Transformers and More @ The Seibertron Store

His confidence borders on arrogance--can hit targets blindfolded, from memory. Resents his twin laser cannon, Spoilsport, since he needs no help from Sureshot to shoot, and never asks for any. Spoilsport likes to shoot and show off on his own. The two only cooperate when their lives depend on it. In vehicle mode, Sureshot's maximum speed: 290 mph, range: 1200 miles.
Strength: | 6.0 |
Intelligence: | 7.0 |
Speed: | 6.0 |
Endurance: | 7.0 |
Rank: | 6.0 |
Courage: | 8.0 |
Firepower: | 7.0 |
Skill: | 10.0 |
Total: | 57 |
Sureshot appeared in the following 12 cartoon episodes: