving; a touch can be lethal.""
Weapon: Twin Shoulder-Mounted Rocket Launchers
(OOC: Monster post coming!)

Data Center

“Wait...what?!” Skywarp exclaimed as Thundercracker’s response came in over his comm line. The teleporter glanced over at Nightraven with a bewildered looked etched across his faceplate. “Did I just hear him right, Nighty? Did ‘Cracker just say the Fallen is down there? I couldn’t have heard that right. It must be some kind of a joke. Only thing is I’m usually the one that pranks others, not the other way around. So, I guess maybe he’s serious. Still, I don’t think sharing this bit of news with Shockwave is a good idea. Screamer will have my cranium if I did that.”

Skywarp glanced back at the terminal in front of him as he considered his options, hoping that Nightraven would interject her own opinion on the matter and thus guide him in the right direction. However, before she could give any kind of response, Soundwave’s message came over both of the seekers’ comm lines, ordering all non-essential personnel down to the hangar. The prankster looked back at Nighty with a worried expression. “Great, looks like Starscream’s trial is happening sooner rather than later. I guess we’ll just have to pick up our search for the other seekers afterwards.”

The black and purple flier then stood from his chair and headed for the door, peering back over his shoulder plate to made sure Nightraven was following close behind him. He had no real reason to believe that she wouldn’t be right on his tail, but it was always nice to have a visual confirmation. The doors of the data center then slid open, allowing Skywarp to exit into the corridor beyond.

Corridors near the Barracks

Razorclaw nodded as the Predacons accepted his orders without hesitation and started to make their way out of the barracks and to their assigned destinations. The Predacon lord followed quickly after them, entering the corridor as he began his search for the brutish Stunticon Commander. However, his trek came to an abrupt end when he and the others received the transmission from Soundwave. Everyone was to gather in the hangar where Starscream was now being escorted to under armed guard. Something was definitely happening as it seemed that the Seeker Commander’s judgment was about to be cast. This was an unfortunate turn of events that saw the lion-former’s timetable for powering up on the new energon become exponentially shorter.

“The fact that Shockwave thinks he can lead the Decepticons is an insult, Headstrong,” Razorclaw replied to his subordinate along with the other Predacons who were still in the corridor. “It seems that things have sped up considerably. We must move to acquire the energon that we need now. Waiting any longer will see our plans fall apart before us. And as much as I would like to see Starscream executed, we still need him for the foreseeable future. Now, follow me.”

Wasting no further time, Razorclaw took the lead and made his way through the corridors of the Thanatos towards the science labs. He was not yet sure how he would obtain access to said labs as his security codes were not at a high enough level any more to grant him entrance. His excursion into the ship’s database earlier had informed him of that much as Shockwave was taking no chances of any unauthorized access to the ultra energon. Still, there had to be a way inside and before the Predacon lord knew it, that way presented itself in the form of a certain teleporting prankster.

“Skywarp!” Razorclaw bellowed down the corridor as the black and purple seeker came into view with Nightraven by his side. It was obvious to anyone with half a processor that these two had a thing for each other and it was that thing which could be exploited if need be in order to get the teleporter to be as obedient as a cyber-pet. The Predacon lord approached the prankster and stood in his path, preventing him to proceeding any further. “You’re just the mech I was looking for.”

“I am?” Skywarp questioned as a sneer formed on his faceplate.

“Yes, I need your help in getting into the labs where the ultra energon is kept. Access is strictly prohibited to anyone without proper authorization. I require your teleportation skills to get me inside. I assume you will have no problem in doing that, correct?”

“I suppose,” the prankster replied as the sneer became deeper. “But we really don’t have time for a recharge right now. Starscream’s trial with the DJD is about to take place.”

“The DJD?!” Razorclaw reacted in a surprised manner. “You mean the Decepticon Justice Division, itself, will be passing judgment on Starscream?”

“So I’ve been told.”

“Well, in that case, we must move quickly. Both of you, come with us!” Razorclaw commanded as he moved past the two seekers. He was a bit surprised that Shockwave would bring in the DJD to do his dirty work for him, but perhaps ol’ one optic was just being overly cautious as to not appear to be the bad guy in the eyes of the rest of the seekers. If the DJD ordered Screamer’s execution, it would be their doing and not that of the Military Operations Commander.

