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249 total news articles in this section, 10 per page.

Furman Blog Update: Titan UK #8: Scorponok and Spotlight: Grimlock Artist Announced

Transformers News: Furman Blog Update: Titan UK #8: Scorponok and Spotlight: Grimlock Artist Announced
Date: Tuesday, December 4th 2007 3:51pm CST
Categories: Comic Book News, People News
Posted by: i_amtrunks | Credit(s): Simon Furman

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Simon Furman has updated his Blog once again, this time with information pertaining to the upcoming Issue #8 of the Titan UK Transformers Magazine.

Issue #8 will deal with one of the questions many fans have asked since the Transformers Movie was released... What happened to Scorponok?

Another ’squeezed into a bit of dead space in the movie’ story, this one concerns the fate of Scorponok, last seen burrowing underground in an almightly hurry after the aerial barrage in Qatar. He’s been laying low since then, but when Ironhide and a Special Forces team (new characters, developed especially for the UK storyline) go looking they get a whole LOT more than they bargained for (and realise some things are better left buried). As with the previous Starscream story, this one gives a little more in the way of action/resolution to the movie itself, and provides Ironhide with a real workout (though not necessarily in the way you might think). Scorponok proves to be a much tougher character than his bio and onscreen appearance maybe suggests, and ties up something of loose end.

Furman has let slide who will be doing the art duties for the upcoming Spotlight: Grimlock. Marcelo Matere who has previously worked on Spotlight: Soundwave and on Titan UK #6 featuring Jazz, which is to be released on December 6th 2007.

To read Furman's new blog entries in Full, please click here.

Interview with Animated SFX Supervisor Jeff Shiffman

Transformers News: Interview with Animated SFX Supervisor Jeff Shiffman
Date: Thursday, November 29th 2007 4:06pm CST
Categories: Cartoon News, People News, Interviews
Posted by: i_amtrunks | Credit(s): tformers, Lawson

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Website have posted an interview held with Jeff Shiffman, co-sound supervisor on the upcoming Transformers: Animated Series.

In the Interview Shiffman discusses the use of the "Classic" Transforming sound, the creation of layered sound for the series, building a sound library for the series and the integration of sound and music in the series.

To read the full interview please, click here.

Furman Blog update: Devastation #3

Transformers News: Furman Blog update: Devastation #3
Date: Wednesday, November 28th 2007 3:29pm CST
Categories: Comic Book News, People News
Posted by: i_amtrunks | Credit(s): Simon Furman

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Simon Furman has updated his blog once again, this time in relation to this weeks release of Devastation #3:

Regular artist EJ Su had to take some time out to become a daddy (aww), so Nick Roche (Spotlight Shockwave) stepped in to cover. And what a damn fine job he does too! Nick takes Ratchet, Verity and Jimmy through some considerably lethal hoops, courtesy of Sixshot, as well as continuing Hot Rod and Wheeljack’s run-in with the Headmasters (plus more on the intertwined fate of Hunter and Sunstreaker). As I’ve rumbled on about before, this is where everything changes, and what was a secret war goes public in a big, big way. And with various other factions (Reapers, Dead Universe cast, etc) now ready to make their move, it’s only going to spiral further out of control.

Also on Furman's blog is a sneak peek at E.J. Su's cover for Devastation #3, which is the only Su art in the issue. Click here to have a look.

Simon Furman Wants To Answer More of Your Questions

Transformers News: Simon Furman Wants To Answer More of Your Questions
Date: Thursday, November 22nd 2007 5:46pm CST
Categories: Comic Book News, People News, Digital Media News
Posted by: Raymond T. | Credit(s):

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Transformers writer Simon Furman has put up yet another blog on his regular Blogspace. This time the popular writer lets us know that together with IDW, he plans to anwers more questions of the fans. The following has been taken directly from his latest blog.

"About six months (or more) back, I did a big ol’ Q&A session via the IDW website, with readers/posters submitting their burning questions and me (after a degree of paring down to a manageable 20) doing my level best to supply coherent (vaguely spoiler-free) responses. Well, six months (or so) on, and I’m doing it again. If there’s something (about Transformers, new or old, or my other comics/TV/books work) you’ve been bursting to ask me, now’s the time to speak… or forever(ish) hold your peace. In due course, once the questions are in and sorted and pared down to 20, the answers will be published on the IDW website/forums (answers 1-15) and here on my blog (16-20). So, if you want to get a question into mix, the IDW forum thread can be found here. Or, post your questions here in this topic’s responses space. Between us, myself, IDW’s Chris Ryall and forum moderator Denyer, we’ll shake ‘em all out into a sort of loose top 20, one that we feel has the widest, most interesting (generally) range and scope. I’ve posted some (loose) criteria for the questions over on the aforementioned IDW forum thread. So… what are you waiting for? Let the interrogation begin…".

