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Akiva Goldsman No Longer Involved with Transformers, Writers Room May Not Continue

Transformers News: Akiva Goldsman No Longer Involved with Transformers, Writers Room May Not Continue

Wednesday, August 2nd, 2017 5:11PM CDT

Categories: Movie Related News, Rumors, People News
Posted by: Va'al   Views: 45,521

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Remember the writers' room over at Paramount, where various names gathered to produce the future of the Transformers Universe, and The Last Knight specifically? And remember how it was headed by Akiva Goldsman? Well, it looks like the latter is no longer the case, according to SlashFilm.

When Paramount and Hasbro began laying the groundwork for a potential Transformers Cinematic Universe, they hired Oscar-winning screenwriter Akiva Goldsman to lead a writers room to expand the world. The first movie that resulted from that writers room was this summer’s Transformers: The Last Knight, with a Bumblebee standalone movie next in line.

Things got less certain in the lead-up to The Last Knight’s release, with both director Michael Bay and star Mark Wahlberg suggesting they were done with Transformers movies. Now, /Film has learned that Goldsman is done, too. Goldsman spoke with us at the Television Critics Association, where he was representing Star Trek: Discovery.

Asked if he was still involved with Transformers, Goldsman simply said, “No.”

A slightly longer, but not that much, response was given by producer Lorenzo di Bonaventura, via Franchise Fred News (full story here):

“The writers room which was set up by all of us was set up to explore the mythology more,” Di Bonaventura explained. “It was set up for a few different reasons but the biggest thing that happened in it was they expanded the mythology of Transformers in a way that allowed us to go to King Arthur. There’s different areas, like we’ve examined World War II, etc.”

As for the state of the proposed Transformers extended universe, Di Bonaventura is focused on Bumblebee.

Does this change anything for you? Are you still interested in the rumoured Roman-era movie, Cybertron prequel, and more WWII action? Let us know in the Energon Pub discussion!

Transformers News: Akiva Goldsman No Longer Involved with Transformers, Writers Room May Not Continue
Credit(s): /Film, Franchise Fred

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Re: Akiva Goldsman No Longer Involved with Transformers, Writers Room May Not Continue (1901483)
Posted by Quantum Surge on August 2nd, 2017 @ 5:30pm CDT
It's a shame that Goldsman is no longer a part of the writers' board. Surely The Last Knight didn't reach many expectations for both fans and the studio, but I kind of feel that it's best to let TLK be the final main TF movie. This might sound weird, but I feel that with the series now being 10 years old, it's best to have the Bumblebee movie and the potential Cybertron prequel be the only movies so they can take us back full circle to the 2007 movie. After that, once the hype dies down, I feel that Hasbro could then make a reboot. (I have a couple of ideas that could make it stand out from other TF works, and it's neither like this series or a CG version of G1)
Re: Akiva Goldsman No Longer Involved with Transformers, Writers Room May Not Continue (1901488)
Posted by SnoopDawg on August 2nd, 2017 @ 5:47pm CDT
Honestly, I'm glad Akiva Goldsman is out ... sure he may have an academy award and his screenplay also won an Oscar ... but he's just not fit for sci-fi/action movies. I remember The Last Knight getting all the hype when it was first teased with a trailer. Then comes release time and all the hype dies down due to reviews. The exact same thing is also happening with The Dark Tower which is going to be released this Friday. One of the more anticipated films of 2017 and days before it's release, there's not much hype due to early criticisms. I just hope this film is a reboot of some sorts so The Last Knight isn't cannon anymore. Otherwise, please let this movie franchise end ...

Edit: Goldsman also wrote Batman and Robin, so that's enough reason
Re: Akiva Goldsman No Longer Involved with Transformers, Writers Room May Not Continue (1901493)
Posted by on August 2nd, 2017 @ 6:28pm CDT
I don't think TF is a dead movie franchise. I think they tried to bet on this reboot and they've lost. It's right that some heads fall.

Nevertheless, TF have still a great appeal even though a radical choice like TLK has seriously damaged it (though imho TLK is far better than AOE). The only way to give this franchise some new energy is to go back to the roots and guide things in their own place, without all the mess that has nothing to do with TFuniverse itself.

I think Bee Movie will have more success than TLK right because from the first news it appears this movie will do exacty this.

In other words: they should take courage and cancel TLK and AOE and let TFs be TFs.
Re: Akiva Goldsman No Longer Involved with Transformers, Writers Room May Not Continue (1901525)
Posted by kurthy on August 2nd, 2017 @ 10:31pm CDT
The biggest problem with the TFs movies is that my 9 year old hasn't seen one of the 5 movies. They aren't for little kids and they should work on getting kids back in the theater. He's grown up on g1, beast wars, prime, rescue bots and rid15 (also currently reading IDW) but has no interest in those movies and I have no interest in showing them to him.
Re: Akiva Goldsman No Longer Involved with Transformers, Writers Room May Not Continue (1901527)
Posted by Dagon on August 2nd, 2017 @ 10:44pm CDT
Well. There goes that quality cinematic universe, I guess. Back to bad scripts after the meisterwerk that was The Last Knight.
Re: Akiva Goldsman No Longer Involved with Transformers, Writers Room May Not Continue (1901539)
Posted by JazZeke on August 3rd, 2017 @ 12:22am CDT
Dagon wrote:Well. There goes that quality cinematic universe, I guess. Back to bad scripts after the meisterwerk that was The Last Knight.

Again, "Batman & Robin." I doubt quality was ever on the table.
Re: Akiva Goldsman No Longer Involved with Transformers, Writers Room May Not Continue (1901563)
Posted by Evil Eye on August 3rd, 2017 @ 4:47am CDT
After the dumpster fire that was TLK? Good.

To be honest, I think the writer's room was part of the problem. Too many cooks spoil the broth. TLK was a mess of a hundred potentially good ideas all crammed into one movie. Had it focused purely on the Knights/staff storyline, or the Autobots on the run, or the Decepticons getting out of prison, it might have worked. As is, having all those story threads and ideas running through one movie was a recipe for disaster. The only movies I've seen that pull off that amount of different subplots well have been Amelie and most Coen Brothers movies, and fairly obviously comparing those to Transformers is a silly idea.

