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Alternate Head for Reveal the Shield G2 Optimus Prime

Transformers News: Alternate Head for Reveal the Shield G2 Optimus Prime

Wednesday, January 19th, 2011 9:46PM CST

Category: Toy News
Posted by: El Duque   Views: 50,827

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It's become par for the course as of late for us to get our first look at future repaints from the original figure's instruction sheet. Earlier this week it was discovered that Reveal the Shield Wreck-Gar would in fact have a remolded Junkion head sometime down the road. Well this time around the future repaint isn't so apparent. member Code of Walky has uploaded a picture of the alternate head here. While most of us have speculated that G2 Optimus Prime would probably get repainted into Ultra Magnus or maybe even RID Scourge this new head is rather ambiguous and has an almost organic appearance. The image has been mirrored below.


Feel free to speculate on who this repaint will be in our forums!
Credit(s): member Code of Walky

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Re: Alternate Head for Reveal the Shield G2 Optimus Prime (1171432)
Posted by WeatherManNX01 on January 19th, 2011 @ 9:52pm CST
My initial guess would be that they're trying to add a bit of character to Scourge.

But that would raise the question of having two characters released in the same year with the same name.
Re: Alternate Head for Reveal the Shield G2 Optimus Prime (1171434)
Posted by Galvatrondestroyer on January 19th, 2011 @ 9:55pm CST
that's....a interesting head sculpt
Re: Alternate Head for Reveal the Shield G2 Optimus Prime (1171435)
Posted by emeraldbeacon on January 19th, 2011 @ 9:56pm CST
Look at that headsculpt... then look at this.


While it's not the classical bucket-in-a-box look, the new head does seem to homage the original toy head for Motormaster. And the toy is already a semi truck that weilds a sword... seems like a pretty natural fit to me, IMHO.

And this certainly doesn't preclude the use of the mold to give us Scourge/Nemesis Prime or Toxitron at a later date, of course.
Re: Alternate Head for Reveal the Shield G2 Optimus Prime (1171436)
Posted by ShardFenix on January 19th, 2011 @ 9:58pm CST
the face looks decepticon to me. So I guess it will be Scourge(or more likely as he will be packaged Nemesis)

Motormaster would be sexy though. That would be a repaint i would buy.

And who is toxitron? all i ever saw was he was a proposed figure that was given the axe. and he looks hideous
Re: Alternate Head for Reveal the Shield G2 Optimus Prime (1171437)
Posted by harvester on January 19th, 2011 @ 10:00pm CST
Maybe Optimus Primal? the second pic looks kind of monkey like. Reminds me of the Cybertron/Galaxy Force Optimus Primal/Prime ... /939/1/12/ ... rimal/964/ ... /964/1/10/
Re: Alternate Head for Reveal the Shield G2 Optimus Prime (1171438)
Posted by Galvatrondestroyer on January 19th, 2011 @ 10:00pm CST
emeraldbeacon wrote:Look at that headsculpt... then look at this.


While it's not the classical bucket-in-a-box look, the new head does seem to homage the original toy head for Motormaster. And the toy is already a semi truck that weilds a sword... seems like a pretty natural fit to me, IMHO.

And this certainly doesn't preclude the use of the mold to give us Scourge/Nemesis Prime or Toxitron at a later date, of course.

Hm..that would be neat to see since we got a classics Drag Strip out of a previous mold so... I can believe in it
Re: Alternate Head for Reveal the Shield G2 Optimus Prime (1171439)
Posted by OptiMagnus on January 19th, 2011 @ 10:01pm CST
WeatherManNX01 wrote:My initial guess would be that they're trying to add a bit of character to Scourge.

But that would raise the question of having two characters released in the same year with the same name.

I say this a lot: I highly doubt they'll call him Scourge if this is who he represents. He'd probably be another Nemesis Prime. They probably wouldn't release two toys of the same name so close to each other in order of release.
Re: Alternate Head for Reveal the Shield G2 Optimus Prime (1171443)
Posted by WeatherManNX01 on January 19th, 2011 @ 10:10pm CST
emeraldbeacon wrote:Look at that headsculpt... then look at this.


While it's not the classical bucket-in-a-box look, the new head does seem to homage the original toy head for Motormaster. And the toy is already a semi truck that weilds a sword... seems like a pretty natural fit to me, IMHO.

And this certainly doesn't preclude the use of the mold to give us Scourge/Nemesis Prime or Toxitron at a later date, of course.

