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100 total news articles in this section, 10 per page. Interviews Shane McCarthy - Lindyhopping with Drift

Transformers News: Interviews Shane McCarthy - Lindyhopping with Drift
Date: Wednesday, February 11th 2015 3:16am CST
Categories: Comic Book News, Site Articles, People News, Interviews
Posted by: Va'al | Credit(s): Shane McCarthy, Va'al

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Views: 70,011

Hi! Remember us? We left the interviews with comics creators lagging for a while, as life decided to settle itself, 2014 swept in and we're now ready for Combiner Wars hitting shelves in both paper, plastic and pixel format. But alongside that, we've also seen the return of one of IDW's original Transformers characters, Drift, in the hands of its originator - Shane McCarthy. Read on below for a spotlight on the Australian author of AHM!

Transformers News: Interviews Shane McCarthy - Lindyhopping with Drift

Va'al - Shane, it is a pleasure to talk to you for a bit, thank you for agreeing to do this! As we've done for the other creators we've interviewed, I'd like to start from the beginning - from your beginning: how did Transformers enter your life, do you remember your first interaction with the franchise?

Shane McCarthy - I absolutely do. Like most kids I was crazy about cartoons and around that time I was all about He-Man. Saturday morning was where it was at and I would get up super early to watch them all. One morning, when He-Man had finished, on comes this cartoon I'd never heard of. It opened with Cybertron in flames and I was immediately hooked. After that it was a mad dash to the toy store. The first one I ever bought was the double pack of the cassettes... Frenzy and Laserbeak I think.

Va'al - And was that also a gateway moment into collecting the toys, or were you able to keep the plastic addiction at bay (or forced to, by external factors)? Did you, or do you still, have the one that got away, or at least a very elusive toy that was really hard to get?

Shane - Well I'd already started my He-Man collection so buying toys was already a habit. What I could afford mind you; my parents would buy me some big things for Christmas (Castle Grayskull) but I had to buy the figures myself. So picking up Transformers was a natural progression.

As for the one that got away. I was crazy about Prime and Soundwave as a kid and got both of those. There's two I never got that I really wanted as a kid. Ravage, because he looked so damn cool and I never saw him again beyond when I had to make that first choice in the store. And Megatron. Although I wouldn't be after Megs these days, the actual toy doesn't look at all that hot to me.

Va'al - Starting to sense a purple pattern here, I must admit. Would you say that Ravage (or any of the other three) still holds a spot in your collector's heart? Did you continue collecting beyond your childhood and teenage years, with new iterations of the same characters?

Shane - I'd say it's really just Ravage these days; I think the concept and the design are really cool. I think I've still got Frenzy around here somewhere, I lost Laserbeak's head though.

I didn't keep collecting, no. My love of the toys spilled over into books and comics. The next time I bought a Transformer was after Beast Wars came out. Like a lot of people I dismissed Beast Wars as some sort of heretical assault on the old classics. When a friend explained how the old cartoons and Beast Wars lined up and then handed me Transmetal Optimus Primal, I was hooked again. That was a seriously cool toy.

Va'al - That often still happens with some fans, good to hear we won you over to the beast side eventually! So as you ventured from screen media and toys into comics, what were your first impressions, what caught your attention in particular?

Shane - You mean comics in general? Conan, haha. My sister bought me one at a flea market to shut me up. It had Gil Kane on art and it was glorious. From there it was into Batman and Superman then down the road the X-Men.

As far as Transformers though I started picking up the magazine format comics, the ones from the UK that Simon Furman was writing. I absolutely loved them. I remember the first story I came in on, I can't remember the issue number though. But basically Prime and Outback were battered and fighting to survive against some sort of ape creatures I think. Classic stuff.

Transformers News: Interviews Shane McCarthy - Lindyhopping with Drift
via TFWiki

Va'al - That sounds very much like issue #100, Distant Thunder! As an established comics reader, how long did it take from that point to entering the industry as a creator? How was that process for you?

Shane - That's the one! Man, you're good. Alan Davis on cover art too, wow.

How long did it take? Well the link says that comic came out in 1987. My first publication was Batman for DC Comics in...2005 I think so, 18 years. Yikes.

The process was an interesting one. I never even thought of becoming a writer until I was around twenty odd years old. It had never occurred to me. Once the idea struck (or was actually suggested to me) everything clicked in a way nothing ever had before. After that it was a lot of work, effort and training before I broke in with DC.

Va'al - But you did make it in the end, and you've worked on multiple characters and properties since! What I'm wondering, though, is how the IDW gig started - did they ask you to take over from Furman, or did you pitch material to them?

Shane - I was approached by Chris Ryall to take over from Simon. He'd been doing great stuff but they were wanting to move in a different direction and asked me what I would do if I took over. With the understanding that it was supposed to be a new direction, one they hoped would also appeal to a wider audience, I pitched All Hail Megatron.

Va'al - And Drift was one of the new, original appearances in the series, before he became his own full-on character, correct? We've seen the pitch for him in the recent IDW Complete Drift volume, actually - how did it feel to introduce an entirely new character to the franchise?

Shane - It was fun. I was already having a hell of a lot of fun working on AHM and it was never on my mind to bring in anything new. However when I was working on the book the idea for Drift popped into my head and I thought, why not? I've said it before but the initial pitch was me just firing off a "what if" email to Chris. He liked the idea but said Hasbro would never go for it. Turns out they loved it. Right away they mentioned the possibility of a figure which was brilliant. Apparently some people didn't believe the figure was true when Chris announced it. I still find that hilarious.

Va'al - He was also not the only lasting outcome of the AHM series, as we're still feeling some of the aftermath of those events in the current ongoings and mini-series (such as the beef between Devastator and Spike, which Costa took a step further, and Barber is currently retreading in The Transformers). How does it feel, as the plotter behind it all?

Shane - It's nice to know it's all still going forward. I don't read the books (unless I'm writing for them) but I would hope that some things have been kept and other things have changed. Like any comic book, when a new creative team comes on they need to leave their stamp. It's important everything isn't thrown out but it has to be something new otherwise what's the point?

Va'al - And that, in a way, brings us to the present day, with you returning to Drift after his presence in James Roberts' writing in More Than Meets the Eye. How does it feel to write the book now, compared to any of the three you were working on back then?

Shane - I have to say it was a mix of weird and fun. James' take on Drift was different to mine and I needed to keep that in mind as I did the mini series. I'd read through Drift's "James" appearances and got a feel for who he was there. After that I needed to think about where I wanted to take him and what I wanted to say with the character taking into account what he meant to me when I created him and what he means to me now after he'd gone through so much since AHM.

Transformers News: Interviews Shane McCarthy - Lindyhopping with Drift

It kind of felt like seeing a really great friend after they'd been overseas for a while. They're still your good mate but they've got a whole bunch of new hobbies and an accent.

Va'al - Was the inclusion of Ratchet as grumpy but sensible counterpart to him in Empire of Stone something that you built from the MTMTE relationship between the two, then, or entirely your initiative?

Shane - No that was absolutely from MTMTE. I loved the odd couple vibe I was getting from them and knew I needed someone to come calling from the Autobots. It was nice having it be Ratchet, someone who once hated Drift (or was at least seriously annoyed by him). Plus I knew it would make for some fun buddy cop moments.

Va'al - They do have some really good interactions, yes! And what about the other characters showing up, such as Gigatron and super obscure ones like Hellbat and the Micromasters? Are they something you have a connection to, or was it more of an editorial call?

Shane - No those were all my choices. When it comes to finding new, interesting characters that haven't been overused it can get tough so I decided to go to an expert. I went to Twitter and asked a Transformer fan, Sprite, for advice on some underused characters. I knew the kinds of characters I was looking for and she made some great suggestions of who hadn't been used in the IDW universe yet. I had a look through that list and chose the ones I liked the most. Gigatron, Hellbat and Grit all came from that list so, thanks, Sprite.

Transformers News: Interviews Shane McCarthy - Lindyhopping with Drift

Va'al - Fans really making an impact, then, on all accounts! Some great artists are also showing up at IDW from the fan base, but you've gone with the established team of Guido Guidi, Stephen Baskerville and JP Bove. How are you finding working with them? What do you feel their art brings to the story?

Shane - They're a fantastic team to work with. It's fantastic to be working with Guido again; I absolutely adore his artwork. After having worked together for a year on AHM it was great to get back into those familiar roles again. And JP, what a champ. Fantastic work and a great guy. I had the pleasure of signing with JP when I was at a UK con, the guy's a riot. Stephen is a new one to me but, like the others, I love what he brought to the book. Everyone is excited to be working together and we're all doing our best to put out a book that we love and hope the readers will love too.

Va'al - It is receiving its fair share of praise so far - but with only one issue left to the series, do you have any other plans in mind for Drift or the Transformers universe in general? Anything we should be looking forward to?

Shane - Not currently no. I'm really glad John [Barber] dropped me a line asking me to do this, it was a blast, but currently this looks like it's it for Transformers. Not to say something won't pop up down the line, IDW is over the moon at how well Drift is being received so you never know.

Va'al - That's a low - though hopeful - tone to be ending this chat upon, however - is there anything you'd like to say to the fans and readers out there before we bid our goodbyes?

Shane - Just a huge thank you. Thank you for reading and thank you for writing in. It's great to know people have enjoyed AHM and Drift.

Transformers News: Interviews Shane McCarthy - Lindyhopping with Drift

Va'al - And thank you, Shane, for taking the time to talk to us for this interview - it was great to find out more about your journey as a fan and a creator. Best of luck for future endeavours, and we'll be on the lookout for Drift #4 later this month!

You can find out more about Shane McCarthy's multiple creative lives at his website, SMAcTalk, and on Twitter. IDW Transformers: Drift - Empire of Stone is regularly reviewed on - join the discussion here!

