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Designer Info on ROTB Arcee toy Reveals Bayverse Connection, Different Configuration and More

Transformers News: Designer Info on ROTB Arcee toy Reveals Bayverse Connection, Different Configuration and More

Wednesday, January 11th, 2023 4:36PM CST

Categories: Movie Related News, Toy News
Posted by: william-james88   Views: 73,160

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King Samlock on Instagram has lots of interesting new bits regarding the newly revealed SS Rise of the Beasts Arcee toy. We learned that the movie designs did indeed change from what Hasbro was shown when designing the Studio Series toys. For instance, they were never shown that she had a visor. One very interesting tidbit was the link to "Bayverse" (that specific term is used) Arcee. The alt mode in this film was meant to be the period accurate super bike variant of the alt mode that Arcee has in Revenge of the Fallen.

We also see shots of the alt mode properly transformed, which was not the case in the original stock images, along with images showing how she can recreate the look of using her wheels as skates. One last bit, it is confirmed that there are no plans for a deluxe ROTB Arcee in the Studio Series line. Here is the entire post:


Alright, lets talk core class for the upcoming Rise of the Beast film! Starting off the year right with some new reveals, we have Core Arcee in her earth scanned vehicle form. The bike used for the alt mode was Inspired by the motorcycle form used on screen. The bike in the film is a fitting nod to the bayverse alt mode, as it is the period accurate super bike variant of the alt mode that she had in ROTF.

I partnered with Koki Yamada at TT, who quickly got to work on developing a fantastic transformation that would scale this figure appropriately amongst the bots for the film. Being a motorcycle, she was naturally a much smaller character, and with the debut of the core scale in 2022, we finally had a place to release her in the detail she deserves as one of the main autobots of the film.

Arcee brings about a classically fused deco scheme that incorporates red, white and some secondary pink highlights across her bot and alt mode. Due to the complexity of some of the forms, there were some small changes that were altered in the deco plan as it went into production. Primarily with the front chest fairing changing mold colors, there were no longer the black details on the shoulder joints left over by the base color, and the mirrors on the alt form needed to be incorporated into the white portion of the livery. Regardless, I am still very happy with how she turned out.

The overall bot design is a nice evolution of her Bumblebee movie form, and I was excited to see elements like her heel wheels being able to be used as blades get incorporated into the film. Her initial scenes shared in the trailer look awesome, and I am excited to see this smaller minibot type character come to life this summer!

NOTE: I won’t be sharing full Screen to Toy asset breakdowns prior to the films release out of respect to our studio partnerships.

What are your thoughts on ROTB Arcee? Are you excited to see join the core cast of autobots? Share below in the comments!

Transformers News: Designer Info on ROTB Arcee toy Reveals Bayverse Connection, Different Configuration and More

Transformers News: Designer Info on ROTB Arcee toy Reveals Bayverse Connection, Different Configuration and More

Transformers News: Designer Info on ROTB Arcee toy Reveals Bayverse Connection, Different Configuration and More

Transformers News: Designer Info on ROTB Arcee toy Reveals Bayverse Connection, Different Configuration and More

Transformers News: Designer Info on ROTB Arcee toy Reveals Bayverse Connection, Different Configuration and More

Transformers News: Designer Info on ROTB Arcee toy Reveals Bayverse Connection, Different Configuration and More

Transformers News: Designer Info on ROTB Arcee toy Reveals Bayverse Connection, Different Configuration and More

Transformers News: Designer Info on ROTB Arcee toy Reveals Bayverse Connection, Different Configuration and More

Transformers News: Designer Info on ROTB Arcee toy Reveals Bayverse Connection, Different Configuration and More

Transformers News: Designer Info on ROTB Arcee toy Reveals Bayverse Connection, Different Configuration and More

Transformers News: Designer Info on ROTB Arcee toy Reveals Bayverse Connection, Different Configuration and More

Transformers News: Designer Info on ROTB Arcee toy Reveals Bayverse Connection, Different Configuration and More