Oh...that would be brilliant. I can't believe I didn't even think of Motormaster. I just went to the remolds of Laser Prime.
Re: Alternate Head for Reveal the Shield G2 Optimus Prime (1171447)
Posted by Badassimus Prime on January 19th, 2011 @ 10:18pm CST
harvester wrote:Maybe Optimus Primal? the second pic looks kind of monkey like. Reminds me of the Cybertron/Galaxy Force Optimus Primal/Prime ... /939/1/12/ ... rimal/964/ ... /964/1/10/

That's what I'm thinking as well. Probably Hasbro's way to tick off the "Truk not Munky!" crowd :lol:
Re: Alternate Head for Reveal the Shield G2 Optimus Prime (1171452)
Posted by ShardFenix on January 19th, 2011 @ 10:25pm CST
but why would they make a non-animal optimus primal, didnt they do cheetor in beast form not too long ago?
Re: Alternate Head for Reveal the Shield G2 Optimus Prime (1171458)
Posted by T-Macksimus on January 19th, 2011 @ 10:32pm CST
Has anyone bothered to entertain the notion that not all of these are getting recycled and that this may, in fact, just be a really crappy drawing/rendition of a head sculpt that had too much detail to be accurately rendered? I won't deny that it is a well done mold in terms of articulation and detail but I also have to say that I honestly don't see this mold being re-purposed for anything else. I think Hasbro has enough lined up for release over the next 1-2 years that I doubt they would even waste their time repainting this as Scourge. Turning it into Motor Master or Magnus would just be insulting to both the fans and the characters.
Re: Alternate Head for Reveal the Shield G2 Optimus Prime (1171471)
Posted by alexison on January 19th, 2011 @ 10:53pm CST
Oh man.. When I saw the headline I thought we were getting a look at the upgrade kit that we saw the other night. If it's a RID Scourge, I'll buy it. Otherwise, I'll probably pass on it.
Re: Alternate Head for Reveal the Shield G2 Optimus Prime (1171474)
Posted by Godzillabot Primal on January 19th, 2011 @ 10:55pm CST
Hmmmm interesting i have considered all possibility's and i think cybertron mode optimus primal =P~
Re: Alternate Head for Reveal the Shield G2 Optimus Prime (1171476)
Posted by Counterpunch on January 19th, 2011 @ 10:57pm CST
Optimus Minor?
Re: Alternate Head for Reveal the Shield G2 Optimus Prime (1171479)
Posted by Dr. Caelus on January 19th, 2011 @ 11:00pm CST
Motormaster seems like the best bet, but the face also reminds me of WFC Sentinel Prime.
Re: Alternate Head for Reveal the Shield G2 Optimus Prime (1171482)
Posted by Gandalf on January 19th, 2011 @ 11:02pm CST
My first thought was Sentinel or Zeta Prime.

I just hope this doesn't push back a Nemesis/Scourge repaint (which should have the original Optimus head).

I fully expect Hasbro to get at least one repaint out of this mold. It would be unusual for them not to. If they don't have a place for that repaint in the current Generations or Reveal the Shield line, then it will very likely be in the next incarnation of the Classics line. And I would be shocked if they don't go for the obvious, which is Scourge. It would be great to see Nemesis/Scourge on store shelves again, rather than a convention exclusive.
Re: Alternate Head for Reveal the Shield G2 Optimus Prime (1171483)
Posted by Starscream GaGa on January 19th, 2011 @ 11:03pm CST
Defs looks like Zeta Prime to me.
Re: Alternate Head for Reveal the Shield G2 Optimus Prime (1171486)
Posted by Godzillabot Primal on January 19th, 2011 @ 11:09pm CST
Hmmmmm interesting maybe a cybertron mode optimus primal :D
Re: Alternate Head for Reveal the Shield G2 Optimus Prime (1171493)
Posted by chuckdawg1999 on January 19th, 2011 @ 11:16pm CST
To me each head looked a little different. I have no idea who this could be, and I wonder even if we'll see this figure this year.
Re: Alternate Head for Reveal the Shield G2 Optimus Prime (1171494)
Posted by alexison on January 19th, 2011 @ 11:18pm CST
Nacho Libre??
Re: Alternate Head for Reveal the Shield G2 Optimus Prime (1171502)
Posted by ShardFenix on January 19th, 2011 @ 11:33pm CST
I also originally thought it would be that upgrade kit. though im nervous as to how much that upgrade kit is going to cost...
Re: Alternate Head for Reveal the Shield G2 Optimus Prime (1171506)
Posted by alexison on January 19th, 2011 @ 11:38pm CST
ShardFenix wrote:I also originally thought it would be that upgrade kit. though im nervous as to how much that upgrade kit is going to cost...