You can also read Shane's thoughts on Age of Extinction Drift here - and find out more about the latest incarnation of the character in animated series Robots in Disguise here and here.

IDW Transformers vs. G.I. Joe #5 Review

Transformers News: IDW Transformers vs. G.I. Joe #5 Review
Date: Tuesday, February 10th 2015 2:21pm CST
Categories: Comic Book News, Reviews, Site Articles
Posted by: Va'al | Credit(s): IDW

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Views: 51,556

In Which Duke Drives Optimus Through a Sea of Quintessons
(Spoiler free-ish)

IT GETS CRAZIER! The biggest space battle ever grows to universal proportions! Will the G.I. JOE team and the AUTOBOTS make peace—before COBRA and the DECEPTICONS end the war… the bad way?!

Transformers News: IDW Transformers vs. G.I. Joe #5 Review
One Woman Army


I realise we have fallen behind on reviewing this series, and we will come back to fill in on the missing issues of the first volume of Transformers vs G.I. Joe. However, after a decent hiatus, the cosmic series by Tom Scioli and John Barber is back with its fifth issue, and we're here to remind you how amazing it is!

Transformers News: IDW Transformers vs. G.I. Joe #5 Review

We're on Earth and Cybertron, as the latter moves closer to the former at the hands of Megatron, and G.I. Joe and Cybertronians alike are attempting to deal with the impending catastrophe - although each in their own way, with suspicion, and not all plans are working together, at all.

Transformers News: IDW Transformers vs. G.I. Joe #5 Review
Who nose what might happen

One of the main storylines we follow is that of Rodimus, as the attempts to regain control of Metroplex and the Autobot troops, his clash with one of the G1-est Grimlocks in a while, and the consequences of giant robot egos meeting each other's match, Megatron included, for the first time seen as potentially fallible.

Transformers News: IDW Transformers vs. G.I. Joe #5 Review
Clash of Kings

The writing is fantastically scattered across the pages and cosmic stage that Scioli and Barber have set up, and even then, there is a lot more coherence than in the first couple of issues. The interactions and uncomfortable alliances between humans and Cybertronians lead to both amusing and fairly tense scenes, and definitely worth following around.


Tom Scioli's double act as writer and artist still delivers in a fantastic correspondence between, arguably, intention and execution. He is not trying to do anything, he is not attempting to capture elements of *something* - this is his style, heavily influenced by early comics art, and it is something to amaze at, every time.

Transformers News: IDW Transformers vs. G.I. Joe #5 Review
Have a Metropolygon

Every corner of every panel, even the round ones, has something going on, from the little tags identifying new characters to the Quintesson vinetacles, to the sheer amount on miniature scenes taking place across a single page, plus all the colour work, you can spend hours on an issue alone.

Transformers News: IDW Transformers vs. G.I. Joe #5 Review
Three Are One

The addition of Chris Mowry's stellar lettering and design work make sure that all is in its place and with its own voice, too, and that the package matches the contents, with echoes of those comics art influences showing up in the book as book. Plus, to catch eyes from everywhere, we get an impressive array of covers by Scioli, Nick Pitarra/Megan Wilson on Soundwave and Slither and the thumbnailed Derek Charm [plus a slightly more questionable one by Jamie Tyndall/Ula Mos].

Spoilerish ahead

The marvellous incoherent cohesion of the multiple overlapping scripts and plots is what makes this series so appealing to many readers who are not generally into Transformers or G.I. Joe fictional universes. It's fine to get lost, we're actually invited to do so, and there's more to gain from it, if you want to.

Transformers News: IDW Transformers vs. G.I. Joe #5 Review
Laughing one's head off

We get references to Transformers lore, battles of wit, humour and ridiculous amounts of action, and it still feels as though we're being pulled through a story that doesn't care whether we're paying attention or not - much like the rest of the universe. This is a series that does exactly what it wants, and what it wants is to have fun with the medium and the casts. We're along for the ride, so buckle up.


Creative Roundup, February 8th, 2015

Transformers News: Creative Roundup, February 8th, 2015
Date: Sunday, February 8th 2015 6:47am CST
Categories: Site Articles, Transtopia
Posted by: Va'al | Credit(s): Transtopia

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Views: 58,592

How did you January treat you? Well, we hope! And in either case, why not treat yourselves to some creative work from the Transtopia section of Below you will find a round-up of all the fanart, fan fiction, customs, paint jobs, photos, and other products of the buzzing minds of fellow Seibertronians. Check them out, and leave a comment in the original threads if you're so inclined.


Shockwave7 is looking for some help with tools to be used for kitbashes - leave your tips here!

Meanwhile, OmarJT82 is wondering whether someone might have advice on types of chrome paint here.


Joshimus - AoE Leader Grimlock

Transformers News: Creative Roundup, February 8th, 2015

guarayakha - Manga-Style Windblade

Transformers News: Creative Roundup, February 8th, 2015

DEANO85 - Lockdown/Que Headswap

Transformers News: Creative Roundup, February 8th, 2015

Kapiko Customs - MP10 Metallic

Transformers News: Creative Roundup, February 8th, 2015

Twitchythe3rd - Aligned Nemesis Prime

Transformers News: Creative Roundup, February 8th, 2015

to_ti - Transformer Tumbler Batman: The Cybattron

Transformers News: Creative Roundup, February 8th, 2015

Mykltron - MP Ultra Magnus

Transformers News: Creative Roundup, February 8th, 2015

Rated X - Classics Exhaust

Transformers News: Creative Roundup, February 8th, 2015


Noideaforaname - Kreon Customs

Transformers News: Creative Roundup, February 8th, 2015

alanyap - Future Flymech

Transformers News: Creative Roundup, February 8th, 2015


GlauG - Shapeways Thread

Transformers News: Creative Roundup, February 8th, 2015


amurowes - Abominus vs Dinoking

Transformers News: Creative Roundup, February 8th, 2015

M3Gr1ml0ck - Transistor comic

Transformers News: Creative Roundup, February 8th, 2015

Galvanitro - Transformers: Vanguard

Transformers News: Creative Roundup, February 8th, 2015

Rainmakers - Little Bots | Heavy Metal War Transformers

Transformers News: Creative Roundup, February 8th, 2015

Transformers News: Creative Roundup, February 8th, 2015

OptimalOptimus2 - Calling All Autobots

Transformers News: Creative Roundup, February 8th, 2015


Apollo-XL5 - Prime Effect 5: Chapter XXII

Henry921 - MTMTE: False Flags

Simplify - Politiformers Part III & IV

Transformers News: Creative Roundup, February 8th, 2015
Transformers News: Creative Roundup, February 8th, 2015


Madeus Prime - Flipside

Transformers News: Creative Roundup, February 8th, 2015

keelo1027 - Cooking with Grimlock | Funny pics

Transformers News: Creative Roundup, February 8th, 2015

Transformers News: Creative Roundup, February 8th, 2015

ozzyfreak424 - TFTM Matrix Scene

Transformers News: Creative Roundup, February 8th, 2015

dirk2243 - Adventures of the Kreons

Transformers News: Creative Roundup, February 8th, 2015

SW's Silverhammer - Random TF Pictures

Transformers News: Creative Roundup, February 8th, 2015

Henry921 - Revenge of the Photocomic

Transformers News: Creative Roundup, February 8th, 2015

Va'al - A Life of Va'als

Transformers News: Creative Roundup, February 8th, 2015

IDW Publishing Transformers: More Than Meets the Eye #37 Review

Date: Wednesday, February 4th 2015 2:50am CST
Categories: Comic Book News, Reviews, Site Articles
Posted by: Va'al | Credit(s): IDW

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Views: 35,228

That Rung a Bell
(Spoiler free-ish)

DESPERATE MEASURES! Four million years ago, as CYBERTRON teetered on the brink of all-out war, a group of Autobots decided it was time to take matters into their own hands. Everyone concerned would subsequently agree that this was a very, very bad move...

Transformers News: IDW Publishing Transformers: More Than Meets the Eye #37 Review
Off to a good start


As More Than Meets the Eye continues its solitary trajectory through space (on the Lost Light) and time (through the IDWverse as we know it) we follow up on Rodimus and his team in search of duplicitous Brainstorm, his evil plan and whatever he might be up to in Cybertron's past - will history change forever?

Transformers News: IDW Publishing Transformers: More Than Meets the Eye #37 Review
Percy impressed - good or bad?

Writer James Roberts had stated a while back that Elegant Chaos would be the third and final chapter to his Cybertronian trilogy, after Chaos Theory and Shadowplay. This issue dissipates all doubts about the execution of that promise, as we look once more into previous (past) storylines to develop the current (present) one, by literally revisiting them from another angle.

Transformers News: IDW Publishing Transformers: More Than Meets the Eye #37 Review

The device is extremely amusing and satisfying (and touching, at times, when Whirl, Chromedome, Rewind, Cyclonus, Rung, and Tailgate are involved), for a good deal of the book, but sometimes feels as though there is still too much stalling given the previous issues in this arc. The time travel plot does feel much fresher here, however, which can only be a good thing.

Transformers News: IDW Publishing Transformers: More Than Meets the Eye #37 Review

There are a number of twists, yes, towards the very end. I would not call the 'major' reveal entirely surprising, and the parallels present in the issue with Chaos Theory and Shadowplay only aided in finding all the similarities with those scripts and books - but it is very satisfyingly executed nonetheless, with some great secondary developments along the way.


Now, the artwork. As mentioned, the script reuses lines from Chaos Theory and Shadowplay - and the same holds for the visuals, as Alex Milne's work from The Transformers #20 and MTMTE #9 is re-proposed as part of the larger mosaic of the old-but-new story, and it all works fantastically well, even and perhaps especially with the noticeable differences in style. And the new facial expressions are priceless.

Transformers News: IDW Publishing Transformers: More Than Meets the Eye #37 Review
Happy Whirl!

And the credit also goes to the combined efforts of previous colourist Josh Burcham, and the current regular Joana Lafuente, with the latter finding a great balance of hues to highlight the pacing of the two timelines in one without making the difference too obvious or jarring. It is a thing to behold.

Transformers News: IDW Publishing Transformers: More Than Meets the Eye #37 Review

Tom B. Long's letters, especially the ones used when Whirl is involved, capture perfectly the moment and tones of the scenes they feature in, and a joy to trace in backgrounds and captions. While the Milne/Josh Perez A cover captures the and Nick Roche/Burcham introduce some new arrivals, so to speak, in the B cover, the thumbnailed Kotteri anniversary cover is a great representation of the lighter MTMTE vibe.

Spoilerish ahead

As far as the aesthetics are concerned, MTMTE #37 is a magnificently laid out, formally and structurally arranged piece of comics art. Reusing old material in such a way that it works with the new was extremely well done, and the multiple angles help with the tone and themes of the arc's script. And what is new is very very new, in such a way that there are no feelings of 'shortcuts' in material.

Transformers News: IDW Publishing Transformers: More Than Meets the Eye #37 Review
#38, here we come

With the plot doing what it does, the stories weaving as they do, and the art blending as it can, what really stood out, once again, were some of the interactions between the very extended cast of the book. Not only the usual suspects, or even the ones present on the page, but there is some very good dialogue that meshes wonderfully with the pre-existing scripts, and gives it that little boost which really encourages a reader to go back and revisit older material. In light of next month's big bang finale. Maybe.

. :BOT: :BOT: :BOT: :BOT: - out of :BOT: :BOT: :BOT: :BOT: :BOT:

Pictorial Review - Kre-O Transformers Battle Changers Grimlock

Transformers News: Pictorial Review - Kre-O Transformers Battle Changers Grimlock
Date: Sunday, February 1st 2015 6:01am CST
Categories: Toy News, Reviews, Site Articles
Posted by: Va'al | Credit(s): Fires_Of_Inferno

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Views: 40,162

Why not have some more Kre-O Transformers Battle Changers reviews for the weekend? Thanks to fellow member Fires_Of_Inferno, Canada-dweller with easier access to the figures for now, we take a look at Dinobot leader Grimlock in his brick form, including some thoughts and size comparisons - check it out below!

Fires_Of_Inferno wrote:I have been asked to post my review of Battle Changers Grimlock here. So I shall! :D

I was surprised to find Kre-O Battle Changers Grimlock at my local Toys R' Us during my Boxing Day toy store rampage.

Transformers News: Pictorial Review - Kre-O Transformers Battle Changers Grimlock

Grimlock was released in Canada in late 2014, although they are listed as not being available until Spring 2015. Hasbro seems to be doing some wacky things with their release dates when Canada and the UK get releases BEFORE the US does. Grimlock is an 82 piece set who's colours more match the Age of Extinction toy than the G1 toy. This doesn't bother me as much as I thought it would. He stands roughly 10cm (4in) tall in dino mode, and there's no storage for his weapon, unless you want to stick it in his tiny dino hands (which I do).

Transformers News: Pictorial Review - Kre-O Transformers Battle Changers Grimlock

Transformers News: Pictorial Review - Kre-O Transformers Battle Changers Grimlock

Transformers News: Pictorial Review - Kre-O Transformers Battle Changers Grimlock

Transformers News: Pictorial Review - Kre-O Transformers Battle Changers Grimlock

Grimlock transforms exactly as you'd expect him to. The head and sides of the dino mode are attached to the same spinal component and all fold back and down. His lower portion swings forward to form legs and feet, and the dino legs twist at the knee to form his robot arms. Pretty standard in terms of a recognizable G1 accurate Grimlock transformation!

Transformers News: Pictorial Review - Kre-O Transformers Battle Changers Grimlock

His robot mode stands just shy of 9cm (3 1/2 inches), and looks exactly how a Kre-O Grimlock should! Again, the colour looks more like AoE Grimlocks' colours, but that doesn't bother me one bit. The helmet actually bothers me a little more with the fact that, instead of using a new helmet design, they use one of the generic Kre-O helmet designs. I guess I can't be TOO mad at that since it still looks like the guy, though.

Transformers News: Pictorial Review - Kre-O Transformers Battle Changers Grimlock

The face and torso have tampographed details while the sword, shoulders, and the grey pieces on the sides of the shins have stickers. They're alright stickers, I was honestly reluctant to put them on at first, because I thought he'd look better with them off, but nah, he looks better this way! The articulation is surprisingly awesome! I wish all regular Transformers were as bendy as him!

Transformers News: Pictorial Review - Kre-O Transformers Battle Changers Grimlock

In relation to other Kre-O figures, I'd say he's the right size! They come up to about thigh level to him. I'm one of those nut bars who like things to be a certain scale to each other, and I think this scale works for Kre-O Grimlock!

Transformers News: Pictorial Review - Kre-O Transformers Battle Changers Grimlock

I saw Optimus, Bumblebee, and Starscream at the Toys R' Us as well. I knew Grimlock was also going to be released with them, but I didn't see him until after I started digging. He was buried in the back of the shelf. Good thing I found him or I might have had to settle for getting one of the ones I was less enthusiastic for. First world problem averted! :D :KREMZEEK:

Pick him up when you see him. After seeing Bumblebee and Optimus, I'd say this one is definitely the winner of the first wave. Hopefully there'll be more releases after this. I'd love to see Megatron given the same treatment!

IDW Transformers Drift: Empire of Stone #3 Review

Transformers News: IDW Transformers Drift: Empire of Stone #3 Review
Date: Wednesday, January 28th 2015 2:41pm CST
Categories: Comic Book News, Reviews, Site Articles
Posted by: Va'al | Credit(s): IDW, Va'al

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Views: 33,527

(Spoiler free-ish)

THE STONE ARMY! The secrets of DRIFT’S past become his present-day problems… and RATCHET’S none too happy about being dragged along!

Transformers News: IDW Transformers Drift: Empire of Stone #3 Review
Oh Ratchet


We've arrived at the third chapter of the four-issue mini-series following Drift, after his exile from the Lost Light, and in case you hadn't noticed... Drift is an ex-Decepticon turned Autobot with issues, gone ultra good then riddled with guilt and in search of redemption - and the search leads him to a place from his past. Got it?

Transformers News: IDW Transformers Drift: Empire of Stone #3 Review
Got it

What Shane McCarthy brings to the table in this issue, other than some usual Animated-esque-via-MTMTE Ratchet sass, is a fairly decent twist on the situation as it currently stands, despite some predictable behaviour from the characters involved. Though the plot may have seemed clear from early on, we get a slightly different look at it by this point.

Transformers News: IDW Transformers Drift: Empire of Stone #3 Review

So if you're expecting a complicatedly weaving plot entwined with multiple layers of social commentary, this is not your port of call. What we do get, though, is yet some great interactions between pretty much all characters involved, some fairly twisted motivations reminiscent of 'bad guys' already encountered in this development of the IDWverse, and some very nicely staged action.

Transformers News: IDW Transformers Drift: Empire of Stone #3 Review
Care to tango?

What I am still waiting for, really, is a clue as to how all of Empire of Stone will impact not only More Than Meets the Eye, as the solicits keep telling us, but also the wider Transformers fiction established at this point - and this issue, in Hellbat and the Stone Army, possibly hints at it all, at last.


If the action is greatly staged, as Guido Guidi and Stephen Baskerville have shown us in all collaborations so far, this issue really cranks it up a notch. There's a magnificent slow build of smaller to wider layouts as the action escalates, with some truly stunning full splash pages showing off the scale of what the characters are actually playing against.

Transformers News: IDW Transformers Drift: Empire of Stone #3 Review
Oh. Ok

Not to forget the gloriously gritty look of the book, and the stark contrast with some much sleeker, cleaner visuals for the main background characters under Gigatron's so-called command. John-Paul Bove's colours make sure those are not traits to be missed, and we should revel in his marvellous deployment of pigmented layers.

Transformers News: IDW Transformers Drift: Empire of Stone #3 Review

With so much action still running through so much of the issue, and the interior monologues that Drift uses to narrate and expose the story, Tom B. Long's lettering has plenty of time and space to shine - though parsimoniously used, the touches add some good voicing to exasperated characters. Cover A is a wonderfully expanded and context-free panel from the issue itself, by Guidi and Bove, while Ratchet takes the spotlight in Sarah Stone's glorious variant - see thumbnail!

Spoilerish ahead

The main draws of this issue, and so far the series as a whole, come down to a handful of things: first, the seriously stunningly mapped out action sequences and fight scenes, thanks to the fantastic work of the visual team working on McCarthy's script. Every issue just looks absolutely stunning and almost tangible in its grainy stoneness.

Transformers News: IDW Transformers Drift: Empire of Stone #3 Review
Ok, that got me

But the possibly even bigger incentive, and one that has taken me three issues to fully grasp (heh), is the development of the relationship between Drift and Ratchet, not only as a means for the former to come to terms with his own identity issues, but for both of them to grow from where they set out with that moment as Drift left the Lost Light crew.

. :CON: :CON: :CON: ½ out of :CON: :CON: :CON: :CON: :CON:

IDW Publishing The Transformers #37 Review

Transformers News: IDW Publishing The Transformers #37 Review
Date: Wednesday, January 21st 2015 7:57am CST
Categories: Comic Book News, Reviews, Site Articles
Posted by: Va'al | Credit(s): Va'al, IDW

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Views: 44,686

(Spoiler free-ish)

THE ONYX PROTOCOL! As PROWL confronts SPIKE over the human’s betrayal, the mystery of G.B. Blackrock and the Onyx Interface deepens. Meanwhile, Tokyo becomes a battleground as Arcee faces the Constructicons… and Galvatron!