Transformers News: Designer Info on ROTB Arcee toy Reveals Bayverse Connection, Different Configuration and More

Transformers News: Designer Info on ROTB Arcee toy Reveals Bayverse Connection, Different Configuration and More

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Re: Designer Info on ROTB Arcee toy Reveals Bayverse Connection, Different Configuration and More (2153530)
Posted by 84everfan on January 11th, 2023 @ 6:46pm CST
Lmao, she's been a motorcycle since 2004, this is nothing.
Re: Designer Info on ROTB Arcee toy Reveals Bayverse Connection, Different Configuration and More (2153536)
Posted by Solrac333 on January 11th, 2023 @ 11:46pm CST
The more of these Rise of the Beasts figures I see the less I want them.
Re: Designer Info on ROTB Arcee toy Reveals Bayverse Connection, Different Configuration and More (2153537)
Posted by william-james88 on January 12th, 2023 @ 12:16am CST
Pretty big news in for Transformers toys fans, we now have great shots of the upcoming Studio Series Leader Rise of the Beasts Scourge figure. He and Primal will be the only leader class toys from the film. We see him in his truck mode an robot mode at a variety of angles and great close ups of his head. His left arm can change configuration while his right arm has a giant blade affixed to the forearm that can be held.

The images come from Sonic Bomber-Core, let us know what you think.
















Re: Designer Info on ROTB Arcee toy Reveals Bayverse Connection, Different Configuration and More (2153538)
Posted by william-james88 on January 12th, 2023 @ 12:30am CST
I'm really loving that alt mode integration with the shoulders and chest. The transformation is surprisingly not that complex but still gives two great looking modes. And it's interesting how the cannon splits into 3 parts for the alt mode, though I'd probably remove those parts alltogether. I'd like to see a shot without those bits
Re: Designer Info on ROTB Arcee toy Reveals Bayverse Connection, Different Configuration and More (2153539)
Posted by EvasionModeBumblebee on January 12th, 2023 @ 12:32am CST
Dang, he’s got an enormous neck xD

Alt mode looks very well sculpted though, and bot mode is kinda neat. Glad they got all the faction logos on his grill!

Don't ask me why I made this:
Re: Designer Info on ROTB Arcee toy Reveals Bayverse Connection, Different Configuration and More (2153540)
Posted by william-james88 on January 12th, 2023 @ 12:38am CST
EvasionModeBumblebee wrote:Dang, he’s got an enormous neck xD

Alt mode looks very well sculpted though, and bot mode is kinda neat. Glad they got all the faction logos on his grill!

I don't think that's his neck. I think it's supposed to be decorative chainmail around his neck.
Re: Designer Info on ROTB Arcee toy Reveals Bayverse Connection, Different Configuration and More (2153541)
Posted by MCutter on January 12th, 2023 @ 12:41am CST
That mask has some real MF Doom vibes, but otherwise this is not for me.
Re: Designer Info on ROTB Arcee toy Reveals Bayverse Connection, Different Configuration and More (2153542)
Posted by EvasionModeBumblebee on January 12th, 2023 @ 12:45am CST
william-james88 wrote:
I don't think that's his neck. I think it's supposed to be decorative chainmail around his neck.

That would definitely make more sense.

Looking at his scene in the trailer, his head doesn't stick up nearly as far as it does on the figure, which is a little weird. I agree about the shoulder pieces becoming part of the truck front, that's pretty cool!
Re: Designer Info on ROTB Arcee toy Reveals Bayverse Connection, Different Configuration and More (2153543)
Posted by Bumblevivisector on January 12th, 2023 @ 12:46am CST
Damn, that does indeed scream Scourge while doing something original.

Arm cannon looks like a cross between Omega Supreme's and Mega Man's, while the rest is like steampunk Beowulf. The neck might be my favorite part, like a part of a torch or exhaust repurposed as mail.

I could end up buying as many toys for this movie as AofE!
Re: Designer Info on ROTB Arcee toy Reveals Bayverse Connection, Different Configuration and More (2153544)
Posted by Solrac333 on January 12th, 2023 @ 12:53am CST
Yeah, I'm passing on all of these. Hope the movie is good.
Re: Designer Info on ROTB Arcee toy Reveals Bayverse Connection, Different Configuration and More (2153545)
Posted by william-james88 on January 12th, 2023 @ 1:01am CST
Solrac333 wrote:Yeah, I'm passing on all of these. Hope the movie is good. ... ac6b3fef04
Re: Designer Info on ROTB Arcee toy Reveals Bayverse Connection, Different Configuration and More (2153546)
Posted by Rodimus Prime on January 12th, 2023 @ 1:06am CST
Solrac333 wrote:Yeah, I'm passing on all of these. Hope the movie is good.
Wasted emotion. Going by the info released so far, it will be garbage.

As for this figure, the truck mode looks pretty good, though I do wish there was more color variety. The robot mode? Not so much. Again, it would be nice if the colors were broken up a little. The legs are too skinny and the back is suffering the same problem that AoE Galvatron had. I do like the head, looks pretty menacing. Overall, I might pick it up on discount. Definitely not a $60 figure.
Re: Designer Info on ROTB Arcee toy Reveals Bayverse Connection, Different Configuration and More (2153547)
Posted by Bumblevivisector on January 12th, 2023 @ 1:12am CST
And after all that spiel about the effort put into making Arcee original and an evolution of the Bayniverse design, she looks like a cross between Energon Arcee, Cybertron Ransack/Galaxy Force Gasket, Rook Bartley/Houquet et Rose's Mospeada/Cyclone, and, of course, CyKill.

So, a tad generic in the end, but way better than any of the RotF fembikes, in my book.

I still like this toy for what she is, but hopefully we'll get a more accurate SS toy later on.
Re: Designer Info on ROTB Arcee toy Reveals Bayverse Connection, Different Configuration and More (2153552)
Posted by JazZeke on January 12th, 2023 @ 2:47am CST
I'll wait and see how Scourge's CGI model looks, but this design is doing nothing for me. Too much gunmetal gray on gunmetal gray. It'll be visually hard to follow on screen. Feels like we're falling right back into the mistakes of the Bay films. :BANG_HEAD:
Re: Designer Info on ROTB Arcee toy Reveals Bayverse Connection, Different Configuration and More (2153553)
Posted by ZeroWolf on January 12th, 2023 @ 3:07am CST
I'm liking that Scourge (even if the head is giving me Gladiator vibes)
Re: Designer Info on ROTB Arcee toy Reveals Bayverse Connection, Different Configuration and More (2153554)
Posted by -Kanrabat- on January 12th, 2023 @ 4:35am CST
The truck's messy back is forgivable because of the overall "MadMax" look. The bot is not too bad and I can forgive the flat backpack. But his legs are WAY too skinny to make him look "powerful".
Still, I like Scourge overall and I'll be sure to pick him up. Plus I'm sure there will be an upgrade kit to improve him down the line.

I'm looking forward to Leader Optimus Primal to see if he'll be worthy of the "leader" class, of if he'll just be a voyager plus accessories.
Re: Designer Info on ROTB Arcee toy Reveals Bayverse Connection, Different Configuration and More (2153556)
Posted by MeGrimlock78 on January 12th, 2023 @ 6:14am CST
With that head and claw arm, I get Animated Lockdown vibes.

The kibble on the back of the alt mode bugs me, but maybe in hand I would be able to ignore it more (as is often the case when handling a toy versus scrutinizing an image for flaws)
Re: Designer Info on ROTB Arcee toy Reveals Bayverse Connection, Different Configuration and More (2153558)
Posted by blackeyedprime on January 12th, 2023 @ 7:28am CST
Truckertron looks pretty good. Think I'm going to skip rotb toys though I'm buying enough hasbro lines as is, happy to pass on live action stuff until they revamp the directions they keep going in.
Re: Designer Info on ROTB Arcee toy Reveals Bayverse Connection, Different Configuration and More (2153559)
Posted by Immortal Starscream on January 12th, 2023 @ 7:29am CST
MeGrimlock78 wrote:With that head and claw arm, I get Animated Lockdown vibes.

The kibble on the back of the alt mode bugs me, but maybe in hand I would be able to ignore it more (as is often the case when handling a toy versus scrutinizing an image for flaws)

thats exactly what I was thinking. not just lockdown, just animated in general with his proportions.
Re: Designer Info on ROTB Arcee toy Reveals Bayverse Connection, Different Configuration and More (2153560)
Posted by william-james88 on January 12th, 2023 @ 7:38am CST
Thanks again to Sonic Bomber-Core for giving us more images of Rise of the Beasts Scourge. When first shown yesterday, some fans were not sure if this toy was worth the leader class price point but now we can see that he at least fits the bill in terms of size. He is taller than the voyager class figures like AOE Galvatron and towers over deluxe class figures like the upcoming Bumblebee. We also see a shot of the vehicle mode without the weapons affixed to it, which does give it a much cleaner look. We also included an image of the truck used in the film for you to compare with. Let us know what you think.








Re: Designer Info on ROTB Arcee toy Reveals Bayverse Connection, Different Configuration and More (2153561)
Posted by Emerje on January 12th, 2023 @ 7:38am CST
MeGrimlock78 wrote:With that head and claw arm, I get Animated Lockdown vibes.

Definitely feels like Lockdown and "classic" Scourge's child.

I'm thinking Freezer might also work as one of his replaceable arms. Also interesting that Scourge's back panels on each side aren't symmetrical and the one on the left is larger and has an interesting tab on it, maybe another place for Freezer to attach to?


Re: Designer Info on ROTB Arcee toy Reveals Bayverse Connection, Different Configuration and More (2153563)
Posted by Emerje on January 12th, 2023 @ 7:49am CST
Man, Scourge is definitely a good argument for why Galvatron should have been a Leader.

Re: Designer Info on ROTB Arcee toy Reveals Bayverse Connection, Different Configuration and More (2153564)
Posted by william-james88 on January 12th, 2023 @ 8:11am CST
MeGrimlock78 wrote:With that head and claw arm, I get Animated Lockdown vibes.

The kibble on the back of the alt mode bugs me, but maybe in hand I would be able to ignore it more (as is often the case when handling a toy versus scrutinizing an image for flaws)

The back of the alt mode can clean up nicely. Better than what we got lately (I just could not get over that Galvatron in hand)


What you saw in the first pics is them trying to recreate the look in the film where he has a bunch of scrap in the back.My issue with the alt mode is that gap/hole around the nose area.

blackeyedprime wrote:Truckertron looks pretty good. Think I'm going to skip rotb toys though I'm buying enough hasbro lines as is, happy to pass on live action stuff until they revamp the directions they keep going in.

What other lines do you buy? While the other lines do tempt me, I always feel ripped off when looking at the price, especially for Star Wars stuff (in either scale).
Re: Designer Info on ROTB Arcee toy Reveals Bayverse Connection, Different Configuration and More (2153565)
Posted by ZeroWolf on January 12th, 2023 @ 8:14am CST
These new pictures make him look even better, especially next to bee, he looks quite imposing.
Re: Designer Info on ROTB Arcee toy Reveals Bayverse Connection, Different Configuration and More (2153572)
Posted by Richeetf on January 12th, 2023 @ 10:03am CST
So there isn’t going to be a deluxe version of Arcee?!? Like why not? I was gonna snatch up a deluxe version of her. I’m waiting to see more trailers for this movie. After the Wheeljack reveal which was disappointing head sculpt wise I’m having concerns this has veered away from the magic and shot tellling that was bumblebee. Will wait and see and fingers crossed we get a deluxe of this Arcee body mold cause it’s one I would get for sure!
Re: Designer Info on ROTB Arcee toy Reveals Bayverse Connection, Different Configuration and More (2153574)
Posted by griftimus prime on January 12th, 2023 @ 10:13am CST
looks cool
Re: Designer Info on ROTB Arcee toy Reveals Bayverse Connection, Different Configuration and More (2153593)
Posted by chuckdawg1999 on January 12th, 2023 @ 1:20pm CST
I'll never understand why Hasbro doesn't put its foot down with the movie designers when it comes to the models they're shown. Hasbro should tell them that whatever designs are shown have to be final so they can have the product out at the same time as the movie that LOOKS like it came from the movie. Transformers is Hasbro's property, they should have more control.
Re: Designer Info on ROTB Arcee toy Reveals Bayverse Connection, Different Configuration and More (2153594)
Posted by blackeyedprime on January 12th, 2023 @ 1:26pm CST
william-james88 wrote:What you saw in the first pics is them trying to recreate the look in the film where he has a bunch of scrap in the back.My issue with the alt mode is that gap/hole around the nose area.

