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261 total news articles in this section, 10 per page.

New Universe Legends Galleries are up!

Transformers News: New Universe Legends Galleries are up!
Date: Tuesday, December 30th 2008 9:02pm CST
Categories: Site News, Toy News
Posted by: Nekoman | Credit(s): Seibertron

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Views: 121,407

The Toy Gallery Section gets updated today, this time with the wave one legends class figures from the Transformers Universe toy line. Use the links below to view images of legends Starscream, Red Alert, and Onslaught.



Red Alert




Bounty Hunters? Now is your time!

Transformers News: Bounty Hunters? Now is your time!
Date: Tuesday, December 30th 2008 11:32am CST
Categories: Site News, Site Articles, Heavy Metal War
Posted by: Dead Metal | Credit(s): Psychout, Chaoslock, Goribus, neliz

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Views: 147,573

Warriors of Cybertron,
We are The Huntmasters, and we represent the Bounty Hunting Elite of our world.

We have been watching those amongst you who have shown a thirst for the hunt.

Some amongst you hunt for the bounty, the sporting glory or the thrill of the chase. Others dedicate their time to capturing criminals and lawbreakers in these chaotic times and then there are also those who seek the answers to the universe that rest just out of their reach...
but the undeniable fact is that the skill and the dedication to the task you have shown is unquestionable.

In the past, many hunters have graced the Hall of Fame of Cybertron's Hunter Elite

Now, We offer you the chance to join the ranks of these elite and allow your unique breed of Cybertronian the opportunity to stalk your prey once more as a Heavy Metal Hunter.

The Decepticon among you known to us as Tammuz set you a challenge to test your hunting skills, which continues for another 4 cycles. We who have been watching that challenge and have added our own condition...


Complete this challenge as part of Tammuz's hunt, or as part of your war for the planet, and you will be granted a hunting licence that will award you the once-lost access codes to the hunter's database, as it is rebuilt. Through this database you will have access to the logs of the Heavy Metal Hunter's alliance and we will allow you to pass and receive payment for your deeds.

Hunters of Cybertron, when you feel you have passed out test post your application for a licence below, and as long as our condition is met you will be granted that previledge.

New opportunities await you Cybertronians; the Autobot neliz, has already proven himself by collecting Fearless Echoes Predacon team, and his name will be added to the Hunters Hall of Fame.

He is only the first, and will not be the last.

Placing a Bounty

For those of you with energon to burn or an axe to grind, should you wish post a bounty yourselves, here are the rules of the hunt:
[quote="The Huntmasters Creed"">
  • Bounties can be set on individiual Transformers, an entire commander's team, or any combination of the above.

  • To accept a public bounty a hunter must post to say he undertaking it. This does not exclude other hunters from also attempting the bounty. Private bounties must remain private until after completion and then can only be be disclosed at the clients request.

  • In the case of Private bounties, only Licensed hunters can be 'brokered' and all bounty applications must be made through PM's to us, The Huntmasters.

  • Please edit and submit this form if you wish to place a bounty.


Applicant Name :
• Do you wish your name to be disclosed? [ ] Yes [ ] No
• Do you wish this bounty to be disclosed publicly? [ ] Yes [ ] No
(Public disclosure will alert your target that a bounty has been placed upon them)

Name of intended target :
• Do you wish to place this bounty on the entire team? [ ] Yes [ ] No
• If no, please list the names of the individual bots you wish the bounty to be placed on.
(Please also provide links to targeted team/bots)

Do you wish this to be a public or privately listed bounty? [ ] Private [ ] Public
• If privately listed, please provide the name(s) of the bounty hunter whose services you wish to engage.
(Please note that a publicly listed bounty means any bounty hunter may accept the contract)

State the time period you want this bounty to be open for:
(By default a bounty will remain open for two weeks, if not claimed by then it will be automatically closed)

Value of Bounty (in Energon):
It is advised that you read the guidelines regarding costing of bounties
(Please state again whether it's for a team or individual bot(s) or both)

Please submit your bounty request to the hunters thread or to the The Huntmasters and wait for a response. Request of, and/or acceptance of, a bounty application is no guarantee of completion.

Just fill in this form and post it, or send it to us.

Bounty Guidelines, per individual target
Standard bounties as rates by Power level as set by Huntmaster consent.
These are not mandatory, but keep these enforced where possible to ensure all hunters are working to the same standards.

Lvl 0 = €500
Lvl 1 = €1,000
Lvl 2 = €2,000
Lvl 3 = €3,000
Lvl 4 = €4,000
Lvl 5 = €5,000

Anything above level 5 is negotiated on a case-by-case basis between client and hunter.

Who else amongst you has the skill to be the next licensed Heavy Metal Hunter?