Skywarp remained where he stood with Nightraven standing close beside him. He made no motion to follow the lion-former as he tried to think how Starscream would react. “And what do Nighty and I get out of helping you, Razorclaw? This plan of yours is a weak one at best. I don’t think you really know what you are doing. You're just making this all up as you go along, aren't you?”

The Predacon lord stopped in his tracks and slowly turned around to face the insubordinate seeker. Razorclaw walked towards Skywarp until he was standing only inches away from the resident prankster. “You listen to me, Skywarp, and you listen well. I am your leader and the only thing you will get out of helping me is continuing to function. As for my plan, just leave the thinking to those better suited for it! Am I clear on this matter?”

“You need me,” Skywarp responded, staring back into the optics of Razorclaw. “You can’t kill me. Otherwise, you can’t get to the ultra energon. I may not be the brightest seeker in the Corps, but I’m not an imbecile either.”

“Oh, but you are,” Razorclaw retorted as the other Predacons closed their distance around the seekers. “You see, Skywarp, what you fail to understand is, while I need you, I don’t need her.” The Predacon lord shot a quick glance over at Nightraven before returning his attention to the teleporter. “So, I suggest you drop this futile attempt to stand up to me and just fraggin’ do what you are told!”

Skywarp’s courage quickly disappeared as Razorclaw all but threatened to terminate Nightraven if he didn’t follow the lion-former’s orders to the letter. The other Predacons were practically breathing down his neck which only added to the tension. “Fine, I’ll do what you want,” the teleporter conceded as he looked back at the animalistic ‘Con that stood before him.

“Excellent!” Razorclaw said as he patted Skywarp rather hard on the shoulder plate. “Now, let’s get moving!”

Outside the Science Labs

The trek to the labs took less than a breem to complete. Razorclaw stopped just down the corridor from the locked doors, raising one hand up to make sure everyone else followed suit. According to the ship’s logs, the lab’s security sensors were programmed to place the entire facility into full lockdown if any movement near the door or tempering of said door was detected. Thankfully, they were close enough that Skywarp’s special talents would still enable them to get inside. “How many mechs can you teleport at once?” The Predacon lord asked as his gaze bore into the seeker beside him.

“Two, maybe three at most,” Skywarp replied. “The more I try to teleport the more energon I use up. Not to mention it makes it harder to guide myself in the right direction.”

“I see,” Razorclaw stated as he turned his attention to the rest of his unit. “Divebomb, Headstrong and Rampage, remain here with Nightraven while I go inside and get our new fuel. Don’t go any closer to the doors. Otherwise, you risk setting off the motion sensors. Tantrum, you’re with us. I will need your fuel tanks to transport the ultra energon to the rest of our team. Now, let’s get this show on the road, shall we, Skywarp?”

“Take hold of my arms,” the prankster reluctantly said as he cast a concerned gaze over at Nightraven. Once the Predacon Commander and fueler had placed their filthy hands on his body, Skywarp initiated the teleport and the trio was gone in a flash of purple light.

Inside the Science Labs

In another flash of brilliance, Razorclaw, Skywarp and Tantrum appeared within the main lab area. Teleportation was not like bouncing and thus there were no ill after effects. “Tantrum, watch our seeker friend here, while I go talk to our resident mechanic. And ‘Warp, I suggest you behave yourself. My comrade here can be rather brutal if provoked.”

“I’ll do my best,” Skywarp responded with the same deep sneer as before, glancing over at Tantrum before letting out a deep sigh. Starscream’s going to rip me a new aft section for this, I just know it.

The Predacon lord paid Skywarp’s insulting facial expressions no mind as he made his way across the room and over to the only mech that he currently saw in the labs. “Knockout, it’s been quite some time since we last encountered one another. My apologies for the abrupt entrance. I did not have the proper access codes to get in here. It seems that Shockwave does not fully trust me. Of course, he is correct on that assumption. But I digress. I need your assistance in a very important matter, one that cannot wait any longer. My friends and I would like to try your new ultra energon. We understand it packs quite the punch. You wouldn’t have a problem helping us out, now would you?”

As Razorclaw waited for a response from the mechanic, he took notice of a nearby berth where he saw the carapace-laced Blackwind lying in stasis with the appropriate restraints in place. “Is that Blackwind you have on your dissection table, Knockout?” The Predacon Commander questioned further as he moved over to stand beside the unconscious form of Thunderwing’s own little experiment. “You appear to be trying to cut through the outer shell but without much luck. I wouldn’t let Thunderwing find out about this. He has feelings for this one, you know, and would be none too pleased about her current state or treatment.”
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Re: Decepticon battlecruiser Thanatos - Tides of Revolution

Postby Insidious » Sun Dec 09, 2012 9:36 am

Motto: "Clarity of thought before rashness of action."
Weapon: Oxidating Laser

"Eh, he'll find out just how 'non-essential' we are," the Predacon said.