Transformers News: IDW Publishing The Transformers #37 Review
Or not


In issue #36 of the Transformers ongoing, we had the different factions setting themselves like pieces on a chessboard (with chases and explosions, of course). We also found out Prowl's real - for now - feelings towards Spike, and how much the two may or may not be very similar beings. All in an effort to locate the Enigma of Combination, and prepare for the Combiner Wars event.

Transformers News: IDW Publishing The Transformers #37 Review
He gives good recaps too

And despite Prowl and Spike being once again key players in this issue, John Barber makes two other characters really shine: leader but not quite of the Decepticons Galvatron, and Autobot but not sure Arcee. Their disputes, their interactions and Galvatron's slow game are a thing to behold.

Transformers News: IDW Publishing The Transformers #37 Review
Such wit

We also return to some wider concepts forming the basis to the current situation on Earth, and Blackrock's personal goals and stakes in the whole thing, but so far, not as fully realised as the robotic side of things - until the very end, that is, when the worms are out of the can.

Transformers News: IDW Publishing The Transformers #37 Review
Oh hey Kup and Sideswipe

It's nice to see a progression towards a conclusion of the arc before the beginning of the next one, without the feeling that one is being rushed or cramped for the other. Nice to see a couple of secondary characters take a little bit of light too, but the main action, because action it is, is what you're here for in this issue.


Regular artist Andrew Griffith takes the full burden of the artwork this time round, and a heavy burden it is. He performs brilliantly, too, with some fantastic panel layouts, and his Arcee and Galvatron really capture Barber's script underlying the interactions.

Transformers News: IDW Publishing The Transformers #37 Review
He's impressed

Effects obviously aided by not one but two colourists: Josh Perez and Thomas Teowisonte Deer, whose styles are different enough to be noticed, but without ever interfering with the artwork's aesthetic. Plus, we get some fantastic sky/ground transitions.

Transformers News: IDW Publishing The Transformers #37 Review

Tom B. Long's lettering is wonderfully placed, adding exactly what is needed to the various scenes, and remaining specifically absent in others, which is to be appreciated given their context. The covers are magnificent too, and bring in another fan artist for the 30th Anniversary cover - Kotteri (thumbnail) - alongside Griffith/Perez for A and Nick Roche/Josh Burcham for the bluesome B.

Spoilerish ahead

As I mentioned above, there is something still a bit slow in an otherwise very well-paced issue, featuring some wonderful action of both the verbal and physical kind - allowing a decently sized playground for the visual team to try out their skills, be they layouts, body language or colours.

Transformers News: IDW Publishing The Transformers #37 Review
Motion blur!

What I am concerned about at this point, however, is the reasoning behind Blackrock's schemes, as well as the role that Prowl and Spike will actually play in the upcoming major arc of Combiner Wars, and what actually is Galvatron's personal gain from it all.

. :CON: :CON: :CON: 1/2 out of :CON: :CON: :CON: :CON: :CON:

Buyer Beware! MP10A Bape Convoy KO Guide

Transformers News: Buyer Beware! MP10A Bape Convoy KO Guide
Date: Wednesday, January 14th 2015 10:21am CST
Categories: Toy News, Site Articles, Knock Offs
Posted by: Va'al | Credit(s): shajaki

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Views: 155,899

Fellow user shajaki has spent quite some time figuring out all the differences between the Takara Tomy MP-10A Bathing Ape Convoy and its unfortunate knock-off counterpart. As some collectors may still be on the hunt for this redeco, we're sharing with you all the guide put together to figure out whether you're looking at the real deal or not - check it out below!

Alright folks! I have been driving myself nuts over this figure. At first because of the cost. Then because of the picture perfect KO. I've been researching a bunch over the past few days, and feel I have enough findings to finally make this thread. so here we go!

First: The box
Down there are some pics of the legit box. Now, I work in a chemical plant. And any given thing we have (received or blended by us) has a "lot" or "batch" number mainly to keep track of when and where things are made. Well apparently toys are no different. If you check on the bottom of the MP boxes (or elsewhere on any other TF) you'll find the lot number. I surmised that while they (the KO'ers) have counterfeited the box, they didn't go so far as to stamp the box with that number like Takara did. Turns out I was right.

Transformers News: Buyer Beware! MP10A Bape Convoy KO Guide

Transformers News: Buyer Beware! MP10A Bape Convoy KO Guide

Transformers News: Buyer Beware! MP10A Bape Convoy KO Guide

Transformers News: Buyer Beware! MP10A Bape Convoy KO Guide

You'll see that the bottom right of the box (of the legit Takara version) has a stamp with "G1214". And if what I know about lot number is true, the 14 at the end probably means "made in 2014", but I digress. I think most figures of the same type and mold will have the same lot number, especially on such a limited run like this. So all legit MP BAPEs should have that number.

Below this, is the bottom of the KO box (I'm not bothering with other angles cause they're the same as the legit). You'll notice a couple differences, mainly that there's no bar code, and no lot number stamp. And BOOM. You just confirmed a sealed BAPE to be a KO. ;)

Transformers News: Buyer Beware! MP10A Bape Convoy KO Guide

SECOND: The Figure
The legit BAPE uses the MP10B (Black Convoy) variation of the mold, which has the (molded) Autobot insignia removed, so both shoulders are smooth and clean. The left shoulder is where said insignia should be, but the BAPE logo is there instead, and the right one has nothing.

Transformers News: Buyer Beware! MP10A Bape Convoy KO Guide

The KO was molded from one of the original MP10s, and thus has the molded Autobot insignia on the left shoulder. so in turn the bape KO has something on each shoulder. the bape logo is on the opposite shoulder it should be, because of the molded insignia is obviously still there.

Transformers News: Buyer Beware! MP10A Bape Convoy KO Guide

In closing, I hope this helps cause I wasn't able to find this info anywhere else. Being able to tell if something is a KO or not is pretty easy in hand, but in the age of internet buying you really have to be careful. And while most people selling these KOs clearly state what they are, it doesn't mean there won't be someone trying to pass one off as the real deal.

Happy (safe) hunting everyone!

Creative Roundup - January 11th, 2015

Transformers News: Creative Roundup - January 11th, 2015
Date: Sunday, January 11th 2015 8:47am CST
Categories: Site Articles, Transtopia
Posted by: Va'al | Credit(s): Transtopia

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Views: 84,704

And we're baaaaaaaaack..! Yes indeed, the new year has definitely started by now, and the holiday period has given a lot of's creative minds and restless hands the right amount of time to get ideas flowing into plastic, ink, paper, digital, celluloid - you name it. We got it. Check out below the first Transtopia round-up of 2015!


OmarJT82 is looking to tighten up some joints - leave any tips you have right here!


Klejpull - IDW Tailgate Replica | IDW Rodimus Replica

Transformers News: Creative Roundup - January 11th, 2015

Transformers News: Creative Roundup - January 11th, 2015

EnJaySee - Auceps Prime (Bumblebee) Custom

Transformers News: Creative Roundup - January 11th, 2015

MarcusCole1978 - AoE G1 Slag | Generations Arcee | FoC Grimlock

Transformers News: Creative Roundup - January 11th, 2015

Transformers News: Creative Roundup - January 11th, 2015

Transformers News: Creative Roundup - January 11th, 2015


alanyap - Lego Triplechanger Stormracer

Transformers News: Creative Roundup - January 11th, 2015

zodconvoy - Kreopaloosa

Transformers News: Creative Roundup - January 11th, 2015


[url]GlauG[/url] - Shapeways Thread

Transformers News: Creative Roundup - January 11th, 2015


amurowes - Transformers The Movie 2 Cast

Transformers News: Creative Roundup - January 11th, 2015

BeastProwl - Art Thread

Transformers News: Creative Roundup - January 11th, 2015

OptimalOptimus2 - Advanced Combat 4

Transformers News: Creative Roundup - January 11th, 2015

morhobots - Category 6

Transformers News: Creative Roundup - January 11th, 2015

[url]GalaxyConvoy[/url] - TF Videos


Apollo-XL5 - Prime Effect 5: Chapter XX

Stormtalon - Transformers Prime Proving Grounds Part 2

patrick.timothy - The Transformers The Movie 1986 Fanfic


Madeus Prime - Flipside

Transformers News: Creative Roundup - January 11th, 2015

keelo1027 - Cooking with Grimlock | Funny pics

Transformers News: Creative Roundup - January 11th, 2015

Transformers News: Creative Roundup - January 11th, 2015

SW's Silverhammer - Random TF Pictures

Transformers News: Creative Roundup - January 11th, 2015

Va'al - The Amazing Adventures of Dennis and Bruce - A Conclusion

Transformers News: Creative Roundup - January 11th, 2015

2014 Year in Review - A Thrilling Transformers Tale

Transformers News: 2014 Year in Review - A Thrilling Transformers Tale
Date: Thursday, January 1st 2015 7:24am CST
Categories: Toy News, Site Articles, Interviews, Editorials
Posted by: Va'al

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Views: 243,079

Another year has come and gone for every time zone in the world, and has changed a lot in that time too. We have seen old names resurface, new names rise like shooting stars, staff reshuffles, the occasional (read: frequent) flame war and the only constant has been change.

