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New Transformers Studio Series Listings Leaked

Transformers News: New Transformers Studio Series Listings Leaked

Saturday, July 11th, 2020 7:24AM CDT

Categories: Movie Related News, Toy News, Rumors
Posted by: ZeroWolf   Views: 87,169

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Greetings Seibertronians! From LegoTFGuy over at fellow Transformers website, TFW2005, we've learned that some new potential Studio Series listings has leaked from the Walmart computer systems. The listings all follow a theme, as previously reported here, of being more '86 animated movie cast members.

The new listings is as follows:

Transformers News: New Transformers Studio Series Listings Leaked

UPC 63050997823 Item 582921129
UPC 63050997833 Item 582921131
UPC 63050997828 Item 582921135

Also listed are Jolt, Gnaw, Dino and Bumblebee.

While it could be argued that Jazz may be a redeco of his earlier Studio Series release, the same can not be said for Kup or Blurr who never appeared in the live action movies and featured heavily within the animated movie which celebrates it's 35th anniversary next year. This also hints that the previously seen Cyclonus may be destined for Studio Series, and not Earthrise as previously thought.

Thanks to fellow Seibertron user, Autobot N, for sharing this on our boards.

What do you think of this? Looking forward to seeing these as part of the Studio Series line? Let us know in the Energon Pub and stay tuned to Seibertron for all the latest news and reviews!
Credit(s): LegoTFGuy at TFW2005, Autobot N from Seibertron

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Re: New Transformers Studio Series Listings Leaked (2071196)
Posted by Sabrblade on July 11th, 2020 @ 7:40am CDT
Now I'm wondering if the listed "Dino" might not be the DOTM character after all but instead one of the Dinobots.
Re: New Transformers Studio Series Listings Leaked (2071198)
Posted by EvasionModeBumblebee on July 11th, 2020 @ 8:24am CDT
Sabrblade wrote:Now I'm wondering if the listed "Dino" might not be the DOTM character after all but instead one of the Dinobots.


That would be devastating if true. I’m pretty sure it’s the DOTM one, though.

Considering that we now have 5 standard SS deluxe listings (Sideswipe, B-127, Dino, Jolt, and ROTF Bee) and 4 SS86 deluxes (Gnaw, Blurr, Kup, and Jazz), I don’t think the 86 movie figures will be sharing waves with Bayverse SS, instead I’m pretty sure it’ll be its own subline.
Re: New Transformers Studio Series Listings Leaked (2071199)
Posted by Rodimus Prime on July 11th, 2020 @ 8:28am CDT
I think they would have used the character's name if it was 1 of the Dinobots.
Re: New Transformers Studio Series Listings Leaked (2071200)
Posted by -Kanrabat- on July 11th, 2020 @ 8:30am CDT
Studio Series GNAW? BLURR? KUP?


Did they cameo'd for half a second in the intro of the Bee Movie, or is it a preview for the next movie?
Re: New Transformers Studio Series Listings Leaked (2071201)
Posted by Rodimus Prime on July 11th, 2020 @ 8:32am CDT
-Kanrabat- wrote:Studio Series GNAW? BLURR? KUP?


Did they cameo'd for half a second in the intro of the Bee Movie, or is it a preview for the next movie?
Studio Series is getting some of the characters from the animated 86 movie.
Re: New Transformers Studio Series Listings Leaked (2071202)
Posted by ZeroWolf on July 11th, 2020 @ 8:35am CDT
Rodimus Prime wrote:
-Kanrabat- wrote:Studio Series GNAW? BLURR? KUP?


Did they cameo'd for half a second in the intro of the Bee Movie, or is it a preview for the next movie?
Studio Series is getting some of the characters from the animated 86 movie.

