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Hasbro Transformers Team Jerry Jivoin and Joshua Lamb Interview

Transformers News: Hasbro Transformers Team Jerry Jivoin and Joshua Lamb Interview

Tuesday, February 18th, 2014 9:17PM CST

Categories: Movie Related News, Toy News, Event News, People News
Posted by: El Duque   Views: 55,255

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BWTF was lucky enough to score an interview with Hasbro's Jerry Jivoin and Joshua Lamb over the weekend during Toy Fair. They discuss their current trend of providing simplified figures for the younger audience while retaining a more complex line for collectors, bringing the iconic Dinobots into the movie franchise, and they also touch on the recent rumor that the Transformers Generations Legends figures, which includes Cosmos, Swerve, and Tailgate, would not see a domestic retail release. The full interview can be found by clicking here.

Spinning off that question, because I don't think my readers will forgive me if I don't ask this, Swerve, Cosmos, Tailgate, Skrapnel - we're getting that right? My understanding is that they were underordered originally but more are being made...

JJ: They were underordered, we're going to make sure there are more releases. We've already informed our U.S. Sales team about that. As we do more orders, we'll make sure the waves that come out...that the mix within the case pack will include those characters along with the new characters in the waves three and four so that all those characters get out there in a healthy supply.
Credit(s): BWTF

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Re: Hasbro Transformers Team Jerry Jivoin and Joshua Lamb Interview (1551902)
Posted by It Is Him on February 18th, 2014 @ 9:44pm CST
Thank you for front paging the news about these characters one more time. After last weeks false rumor submission, I'm happy to see Hasbro being forthright about this issue. Hopefully we can get the word out that everyone still has a reasonable shot at these characters.
Re: Hasbro Transformers Team Jerry Jivoin and Joshua Lamb Interview (1551903)
Posted by Mindmaster on February 18th, 2014 @ 9:48pm CST
Woot! Shrapnel and Cosmos will be mine, once they're released. :grin:

As cool (and hilarious) as Swerve is, I don't have any personal connection to the character. I'll wait for Gears to come out.
Re: Hasbro Transformers Team Jerry Jivoin and Joshua Lamb Interview (1551917)
Posted by Primeultimus on February 18th, 2014 @ 10:47pm CST
It Is Him wrote:Thank you for front paging the news about these characters one more time. After last weeks false rumor submission, I'm happy to see Hasbro being forthright about this issue. Hopefully we can get the word out that everyone still has a reasonable shot at these characters.

Normal Retailers have no plans on carrying the Transformers Generations Legends Line. I have now backed up with proof from the 2 largest Retailers Walmart and Target. Perhaps they will show at online retailers , or at specialty toy stores. Maybe they will show up this Fall. Keep in mind in the interview they said they were under ordered. I originally posted they were not active at retailers Walmart , Target , Kmart , BBTS and others. They are not on order or active and that is true.

Hard Evidence

Floor plan / Planogram from Walmart Spring 2014 submitted just today 2-19-14. Transformers Generations Legends are absent.


Also they are now on Clearance at Target please see the receipt to match the DCPI to the Transformers Generations Legends SKU. None on order listed as NON Active at Target. 0 In distribution center total in my region.

Receipt from Today At Target for Transformers Generations Legends on Clearance (They were previously on clearance at Walmart)

List of Target DCPI can be found here: ... stock.html

Not trying to stir up trouble just trying to be informative. These figures are not for sale currently in the USA and have no active orders at major retailers. Asian retailers also have none on order past what has already shipped.
Re: Hasbro Transformers Team Jerry Jivoin and Joshua Lamb Interview (1551955)
Posted by Bounti76 on February 19th, 2014 @ 2:21am CST
Primeultimus wrote:Not trying to stir up trouble just trying to be informative. These figures are not for sale currently in the USA and have no active orders at major retailers. Asian retailers also have none on order past what has already shipped.

Maybe they don't have them ordered at the moment, but Hasbro went to the trouble of showing them at Toy Fair, two Hasbro reps in the story said they are coming out and will be in the mix, so that says more to me than your continued, repeated insistence does.

You say you're not trying to stir up trouble, but you seem awfully determined for everyone to see things your way and to dash everyone's hopes about seeing these. If you were trying to be informative, you wouldn't put all this "information" you've gathered out there until someone asks to see it, or responds to your simple statement that you've researched it and don't think these will see release. If they come out (and I believe they will), you'll have a lot of backtracking to do, and if they don't, you'll be all over saying how right you were and why didn't anyone listen. Saying something once is informing. Saying something multiple times across multiple threads, with so much un-asked-for information is a plea for attention.

Whew....back on track. I'm excited to see Cosmos in an updated form from Hasbro. Only three toys in 30 years....does this mean we'll see another Cosmos in 2024? I'll pick up Swerve, because I had him as a kid. Tailgate and Gears, maybe, though Gears' face looks a little too Brawn-ish.
Re: Hasbro Transformers Team Jerry Jivoin and Joshua Lamb Interview (1551977)
Posted by Primeultimus on February 19th, 2014 @ 7:34am CST
Bounti76 wrote:
Primeultimus wrote:Not trying to stir up trouble just trying to be informative. These figures are not for sale currently in the USA and have no active orders at major retailers. Asian retailers also have none on order past what has already shipped.

Maybe they don't have them ordered at the moment, but Hasbro went to the trouble of showing them at Toy Fair, two Hasbro reps in the story said they are coming out and will be in the mix, so that says more to me than your continued, repeated insistence does.

You say you're not trying to stir up trouble, but you seem awfully determined for everyone to see things your way and to dash everyone's hopes about seeing these. If you were trying to be informative, you wouldn't put all this "information" you've gathered out there until someone asks to see it, or responds to your simple statement that you've researched it and don't think these will see release. If they come out (and I believe they will), you'll have a lot of backtracking to do, and if they don't, you'll be all over saying how right you were and why didn't anyone listen. Saying something once is informing. Saying something multiple times across multiple threads, with so much un-asked-for information is a plea for attention.

Whew....back on track. I'm excited to see Cosmos in an updated form from Hasbro. Only three toys in 30 years....does this mean we'll see another Cosmos in 2024? I'll pick up Swerve, because I had him as a kid. Tailgate and Gears, maybe, though Gears' face looks a little too Brawn-ish.

Why is everyone in denial? Just because Hasbro keeps repeating something about them coming out (With no solid date or release channel) does not make it true. What happened to the original October 2013 release? Retailers do not have these on order. I am standing by that and I have posted proof. Hasbro has said many things and gone around and done others. Sometimes things are out of their hands. Fans should consider that sometimes they are at the mercy of the retailers. And if retailers do not want to order their product then they need to find other channels. (In the case of Reveal The Shield Discount Retail)

Many people are trying to discredit what I posted last week. I am posting hard facts to back up what I have found out.

I am a serious / hardcore collector and I gather my information from rock solid sources. I ask that you respect the work I have put into this as it has taken me much time and effort to procure.
Re: Hasbro Transformers Team Jerry Jivoin and Joshua Lamb Interview (1551982)
Posted by Primeultimus on February 19th, 2014 @ 7:45am CST
Also I would like to say if anyone wants these to come out it is me. I am obsessed with the Generations Legends line and it is the line that got me most excited when I saw Tailgate , Cosmos , Swerve , and Shrapnel between SDCC and Botcon. I had literally planned my Birthday purchase to be Swerve and Cosmos. Fast Forward to 2014 and Reps are saying they are going to skip those waves and put them in future assortments. I look forward to them and the sooner they can get them out somewhere to purchase at retail the better. They are great figures from what I can tell from what I have seen in the Galleries. My hope is they find a home soon and future waves like Gnaw , Nemesis Prime , Brawn , and Cliffjumper see the light of day.
Re: Hasbro Transformers Team Jerry Jivoin and Joshua Lamb Interview (1551987)
Posted by It Is Him on February 19th, 2014 @ 8:12am CST
Mindmaster wrote:Woot! Shrapnel and Cosmos will be mine, once they're released. :grin:

As cool (and hilarious) as Swerve is, I don't have any personal connection to the character. I'll wait for Gears to come out.

Ideally they'll all be in one wave, but I imagine due to cost it'll be more like two.
Re: Hasbro Transformers Team Jerry Jivoin and Joshua Lamb Interview (1551990)
Posted by Primeultimus on February 19th, 2014 @ 8:17am CST
At this point if Hasbro were smart they would release them under this case ratio

2 X Cosmos
2 X Swerve
2 X Tailgate
2 X Shrapnel

Then a revision case / future wave

2 X Gears
2 X Acid Storm
1 Tailgate
1 Swerve
1 Cosmos
1 Shrapnel

This is a likely scenario at this point.
Re: Hasbro Transformers Team Jerry Jivoin and Joshua Lamb Interview (1552004)
Posted by T-Macksimus on February 19th, 2014 @ 9:05am CST
Primeultimus wrote:
Bounti76 wrote:
Primeultimus wrote:Not trying to stir up trouble just trying to be informative. These figures are not for sale currently in the USA and have no active orders at major retailers. Asian retailers also have none on order past what has already shipped.

Maybe they don't have them ordered at the moment, but Hasbro went to the trouble of showing them at Toy Fair, two Hasbro reps in the story said they are coming out and will be in the mix, so that says more to me than your continued, repeated insistence does.

You say you're not trying to stir up trouble, but you seem awfully determined for everyone to see things your way and to dash everyone's hopes about seeing these. If you were trying to be informative, you wouldn't put all this "information" you've gathered out there until someone asks to see it, or responds to your simple statement that you've researched it and don't think these will see release. If they come out (and I believe they will), you'll have a lot of backtracking to do, and if they don't, you'll be all over saying how right you were and why didn't anyone listen. Saying something once is informing. Saying something multiple times across multiple threads, with so much un-asked-for information is a plea for attention.

Whew....back on track. I'm excited to see Cosmos in an updated form from Hasbro. Only three toys in 30 years....does this mean we'll see another Cosmos in 2024? I'll pick up Swerve, because I had him as a kid. Tailgate and Gears, maybe, though Gears' face looks a little too Brawn-ish.

Why is everyone in denial? Just because Hasbro keeps repeating something about them coming out (With no solid date or release channel) does not make it true. What happened to the original October 2013 release? Retailers do not have these on order. I am standing by that and I have posted proof. Hasbro has said many things and gone around and done others. Sometimes things are out of their hands. Fans should consider that sometimes they are at the mercy of the retailers. And if retailers do not want to order their product then they need to find other channels. (In the case of Reveal The Shield Discount Retail)

Many people are trying to discredit what I posted last week. I am posting hard facts to back up what I have found out.

I am a serious / hardcore collector and I gather my information from rock solid sources. I ask that you respect the work I have put into this as it has taken me much time and effort to procure.

It's not that we are in denial or don't respect your research and efforts but, and Primus knows that I am one of the more(most) loud-mouthed, outspoken cynics and all around general ***holes on this site and speak badly of ALL retailers and Hasbro... but that is the info you have for your particular store and despite that they are major corporations and SHOULD have all their stores on the same page, the simple fact is that they DON'T. You cannot lay your evidence down as hard fact that this is a blanket cancellation for ALL stores and yet that is what you are doing.
Like you, I am practically obsessed with the Generation Legends figures myself and want these as just as badly as you do, and as much as my area is getting crappy distribution of all the Transformers case packs right, the one thing I have noticed about the stores in my area (and I have a boat-load of Targets and Wal-Marts to choose from) is inconsistency for ALL their stock. And that's for BOTH retailers.

Please don't get me wrong, I'm totally not expecting any of the Generations Legends figures to see the light of day myself and am pissed off that my general cynicism actually has some foundation behind it but it is not cynicism based entirely off the same findings as what you have. Each individual store is responsible for how the stock comes in and that varies depending on the size and location of the stores. I've had family working in Target for 25 years now, I know Targets methods inside and out and I've spoken to the general managers at 3 different Wal-Marts in my area about this same thing as well as Hasbro that were at one of the Target stores in my area the morning the movie toys were released back in '07.

