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Hasbro's Transformers Team Talks the Future of Legacy and the Figures They Want to Make at SDCC

Transformers News: Hasbro's Transformers Team Talks the Future of Legacy and the Figures They Want to Make at SDCC

Monday, July 25th, 2022 7:43PM CDT

Categories: Cartoon News, Comic Book News, Toy News, Event News
Posted by: Emerje   Views: 152,950

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SDCC may have wrapped up but it looks like there's still a lot left to talk about when it comes to the future of Legacy! HUGE thanks to our own Seibertronian Nemesis Primal for combing through Q&As and interviews to find many key bits of information about the future of Legacy. His post to our Energon Pub Forums is as follows:

Nemesis Primal wrote:So I've been doing a bit of reading, and between what little Q & A escaped the panel, a video interview done by Shartimus Prime, and the big interview TFW just posted, I have compiled the following list of Legacy-relevant confirmations/hints given at SDCC outside of just the figures we actually saw. Notes so far (*inhales*):

-Legacy Wave 4/Breakdown will be shown at Pulsecon
-Legacy Wave 4/Breakdown are scheduled to come out next year
-Evan mentioned that Menasor's lack of Scramble City compatibility/limbs being dedicated to just Menasor has been well-received and they are keeping that in mind for future potential combiners
-No continuity is off the table for Legacy, Cyberverse is an option
-Animated was given a flat-out confirmation by Evan, Animated characters/designs WILL be in Legacy, the theory of those characters/designs being held up by Cartoon Network rights is incorrect
-Evan cited Animated Lockdown, Ratchet, and Prime as characters/designs he specifically would like to work on
-Legacy Animated figures WILL be G1-ified, HOWEVER the team has also heard the feedback on Arcee/Bulkhead/Knock Out and are working to find a better G1-ification balance
-Titans and Selects are both still planned to continue release, called out the theory of Selects ending specifically as incorrect
-Hasbro is considering 2022 and 2023 both to be the Armada anniversary due to the show's release date in Japan (which probably also explains "RiD 2000 Universe")
-Armada Prime "may happen" for the anniversary, unlikely to be the unreleased Takara-initiated one shown years back but may borrow from it if happening
-Cyber Planet Keys and Cheetor's gut gun both being thought about in terms of potential weapon/accessory packs
-They KNOW people want Tidal Wave
-Minicons are something they're intending to figure out "once they move more fully into Armada"
-Wider release/more allotments of Velocitron Cosmos and his in-store availability are up to Walmart, Pulse cannot restock (sounds familiar)
-Next Haslab is being worked on but has no associated dates yet
-No version of Optimus Prime will EVER be a Haslab (when asked about Armada Prime)
-When asked about a new Cybertron OP & Wing Saber: "it would be totally doable to make a new Wing Saber connect to Siege GUOP" (implying Wing Saber is on the table but Optimus is considered done)
-More Titans from Cybertron are possible albeit daunting due to number (Starscream, Primus, Quickmix, & Menasor all mentioned)
-Evan wants to incorporate Powerlinx into Armada/Energon updates
-Mark and Evan talk about making figures of the 13 Primes "all the time", mentioned The Fallen's tank mode
-As far as Evan knows, Legacy is planned to go for 3 years and is a trilogy (?)
-More non-G1 updates can be expected even if/when Legacy ends
-Evan wants to make Beast Machines Vehicons
-Most obscure characters Evan wants to do in Legacy: Velocity, Javelin, Mistress of Flame, Camiens
-Interest in bringing Fan Votes back
-Expansion into non-G1 was due to designer interest, characters needing updates, and people being sick of the same characters
-Positive reaction to being asked about Omnibots, vague "anything is possible" response given
-More Minibots "will make it in eventually"
-Mention of potential Coneheads rerelease in Legacy
-Evan mentioned "having a few more beasts to get through"

...and on top of all that semi-official stuff, JTPrime has said as of yesterday that Breakdown and Twincast's EAN numbers have been replaced with new ones that change what we thought the next few waves would be, indicating that Wave 4 will now include Needlenose, "Junkion 1", Hot Shot, Tarn, & Leo Prime (at least, don't think we know Leaders-per-specific-wave yet for 2023) in addition to Breakdown, while Twincast has been pushed back to the wave containing Metalhawk and the Wheeljack & Cheetor repacks have been possibly scrapped.