Transformers News: TRANSFORMERS MOSAIC: "Service"
Date: Saturday, December 27th 2008 2:11am CST
Categories: Site News, Comic Book News, Site Articles
Posted by: First Gen | Credit(s): Richter

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Views: 71,646

The Universe of the Transformers is vast, and populated by many characters. Their universe is a large tapestry, made up of the stories and points of view of countless experiences that serve the larger whole.

These are some of those stories. This is:

It should be noted that while this project has been recognized by IDW Publishing and Hasbro, none of the works presented have been commissioned or solicited by either company. The stories are not official canon, except where noted. These stories are the result of Transformers enthusiasts taking the time out of their busy days to contribute to a universe they love. No one has been paid for the production of these stories.

For all Transformers news / updates / information, click here


Written by;
Aaron Bourque

Art & Colors by;
Thomas Wu

Letters by;
Joana "Khaamar" Lafuente


Gallery of Botcon Shattered Glass Starscream!

Transformers News: Gallery of Botcon Shattered Glass Starscream!
Date: Wednesday, December 24th 2008 1:06pm CST
Categories: Site News, Toy News
Posted by: Nekoman | Credit(s): Seibertron

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Views: 57,612

The Toy Gallery section has made it’s update today with the 2008 Botcon exclusive Starscream figure. Click here to view a total 90 images of this figure!



Also be sure to stop by the Convention & Club Exclusives section to see more great galleries of figures from this year’s Botcon and more.

Masterpiece Seeker galleries are up!

Transformers News: Masterpiece Seeker galleries are up!
Date: Sunday, December 21st 2008 2:51pm CST
Categories: Site News, Toy News
Posted by: Nekoman | Credit(s): Seibertron

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Views: 55,286

The Toy Gallery section continues to update today, with the Seekers from the Masterpiece toy line. Click on the links below to view each of the four new galleries.

Starscream (Coronation)





When you’re done, be sure to take a look at the MP-03 Starscream gallery, as well as the other Masterpiece galleries right here, on!

New galleries: Encore Seekers!

Transformers News: New galleries: Encore Seekers!
Date: Saturday, December 20th 2008 3:29pm CST
Categories: Site News, Toy News
Posted by: Nekoman | Credit(s): Seibertron

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Views: 46,657

The Toy Gallery section makes an update today, with Takara Tomy’s Encore Starscream, Skywarp and Thundercracker. To view each of the three new galleries, please click on one of the links below.





When you’re done, be sure to check out more great toy galleries by clicking here.

Transtopia Monthly Newsletter - December

Transformers News: Transtopia Monthly Newsletter - December
Date: Saturday, December 13th 2008 8:30am CST
Categories: Site News, Site Articles, Transtopia
Posted by: Stormrider | Credit(s): Seibertron

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Views: 158,624


Welcome to the Transtopia Newsletter. We are proud to give you an update for the month of November. Lots of things are happening in this hot forum – from artwork to customs, from updates to upgrades. Our members have been hard at work. To better reflect the community’s artistic talent we have changed the name of this newsletter from “Custom Monthly Update” to “Transtopia Newsletter”. Over the next few months we will be rolling out several new sections to the newsletter. Stay tuned. Until then drop by Transtopia for the latest work. -Stormrider

A Message from Ryan
Hey everyone,

In a few short weeks, an all-new feature section will make its debut on called "Transtopia". This new section will feature the creative work of the many talented Seibertronians that make up this website. Transtopia will be the place where members of (we're looking at YOU) will be able to showcase incredible custom figures and kitbashes, beautiful artwork, and amazing fan-fiction.

Transtopia will be dedicated officially to one of the greatest members of the Transformers community, Bill "TFmaster" Koshorek. Bill was the very proud owner of the fantastic Transtopia community that used to reside at Bill approached me at BotCon 2006 about moving the Transtopia community over to I took over the hosting of in November 2006 after agreeing to create a new Transtopia here on that merged the best of the Transformers mega sites with the best of the creative minds within the Transformers community. Before plans and ideas could be completed, Bill had a massive heart attack in March 2007. Sadly, Bill did not make it and it seemed that Transtopia might die with him.

Over the next year and a half, I felt an immense amount of guilt over not completing Bill's dream. That was until 2 staff members on, First Gen and Stormrider, came along and really started pushing for the creative content in the Transtopia forums to be featured on once again. Their interest is in making sure that the Transtopia community thrives and breathes life back into the Transtopia project and ultimately Bill's dream. In November 2008, I began programming the new Transtopia gallery section that will feature Customs and Artwork, which was the primary focus of Bill's Transtopia.

Transtopia will be different than any other application on the major Transformers websites. You'll be able to create your own galleries, add images to those galleries, select which categories those images belong within, automatic on-the-fly thumbnail creation, the ability to easily change the sort order of your galleries and images, easy search functionality, view galleries by users, and more!