Rampage had let out a raucous laugh at Headstrong's assessment of Soundwave's latest transmission. Razorclaw's reply had pretty much summed up Rampage's own feelings on the matter. And it wasn't long after that before the Predacon Commander made his first move. Rampage could feel his circuits sizzling. His optics scanned the corridors in both directions, ready at the first sight that things might not go as they planned. His right hand hovered just a few millimeters away from the compartment where his blade was kept.

This was it. There would be no turning back now.

He wouldn't have it any other way.


Tantrum was just as ready as any of the other Predacons. He only nodded as Razorclaw divided them up even further. With the Seeker in tow, it wasn't long before they were in the laboratory itself. Honestly, Tantrum couldn't be sure if Shockwave had made changes or if he had just never been in this room before.

The Predacon fueler paid little attention to the interactions going on after that. His optics were focused on the energon stores. Or, if everyone's big mouths were to be believed, the "ultra" energon stores.

Whatever. He just wanted to load up on whatever it was and see if it was as good as everyone kept saying it was.

If it wasn't, somebody was getting hit.

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Re: Decepticon battlecruiser Thanatos - Tides of Revolution

Postby Ember » Sun Dec 09, 2012 6:55 pm

Motto: "I'm not psycho...I just like psychotic things."
Data Center

Is must have been a joke. There was just no other explanation for what Nightraven had just heard. The Fallen. The Fallen? It was impossible. The Prime lost to his very Dynasty had returned and had decided to make his presence known on Earth. And at the site of the Decepticons’ new HQ location of all places. This was either very bad or very…no, this was very bad.

“I…I. You heard right, but I don’t believe it.” Nightraven stared back at Skywarp her mouth slightly agape as she tried to comprehend just what implications this unforeseen arrival would present. Nightraven nodded in agreement to keep the news about The Fallen from Shockwave. She then glanced back at the terminal Skywarp was working at. She was ready to try and work out just what to tell Shockwave when Soundwave’s message came over the comm. lines.

For a moment Nightraven watched as Skywarp stood and headed for the door. The femme shook her head slightly and let out a low sigh before she set off after him. She had sidled up and slipped through the doors just he passed into the corridor.

Corridors near the Barracks

Nightraven had worked her way beside Skywarp but remained silent as they wound their way through the corridors on their way to the hanger. The sudden bellow of the teleporter’s name had her stopping in her tracks, but when Razorclaw stepped into their path Nightraven took a slight step back and behind the black and purple Seeker.

The femme remained quiet while the Predacon Commander laid out his plan to use Skywarp’s special ability of teleportation in order to gain access to the locked down laboratories. Her attention switched from the lion-former back to Skywarp when the latter tried to remind the former that they were expected in the hanger to witness Starscream’s trial…performed by none other than the DJD themselves. This revelation seemed to surprise Razorclaw and prompted him to attempt to get the both of them to do his bidding. Nightraven, however, remained close to Skywarp as the interim Seeker Commander decided to stand up to the much more powerful Predacon. Probably not the best idea he’s had, but still brave.

His attempt at intimidation only caused Razowclaw to pause in his advance and turn back around to stalk back to Skywarp. The action made Nightraven flinch and almost instinctively reach out to rest the tips of her fingers lightly on the Seeker’s elbow. She lowered her hand when Skywarp kept at the other mech…making an admirable if not stupid stand against the vicious and patient killer.

She sent Razorclaw a confused look when the surrounding Predacons began to close in on both Seekers. Nightraven swept her optics in all directions as they were now surrounded but her attention was drawn back to Razorclaw when his threat was finally made clear. The femme caught Razorclaw’s glance before he returned his focus solely on Skywarp whose bravado had now quickly faded. Nightraven reached out once more and brushed her hand over his elbow before pulling back.

Outside the Science Labs

Nightraven moved along with Razorclaw and his pack to their intended destination but the group stopped before proceeding down the remainder of the corridor. She kept close to the teleporter if for no other reason than to be out of the Predacons’ reach. Razorclaw’s mention of his three subordinates had Nightraven taking a cursory glance around at Divebomb, Headstrong and Rampage.