This, I did link to the past article which confirmed Grimlock and Wheelie. I thought you'd commented on the talk about the 86 movie being incorporated then Kanrabat?
Re: New Transformers Studio Series Listings Leaked (2071204)
Posted by Sabrblade on July 11th, 2020 @ 8:47am CDT
Rodimus Prime wrote:I think they would have used the character's name if it was 1 of the Dinobots.
The last time they released the five Dinobots in POTP they all had a "Dinobot" prefix in their names on the packaging (e.g. - "Dinobot Snarl", "Dinobot Swoop", "Dinobot Grimlock", even "Dinobot Slash"). It would make sense for new listings to reflect that.

And it wasn't just a combiner subgroup thing since, while four of the five Terrorcons likewise had a "Terrorcon" prefix in their package names, Sinnertwin did not.
Re: New Transformers Studio Series Listings Leaked (2071205)
Posted by MeGrimlock78 on July 11th, 2020 @ 8:48am CDT

I've skipped every Kup so far, but now want one to go with my Wreckers. Was almost ready to pull the trigger on the Legends Headmaster release, but no more!

Just further proof that if you're willing to be patient, Hasbro will eventually release the figure that scratches all your itches.

I hope, anyway.
Re: New Transformers Studio Series Listings Leaked (2071207)
Posted by Rodimus Prime on July 11th, 2020 @ 8:51am CDT
Sabrblade wrote:
Rodimus Prime wrote:I think they would have used the character's name if it was 1 of the Dinobots.
The last time they released the five Dinobots in POTP they all had a "Dinobot" prefix in their names on the packaging (e.g. - "Dinobot Snarl", "Dinobot Swoop", "Dinobot Grimlock", even "Dinobot Slash"). It would make sense for new listings to reflect that.

And it wasn't just a combiner subgroup thing since, while four of the five Terrorcons likewise had a "Terrorcon" prefix in their package names, Sinnertwin did not.
Fair argument, my counter is that there is enough room in the listing to type out "Dinobot" instead of just "Dino" if this was the case. After all, they fit "Dlx Kup" on there. Same amount of space as "Dinobot" They also wrote out "Bumblebee" which is more letters than "Dinobot" as well, so I think it's Dino for sure.
Re: New Transformers Studio Series Listings Leaked (2071208)
Posted by sol magnus on July 11th, 2020 @ 8:53am CDT
Can't wait to finally own some Studio Series figures!
Re: New Transformers Studio Series Listings Leaked (2071209)
Posted by ZeroWolf on July 11th, 2020 @ 8:57am CDT
Rodimus Prime wrote:
Sabrblade wrote:
Rodimus Prime wrote:I think they would have used the character's name if it was 1 of the Dinobots.
The last time they released the five Dinobots in POTP they all had a "Dinobot" prefix in their names on the packaging (e.g. - "Dinobot Snarl", "Dinobot Swoop", "Dinobot Grimlock", even "Dinobot Slash"). It would make sense for new listings to reflect that.

And it wasn't just a combiner subgroup thing since, while four of the five Terrorcons likewise had a "Terrorcon" prefix in their package names, Sinnertwin did not.
Fair argument, my counter is that there is enough room in the listing to type out "Dinobot" instead of just "Dino" if this was the case. After all, they fit "Dlx Kup" on there. Same amount of space as "Dinobot" They also wrote out "Bumblebee" which is more letters than "Dinobot" as well, so I think it's Dino for sure.

Plus these are for deluxe size, where looking at the size of the Dinobots in the 86 movie, I reckon all will be voyager+ size (we already know that Grimlock will be leader sized) which leaves Dino in deluxe scale, to match the rest of the DotM wreckers
Re: New Transformers Studio Series Listings Leaked (2071211)
Posted by AllNewSuperRobot on July 11th, 2020 @ 9:01am CDT
I'll be interested to see Studio Series Gnaw.

I wonder how faithful the Studio Series will be in representing The Movie roster though IE Four Dinobots and one Gestalt.
Re: New Transformers Studio Series Listings Leaked (2071213)
Posted by Rodimus Prime on July 11th, 2020 @ 9:06am CDT
AllNewSuperRobot wrote:I'll be interested to see Studio Series Gnaw.