If we do get a TF6 (not counting the spinoffs) hopefully it'll be a return to form- one or two writers at most, a straightforward but solid story and plenty of robot action with only the token amount of humans.
Re: Akiva Goldsman No Longer Involved with Transformers, Writers Room May Not Continue (1901568)
Posted by RAR on August 3rd, 2017 @ 5:23am CDT
I'm disappointed the Movie Press is pretty much ignoring The Last Knight - as there is some very odd things that seem to have happened with this Movie that made it go off the rails in some uniquely bizarre ways.

I can only really conclude that Bay just used the people complaining about them being to long to not finish his movie properly at all let alone just cut what was shot. It's clear that a whole lot of what he left in was filler and that other scenes are poorly explained - over-explained or not explained at all.

I don't think the usual problems all Transformers Movie share is going to be down to a reduced run time - they will be down to Bay being incapable of doing his job properly and Paramount being incapable of approving a script that makes sense.

People say the same thing again and again and they don't listen

People say
1) The screen is to dark (even worse in 3D) and you can't tell the characters apart (even the humans sometimes)
2) The framing of scenes is just wonky and disjointed with robots and sometimes people out of frame and it's just confusing to look at.
3) The Music is to generic and repetitive and self-reverential
4) Characters just disappear and also take actions that make no sense
5) Character are in the Movie who serve no purpose who's entire presence could be trimmed to 2 lines of dialgue and a saving of millions of dollars
6) Lack of Expert approval - any technical dialogue - is ALWAYS wrong - and often the visual are wrong too.
Re: Akiva Goldsman No Longer Involved with Transformers, Writers Room May Not Continue (1901569)
Posted by Va'al on August 3rd, 2017 @ 5:28am CDT
RAR wrote:I'm disappointed the Movie Press is pretty much ignoring The Last Knight - as there is some very odd things that seem to have happened with this Movie that made it go off the rails in some uniquely bizarre ways.

I can only really conclude that Bay just used the people complaining about them being to long to not finish his movie properly at all let alone just cut what was shot. It's clear that a whole lot of what he left in was filler and that other scenes are poorly explained - over-explained or not explained at all.

I don't think the usual problems all Transformers Movie share is going to be down to a reduced run time - they will be down to Bay being incapable of doing his job properly and Paramount being incapable of approving a script that makes sense.

People say the same thing again and again and they don't listen

People say
1) The screen is to dark (even worse in 3D) and you can't tell the characters apart (even the humans sometimes)
2) The framing of scenes is just wonky and disjointed with robots and sometimes people out of frame and it's just confusing to look at.
3) The Music is to generic and repetitive and self-reverential
4) Characters just disappear and also take actions that make no sense
5) Character are in the Movie who serve no purpose who's entire presence could be trimmed to 2 lines of dialgue and a saving of millions of dollars
6) Lack of Expert approval - any technical dialogue - is ALWAYS wrong - and often the visual are wrong too.

a) probably not the right thread
b) movie media is ignoring TLK? huh?
Re: Akiva Goldsman No Longer Involved with Transformers, Writers Room May Not Continue (1901576)
Posted by Windsweeper on August 3rd, 2017 @ 5:47am CDT
Good riddance to Goldsman. After Batman and Robin, he and Schumacher should never have been left near another movie.

Same with Bay after Revenge of the Fallen.

If they do reboot the franchise I hope they stay away from horrible designs like Frenzy, Starscream, Ironhide, Wheelie, Reedman, the Twins, Jetfire, Brains, Que, Drift, Hound and Gecko. All of whom looked like rejects from the Robots movie and not Transformers.

Alien robots shouldn't have hair, buck teeth or samurai armour.

The comics work because they treat Transformers like proper sci fi and not bloody Harry Potter.

Except Barber who focuses too much on humans and gives us crap like the droid, Garrison Blackrock and Thundercracker's dog and should also be kept away from the Transformers.
Re: Akiva Goldsman No Longer Involved with Transformers, Writers Room May Not Continue (1901593)
Posted by Va'al on August 3rd, 2017 @ 7:01am CDT
Someone's happy today.
Re: Akiva Goldsman No Longer Involved with Transformers, Writers Room May Not Continue (1901621)
Posted by Palo_zfogs on August 3rd, 2017 @ 9:13am CDT
Windsweeper wrote:Good riddance to Goldsman. After Batman and Robin, he and Schumacher should never have been left near another movie.

Same with Bay after Revenge of the Fallen.

If they do reboot the franchise I hope they stay away from horrible designs like Frenzy, Starscream, Ironhide, Wheelie, Reedman, the Twins, Jetfire, Brains, Que, Drift, Hound and Gecko. All of whom looked like rejects from the Robots movie and not Transformers.

Alien robots shouldn't have hair, buck teeth or samurai armour.

The comics work because they treat Transformers like proper sci fi and not bloody Harry Potter.

Except Barber who focuses too much on humans and gives us crap like the droid, Garrison Blackrock and Thundercracker's dog and should also be kept away from the Transformers.

So you're saying you prefer the Reboot to have G1-looking characters literally?
Re: Akiva Goldsman No Longer Involved with Transformers, Writers Room May Not Continue (1901627)
Posted by partholon on August 3rd, 2017 @ 9:31am CDT
i think things have worked out as well for the franchise as they can.

the films STILL making money, last i checked it was circa 570million worldwide so its made its production budget back so everyone gets paid.

and its been enough of a FLOP to merit a real reboot.

i hate to see something fail but it took batman and robin to get the dark knight made so hopefully despite TF5 being nowhere NEAR as bad as BnR itll serve as the launch pad for a "REAL" Transformers film wherein the characters actually look and act like their supposed to.

ive no prob with steering away from G1 - personally i'd love to see an adaptation of IDWs infiltration/escalation arc. but they NEED to get back to some core tropes.

the cons have to be proactive and an effective threat, the bots have to be on the backfoot before overcoming the odds. prime needs to act like prime and not bloody grimlock. ditto megatron needs to be scary because of who he IS and not what he looks like.

moreover they need a proper fecking reason to be on earth that isnt a mcguffin. i havent clue one why prime in the movieverse is dedicated to protecting humanity. in the comics it was simple- the cons being here was his fault. he crashed the ark into it.

if they dont want to go the ark route fine but gives us a fecking reason thats as good as that as to what their motivation is.

its ironic that TLK looks to be the one to cause all this as even some of the critics that hate whats bays done with these films concede its not the worst of them. i guess the REAL question now is with goldsman gone and the writers room in disarray WHO is gonna get handed this reboot task?
Re: Akiva Goldsman No Longer Involved with Transformers, Writers Room May Not Continue (1901628)
Posted by SnoopDawg on August 3rd, 2017 @ 9:36am CDT
Windsweeper wrote:Good riddance to Goldsman. After Batman and Robin, he and Schumacher should never have been left near another movie.