In addition to the customs and artwork sections of Transtopia, I am also working on an all-new Fan-Fiction section that will allow you to add fiction, chapters and many other similar advanced custom functionality that will be built with writers in mind.

I have three goals that I hope to accomplish with's Transtopia: 1) Create a fun and easy to use section for fans to showcase their creative talents, 2) bring back some of the incredibly talented Transtopians to and 3) make Bill very proud. I'll know #3 will happen when #1 and #2 happen. If I can accomplish those goals, I'll be a very happy person.

Check back later this month to check out the all-new Transtopia! In the meantime, here's Stormrider's monthly update for Transtopia ...

Ryan Yzquierdo

How to Showcase Your Work
The newsletter is your opportunity to show off your work and talent. We rely on your articles, artwork, and customs to make it interesting. Submissions will be reviewed on a monthly basis. Presently we are accepting submissions for customs such as: repaints, kitbashes, and scratchbuilds. We will be rolling out other types of submission work in the future. Make sure to submit your custom in the proper subforum. You will see a sticky in each forum saying “Submissions for Monthly Newsletter”. When submitting, give us the title of your custom and a link to your gallery.
Repaints, Kitbashes, Scratchbuilds

Make a Difference, Join the Newsletter Team!
Want to contribute to the Seibertron community? Why not join the newsletter team? We are looking for volunteers to help out consistently each month. Past experience is helpful but not necessary. Roles to fill include editing, design & layout, writing articles, and overseeing sections. If you are interested send me a PM: Stormrider.

Special thanks this month goes out to Overcracker for the new banners!

Click on the links to see additional images.

Coptor by Omega666

Movie Brawl by Omega666

RedAlert by Sentinal Supreme

Slipstream by Sentinal Supreme

Stratotrain by Sentinal Supreme

Thunderstorm by Sentinal Supreme

Blockade by Sentinal Supreme

Onslaught by Flix

Animated Galvatron by Zero-Kaiser

Sunstorm by Sentinal Supreme

Siege by Sentinal Supreme


Zoom Zoom by Sabsabby85

Movie Roadbuster by Spurt Reynolds

Animated Thundercracker by Spurt Reynolds

Dust Off by Spurt Reynolds


Last month, Spurt Reynolds gave us a refreshing look at his collection of kitbashed Animated Seekers - Sunstorm, Skywarp, and Acid Storm. Curious of how he made those whimsical faces? Well Spurt Reynolds now shares his secrets so that you can make those eye catching sculpted grins.


Animated Starscream Face Resculpting Guide
First of all thanks to Maximo Prime (of SECTOR70)who's idea it was that i write this guide.

Tools you will need;a modelling knife,a selection of small needle files,some very fine wet & dry sandpaper,
some spray undercoat/primer and most importantly some sculpting material (personally i use Green stuff).

Step one.
Take apart the head and using a file or modelling knife open up the mouth area as wide as possible


Be carefull to not to damage the "lug" that the screw fits into when the head is reassembled..

This is how the front of the head looks at this stage..

Next fill the hole with Green Stuff..

Trim off any excess with a modelling knife..

Now using a sculpting tool begin to carve the mouth..
When you are happy with the shape leave to dry for at least 12hrs.

Now using a wet finger lightly smudge over the green stuff,this smooths out the surface nicely(please note i don't know how well this will work with other sculpting materials).

Next using a fine grade sandpaper sand down the green stuff as smoothly as you can..

Now i spray a light coat of undercoat..
This will show any imperfections or areas that require any additional sanding.

Using VERY fine sandpaper sand again..
And undercoat again.

Repeat this process until the face is smooth..

Finally a couple of general tips.
Look in comic books for some great expressions to copy & if you don't have any sculpting tools get friendly with you're dentist,chances are you might be able to scavenge a few of his old sculpting tools.

Do you have a guide that you would like to share? Send your ideas here.

Featured Artwork
Venksta has been chosen as the November featured artist. Check out Venksta’s inspiring takes on Universe Cosmos. This exciting toy will be released next month. Click here to see the original pictures and read what Venksta has to say about his work.







Would you like to have your artwork featured in an upcoming newsletter? Submit your work here.

Bonus Corner

Make your own Allspark.
Special thanks to Seibertron’s staff member, Nekoman for the designs.

Transtopia Spotlight: L K

Transformers News: Transtopia Spotlight: L K
Date: Tuesday, December 9th 2008 1:05am CST
Categories: Site News, Toy News, Site Articles, People News, Transtopia
Posted by: First Gen | Credit(s): L K

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Views: 135,278 member L K has posted images of his most recent works, both of which include Transformers Universe 2.0 figures to create some of Transfandoms all time favorite Gestalts. Here we have both the Combaticons and Bruticus and the Aerialbots and Superion:

*MPC-03 : G1 Transformers Combaticons BRUTICUS !!