I wonder how faithful the Studio Series will be in representing The Movie roster though IE Four Dinobots and one Gestalt.
That poses an interesting idea: might we get a G1 Devastator in SS as well, and will they be all new molds or somehow the Bayverse figures get retooled to look G1?
Re: New Transformers Studio Series Listings Leaked (2071214)
Posted by AllNewSuperRobot on July 11th, 2020 @ 9:10am CDT
I don't see how the Bayformers Puppy Patrol could be retooled into the Constructicons? It would be such a heavy retool, new molds would likely be more logical.
Re: New Transformers Studio Series Listings Leaked (2071216)
Posted by ZeroWolf on July 11th, 2020 @ 9:10am CDT
I'd say all new molds as there was only the six of them, but it'd be a great opportunity for those who didn't get/like Combiner Wars/Unite Warriors Devastator.
Re: New Transformers Studio Series Listings Leaked (2071218)
Posted by -Kanrabat- on July 11th, 2020 @ 9:15am CDT
ZeroWolf wrote:
Rodimus Prime wrote:
-Kanrabat- wrote:Studio Series GNAW? BLURR? KUP?


Did they cameo'd for half a second in the intro of the Bee Movie, or is it a preview for the next movie?
Studio Series is getting some of the characters from the animated 86 movie.

This, I did link to the past article which confirmed Grimlock and Wheelie. I thought you'd commented on the talk about the 86 movie being incorporated then Kanrabat?

Grimlock and Wheelie are part of the Bayverse. Grimlock in the Knight movies and Wheelie in ROTF and DOTM.

But the 1986 cast? Huh? I thought the Generations WFC trilogy was basically that? Will the SS '86 Movie figures be G1/Bayverse hybrids like for the Cybertron part of the Bee Movie, or will the SS line become Generations 2.0? As in, having TWO Generations lines at the same time on shelves?
Re: New Transformers Studio Series Listings Leaked (2071219)
Posted by Autobot N on July 11th, 2020 @ 9:20am CDT
Nemesis Primal wrote:Speaking of Apollux, and more on-topic for this thread, from a post a half-hour ago they have apparently seen in terms of SS 86 stuff:
Voyager Scourge
Voyager Hot Rod, with saw and possibly flip-down visor
Kup with Energon goodies, presumably the Deluxe one in those earlier listings
Potential Leader Slag with Daniel

And given how much of the prominent movie cast is now here between various leaks, I'm assuming that that Cyclonus we saw a bit ago with ER Thrust is probably for SS 86 too.
Huh, that's cool. I guess Daniel would be the exosuit version, to fit with Grimlock likely being a Voyager-ish figure with a smaller figure included.
Re: New Transformers Studio Series Listings Leaked (2071220)
Posted by AllNewSuperRobot on July 11th, 2020 @ 9:24am CDT
-Kanrabat- wrote:But the 1986 cast? Huh? I thought the Generations WFC trilogy was basically that? Will the SS '86 Movie figures be G1/Bayverse hybrids like for the Cybertron part of the Bee Movie, or will the SS line become Generations 2.0? As in, having TWO Generations lines at the same time on shelves?

'86 is still A Transformers Movie. Which would still fall within the idea of the SS line. That said, to only include active cast members. The line would be relatively small.

Forget all the corpses Season one and two Autobots and the off camera/non-speaking Decepticons. Now look at your roster...
Re: New Transformers Studio Series Listings Leaked (2071221)
Posted by TulioDude on July 11th, 2020 @ 9:28am CDT
In an ideal world HasTask would focus it's efforts into something like this:

-An updated VW Bumblebee

-Something cool for the 20th Anniversary of 2001 RiD(late if consider hte japanese air date but still it would be cool)

-2021 is also an anniversary for Beast Wars.They should do something big,since we didn't have an celebration last time.