yegah that looks pretty bad or obvious, seeing the movie pic the barrel not being under the smoke stacks/no door step probaly due to transformation looks off too. At least if the door step was in the right place the barrels could be improvised/upgraded.

william-james88 wrote:What other lines do you buy? While the other lines do tempt me, I always feel ripped off when looking at the price, especially for Star Wars stuff (in either scale).

The price creeps on all hasbro stuff is even more offputting but I think I've just been a bit transformered out recently -I like some TF toys in every range from botbots, rescuebots to SS or MP.

My other Hasbro stuff is
Power Rangers lightning collection,
GI joe classified even if they dont want people outside the states collecting them,
GI Joe original scale (not bothered if O-ring or not),
D&D cartoon and others (I'll wait to get Huge Grunt cheap to have him forever melting inside the gelatinous cube),
Recently started on marvel legends because I'm an idiot,
also started on Star Wars Retro because of how bad modern media for star wars is to me and I have had all the POTF vehicles I gave to my son come back to me for storage (slave 1, falcon, queens spaceship etc). I was happy enough with having the WOTC minis before another moment of madness.
I'm even tempted for some of the Indy stuff :(

Also on a side note, I saw in a store today the star wars vintage collection Bo Katana? spelling unknown to me, and her arms can give any optimus primal a challange in ape like proprtions eeeeeewwww.
Re: Designer Info on ROTB Arcee toy Reveals Bayverse Connection, Different Configuration and More (2153595)
Posted by Starseeker on January 12th, 2023 @ 1:47pm CST
ZeroWolf wrote:I'm liking that Scourge (even if the head is giving me Gladiator vibes)

I got Gladiator vibes as well. Also reminds me of the Witch King of Angmar from LOTR.
Re: Designer Info on ROTB Arcee toy Reveals Bayverse Connection, Different Configuration and More (2153596)
Posted by william-james88 on January 12th, 2023 @ 1:51pm CST
chuckdawg1999 wrote:I'll never understand why Hasbro doesn't put its foot down with the movie designers when it comes to the models they're shown. Hasbro should tell them that whatever designs are shown have to be final so they can have the product out at the same time as the movie that LOOKS like it came from the movie. Transformers is Hasbro's property, they should have more control.

Which specific toy are you referring to? Scourge and Arcee look pretty close to what we've seen. I ask because the discrepancy may simply be due to toy limitations and not the time factor. Like Scourge's truck mode. That didn't change and yet we see some innacuracies, like the missing gas tank.

Though I am curious to see how wildly different some toys get from the final designs, like all the Hatter toys in the BB line having that mask that she never has in the film.
Re: Designer Info on ROTB Arcee toy Reveals Bayverse Connection, Different Configuration and More (2153597)
Posted by angtre on January 12th, 2023 @ 1:52pm CST
Nice mashup of the G1 (there's something in the head) and RiD characters, I really love it. When the bad guy's name leaked, I thought it would homage Cybertron's character due to the beast theme of the movie. Glad I was wrong.
Re: Designer Info on ROTB Arcee toy Reveals Bayverse Connection, Different Configuration and More (2153599)
Posted by Overcracker on January 12th, 2023 @ 2:02pm CST
Scourge looks definitely different. Can't say I'm really feeling the general look in either mode, but he is different enough to not just be a black Prime, while still maintaining familiar throwbacks.

