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Decepticon Headquarters- The Enemy Within

Earth is a beautiful planet, lush with life, overflowing with energy and ripe for the taking. The Decepticons want to conquer it and harness that energy for their own purposes. The Autobots want to keep it out of Decepticon hands. This forum contains their battles and struggles all across the planet.

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Re: Decepticon Headquarters- The Enemy Within

Postby Ember » Sun Jul 12, 2009 8:13 pm

Motto: "I'm not psycho...I just like psychotic things."
Command Center

The shadows were the perfect place for her. She lingered for just a little while as her commander puttered about muttering to himself. She smiled wryly as she heard every word Starscream uttered. She wasn’t spying as much as keeping an optic on things for her Master. The female Decepticon flier leaned comfortably against the wall and waited and watched. As Starscream got up and made his way out of the Command Center Blackwind pushed away from the wall and stealthily followed behind.

Medical Bay

Starscream entered the medical bay as dignified as ever even though his current assignment was seemingly undignified. He prepared the CR chambers as he was told to do and then made his way to the systems console to input any and all necessary data. After confirming all of the checks Starscream planted himself in the nearest chair.

Blackwind wasn’t far behind when the Aerospace Commander performed his necessary tasks. A smirk formed on her delicate features as she waited in the darkness and watched. She was pleasantly surprised to see the arrogant seeker do as he was commanded. She had been stagnant for as long as she could stand and quietly made her way to the back of Starscream’s chair. She leaned down and spoke softly into her superior’s audio sensor.

“The Master will be pleased that you’ve performed your duties without hesitation. You should be commended, Commander.”

She stood up and placed a hand on the back of the seeker commander’s seat. She knew Starscream despised her and her role within the Decepticon ranks, and that he would do anything to be rid of her Master and herself in order to lead the Decepticon Empire the way he saw fit. She, on the other hand, would see to it that that would never happen.

She paid little mind to just how dangerous Starscream could be only because if he ever attempted to do away with her Megatron would see to it that the seeker commander would cease to function. Blackwind made it her duty to see to it everything and everyone did exactly what the Master commanded.
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Re: Decepticon Headquarters- The Enemy Within

Postby MaP_Prime » Tue Jul 14, 2009 8:08 am

Medical Bay

Starscream had been monitoring the energy levels of the CR chambers to ensure they were good and charged once the injured returned to base. The fact he had been given this mundane job to preform still burned him, and his frustration was apparent by the scowl on his face. The fact that this task was actually somewhat important was lost on him, he was the commander of the elite seekers of the Decepticon army, he was above menial tasks better left to drones. He knew this was Megatron merely trying to punish him for his perceived failure of Starscream's mission on this miserable mud ball. Regardless, he did it as warriors were needed for future battles, to be out numbered by the Autobot's would not work in the Seeker Commanders favour, the fact that it also helped Megatron was an annoyance.

It was then he heard someone moving behind him, and approaching his chair. He knew the base was empty for the most part, so he knew it could only be one individual that was sneaking up behind him. He had known she was here, he had no idea she was even on Earth, though he figured that Megatron had brought along his favorite pet sycophant to keep on an optic when the Decepticon leaders back was turned. Of course her presence here only added to Starscream's frustration for his hate for this particular Decepticon was only truly rivaled by his hatred towards Megatron. For an astrosecond the idea that she was sent here so Megatron could finally be rid of the rebellious Starscream passed through the Seekers processor, but he knew that would never happen. No. Given the growing rift between the so-called "lord" of all Decepticons and the Seeker Commander could not be silenced by a simple assassination, Megatron would do it personally to make an example of him. So for the moment Starscream relaxed.

For a fleeting moment he considered ending her existence, but he knew that was perhaps a poor move and would be a set back he could not recover from. As satisfying as it would be to kill her, Starscream knew it would mean all he was working towards would be destroyed and Megatron would finally have the excuse needed to execute the Seeker.

"I see the shadows have finally decided they no longer want you, Blackwind." Starscream said in reply to the female Seeker, a less the sincere smile spreading across his features. He didn't bother turning to face her, rather he kept his back to the aristocratic lackey as he spoke. "I have carried out this assigned task as Megatron requested because we cannot hope to over take the Autobot's, and claim this world for the Decepticon cause without warriors. Granted our Most Glorious 'Leader' has handicapped himself in the current battle. For example, a single Autobot flier has managed to occupy the other Seekers long enough to prevent them from providing the air support we are required to perform, if I were there that Autobot would never have been an issue."

Starscream sighed and rose from his chair and turned to face her, his arms crossed over his chest. He desired he was taller then Blackwind so he could look down on her, rather then look her in the optics.

"So what do I owe the pleasure of a visit from Megatron's personal spy? Has your master decided I need special attention to make sure I behave and play nice?" An amused smile tugged at the corners of his mouth with that last word.

As much as he despised Blackwind he did his best to maintain a tone of civility, he knew every word of this conversation was likely to be repeated, especially the sarcasm. Of course he was brave enough to lace his speech with such a tone and words to Megatron's face, so he wasn't to concerned about that getting back to the Decepticon leader.
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Re: Decepticon Headquarters- The Enemy Within

Postby Ember » Tue Jul 14, 2009 9:02 pm

Motto: "I'm not psycho...I just like psychotic things."
Medical Bay

“Ahh, the lone Autobot flier ruffles the great Starscream’s feathers, how…..apropos. You yearn to be there, and yet you are here.”