Her optics met with Skywarp’s as both Razorclaw and Tantrum took hold of his arms and the three vanished from sight. She kept her attention on the location the three had just vanished from for a moment before she turned back around to face the three remaining Predacons.

Inside the Science Labs

Left to his own devices and whims Knockout was bound to keep himself busy and very happy. While alone the mechanic was able to do what he wanted and how he wanted. After Shockwave and his entourage had vacated the premises the red and gold mech had done a bit of digging…literally. The prone but restrained form of Blackwind had been subject to several more attempts of cutting and none too tender slicing until he finally was able to remove another sizable chunk of the femme’s carapace. Unfortunately he was no more closer to discovering just how the process worked than he was before…but getting to this point had been rather fun.

All had been quiet; the only sound that permeated the space came only from Knockout’s own upbeat humming so when the sound of his name finally penetrated his audios the vain ‘Con let out a surprised yelp. He spun around…his energon prod in hand ready to defend himself from whoever this interloper might be.

Knockout relaxed but only marginally when he saw who had just arrived. He offered Razorclaw a slight nod while resting the end of his energon prod on the floor beside him. With a cocky smile Knockout gestured to both Tantrum and Skywarp who were positioned near the door. “Boys.”

“Well, well, well. Razorclaw. Long time no hear from…not that I cared to hear from you anyway.” Knockout let out a low chuckle before hefting his weapon, twirling it in one hand and stowing it away. While the lion-former spoke he circled round the mech putting some distance between he and the dangerous ‘Con. “No access codes…I can see why you’d assume that ‘ol one-eye didn’t trust you. Then again I can’t see why anyone would trust you.”

The mechanic stopped his circling and slipped back to the slab his patient was still strapped too. There was no reason why he couldn’t continue his work so long as they didn’t interfere, that is. “So, you’re interested in Shocky’s little stash of home brewed “Nightmare Fuel”, eh?” He was preparing to perform another invading incision when he was stopped by Razorclaw’s inquiry concerning Blackwind’s identity.

“Yes, this is our resident Aerial Coordinator. Or for as long as she remains online…” Knockout let out a chuckle but grew silent when the name of the Valkasta Warlord was spoken. He had a feeling the mech was onboard and assumed that with his ongoing work Shockwave would have kept him and his work guarded. But seeing as that Razorclaw and his cronies were able to gain entry into the labs only proved that is would be far easier for Thunderwing to gain entry as well. And if he were to see just what he’d been up to…ugh. Knockout ran his hand lightly over his neck…the Warlord would be sure to make his death an agonizing one. “Well, I don’t see why we would need to mention anything to Thunderwing. After all his little precious is still very functional and will remain that way. Sooo…”

The mechanic flashed the trio a dashing smile as he clapped his hands together. “…what say we have a little drink, no?” That said Knockout placed his hand on Razorclaw’s shoulder and guided him toward the energon stores where the Ultra Energon was kept.

Communique from Clutch
>>”Knockout, looks like we are having some guests. The DJD is coming to say hi to Starscream. I hope you’re all polished up and smiles for this. I know you’ve heard the same stories about them I have.”<<

>>"Now is not a very good time, Clutch. I'm in the middle of...some well, some important experimentation. As for the DJD, I have most certainly heard of what they're capable of. Keep your nose clean and do plenty of Megatron worshiping and Tarn may leave you alone. Keep me informed on how the trial is going."<<
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Re: Decepticon battlecruiser Thanatos - Tides of Revolution

Postby Smokescreen85 » Wed Dec 12, 2012 10:40 am

Motto: ""A look can be deceiving; a touch can be lethal.""
Weapon: Twin Shoulder-Mounted Rocket Launchers
Inside Science Labs

Razorclaw ignored Knockout’s attempts at humor, even if it was at the Predacon lord’s own expense. None of it mattered just as long as the overly polished mechanic gave him and his supporters what they wanted. “Nightmare Fuel, huh?” The lion-former commented as he followed Knockout to where the ultra energon reserves were stored. “Why exactly do you call it that? Is there something regarding the energon that I and my friends should be made aware of? Are there any side effects that we should be concerned about?”

At this point any negative impacts would simply have to be endured in order to overthrow Shockwave and bring about a Predacon regime to the Empire, or at least to this sector for the time being. Razorclaw had so far seen no ill effects from any of those who had already ingested the brew, at least none that had surfaced yet. Who knows what kind of reactions would ultimately be displayed down the line or even during the heat of battle. Surely, this ultra energon had not been adequately tested in a combat situation. Of course, that was about to change very soon.