Like a corrupted, decayed version of Prime.

Also, that face / mask, am I the only one getting an evil Autobot logo vibe form it?

I'm surprised there's no comparison to DoTM Megatron.
Re: Designer Info on ROTB Arcee toy Reveals Bayverse Connection, Different Configuration and More (2153600)
Posted by Flashwave on January 12th, 2023 @ 2:37pm CST
william-james88 wrote:
chuckdawg1999 wrote:I'll never understand why Hasbro doesn't put its foot down with the movie designers when it comes to the models they're shown. Hasbro should tell them that whatever designs are shown have to be final so they can have the product out at the same time as the movie that LOOKS like it came from the movie. Transformers is Hasbro's property, they should have more control.

Which specific toy are you referring to? Scourge and Arcee look pretty close to what we've seen. I ask because the discrepancy may simply be due to toy limitations and not the time factor. Like Scourge's truck mode. That didn't change and yet we see some innacuracies, like the missing gas tank.

Though I am curious to see how wildly different some toys get from the final designs, like all the Hatter toys in the BB line having that mask that she never has in the film.

It's entirely down to production times. Most toys take 18months to a year to develop or so we have been told. Movie production takes that long, but there is a lot of stuff constantly in motion, so for Hollywood that much lead time is FOREVER.

I don't think Hasbro wants to jeopardize their relationship with Paramount. They aren't in this to tell a story so they want it to be successful, and KIDS aren't going to (as a whole) care about relatively minor detail inaccuracies. Maybe there is compromise, in that Hasbro can design the body and hold off as long as possible for head sculpts, but if I am thinking of this then I am sure they are too. Maybe not though.
Re: Designer Info on ROTB Arcee toy Reveals Bayverse Connection, Different Configuration and More (2153605)
Posted by First-Aid on January 12th, 2023 @ 3:07pm CST
Maybe one of the best truck bots produced. I like everything about this figure. Gimme.
Re: Designer Info on ROTB Arcee toy Reveals Bayverse Connection, Different Configuration and More (2153606)
Posted by Overcracker on January 12th, 2023 @ 3:27pm CST
Just realized who he reminds me of with that face mask...

Just add some flames all around him and he's a dead ringer for The Fallen:
Re: Designer Info on ROTB Arcee toy Reveals Bayverse Connection, Different Configuration and More (2153612)
Posted by cloudballoon on January 12th, 2023 @ 4:56pm CST
I like Scourge "as-is" as a toy. But ever since the Studio Series came out, I've learned to wait.
Unless a final trailer/movie comes out and it looks really accurate, I'm not pre-ordering.
Re: Designer Info on ROTB Arcee toy Reveals Bayverse Connection, Different Configuration and More (2153620)
Posted by chuckdawg1999 on January 12th, 2023 @ 7:19pm CST
william-james88 wrote:
chuckdawg1999 wrote:I'll never understand why Hasbro doesn't put its foot down with the movie designers when it comes to the models they're shown. Hasbro should tell them that whatever designs are shown have to be final so they can have the product out at the same time as the movie that LOOKS like it came from the movie. Transformers is Hasbro's property, they should have more control.

Which specific toy are you referring to? Scourge and Arcee look pretty close to what we've seen. I ask because the discrepancy may simply be due to toy limitations and not the time factor. Like Scourge's truck mode. That didn't change and yet we see some innacuracies, like the missing gas tank.

Though I am curious to see how wildly different some toys get from the final designs, like all the Hatter toys in the BB line having that mask that she never has in the film.

