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Burger King Kids Meal Transformers DOTM Flip-Outs

Transformers News: Burger King Kids Meal Transformers DOTM Flip-Outs

Monday, June 20th, 2011 10:39AM CDT

Categories: Movie Related News, Toy News
Posted by: El Duque   Views: 48,639

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Club BK has been updated with images and info on their Transformers DOTM Flip-Out toys that will come in their BK Kids Meals. These are basically large heads with flip-out bodies stored inside. In addition to the flip-out feature each figure also has a gimmick, see images and description below.








Credit(s): robofreak, Burger King

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Re: Burger King Kids Meal Transformers DOTM Flip-Outs (1243421)
Posted by gothsaurus on June 20th, 2011 @ 10:50am CDT
Soundwave's gimmick is apparently being covered with puss-filled green boils all over the expanse of his body. :SICK:
Re: Burger King Kids Meal Transformers DOTM Flip-Outs (1243423)
Posted by GuyIncognito on June 20th, 2011 @ 10:52am CDT
Pretty lame, but I kinda want the Shockwave one.
Re: Burger King Kids Meal Transformers DOTM Flip-Outs (1243424)
Posted by gothsaurus on June 20th, 2011 @ 10:53am CDT
Starscream is... just... waking up. Needs his morning coffee. :lol:
Re: Burger King Kids Meal Transformers DOTM Flip-Outs (1243425)
Posted by CrimsonPrime on June 20th, 2011 @ 10:55am CDT
Here's my thoughts on each figure...

Optimus : His head looks fairly nice and detailed for a kid's figure.And the Autobot symbol on the middle of his chest is a nice touch.

Bumblebee : Again a nice headsculpt,atleast better than Deluxe Cannon BB. His body looks fairly well proportioned.

Ironhide : The head looks "okay"...But the round thingie on either side of his head(his ears maybe >.<?) looks weird. The body...Meh.

Ratchet : A glow in the dark Ratchet...His head looks horrible but that's just mainly cause the CGI head sucks...

Megatron : I actually kinda like the head. It's not too big and the body looks kinda G1 Megatron-ish.Again...Just "-ish".

Starscream : MY GOD !!! His head looks so damn big and HORRIFIC !!! His body is a meh.

Soundwave : The best headsculpt out of all the BK TF IMO. But he looks like a prototype with that bland white colour all over him.

Shockwave : Hate the lavender purple colour >.<. If it were darker purple,that would look nice.His body looks like a bunch of wires coiling around each other but the head looks kinda nice :D.

Heh look at me...Just mere kid's toys and I actually give each one an opinion X_X...Well I think the best is Soundwave. His head is awesome :D.
Re: Burger King Kids Meal Transformers DOTM Flip-Outs (1243437)
Posted by starwarrior1227 on June 20th, 2011 @ 11:05am CDT
gothsaurus wrote:Starscream is... just... waking up. Needs his morning coffee. :lol:

i think that is an expresion given when one hears someone saying something way too expected.

and if i am wrong at least he will wake up inside BK to enjoi a "joe" :D
Re: Burger King Kids Meal Transformers DOTM Flip-Outs (1243442)
Posted by starwarrior1227 on June 20th, 2011 @ 11:12am CDT
"push the button on megatron's chest to hear an awesome sound!"

define "awesome sound" (sorry sick mind)

and before a quote is made YES I KNOW IT IS PROBABLY A GUN FIRING!!!
Re: Burger King Kids Meal Transformers DOTM Flip-Outs (1243447)
Posted by Midnight_Fox on June 20th, 2011 @ 11:14am CDT
The only one I could see myself wanting is Soundwave.
Re: Burger King Kids Meal Transformers DOTM Flip-Outs (1243451)
Posted by _I_Am_Megatron_ on June 20th, 2011 @ 11:18am CDT
I wonder what's under the heads?
Re: Burger King Kids Meal Transformers DOTM Flip-Outs (1243452)
Posted by starwarrior1227 on June 20th, 2011 @ 11:21am CDT
Midnight_Fox wrote:
starwarrior1227 wrote:
CrimsonPrime wrote:
starwarrior1227 wrote:that's...... gay.

i would chop off the bodies and take the heads and put them all on sticks, then reenact
"Prime of the Flies"


"Gay"...Define gay? I'm just surprise that you would see "gay" in a kid's toys...Shame on you...

''gay: completely stupid.'' sorry teen speaking

Way to be exceedingly offensive and insensitive on a public forum.

The only one I could see myself wanting is Soundwave.

i apologize to anyone offended, i am sincerely sorry. :-(
Re: Burger King Kids Meal Transformers DOTM Flip-Outs (1243458)
Posted by Ravage XK on June 20th, 2011 @ 11:30am CDT
Why is the projected Decepticon symbol red?
Re: Burger King Kids Meal Transformers DOTM Flip-Outs (1243460)
Posted by gothsaurus on June 20th, 2011 @ 11:31am CDT
Nice of you to apologize. It's tough when words are so deeply embedded into our slang.
Re: Burger King Kids Meal Transformers DOTM Flip-Outs (1243467)
Posted by Starscream's Girl on June 20th, 2011 @ 11:43am CDT
Now that I've seen them, I....must...have!! I want them, all of them!! I like Prime and Bee the best, and a glow in the dark Soundwave would be cool to have. So I'm taking this is going on now then? I so want to go to BK now.
Re: Burger King Kids Meal Transformers DOTM Flip-Outs (1243469)
Posted by robofreak on June 20th, 2011 @ 11:45am CDT
Hey Prime and Megatron are available still. I'm going to BK today as they got their next shipment in.

We will see 2 new ones today and 2 more will be released on Thursday. (It's fun to learn the shipping schedule)
Re: Burger King Kids Meal Transformers DOTM Flip-Outs (1243470)
Posted by gothsaurus on June 20th, 2011 @ 11:46am CDT
Okay, I'll excuse the green globules since they glow in the dark. :grin:
Re: Burger King Kids Meal Transformers DOTM Flip-Outs (1243478)
Posted by D-340 on June 20th, 2011 @ 11:59am CDT
robofreak wrote:Hey Prime and Megatron are available still. I'm going to BK today as they got their next shipment in.

We will see 2 new ones today and 2 more will be released on Thursday. (It's fun to learn the shipping schedule)

BUGGGGGAHHHHHH WHA!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! The BK's out my way don't have 'em yet. UUUURRRRRGGGGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! :-x :-x :-x :-x :-x :-x I want!
Re: Burger King Kids Meal Transformers DOTM Flip-Outs (1243504)
Posted by cannonfodder4000 on June 20th, 2011 @ 12:22pm CDT
I mainly want Shockwave, he just looks really unimpressed something :lol:, would have been nice if they could have used more than two colors for him, but whatever.
Re: Burger King Kids Meal Transformers DOTM Flip-Outs (1243527)
Posted by Midnight_Fox on June 20th, 2011 @ 12:42pm CDT
starwarrior1227 wrote:
i apologize to anyone offended, i am sincerely sorry. :-(

It's cool. At least you're willing to apologize(and hopefully be more aware of it in the future), which is more than most people do when it's pointed out.

In all honesty, thanks for being mature about it instead of getting defensive.
Re: Burger King Kids Meal Transformers DOTM Flip-Outs (1243538)
Posted by Mindmaster on June 20th, 2011 @ 1:00pm CDT
Shockwave looks like someone poured a boat-load of lemon juice in his eye. :lol:
Re: Burger King Kids Meal Transformers DOTM Flip-Outs (1243539)
Posted by Megatron Wolf on June 20th, 2011 @ 1:00pm CDT
i have to admit these are better than the ROTF toys. Only one i want is optimus since hes the only one that looks ok, soundwave is a maybe just because hes soundwave but he looks like crap. McDonalds needs to be given the the rights to do the toys again cause every time they have the toys were pretty good for happy meal toys, BKs have always sucked.
Re: Burger King Kids Meal Transformers DOTM Flip-Outs (1243550)
Posted by Marcdachamp on June 20th, 2011 @ 1:14pm CDT
Are these already out? I want Prime, Shockwave and Soundwave! They're awesome!
Re: Burger King Kids Meal Transformers DOTM Flip-Outs (1243558)
Posted by Midnight_Fox on June 20th, 2011 @ 1:32pm CDT
Marcdachamp wrote:Are these already out? I want Prime, Shockwave and Soundwave! They're awesome!

Yes, they are out. Was just at Burger King and they had Optimus and Megatron.
Re: Burger King Kids Meal Transformers DOTM Flip-Outs (1243563)
Posted by Marcdachamp on June 20th, 2011 @ 1:37pm CDT
Midnight_Fox wrote:
Marcdachamp wrote:Are these already out? I want Prime, Shockwave and Soundwave! They're awesome!

Yes, they are out. Was just at Burger King and they had Optimus and Megatron.

Woo-hoo! Thanks!
Re: Burger King Kids Meal Transformers DOTM Flip-Outs (1243581)
Posted by _I_Am_Megatron_ on June 20th, 2011 @ 2:14pm CDT
But what's under the heads?
Re: Burger King Kids Meal Transformers DOTM Flip-Outs (1243600)
Posted by starscreamreturns on June 20th, 2011 @ 3:02pm CDT
I don't eat fast food often anyways which is good because most fast food restaurants are :SICK:
Re: Burger King Kids Meal Transformers DOTM Flip-Outs (1243602)
Posted by starscreamreturns on June 20th, 2011 @ 3:03pm CDT
gothsaurus wrote:Starscream is... just... waking up. Needs his morning coffee. :lol:

Hahahhahahaha :lol:
Re: Burger King Kids Meal Transformers DOTM Flip-Outs (1243624)
Posted by _I_Am_Megatron_ on June 20th, 2011 @ 3:47pm CDT
Ok I see, the body is under the head. *DUH*
Re: Burger King Kids Meal Transformers DOTM Flip-Outs (1243625)
Posted by BeastProwl on June 20th, 2011 @ 3:48pm CDT
these things look like an utter cry for help....
and what does starscream do that's so special?
oh, it says here that he does magic.
Re: Burger King Kids Meal Transformers DOTM Flip-Outs (1243631)
Posted by PrymeStriker on June 20th, 2011 @ 3:53pm CDT
Must have:
Optimus Prime

Must not have:
Re: Burger King Kids Meal Transformers DOTM Flip-Outs (1243811)
Posted by DJLazer on June 20th, 2011 @ 8:45pm CDT
Oh man these are cool! Especially shockwave and soundwave
Re: Burger King Kids Meal Transformers DOTM Flip-Outs (1243813)
Posted by DJLazer on June 20th, 2011 @ 8:47pm CDT
I also saw th burger king promo commercial right now
Re: Burger King Kids Meal Transformers DOTM Flip-Outs (1243842)
Posted by robofreak on June 20th, 2011 @ 9:47pm CDT
I picked up Starscream and Bumblebee today.

They have awesome gimmicks. Both BB and starscream can tuck their bodies into their heads. You can then hit a switch that will cause their body to pop out. It's kind of fun.

Now I'm waiting for the next shipment to arrive which is supposed to have Soundwave and Ratchet.
Re: Burger King Kids Meal Transformers DOTM Flip-Outs (1243846)
Posted by PrymeStriker on June 20th, 2011 @ 9:52pm CDT
robofreak wrote:I picked up Starscream and Bumblebee today.

They have awesome gimmicks. Both BB and starscream can tuck their bodies into their heads. You can then hit a switch that will cause their body to pop out. It's kind of fun.

Now I'm waiting for the next shipment to arrive which is supposed to have Soundwave and Ratchet.