She waved her arms to signify the whole of the Decepticon base. As far as Blackwind was concerned Starscream was correct on one aspect; had he been involved in the battle he, no doubt, would have destroyed the miserable Autobot within the first breem. To tell her commander so would be characteristic suicide though. She then listened as Starscream continued in his most irritating fashion.

She let lose a slight chuckle at Starscream’s attempt to demean her purpose. She was no spy, but merely an observer. And she certainly had no need to spy on her commander, at least not yet. Although she did enjoy the attention she received from these routine observations; she most certainly did not like to be called a spy.

Blackwind watched intently as the Seeker Commander rose and crossed his arms over his chest. A sly smile creased her lips as she moved in closer to him. She began to circle him before she uttered a single word. Again, she stopped in front of him, her smile even wider now.

“You do realize that I like to….” She trailed off as she placed her finger on his shoulder and ran it down to his forearm. “….observe.” She looked to her finger and rubbed her thumb over it. She looked back into his optics, her smile gone now. “It’s was I do and as far as you playing nice…” She smirked as she continued. “…I trust you will.”

She circled him once more and stopped behind him. Blackwind stood in silence as she stared at Starscream’s back. She now crossed her own arms over her chest. Her concern was not for her well being, but for her Master’s. She knew all too well what Starscream was capable of and her intuition gave way to fear. Blackwind returned to face her Commander, a quizzical look on her visage. Stepping in as close as she could get she spoke in a low tone.

“What do you have up your sleeve, Starscream?”
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Re: Decepticon Headquarters- The Enemy Within

Postby MaP_Prime » Thu Jul 16, 2009 10:16 pm

Medical Bay

Starscream observed Blackwind as she paced around him, as she studied her superiour. The Seeker Commander had to suppress the urge to wrap his hands around her throat and squeeze the life from her body. Although normally he was able to keep his emotions in check, there was something about this female Seeker that made his armour crawl and put his senses on edge. With most other Decepticons it was easy to deal with them, most were never very good at hiding what they were thinking of feeling and you could read them easier then a data file. But this one was different. Blackwind always seemed to be playing some sort of game, one Starscream was sure she intended Megatron to win, whether the Decepticon leader knew he was involved or not.

Having her cirlce him made Starscream uneasy, he was sure if Megatron was to have him assassinated it would be Blackwind who carried it out. And he was certain she would do so with a smile on her lips and more then a little joy in her heart. He was a little surprised when he didn't feel an energo knife strike a vital place between his armour plating. He watched her with a careful eye when Blackwind once more walked in front of him, the look in her eye that suggested she was after something. A smile spread across his lips in amusement when she asked him what he was planning. Surely she should know better.

"What do I have up my sleeve?" Starscream replied as if he were pondering the meaning of the question and why she would even ask it. "The only thing I would have up my... sleeve, is concern for the Decepticon cause. I always have an eye to the future, to ensure the progression of our ideology and the survival of the Empire."

He grinned at her as he watched for her reaction.

"The Autobot's are still a threat, and only a fool will discount the danger they pose to us. However, when the war is over and they are crushed then we have to ask what next? We have been fighting for so long the original ideals of our cause may have fallen by the way side, and lets admit it, many Decepticons are perhaps not fit for a future where they have no Autobots to fight. Then we face the risk of tearing our selves apart and laying to ruin all we have worked for. These questions are what I have up my sleeve as you will. The questions I ponder and search for the answers to."
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Re: Decepticon Headquarters- The Enemy Within

Postby Ember » Fri Jul 17, 2009 7:54 pm

Motto: "I'm not psycho...I just like psychotic things."
Medical Bay

Blackwind listened intently to what Starscream had to say. He certainly knew how to talk a good game. She smiled slightly as he finished his speech. Her optics dimmed as she looked her commander up and down. Blackwind moved closer to Starscream inevitably causing him to back up to the control console. She knew he had a dislike of her and would not want to be as close to her as he now was. As she slowly progressed her optics grew bright red.

“You most certainly are a patriot.” She smiled broadly. “But a patriot on your own terms.”

Starscream stopped as he backed into the console. Blackwind proceeded to walk towards him. She stopped once she was face to face with the Seeker Commander. She stared him in the optics as she parted her lips and smirked. The Aerospace Coordinator moved her right hand towards Starscream’s back, but instead of making contact with him she, in turn, depressed the adjuster for a separate CR chamber.
With her optics focused on his she stepped ever closer. A devilish grin on her visage as she quietly purred.

“I will tend to The Master’s CR chamber. “ Her voice grew deeper, throatier. “Why don’t you brood elsewhere…Commander.”
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Re: Decepticon Headquarters- The Enemy Within

Postby MaP_Prime » Fri Jul 17, 2009 8:25 pm

Medical Bay

Starscream had a mocking grin on his after he finished his speech, his optics locked onto Blackwind's, yet they were cold as if he were trying to project his disgust in her deep into her core. When she walked towards him he backed away, he didn't fear her if she did strike at him he just wanted the space to react. Having a potential threat so close was never a wise decision, you had to have reach and range so to cut that threat down before they could get to close. However, the console got in his way, and Starscream chided himself mentally for leaving himself in such a tactically unwise position. Regardless though violence clearly was not Blackwind's intention when she reached behind the Seeker Commander and activated Megatron's personal CR chamber.

"Very well, tend to our glorious leaders recovery." He said in response.

