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Hasbro Memo From 1986 Asks to Replace Shockwave in the Cartoon and Add More Predaking

Transformers News: Hasbro Memo From 1986 Asks to Replace Shockwave in the Cartoon and Add More Predaking

Thursday, March 31st, 2022 11:19PM CDT

Categories: Cartoon News, Company News
Posted by: william-james88   Views: 82,947

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The theme today is definitely about a behind the scenes look at all things Transformers. While we had a rare look at early stages of recent toy development earlier today, we now share with you a memo from Hasbro that really shows how prominent the idea of selling toys was in the 80s and how single minded they were with the G1 show just being a commercial. And in this case, to the detriment of good story telling and lore.

It's just one memo about Five Faces of Darkness part III but it speaks volumes. As fans may recall, there is a scene where Blitzwing does not accept the deal proposed by the Quintessons because he seems to know not to trust them. This never really comes back and feels rather random, especially for a character that was not prominent within the Deception ranks. Well, it turns out Flint Dille initially intended it to be Shockwave who was weary since he was older and more aware of the Quintessons than his fellow Decepticons. It definitely ties into the greater lore of Shockwave being ancient which has been revisited in Transformers fiction. As you can see from the memo, it was asked that Shockwave be replaced since his toy was no longer on the market. So Flint Dile chose Blitzwing as a replacement.

The memo is pretty epic for other reasons. Check out that note in response to Hasbro stating that the events of the 86 movie will be recounted in a vague way with no images so as not to spoil the movie. Plus, there is a really big push for Predaking so if you ever felt he seemed shoehorned in, well now you know why. And if he doesn't feel shoehorned, then that's just a testament to Flint Dile being and agile writer.

Below is the original outline with Shockwave there followed by the memo along with links to all resources pertaining to the Five Faces of Darkness.

We thank fellow Seibertronian Sabrblade for bringing this to our attention and to Greebtron for providing links on the matter.

Transformers News: Hasbro Memo From 1986 Asks to Replace Shockwave in the Cartoon and Add More Predaking

Transformers News: Hasbro Memo From 1986 Asks to Replace Shockwave in the Cartoon and Add More Predaking

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Re: Hasbro Memo From 1986 Asks to Replace Shockwave in the Cartoon and Add More Predaking (2130374)
Posted by Sabrblade on April 1st, 2022 @ 12:16am CDT
I'm gonna sit here and wait to see how many people think this might be an April Fools post. :P
Re: Hasbro Memo From 1986 Asks to Replace Shockwave in the Cartoon and Add More Predaking (2130375)
Posted by ZeldaTheSwordsman on April 1st, 2022 @ 2:06am CDT
One of the things that stands out to me about this is that if Shockwave's presence here had been kept, it would mean he survived his intended (and unanimated) demise from the movie: Unicron crushing his watchtower.
Re: Hasbro Memo From 1986 Asks to Replace Shockwave in the Cartoon and Add More Predaking (2130377)
Posted by Greebtron on April 1st, 2022 @ 3:13am CDT
You can see how things change across the full scripts. Part 3 is clearly a quick substitution, as there are references to Blitzwing being old and even unsteady on his feet that are clearly meant to be Shockwave. If there was any intent to work Shockwave into Part 4 (say as part of the flashbacks), that is all gone. When we get to Part 5 and the defection, all vestigial reference to the Shockwave plot is gone (then again, this is the finalised copy that Wally Burr had).
Re: Hasbro Memo From 1986 Asks to Replace Shockwave in the Cartoon and Add More Predaking (2130383)
Posted by Randomhero on April 1st, 2022 @ 7:32am CDT
ZeldaTheSwordsman wrote:One of the things that stands out to me about this is that if Shockwave's presence here had been kept, it would mean he survived his intended (and unanimated) demise from the movie: Unicron crushing his watchtower.

The movie was being made at the same time as season one and the beginning of season two and by separate studios. Toei and AKOM. That’s why the insecticons were featured in season three with even speaking roles. Sure we all accept clones and whatever to justify it but that’s not the real reason. Even if his death was put in the movie he probably still would have shown up if they’d decided to keep his inclusion in five faces of darkness because communication was just that poor at times.
Re: Hasbro Memo From 1986 Asks to Replace Shockwave in the Cartoon and Add More Predaking (2130384)
Posted by RiddlerJ on April 1st, 2022 @ 8:03am CDT
Randomhero wrote:
ZeldaTheSwordsman wrote:One of the things that stands out to me about this is that if Shockwave's presence here had been kept, it would mean he survived his intended (and unanimated) demise from the movie: Unicron crushing his watchtower.

The movie was being made at the same time as season one and the beginning of season two and by separate studios. Toei and AKOM. That’s why the insecticons were featured in season three with even speaking roles. Sure we all accept clones and whatever to justify it but that’s not the real reason. Even if his death was put in the movie he probably still would have shown up if they’d decided to keep his inclusion in five faces of darkness because communication was just that poor at times.

