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"Beast Hunters" Starscream Revealed

Transformers News: "Beast Hunters" Starscream Revealed

Monday, January 7th, 2013 4:22AM CST

Category: Toy News
Posted by: Blurrz   Views: 34,843

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Almost every Transformers: Prime character look to be waving the Beast Hunters banner in 2013, and from the bottom packaging of the recently revealed Beast Hunters Bulkhead and Smokescreen, comes a new Beast Hunters figure, Starscream! Although the first wave of Beast Hunters Deluxes all featured retooled First Edition or Robots In Disguise figures, the stock picture provided makes it unclear whether or not the First Edition mold is retooled for Beast Hunters Starscream. Either way, Starscream has a new look! Check it out below.

"Beast Hunters" Starscream Revealed

"Beast Hunters" Starscream Revealed

"Beast Hunters" Starscream Revealed

(Courtesy of

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Re: "Beast Hunters" Starscream Revealed (1452702)
Posted by Mykltron on January 7th, 2013 @ 4:29am CST
Pass without a second thought. I hope they aren't making all these changes to the on screen characters.
Re: "Beast Hunters" Starscream Revealed (1452708)
Posted by TheEvilProfessor on January 7th, 2013 @ 4:56am CST
Think this is going to be a pass for me. I'm pretty happy with the Starscream I have already. Extra pointy bits aren't terribly exciting.
Re: "Beast Hunters" Starscream Revealed (1452709)
Posted by CBratetron on January 7th, 2013 @ 4:58am CST
Distributed in Australia by Hasbro Australia Ltd....?
Now that's just teasing. I haven't seen anything new for TFPrime since the Arcee and Ratchet wave.
Re: "Beast Hunters" Starscream Revealed (1452710)
Posted by King Kuuga on January 7th, 2013 @ 5:08am CST
Blurrz wrote:Although the first wave of Beast Hunters Deluxes all featured retooled First Edition or Robots In Disguise figures

Hold it right there. The first wave consists of three RID retools and one original mold. No FEs.
, the stock picture provided makes it unclear whether or not the First Edition mold is retooled for Beast Hunters Starscream.

That is most definitely a new mold. FE Starscream had very thin limbs, this guy is shorter and squatter. The hips are further apart, the head is higher, and this figure has ball-jointed elbows. So this is almost certainly figure 005. Which gives us:
001: Bumblebee
002: Wheeljack
003: Soundwave
004: Lazerback
005: Starscream
006: Ripclaw
007: Bulkhead
008: Smokescreen
So the question in my mind is whether Bulkhead and Smokescreen are wave 2 or 3.
Re: "Beast Hunters" Starscream Revealed (1452711)
Posted by Jelze Bunnycat on January 7th, 2013 @ 5:08am CST
And there we have the missing nr. 005. :D
Re: "Beast Hunters" Starscream Revealed (1452719)
Posted by Henry921 on January 7th, 2013 @ 5:34am CST
It doesn't look great compared to the FE mold, but I actually like this redesign and would love a Starscream more in scale with Soundwave. Looks like I'm getting all four of these guys.
Re: "Beast Hunters" Starscream Revealed (1452720)
Posted by Sinnertwin on January 7th, 2013 @ 5:39am CST
Ripclaw's still the only one that appeals to me.
Re: "Beast Hunters" Starscream Revealed (1452724)
Posted by Mindmaster on January 7th, 2013 @ 6:01am CST
I totally called this. >:oP