I share that concern But it could just be considered a trailer and the upgrade pieces come out of it. With that in mind, I think FP trailer went for like 82 bucks when it was new. I'd really like to know who is producing it.
Re: Alternate Head for Reveal the Shield G2 Optimus Prime (1171524)
Posted by Vicalliose on January 20th, 2011 @ 12:16am CST
Naw... Your kidding me right? REALLY?! Holy slaging son of a piston-licking glitch! :shock:


*ahem* I did not expect that. I can only suspect that the designers did this just to fool around with us. Lets see what the residence of know about this head... No clues... What the slag? :-?

This head reminds me of... something. I just cannot put my finger on it. It looks almost exactly like something I've seen but I just can't pull it out of my skull. :BANG_HEAD:
Re: Alternate Head for Reveal the Shield G2 Optimus Prime (1171527)
Posted by Pr1meSuspect on January 20th, 2011 @ 12:22am CST
When I originally saw the G2 Prime, the first thing that popped into my mind was a repaint into RiD Scourge. But I don't think they would make another Scourge with the new Scourge coming out. But Motormaster would be awesome and fits the mold PERFECTLY.
Re: Alternate Head for Reveal the Shield G2 Optimus Prime (1171533)
Posted by Anonymous on January 20th, 2011 @ 12:44am CST
Pessimist Prime
Re: Alternate Head for Reveal the Shield G2 Optimus Prime (1171548)
Posted by Prime's Trailer on January 20th, 2011 @ 1:56am CST
Re: Alternate Head for Reveal the Shield G2 Optimus Prime (1171562)
Posted by Seibertron on January 20th, 2011 @ 2:52am CST
I'm thinking Motormaster as well, though I would be really surprised if they did a Motormaster and Nemesis Prime so closely together -- not that I'd complain.
Re: Alternate Head for Reveal the Shield G2 Optimus Prime (1171564)
Posted by Jelze Bunnycat on January 20th, 2011 @ 2:54am CST
To the people who think Optimus Primal, you have no idea how plasuible it actually sounds, all thanks to repurposing by the Japanese. In a Japanese piece of TF fiction, Optimus Primal actually had a G2 Laser Prime body for a while.

If you want my guess, I don't really have any. But I highly doubt Hasbro would do Motormaster and a Nemesis Prime at the same time, since they share a common palette of grey and black colors. Besides, the "Motormaster" trademark has been lost for years, but given the chance we'll get a "Menasor".
Re: Alternate Head for Reveal the Shield G2 Optimus Prime (1171565)
Posted by ShardFenix on January 20th, 2011 @ 3:08am CST
they can call him whatever they want lol. I have the sdcc nemesis so i just want this guy in black. ill call him motormaster by myself if i have too lol
Re: Alternate Head for Reveal the Shield G2 Optimus Prime (1171571)
Posted by Nujevad on January 20th, 2011 @ 3:26am CST
You know what? I'll go crazy and say...Bumblebee, just because 8-} ...
Re: Alternate Head for Reveal the Shield G2 Optimus Prime (1171572)
Posted by Amelie on January 20th, 2011 @ 3:31am CST
MEGATRON - Just as likely as anything else. ;)

Maybe it will be something left-field, though, like - Powertrain
Re: Alternate Head for Reveal the Shield G2 Optimus Prime (1171575)
Posted by Primacron's Little Helper on January 20th, 2011 @ 3:44am CST
I'd be happy with a Motormaster repaint/remold as I like the mold, but I don't want a G2 Prime and I'm happy with RID Scourge as RID Scourge.

Maybe FansProject could do a trailer for him which turns into the pieces for Menasor. (Once Hasbro releases repaints of Sunstreaker and Jazz as Breakdown and Dead End of course.) :-)
Re: Alternate Head for Reveal the Shield G2 Optimus Prime (1171577)
Posted by Shadowstream on January 20th, 2011 @ 3:52am CST
T-Macksimus wrote:Has anyone bothered to entertain the notion that not all of these are getting recycled and that this may, in fact, just be a really crappy drawing/rendition of a head sculpt that had too much detail to be accurately rendered?