-An entire wave for Transformers Armada 20th anniversary for 2022.

-A new movie in between.

Day 193 of waiting for Transformers Armada Masterpiece news.

Re: New Transformers Studio Series Listings Leaked (2071222)
Posted by -Kanrabat- on July 11th, 2020 @ 9:33am CDT
AllNewSuperRobot wrote:
-Kanrabat- wrote:But the 1986 cast? Huh? I thought the Generations WFC trilogy was basically that? Will the SS '86 Movie figures be G1/Bayverse hybrids like for the Cybertron part of the Bee Movie, or will the SS line become Generations 2.0? As in, having TWO Generations lines at the same time on shelves?

'86 is still A Transformers Movie. Which would still fall within the idea of the SS line. That said, to only include active cast members. The line would be relatively small.

Forget all the corpses Season one and two Autobots and the off camera/non-speaking Decepticons. Now look at your roster...

And even more so if they create a brand new Arcee mold right after the ER version.

So, Wheelie would be the '86 version? If Kup is there as well, I'll be looking forward them for this display. (Headmasters and empty shells don't count. [-( )

Re: New Transformers Studio Series Listings Leaked (2071223)
Posted by AllNewSuperRobot on July 11th, 2020 @ 9:34am CDT
Given how upended this year has been already. If there was even remote chance of something to commemorate the 20th anniversary of Car Robots, I don't think that's happening now.
Re: New Transformers Studio Series Listings Leaked (2071224)
Posted by AllNewSuperRobot on July 11th, 2020 @ 9:37am CDT
-Kanrabat- wrote:Interesting.
And even more so if they create a brand new Arcee mold right after the ER version.

So, Wheelie would be the '86 version? If Kup is there as well, I'll be looking forward them for this display.

I'd assume so. I'm not very familiar with the SS line. If scale accuracy is a thing, '86 Wheelie will be small enough to fit on Grimlock's head :shock:

He would be about the same size as Spike or Daniel in an Exosuit??
Re: New Transformers Studio Series Listings Leaked (2071226)
Posted by sol magnus on July 11th, 2020 @ 9:45am CDT
TulioDude wrote:In an ideal world HasTask would focus it's efforts into something like this:

-An updated VW Bumblebee

-Something cool for the 20th Anniversary of 2001 RiD(late if consider hte japanese air date but still it would be cool)

-2021 is also an anniversary for Beast Wars.They should do something big,since we didn't have an celebration last time.

-An entire wave for Transformers Armada 20th anniversary for 2022.

-A new movie in between.

Day 193 of waiting for Transformers Armada Masterpiece news.

I'm living in an ideal world as far as Hasbro is concerned, for the most part.

Re: New Transformers Studio Series Listings Leaked (2071227)
Posted by Gauntlet101010 on July 11th, 2020 @ 9:49am CDT
I hope these releases aren't going to be as small as the other Studio Series toys. Otherwise it'd be hard to warrant a purchase, no matter how good they look. Although, realistically speaking they probably will be.

Still, 86 movie toys are my whole thing, so I may be all-in on this. Despite having so many recent good movie-based toys. Titans Blur and Kup are alright.

This move is still baffling, though. An 86 movie line should probably include Prime and .... that'd be Earthrise Prime. And then there's Alicon, Arcee, Springer, and Ultra Magnus too.
Re: New Transformers Studio Series Listings Leaked (2071228)
Posted by sol magnus on July 11th, 2020 @ 9:52am CDT
Gauntlet101010 wrote:I hope these releases aren't going to be as small as the other Studio Series toys. Otherwise it'd be hard to warrant a purchase, no matter how good they look. Although, realistically speaking they probably will be.

Still, 86 movie toys are my whole thing, so I may be all-in on this. Despite having so many recent good movie-based toys. Titans Blur and Kup are alright.

This move is still baffling, though. An 86 movie line should probably include Prime and .... that'd be Earthrise Prime. And then there's Alicon, Arcee, Springer, and Ultra Magnus too.