As is only right, this being a community of Transformers fans! But what actually happened since the end of 2013 and the beginning of the Thirtieth Anniversary of the Transformers? What wonders did the fandom behold? What thrills did we partake of? What did we make of the anniversary of the comics and the cartoons that started it all? Read on below as the staff of give you some reading material for the end of the holiday season - and let us know what you thought of

Transformers 2014 - A Year in Review

Transformers News: 2014 Year in Review - A Thrilling Transformers Tale
The Year of Riding Dragonsaurs

Joining us on this thunderous ride are:

Transformers News: 2014 Year in Review - A Thrilling Transformers Tale
ScoutBumblebee - The Rule-Enforcer

Transformers News: 2014 Year in Review - A Thrilling Transformers Tale
Autobot032 - The Opinion-Giver

Transformers News: 2014 Year in Review - A Thrilling Transformers Tale
Mindmaster - The Sandwich-Maker

Transformers News: 2014 Year in Review - A Thrilling Transformers Tale
Mkall - The Something-Maker

Transformers News: 2014 Year in Review - A Thrilling Transformers Tale
ScottyP - That Podcast Guy

Transformers News: 2014 Year in Review - A Thrilling Transformers Tale
william-james88 - The New One

Transformers News: 2014 Year in Review - A Thrilling Transformers Tale
mooncake623 - The Not-As-New One

Transformers News: 2014 Year in Review - A Thrilling Transformers Tale
LOST Cybertronian - The Silent One

Transformers News: 2014 Year in Review - A Thrilling Transformers Tale
Va'al - This One

If you've been with us before, you know how it all works: category by category, we look at toys, comics, series, toys, games, artwork, more toys, people, toy-like things and moments that made 2014 our very own Thrilling Thirtieth.


Transformers Figure of the Year 2014
Favorite 2014 Transformers: Age of Extinction Figure
Favorite 2014 Transformers Generations (Thrilling 30) Figure
Favorite 2014 Transformers Build Figure
Favorite 2014 Transformers Exclusive Figure
Favorite 2014 Transformers Masterpiece Figure
Favorite 2014 Transformers Comic
Favorite 2014 Transformers TV/Film
Favorite 2014 Transformers Game
Favorite 2014 Transformers Moment
What you're looking forward to in 2015 for Transformers

We will laugh, we will cry, we will share stories about how each of us lived through the Big Anniversary of the Transformers. Ready? Roll out!

Transformers Figure of the Year 2014
In which we all ignore Ultra Magnus, because Va'al is a deadline fiend

william-james88 - This easily goes to Masterpiece Wheeljack. Sure, it’s expensive and not easily available in North American stores (I picked it up in Honk Kong) but it remains the best new mold to come out of Hasbro/Takara in 2014. Not in a while have I marveled this much at a transformer, he is an absolutely perfect example of a robot in disguise. He feels hefty, has flawless kibble free modes which are also both accurate to their own specific source (a cartoon model and an officially licensed car model).What I really loved about Wheeljack is how robot parts just spring out of him and are nowhere noticeable in his car mode, like his wings. I just love how his feet are formed and look like distinct robot legs rather than a piece of his car. It is a “feet” of genius!
The best Hasbro release this year, however, was the Toysrus 2 pack that came with AOE Evasion Mode Prime and Classics Optimus, both in premium deco. It will be discussed more in depth in the next category.

Mindmaster - Generations Armada Starscream. This was a no-brainer for me. Those who read last year's Year in Review will remember that getting Armada Starscream would've been the ultimate highlight of mine for 2014. Thanks to a generous site owner, I was able to get my hands on this guy as a graduation gift.

Being first exposed to the realm of the Transformers through Armada, Starscream hit all the right nostalgia buttons for me. Articulation is great, robot mode casts a hella shadow, and the jet mode (sans turbines) friggin' nails it. If I had to say one negative thing about him, I would say that I wish they had retained the flip-out Null Ray Cannons. The way the missiles launch now are okay, but had the cannons been retained, he would be 150% perfect.

TL;DR version: I like him a lot because he reminds me of when I was eight.

ScottyP - Assuming Ultra Magnus doesn't dethrone him in two short weeks right before the calendar flips, which he very well might (it does), I've gotta give this to Masterpiece Bumblebee for the time being. This one barely edges out Wheeljack for me, for one reason and one reason alone: Bumblebee is more fun to transform. I think they're both extremely well done, definitive versions of the characters, but the intuitive nature of this Bumblebee mold seals it. Like every MP toy, he's super pose-able, has great detail, and unlike Wheeljack's lunchbox, his accessory is a whole other awesome figure - Exo-Suit Daniel! Never in a million years would have thought I'd have a transforming Exo-suit toy that wasn't third party, so kudos on that addition as well.

LAST SECOND EDIT: Well, ok, after having it in hand for less than 24 hours, Ultra Magnus is the greatest thing since great things were even thought of.

Autobot032 - Figure of the year? Man, that's a tough one. I want to say Arcee, because she's a really nice, solid figure, but figure of the year? No. AD-31 Armor Knight Optimus is really nice, I mean REALLY nice, but it's a recolored and somewhat remolded figure I already have, so I can't say it's exceptional. Jetfire's a good one, but he has some serious flaws, especially the hollowness.

It's a toss up between Generations Arcee and AoE Snarl. I can't decide which one is better.

ScoutBumblebee - Toy of the year... I guess I would say MP Wheeljack. I find his transformation truly enjoyable, and I love his vehicle mode. As a car buff, I also really love his true-to-vehicle form, being a licensed Lancia. Wheeljack is one of the few figures I display that I honestly cannot decide if I like his vehicle or bot mode better, because he looks so amazing in both forms. His coloring is spot on, and I just really dig the overall aesthetic of both of his forms. I was SO excited for this figure I hoped it wouldn't disappoint... And it didn't.

LOST Cybertronian - The 2014 trophy goes to Takara Masterpiece Wheeljack. He was always a favorite in the G1 cartoon as was his toy which I never owned as a kid. Mix all that in with an officially licenced Lancia alt mode and you have a recipe for perfection.

Mkall - This is always a tough question to answer, because it's been a long year with many additions to my collection. When it comes down to it, I tend to look at what figure filled a needed gap, and was pretty fun to play with. For the 2014 figure of the year, I'm going to go with... WHIRL! I'm a huge wrecker's fan, and while that gap was filled with the ROTF Whirl for the past couple of years, it had never felt like a good representation of the character. This Whirl is literally the G1 form updated with modern articulation, with a couple nods to his IDW interpretation if that's what floats your boat. He's fun to play with, transform and he's a very unique character on my shelves. I love you Whirl.

mooncake623 - There are so many awesome figures that came out this year it's really hard to choose. I loved Masterpiece Wheeljack and he might technically be the better toy but the winner for me has to go to none other then Masterpiece Bumblebee! I really don't understand all the complaints, yes he's small, forearms can be better with an extra flap and wrist rotations but in the end none of that matters! When I opened him and transformed him (without instructions) it felt like pure magic! I love it when a transformation is intuitive enough that I just know where everything goes and yet it is still complicated! I have every single Masterpiece mold and they are all amazing and I love them all, but I don't transform them very much. Bumblebee? I can play with it all day! Oh and Exosuit Witwicky is just sugar!

Va'al - My usual disclaimer applies, as I don't really buy that many toys, and the ones I do get tend to be from previous years and lines. However, I was pretty up to date once Takara Tomy's G2 Sideswipe showed up, and I even eventually gave in to the fantastic mold that is Age of Extinction Evasion Mode Optimus Prime - but Sideswipe, with his Yaniger grin, Dredd guns, personal attachment factor and multiple sticker deco possibilities, yeah, I think this one takes the top spot.

Favorite 2014 Transformers: Age of Extinction Figure
In which we abandon ourselves to some evasive escapism and revel in --BOOM

mooncake623 - I don't have many, and the ones I bought - SDCC dinobots, Black Knight Leader Grimlock, Takara Lockdown - I never opened... But I do have the Evasion Mode Optimus Prime from that Grimlock two pack.. And I must say it is a fun toy. Great possibility, fun transformation (with some clearance issues), and looks good in both mode. Good toy all around.

Mkall - I restricted myself to getting only the Dinobots from this line, because Dinobots are awesome. Of that subset, I find myself liking Slug the best. He's a big bulky purple presence on my display, kind of like Barney, should be be a sword-toting Autobot knight. His helmet is a cool design and when it comes right down to it, he's pretty articulated to boot.

LOST Cybertronian - My vote goes to Evasion Mode Optimus Prime. There was some amazing engineering that went into this guy. The way it goes from a G1-esque truck alt mode and turns inside out that gives us a very nice robot mode. Very excited for this sexy beast from the moment I saw him.

ScoutBumblebee - Easily Evasion Mode Optimus Prime. Spot on vehicle mode and pretty neat bot mode. Not super easy to transform; he provides a bit of a challenge, which I like. I would've liked to have seen a little less color and a bit more rust on him, but I imagine his coloring was for marketing reasons, so I can live with it.

Autobot032 - I might just have to go with Snarl, here. Seriously, he's a nicely balanced figure, in terms of symmetry, complexity and looks, he's an excellent figure. AD-31 is definitely #2 in the line. All of the figures had their own charm and made them worthy of a purchase, but some were stronger than others, in terms of design.

ScottyP - Leader Grimlock; pick a deco. Looks and feels like a Leader-class toy. Transformation is challenging, but intuitive and fun. Brings out the presence of the character quite well, and has some really great articulation (minus the obvious thing-that-will-not-be-named). While they might not have hit screen accuracy very well on the mold, I can't think of a single Grimlock figure from AoE that really does. I've got to give it to this guy for being just a big pile of fun and passion in a line that was, at times, sorely lacking in it. Honorable mention to Evasion Mode Optimus Prime, who was a hard one to not type for this answer.