Same with Bay after Revenge of the Fallen.

If they do reboot the franchise I hope they stay away from horrible designs like Frenzy, Starscream, Ironhide, Wheelie, Reedman, the Twins, Jetfire, Brains, Que, Drift, Hound and Gecko. All of whom looked like rejects from the Robots movie and not Transformers.

Alien robots shouldn't have hair, buck teeth or samurai armour.

The comics work because they treat Transformers like proper sci fi and not bloody Harry Potter.

Except Barber who focuses too much on humans and gives us crap like the droid, Garrison Blackrock and Thundercracker's dog and should also be kept away from the Transformers.

Who tf is Gecko? And besides, although I agree with you about the beards and stuff, Ironhide and Starscream are really cool designs.
Re: Akiva Goldsman No Longer Involved with Transformers, Writers Room May Not Continue (1901632)
Posted by william-james88 on August 3rd, 2017 @ 9:43am CDT
partholon wrote:i think things have worked out as well for the franchise as they can.

the films STILL making money, last i checked it was circa 570million worldwide so its made its production budget back so everyone gets paid.

Not really. Theatres take 50% of the revenue so that they can stay in business (they arent showing the film for free) so all the studio got back so far is at most 285 million, but more like 261 million (since its usually more like 46% that they get back). The film cost 217 million to produce but we dont know how much marketting cost. If marketting was more than 20 million, which I am sure it is, then there are still some people that havent gotten paid yet and the film might be in a deficit when all is said and done.
Re: Akiva Goldsman No Longer Involved with Transformers, Writers Room May Not Continue (1901646)
Posted by Sabrblade on August 3rd, 2017 @ 10:52am CDT
This is the best sum up of the films' criticisms I've seen:
Meanwhile the Bay films, separate from any "GEEWUN 4eva!" criticism are:
-heavily misogynistic and filled with creepy male gaze moments (usually on young/underage girl's bodies)
-filled with blatant military propaganda for some reason
-overly crude "humor" (if it was funny I *might* strike this from the list, but it's really not. It's like gross dad humor)
-have way too many racist moments (the correct amount to have would be ZERO)
-are extremely violent in a way that is inappropriate for Hasbro's main target demographic: children
Re: Akiva Goldsman No Longer Involved with Transformers, Writers Room May Not Continue (1901648)
Posted by Evil Eye on August 3rd, 2017 @ 11:36am CDT
Sabrblade wrote:This is the best sum up of the films' criticisms I've seen:
Meanwhile the Bay films, separate from any "GEEWUN 4eva!" criticism are:
-heavily misogynistic and filled with creepy male gaze moments (usually on young/underage girl's bodies)
-filled with blatant military propaganda for some reason
-overly crude "humor" (if it was funny I *might* strike this from the list, but it's really not. It's like gross dad humor)
-have way too many racist moments (the correct amount to have would be ZERO)
-are extremely violent in a way that is inappropriate for Hasbro's main target demographic: children

Allspark is that way. >:oP
Re: Akiva Goldsman No Longer Involved with Transformers, Writers Room May Not Continue (1901653)
Posted by Sabrblade on August 3rd, 2017 @ 11:48am CDT
Black Hat wrote:
Sabrblade wrote:This is the best sum up of the films' criticisms I've seen:
Meanwhile the Bay films, separate from any "GEEWUN 4eva!" criticism are:
-heavily misogynistic and filled with creepy male gaze moments (usually on young/underage girl's bodies)
-filled with blatant military propaganda for some reason
-overly crude "humor" (if it was funny I *might* strike this from the list, but it's really not. It's like gross dad humor)
-have way too many racist moments (the correct amount to have would be ZERO)
-are extremely violent in a way that is inappropriate for Hasbro's main target demographic: children

Allspark is that way. >:oP
It's still valid criticism.
Re: Akiva Goldsman No Longer Involved with Transformers, Writers Room May Not Continue (1901655)
Posted by Evil Eye on August 3rd, 2017 @ 12:02pm CDT
Sabrblade wrote:
Black Hat wrote:
Sabrblade wrote:This is the best sum up of the films' criticisms I've seen:
Meanwhile the Bay films, separate from any "GEEWUN 4eva!" criticism are:
-heavily misogynistic and filled with creepy male gaze moments (usually on young/underage girl's bodies)
-filled with blatant military propaganda for some reason
-overly crude "humor" (if it was funny I *might* strike this from the list, but it's really not. It's like gross dad humor)
-have way too many racist moments (the correct amount to have would be ZERO)
-are extremely violent in a way that is inappropriate for Hasbro's main target demographic: children

Allspark is that way. >:oP
It's still valid criticism.

Debatable. TLK was unbearable dreck but most of these complaints seem like the usual offendatron "It isn't made of Tumblr humour and bitching about slavery so it's bad REEEEEEEE" twaddle one would expect from a perpetually #triggered teenaged girl who's never experienced adversity in her life.

Seriously. Considering my mother enjoyed every movie that wasn't TLK (and the reason she disliked that one was the shoddy acting, terrible storyline and Izabella, AKA the worst human sidekick the franchise has seen in a while) I'd say these "criticisms" were made by someone who doesn't understand what actual racism or misogyny are and quite frankly needs a good slap.

Seriously, let's run through these:

Misogyny: Attractive women on screen do not a misogynist movie make. No.
Military propaganda: Ech. What is with these people and the virulent hatred for the people that keep them safe?
Overly crude "humour": Hardly a complaint that can't be levelled at the vast majority of hollywood attempts at humour. Plus, at least most of the humour in the Transformers movies were at least slightly funny.
Racism: No. Not even close. The Twins' characterization was A: created by Reno Wilson (who IS black) and B: was supposed to be a pisstake of "wiggers" AKA white teens who adopt sh!tty "gangsta" culture to look cool.
Violence: Nothing outside the age rating. Not every Transformers work of fiction is aimed at the same demographic. We have IDW feeding robot spines to other robots, and those comics are regarded as some of the best fiction in the franchise.