So yes, we are going to get screwed but not all of us and not on the scope that you are pushing or for the exact reason you are bringing across. That's the only reason that folks are harping on ya. Not that you are wrong, because honestly you aren't wrong but because you are just misled about the scope of things and trying to push it as fact for everyone. I'll be right there with you complaining about the fact that Hasbro promised us one thing and our stores aren't helping them deliver that promise and Hasbro isn't pushing the retailers hard enough.
Re: Hasbro Transformers Team Jerry Jivoin and Joshua Lamb Interview (1552008)
Posted by fenrir72 on February 19th, 2014 @ 9:19am CST
Read your previous post Primeultimus. Hopefully all this will be fixed as soon as possible and hope this won't come to pass.

Btw, on my neck of the woods in SEA TRU, I did find a Swerve fig.
But I did notice one disturbing trend though and hopefully not related to your expose. After MP Wheeljack and in some limited capacity, TF Go! Optimus ExPrime, there is like ZILCH solicitation for any future TF products for the Japanese market in online stores. Is that in preparation for AOE toyline? I hope this will be just a temporary delay. 'cause I'm looking forward for the Japanese versions of these Legends and Voyager figures like Whirl and Roadbuster.
Re: Hasbro Transformers Team Jerry Jivoin and Joshua Lamb Interview (1552075)
Posted by Rated X on February 19th, 2014 @ 1:20pm CST
Sucks for people who jumped on e-bay and spent over 60 bucks plus shipping on a Cosmos. Bet they learned a lesson. :-?
Re: Hasbro Transformers Team Jerry Jivoin and Joshua Lamb Interview (1552088)
Posted by shockblast2 on February 19th, 2014 @ 1:59pm CST
Primeultimus wrote:
It Is Him wrote:Thank you for front paging the news about these characters one more time. After last weeks false rumor submission, I'm happy to see Hasbro being forthright about this issue. Hopefully we can get the word out that everyone still has a reasonable shot at these characters.

Normal Retailers have no plans on carrying the Transformers Generations Legends Line. I have now backed up with proof from the 2 largest Retailers Walmart and Target. Perhaps they will show at online retailers , or at specialty toy stores. Maybe they will show up this Fall. Keep in mind in the interview they said they were under ordered. I originally posted they were not active at retailers Walmart , Target , Kmart , BBTS and others. They are not on order or active and that is true.

Hard Evidence

Floor plan / Planogram from Walmart Spring 2014 submitted just today 2-19-14. Transformers Generations Legends are absent.


Also they are now on Clearance at Target please see the receipt to match the DCPI to the Transformers Generations Legends SKU. None on order listed as NON Active at Target. 0 In distribution center total in my region.

Receipt from Today At Target for Transformers Generations Legends on Clearance (They were previously on clearance at Walmart)

List of Target DCPI can be found here: ... stock.html

Not trying to stir up trouble just trying to be informative. These figures are not for sale currently in the USA and have no active orders at major retailers. Asian retailers also have none on order past what has already shipped.

Yes, and that is going to make it difficult for some to get these. Kinda like RTS Windcharger.

I'm not mad at you over the story. I know some blew a gasket over the weekend as I saw in the post that was shut down. Just know you have at least one that thought you did the right thing and those who threw a fit need to get a life.
Re: Hasbro Transformers Team Jerry Jivoin and Joshua Lamb Interview (1552092)
Posted by skidflap on February 19th, 2014 @ 2:12pm CST
nice to see that they are not out of the loop. I kinda started to like swerve after reading the waiting game. (also means I don't have to shell out for the 3rd party version)

in regard to the conversation above, the store usually tends to stock what the manager wants on. For example down here in los angeles, i have four targets near me and each one has a different stocking pattern for their transformers section. here's the breakdown,

target 1 only has predacons rising figures and rescue bots

target 2 has generations, beast hunters, predacons rising, kre-o microchangers construct-a-bots and rescue bots (complete with bagged mini figures.)

target 3 has a similar assortment to target 2, minus construct-a-bots

target 4 carries just beast hunters deluxe.

my point is that one can not say that a line is cancelled just because one store stocks it while the other does not. if i had thought that, i would have never found generation figures.

in conclusion, i look forward to the new figures, now i can have a swerve and a gears too. :michaelbay: :michaelbay: :michaelbay:

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