Mindmaster - Drift. Honestly, the Age of Extinction line was a bit of a let-down for me. There's something about the quality in them that I don't find appealing. It's not bad, but it doesn't feel as sturdy as things used to be. In saying that, I guess I'll go with Drift. I'm a sucker for a sword 'bot, and Drift fulfills that spot among my movie-oriented shelves.

william-james88 - Never has a “best of” pic ever been easier than the best AOE toy. Even in a toyline dedicated to robot dinosaurs, the winner by a mile is Evasion Mode Optimus Prime. Specifically the one to come in the Toysrus Evolution two pack with Classics Optimus. I never owned either of those molds so owning a premium deco version of them for a reduced price was a no brainer, it's a perfect package. Speaking specifically of the Evasion Prime mold, this is really something else, with no extra kibble in either mode. It is a very involved transformation that mimics the Bay aesthetic of everything turning inside out during transformation, and yet the Bayverse design itself is toned down. The mold gives us more smooth surfaces, often seen in the movie toys that never made it on-screen (like Mindwipe or Skyhammer), reinforcing its homage to G1 Optimus Prime. A true winner.

Va'al - I did mention him above in a struggle with a Masterpiece figure, but Evasion Mode Optimus Prime, in any of its paint schemes, definitely shoots to the top of list for this category. It's a very fun type of engineering, fantastic poses, excellent balance and you can finally make DotM Megatron accurately shoot endangered animals - just like on TV, kids! But seriously, there are very few things this simplified-but-not-really, movieverse-but-not-entirely, red-but-also-blue Optimus cannot pull off.

Favorite 2014 Transformers Generations (Thrilling 30) Figure
In which we pretty much ignore the 30 out of 30 line, for obvious reasons

william-james88 - I really want to say Rhinox. I once wondered if they would ever make Masterpiece Beast Wars figures but if the generations line keeps offering us stuff like this, I won't need any. For all intents and purposes, he is Masterpiece Rhinox. Super show accurate, with a flawless robot mode and great detailing. He has the right weapons and they store well in beast mode. It's pretty much everything you would want. Except the toy has some problems in terms of loose joints. I can't make my figure stand and that saddens me greatly. So I am not sure if Rattrap should get the award instead since I can say a lot of the same things about Rattrap, and his joints are tighter. However, I really like how very little of robot mode is seen in Rhinox's beast mode making my vote more for him. I could find a way to fix those joints, making him the flawless figure he is.

Mindmaster - This one was tough for me. A lot of the Generations stuff that came out this year I like a whole lot; the Mini-Con Assault Team, Jhiaxus, Windblade, Roadbuster, to name a few. I'd name Armada Starscream, but it's already really high up on this list, taking the Figure of the Year spot for me. With that said, I guess I'll go with Generations's first Leader-class entry, Jetfire.

I missed out on the original Classics Voyager back in 2006, so between then and now, I repurposed Universe (2008) Treadbolt as the lamely named "Space Exploration" Jetfire. Treadbolt's burden was lifted when I got Leader Jetfire. Getting this guy was a total delight for me. Though the significant difference in paint between what we saw at Toy Fair and the final product is a little troubling, I'm willing to forgive it.

ScottyP - Am I picking Generations, or the Marketing Gimmick 30 of 30 dudes? I'm assuming the former and will go with Voyager Rhinox. I recommend the superior Takara paint job if you can swing it, even though I haven't picked that one up myself. Rhinox is everything you can ask for out of an update to an old character's toy. He looks like he just jumped out of the screen and started hanging out on your shelf. I think the only way to ever top this figure and have a more definitive plastic toy version of the character would be to create a Masterpiece figure, and I'm really not sure what else that could do besides give the Rhino mode some articulation. Rhinox should be in every store that exists now, at least for a little while longer, so pick up some version of him if you haven't. Since I seem to be on the Honorable Mention train, I'll give that to Crosscut on this one, with the caveat that you really need to go buy the Reprolabels set for him to feel that kind of love for the toy.

Autobot032 - *sighs* This one is a tough one. Arcee's really nice. Like, really nice. Her transformation is simplistic enough to master easily, but has enough steps to make you feel like she's worth the money. Her poseability is top notch, even without a waist swivel, and she can make some killer poses with those guns. (I tossed the swords back in the box. I have ZERO use for them.) I do like Jetfire, though. He's a flawed, but nice figure, although most of his flaws revolve around his hollowness and feeling as light as one of those snap together kits you find at your local Wal*Mart. (Fortunately, his construction is much more solid than that.)

...I'm going to say Arcee. I can't deny her awesomeness.

ScoutBumblebee - Can I pick more than one? I have really enjoyed the fembots both on an enjoyment-of-toy level and a brand level. I think it's neat to see Hasbro giving a little more attention to the fembots, as not only are they cool additions to the story lines, they can help get girls into Transformers. The fact that Windblade is one of my favorite comics doesn't hurt, but I enjoy her figure possibly most of the three fembots, followed closely by Arcee.

LOST Cybertronian - This goes to the loveliness that is Brainstorm. After many years we get a brand new headmaster figure. I had many headmasters as a kid so I have a soft spot for them. To top it all off, Hasbro even worked in revealing tech specs. That is a great wink and nod to collectors. If I have one gripe about this figure, it's the arms for the headmaster. I think Hasbro could have worked in more possible arms with elbow joints.

Mkall - Generations is my cup of tea. It's what keeps my interest in collecting Transformers. For this reason, I'm going to go with a figure that I don't actually own yet, and that is Leader Class Jetfire. Why don't I own it yet? Because I'm waiting for the Takara version because it fixes one of the most glaring issues I had with the Hasbro version, and that was the needlessly chromed guns. Classics Jetfire was one of the first figures ever on my shelves, so it was with come sadness that I'm preparing to swap him out. However this new Jetfire looks to be loads of fun, and despite some hollowness issues which don't bother me as much as it does some people. He's a great representation of a great character.

mooncake623 - This is a tough one. This is the bread and butter of my collection and I bought every single figure that came out this year. Some of my favorites are Rhinox, Waspinator, Arcee, Jetfire, Chromia.... the list goes on. But the winner has to be Brainstorm! Lots of QC issues whatever blah blah blah. It is awesome!! But do take a minute to understand the figure and fix those QC issues. This Brainstorm looks like it just jumped out of the comics and it is just amazing! Stupidly easy transformation but I don't care, it's awesome.

Va'al - Another category I'm actually kinda sorta vaguely up to date with and invested in, in terms of purchases and interest! I mean, except for all the stuff that came out after Voyager Rhinox. I do have an order ready for Takara Legends Windblade, but am really not drawn to any of the other figures (as nice as some of them look, granted). Rhinox, on the other hand, is a great update to the Beast Wars toy, shows up in a comic, looks fantastic, and I have one in hand rather than on a production line.

Favorite 2014 Transformers Build Figure
In which bricks and clips are clicked together, and some are left aside

Transformers News: 2014 Year in Review - A Thrilling Transformers Tale

LOST Cybertronian - This category goes to Construct-Bots Dinofire Grimlock. It is a very fun build with light up a feature and 9 firing missiles. He even comes with a little Optimus Prime to ride him. With a robot mode that stands around 10 inches, he towers over all the other Construct-Bots.

ScoutBumblebee - I neither collect these, nor get terribly excited about them. But my son, who is also a Transformers fanatic, really liked the Constructbots Strafe. He likes the figure in both bot and robot mode, and he especially likes that he doesn't have to take it apart to transform it; he has no trouble changing it from bot to dino mode.

ScottyP - Kreo "Kreon Class of 1984" set. Uh-oh, I'm double-dipping on exclusives! Whatever, man, ain't no thing. This set is amazing. Boatload of Kreons in one set? Check. Super cool accessories? Check. Absolutely incredible box? Check. Senior Superlatives? Most likely to "Check"! Honorable mention here to Beast Hunters Constructbots Unicron Megatron, for actually being a representation of that character that went beyond a repaint. Sigh.

william-james88 - This would go to Unicron Megatron ConstructBots. For some reason, that Cybertronian flying vehicle mode works much better as a construction figure than as an action figure. The Unicron add ons make Megatron look quite majestic as well and Constructbot Ratbat is a fun little guy.

Va'al - I have eyed up so many of these figures in the lead-up to buying completely different ones, but I eventually gave in on the only representation of a disappointingly plastic version of a character that could've been so much more - and I love it: Constructbot Lockdown, the tiny dude with tiny gun, tiny smirk and tiny scar. No regrets here.

Favorite 2014 Transformers Exclusive Figure
In which we pay more money than needed for extra paint and *prestige*

william-james88 - Easy pic for me, TF Expo exclusive Lambor. The car mode is so nice, with no robot parts seen, even underneath, (something rare in car transformers) that the removal of that symbol (you can stick it on yourself) showcases its beauty so much more. Not only is it a perfect mold for a robot in disguise, but it now becomes a beautiful Lamborghini car model as well. This was also my first crack at the Lamborghini MP mold and even though I have no attachment to the character, this toy is the Transformer I never knew I wanted but always wished I had.

Mindmaster - The character of Beast Wars Rampage is awesome, we can all agree with that. Therefore, this year's incentive for joining the Collectors' Club, a retool of Prime: First Edition Megatron into Rampage, is awesome. Yeah, the vehicle mode doesn't quite suit the character, and the head may be just a bit on the diddy side, but overall, I'm so happy I got him.

ScottyP - For exclusives, I've got to give it up for the SDCC Dinobots with Ark playset, and really by that I just mean the Ark playset. Friend of the Twincast / Podcast Matthew Reinhardt did a phenomenal job designing this set in a way that's not only pretty faithful to ol' Mt. St. Hillary, but also in a way that makes it hold up even with figures displayed on it. Easter eggs abound, a front and back, and again, the thing doesn't just fall apart once you put stuff on it. Amazing work, and I hope there's a Nemesis set in the future somewhere. Honorable mention here to Botcon 2014 Scorponok for actually being a Headmaster.