So yeah. Get that crap outta here.
Re: Akiva Goldsman No Longer Involved with Transformers, Writers Room May Not Continue (1901658)
Posted by Sabrblade on August 3rd, 2017 @ 12:10pm CDT

You, like, completely missed the mark on the points of every one of those criticisms.

Re: Akiva Goldsman No Longer Involved with Transformers, Writers Room May Not Continue (1901660)
Posted by Evil Eye on August 3rd, 2017 @ 12:17pm CDT
Sabrblade wrote:...Wow.

You, like, completely missed the mark on the points of every one of those criticisms.


No, you're just looking at the world through Allspark glasses. As noticable from your passive-aggressive responses.
Re: Akiva Goldsman No Longer Involved with Transformers, Writers Room May Not Continue (1901665)
Posted by on August 3rd, 2017 @ 12:25pm CDT
Black Hat wrote:After the dumpster fire that was TLK? Good.

To be honest, I think the writer's room was part of the problem. Too many cooks spoil the broth. TLK was a mess of a hundred potentially good ideas all crammed into one movie. Had it focused purely on the Knights/staff storyline, or the Autobots on the run, or the Decepticons getting out of prison, it might have worked. As is, having all those story threads and ideas running through one movie was a recipe for disaster. The only movies I've seen that pull off that amount of different subplots well have been Amelie and most Coen Brothers movies, and fairly obviously comparing those to Transformers is a silly idea.

If we do get a TF6 (not counting the spinoffs) hopefully it'll be a return to form- one or two writers at most, a straightforward but solid story and plenty of robot action with only the token amount of humans.

I completely agree!
Re: Akiva Goldsman No Longer Involved with Transformers, Writers Room May Not Continue (1901671)
Posted by JazZeke on August 3rd, 2017 @ 12:36pm CDT
-Edit- I seem unable to find the "delete post" button, how does one go about doing that these days?
Re: Akiva Goldsman No Longer Involved with Transformers, Writers Room May Not Continue (1901692)
Posted by Va'al on August 3rd, 2017 @ 2:05pm CDT
Black Hat wrote:
Sabrblade wrote:...Wow.

You, like, completely missed the mark on the points of every one of those criticisms.


No, you're just looking at the world through Allspark glasses. As noticable from your passive-aggressive responses.

Both of you, knock it the fuck off.
Re: Akiva Goldsman No Longer Involved with Transformers, Writers Room May Not Continue (1901693)
Posted by Evil Eye on August 3rd, 2017 @ 2:06pm CDT
Whoops, sorry Va'al, I get rather hot under the collar about this stuff.
Re: Akiva Goldsman No Longer Involved with Transformers, Writers Room May Not Continue (1901704)
Posted by noctorro on August 3rd, 2017 @ 2:40pm CDT
I'm glad that dudes out. My gawd what a bad movie. I rank it a bit higher than Revenge of the Fallen. Under all the others.

What were they thinking? World War 2, Middle ages, a combiner for 3 seconds. A gawd awefull long mid section in boring ass england with practically zero action.
I mean, I liked Simmons in this movie, that's not a good thing people.

I thought they were going to make something better than Dark of the Moon with a whole writers team. Make it more intens than the first act of Age of Extinction (Ratchet & Optimus). That they would quit human female bodies and short over the top moments with stereotype, 1 dimensional, shallow Transformers characters. That they would't kill off Decepticons like they're house flies.

I'm sorry, but I don't see anything good with this whole writers room thing.

Man, I enjoyed Power Rangers way more than half of the Transformers movies so far. And that's only because I'm a Transformers Fan.
These people have so much stories to tap from, the comics, the various animated series. I don't get how they could've fracked it up.

Please explain to me, how the hell is a Suicide Squad ripp off with Decepticons being slaughtered by the good guys be good in any sane persons mind?

I'm going to quit typing, this movie is making me mad again.

I really wanted to see it at least 3 times in cinemas, but frack, 2 is more than it deserved.

Really hope the Blu Ray will be beefed up to make it less terrible (I liked how they did that with Batman v Superman)
Re: Akiva Goldsman No Longer Involved with Transformers, Writers Room May Not Continue (1901737)
Posted by dbwells on August 3rd, 2017 @ 5:03pm CDT
kurthy wrote:The biggest problem with the TFs movies is that my 9 year old hasn't seen one of the 5 movies. They aren't for little kids and they should work on getting kids back in the theater. He's grown up on g1, beast wars, prime, rescue bots and rid15 (also currently reading IDW) but has no interest in those movies and I have no interest in showing them to him.

kurthy speaks the truth.

(I personally steer clear of some of the IDW stuff for my kids as well. I miss the days when kids stuff was for kids+ (i.e. everyone), but to each their own.)
Re: Akiva Goldsman No Longer Involved with Transformers, Writers Room May Not Continue (1901841)
Posted by on August 4th, 2017 @ 3:53am CDT
TF2007 could have been a kids movie (clear distinction between good and bad, few violence, easy plot), but they filled it with sexual references or vulgar situations. I've let my daughters (7 and 8 years old) watch 2007 after I've cut those parts and they've enjoyed the film.

From ROTF, no kid could watch this movies.
Re: Akiva Goldsman No Longer Involved with Transformers, Writers Room May Not Continue (1901850)
Posted by dbwells on August 4th, 2017 @ 6:09am CDT wrote:I've let my daughters (7 and 8 years old) watch 2007 after I've cut those parts and they've enjoyed the film.

I've considered doing the same, but haven't gotten around to it. I'm curious, though: how did you "cut" the parts? Just know where they are and skip past them, or something more than that?

I've considered doing some kind of real edit to that movie, but realistically I am not likely to find the time for such things.
Re: Akiva Goldsman No Longer Involved with Transformers, Writers Room May Not Continue (1902390)
Posted by Dagon on August 6th, 2017 @ 8:08am CDT
JazZeke wrote:
Dagon wrote:Well. There goes that quality cinematic universe, I guess. Back to bad scripts after the meisterwerk that was The Last Knight.

Again, "Batman & Robin." I doubt quality was ever on the table.

As an enjoyer of campy movies, I can enjoy Batman and Robin for the mess that it is. TLK and the rest of the TF movies are simply not enjoyable. Not as a mark of quality, but of enjoyability, if given the choice between B&R and TLK, I would watch Batman every single time.
Re: Akiva Goldsman No Longer Involved with Transformers, Writers Room May Not Continue (1902453)
Posted by on August 6th, 2017 @ 5:48pm CDT
dbwells wrote: wrote:I've let my daughters (7 and 8 years old) watch 2007 after I've cut those parts and they've enjoyed the film.

I've considered doing the same, but haven't gotten around to it. I'm curious, though: how did you "cut" the parts? Just know where they are and skip past them, or something more than that?

I've considered doing some kind of real edit to that movie, but realistically I am not likely to find the time for such things.

I've just skipped those parts by fast forward. I've told them there were bad words so they've accepted it easily. This spoils nothing in the movie.
Re: Akiva Goldsman No Longer Involved with Transformers, Writers Room May Not Continue (1912456)
Posted by Stuartmaximus on September 23rd, 2017 @ 1:10pm CDT
So there's to be an entirely new storyline ... ine-349463
Re: Akiva Goldsman No Longer Involved with Transformers, Writers Room May Not Continue (1912464)
Posted by TulioDude on September 23rd, 2017 @ 1:56pm CDT
Stuartmaximus wrote:So there's to be an entirely new storyline ... ine-349463

I still think will be the same world established.
Maybe what they mean is,we gonna change focus of the story,in a sense they wont do Unicron yet,or continue the "Knights" story line.They have a new villain,new cast,that decision makes sense if they get a new director.

EDIT:Maybe a bigger example would be the upcoming Thor Ragnarok film,where is seems it has little to do with loose plot threads from Thor The Dark World.
Re: Akiva Goldsman No Longer Involved with Transformers, Writers Room May Not Continue (1914506)
Posted by Va'al on October 4th, 2017 @ 1:21pm CDT
We have some more news concerning both the wider cinematic universe after The Last Knight, not much more on Transformers Universe: Bumblebee, and the company's approach to licensing, courtesy of a very business-y interview with Katherine Buckland, Senior Director Of Consumer Products at Hasbro, found in the Licensing Today Worldwide issue accompanying the Brand Licensing Expo 2017. Do not expect too much, but the emerging details have been transcribed below.

One of the bigger news stories coming out of the Hasbro stable is the big screen movie release of My Little Pony in October 2017 and the Bumblebee movie in 2018. Tell us more.

KB: [...] Next December, Bumblebee will hit theaters from Academy Award nominated director Travis Knight and will star Academy Award-nominated actress Hailee Steinfeld and John Cena to offer fans a rich storyline surrounding fan favorite Autobot Bumblebee.


Let's move on to Transformers - Hasbro has really created a Transformers Cinematic Universe here. With each new film, what approach does the team make to its licensing programme?

KB: Hasbro takes a pragmatic approach when developing product ranges for upcoming films. From the start, we pay specific attention to detail to ensure the characters and storylines fans see on the screen translate into products people see on the shelves. The product needs to deliver a level of innovation that’s more than meets the eye [geddit?]. Consumers and fans expect that from us. The robust Transformers entertainment offering - which spans television, gaming, and full length features - lends itself to products, and we’ve enjoyed finding like-minded partners to grow the brand and its consumer product portfolio.

Talk us through the next steps in the movie franchise for Transformers.

KB: We still have several action-packed years coming up for the Transformers brand. Beginning this year, there will be a movie every year for the next three years, helping fans connect with the brand and its characters like never before. With Michael Bay at the helm, Transformers: The Last Knight – the fifth installment of the Transformers franchise – hit theaters in June 2017, and featured leading actors like Mark Wahlberg, Anthony Hopkins, Isabela Moner and Josh Duhamel. For December 2018, Hasbro is working on a film centered on the never-before-heard story of Bumblebee, and in June 2019 Hasbro will unveil an entirely new exciting storyline for the beloved brand.

Do Hasbro ever find themselves at a crossroads with brands such as Transformers? How do you ensure you are catering for all aspects of your fan base that spans such a wide range?

KB: Hasbro is always innovating for the new generation of kids while ensuring that it maintains the brand promise to fans. We like to say that Hasbro is always at a point of departure with the key franchise brands, so it's constantly evolving to reach new fans in unique ways across multiple entertainment and product categories. [...] Legendary fashion house Moschino featured Transformers in a collection available globally now. Inspired by the original Transformers look from the 1980s, the line is kept up to date with a vibrant gender neutral palette, action packed graphics and stylish silhouettes across men’s, women’s and kids’ apparel and accessories.

Re: Akiva Goldsman No Longer Involved with Transformers, Writers Room May Not Continue (1914515)
Posted by ScottyP on October 4th, 2017 @ 2:14pm CDT
2019 movie is sounding less like "TF 6" and more like a reboot.

Somebody call Toei :lol:
Re: Akiva Goldsman No Longer Involved with Transformers, Writers Room May Not Continue (1914574)
Posted by EunuchRon on October 4th, 2017 @ 9:41pm CDT
I ain't holding my breath, but maybe we'll get a dinobots movie, or something Beast Wars related? I wouldn't mind a movie that gives backstory and fills in the gaps with the current films, like where the dinobots came from or how everything started on Cybertron. I wasn't too hot for a Bee movie until they had the scenes in TLK where Bee was takin' on the Third Reich. I don't care what anyone thinks of the movie. Autobots beating up on Hitler is pure badassery and I'd love to see more of that! :BOWDOWN:
Re: Akiva Goldsman No Longer Involved with Transformers, Writers Room May Not Continue (1914715)
Posted by skywarp-2 on October 5th, 2017 @ 1:39pm CDT
Okay Paramount Listen up! I want to see a TV series, Netflix, Hulu or Amazon streaming, of Human soldiers and Transformer cars, led by Hot Rod, and fighting Under cover Decepticons searching for the Cube Fragment, and opposed by the Secret Decepticon Human forces seen in TFDOTM. The TV series would be set before the events of TFROTF and set between 1-2 movies.

The Show would be called NEST Covert Ops.

In the show's lore, Hot Rod was assigned to the UK first before going to France (and Picking up a French accent) and is in charge of working with a team of humans, and maybe 3 or 4 other autobots.. one is a scientist and works from their base like Q or Wheel Jack did..

One female Bike Bot.. Like seen in DOTM, with a holographic human pilot..or (pretender driver) and maybe a heavy weapons expert large SUV or Truck former.