If you actually read to the end, I appreciate you

And there you have it. It looks like the design team isn't leaving much off the table which may well make this the most exciting era of the Transformers franchise. It's a lot to unload but feel free to leave your thoughts in the Energon Pub Forums!
Credit(s): Nemesis Primal on the forums,, Shartimus Prime

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Re: Hasbro's Transformers Team Talks the Future of Legacy and the Figures They Want to Make at SDCC (2139372)
Posted by william-james88 on July 25th, 2022 @ 8:07pm CDT
@Nenesis Primal, I read till the end and I am appreciative of all your research.

Most excited about how they are working on a better balance for G1ification. It has been done right in the past, like with Animated Lugnut and Evergreen Barricade (regarding the design).
Re: Hasbro's Transformers Team Talks the Future of Legacy and the Figures They Want to Make at SDCC (2139375)
Posted by Razorbeast88 on July 25th, 2022 @ 8:26pm CDT
Animated lockdown and ratchet woo-hoo! Prime is cool too. One step closer to getting animated Shockwave ouuuu

G1-ification balance, noice. Tidal wave, noice. Clearly these guys do their homework and I appreciate that a lot of us are heard in what we want

Gut gun in an accessory pack would be dope, wonder what else could come of that pack. 13 primes yesssssssss. More beasts yessss. Minibots? Powerglide?

All of wave 4 sounds great, idk if I'd want Hot shot but I'm curious for needlenose and junkion 1, and excited for tarn and Leo prime
Re: Hasbro's Transformers Team Talks the Future of Legacy and the Figures They Want to Make at SDCC (2139377)
Posted by Nuclearxpotato on July 25th, 2022 @ 8:47pm CDT
-Evan mentioned that Menasor's lack of Scramble City compatibility/limbs being dedicated to just Menasor has been well-received and they are keeping that in mind for future potential combiners

Re: Hasbro's Transformers Team Talks the Future of Legacy and the Figures They Want to Make at SDCC (2139386)
Posted by Rodimus Prime on July 25th, 2022 @ 10:13pm CDT
Well I for 1 think it's a good idea for each combiner to be unique. I was never a big fan of the scramble concept, even if it was fun to mix up limbs.

I noticed that no matter what, they never flat-out said no to any question or idea. Trying very hard to keep that positive image, even if they have no intention of following through on some things.

I'm glad they pretty much confirmed Tidal Wave. Here's hoping for a Titan.

Why wouldn't they use Takara's previously designed Armada Prime? It's like the heavy lifting was already done for them. Will they design a simpler (and thus cheaper) version?

No Optimus EVER in HasLab. Good news?

We might get a Wing Saber to go with Galaxy Prime? Wasn't Wing Saber in Energon/Super-Link?

If they were going to do Mini-Cons, why not start with Starscream? I hope at least Megatron will come with Leader-1.

The other stuff I can take or leave.

I would like to see an accurate Voyager Shockwave as well as a new Bludgeon.
Re: Hasbro's Transformers Team Talks the Future of Legacy and the Figures They Want to Make at SDCC (2139387)
Posted by Jelze Bunnycat on July 25th, 2022 @ 10:23pm CDT
Rodimus Prime wrote:We might get a Wing Saber to go with Galaxy Prime? Wasn't Wing Saber in Energon/Super-Link?

He was, but that's not the Wing Saber they're talking about. They're talking about this guy:

Galaxy Force Sonic Bomber, aka Cybertron Wing Saber

He combines with Optimus Prime for Sonic Wing Mode:

Re: Hasbro's Transformers Team Talks the Future of Legacy and the Figures They Want to Make at SDCC (2139390)
Posted by Rodimus Prime on July 25th, 2022 @ 10:26pm CDT
An yes, thank you for the reminder. The Energon version is more prominent in my memories.

But since my GUOP is messed up, I'll take Sonic Bomber to go with him, since he can't wear his backpack anymore.
Re: Hasbro's Transformers Team Talks the Future of Legacy and the Figures They Want to Make at SDCC (2139393)
Posted by Sabrblade on July 25th, 2022 @ 10:51pm CDT
ZeroWolf wrote:I think there's a lot to be excited about here, and ironically, Animated has already seen some of it's designs translated to other styles.
william-james88 wrote:Most excited about how they are working on a better balance for G1ification. It has been done right in the past, like with Animated Lugnut and Evergreen Barricade (regarding the design).
The difference in the cases like Reveal the Shield Lugnut, ROTF Lockdown, and Cyberverse Clobber is that those were alternate-continuity G1/Movie/Aligned/Cyberverse/etc.-native versions of their Animated counterparts (like how Armada Optimus Prime is to G1 Optimus Prime is to Movie Optimus Prime, etc.), rather than specifically the actual Animated universe characters in G1/Movie/Aligned/Cyberverse/etc.-styled bodies (save for Legends Slipstream, whom Takara retooled enough in an active attempt to make her mold look more like an Animated mold).