My damn Burger King said that their toys were in the "Clean-up stage," meanwhile they had the Movie Ad, Toy-Kids Meal Ad, and Display up for viewing. Turbo Revin' Teasers :-x
Re: Burger King Kids Meal Transformers DOTM Flip-Outs (1243898)
Posted by Ultra Markus on June 20th, 2011 @ 11:20pm CDT
starwarrior1227 wrote:
Midnight_Fox wrote:
starwarrior1227 wrote:
CrimsonPrime wrote:
starwarrior1227 wrote:that's...... gay.

i would chop off the bodies and take the heads and put them all on sticks, then reenact
"Prime of the Flies"


"Gay"...Define gay? I'm just surprise that you would see "gay" in a kid's toys...Shame on you...

''gay: completely stupid.'' sorry teen speaking

Way to be exceedingly offensive and insensitive on a public forum.

The only one I could see myself wanting is Soundwave.

i apologize to anyone offended, i am sincerely sorry. :-(

I am not offended by that, i hear what your saying
the same as calling them lame (there kids toys there supposed to be)
those who are so sensitive to be offended by the slightest
misuse of a word is what i would call that
grow some backbone, we live in a world full duchbags
Re: Burger King Kids Meal Transformers DOTM Flip-Outs (1244872)
Posted by Starscream's Girl on June 22nd, 2011 @ 10:28am CDT
Well, I stopped by a BK on my way to work. Got Prime and Megs. Told the guy how I'm wanting to get all eight. He told me there shipments come in Monday and Thursday. He told me that when they get a new shipment of toys, which is usually Thurs, he will set aside the next two for me to pick up that day. This is so sweet for me!! Cause now I don't have to worry about going to all the BK's to see who they have. I came into work today very happy!!
Re: Burger King Kids Meal Transformers DOTM Flip-Outs (1244887)
Posted by Powersa on June 22nd, 2011 @ 10:57am CDT
Got my OP/Megs set this morning with kids meal.

Optimus comes with better paint job, larger head too.
Re: Burger King Kids Meal Transformers DOTM Flip-Outs (1244897)
Posted by Marcdachamp on June 22nd, 2011 @ 11:13am CDT
I got Megatron with the "transforming sound." Needless to say, he is awesome.
Re: Burger King Kids Meal Transformers DOTM Flip-Outs (1244923)
Posted by Starscream's Girl on June 22nd, 2011 @ 11:51am CDT
Everyone knows you don't have to buy a kids meal to get them, right? The toys alone are a buck a piece. At least here there are.
Re: Burger King Kids Meal Transformers DOTM Flip-Outs (1244990)
Posted by robofreak on June 22nd, 2011 @ 1:03pm CDT
Starscream's Girl wrote:Everyone knows you don't have to buy a kids meal to get them, right? The toys alone are a buck a piece. At least here there are.

Some BKs force you to buy a kids meal in order to get them.

Most generally let you buy them separately though, but I have seen it happen where they wanted you to buy the kids meal.
Re: Burger King Kids Meal Transformers DOTM Flip-Outs (1245000)
Posted by Starscream's Girl on June 22nd, 2011 @ 1:13pm CDT
robofreak wrote:
Starscream's Girl wrote:Everyone knows you don't have to buy a kids meal to get them, right? The toys alone are a buck a piece. At least here there are.

Some BKs force you to buy a kids meal in order to get them.

Most generally let you buy them separately though, but I have seen it happen where they wanted you to buy the kids meal.

Well, that sucks! I know here in Tampa I've never had to buy the meal to get the toy.

On a different note. I took out my toys and one thing disappoints me. You have to take their bodies out and I think it should have been done where you press a button on the head and the body comes down. Just my thought. But I can say that I love Prime! I love hearing Prime say his famous words and it's his true voice, not someone else.
Re: Burger King Kids Meal Transformers DOTM Flip-Outs (1245003)
Posted by Marcdachamp on June 22nd, 2011 @ 1:17pm CDT
The one by my work makes me buy a Kid's Meal to get the toy. When I asked if I could buy it seperate, they acted like this was an insane notion that no one had ever conceived of before.
Re: Burger King Kids Meal Transformers DOTM Flip-Outs (1245016)
Posted by robofreak on June 22nd, 2011 @ 1:25pm CDT
Starscream's Girl wrote:
On a different note. I took out my toys and one thing disappoints me. You have to take their bodies out and I think it should have been done where you press a button on the head and the body comes down. Just my thought. But I can say that I love Prime! I love hearing Prime say his famous words and it's his true voice, not someone else.