Not sure if I want or not. I'll wait until we see clearer images before I make a decision.
Re: "Beast Hunters" Starscream Revealed (1452726)
Posted by Arctorro on January 7th, 2013 @ 6:14am CST
Easy pass.
Re: "Beast Hunters" Starscream Revealed (1452730)
Posted by NovaSentinel on January 7th, 2013 @ 6:25am CST
So it looks like Hasbro finally gave screamer his red headcrest...shame it's on the figure that needs it the least #-o
Re: "Beast Hunters" Starscream Revealed (1452731)
Posted by griftimus prime on January 7th, 2013 @ 6:30am CST
the onscreen guys must look like this. otherwise. why the hell does the toy line look like this?
Re: "Beast Hunters" Starscream Revealed (1452732)
Posted by Trikeboy on January 7th, 2013 @ 6:33am CST
I can't say anything nice so I'm keeping my mouth shut. Hasbro are losing my money.
Re: "Beast Hunters" Starscream Revealed (1452740)
Posted by dragons on January 7th, 2013 @ 7:35am CST
cant wait to see his jet hehe i enjoy show if bots go upgrade in season 3 i wont like new looks but still watch episdoes
Re: "Beast Hunters" Starscream Revealed (1452742)
Posted by Xephon0930 on January 7th, 2013 @ 7:57am CST
The only thing about this I'm somewhat excited about is an actual mold for Smokescreen. Even extra crap on him is a slap to my face. Why is it that an awesome series have such a crappy toyline?
Re: "Beast Hunters" Starscream Revealed (1452744)
Posted by AutoBorst on January 7th, 2013 @ 8:20am CST
Wow, this series looks truly terrible. It's like Transformers Gen2 and Beast Machines had sex and this is their offspring.

I'm starting to wonder if Hasbro needs to give their TF brand a long needed break so they can try again at a later time when they have an actual good idea for this series. Transformers hasn't been worth collecting since Binaltech/Alternators.
Re: "Beast Hunters" Starscream Revealed (1452749)
Posted by kirbenvost on January 7th, 2013 @ 8:51am CST
Looks like a new mold to me. The hip and wing placement seems different from the FE.

But it's another easy pass for me. 2 out of 8 figures revealed in this line so far are only maybes. I'm definitely going to be saving some money this year.
Re: "Beast Hunters" Starscream Revealed (1452751)
Posted by njb902 on January 7th, 2013 @ 8:55am CST
Why oh why do we keep getting stupid weapons.
Re: "Beast Hunters" Starscream Revealed (1452755)
Posted by Jelze Bunnycat on January 7th, 2013 @ 8:59am CST
njb902 wrote:Why oh why do we keep getting stupid weapons.

Because the kids (should) love them! :DANCE:
Re: "Beast Hunters" Starscream Revealed (1452756)
Posted by Rated X on January 7th, 2013 @ 9:08am CST
Beast Hunters seems to be destined to fail. The whole "beast" concept wasnt liked by everyone back in the 1990's. I think bringing it back will slow down the momentum of the TF franchise.
Re: "Beast Hunters" Starscream Revealed (1452758)
Posted by UltraPrimal on January 7th, 2013 @ 9:20am CST
Would have to see better picks, but looks Starscream would make a halfway decent Terrorsaur repaint. Also, he comes with Inferno's gun for some reason.
Re: "Beast Hunters" Starscream Revealed (1452761)
Posted by Gorechyld on January 7th, 2013 @ 9:29am CST
Dear Hasbro design team, thank you for unwittingly saving me a whole lot of money with this crappy, gimmick filled, huge abomination of a series/toy line. You give me and plenty of others great reason to give our money to third party developers who actually make TF's that spark our interests. :grin:
Re: "Beast Hunters" Starscream Revealed (1452766)
Posted by gothsaurus on January 7th, 2013 @ 9:44am CST
Yeah, it's sad that the most serious and well-done cartoon we've ever had has to go this direction. (ie. more aimed at kids) I'm really hoping the show can hold its momentum and tone while feathering in a few beast characters. That's going to be tough seeing the toys and characters. I'm heavily invested in these classic characters and voices... won't be the case with a bunch of new monster characters.

I think best case scenario, the show has a few one-off shows where they catch or kill some random baddie Predacon by the end of the show... and any other permanent characters added are along the lines of Grimlock, other dinobots, or insecticons. I wouldn't mind a Ravage, either. But if the show just turns into a sudden animal circus... or medieval festival o' dragons... then I'm going to be the first to call it "jumping the shark" at end of season two. #-o

Here's hoping that's not the case.
Re: "Beast Hunters" Starscream Revealed (1452769)
Posted by King Kuuga on January 7th, 2013 @ 9:57am CST
Rated X wrote:Beast Hunters seems to be destined to fail. The whole "beast" concept wasnt liked by everyone back in the 1990's. I think bringing it back will slow down the momentum of the TF franchise.