Decepticons would be led by Starscream with Megatron's location unknown, and the allspark cube fragment unknown..

The point of the show is to run missions and show how Starscream led the Decepticons in the absence of Megatron, and under the control of the Fallen.

The premise is just perfect for a Weekly TV series. Humans Operatives, with Transformer heroes, no real Optimus Prime, or Bumblebee interaction, unless in large story arcs, or on Vid scanners, or Holographic messages.

Michael Bay could direct the first 3 episodes (ala Black Sails) and then the regular show runner could take over. Hopefully someone who gets it.
Re: Akiva Goldsman No Longer Involved with Transformers, Writers Room May Not Continue (1914721)
Posted by Stuartmaximus on October 5th, 2017 @ 1:49pm CDT
anywhere on the internet that I tried to suggest a live action Transformers tv series....people would just rubbish the idea, so good luck with your idea above ^
Re: Akiva Goldsman No Longer Involved with Transformers, Writers Room May Not Continue (1914765)
Posted by EunuchRon on October 5th, 2017 @ 3:51pm CDT
skywarp-2 wrote:The Show would be called NEST Covert Ops.

Or more accurately, Agents of Wheeled. :D
Re: Akiva Goldsman No Longer Involved with Transformers, Writers Room May Not Continue (1914768)
Posted by skywarp-2 on October 5th, 2017 @ 3:59pm CDT
Stuartmaximus wrote:anywhere on the internet that I tried to suggest a live action Transformers tv series....people would just rubbish the idea, so good luck with your idea above ^

Why? I can't see why people have to be so narrow minded. If Star Trek Discovery (STD) can go with big budget special effects, then it's definitely doable. If Avengers which is a kindred model can do Agents of Shield, then it's definitely doable. Since NEST was established in the movies as a covert team hunting the remnant of Megatron's forces under Starscream's command, it's definitely doable, given the voice actor could get a weekly gig, and not every show has to have an autobot vs Decepticon battle, however it could, just as Star Trek from TNG to current has massive Special effects sections in their weekly shows, so too can the NEST TV show concept.

It's totally doable, and plausible for that to be able to be done.. Forget those nay sayers..They lack vision.

EunuchRon wrote:
skywarp-2 wrote:The Show would be called NEST Covert Ops.

Or more accurately, Agents of Wheeled. :D

Hahahahah! That's what I was thinking! A sort of Agents of Shield type spin off, but centered on Hot Rod and co.

They could even introduce Ultra Magnus at some point down the road, and tie his appearance in NEST to a future Movie.. like Ultra Magnus was on a secret covert mission to the Earth's core or something.. that would tie in with Last Knight and the future movies after.. if any.. ;)^
Re: Akiva Goldsman No Longer Involved with Transformers, Writers Room May Not Continue (1914788)
Posted by Stuartmaximus on October 5th, 2017 @ 4:53pm CDT
well for one...has a live action Transformers tv series happened yet?! so somethings stopped it from happening yet, or has kept it from happening so far, probably coz of a lack of interest in it(coming from the same aforementioned nay sayers no doubt)
Re: Akiva Goldsman No Longer Involved with Transformers, Writers Room May Not Continue (1914793)
Posted by Sabrblade on October 5th, 2017 @ 5:07pm CDT
skywarp-2 wrote:Why?
It's because no one wants to watch a Transformers show that deliberately stars humans instead of the Transformers. The movies as they are already get enough complaints from people about the Transformers being treated like set pieces and background visuals rather than actual characters (something we can hope to see rectified by the Bumblebee movie even if Bee were to be the only Autobot as a main character in the movie, but I digress), so a show that sidelines the bots even further holds even less interest with people.

The reason Agents of SHIELD can get away with working as a supporting show for the MCU movies is because, unlike the Transformers movies, the titular protagonists of the MCU movies are real people actors, not CGI characters (Hulk and Groot notwithstanding), with the same applying for AoS. When people watch MCU movies, they see Robert Downey Jr. as Iron Man, Chris Evans as Captain America, Chris Pratt as Star Lord, etc. The same applies for when they watch Agents of SHIELD, as when they watch they show, they see Clark Gregg as Coulson, Chloe Bennet as Daisy, Ming-Na Wen as May, etc.

For Transformers, however, people don't see Peter Cullen as Optimus Prime, Mark Ryan as Bumblebee, or Hugo Weaving/Frank Welker as Megatron. They see a computer-animated robot with a deep voice as Optimus Prime, a computer-animated robot with little-to-no voice as Bumblebee, a computer-animated robot with a scary voice as Megatron, etc. It's a different presentation entirely.

A show that focuses on N.E.S.T. or Sector Seven wouldn't be a "Transformers show", it would be a "N.E.S.T./Sector Seven show", which would only appeal to a niche corner of the viewing audience since it wouldn't be the same case as audiences going from watching the human-actor-dominated MCU movies to watching the human-actor-dominated Agents of SHIELD TV show. Rather, it would be a case of going from watching movies with robots in them (even if they're still overshadowed by the human actors) to watching a deliberately human-actor-dominated show with little to no robots in them.

Plus, the MCU feels more like it earned its supporting shows by maintaining a greater sense of consistency and organization in its overal continuity, thanks to having someone like Kevin Feige to helm everything in such an orderly manner. Transformers has had no such person to guide the films along the way, with the films seeming to just not care about keeping anything all that organized at all. The films used to let IDW help sort everything out with their tie-in comics, but ever since AOE, the films no longer have any IDW comics to help them along and a lot of the holes that the comics ended up filling and bringing logic and sense to seem to have been swept under the rug by AOE, TLK, and whatever future developments there are to come. Ehren Kruger, writer of DOTM and AOE, even once openly admitted that "logical sense" doesn't factor into writing these movies when it comes to what Bay and the producers want for these films, so tying in a TV show to fit in with these films' ever-changing hackneyed continuity would be a fool's errand.
Re: Akiva Goldsman No Longer Involved with Transformers, Writers Room May Not Continue (1914862)
Posted by skywarp-2 on October 5th, 2017 @ 8:00pm CDT
Stuartmaximus wrote:well for one...has a live action Transformers tv series happened yet?! so somethings stopped it from happening yet, or has kept it from happening so far, probably coz of a lack of interest in it(coming from the same aforementioned nay sayers no doubt)

Wow! I'm sorry, I feel like I hit a nerve. I didn't know "who" the Naysayers were. I was just responding to the reply. But as for why it hasn't happened yet.. Well, if you will indulge me, I think I may have the answer. In the past we haven't seen any interest in a live action TV series, because Paramount has never expressed interest in expanding it's building franchise of Live action Transformers Movies. It's cartoon series come and go, but as for a live action TV series, the idea just didn't make sense, Back then.