Starscream had not even thought of tampering with it. Well, that wasn't true. He had thought of it, but had rejected the idea. He was not some dark alley schemer. No, he was a Decepticon warrior. If he wanted to take command of the Decepticons away from Megatron he could not do it any other way then to challenge him in personal combat. That was the way a true Decepticon seized power, through your own strength and skill, a true test of your abilities. Not petty assassination. Starscream wasn't like that anymore.

"However, I will leave you a question to ponder for a future conversation, Blackwind." Starscream said to the female seeker as she walked away from him. "What does it mean to be a Decepticon?" He ask with a stern look and cold, narrowed optics. "Is it to be a warrior lord with the greatest of ambition to reach out and seize the very stars themselves, and to have the strength, skill and wisdom to achieve such lofty goals? Or is to serve those who have such skill and ambition without ever wondering if you can match them?"

And with that Starscream turned away from Blackwind to attend to his duties, and for the other Decepticon to dwell upon what the question he had posed.
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Re: Decepticon Headquarters- The Enemy Within

Postby Devastron » Mon Jul 20, 2009 8:10 pm

Weapon: Energo-Sword
Just Outside the Decepticon Base

Megatron materialized on the platform that extended out from the base, the other Decepticons grouped around him. He quickly got to work ordering his soldiers. “Take the wounded to the CR chambers. Those of you who are uninjured re-energize. The stakes on this world have just changed and I intend to be ready for whatever comes next.”

He stepped over to Razorclaw. “Put Shockwave in the automated repair bay. His injuries will need more care than a CR Chamber can provide. Lock down the room with a security code. I want no one talking to him before I do.”

With those orders given Megatron marched into the base. Before he himself sought repairs he wanted to know the status of his base. That meant contacting the commander of this infiltration team. Hopefully Starscream had learned something while he sat back in the base and stewed.

>>”Starscream, base status report.”<<
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Re: Decepticon Headquarters- The Enemy Within

Postby MaP_Prime » Tue Jul 21, 2009 8:03 am

Base Command Center

After completing his task of prepping the CR chambers, and his interesting discussion with Blackwind, Starscream had made his way back to the command center. The Seeker Commander had not been back long when the orbital bounce alert sounded, it wasn't a warning of approaching Autobots, but rather a signal to indicate that other Decepticons had arrived. Starscream came to the conclusion that Megatron and his team had returned from their attack on the human base. The Seeker sighed. With Megatron back he once again had to play it safe, and grovel at his "lords" feet or tip his hand far to early when he was not prepared for a confrontation with Megatron. Some cycles he wondered if his ambitions were worth all the trouble he had to go to make sure that Megatron didn't rip out his spark and beat him to death with it.

Shortly after the signal went off a communication came in from Megatron himself about the status of the base. At least that was something Starscream shared with the current Decepticon leader, ensuring everything was running at optimal levels. As much as Starscream felt that the Decepticons should take a more aggressive stance on worlds they infiltrated, he knew it was foolish to rush things. As he had just noted mentally about his dealings with Megatron. Right now with a significant Autobot threat still on planet the Decepticons could not truly begin purging this world of the flesh bound vermin that infested it until they were removed.

Starscream opened up a com line to Megatron.

>>"Welcome back oh Might and Glorious Megatron. I assume your sortie went well?"<< Starscream said with a grin on his face. >>"All base systems are operating with in normal parameters. Stealth and security systems are at peak efficiency, and the CR chambers and other base repair facilities are prepped and ready for use. Shall I open the doors and allow you to enter the base Victorious One?"<<
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Re: Decepticon Headquarters- The Enemy Within

Postby Devastron » Thu Jul 23, 2009 3:45 pm

Weapon: Energo-Sword
Just Outside the Decepticon Base

Megatron scowled as he approached the door. >>”I have no time for your petty power games Starscream.”<< With that the Decepticon commander entered in his own command codes, overriding Starscream’s and opening the base doors. He quickly strolled into the base, walking towards the command center.

>>”I will meet you in the command center for a briefing. The situation on this planet has changed, possibly to the point of affecting our overarching strategy. As commander of this planet’s detachment I’ll want your input. Have Blackwind join us as well.”<<

The Decepticon leader arrived at the command center in short order, Soundwave at his side. The Communications officer had already dispatched Frenzy and Rumble for repairs but had little need for any himself. Megatron required some considerable repairs himself, but he was still functional. He would wait until he had given instructions to his officers before seeking repairs himself. The situation was now to delicate to leave completely in their hands even for the short time it would take for him to return to full operational status.

The doors to the command center slid open and the two Decepticons stepped in. “Soundwave, bring up all data on Shockwave’s last known whereabouts and experiments.” The other Decepticon nodded and sat down at the main computer console and went to work. Megatron then turned to Starscream. “We had an unexpected discovery on the mission. Do you have any information on why Shockwave was on this planet and did you have any indication that he was here prior to our mission?” The last part held a slight edge to it. He didn’t think the seeker had any prior information, but he wouldn’t put it past him to withhold it if he did, just to keep him on his toes or to see if he would slip up somehow.
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Re: Decepticon Headquarters- The Enemy Within

Postby Jeysie » Thu Jul 23, 2009 5:02 pm

Motto: "Peace, Love, and Rock n' Roll"
Weapon: Dirge Gun
Just Outside the Decepticon Base

Needlenose hung back with the others after their arrival, as Megatron gave them their orders and headed towards the base. As much as he was hurting, he wasn't about to cut in front of their leader. Not only would it look bad, but it could be potentially hazardous to one's functioning as well.