I said the exact same thing when we first saw pics of a possible alternate head for the Tomahawk mold, and have yet to see anything followed up on that.
Vicalliose wrote:*ahem* I did not expect that. I can only suspect that the designers did this just to fool around with us. Lets see what the residence of know about this head... No clues... What the slag? :-?

Or this. I don't believe hasblow is above doing this kind of thing to it's fanbase just to see what we speculate.
This head reminds me of... something. I just cannot put my finger on it. It looks almost exactly like something I've seen but I just can't pull it out of my skull. :BANG_HEAD:

Any generic Bayformer ever? Knowing how the movie line is lingering ahead of us, perhaps this new head is linked more to the possibility of using it as a Dumb of the Moon toy release.

Primus Forbid...
Re: Alternate Head for Reveal the Shield G2 Optimus Prime (1171585)
Posted by Dai_Ceefax on January 20th, 2011 @ 4:27am CST
JelZe GoldRabbit wrote:To the people who think Optimus Primal, you have no idea how plasuible it actually sounds, all thanks to repurposing by the Japanese. In a Japanese piece of TF fiction, Optimus Primal actually had a G2 Laser Prime body for a while.

...though the regular RTS Laser Prime would be a better candidate for Primal, as the body you speak of was the Japanese Laser Prime reissue repurposed. Good point all the same though :D

Have we seen the instructions for Perceptor yet? I know that I''ve seen a few pics of carded figures floating around...
Re: Alternate Head for Reveal the Shield G2 Optimus Prime (1171590)
Posted by griftimus prime on January 20th, 2011 @ 4:34am CST
not interested.

i just want prime thanks.
Re: Alternate Head for Reveal the Shield G2 Optimus Prime (1171592)
Posted by Vicalliose on January 20th, 2011 @ 4:39am CST
I've figured it out! In the front view picture it has an uncanny resemblance to striker/saberback.
The angled view picture totally throws me off though. It looks like some generic prime head, but not enough so, and chances are that its probably just some other obscure character where only a random dude who actually likes this character will have to chime in and point it out. It simply looks nothing like what any of you guys have suggested. Not to me anyway.
Re: Alternate Head for Reveal the Shield G2 Optimus Prime (1171597)
Posted by Jelze Bunnycat on January 20th, 2011 @ 5:03am CST
Dai_Ceefax wrote:Have we seen the instructions for Perceptor yet? I know that I''ve seen a few pics of carded figures floating around...

Perceptor will be retooled into Reflector, confirmed by Hasbro. My guess is he'll be based on the three look-a-like components/generics in the cartoon, and not on the original toys of Spectro, Spyglass and Viewfinder. I still can't remember which name goes to which component :BANG_HEAD:
Re: Alternate Head for Reveal the Shield G2 Optimus Prime (1171600)
Posted by cannonfodder4000 on January 20th, 2011 @ 5:12am CST
JelZe GoldRabbit wrote:I highly doubt Hasbro would do Motormaster and a Nemesis Prime at the same time, since they share a common palette of grey and black colors. Besides, the "Motormaster" trademark has been lost for years, but given the chance we'll get a "Menasor".

Personally, if i where in Hasbro's place, I would just call him Motormeister and be done with it. >.>
Re: Alternate Head for Reveal the Shield G2 Optimus Prime (1171607)
Posted by Sodan-1 on January 20th, 2011 @ 6:08am CST
I dunno! I'll be surprised if it's another Optimus as that'll be kind of lame. OK,so maybe I won't be suruprised, just disappointed. I am, however, surprised that Hasbro are giving this figure a new head at all. They could have kept the mold, slapped on some black and we'd all have been very happy with that. I'd love to know their thought process.

My money is on a Motormaster named Menasor (although I don't really want that).
Re: Alternate Head for Reveal the Shield G2 Optimus Prime (1171625)
Posted by Cliffjumper Prime on January 20th, 2011 @ 7:41am CST
looks very Ultra Magnus-y... but I'm gonna go out on a limb and say we might be getting our first sentinel Prime (or zeta prime) figure.
Re: Alternate Head for Reveal the Shield G2 Optimus Prime (1171645)
Posted by Wasp-shot23 on January 20th, 2011 @ 8:23am CST
or sentinel prime.
cos i know somewhere along the road we were scheduled for these 2.
Re: Alternate Head for Reveal the Shield G2 Optimus Prime (1171649)
Posted by kirbenvost on January 20th, 2011 @ 8:36am CST
Weird. I guess Ultra Magnus would make sense. Who knows, I guess we'll see.
Re: Alternate Head for Reveal the Shield G2 Optimus Prime (1171678)
Posted by NatsumeRyu on January 20th, 2011 @ 9:39am CST
I'll be with one of the other four or five who mentioned Zeta Prime. WfC Zeta that is.
While it's not a perfect fit, that is what first came to mind. Possibly because it's so fresh in my thoughts.