Fast forward, now Paramount is looking to expand, first on their list, Live action Bumblebee movie/origin/spinoff/prequel. With Star Wars and Marvel Properties from Disney deluging the Movie, TV, and most importantly Toys and apparel along with various other Merchandise flooding the market, is a model that Paramount is apparently trying to emulate. It is perfect in a business model sense, as Properties are now trying to vie for a specific demographic of the market, Teens, collectors, and adult men. It's a war, and the flood of stuff we are getting like Star Wars is a great thing! Also, the amount of DC TV shows, Marvel TV shows, and scifi coming back too, it's a great time for new things to show up. Also with the Advent of so many streaming possibilities to produce a hot property exclusive for streaming service like those trying to compete with Netflix and Hulu, you could say a Live Action Transformers series with human military and Autobots on covert missions to kill decepticons uncovering clues and encountering their own adventures would be a hot idea that one of those streaming services may want to look at. Hot properties and franchise names as content encourage more subscribers, it's not that a TV show could have worked back then as there was no indication until now, with Disney as a rival, and Sony trying to make a come back, that Hollywood in general seems to be escalating a large scale franchise war, and so I say, why not toy with the idea for awhile.. see what we can come up with, and maybe someone in the industry will take our words here as something that would be taken as advice to make it work. It's pie in the sky, sure.. but why not have a bit of fun contemplating how this could add to the Paramount expansion? what's wrong with thinking this could be possible in the current media war climate? I think it's a great stab at trying to help Paramount along by putting this out there for discussion, in a relevant topic thread. I'd love this idea to become a community discussion, and maybe reach Paramount's ears...

I'm just enthusiastically optimistic. I'm a G-1 original fan.. who has finally after 10 years, accepted, embraced and become comfortable with these movies, styles, and the ideas put forth in the live action movies. How could I not? It has Peter Cullen as Optimus Prime! It had both Hugo weaving AND Frank Welker as Megatron, and Galvatron. I just can't ignore that.. I own the MPM-04 Movie Optimus Prime. I am getting the MPM-03 Bumblebee.. I am totally on board, and I'm happy to be there. Live action NEST TV series with my new favorite love, Hot Rod, would be a dream come true.. >:oP

Sabrblade wrote:
skywarp-2 wrote:Why?
It's because no one wants to watch a Transformers show that deliberately stars humans instead of the Transformers.

Now see, that's the kinda Stuff being said about the first two movies, and constantly gets brought up, but for the last decade, it has been accepted and even become, for many, expected and anticipated on occasion. I for one loved the Banter Between Agent Simmons and his body guard, or Cade and the Guy who Built Galvatron. Hilarious! Have you gone back and just watched the movie, this time from the beginning and tried to ignore past convictions and see it for what it is as it's own property? I took another look at Movie 1-3 and I watched it as if I was someone who was new to TRANSFORMERS and at the end of DOTM, I realized, this is a great trilogy. I loved Leonard Nimoy's Sentinel Prime, and I will Miss Mr. Spock, myself being a huge Trekker. However, I think that argument is 10 years old, and if done right, casting good chemistry and likeability, then humans with Transformers could work in a live Action TV series, as they have apparently worked in a live action movie franchise for a decade..Seems logical as Spock would say..

Sabrblade wrote:The movies as they are already get enough complaints from people about the Transformers being treated like set pieces and background visuals rather than actual characters (something we can hope to see rectified by the Bumblebee movie even if Bee were to be the only Autobot as a main character in the movie, but I digress), so a show that sidelines the bots even further holds even less interest with people.

Well, I don't think the Bots were sidelined at all actually, having just went back thru all 4 movies. I haven't seen all of TLK yet, but I will tonight! I think that over the progression of the movies, there has certainly been much more Bot action, think of AOE, almost every scene with a human was with or pertaining to Cybertronian tech or bots. Another thing I would like to also say is that with Knight Rider, a kinda cool trick is to have the humans riding in the cars for conversations with their bots, that is another way of keeping the characters around without CGI costs.. it's a workable idea, it just needs people who can see the avenues for it.

Sabrblade wrote:The reason Agents of SHIELD can get away with working as a supporting show for the MCU movies is because, unlike the Transformers movies, the titular protagonists of the MCU movies are real people actors, not CGI characters (Hulk and Groot notwithstanding), with the same applying for AoS. When people watch MCU movies, they see Robert Downey Jr. as Iron Man, Chris Evans as Captain America, Chris Pratt as Star Lord, etc. The same applies for when they watch Agents of SHIELD, as when they watch they show, they see Clark Gregg as Coulson, Chloe Bennet as Daisy, Ming-Na Wen as May, etc.

For Transformers, however, people don't see Peter Cullen as Optimus Prime, Mark Ryan as Bumblebee, or Hugo Weaving/Frank Welker as Megatron. They see a computer-animated robot with a deep voice as Optimus Prime, a computer-animated robot with little-to-no voice as Bumblebee, a computer-animated robot with a scary voice as Megatron, etc. It's a different presentation entirely.

While I concede it's a different Presentation Entirely, we're not talking about Actors here necessarily, we are talking about Characters. Optimus Prime and Megatron are names and characters that kids have grown up with for generations now. Not withstanding, other characters that are not real actors like Yoda a computer animated and Puppet no less with Frank Oz as a voice over, R2D2 a Robot remote controlled and piloted suit, with little to no voice. Chewbacca a Man in a large Dog suit who only growls and barks, and yet as household names, these characters tho not human, are part of the story, and have fans in their own right. It's not about actor recognition, tho it is for those who are G-1 when it comes to Cullen and Welker. at least for me anyway...

Sabrblade wrote:A show that focuses on N.E.S.T. or Sector Seven wouldn't be a "Transformers show", it would be a "N.E.S.T./Sector Seven show", which would only appeal to a niche corner of the viewing audience since it wouldn't be the same case as audiences going from watching the human-actor-dominated MCU movies to watching the human-actor-dominated Agents of SHIELD TV show. Rather, it would be a case of going from watching movies with robots in them (even if they're still overshadowed by the human actors) to watching a deliberately human-actor-dominated show with little to no robots in them.