He cradled his ruined arm as he waited, trying his best to cover the damage that had been done to it. Though there was no hiding the dents and scratches all over his armor, or his bent wing, the latter of which smarted his pride the most. Well, next time he met up with Sideswipe and Blaster, he'd show them who was the better-looking fighter. At least he wasn't the most damaged of the Decepticons still standing, as he eyed Skywarp's battered condition.

He then watched with a bit of curiosity as Megatron passed Shockwave to Razorclaw as he waited. The revelation of the purple mech's presence had certainly explained their mission at the humans' base, and qualified as "something major", to boot. He wondered what Shockwave had been up to in order to get himself stranded here of all places.

As Megatron finally entered the base proper, Needlenose started heading forward himself, and voiced his ponderings out loud to the other Decepticons. "So, like, dudes. What do you think ol' One Eye there was busy doin' here in this scene with the fleshies this whole time?"
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Re: Decepticon Headquarters- The Enemy Within

Postby Name_Violation » Thu Jul 23, 2009 5:59 pm

Motto: "It is pitch black. You are likely to be eaten by a grue."
Weapon: Multi-Function Sword
Outside Decepticon Base

Arriving with the others Runamuck and Runabout are in need of some serious CR chamber time. Runabouts feet finally give out on him and he tumbles to the ground, his ankle servos are severally damaged from the battle. Transforming to vehicle mode he proceeds to drag Runabout to the Medical Bay.

Medical Bay

The battered Battlechargers come into the room. The smashed-up black car is barely recognizable as to what the alt mode represented. The white mech in-tow is even worse for wear, with but his systems have auto-stabilized. Approaching the chambers the systems begin going to work. Large mechanical appendages place them properly in place. Smaller mechanical arms start removing and welding pieces, rewiring broken pathways and replacing tubes and servos. Now its just a matter of time till the duo is at full capacity again.
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Re: Decepticon Headquarters- The Enemy Within

Postby MaP_Prime » Thu Jul 23, 2009 9:03 pm

Command Center

Starscream scowled at the tone in Megatron's voice. As much as he would like to play some little game with the Decepticon leader he knew now was not the time. He was not yet ready. So he merely ignored the irritation, and pushed it aside and merely turned to obey his current leaders commands. He switched over to Blackwind's communication frequency, pondering as he did so if their conversation had produced some effect on her.

>>"Blackwind, Megatron and the others have returned. He wants you to join us in the command center for some sort of briefing."<<

After he sent the message to Blackwind Starscream awaited the arrival of Megatron. Once the Decepticon leader arrived the Seekers optics quickly focused on Soundwave for a brief moment and tried to hide his displeasure. He had never trusted the communications officer, he was to ambitious, to under handed. Starscream remembered reading up on him once, and how he had the ability to pick up the thought frequency of other Transformers when he was close enough. Since that moment he always did his best to stay out of range of that particular ability just incase he learned something that coulkd be used to further his standing with Megatron, at the expense of Starscream's life.

After Megatron voiced his question about Shockwave, Starscream was rather taken aback. He thought at first that it was rather random and out of the blue, however it quickly dawned on him that this was probably related to the mission he had just returned from. The Seeker Commander thought for a moment.

"No Megatron, I have no knowledge of why Shockwave was on this planet." He said as he started to access the files Megatron had requested. "I had no idea he was even in this sector of the galaxy at any point, I thought he had died somewhere on Cybertron in some foolish errand of his."

Starscream spoke as the desired information on Shockwave's experiments. There was a lot there, of course the Seeker wondered if there was even more not listed here. Shockwave could be very secretive about his experiments.

"Perhaps these files can be of more help."
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Re: Decepticon Headquarters- The Enemy Within

Postby Ember » Thu Jul 23, 2009 9:49 pm

Motto: "I'm not psycho...I just like psychotic things."
Just Outside the Decepticon Base

Razorclaw materialized with the rest of the Decepticons with Shockwave over his shoulder. He had taken his place behind Megatron and was not surprised when the Supreme Leader made his way to him and ordered him to take the nonfunctional Shockwave to the automated repair bay. The Predacon Commander nodded in response and proceeded to the Medical Bay.

Medical Bay

Razorclaw was just behind Runabout and Runamuck when they entered the Medical Bay. He stepped form behind them and over to the automated repair bay. He entered the chamber and placed Shockwave’s inert form onto the medical berth available. The Predacon then exited the chamber and made his way to the control console. His fingers flew over the keyboard starting the repair process. Once he had engaged the power switch he closed the chamber’s doors and entered a security code.

He stepped back from the chamber and opened a link to Megatron.

>>”Lord Megatron. I have deposited Shockwave in the automated repair chamber and engaged the restoration cycle. I am sending the encrypted security code to you now.”<<

With his message sent he forwarded the encrypted code. Once he finished supplying Megatron with the code he left the chamber.


Blackwind had been standing by Megatron’s private CR chamber when she took notice of the Medical Bay’s doors open. Into the room drove the Battlechargers, actually one was in tow. She watched like a hawk as they both entered the CR Chambers. She then noticed another mech enter the room with a large purple Decepticon slung over his shoulder. Her optics dimmed as Razorclaw placed Shockwave on a medical berth and initiated the automated repair bay. She then watched as he exited the chamber and made contact with Megatron.