The latter of which is how Hasbro is treating all the non-G1 characters in Legacy, including all the G1-ified Prime universe characters.

Rodimus Prime wrote:Why wouldn't they use Takara's previously designed Armada Prime? It's like the heavy lifting was already done for them. Will they design a simpler (and thus cheaper) version?
Since Takara made the previous prototype version on their own without Hasbro's input, it might not fit into Hasbro's more rigid budget restrictions, requiring Hasbro to design a new one from the ground up that does fit into their budget.
Re: Hasbro's Transformers Team Talks the Future of Legacy and the Figures They Want to Make at SDCC (2139394)
Posted by Grahf_ on July 25th, 2022 @ 10:58pm CDT
I'm down for the Camiens. I don't read the comics or anything, I just love Transformers. I don't need any attachment to pick anything up so long as I think it looks good. I'm also more drawn to female figures as well due to the lack of them in many lines growing up. And when they did show up, they were scalped like they were in the old 90's Toybiz Marvel lines.

Titan Menasor would be great. Quickmix could be a commander. Primus should be another Haslab but I never did get Unicron so I doubt I'd get it. Starscream would be cool as a titan but ultimately, I'd rather it go to Quickmix at that point.

However, I don't want a titan Tidal Wave. I couldn't care less about how big he was in the game. Commander would be fine.

It's great that they're still considering Minicons after the supposed fail of the Micromasters.

Don't care about Cyber Keys but more weapons packs would be nice. Like maybe release all the new energon weapons all together in one pack each in a single color with multiple packs released in different colors. Actually, do the old Energon weapons that the Omnicons and Terrorcons had instead. I'd love packs of those weapons...and they had better combined modes.

The thirteen Primes would be awesome.

Omnibots would be amazing to get.

So would some Beast Machines Vehicons.

Minibots are cool but I'm more interested in all the potential updates from everything else to get more excited about them honestly.

It's nice that they're reconsidering reissues of certain characters. I don't think anyone needed Wheeljack and Cheetor.

Bringing back the fan vote would be cool. I wonder if they could combine it with the reissues as well. This way when they're looking for figures to fill the waves, it would be figures that people need like the Coneheads or the Battlechargers or whoever else. Regular fan votes still too though. New characters are always fun.

More combiners like Menasor without the scramble aspect? I wouldn't mind. Maybe they go so far as to change up the size classes for some. Not every torso would work as a commander. Some would work as leaders and maybe some still as even voyagers. Not all limbs would need to be deluxes either. Since Menasor's design works so differently to the rest, voyagers could work for the limbs of the other combiners instead. Like four voyagers and a leader. The extra budget going towards more tooling so that the robot modes still scale properly. That would put it at roughly the same price as the Menasor components if they were to sell them as boxsets.

Not using that teased Armada Prime? Well that sucks. It should be able to work as a commander class. Or at least based just on the cab figure it looks like it could work. It would all depend on what they do with the trailer. But if they can get what amounts to a fully functioning Menasor as a commander along with that complex a Motormaster then I imagine that whatever Takara had in mind with that Armada Prime would still work at that price point. Whatever happens though, I hope it's not leader class. I like GUOP and all but I don't think an Armada Prime update would work as well at that price point. Energon Prime would work better as a commander as well but at least he could be separated from his drones to save the size class for something else. Like have Energon Prime and the empty trailer as a leader class then the drones as core or something.

Oh and it sucks about Cosmos. The same must go for Buzzworthy Cliffjumper as well. I wish Target at least had a listing for BWCJ so I could maybe use the store tracker like I did to track down other exclusives. With gas prices being what they are, I don't want to go far on blind runs if I have no other reason to go near the "better" stores in my area.
Re: Hasbro's Transformers Team Talks the Future of Legacy and the Figures They Want to Make at SDCC (2139395)
Posted by Rodimus Prime on July 26th, 2022 @ 12:06am CDT
Sabrblade wrote:Takara Armada Prime budget.
I think they should use the design, and fit their budget around it. If they had plans to make a leader figure but it turns out to be too expensive, bump it up to commander. Based on the prototype we got, it looks like it's worth the money. Unless Hasbro completely butchers the trailer, or gives us something cheap and hollow like ER leader Prime just to fit the budget.