After reading all the other comments and checking out posted images of other chracters, I would agree that plenty of other characters are more feasible than Zeta though. Especially since it'd be weird to get an earth mode zeta.... o.O 8-}
Re: Alternate Head for Reveal the Shield G2 Optimus Prime (1171683)
Posted by Cliffjumper Prime on January 20th, 2011 @ 9:46am CST
upon closer inspection, I'm fairly convinced this is just a bad rendering of the actual G2 prime head. :-?
Re: Alternate Head for Reveal the Shield G2 Optimus Prime (1171687)
Posted by Dai_Ceefax on January 20th, 2011 @ 9:50am CST
JelZe GoldRabbit wrote:Perceptor will be retooled into Reflector, confirmed by Hasbro. My guess is he'll be based on the three look-a-like components/generics in the cartoon, and not on the original toys of Spectro, Spyglass and Viewfinder. I still can't remember which name goes to which component :BANG_HEAD:

Yeah, I remember the news from Botcon (was it that long ago and still no pics?), I'd just like to see the new headsculpt TBH. I think you're right about the probable source material being the G1 character model, I was thinking the same thing - plus it's a much more practical way of homaging the three bots in one figure (I wonder how many people'll buy three?)

Oh, and Viewfinder was the central component, Spectro had the button and Spyglass held up the flashbulb! :D
Re: Alternate Head for Reveal the Shield G2 Optimus Prime (1171725)
Posted by OlivusPrime on January 20th, 2011 @ 11:32am CST
Nothing springs to mind looking at this, but a Motormaster would be awesome, to complete my neo-G1 Stunticon team. TBH a lot of possibilites would be cool - a RID Scourge has been highly anticipated and it would be good to finally see a cartoon-style Ultra Magnus.
Re: Alternate Head for Reveal the Shield G2 Optimus Prime (1171727)
Posted by Rodimus Minor on January 20th, 2011 @ 11:40am CST
I have feeling that head is for the Nemesis Prime repaint if they make it
Re: Alternate Head for Reveal the Shield G2 Optimus Prime (1171777)
Posted by Windsweeper on January 20th, 2011 @ 2:16pm CST
That alternate head just screams Protoform Movie Prime to me. Maybe they just want another Movie Prime.

Motormaster would be cool though I'm disappointed Hasbro never repainted RID Ultra Magnus as him or that FP didn't do trailer armour to convert Nemesis Prime to Motormaster.

Zeta Prime would be nice as I always like new Primes. With the likes of Straxus and Mindset getting toys, how come we never got a proper G1 Sentinel Prime? A repaint of Energon Landmine would do.
Re: Alternate Head for Reveal the Shield G2 Optimus Prime (1171797)
Posted by T-Macksimus on January 20th, 2011 @ 3:23pm CST
Vicalliose wrote:I've figured it out! In the front view picture it has an uncanny resemblance to striker/saberback.
The angled view picture totally throws me off though. It looks like some generic prime head, but not enough so, and chances are that its probably just some other obscure character where only a random dude who actually likes this character will have to chime in and point it out. It simply looks nothing like what any of you guys have suggested. Not to me anyway.

OMG...Thank You for digging this picture up! I was having the same issue you were with that one view reminding me of something else and it was just bugging the hell out of me. For a while I was thinking the illicit substances from my youth were coming back to play havoc with my brain. (that may yet be the case so let's not rule it out)
I still, however, maintain that everybody is reading entirely too much into the picture and that there is nothing in it to indicate that we are getting a reuse of this mold. But if I do have to side with anyone on what it gets recycled into, I'm in Amelie's camp. The micromasters of old just aren't getting enough love these days. :P
Re: Alternate Head for Reveal the Shield G2 Optimus Prime (1171829)
Posted by Blozor on January 20th, 2011 @ 5:36pm CST
I want to throw in my continuing support of a Motormaster, simply for the fact that we really have never had a Motormaster who could stand head-to-head with Prime in either robot or alternate mode. ESPECIALLY not alternate mode. G2 Prime retooled as Motormaster would make a decent adversary to Classics Prime. The FP Menasor trailer is a stroke of genius.

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