Who's to say they won't be in there somehow. Those listing are for Deluxe class figures, right? Springer and Ultra Magnus aren't going to be deluxe sized.
Re: New Transformers Studio Series Listings Leaked (2071229)
Posted by M. Spector on July 11th, 2020 @ 9:54am CDT
The thing that puzzles me is that we Earthrise/the third WFC chapter happening about the same time these 86 movie SS figures are coming out, so that means there probably won't be any overlap. For example we get Kup in SS so that means there won't also be an toy of him in the other line? Right?!
Re: New Transformers Studio Series Listings Leaked (2071230)
Posted by AllNewSuperRobot on July 11th, 2020 @ 9:57am CDT
The third WFC chapter is a bit too vague at the moment. If they decided to set it in the "future" they could bypass Sunbow G1 altogether. Takara Series, Beast Era etc
Re: New Transformers Studio Series Listings Leaked (2071231)
Posted by ZeroWolf on July 11th, 2020 @ 9:59am CDT
M. Spector wrote:The thing that puzzles me is that we Earthrise/the third WFC chapter happening about the same time these 86 movie SS figures are coming out, so that means there probably won't be any overlap. For example we get Kup in SS so that means there won't also be an toy of him in the other line? Right?!

Rumours are that the third part of WFC is going bestial since 2021 is an anniversary year for beast wars as well.

In fact that's some people's thinking (as seen further up) that they've made this move to ensure WfC 3 has plenty of space for BW by shoving G1 into Studio Series.
Re: New Transformers Studio Series Listings Leaked (2071232)
Posted by -Kanrabat- on July 11th, 2020 @ 10:07am CDT
ZeroWolf wrote:In fact that's some people's thinking (as seen further up) that they've made this move to ensure WfC 3 has plenty of space for BW by shoving G1 into Studio Series.

That would be an EXTREMELY good thing.
Re: New Transformers Studio Series Listings Leaked (2071233)
Posted by Autobot N on July 11th, 2020 @ 10:08am CDT
ZeroWolf wrote:In fact that's some people's thinking (as seen further up) that they've made this move to ensure WfC 3 has plenty of space for BW by shoving G1 into Studio Series.
Which makes a lot of sense. And by putting a bunch of the 86 figures in SS, they can celebrate two anniversaries in two lines.
Re: New Transformers Studio Series Listings Leaked (2071235)
Posted by AllNewSuperRobot on July 11th, 2020 @ 10:32am CDT
When I think about it. As far as active pre-movie G1 characters go we have:

Four Dinobots

Soundwave + Cassettes
Re: New Transformers Studio Series Listings Leaked (2071236)
Posted by Decepticon_Mortality on July 11th, 2020 @ 11:01am CDT
I hope that this is a new sub-line, but i'm definitely excited for it. I know a lot of people think that it should just be in earthrise, but earthrise is kind of a stylized line while the studio series looks to capture the exact on-screen likeness. I'm not sure if i'll pick up any of the figures listed here, but we'll probably be getting other characters like Rodimus Prime and Galvatron that I'll definitely pick up.
Re: New Transformers Studio Series Listings Leaked (2071238)
Posted by Tuned Agent on July 11th, 2020 @ 11:15am CDT
sol magnus wrote:
Gauntlet101010 wrote:I hope these releases aren't going to be as small as the other Studio Series toys. Otherwise it'd be hard to warrant a purchase, no matter how good they look. Although, realistically speaking they probably will be.

Still, 86 movie toys are my whole thing, so I may be all-in on this. Despite having so many recent good movie-based toys. Titans Blur and Kup are alright.

This move is still baffling, though. An 86 movie line should probably include Prime and .... that'd be Earthrise Prime. And then there's Alicon, Arcee, Springer, and Ultra Magnus too.

Who's to say they won't be in there somehow. Those listing are for Deluxe class figures, right? Springer and Ultra Magnus aren't going to be deluxe sized.