They did really well with Legacy Motormaster in giving us our money's worth. I would have taken ER Prime at commander class if we got that voyager Prime and a better trailer. They did it with Rodimus. (For me, that trailer for perfectly with my deluxe TFP Prime figure. It looks cheap enough to go with a deluxe.)
Re: Hasbro's Transformers Team Talks the Future of Legacy and the Figures They Want to Make at SDCC (2139396)
Posted by Sabrblade on July 26th, 2022 @ 12:11am CDT
Rodimus Prime wrote:
Sabrblade wrote:Takara Armada Prime budget.
I think they should use the design, and fit their budget around it. If they had plans to make a leader figure but it turns out to be too expensive, bump it up to commander. Based on the prototype we got, it looks like it's worth the money. Unless Hasbro completely butchers the trailer, or gives us something cheap and hollow like ER leader Prime just to fit the budget.

They did really well with Legacy Motormaster in giving us our money's worth. I would have taken ER Prime at commander class if we got that voyager Prime and a better trailer. They fid it with Rodimus. (For me, that trailer for perfectly with my deluxe TFP Prime figure. It looks cheap enough to go with a deluxe.)
There's also the possibility that the Takara Armada Prime didn't pass Hasbro's toy safety drop test (the same drop test that prevented the G1 Fort Max mold from being rereleased in the West as RiD 2001 Fort Max).
Re: Hasbro's Transformers Team Talks the Future of Legacy and the Figures They Want to Make at SDCC (2139397)
Posted by Rodimus Prime on July 26th, 2022 @ 1:21am CDT
Yes, there are most likely a few reasons for that design not being used. But the prototype looked really good. Like I said, based on that visual evidence, we would have gotten a really nice looking piece if it made it to store shelves.
Re: Hasbro's Transformers Team Talks the Future of Legacy and the Figures They Want to Make at SDCC (2139399)
Posted by Big Grim on July 26th, 2022 @ 4:29am CDT
Nemesis Primal wrote:If you actually read to the end, I appreciate you

A most excellent writeup! Thank you! :)

~ Grim
Re: Hasbro's Transformers Team Talks the Future of Legacy and the Figures They Want to Make at SDCC (2139400)
Posted by -Kanrabat- on July 26th, 2022 @ 4:37am CDT
Nuclearxpotato wrote:
-Evan mentioned that Menasor's lack of Scramble City compatibility/limbs being dedicated to just Menasor has been well-received and they are keeping that in mind for future potential combiners


I don't see why the Scramble City gimmick can't be used on the new combiner design. The deluxe "limbs" simply ride the torso's skeleton so like the original concept, the deluxes could ride any skeleton on any limbs.
Re: Hasbro's Transformers Team Talks the Future of Legacy and the Figures They Want to Make at SDCC (2139402)
Posted by ZeroWolf on July 26th, 2022 @ 5:13am CDT
-Kanrabat- wrote:
Nuclearxpotato wrote:
-Evan mentioned that Menasor's lack of Scramble City compatibility/limbs being dedicated to just Menasor has been well-received and they are keeping that in mind for future potential combiners


I don't see why the Scramble City gimmick can't be used on the new combiner design. The deluxe "limbs" simply ride the torso's skeleton so like the original concept, the deluxes could ride any skeleton on any limbs.

In case of the arms, the deluxe would have to split apart.
Re: Hasbro's Transformers Team Talks the Future of Legacy and the Figures They Want to Make at SDCC (2139404)
Posted by -Kanrabat- on July 26th, 2022 @ 6:38am CDT
ZeroWolf wrote:
-Kanrabat- wrote:
Nuclearxpotato wrote:
-Evan mentioned that Menasor's lack of Scramble City compatibility/limbs being dedicated to just Menasor has been well-received and they are keeping that in mind for future potential combiners


I don't see why the Scramble City gimmick can't be used on the new combiner design. The deluxe "limbs" simply ride the torso's skeleton so like the original concept, the deluxes could ride any skeleton on any limbs.

In case of the arms, the deluxe would have to split apart.