I don't think a single iteration of Transformers has been "liked by everyone," so that's an empty statement. Beast Wars saved the franchise, after all. And let me say, if my kid self from 1996 got transported to the present day, I would gobble Beast Hunters up. I think it'll do fine.
Re: "Beast Hunters" Starscream Revealed (1452772)
Posted by gothsaurus on January 7th, 2013 @ 10:05am CST
Yeah, I think the toys will sell fine... but I think CHANGING a show from fairly G1 in nature INTO a beast wars show midstream is a huge mistake. That's why I hope it's done very carefully and delicately. I hope the show characters retain their original designs. I think that one thing would help a lot in maintaining the look and style established so far.

I suppose it's at LEAST a step. I think Hasbro/Takara learned you can't put out three movies (or three seasons) of the same show with the same identical toys. At least we're getting SOME sort of change/upgrade. LOL. Not sure why they can't do a nice color swap like the car brothers in RID. It didn't bother me getting that blue flaming car in red, or the police car Prowl in two colors, etc. Those looked great both ways.

Aaaand, I wish they'd just make Bee talk. I think that would keep him from getting sidelined like he has been by Smokescreen. You can only do so much with an R2D2 character. You get an "awww cute"... and then where do you go from there?
Re: "Beast Hunters" Starscream Revealed (1452774)
Posted by Doubledealer93 on January 7th, 2013 @ 10:09am CST
holy hell how ugly! pass. hope the show models dont look like this.
Re: "Beast Hunters" Starscream Revealed (1452775)
Posted by PrymeStriker on January 7th, 2013 @ 10:09am CST
Looks good, but picking up characters that have already been released isn't on the top of my list. >:oP
Re: "Beast Hunters" Starscream Revealed (1452778)
Posted by gothsaurus on January 7th, 2013 @ 10:17am CST
Doubledealer93 wrote:holy hell how ugly! pass. hope the show models dont look like this.

I don't think you're allowed a vote on what's ugly... with that sig pic. :grin:
Re: "Beast Hunters" Starscream Revealed (1452780)
Posted by PrymeStriker on January 7th, 2013 @ 10:19am CST
gothsaurus wrote:
Doubledealer93 wrote:holy hell how ugly! pass. hope the show models dont look like this.

I don't think you're allowed a vote on what's ugly... with that sig pic. :grin:

Oh. Snap.
Re: "Beast Hunters" Starscream Revealed (1452784)
Posted by Doubledealer93 on January 7th, 2013 @ 10:26am CST
PrymeStriker wrote:
gothsaurus wrote:
Doubledealer93 wrote:holy hell how ugly! pass. hope the show models dont look like this.

I don't think you're allowed a vote on what's ugly... with that sig pic. :grin:

Oh. Snap.

not sure i follow. but from what im gathering you are calling my photo uglier than this starscream toy. and i was not voting on whats ugly, i was stating my opinion on a toy that i think is ugly.
Re: "Beast Hunters" Starscream Revealed (1452790)
Posted by gothsaurus on January 7th, 2013 @ 10:56am CST
Hey again. I'm TOTALLY just kidding. :-D I actually completely agree with you.

Mind you, I also think that Wheeljack retool is pretty wacky looking, though I picked him up. He looks like a Scooby Doo villain.
Re: "Beast Hunters" Starscream Revealed (1452792)
Posted by Mindmaster on January 7th, 2013 @ 11:05am CST
PrymeStriker wrote:
gothsaurus wrote:
Doubledealer93 wrote:holy hell how ugly! pass. hope the show models dont look like this.

I don't think you're allowed a vote on what's ugly... with that sig pic. :grin:

Oh. Snap.

Need some ice for that burn? 8-}

I actually really like his signature. Optimus, Sunstreaker, and Jazz dancing disco style? Cookie for you, sir! :APPLAUSE:

UltraPrimal wrote:Would have to see better picks, but looks Starscream would make a halfway decent Terrorsaur repaint. Also, he comes with Inferno's gun for some reason.