Simon Furman Blog Update: Devastation #6

Transformers News: Simon Furman Blog Update: Devastation #6
Date: Monday, November 19th 2007 8:10am CST
Categories: Comic Book News, People News, Digital Media News
Posted by: Darth Bombshell | Credit(s):

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Simon Furman has updated his Blog once again, this time providing some cryptic information about the final issue of the "Devastation" arc. The following is the exact text as written by Simon himself:

"This time up it’s the turn of Transformers Devastation #6, the wrap-up of this the third ‘-ion’ arc (and as ever, I’ll try and make this more of a tease than a spoiler). And boy what an arc this has been! Big stuff happening! That tired old phrase ‘things will never be the same again’ is wholly and justifiably applicable here. Stuff is revealed! Stuff is tied up! Other stuff kicks off! It’s a packed old end of arc issue, with Reapers versus Decepticons (to a shattering conclusion!), Hot Rod versus Headmasters (to a turbo-charged conclusion… of sorts) and Hunter/Sunstreaker versus the head of the Machination (to a point where we absolutely know who is who and what is what, but with a distinct ‘To be continued…’). Oh yeah! Plus, (much) more on the Dead Universe cast, with Galvatron making his first Earthbound moves, and first full appearances for Jhiaxus and ‘the Transformer formerly known as Nova Prime.’ The main focus, though, falls on our second fully fledged no-holds-barred (devastating) battle of this arc, this time between the catastrophic Reapers and the Ore-13 charged Decepticons. Expect casualties! Carnage! Shocks! Last issue saw Starscream back in the fray, strutting his stuff, but this issue has him fighting (once again) side-by-side with Megatron (who isn’t exactly chuffed to see him!). Fallout/repercussions for sure. Hot Rod makes a shocking decision (kind of prompted by Optimus Prime’s equally momentous decision last issue) and Skywatch prepare to kick back before things get even more out of hand. And if you think that maybe feeds into a certain upcoming Spotlight, well, you’d be right on the money. Oh, and don’t think I’ve forgotten about Sixshot. He too has a part to play. All I can say is… phew! This one has it all! Really. Devastation #6 hits stores in February 08. Art by EJ Su."

Shane McCarthy working on a newTransformers Project at IDW

Transformers News: Shane McCarthy working on a newTransformers Project at IDW
Date: Sunday, November 11th 2007 4:06pm CST
Categories: Comic Book News, People News, Company News
Posted by: i_amtrunks | Credit(s): Nevermore of tfarchive

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Comic Book Artist Shane McCarthy has posted on his Website that he is currently working on a new Transformers project at IDW.

Shane has done freelance writing work for other comic book companies such as Dark Horse and DC. Titles he has worked on include: Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight, Detective Comics, and Zombies: Feast.

Check out his Website for more information on his previous work.

Michael Bay To Purposefully Mislead Fans During Making of Transformers 2

Transformers News: Michael Bay To Purposefully Mislead Fans During Making of Transformers 2
Date: Saturday, November 10th 2007 9:03pm CST
Categories: Movie Related News, People News, Digital Media News
Posted by: Skowl | Credit(s): jacksonspade,

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Michael Bay is ready to face the Transformers fandom once again as he gears up for the sequel to his blockbuster Transformers Movie, but this time, he's learned his lesson, and he's prepared to throw fans a few curve-balls in the process. is reporting that director Michael Bay and team working on the sequel to this past summer's Transformers Movie will be purposefully leaking fake information, such as script treatments and ideas, to throw fans off the trail. He also confirms that the previous leaked script treatment, which had already been debunked by producer Don Murphy and others, is a fake, as we reported some time ago.

You can read the full report on by clicking here.

Michael Bay went through the wringer with the fanboys on Transformers. He addressed every concern -- early designs, scripts, remaining faithful to the source material -- and delivered a movie that won over most audiences, grossing nearly $320 million in America alone. But with Transformers 2 in development, Bay isn't taking any more lip service.

"One thing I do know is I know how to screw them up more," said Bay. "We're going to leak a lot of false information all over the place. I now know their game. They're going to get a lot of script treatments that they think are going to be the script. They will never see the script. We've got scripts and treatments written up that we're going to leak. No one's going to know."