I was talking more broadly across the movies. I know it's a pipe dream but something could be done.
Re: Designer Info on ROTB Arcee toy Reveals Bayverse Connection, Different Configuration and More (2153622)
Posted by Emerje on January 12th, 2023 @ 7:53pm CST
Flashwave wrote:I don't think Hasbro wants to jeopardize their relationship with Paramount. They aren't in this to tell a story so they want it to be successful, and KIDS aren't going to (as a whole) care about relatively minor detail inaccuracies. Maybe there is compromise, in that Hasbro can design the body and hold off as long as possible for head sculpts, but if I am thinking of this then I am sure they are too. Maybe not though.

Paramount is just the distributor, they're not part of the production. Heck, Hasbro has basically been using their own production companies since Dark of the Moon (Dreamworks was only involved in the first two movies).

Re: Designer Info on ROTB Arcee toy Reveals Bayverse Connection, Different Configuration and More (2153626)
Posted by EvasionModeBumblebee on January 12th, 2023 @ 8:04pm CST
First look at the box for SS-100 ROTB Bumblebee, including a bit of info from the bio on the back:

Box front.JPG

box back.JPG
Re: Designer Info on ROTB Arcee toy Reveals Bayverse Connection, Different Configuration and More (2153638)
Posted by Dominus Prime on January 12th, 2023 @ 10:32pm CST
I totally agree with the animated lockdown reference. It was exactly what I thought also. I also find it interesting that his mask looks like a slight variation of the autobot symbol. Like tarn with the deception mask
Re: Designer Info on ROTB Arcee toy Reveals Bayverse Connection, Different Configuration and More (2153640)
Posted by -Kanrabat- on January 13th, 2023 @ 12:52am CST
Dominus Prime wrote:I totally agree with the animated lockdown reference. It was exactly what I thought also. I also find it interesting that his mask looks like a slight variation of the autobot symbol. Like tarn with the deception mask

Now I can't unsee Lockdown, truck edition. Not only does he have the skinny legs, he does have the same silhouette for the head!
Re: Designer Info on ROTB Arcee toy Reveals Bayverse Connection, Different Configuration and More (2153641)
Posted by High_Q on January 13th, 2023 @ 2:49am CST
This Scourge figure looks like it walked off the page of a Livio Ramondelli comic.
Re: Designer Info on ROTB Arcee toy Reveals Bayverse Connection, Different Configuration and More (2153642)
Posted by albnok on January 13th, 2023 @ 3:31am CST
william-james88 wrote:[url=]Image

Who is that white stealth-bomber-like jet? I can't figure out the right Google keywords to find it myself.
Re: Designer Info on ROTB Arcee toy Reveals Bayverse Connection, Different Configuration and More (2153643)
Posted by ZeroWolf on January 13th, 2023 @ 4:13am CST
albnok wrote:
william-james88 wrote:Image

Who is that white stealth-bomber-like jet? I can't figure out the right Google keywords to find it myself.

It's a redeco of Revenge of the Fallen scout class Skystalker, called Sunspot. A fantastic little guy, really fun to mess around with. The mold can also connect to the Voyager Class Mindwipe (and all redecos of course) that debuted in the same line.
Re: Designer Info on ROTB Arcee toy Reveals Bayverse Connection, Different Configuration and More (2153654)
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on January 13th, 2023 @ 11:07am CST
Arcee looks a lot better when properly transformed. Sam should just provide the reveal pictures so we get proper images right off the bat :lol:

DAMN!!! Scourge looks great! That is exactly what I wanted to see in a Scourge toy. He is looks really cool, unsettling, asymmetrical, freaky, lanky, and scary. That is a good looking toy! I am SO glad we are fading away from the Bee movie cybertron scenes, those just did not work that well, and were so boring compared to what we can get when we start getting original like this again.