Razorclaw then exited the room leaving Blackwind the only fully functional Decepticon left in the room. She slowly made her way over to the automated repair chamber and placed a hand on the glass while looking quizzically at the unconscious Shockwave. She had never had the opportunity to meet this particular mech and was curious to know what he was in the chamber under lock and key. As she pondered she received the comm. from Starscream. She hadn’t given much thought to what the Aerospace Commander had quarried, and she doubted she ever would. After all, just about anything from his mouth was propaganda against Megatron.

Once her immediate Commander had finished she did not respond. She felt there was no need to. Blackwind made her way back to her Master’s chamber and finished setting its parameters. She then left the room for the Command Center.

Command Center

Blackwind stood outside the door to the Command Center, she had not seen the master in a while and she wanted, no, needed to make a good impression. She held her head high and then entered the room. She looked around and found Soundwave at one of the consoles performing, what she made out to be, and a task Megatron had ordered. She then spied Starscream at another console pulling up data on experiments on someone called Shockwave. She then turned and spotted Megatron standing just behind Starscream. She approached swiftly and presented herself to him.

“Is there anything you will require of me, my Master?”
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Re: Decepticon Headquarters- The Enemy Within

Postby Transform2009 » Fri Jul 24, 2009 2:13 am

Medical Bay

Blitzwing entered the Medical Bay after Megatron had handed out his orders to the operational Decepticons. Though Blitzwing suffered no major injuries, he was curious to see how badly the other Decepticons had been wounded. Blitzwing headed to a workstation in the Medical Bay and started to conduct repairs on his Rifle that had been damaged during the fighting with the Autobot known as Slag.
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Re: Decepticon Headquarters- The Enemy Within

Postby A Kid in a Hat » Fri Jul 24, 2009 3:54 pm

Just Outside the Decepticon Base

Swindle appeared alongside the others as they arrived outside of their headquarters. Like many of his comrades, he stayed for Megatron to bark orders and move towards the base, while also licking their various wounds. The Decepticon munitions expert and arms dealer looked upon himself rather disappointed.

"Hmph, Autobots, they never make for clean fights," He remarked to himself as he assessed the battle scars he had received in his fight with Sunstreaker, and then later Sludge. His chest plate was badly scratched up, as well as his right shoulder plate. Perhaps his left foot was the one thing worse off than he; at this point he had kept quiet, but now it was becoming very uncomfortable to put any sort of pressure upon it. He would need to repair it soon, otherwise it would not be worth even salvaging.

As the group began to move forward, Swindle took note of a familiar voice in the air, one with a very odd speech pattern. He then saw who it belonged to, and sure enough, Needlenose was in front of him, nursing a battle-damaged arm. In response to his question, he answered,

"Don't know much about that, friend, but one can only guess. Were I him, I'd think about striking up a trade going on among these humans. They're obviously interested in technology, to keep him buried under all that rock and dirt. So why not give the organics what they want and make a sizable profit while were at it? I'd think you'd agree with me, right Needlenose?"
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Re: Decepticon Headquarters- The Enemy Within

Postby Smokescreen85 » Sat Jul 25, 2009 12:15 pm

Motto: ""A look can be deceiving; a touch can be lethal.""
Weapon: Twin Shoulder-Mounted Rocket Launchers
Outside Decepticon Base

Skywarp appeared with the other Decepticons just outside their base at the Mount St. Helens volcano. The banged up seeker listened as Megatron gave out a series of orders to his troops and then had a little verbal quarrel with Starscream over the comm. ‘Warp then turned to Thundercracker. “We just got back to base and it seems that Screamer’s already getting under Megatron’s metal skin,” Warp said with a grin. He often enjoyed the squabbling between the Decepticon leader and the seeker commander. It made for a good laugh now and then, just not as good as one of Skywarp’s famous pranks.

Once Megatron had entered the base, Skywarp followed, moving towards the entranceway. “Well, ‘Cracker, I’ll be down in the medical bay getting patched up. Keep an optic on Starscream. Make sure our seeker-in-chief doesn’t get himself slagged. Megatron’s going to get fed up with him one of these cycles.” Skywarp smiled at his friend and then entered the base and made his way through the corridors.


Divebomb materialized with the other Predacons but quickly distanced himself from his own teammates. He’d rather spend his downtime alone then have to deal with the annoyances that the Predacons often exhibit. What he needed to do was find an isolated place where he could begin building one of his metal “nests”. Then he needed to find scrap metal to use as materials. This would keep him occupied and away from the other Predacons while he awaited his next assignment.

After watching Megatron, Razorclaw and some of the others enter the base first, Divebomb pushed by some of the ‘cons that were still loitering about outside and walked through the open doors. The aerial Predacon did not require medical attention, having sustained only minor damage from his battle with Swoop. So, instead of going to the med bay, Divebomb entered a nearby turbo lift and headed for the highest point in the base where he hoped to find an acceptable spot for his nest to be built.

Medical Bay

Skywarp entered the repair facility and peered around the room. He saw Blitzwing sitting at a nearby workstation, doing repairs on his damaged weapon. ‘Warp gave a nod to the triple changer as he made his way across the room towards the CR chambers. The battle chargers were in two of the chambers being repaired while Shockwave was in a third under lock and key. ‘Warp stopped briefly and looked in the small window on the CR door at Shockwave. The purple Decepticon’s presence had been a surprise to be sure. It was amazing that the human slugs of this world had been able to keep him prisoner for so long. It was even more surprising that the fleshlings had kept the Dinobots contained, as well.