That's what I thought when I first saw him. He'd make a pretty good Prime/Classics Terrorsaur in my eyes. Didn't notice the similarity to Beast Wars Inferno's weapon until you brought it up.
Re: "Beast Hunters" Starscream Revealed (1452795)
Posted by gothsaurus on January 7th, 2013 @ 11:22am CST
Oh. No, I was talking about his avatar of Dead End's monster face.
Re: "Beast Hunters" Starscream Revealed (1452799)
Posted by PrymeStriker on January 7th, 2013 @ 11:30am CST
gothsaurus wrote:Oh. No, I was talking about his avatar of Dead End's monster face.

That would be his avatar, not his sig pic.
Re: "Beast Hunters" Starscream Revealed (1452800)
Posted by Fires_Of_Inferno on January 7th, 2013 @ 11:32am CST
Um, guys? We already saw the animation model for Starscream and Soundwave for the Beast Hunters season. They looked nothing like their Beast Hunters figures and exactly like their 1st/2nd season selves. I don't see why people are getting bent out of shape about it.
Re: "Beast Hunters" Starscream Revealed (1452801)
Posted by PrymeStriker on January 7th, 2013 @ 11:33am CST
Fires_Of_Inferno wrote:Um, guys? We already saw the animation model for Starscream and Soundwave for the Beast Hunters season. They looked nothing like their Beast Hunters figures and exactly like their 1st/2nd season selves. I don't see why people are getting bent out of shape about it.

But that's probably one of the first scenes of the season. They don't need to upgrade right away for no reason. >:oP
Re: "Beast Hunters" Starscream Revealed (1452803)
Posted by Gearslide on January 7th, 2013 @ 11:34am CST
Hello Prime Acid Storm!
Re: "Beast Hunters" Starscream Revealed (1452806)
Posted by Doubledealer93 on January 7th, 2013 @ 11:43am CST
Gearslide wrote:Hello Prime Acid Storm!

i would love the hell out of that repaint. or if it were skywarp or thundercracker
Re: "Beast Hunters" Starscream Revealed (1452809)
Posted by Gearslide on January 7th, 2013 @ 11:45am CST
Also, doesn't this mean that Wave 2 is entirely new molds? Not bad considering Wave 1 had 3/4 retools of old molds.
Re: "Beast Hunters" Starscream Revealed (1452810)
Posted by gothsaurus on January 7th, 2013 @ 11:50am CST
True there. I'd love to get a full line of seekers before we start seeing moar Starscream repaints/retools.

What have we seen stateside? (I tend to get mixed up with all the waves of Hasbro and Takara bots flying past.)

Seems like we've had a couple Starscreams in the main line, but no TC or Skywarp... and Takara has seen Starscream in both sizes, plus AM Skywarp and AM Thundercracker.

Anyone able to confirm or deny?
Re: "Beast Hunters" Starscream Revealed (1452813)
Posted by Gearslide on January 7th, 2013 @ 12:00pm CST
gothsaurus wrote:True there. I'd love to get a full line of seekers before we start seeing moar Starscream repaints/retools.

What have we seen stateside? (I tend to get mixed up with all the waves of Hasbro and Takara bots flying past.)

Seems like we've had a couple Starscreams in the main line, but no TC or Skywarp... and Takara has seen Starscream in both sizes, plus AM Skywarp and AM Thundercracker.

Anyone able to confirm or deny?

Name wise, we've only seen Starscream in the Hasbro line. However, "Dark Energon Starscream" highly resembles Skywarp.
Re: "Beast Hunters" Starscream Revealed (1452816)
Posted by PrymeStriker on January 7th, 2013 @ 12:03pm CST
gothsaurus wrote:Seems like we've had a couple Starscreams in the main line, but no TC or Skywarp... and Takara has seen Starscream in both sizes, plus AM Skywarp and AM Thundercracker.

Anyone able to confirm or deny?

No stateside Thundercrackers or Skywarps; that's all in Japan. Here in the U.S, we have:

    * First Edition Deluxe Starscream
    * Cyberverse Commander Starscream
    * PRiD Voyager Starscream
    * Dark Energon Deluxe Starscream
    * Beast Hunters Deluxe Starscream
Re: "Beast Hunters" Starscream Revealed (1452833)
Posted by Sabrblade on January 7th, 2013 @ 12:58pm CST
Boy, based on this thread, I feel like adding Beast Hunters to the TFWiki "Ruined FOREVER" page. :roll:

It's like the early-to-mid 90's all over again. I'm surprised no one's yelled "TRUKK NOT MUNKY" or something derogatory to that ring yet. [-(

As for this Starscream, if he gets that new body in the show, SOLD! =P~
Re: "Beast Hunters" Starscream Revealed (1452847)
Posted by Megatronsdemise666 on January 7th, 2013 @ 1:46pm CST
He looks cool and I like it more than his normal design.