But Springer and Ultra Magnus just got good figures in Siege. Outside of retooling Ultra Magnus to give him a more G1-accurate alt mode, I'm not sure what new figures would do that the Siege versions didn't already do. They would just take up slots that could be used for characters like the Dinobots or some Junkions.
Re: New Transformers Studio Series Listings Leaked (2071239)
Posted by Autobot N on July 11th, 2020 @ 11:23am CDT
Tuned Agent wrote:Outside of retooling Ultra Magnus to give him a more G1-accurate alt mode, I'm not sure what new figures would do that the Siege versions didn't already do.
Design a set of armor that fits around ER Prime instead of having Siege Ultra Beer-Gut with his weird proportions
Re: New Transformers Studio Series Listings Leaked (2071241)
Posted by ZeroWolf on July 11th, 2020 @ 11:28am CDT
Autobot N wrote:
Tuned Agent wrote:Outside of retooling Ultra Magnus to give him a more G1-accurate alt mode, I'm not sure what new figures would do that the Siege versions didn't already do.
Design a set of armor that fits around ER Prime instead of having Siege Ultra Beer-Gut with his weird proportions

Would there be much point? We never saw him with a white Prime in the movie (it was really just a toy/Dreamwave comics only thing) maybe they should have a go and doing Combiner Wars UM just more G1 toon styled
Re: New Transformers Studio Series Listings Leaked (2071242)
Posted by AllNewSuperRobot on July 11th, 2020 @ 11:34am CDT
I don't really understand the comparison between this line to WFC. Studio Series has nothing to do with WFC.

How to envision what The '86 Movie Studio Series would look like. What is the ethos this line is based on? Look to the original Bayformers figures, then their SS counterparts.
Re: New Transformers Studio Series Listings Leaked (2071244)
Posted by sol magnus on July 11th, 2020 @ 11:53am CDT
AllNewSuperRobot wrote:I don't really understand the comparison between this line to WFC. Studio Series has nothing to do with WFC.

How to envision what The '86 Movie Studio Series would look like. What is the ethos this line is based on? Look to the original Bayformers figures, then their SS counterparts.

The evidence suggests we've already seen one of them - Cyclonus - who is a WFC scaled (and styled) figure.

And to the point about Springer. There'd be no reason to do 'another' since his Cybertron mode is his Earth mode, but they could do a repaint. Gotta get the most out of those molds.
Re: New Transformers Studio Series Listings Leaked (2071246)
Posted by AllNewSuperRobot on July 11th, 2020 @ 12:04pm CDT
I still think that Cyclonus looks like something from Cyberverse. Barely a passing glimpse to what he actually looks like in The Movie. Certainly not something you would associate with the quality of the SS line.
Re: New Transformers Studio Series Listings Leaked (2071247)
Posted by EvasionModeBumblebee on July 11th, 2020 @ 12:04pm CDT
I’m curious what the Voyagers are for the new SS wave - we have the deluxe wave and Grindor for the Leader, but nothing about voyagers. I can’t think of many voyagers from 07-DOTM that haven’t been done yet, so my next most wanted SS voyager would probably be Evasion Mode Optimus.
Re: New Transformers Studio Series Listings Leaked (2071249)
Posted by Tuned Agent on July 11th, 2020 @ 12:36pm CDT
AllNewSuperRobot wrote:I don't really understand the comparison between this line to WFC. Studio Series has nothing to do with WFC.

How to envision what The '86 Movie Studio Series would look like. What is the ethos this line is based on? Look to the original Bayformers figures, then their SS counterparts.
AllNewSuperRobot wrote:I still think that Cyclonus looks like something from Cyberverse. Barely a passing glimpse to what he actually looks like in The Movie. Certainly not something you would associate with the quality of the SS line.

That Cyclonus had some of the 3mm blast effect pegs on it, so if it is an upcoming SS figure, then the SS86 figures are definitely meant to co-exist with WFC.