That is not what I am suggesting. I am thinking of a more covert secret agent type show thing here, military backed, but more like a CIA division or James bond-esque type show. The Bots are in every scene, whether as cars talking to their human team partner, each human N.E.S.T. agent would be paired with a Bot for maximum bot coverage to appeal to those who want more, and argueably I too want more, but am comfortable with how the latest movies tended to be more bot focused over time. In total, the big picture of the movies in totality thus far, has been pretty good in trending upwards with more bots. With a TV series where once a week a RID fan can come and see Autobots kick in a few Decepticons heads with great spy like story telling woven in, and their favorite bots, and human characters together on the case. I'd watch that! I would see Sector 7 being represented by one actor as a liaison for that Government department and sort of overseer before the secretary of defense disbanded the team in DOTM.
However, you're right a show centered on only the humans and little bits of bots in it would fail, it'd be like tuning into the super Bowl for just the halftime, and the rest is only 1 or two highlights.. not worth it.. so yea, you are correct. I agree with you there, but that is NOT what I am suggesting at all bro. I'd want lots of Bot action. ;)^

Sabrblade wrote:Plus, the MCU feels more like it earned its supporting shows by maintaining a greater sense of consistency and organization in its overal continuity, thanks to having someone like Kevin Feige to helm everything in such an orderly manner. Transformers has had no such person to guide the films along the way, with the films seeming to just not care about keeping anything all that organized at all. The films used to let IDW help sort everything out with their tie-in comics, but ever since AOE, the films no longer have any IDW comics to help them along and a lot of the holes that the comics ended up filling and bringing logic and sense to seem to have been swept under the rug by AOE, TLK, and whatever future developments there are to come. Ehren Kruger, writer of DOTM and AOE, even once openly admitted that "logical sense" doesn't factor into writing these movies when it comes to what Bay and the producers want for these films, so tying in a TV show to fit in with these films' ever-changing hackneyed continuity would be a fool's errand.

Oh, I agree there.. However there are other ways to fix continuity, and opportunities besides comics and novels to do so. The Movies are basically fixed. A weekly TV show could help in those areas, and focus on key story arcs and battles that could tell the story and assist in retcon of continuity concerns in a live action way, thereby being ever more so satisfying then just reading it in a comic, and the beauty part, if Hot Rod does becomes Rodimus Prime in the movies sometime.. then the TV series of his past exploits just gets hotter... because now fans have two versions of this character who they've gotten to know, and before he takes the matrix of leadership, is gotten to know, loved, and his acceptance as the new Autobot leader and Prime would be easier to stomach then the 1986 mistake once made. As for the studios, yea, they may end up learning something from the TV series continuity which could improve their scripts and also give us a more satisfying movie experience on the flip side. If done right, Paramount could rake in Golden butt loads of cash, they just need to think about it and plan accordingly. :D

Now, I am off to Watch finally, start to finish..TRANSFORMERS The Last Knight!!! Sooo Excited! :POPCORN:

Hey guys, Loved the discussion, I'll be back later to check on the reply. Gotta love being a Transformers fan or as I call myself an "R.I.D.-fan" at this time. There's so much to look forward to! :KREMZEEK:
Re: Akiva Goldsman No Longer Involved with Transformers, Writers Room May Not Continue (1914866)
Posted by william-james88 on October 5th, 2017 @ 8:06pm CDT
personally, a show taking place in the movieverse would be way better than the movies for me. At least then I dont have to bitch about how its just humans, I will know its a budget reason. Still makes no sense to me why we have so little robot screen time in a big budget film.
Re: Akiva Goldsman No Longer Involved with Transformers, Writers Room May Not Continue (1914871)
Posted by JazZeke on October 5th, 2017 @ 8:15pm CDT
william-james88 wrote:Still makes no sense to me why we have so little robot screen time in a big budget film.

Really, the proven popularity of a talking racoon and tree proves that the movie producers and writers have no freakin' clue and need to get their heads out of their asses already.
Re: Akiva Goldsman No Longer Involved with Transformers, Writers Room May Not Continue (1914874)
Posted by skywarp-2 on October 5th, 2017 @ 8:17pm CDT
william-james88 wrote:personally, a show taking place in the movieverse would be way better than the movies for me. At least then I dont have to bitch about how its just humans, I will know its a budget reason. Still makes no sense to me why we have so little robot screen time in a big budget film.

Agreed.. We could get more Bot stuff. I would love to see a Movie series with Star Saber and a Human Earth Transformer space defense force set in the future of the franchise. Humans pilot huge exo-suits like Robotech or Pacific Rim (only more like Gundam), alongside Autobot heroes, Exo-suits like the ones in both Macross and Mospeda.. space fleets, and different planets. Now that kinda Scifi, human involved with lots of Bots would be awesome.. As a Movie continuation or even as a TV show. Exosuits can also transform..oh yea! the ultimate progression is human Autobot alliance and tech sharing as a space force. Enter Deathsaurus! The Ultimate Movie Live action Dragon! Eat your heart out Grimlock..
Re: Akiva Goldsman No Longer Involved with Transformers, Writers Room May Not Continue (1914913)
Posted by TulioDude on October 5th, 2017 @ 10:37pm CDT
If there is human character that needs a spin off,we know which one needs the most:
Re: Akiva Goldsman No Longer Involved with Transformers, Writers Room May Not Continue (1914914)
Posted by JazZeke on October 5th, 2017 @ 10:39pm CDT
TulioDude wrote:If there is human character that needs a spin off,we know which one needs the most:

Agreed there. I loves me some Alan Tudyk.
Re: Akiva Goldsman No Longer Involved with Transformers, Writers Room May Not Continue (1914938)
Posted by skywarp-2 on October 6th, 2017 @ 6:30am CDT
JazZeke wrote:
TulioDude wrote:If there is human character that needs a spin off,we know which one needs the most:

Agreed there. I loves me some Alan Tudyk.

Dutch would,be an awesome character in a spin-off show.
Re: Akiva Goldsman No Longer Involved with Transformers, Writers Room May Not Continue (1914944)
Posted by Stuartmaximus on October 6th, 2017 @ 7:52am CDT
skywarp-2 wrote:or even as a TV show. Exosuits can also transform..oh yeah!

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