Can legs bots split appart?
If yes, all limbs bots are "scramble city". If not, that's a weird design choice.
Re: Hasbro's Transformers Team Talks the Future of Legacy and the Figures They Want to Make at SDCC (2139405)
Posted by TOO MUCH ENERGON! on July 26th, 2022 @ 7:02am CDT
I’d love a new Armada Optimus. Back when I was 18 in 2003 I started collecting Transformers based simply on seeing the deluxe class version of him in store and thinking he looked dope.
Re: Hasbro's Transformers Team Talks the Future of Legacy and the Figures They Want to Make at SDCC (2139407)
Posted by ZeroWolf on July 26th, 2022 @ 8:34am CDT
-Kanrabat- wrote:
ZeroWolf wrote:
-Kanrabat- wrote:
Nuclearxpotato wrote:
-Evan mentioned that Menasor's lack of Scramble City compatibility/limbs being dedicated to just Menasor has been well-received and they are keeping that in mind for future potential combiners


I don't see why the Scramble City gimmick can't be used on the new combiner design. The deluxe "limbs" simply ride the torso's skeleton so like the original concept, the deluxes could ride any skeleton on any limbs.

In case of the arms, the deluxe would have to split apart.

Can legs bots split appart?
If yes, all limbs bots are "scramble city". If not, that's a weird design choice.

I don't think they can :-?
Re: Hasbro's Transformers Team Talks the Future of Legacy and the Figures They Want to Make at SDCC (2139408)
Posted by -Kanrabat- on July 26th, 2022 @ 8:51am CDT
ZeroWolf wrote:I don't think they can :-?

This needs to be double-checked to make sure.
Re: Hasbro's Transformers Team Talks the Future of Legacy and the Figures They Want to Make at SDCC (2139410)
Posted by Thanos on July 26th, 2022 @ 9:25am CDT
Rodimus Prime wrote:Well I for 1 think it's a good idea for each combiner to be unique. I was never a big fan of the scramble concept, even if it was fun to mix up limbs.

I know the Combiner Wars combiners are somewhat polarizing, but that's what I really appreciated about the line. I've got six "custom" head-cannon combiners in my collection made from different limb and torso combinations. They're visually unique and add some variety to my collection.
Re: Hasbro's Transformers Team Talks the Future of Legacy and the Figures They Want to Make at SDCC (2139411)
Posted by o.supreme on July 26th, 2022 @ 9:27am CDT
I feel like I'm way past beating a dead horse at this point but...I don't see the point of revisiting combiners that were released in the last 6/7 years. While I don't agree with Menasor I get it. I'd even understand another shot at LioKaiser, but the rest are fine.

Until we get all the combiners in my wish list, and the rest from other eras, revisiting the ones that were already done is a waste.
Re: Hasbro's Transformers Team Talks the Future of Legacy and the Figures They Want to Make at SDCC (2139412)
Posted by DeathReviews on July 26th, 2022 @ 9:30am CDT
Any tribute to TF Animated is welcome - as long as they do it well. It was a toy line, and a TV show, that deserved a LOT better than it got.

And why should Cartoon Network be 'keeping the rights' to it anyway? It's not like they've DONE anything with it for the last 10 years. They're not even re-running the episodes anywhere for cryin' out loud...
Re: Hasbro's Transformers Team Talks the Future of Legacy and the Figures They Want to Make at SDCC (2139415)
Posted by -Kanrabat- on July 26th, 2022 @ 9:48am CDT
DeathReviews wrote:And why should Cartoon Network be 'keeping the rights' to it anyway? It's not like they've DONE anything with it for the last 10 years. They're not even re-running the episodes anywhere for cryin' out loud...

Copyrights holders sit on their rights like dragons sleep on their gold piles. They don't do anything with it, but they will ROAR if any hand that is not their own gets close to their treasure.
Re: Hasbro's Transformers Team Talks the Future of Legacy and the Figures They Want to Make at SDCC (2139416)
Posted by ZeroWolf on July 26th, 2022 @ 9:50am CDT
-Kanrabat- wrote:
DeathReviews wrote:And why should Cartoon Network be 'keeping the rights' to it anyway? It's not like they've DONE anything with it for the last 10 years. They're not even re-running the episodes anywhere for cryin' out loud...

Copyrights holders sit on their rights like dragons sleep on their gold piles. They don't do anything with it, but they will ROAR if any hand that is not their own gets close to their treasure.