Autobot032 - YOTH Optimus Prime. While I don't own it, I do own the previous use of the mold (Hasbro's release of Masterpiece Optimus) and it's just a well made and well designed figure, all around. While the colors were a tad ridiculous, especially with the trailer being translucent, the cost more than made up for it, especially after the prices of the original skyrocketed.

LOST Cybertronian - This category was close between BotCon Scorponok and Devcon. In the end it came down to heads. The Devcon head looks a bit off while they turned a non-headmaster Scorponok into a bonafide headmaster. I think the bit they added to make the headmaster gimmick work looks a bit ugly but it gets the job done.

Mkall - Once again, The Transformers Club comes out on top in this category. Botcon Scorponok is my favourite exclusive figure. It's the first headmaster in 20 years, beating Hasbro's Generations Brainstorm to market by 7 months. He's an imposing presence on my Decepticon shelves and I cannot help but to look at him whenever I pass by.

mooncake623 - The Team is coming together nicely.. Honorable mentions goes to Subscription Chromedome, again another figure I anticipated so much that I sold the third party equivalent. I just love to go for the IDW look and the team would not be complete without Cloud Rodimus! That's right! It is Generation Springer in Red, it is a helicopter? WTF? $90 for a $20 toy? There are so many things that shouldn't work with this repaint. But guess what? They do! If you are looking for IDW Rodimus, this is it. I don't think I can say anything about this toy that people don't already know, you just have to see it in person and with the rest of the MTMTE crew. It belongs.

Va'al - I never buy into the Exclusive labels, usually. Not on principle, I simply have so little interest and money for regular retail figures that added price for something a little different is just not up my alley. So actually going out of my way to get the TFSS Rampage figure goes to show how much I wanted that thing. *This* much. Seriously. Great mold, fantabulous colours.

Favorite 2014 Transformers Masterpiece Figure
In which two are tied, and Ultra Magnus is still ignored

mooncake623 - I'm going to say Masterpiece Ultra Magnus! That's right, I don't have it in hand yet but it does come out this month so it still counts as 2014. This is my favorite Masterpiece figure in 2014 because I love the Masterpiece line and the anticipation of getting him in hand and messing with him, is very exciting for me. And because I don't really play with my collections much my Favorite Masterpiece figure will always be the next one...

LOST Cybertronian - Again, this category goes to MP-20 Wheeljack. This is the perfection that all the Autobot cars should strive for.

ScoutBumblebee - Same as figure of the year, Wheeljack, so no real reason to go back into it, I suppose. But I love this figure. It's my second favorite Masterpiece figure of ALL time! I will always be partial to MP Soundwave, but upon receipt of Wheeljack, I realized that I'll be collecting a lot more Masterpiece figures in 2015. They're definitely worth the cost, especially for genuine figures.

Autobot032 - Prowl didn't impress me all that much, other than he looks really GOOD in both vehicle and robot mode, but the transformation and overly tight joints in some areas and loose bits in others, just didn't sell it for me. Wheeljack's a really nice figure, but something's a bit off about him, and I can't get super excited about him, as much as I want to. I think his transformation is part of my problem with him. I don't own it, yet, but I'd say my vote has to go to Bumblebee. You get two figures for the price of one, he seems to be getting rave reviews, and he just looks fantastic.

ScottyP - I already picked Bumblebee up top, so no need to go into detail again on this topic. So instead, here's a shout-out to every collector that didn't buy any Knock-Off Masterpieces this year. Thank you.

Mindmaster - I was going to take a page from last year's Year in Review and name the reissue of the ever-popular MP-10 Optimus Prime (because he just absolutely friggin' rocks) , but I figured that that wouldn't be fair. So I guess I'll go with Hasbro's domestic release of Masterpiece Prowl, my first Masterpiece that's neither an Optimus Prime or a Seeker. At first, I wasn't very interested in the idea of owning Prowl, but I was able to get him for my birthday, and I haven't regretted it. Cool robot mode, ace vehicle mode, banging deco. Looks great riding out of MP-10's trailer.

william-james88 - I love Wheeljack and TF Expo Lambor, but Hasbro also released MP 10 Optimus Prime as an Asia exclusive figure this year and it was my chance to finally own one at a reasonable price. He is a perfect Optimus. Maybe not as hefty as one would imagine (especially when comparing to MP 01) but him being lighter helps move him around to whatever pose you want and it makes transformation a lot easier. And by far, he is the Optimus with the most thorough transformation of his legs into the back of the cab. I also love his transforming blaster gimmick which can be stored away.

Va'al - I can't do anything more than reiterate just how much I am in awe of G2 Sideswipe. I mean, the Takara name is Rambor - it has Rambo in the name! You cannot get better than that, and I just want to grin my way to sleep with it (after a good lick), grin grin grin. Grin.

Favorite 2014 Transformers Comic
In which Va'al goes on for while - bless him

Transformers News: 2014 Year in Review - A Thrilling Transformers Tale

william-james88 - The one that came with Windblade as it is the only comic I got from this year. Want to know why? Language laws where I am from forbid English only material from coming with toys, so the only comic I got was the one that came with the only Generations figure I bought on my trip to Asia. My Quebec politics rant has now ended.

ScottyP - IDW More Than Meets the Eye #34: Births, Deaths, and Interventions. I know this one wasn't the favorite issue of pretty much anyone, but the more I reflect on this, the more I say to myself, "This issue was an achievement". You can know absolutely nothing about Transformers and enjoy this issue, by itself. You've got striking ideas bouncing through multiple threads, including moral dilemmas, revolutionary thoughts, empathy and the lack thereof - outstanding stuff if you enjoy using your brain. Every heartstring is pulled upon at moments where you don't expect it. In the scheme of the overall plot, it neatly sets up the story to move forward in a way that you won't see coming, and oh my god does it make for some additional fan tears in issue 36. This is everything that makes More Than Meets The Eye the, so far, best Transformers fiction ever written, diluted into one amazing package. Honorable mention in this category to the companion book Robots in Disguise (now "The Transformers"), for its gigantic leap in quality since the end of Dark Cybertron.

ScoutBumblebee - Easily Windblade. I liked the art, the storyline kept me on the edge of my seat for the next one, and the character was fascinating to me. I enjoyed all of the story line, and found few things to really dislike about it. Honorable mention would go to MTMTE. I also liked that series a ton, despite a few bits that I thought were a little dry. Overall, also a highly enjoyable line that did some things no one had ever done before. Megatron going Autobot? Who would have ever seen that coming?!

Mkall - MTMTE takes this. The writing is tight, the characters are dynamic and flamboyant, and I find myself laughing at least once an issue, most recently at the "Having a breakdown is nearly a right of passage" line. It also did one of the biggest twists in TF History: making Megatron a legitimate Autobot, and not suffering a massive fanboy assault because of it. Keep it up IDW!

mooncake623 - MTMTE. I can't comment on it too much cause I'm only up to issue 30 but the things this comic is doing is really turning the transformers world upside down and inside out and it is an amazingly fun ride.

Va'al - The work that the creators and editors over at IDW are doing is unprecedented, we're blending genres, exploring a lot of the quirks of the comics medium, formally, visually, story-wise and more. The fandom is being brought more and more to the fore thanks to the comics personalities - variant covers being commissioned to fan artists! fan artists becoming professional creators! world-wide conventions and guests! recognition alongside comics mainstream publications and awards! And if I had to choose one over all the others, it'd have to be Mairghread Scott and Sarah Stone's Windblade (though she was technically introduced by Barber and Roberts with Raiz, Milne, Griffith and Coller). The designs, the colours, the dialogue, the stories. Even the flaws were spectacular. Not to underestimate the triple combo of first woman writer and artist collaboration on the franchise (in 30 years), writing female characters - and introducing a Transformers multiverse of sorts.

As Scotty points out, xRID has leapt so far ahead in writing it was a really strong contender with MTMTE for second place. And Tom Scioli and John Barber's Transformers vs G.I. Joe is still so bonkerishly amazing I can't even.

Favorite 2014 Transformers TV/Movie
In which Rescue Bots was about to win, when --BOOM

Transformers News: 2014 Year in Review - A Thrilling Transformers Tale

william-james88 - I really like how Age of Extinction took the criticism of the previous films to heart. It wasn't perfect, but man, talk of an improvement: Clearer action, more scenes with the bots, less dumb humor, better villains, and no Shia LaBoeuf. It feels like the case with the Fast and Furious movies which get better the more they make ‘em.

Mindmaster - Age of Extinction was, hands down, really cool. So happy that there was more involvement with the Transformer cast. If I had to be nitpicky about it, I would say that I wish there had been more going on with Galvatron and Lockdown. The fact that they were never really around at the same time smelled of two separate scripts clashing...

Autobot032 - Definitely Age Of Extinction. Yeah, parts of it are pure popcorn entertainment where you shut down your brain and run on autopilot, but the extra robot screen time is greatly welcomed, plus the lack of filth humor was a really nice change. It wasn't until this film that I realized I REALLY dislike Sam and his whole entourage. I look back on it now and think "Oh, a kid gets his first car and it turns into his alien best friend. Wooo." and I look at Cade, Tessa and Shane and I genuinely care for them all.

No "Sam's Happy Time" (Ugh. Thank you!) No screaming like a girl and running around like an idiot for laughs, no, thankfully all of that's gone. Now we have a down on his luck father trying to be more than what he is, while taking care of his daughter and trying to keep his family together and prosper. That's an everyman story, that's something I (and it seems most of the audience) can connect to. Sam was a petulant child who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, but had awesome adventures. Boo hoo.