“I hope you’re worth all the trouble we went to,” Skywarp whispered to the inert Shockwave inside the repair chamber. The teleporter then moved on to an empty CR chamber across the room and quickly set the machine on the repair cycle. Stepping inside, Skywarp leaned back and watched as the door closed. Soon he would be good as new and ready for another round with that Autobot flier.
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Re: Decepticon Headquarters- The Enemy Within

Postby Cryhavok » Sun Jul 26, 2009 12:53 pm

Motto: ""It is all about pain.""
Weapon: Fusion-Powered Anti-Gravity Gun
Outside Decepticon Base

Like the other Decepticons whom had been orbital bounced back from the Area 51, Thundercracker materialized just outside the Decepticon base at the Mount St. Helens. And as usual, Megatron seemed to get agitated by something that Starscream had said. Something that Skywarp was quick to bring up.

"Nothing new there 'Warp." The blue seeker replied to his brother, shaking his head. "I doubt Screamer will ever learn. Or maybe he just enjoys the trouble he causes."

After Megatron had entered the base, Skywarp finally decided to drag his banged up form into the medical bay but not without cracking up joke about Starscream to Thundercracker.

"Heh, you go get yourself patched up but you know it. There's no way neither of us would step between Megatron and Starscream if it came to that." Thundercracker smirked and gave his brother a friendly pat to back.
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Re: Decepticon Headquarters- The Enemy Within

Postby Jeysie » Sun Jul 26, 2009 1:50 pm

Motto: "Peace, Love, and Rock n' Roll"
Weapon: Dirge Gun
Outside Decepticon Base

Needlenose looked over at the response and grinned. He hung back a little until Swindle caught up with him, then started walking again. The merchant's response didn't surprise Needlenose much; his teammate was always looking for the next source of big money, after all. Still, in this case Swindle might not be that far off base despite his biases. Needlenose lowered his voice to respond.

"I dunno if I'd give the fleshies everything they wanted. But if they're itching for our gizmos and doodads, I could probably get with it. We give 'em the stuff that's yesterday's news but still more happening than their stuff, right? And then we get the scrubs to go kick the Autobots while we keep our armor clean. And we know what stuff we gave 'em, so if they try to diss us, we can deal with 'em.

"The Accord enforcers are a bogus deal, though. I sure ain't messin' with 'em; that's a for sure way to end up in the scrap heap. Maybe that's why Shockwave got so busted to get grabbed by the fleshies in the first place."
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Re: Decepticon Headquarters- The Enemy Within

Postby Devastron » Wed Jul 29, 2009 4:38 pm

Weapon: Energo-Sword
Command Center

Megatron waved Blackwind to take a seat for now. “Shockwave was found in the human base, hidden in an underground bunker. The energy readings you picked up were the humans attempting to replicate his main weapon with mixed success. The base was utterly destroyed. I doubt they could hope to build another weapon without the equipment they had down there, along with Shockwave himself.”

“That part is dealt with, but now I want to know why he was here and for how long. Soundwave?”

The Communications officer perked up from where he had been working on the console. “Shockwave’s files: heavily encrypted. Decryption: possible, but time consuming.” He had no doubt he could eventually crack the other Decepticon’s encryption. He was the only Transformer around who could. Unfortunately Shockwave was one of the smartest and secretive of Decepticons. While he didn’t quite have his expertise in encryption he was definitely a close second. It wouldn’t be easy or quick to crack his secret files.

Megatron grimaced. That was not the type of answer he was used to getting from Soundwave. Shockwave must have gone to great lengths to keep his files out of prying hands. It only made him more curious about how and why he had ended up on this seemingly random planet. There had to be a reason and he wanted to know what it is.

Starscream, investigate his travel logs. See if you can locate when he last left Cybertron. Even if he didn’t file a report on where he was going someone must have seen his ship lift off.” No one could simply disappear without any trace, not even Shockwave. It was just a matter of finding the trail he had left and now they had their first clue in a very long time.

Of course all of this searching and investigating would be moot once Shockwave was reactivated and told them what was going on. That was assuming he could be trusted. The very fact that he had disappeared so completely so long ago meant that he couldn’t be fully trusted. He wanted hard facts to back up whatever story he was going to tell them.

Blackwind, report to the medical bay and monitor his CR Chamber. As soon as he is functional enough to walk and talk get him out of it. I don’t need him fully functional or battle ready. I have questions and he has answers. Bring him to the command center. Inform him that the orders come directly from me. If he refuses, shoot him but keep him alive. I’m sending you the command code to his CR Chamber now.” Megatron sent the code to her over his personal comm line.
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Re: Decepticon Headquarters- The Enemy Within

Postby MaP_Prime » Wed Jul 29, 2009 9:25 pm

Command Center

Starscream didn't acknowledge Megatron, he just turned to face his monitor and began to search through Shockwave's files. However, as the Seeker Commander dug through the large volume of files it was becoming apparent that Shockwave had taken great care to ensure his plans would not be easily discovered. He had not filed any flight plan, or any reports on what his intentions were. It is like he had been on Cybertron one moment and then gone without a trace the next. It was all very perplexing.

However, Starscream then got the idea to go through the regular reports most Decepticon officers and officials filed during routine combat operations. Shockwave may be a scientist by trade, but he was no slouch in combat. The Seeker Commander searched through any and all combat and operation reports he could find filed relating to Shockwave's activities. Most were rather mundane or unimportant, but the very last one proved the most intriguing. Apparently just before he disappeared Shockwave submitted a report that he had destroyed a supply of energon stolen by none other then the Dynobots. Most intriguing.