Then you'll be really happy when you get Starscream and Bumblebee cause they do exactly what you described. ;)
Re: Burger King Kids Meal Transformers DOTM Flip-Outs (1245032)
Posted by Starscream's Girl on June 22nd, 2011 @ 1:40pm CDT
robofreak wrote:
Starscream's Girl wrote:
On a different note. I took out my toys and one thing disappoints me. You have to take their bodies out and I think it should have been done where you press a button on the head and the body comes down. Just my thought. But I can say that I love Prime! I love hearing Prime say his famous words and it's his true voice, not someone else.

Then you'll be really happy when you get Starscream and Bumblebee cause they do exactly what you described. ;)

Cool! For some reason I thought they all did it. But I guess Bee's and Screamer's thing is just that then.
Re: Burger King Kids Meal Transformers DOTM Flip-Outs (1245036)
Posted by JBPrime on June 22nd, 2011 @ 1:42pm CDT
Went to my BK yesterday and they were already out of Optimus Prime, they had the box with him and Megs, and only had him.

Is there anyone who can help an autobot out?
Re: Burger King Kids Meal Transformers DOTM Flip-Outs (1245201)
Posted by Powersa on June 22nd, 2011 @ 6:54pm CDT
Kids meal cost me $3, which comes w/ free toy. Extra toy cost $1.50. I might as well eat some tots and drink my apple juice.
Optimus is a better toy so far.
Re: Burger King Kids Meal Transformers DOTM Flip-Outs (1248184)
Posted by Starscream's Girl on June 27th, 2011 @ 5:18pm CDT
Just got Bumblebee and Starscream today!! 4 more to go and I got 'em all!!
Re: Burger King Kids Meal Transformers DOTM Flip-Outs (1248189)
Posted by dinogeist on June 27th, 2011 @ 5:23pm CDT
Are their any TF toy coupons included?

because way back in the beastwars days. Mcdonalds/hasbro/whatever use to include a coupon for a few bucks off a TF toy sold in retail stores.
Re: Burger King Kids Meal Transformers DOTM Flip-Outs (1248259)
Posted by Starscream's Girl on June 27th, 2011 @ 7:57pm CDT
deathy wrote:Are their any TF toy coupons included?

because way back in the beastwars days. Mcdonalds/hasbro/whatever use to include a coupon for a few bucks off a TF toy sold in retail stores.

They do. It's a coupon for K-Mart. 20% off when you spend $30 or more on TF toys or TF kids apparel.
Re: Burger King Kids Meal Transformers DOTM Flip-Outs (1248359)
Posted by robofreak on June 27th, 2011 @ 11:21pm CDT
Everyone! I need Ironhide, Ratchet, Soundwave, and Shockwave. If you can get them let me know.

Apparently the other stores near me are saying that the promotion is ending which is really annoying.
Re: Burger King Kids Meal Transformers DOTM Flip-Outs (1248554)
Posted by Starscream's Girl on June 28th, 2011 @ 9:37am CDT
robofreak wrote:Everyone! I need Ironhide, Ratchet, Soundwave, and Shockwave. If you can get them let me know.

Apparently the other stores near me are saying that the promotion is ending which is really annoying.

How can the promotion be ending already? The movie is just coming out now. The one I've been going to will be on wk 3 this coming Thurs.
Re: Burger King Kids Meal Transformers DOTM Flip-Outs (1248572)
Posted by robofreak on June 28th, 2011 @ 10:00am CDT
Starscream's Girl wrote:
robofreak wrote:Everyone! I need Ironhide, Ratchet, Soundwave, and Shockwave. If you can get them let me know.

Apparently the other stores near me are saying that the promotion is ending which is really annoying.

How can the promotion be ending already? The movie is just coming out now. The one I've been going to will be on wk 3 this coming Thurs.

Cause Burger King suffers from rampant stupidity where I live.

I've always had this problem with them.

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