Speaking of Cyclonus, he'll probably look better once he's painted and transformed properly.
Re: New Transformers Studio Series Listings Leaked (2071251)
Posted by blackeyedprime on July 11th, 2020 @ 1:11pm CDT
Interesting and I'd definitely be down for the tfs that werent that accurate in wfc. If the dinobots are leader class Hasbro has pretty much granted a wish (though they will just be voyagerish :( ). Earthmode Magnus will be nice too provided his trailer functions as a car carrier/lowering ramps etc. I dont think I need another blitzwing or insecticons but hasbro might prove me wrong. Plus a potential SS arcee may be better than earthrise but I dont have my hopes set that high.

Kind of weird that they are not starting with Optimus and Megatron in the 86 line up and return of the gun wooop (glavatron better have his gun mode too even it wasnt featured in the movie).
Re: New Transformers Studio Series Listings Leaked (2071252)
Posted by ZeroWolf on July 11th, 2020 @ 1:13pm CDT
Actually one thing that WfC has in common with SS is that both falls under the Generations banner. Just that recently generations became short hand for G1.
Re: New Transformers Studio Series Listings Leaked (2071253)
Posted by AllNewSuperRobot on July 11th, 2020 @ 2:34pm CDT
Tuned Agent wrote: That Cyclonus had some of the 3mm blast effect pegs on it, so if it is an upcoming SS figure, then the SS86 figures are definitely meant to co-exist with WFC.

I wouldn't really think a standardised peg to be indicative of anything at the moment. Lets be honest as well. HasTak aren't going to re-invent the wheel with Studio Series. They aren't going to completely overhaul the molds they've been using up until now. I wouldn't expect a Supreme Cheetor here, given they are two thirds into the current line.

Tuned Agent wrote:Speaking of Cyclonus, he'll probably look better once he's painted and transformed properly.

That won't change the fact he is Fat Cyclonus. Which to me is inherent to a stylised aesthetic, like Cyberverse. The Movie character design was not stylised. Especially in the designs of the Unicron re-formatted Decepticons, who were sleek and uniform.
Re: New Transformers Studio Series Listings Leaked (2071256)
Posted by ZeroWolf on July 11th, 2020 @ 3:16pm CDT
To be fair, that Cyclonus was a test shot, so could still be changed and in no way should be indictive of the final product. Can't see it as Cyberverse myself anyway as that lines future is in doubt with the show ending and he wasn't a character on the show.
Re: New Transformers Studio Series Listings Leaked (2071259)
Posted by Betenoire on July 11th, 2020 @ 3:28pm CDT
AllNewSuperRobot wrote:Given how upended this year has been already. If there was even remote chance of something to commemorate the 20th anniversary of Car Robots, I don't think that's happening now.

Sadly I think Car Robots is going to be an all but forgotten part of Transformers history. With so few re-releases -the God Magnus is the only one I can remember- in Japan I don't know we will ever see much in the future.

Heck, there doesn't seem to be enough interest for anyone in the US to sign Car Robots (though that may be a case where Shout Factory! has the rights in a package deal and just doesn't see it as worthwhile) so unless Michael Bay (or his successor) hires a director who loves that part of the franchise there probably won't be a push in the US to help get a groundswell here either.

Maybe we will see a Masterpiece Fire Convoy that will help re-ignite it, but I'm not going to hold my breath.