*MPC-03 ( MASTERPIECE CUSTOM - 03 ) / The custom made Transformers MPC series by L.K.

With all these 5 Combaticons can combine into Giant Decepticon Robot : BRUTICUS ! These 5 Combaticons can not only transform from Army Vehicle mode into Robot mode, but they can also combine and transform into Giant Decepticon : BRUTICUS which stands about 15 inches tall!! Huge and Heavy! This is the Only one custom made BRUTICUS figure by L.K. All the parts and mode are sepcific designed for this figure at one time use only. This is the One and Only One MPC03 BRUTICUS by L.K. One-of-a-kind !!

Custom Made Details:

Most of the BRUTICUS joints are movable, head moves up and down, left and right. Shoulder rotates 360, Fingers moves up and down ( thumb has individual ball joints ). Legs/hips moves forward, knees bends !! All figures has been given a fixative coating on top of the paint to make it durable.The paint used are the professional resin base paint.Apart from these, all figures have been given a muddy/metalic effect on the surface to make them looks more realistic like an Army Set !! Besides, with Combaticons' individual wapeans, can combine and form a giant Weapons for Bruticus !! And NOW, MPC03 BRUTICUS is ready to fight!!

This Limited Edition MPC03 Bruticus includes :


*MPC-02 ( MASTERPIECE CUSTOM - 02 ) / The custom made Transformers MPC series by L.K.

With all these 5 Aerialbots can combine into Giant Autobot Robot : SUPERION ! These 5 Aerialbots can not only transform from Flighter-Jets mode into Robot mode, but they can also combine and transform into Giant Autobot : SUPERION which stands about 15 inches tall!! Huge and Heavy! This is the Only one custom made SUPERION figure by L.K. All the parts and mode are sepcific designed for this figure at one time use only.

Most of the SUPERION joints are movable, such as Shoulders move in and out, Elbows bends, Arms rotates 360 front/back ways, Fingers moves up and down ( thumb has individual ball joints ). Legs/hips moves backward, knees moves forward and backward !! Shoulder movable joints are not simple ball joints, they are the gear wheels joints which will give a "click" sound whenever you move the joints!! All figures has been given a fixative coating on top of the paint to make it durable.The paint used are the professional resin base paint.

MPC02 SUPERION includes :

Air Raid
Silverbolt - Team Leader








Got a custom you'd like to share? Post it in the Official Transtopia Forums!

HASBRO TF Q / A-- December Edition-- Round 2--Questions Due Monday!

Transformers News: HASBRO TF Q / A-- December Edition-- Round 2--Questions Due Monday!
Date: Saturday, November 29th 2008 5:49pm CST
Categories: Site News, Toy News, Company News
Posted by: Tigertrack | Credit(s): tigertracks 24

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Views: 32,040

It is that time again folks.

We were very successful last time, asking some great questions.

So what questions are on the forefront of your thoughts?

*There are some rules to submitting the questions:

1.) Straightforward.

2.) No multi-part questions.

3.) Not all questions will get answered or even officially asked.

4.) Appropriate and important, timely to the brand.

5.) Do not turn this into a criticism of each other's questions or HASBRO, in general. However, if information is already known--and you know it has been answered and have a source-- that would be an acceptable response so as not to have wasted questions.

We may not submit more than 5 questions, and they should have priority rankings (staff will choose and prioritize).

First round of questions will be submitted by a staff member on December 1st.

This is an awesome opportunity to ask questions that you have wanted answered. This privilege also speaks highly of our community and the important ideas we share daily.

A few days after the date of submission, you will be informed of the questions chosen, and then when/if they are answered the news will be shared with our community the following week.

So please, start typing your serious TRANSFORMERS toy questions...

The first round thread of questions on Seibertron is located here, and the links to all the answered questions from all the participating websites can be found here.

Please do us a favor and try not to ask a question that has already been answered. We really want to be able to maximize this opportunity to its fullest.

Let's start thinking and asking more. All questions due by Monday 12:00 AM to be considered.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Transformers News: Happy Thanksgiving!
Date: Thursday, November 27th 2008 10:11am CST
Categories: Site News, Event News
Posted by: Seibertron

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Views: 29,008 would like to wish all of you a Happy Thanksgiving. We hope that you are enjoying this special day as you gather with friends and family for your holiday feast. Happy Thanksgiving and ... GO LIONS!

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261 total news articles in this section, 10 per page.

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Transformers Podcast: Twincast / Podcast #358 - Size Wars
Twincast / Podcast #358:
"Size Wars"
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Posted: Saturday, September 7th, 2024

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