They have not missed with a Terrorcon yet, all 4 seen so far truly look like a lot of fun. I am excited!
Re: Designer Info on ROTB Arcee toy Reveals Bayverse Connection, Different Configuration and More (2153663)
Posted by ZeroWolf on January 13th, 2023 @ 12:46pm CST
D-Maximal_Primal wrote:Arcee looks a lot better when properly transformed. Sam should just provide the reveal pictures so we get proper images right off the bat :lol:

DAMN!!! Scourge looks great! That is exactly what I wanted to see in a Scourge toy. He is looks really cool, unsettling, asymmetrical, freaky, lanky, and scary. That is a good looking toy! I am SO glad we are fading away from the Bee movie cybertron scenes, those just did not work that well, and were so boring compared to what we can get when we start getting original like this again.

They have not missed with a Terrorcon yet, all 4 seen so far truly look like a lot of fun. I am excited!

I concur, I'm loving these designs too.
Re: Designer Info on ROTB Arcee toy Reveals Bayverse Connection, Different Configuration and More (2153780)
Posted by william-james88 on January 15th, 2023 @ 12:03am CST
For those wanting a look at Studio Series Rise of the Beasts Scourge's transformation (at least assumed transformation, since this is being done with no instruction sheet), a quick review was posted by Eyckzim, on youtube (aka Sonic Bomber Core). We see that a difference here from previous images is that the weapon placed in the back of the truck more closely resembles the detail on the live action truck. We also get a good sense of the articulation and complexity. Enjoy!

Re: Designer Info on ROTB Arcee toy Reveals Bayverse Connection, Different Configuration and More (2153781)
Posted by Rodimus Prime on January 15th, 2023 @ 12:59am CST
I like his transformation for the most part, especially the wheels and the chest. He looks like a pretty good figure, but the skinny legs and the bland paint job keep him from being great IMO. If I see it discounted I'll probably pick it up, but this is not a $60 figure.
Re: Designer Info on ROTB Arcee toy Reveals Bayverse Connection, Different Configuration and More (2153946)
Posted by Bounti76 on January 17th, 2023 @ 2:04pm CST
Thanks to Seibertronian Death's Reviews, we have word of another new Rise of the Beasts figure being revealed, this time in the Studio Series Deluxe Class scale! Airazor, the Maximal falcon, is up for preorder already on Hasbro Pulse, and we can see that she'll be number 97 in the Studio Series lineup. Official pictures and product description follow.

Bring the epic action of the Transformers movies from the big screen into your collection with the Transformers Studio Series Deluxe Class Airazor action figure! Airazor leads the Autobots to the Maximal lair. Transformers Studio Series toys are collectible action figures for 8 year old boys and girls that feature movie-inspired details and accessories. Convert the action figure from robot to peregrine falcon mode in 23 steps and pose the Airazor toy in the included Peruvian Jungle Discovery removable backdrop scene. Transformers action figures for boys and girls make great gifts!

Includes figure, 2 accessories, removable backdrop, and instructions.

TRANSFORMERS STUDIO SERIES DELUXE CLASS: These 4.5-inch collectible action figures inspired by iconic movie scenes and designed with specs and details to reflect the Transformers movie universe4.5-INCH SCALE AIRAZOR: Transformers Studio Series 97 Airazor action figure for boys and girls is highly articulated for posability and features movie-inspired deco and details2 ICONIC MODES: This Transformers toy for 8 year old boys and girls features classic conversion between robot and peregrine falcon modes in 23 stepsAWESOME ACCESSORIES: Transformers figure comes with 2 photon blaster accessories that attach to the Airazor figure in both modesREMOVABLE BACKDROP: Removable backdrop displays Airazor figure in the Peruvian Jungle Discovery scene. Fans can use the backdrop and pose their figures in the scene with their own style.






Re: Designer Info on ROTB Arcee toy Reveals Bayverse Connection, Different Configuration and More (2153947)
Posted by DeathReviews on January 17th, 2023 @ 2:27pm CST
Is this a really heavily remolded version of Kingdom Airazor? It seems to have a lot of the elements, and the way everything transforms seems to mirror the Kingdom WFC Deluxe. The bird head folds down into the chest, the arms seem to tuck into the bird body like the Kingdom figure, and it's got the same triple jointed legs with clawed feet, albiet molded very differently...

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