I always assumed that's WHY Shockwave wasn't in the 3rd season at all. Not because the toy was no longer shipping (which it still was, I bought him when 3rd year guys were on the shelves) but because his death was specifically called out in the script. The movie wasn't completed but the script was, and people could catch if there were continuity flubs (they knew Starscream was a goner).
Things like the Insecticons disappearing were developed during the later storyboard stage and not mentioned by name in the script which is why they slipped though to the 3rd season. (I'm assuming)
Re: Hasbro Memo From 1986 Asks to Replace Shockwave in the Cartoon and Add More Predaking (2130385)
Posted by Sculyblast on April 1st, 2022 @ 8:26am CDT
Shockwave would have made more sense than Blitzwing.

but for Hasbro to dump Shockwave! After all he has been through!
Re: Hasbro Memo From 1986 Asks to Replace Shockwave in the Cartoon and Add More Predaking (2130396)
Posted by Sabrblade on April 1st, 2022 @ 12:01pm CDT
Another piece about Shockwave's defection at the end:

Re: Hasbro Memo From 1986 Asks to Replace Shockwave in the Cartoon and Add More Predaking (2131603)
Posted by sto_vo_kor_2000 on April 18th, 2022 @ 1:05am CDT
I love it but even after all these years there’s still information out there that can be found about the production of the series and film
Re: Hasbro Memo From 1986 Asks to Replace Shockwave in the Cartoon and Add More Predaking (2144368)
Posted by sto_vo_kor_2000 on September 11th, 2022 @ 9:45pm CDT
Randomhero wrote:The movie was being made at the same time as season one and the beginning of season two

That is not accurate
True enough that near the end of the airing of season one they were already discussing producing a movie actual production on that movie did not actually start until early work on the season two episodes were being made

and by
Re: Hasbro Memo From 1986 Asks to Replace Shockwave in the Cartoon and Add More Predaking (2144369)
Posted by Sabrblade on September 11th, 2022 @ 10:12pm CDT
sto_vo_kor_2000 wrote:
Randomhero wrote:The movie was being made at the same time as season one and the beginning of season two

That is not accurate
True enough that near the end of the airing of season one they were already discussing producing a movie actual production on that movie did not actually start until early work on the season two episodes were being made

and by
The recently-presented original first-draft script of the movie was written by Ron Friedman in August 1984, before the first episode of the show even aired. It was the very next thing written after "Heavy Metal War".
Re: Hasbro Memo From 1986 Asks to Replace Shockwave in the Cartoon and Add More Predaking (2144385)
Posted by sto_vo_kor_2000 on September 12th, 2022 @ 10:12am CDT
Sabrblade wrote:
sto_vo_kor_2000 wrote:
Randomhero wrote:The movie was being made at the same time as season one and the beginning of season two

That is not accurate
True enough that near the end of the airing of season one they were already discussing producing a movie actual production on that movie did not actually start until early work on the season two episodes were being made

and by
The recently-presented original first-draft script of the movie was written by Ron Friedman in August 1984, before the first episode of the show even aired. It was the very next thing written after "Heavy Metal War".

Altho I do believe the date of August is more of a starting date for the script and it wasn’t handed in till sometime later (and I guess I could be wrong on that even though I don’t think so) writing a script and a movie actully Being produced don’t always go hand-in-hand. The movie still wasn’t in production at that time, it was more of a “Possibility in waiting” plan The creators had in mind if the show proved to be the success they were thinking it would be

I got a question for you though, over the years I’ve heard some people claim that the first pilot (or at least part of it) aired on TV in the mid summer, before the September date that the rest of us got the show on, apparently part of a Sunday morning TV block of independent shows on Esther a Saturday or Sunday in maybe June or July……..But you tell the truth I never really looked into it

Any chance you know about these type of stories?
Re: Hasbro Memo From 1986 Asks to Replace Shockwave in the Cartoon and Add More Predaking (2144394)
Posted by Greebtron on September 12th, 2022 @ 12:24pm CDT
Let's be clear: the first movie script was being outlined in August 1984, the script itself was finished in February 1985. Ron Friedman's agent had secured a deal with Griffin-Bacal that he would be locked in to writing, being credited and paid for any movies arising out of TV shows he worked on. He finds his way into a made-up position that didn't exist on other shows revising TF TV scripts in June and already has an outline for a movie by August. Coincidence? I think not.

Back to FFOD. I can see why Hasbro were all "Where's Poochie?" over the Predacons. Because you have a combiner team where every member costs more than a Scramble City team leader and thanks to the faction change during development, they have had to be dropped from the movie: the biggest promotion they could ever have.

A reminder that if you want the full FFOD material in one place, head to: ... -1987.html
Re: Hasbro Memo From 1986 Asks to Replace Shockwave in the Cartoon and Add More Predaking (2144413)
Posted by sto_vo_kor_2000 on September 12th, 2022 @ 2:57pm CDT
Greebtron wrote:Let's be clear: the first movie script was being outlined in August 1984, the script itself was finished in February 1985. Ron Friedman's agent had secured a deal with Griffin-Bacal that he would be locked in to writing, being credited and paid for any movies arising out of TV shows he worked on. He finds his way into a made-up position that didn't exist on other shows revising TF TV scripts in June and already has an outline for a movie by August. Coincidence? I think not.

Not exactly sure what point you’re trying to exactly make.I’m sure that Ron had very similar deals or projects for many of the other projects he worked on over the years doesn’t mean they all came to fruition. And I’m sure he didn’t either full scripts or a lot of workshops for many projects that never got made

Which is kind of my point here
The movie was just not being made at the same time as the season one episodes and I’m sure there were many doubts about how far they could take the show at that time
Back to FFOD. I can see why Hasbro were all "Where's Poochie?" over the Predacons. Because you have a combiner team where every member costs more than a Scramble City team leader and thanks to the faction change during development, they have had to be dropped from the movie: the biggest promotion they could ever have.

Along that thinking I also wonder if there were other toys that Hasbro considered getting from other properties to fill in the positions Of these characters
Re: Hasbro Memo From 1986 Asks to Replace Shockwave in the Cartoon and Add More Predaking (2152501)
Posted by Greebtron on December 26th, 2022 @ 6:10pm CST
A short and sweet video I put together for promotion that I ought to have done a year ago when me and Jim were waiting to reveal these. But hey ho, might be new to somebody.

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