But why those colors :/

It look so much better with show accurate colors
Re: "Beast Hunters" Starscream Revealed (1452868)
Posted by Evil Eye on January 7th, 2013 @ 3:16pm CST
Hmm. I don't watch the cartoon so accuracy is not really important to me, as I'd probably use them as different characters anyway (I have my own personal continuity that changes according to my collection). Smokescreen looks good, and I love the crossbow, it's really nice to see Transformers returning to the days where all the characters have their own, universally compatible weapons. Ripclaw is meh, I need to see what he turns into before I pass judgement. Bulkhead looks cool, especially his buzzsaw weapon. Starscream looks like he'd make a great drone or army builder, I don't know why, he just has a cool, mass produced look about him.

In honesty though I wouldn't buy any of them straight from the store, like I did with Unit 01-sorry, Soundwave, who really grabbed me. I'm probably gonna conserve my cash and get some more Figmas or the Soul of Chogokin SPEC Evangelion figures.

Also, who else would like to see a reboot of the Transformers Revoltech line? I demand a Revoltech Devastator!
Re: "Beast Hunters" Starscream Revealed (1452871)
Posted by King Kuuga on January 7th, 2013 @ 3:25pm CST
Delta Magnus wrote:Ripclaw is meh, I need to see what he turns into before I pass judgement..

Re: "Beast Hunters" Starscream Revealed (1452872)
Posted by Blurrz on January 7th, 2013 @ 3:29pm CST
Dragongirl is a she. :D
Re: "Beast Hunters" Starscream Revealed (1452880)
Posted by Evil Eye on January 7th, 2013 @ 4:13pm CST
That Bot wrote:
Delta Magnus wrote:Ripclaw is meh, I need to see what he turns into before I pass judgement..


Oh sweet Primus that is terrible. The rear Beast Mode legs really kill it for me. They just look like his regular legs but hideously contorted. And not good hideous, like the Mass Production Evangelion Series. Bad hideous, like the G1 Ironhide figure.

And as for that paintjob...EURGH.

The tail and the claw weapon are cool though. I might get it on the secondary market for conversions.
Re: "Beast Hunters" Starscream Revealed (1452882)
Posted by Rated X on January 7th, 2013 @ 4:18pm CST
That Bot wrote:
Rated X wrote:Beast Hunters seems to be destined to fail. The whole "beast" concept wasnt liked by everyone back in the 1990's. I think bringing it back will slow down the momentum of the TF franchise.

I don't think a single iteration of Transformers has been "liked by everyone," so that's an empty statement. Beast Wars saved the franchise, after all. And let me say, if my kid self from 1996 got transported to the present day, I would gobble Beast Hunters up. I think it'll do fine.

I think the TF franchise is running off of the momentum created by the Michael Bay movies. TF Prime seems to be very influenced by the Bay movies. (Optimus's aesthetics, Arcee being a blue motercycle, Bumblebee's missing voice, etc) With this being said, I dont think todays kids will embrace the change. I wasnt collecting in the 90's but I did see a few episodes of Beast Wars when they were brand new and I didnt like it. I was like "this aint Transformers, WTF is this ?" I could see kids thinking along these lines, especially with TF4 in the works. This will get phased out as quick as animated...
Re: "Beast Hunters" Starscream Revealed (1452924)
Posted by SKYWARPED_128 on January 7th, 2013 @ 6:37pm CST
Looks like a weird variation of Yoshimitsu from the Tekken games. Pass.

I'll probably be enjoying the show, but doubt I'll be touching any of the toys.
Re: "Beast Hunters" Starscream Revealed (1452925)
Posted by Gundamu on January 7th, 2013 @ 6:44pm CST
Gonna need to see clearer pics before I know if want. :-?

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