Checking intelligence reports it seemed the Dynobots also disappeared not long after. And from the time log on these reports this all happened a very long time ago.

"Lord Megatron," Starscream said turning around, his lubricants boiled at having to refer to Megatron such. "Shcokwave did not file a single report about his departure from Cybertron. However, after checking combat and intelligence reports related to Shockwave I have discovered he and the Dynobots were last reported on Cybertron around six hundred thousand meta-cycles ago. It appears the last reported action Shockwave took was to destroy a cache of stolen energon taken by the Dynobots. I believe it is not unreasonable to assume that the Dynobots pursued Shockwave to this world seeking revenge. This probably accounts for their presence here."

(OOC: I did some checking and in the IDW comics shockwave left Cybertron 600,000 meta-cycles ago, a meta-cycle being 13 months. Meaning it was aboyt 650,000 earth years ago.)
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Re: Decepticon Headquarters- The Enemy Within

Postby Ember » Wed Jul 29, 2009 9:28 pm

Motto: "I'm not psycho...I just like psychotic things."
Command Center

Blackwind watched as Megatron as he gestured for her to take a seat. She nodded and vehemently took a sat next to the Decepticon Leader. She leaned back and got comfortable as Megatron began to discuss Shockwave. She listened intently as he explained what had occurred at the human compound, and the result that took place. She couldn’t believe that such creatures were capable of procuring access to one of the more powerful Decepticons in the ranks. They were bold insects and as such should be dealt with accordingly, but that was neither here nor there.

Megatron continued stating he wanted to know what Shockwave was actually doing on Earth. A question she also posed. What could he possibly have going on that he would have to secretly leave Cybertron and disappear to some far off random planet? Here reverie was broken when Soundwave addressed the Supreme Commander. She perked at the announcement of a heavily encrypted access code to gain information about Shockwave’s experiments. Megatron seemed disappointed which was reflected in her own demeanor. Blackwind demonstrated her disapproval of the Communications Officer not breaking the encryption by crossing her arms over her chest. She felt Soundwave was more than capable of performing the task Megatron had set forth.

Her attention moved from Soundwave to Starscream as he was next on Megatron’s list. She smiled as the Slagmaker gave the Aerospace Commander a new mission. She had to admit the task was not an easy one, and she would be surprised if Starscream actually found anything out.

Blackwind perked once more as Megatron addressed her. She moved her hands to the table and concentrated on what her Mater had announced. She nodded in kind as she received the security code and then rose from her chair.

She looked at Megatron and addressed him in a confident tone.

“Yes my Master. My Lord, are there any orders you wish to bestow on your soldiers?”
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Re: Decepticon Headquarters- The Enemy Within

Postby Devastron » Fri Jul 31, 2009 7:58 pm

Weapon: Energo-Sword
Command Center

Megatron glanced down at the smaller form of Blackwind. She was always eager to please and ready to serve. While not the most powerful of his Decepticons she was one of the more trustworthy, at least as far as trust went with Megatron. He might have a use for her very soon to keep an eye on Shockwave. The other Decepticon had been gone far too long and been too wrapped up in his own plans not to be watched closely.

“Order them to report to the training room and begin target shooting and other combat drills. They have been in infiltration too long and have let their combat skills dull. There will be more conflict on this world before we are done with it and they need to be ready. Also, I want you to review Shockwave’s profile, familiarize yourself with him and how he works. You will be tasked with keeping an optic on him for now.”

With those orders given the Decepticon leader took a seat in the command chair. He turned to Starscream as he gave his report. “Yes, Grimlock and his crew would not let such a defeat to pass without some sort of attempt at revenge. That explains why they are on the planet, presumably chasing after him, but it still does not explain why Shockwave was here in the first place.”

Megatron paused in thought. He had received no reports on this world being particularly special, not until the energy readings had been picked up. As far as he knew everything had been running smoothly under the infiltration plan on this world. Of course Starscream was the one filing those reports. It was always possible he had omitted something either out of incompetence or for his own gain. There was one way to make sure and that was to ask him directly and in the presence of Soundwave. The other Decepticon would either know better himself or read it from his mind if he was lying.

Starscream, have there been any unusual readings or sightings on this planet? Shockwave would have only gone to this planet to conduct one of his experiments and I wonder if there have been any results of such activity detected here.”
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Re: Decepticon Headquarters- The Enemy Within

Postby Ember » Sun Aug 02, 2009 12:02 pm

Motto: "I'm not psycho...I just like psychotic things."
Command Center

Blackwind looked up at her Master as he gave the orders to relay to the reset of the Decepticon troops. She nodded in response and tuned to one of the free terminals and sat down. From her wrist a small wire extended and plugged into an access port in the side of the terminal. She quickly confirmed the personal files of Shockwave and began downloading them. She also located files containing his experiments, both successful and unsuccessful. Once she had acquired all of the information she needed she detached the wire and stood from her seat. She then exited the Command Center and began to make her way to the Medical Bay. On her walk she began to run through the files she had just attained.

Medical Bay

As she entered the medical facility, Blackwind took note of the Decepticons present. She paid them no particular mind as she was there for one purpose. She moved to one of the terminals and opened up a comm. link to all Decepticons at the base.

>>”Attention all Decepticons. You are all ordered to the training facility where you will run trough combat drills and shooting practice. “<<

Blackwind closed the link and turned her attention to Shockwave’s locked chamber. She made her way to the window where she could see his inert form being worked on by the automated repair program. She placed a hand on the window and whispered to no one in particular.