*grumbles* Can't even get a US release of Car Robots or Beast Wars II and Neo on DVD *grumble*
Re: New Transformers Studio Series Listings Leaked (2071263)
Posted by -WonkoTheSane- on July 11th, 2020 @ 3:42pm CDT
This would make me very happy. I'd really like to have definitive versions of the 86' cast, All unified by the same aesthetic, By being in the same line.
I think this has the potential to be something great.
I haven't been much into Hasbro's recent offerings (not like I used to be, Eg, Buying the entire line) But this... This could draw me back in.
Hope it turns out to be true.
Count me in! :KREMZEEK:
Re: New Transformers Studio Series Listings Leaked (2071266)
Posted by ZeldaTheSwordsman on July 11th, 2020 @ 3:55pm CDT
ZeroWolf wrote:Actually one thing that WfC has in common with SS is that both falls under the Generations banner. Just that recently generations became short hand for G1.
Not really. Generations started as the late 2010 refresh label of the Classics/Universe line. But beginning with Age of Extinction they started classifying the movie toylines as "Generations" for some reason, at least as far as the price labels were concerned (packaging, not so much). Although the movie lines were still priced differently from the nostalgia line.

Regarding the unconfirmed leaks, the ones not mentioned in the news article...
Hot Rod, I'll have to wait and see. I'm certain he's a Voyager for the sake of accessories. But the TR/Legends version is so good already, and what we really need is a new Leader-class Rodimus Prime with a Voyager-height robot and a camper shell battle station. Hopefully there will be word of that soon.
Scourge, I'm iffy about him being a Voyager because that's prohibitive for army-building.
Rodimus Prime and Wreck-Gar are the two designs that need a revisit the most.

I'll be interested to see how they do Dino.
Re: New Transformers Studio Series Listings Leaked (2071268)
Posted by Nemesis Primal on July 11th, 2020 @ 4:11pm CDT
ZeldaTheSwordsman wrote:Regarding the unconfirmed leaks, the ones not mentioned in the news article...
Hot Rod, I'll have to wait and see. I'm certain he's a Voyager for the sake of accessories. But the TR/Legends version is so good already, and what we really need is a new Leader-class Rodimus Prime with a Voyager-height robot and a camper shell battle station. Hopefully there will be word of that soon.
Scourge, I'm iffy about him being a Voyager because that's prohibitive for army-building.
Rodimus Prime and Wreck-Gar are the two designs that need a revisit the most.

I'll be interested to see how they do Dino.

I am also interested in Dino, particularly to see how they handle the arm blades: will they be separate accessories, or will they made of alt mode parts or something like Stinger's gun and Sideswipe's blades?

Tentatively curious to see if this Jazz listing is some kind of battle damaged/"Alternate Universe" repaint of movie Jazz, or a WFC-ish 86 Jazz, I could do with a G1 Jazz.

Also the leaker stated before going dark that a "potentially divisive" Rodimus Prime with trailer is coming in WFC 3/Kingdom, along with some more BW confirmations, so there's that for you. Hope whatever is "divisive" about it doesn't ruin it for you in some way.
Re: New Transformers Studio Series Listings Leaked (2071270)
Posted by ZeldaTheSwordsman on July 11th, 2020 @ 4:19pm CDT
Dino's arm blades will probably be separate accessories. They're more complex in shape than Sideswipe's and integrating them is, IMO, beyond a Studio Series deluxe. I'm interested in seeing how they genericize his altmode

"Divisive" might just mean it's a Leader-class toy that doesn't make all the parts into one big robot; we've certainly seen people complain about that.
Re: New Transformers Studio Series Listings Leaked (2071274)
Posted by Tuned Agent on July 11th, 2020 @ 5:16pm CDT
AllNewSuperRobot wrote:
Tuned Agent wrote: That Cyclonus had some of the 3mm blast effect pegs on it, so if it is an upcoming SS figure, then the SS86 figures are definitely meant to co-exist with WFC.

I wouldn't really think a standardised peg to be indicative of anything at the moment. Lets be honest as well. HasTak aren't going to re-invent the wheel with Studio Series. They aren't going to completely overhaul the molds they've been using up until now. I wouldn't expect a Supreme Cheetor here, given they are two thirds into the current line.

I'm just saying that if the design team didn't intend for these SS86 figures to fit in with and be displayed with figures from WFC, then they wouldn't have designed them to be compatible with a gimmick from WFC. But that's just me.

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