Scoopers who currently think they're sitting on a hot one, here's a head's up. "There's one out that's fake right now. There are going to be many others."

In the days leading up to the writer's strike, Bay was in the trenches working on the sequel script. "Every day now. I'm excited about it. We've got Alex [Kurtzman] and Bob [Orci], the original writers, and we've got Ehren Kruger (Blood and Chocolate, The Ring), who's a new writer coming in. We have three very good writers."

Transformers 2 Production Designer Announced

Transformers News: Transformers 2 Production Designer Announced
Date: Wednesday, November 7th 2007 3:43pm CST
Categories: Movie Related News, People News
Posted by: i_amtrunks | Credit(s): Roll_Out,

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Seibertron's own Roll_Out has informed us that have posted information pertaining to the second Transformers Movie.

It looks like a production designer has already been hired for Transformers 2. Nigel Phelps, who worked with director Michael Bay on Pearl Harbor and The Island, is listed on the United Talent Agency's website as having the job. Phelps is currently working on Universal's The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor.

Good to know that even though the writers Strike has stopped many major films, that there are still some wheelings and dealings going on.

To view the original Source, please click here.

Stay tuned to for more information as it comes.

Simon Furman Blog Update: Spotlight Arcee

Transformers News: Simon Furman Blog Update: Spotlight Arcee
Date: Monday, November 5th 2007 3:41pm CST
Categories: Comic Book News, People News
Posted by: i_amtrunks | Credit(s): Simon Furman

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Simon Furman has once again updated his Blog, this time concerning Spotlight Arcee.

There's alot of information and spoilers in his post, so do not read any further if you want a clean sheet when Reading Spotlight Arcee when it is released in February 2008.

Arcee is a much more troubled and tormented character. When we first meet Arcee, ’she’ is on a personal crusade, a vengeful rage and adrenaline-fuelled tilt that brings ‘her’ into inevitable conflict with law-enforcement officer Ultra Magnus. It’s not pretty. This in turn leads us to Garrus-9, an Autobot detention facility (something readers have speculated about since we showcased a Decepticon penal colony in Spotlight Hot Rod). Garrus-9 brings the authoritarian Fortress Maximus into the mix, and a story thread running on from the end of Spotlight Optimus Prime (concerning a certain sextet of captive combiners!). Add into the mix Banzaitron, some Combaticons (minus Swindle) and Jetfire and the Technobots (oh, and Arcee of course!) and you can start to see there’s one heck of a showdown/melee in the offing. Oh, and Arcee’s ’state of mind’ ties into the Dead Universe storyline (which all starts to kick off in the last couple of issues of Devastation).

To read Furman's full Blog, please click here.

And don't forget you can discuss your thoughts and theories on what is going on in the IDW-verse here.

Simon Furman Blog Update On Beast Wars Sourcebook

Transformers News: Simon Furman Blog Update On Beast Wars Sourcebook
Date: Tuesday, October 30th 2007 3:28pm CDT
Categories: Comic Book News, People News
Posted by: Raymond T. | Credit(s):

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Long standing Transformers writer Simon Furman has updated his Blog once again. This time he posts in regards to the upcoming Beast Wars Sourcebook issue 2. The following has been taken directly from Furman's Blog.

"As we teeter on the precipice between October and November, IDW squeezes out yet another Transformers comic release in a month already bursting at the seams. Issue #2 of the Beast Wars Sourcebook (character profiles series) hits stores this week (31st Oct in the US, 1st Nov in the UK), taking you through from Elephorca to Noctorro. Now here's a tester for those of you who figure you can detect a Furmanism at thirty paces: can you identify (or guess) which of the character profiles were written by me (rather than Ben Yee)? If memory serves, there are nine of them in total in issue #2. Now, if we (myself and Ben Yee) have done our jobs well, it shouldn't be easy to spot who did who, as they were done in a style, to a format, and I kind of did an editorial pass to make sure the whole thing was as seamless as possible (text-wise). But maybe you can work it out. Feel free to post your thoughts/conclusions on this thread and in a few days I'll reveal who was on the money and who missed the mark. I'll give you one for free, though, as it's a bit of a no-brainer: eight letters, begins with 'G' ends with 'K'. Click on the thumbnail below for a better butchers at the cover for Beast Wars Sourcebook #2 and don't forget to check out the IDW site for more preview pages and news of upcoming Transformers releases."

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