“What brought you to this planet, Shockwave?”

She slid her hand down the window as she tuned to the chamber’s control terminal. Her fingers danced over the keys as she brought up the Decepticon’s progress. According to the readouts Shockwave was functional to the point that he would be able to walk and talk, which is exactly where Megatron required he’d be.

Blackwind checked the next readout and took note that chamber had not repaired his weapons systems and that he was still missing portions to his armor due to the humans probing his inner workings. He was, however, to the point where he could answer her Master’s questions. She swiftly ran her hands over the keys once again and then made her way to the chamber’s door. She was provided with the access code in order to enter the chamber, and without hesitation entered it.

The door slid open with a hiss. Coolant used to keep the patient at a constant temperature escaped the chamber in a cloud. Blackwind slowly entered the room and made her way to the larger Decepticon’s side. She peered down at Shockwave’s face and smiled devilishly.

“Wakey, wakey. Lord Megatron has some questions for you, Shockwave.”
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Re: Decepticon Headquarters- The Enemy Within

Postby Name_Violation » Sun Aug 02, 2009 2:58 pm

Motto: "It is pitch black. You are likely to be eaten by a grue."
Weapon: Multi-Function Sword
Medical Bay

Blackwind wrote:>>”Attention all Decepticons. You are all ordered to the training facility where you will run trough combat drills and shooting practice. “<<

The message resonates in Runamuck's auditory sensors. it takes him a few nanoseconds to realize where he is and what must have happened. He feels as if he could use some more repair time, but his systems are operable. As new circuitry comes online and repaired servos and a refurbished asynchronous transfer adapter fire up, Runamuck turns to Runabout.

"Did we win?" He asks his black twin.

Runabout was already stepping out of the repair platform when he responded "Why yes we did, no thanks to your carelessness."

"Its your fault we gotta train. Learn to shoot straight" Runamuck retorts.

"At least I wasn't beat up by a fembot," Runabout jests as they start walking out of the Medical Bay.

"Go stuff it up your reactor linkage, and ding your diodes," Runamuck counters as he shoves Runabout.

"Next time I'll remember not to to pull your diodes out of laser fire," Runabout snaps as he shoves Runabout back.

The duo continue bickering as they head down the hallway heading to the training area. Normally they wouldn't mind some practice, but they both had a feeling this was going to be a lot more intense than usual. If everyone was ordered to train, Megatron must not be happy.

Training Facility

Stopping their sibling rivalry as they enter the presence of higher rankin Decepticons. They don't wish to be repremanded even worse than the fear is already coming.

"Battlechargers reporting for duty!" The pair shouts in unison.
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Re: Decepticon Headquarters- The Enemy Within

Postby Smokescreen85 » Sun Aug 02, 2009 9:24 pm

Motto: ""A look can be deceiving; a touch can be lethal.""
Weapon: Twin Shoulder-Mounted Rocket Launchers
Medical Bay

Skywarp awoke in his CR chamber to the sound of Blackwind’s voice over his commlink. All Decepticons were ordered to the training room for combat drills. It was probably a good idea for ‘Warp to run through some drills considering his poor performance against the Autobot flier. He should have easily taken down Aftershot, but instead he allowed the inferior jet to get the better of him....twice! It was a humiliating experience that Skywarp intended to never repeat again.

His repair cycle now complete, Skywarp exited the CR chamber good as new. He caught sight of the battle chargers leaving the repair facility and arguing as they went. They were most likely heading down to the training room, as well, so ‘Warp decided to hang back from the bickering duo. He had played a prank on one of them just before the battle had begun. Although, he couldn’t remember which one he had pranked, off hand, it didn’t really matter. Retaliation was the last thing ‘Warp needed at this point.

After a few astroseconds passed, Skywarp left the medical bay and made his way down to the training room. As he walked along the corridors, ‘Warp opened a comm. line to his buddy, Thundercracker:

>>Hey, ‘Cracker. I’m out of the CR chamber and heading for training. Meet you down there.<<


Top Level - Corridors

Divebomb walked down the empty hallways at the highest level of the Decepticon base. There was no one else up there, which suited the flying Predacon just fine. He needed some time alone and this seemed the best place for it. No mech could bother him up here as he searched for the perfect location to set up his metal nest where he intended to spend most of his downtime.

Divebomb rounded a corner and was faced with a dead end. As he was about to turn back, the Predacon noticed a square-shaped outline along the ceiling above him. It appeared to be a panel of some sort. Reaching up, Divebomb pushed against the panel causing it to give way and lift up. Pushing it to the side, the Pred pulled himself up into a good-sized crawl space lined with metal on one side and volcanic rock on the other.

“This is perfect,” Divebomb whispered to himself. “My nest will fit nicely in here.” Now all he needed was to find enough scrap metal to build it. As he lowered himself down out of the crawl space, Blackwind’s message came in over his comm. “Training?! Is this glitch serious? I don’t need training. I’m a fraggin’ Predacon!”

Divebomb considered ignoring the order for an astrosecond, but then thought better of it. The order probably came from Megatron, himself, and Blackwind was simply delivering the message for him. In which case, dire consequences would befall any mech, Predacon or not, who disobeyed it.

Reluctantly, Divebomb made his way back to the turbo lift he had used to reach the top level. Once inside, the doors slid shut and the flying Predacon descended towards the training level.
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