On top of that, the Autobots were finally fleshed out quite nicely and Hound stole the show in every scene he was in. He was just an excellent addition to the movieverse.

ScoutBumblebee - Rescue Bots. While the show misses a few key elements to my fandom (Decepticons) I enjoy seeing a different"group"of Transformers that operate in a different way. I also really like the theory that the Rescue Bots universe operates parallel to the Prime universe. It's a fun show and I like that I can enjoy it with my kids with nothing that's TOO intense, and a lot of silly, funny moments.

LOST Cybertronian - Not a whole lot of choices for this category this year. I am going to have to give it up for Age of Extinction. While many fans despise the movies, I enjoy them for what they are and that is mindless fun. I am glad Bay was able to work in the Dinobots even for the few minutes of screen time they had.

Favorite 2014 Transformers Game
In which we all admit our addiction to that silly little thing

Transformers News: 2014 Year in Review - A Thrilling Transformers Tale

Mkall - I was really hoping that TF: Universe would come to fruition, if only because some of the character designs were pretty cool. Alas it was not meant to be...

ScoutBumblebee - I didn't get into the games too much this year, but I did really enjoy Angry Birds Transformers. I thought it was a nice variance from typical Angry Birds variations, making it fun to learn and play. My only complaint is the sheer volume of ads and requirements to buy things. That's not something I appreciate much but it didn't eclipse the enjoyment of the game.

Autobot032 - Definitely Angry Birds. It's so silly and ridiculous, but addictive. Can't put it down once I get on a roll. Just a lot of silly fun with tractor beam to pull you in. Great for kids and adults alike, the entire family can have fun and that's really important.

ScottyP - I'm going with Angry Birds: Transformers, and only because they got Vince DiCola for the music duties. I actually think the game kind of sucks, but it got us more DiCola Transformers music, so it wins. Honorable mention to Rise of the Dark Spark, it was kind of fun.

Mindmaster - Angry Birds Transformers - this game is addictive. Kinda wish there were more characters, though, instead of rehashings of the same ones (i.e regular Optimus Prime and "Energon" Optimus Prime). What really gets me chuckling, though, is that when Starscream gets to a certain level, he gets his classic crown.

william-james88 - This goes out to the Angry Birds Transformers Game, simply for bringing this beloved brand to a whole new audience. And I love how the combination of the two brands works really well. The designs are imaginative and the whole VHS aesthetic which makes up the marketing campaign and the pause screen is brilliant.

Favorite 2014 Transformers Moment
In which things get personal and the picture has nothing to do with the response

Transformers News: 2014 Year in Review - A Thrilling Transformers Tale

william-james88 - Oh man, so many. This is my first year at Seibertron and in this one year I rose from a simple fan with a few posts to a full on staff member. I am so thankful for the warm welcome everyone has given me on this site. I got to make new friends who I actually see physically from time to time or intend to meet soon. This is an amazing community. Due to language laws, I can’t always get some transformers at Toysrus and one guy on the boards told me he would be happy to buy me a MP Grimlock and send it to me. I was quite hesitant about sending money through Paypal and when he told me the shipping was more than he expected and that I didn’t have to pay the extra cost, I became super suspicious. But sure enough, Grimlock came in the mail. He was just being a nice guy who wanted to honor the discussed agreement even if it would be at his loss and that he was just paying it forward for how good the site and its users had been to him. In an era when the internet is known for being louder and angrier than ever, I am amazed at the quality of people this site has introduced me to. Rock on Seibertron!
PS: also, everytime I discover a lot someone is selling in local ads or whenever I receive a package of toys in the mail is an amazing transformers moment too.

Mindmaster - Going to see Age of Extinction the day it opened in theaters, and getting so pumped afterwards that I went to my local Target and bought Whirl, Scoop, Skrapnel, and the Silver Knight Optimus Prime and Grimlock set.

ScottyP - As usual, there are entirely too many to list. I'm going to be somewhat self serving and go with the Twincast/Podcast Episode #100. Not only is that a really cool milestone, but what an episode! Not only were there the usual fun times with weapons, but there were guests galore, including some of the biggest we've ever had on the show. Runner Up nods here to the time I got to spend with friends at both Botcon and TF Con Chicago. Always excellent to see everyone and meet new friends too!

Autobot032 - The anticipation of the new movie figures. Waiting for the street date to be broken (which it was lol) and hoping to be overwhelmed like all the previous movies had done for me. My anticipation was not in vain, the figures turned out to be just as good as I had hoped and some even surpassed my expectations. So, yeah, the waiting for them was my favorite moment. The sheer excitement. (Sadly, nothing else this year has done that for me.)

ScoutBumblebee - My favorite Transformers moment was also my favorite Seibertron moment; staying up late to post all of the influx of news coming in from the UK Toy Fair. It was great fun to work closely with Alex in the early hours of the morning to get everything posted... And first. I felt like I was amongst the first in America to get sneak peeks at all of those exciting new Transformers products.

LOST Cybertronian - My favorite moment was the Masterpiece Star Saber prototype reveal. The vintage Star Saber toy is the pride and joy in my collection and this one aims to surpass it.

Mkall - The Universal Studios trip during the Botcon convention was pretty darned cool. I enjoyed the actors in the Prime, Megatron and Bumblebee suits. I also really enjoyed the Transformers Experience ride. Stan Bush in concert was surprisingly awesome!

mooncake623 - Joining the Staff of! I'm a closet nerd I really don't have anyone to share my interest in Transformers with. It's great being a part of a community of something you enjoy and contributing.

Va'al - What can I say that hasn't been said by everyone else already? Staff life, #100 Twincast Podcast appearance and subsequent hilarity on the boards due to my alleged Britishness, Auto Assembly 2014 and its guests recognising or knowing me before I even introduced myself, receiving toys and art from creators and fellow fans across the globe (some entirely unexpected too!). But I think what topped it all was talking to the then newly-arrived Sarah Stone for - and my own interest, of course.

and finally
What you're looking forward to in 2015 for Transformers
In which we all pretty much agree, and say our goodbyes

Transformers News: 2014 Year in Review - A Thrilling Transformers Tale

mooncake623 - Bring on Combiner wars!!! And more Masterpiece reveals! Let's go Toy Fair NYC!!!!

Mkall - Combiner Wars has my interest, and I'm very curious about this leader-class Ultra Magnus. The Robots in Disguise cartoon holds promise, and I'll watch it hoping it'll be of good quality, but I'll reserve my judgement until I see it.

LOST Cybertronian - I am really looking forward to the new cartoon. Transformers Prime's absence left a big hole that I am hoping Robots in Disguise can fill. I am also obsessively waiting for MP-24 Star Saber. There is not a more beautiful Transformer from what we have seen.

ScoutBumblebee - I can't even list just one thing here. I'm excited for everything that comes next. I'm looking forward to what Robots in Disguise will be like, and I'm also really stoked for the return of the Windblade comic. I'm really looking forward to the surprises that we will see this year though - - the stuff we don't know about yet that will come up unexpectedly and surprise us with cool different stuff than we have seen before.

Autobot032 - Definitely Combiner Wars. I love combiners, but aside from that, I just don't find RID (2015) all that appealing, as it's aimed to kids instead of collectors and that's fine. To each their own and I see that there's a market for figures such as RID, so more power to the children and everyone else who plans on collecting them, but my money's going to Combiner Wars in 2015.

ScottyP - Just getting to experience another year in the continuing saga of this silly hobby of ours. The past decade has been somewhat of a "Golden Age" for Transformers, and it seems to be winding down but not quite yet over, so I'm gonna enjoy the year or two we have left before things inevitably get a little quieter again. Of course, I've been expecting that to happen for the last five years, so I'm probably wrong. Either way, knowing that each day is another opportunity to continue to enjoy Transformers and make some really cool friends along the way is enough for me to be excited about the future.

Mindmaster - I'm looking forward to what Generations: Combiner Wars has to offer (please do Bruticus, PLEASE!), and Masterpiece Star Saber looks promising. More Armada homages in Generations too, please!

william-james88 - I am looking forward to the Combiner Wars toys. I love combiners and I am really curious to see what Hasbro has cooked up for us with this part of the Generations toyline. And speaking of combiners, there is a rumoured 6 voyager Titan Class Devastator. If that rumour turns out to be true, you can jot that down as the figure I am most excited for.

Va'al - I would also say Combiner Wars - but not exactly for the toys. It's all about the comics, and the art, and the writing and the art and more art: xRID and Windblade both feed into it, and it's going to be big (pun *always* intended). Maybe my pre-ordered Takara Windblade will eventually arrive too. And I might even buy another toy *gasp* if Prowlestator is a thing that happens. Be a thing that happens, table-flippin' green giant. Be a thing.

And maybe, just maybe, travelling over to North America for one of the conventions over there, if not BotCon (and SDCC) itself. We'll see.


*crackle* --was what 2014, the celebration of 30 years of The Transformers, brought us. We had comics, we had toys, we had movies, we had series, we had more toys, we had a laugh and eventually, a pretty good time. And of course, we had each oth-- *fizz*

*fssh*..eep an optic out for the next Twincast/Podcast episode to hear more opinions on the year 2014, they're bound to show up eventual---


..what about all of you though? What did the thriving, thrilling community of make of the Year of the Horse 2014, and what type of Goat do you expect from 2015? Comment below, sound out your thoughts, let those fingers fly, and let us know! You know where to find us in the Energon Pub. Next round's on us.

--william-james88, Mindmaster, Autobot032, ScottyP, Mkall, LOST Cybertronian, ScoutBumblebee, mooncake623, Va'al and the staff of - Roll Out.

Transformers News: 2014 Year in Review - A Thrilling Transformers Tale
Sayonara, suckers

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