Moving to a nearby berth, Razorclaw sat down and awaited the transfusion of ultra energon in to his systems. He kept his optics keenly on Knockout to make sure he did nothing suspicious during the procedure. The lion-former then overheard the communication between the mechanic and the ‘Con known as Clutch, mentioning Starscream’s trial and the DJD’s involvement. The Predacon lord smiled underneath his faceshield at the thought of the Seeker Commander being put on trial. Perhaps he would allow Starscream to be executed first before making his move. It was certainly an option to consider, but ultimately it would likely do more harm than good. There was still the problem of keeping the Seeker Corps in line after Shockwave was dealt with. That would be hard pressed to accomplish if the fliers‘ leader was betrayed and terminated in the process.

“I’m ready whenever you are, Knockout,” Razorclaw growled as he continued to watch the mechanic go to work. “As you just heard, there’s a trial that I and my friends need to attend. So, let’s get this done, shall we?”

Skywarp remained off to one side of the room and had not moved from the spot where he had initially appeared. Tantrum was close by, but he was apparently more interested in the energon reserves than in what the teleporter was doing. That suited ‘Warp just fine as being forced to do what Razorclaw wanted had already fired up his nerve receptors almost to the point of meltdown. The rage inside him was also building, but the prankster kept it in check as he was currently in no position to anything about the situation he now found himself in. If he didn’t follow the Predacon Commander’s orders, Nightraven would pay the ultimate price. Of course, doing the lion-former’s bidding would not sit too well with Starscream once he found out and then it could quite possibly be the teleporter that would find his spark extinguished.

I’m screwed either way, Skywarp thought as he took a step away from the Predacon fueler, who looked as if he was ready to rip someone apart at any moment. There weren’t many choices in the science lab and the prankster was the closest potential victim. As a result, ‘Warp wanted to keep his distance if only to minimize Tantrum’s animalistic stench from reaching his olfactory sensors. The smell was almost enough to make the black and purple seeker purge his tanks. Oh, well. At least then he’d have room for the ultra energon, assuming of course that Razorclaw would even see fit to give him or Nightraven any. Considering the seekers’ threat to his reign, the Predacon lord may just keep the new fuel all to himself and his unit.

Either way, I’m still screwed. Skywarp shook his cranium and looked down at the floor. He off-lined his optics for a moment in the hopes that he’d wake up from this virtual nightmare, but when he on-lined them again, he was still in the same hellish ordeal from which there seemed to be no escape. All he could do now was wait for Knockout to complete the transfusion of ultra energon to Razorclaw, which appeared to be imminent. I hope he chokes on it!
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Re: Decepticon battlecruiser Thanatos - Tides of Revolution

Postby Insidious » Wed Dec 12, 2012 11:55 am

Motto: "Clarity of thought before rashness of action."
Weapon: Oxidating Laser

"Treason," Shockwave responded simply to the Skyscorcher's question. It was more complicated than that. If Starscream's past behavior truly was as clear cut as Shockwave believed it to be, the intercession of the Division would have proven excessive and unnecessary; however, given the vagueries in play, it would suit his purposes immensely for the Seeker ranks--and anyone else considering similar behaviors--to witness Starscream's fate as well as to have an outside source be the one in determining it. "Treason that will soon encounter its logical result."

Inside the hangar, Vehicon guards were beginning to enter the room and station themselves at various positions around the large, mostly open space. Other Decepticons were beginning to mill inside as well.

Shockwave approached a vertical lift that on most other occasions was simply used to lift maintenance crewmechs to elevated positions in order to facilitate exterior repairs. Now it would also serve the purpose of allowing Shockwave an elevated view of everyone entering the room. A suitable vantage point, if Starscream attempted any last-second tricks, and Shockwave had fully calculated the probability that he would, especially once it became clear that his life was about to end.

As the lift began to hoist the cycloptic strategist upward, he patched directly in to the lift's control panel. The Priority-1 signal that Shockwave was waiting for had not come through yet, but given the time frame that Tarn had given for the hearing to begin, it would be coming through at any moment. The Justice Division was nothing if not efficient at their function, varied though it was.

"Order," Shockwave began, his near-monotone voice echoing throughout the hangar as various members of the Thanatos' crew and other Decepticons continued to trickle in.

"Imperative: bring forward the accused."
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