Harmony Gold springs to mind (though at least they've turned a corner now)
Re: Hasbro's Transformers Team Talks the Future of Legacy and the Figures They Want to Make at SDCC (2139417)
Posted by william-james88 on July 26th, 2022 @ 9:57am CDT
-Kanrabat- wrote:
ZeroWolf wrote:I don't think they can :-?

This needs to be double-checked to make sure.

They can't. Only the arms split
Re: Hasbro's Transformers Team Talks the Future of Legacy and the Figures They Want to Make at SDCC (2139420)
Posted by Thannak on July 26th, 2022 @ 10:51am CDT
Anyone else REALLY want a Gaea/Earth figure?

She’s Shattered Glass after all.

I’d buy the Armada Unicron mold a third time to complete the trinity.



Re: Hasbro's Transformers Team Talks the Future of Legacy and the Figures They Want to Make at SDCC (2139424)
Posted by Sabrblade on July 26th, 2022 @ 11:27am CDT
ZeroWolf wrote:
-Kanrabat- wrote:
DeathReviews wrote:And why should Cartoon Network be 'keeping the rights' to it anyway? It's not like they've DONE anything with it for the last 10 years. They're not even re-running the episodes anywhere for cryin' out loud...

Copyrights holders sit on their rights like dragons sleep on their gold piles. They don't do anything with it, but they will ROAR if any hand that is not their own gets close to their treasure.

Harmony Gold springs to mind (though at least they've turned a corner now)
In this case, however, Cartoon Network does not have a horse in this race:

While not rooted in any specific source, there has been a longstanding misconception that because they produced the cartoon and collaborated with Hasbro on the toy designs, Cartoon Network maintains partial (if not complete) ownership over the character designs in Transformers Animated, and is thus the reason why no new toys of the characters have been released in years.

In truth, Hasbro owns Animated lock, stock, and barrel. A quick glance at the legal jargon on the back of any Animated toy packaging will show Hasbro as the sole copyright holder listed. In fact, the only legalese mentioning Cartoon Network is the trademark for their own name and logo, due to printing "AS SEEN ON CN!" on the box. A handful of Animated toys were also released after the show ended via Fun Publications, which also listed Hasbro as the sole copyright holder. Furthermore, toys of several Animated characters were also sold under different Transformers toylines concurrently with the Animated line itself, such as the Legends Class Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, Prowl and Starscream sold under the 2008 Universe line, or the Deluxe Class Bumblebee sold as part of the 2007 Transformers movie toyline's "The Legacy of Bumblebee" three-pack. Again, Cartoon Network is mentioned nowhere on the packaging. Similarly, Cartoon Network goes unmentioned in the copyrights for other merchandise like DVDs and tie-in comics. In Japan, the Animated Blackarachnia toy was even retooled years after Animated ended to create the Legends toy for Beast Wars Blackarachnia, again with no mention of Cartoon Network anywhere.

The only place you'll find a Cartoon Network copyright is in the credits of the episodes themselves, but Hasbro appears to have long since bought out whatever rights Cartoon Network retained, hence their ability to freely upload Animated clips to their YouTube channels and make it available for streaming alongside their other Transformers cartoons on services like Tubi (very much unlike the one show we know they don't have all the rights to). And in either case, as mentioned above, it wouldn't prevent them from making new toys using those characters or designs. A much more likely explanation is Hasbro simply wanting new toys to fit a certain aesthetic, one that Animated's designs don't quite fit. So instead, they simply choose to adapt the characters to fit the new medium, such as with Prime Bulkhead or Cyberverse Clobber. The most overt case of this is the 2015 Japanese release of the Legends Slipstream toy, retooled by TakaraTomy from the non-Animated Generations Windblade toy to be more Animated-like, and explicitly spelled out to be the Animated character via the accompanying issue of the Legends comic, which itself likewise featured multiple cameos by Animated characters.

Basically, there's nothing stopping them from making new toys based on Animated characters if they wanted to... they just didn't want to up until the 2020s: At San Diego Comic-Con 2022, Hasbro designer Evan Brooks confirmed that any rumors that claim Animated characters are not available for use to Hasbro are incorrect, and Hasbro has all rights to all Transformers characters.
Re: Hasbro's Transformers Team Talks the Future of Legacy and the Figures They Want to Make at SDCC (2139427)
Posted by -Kanrabat- on July 26th, 2022 @ 11:41am CDT
william-james88 wrote:
-Kanrabat- wrote:
ZeroWolf wrote:I don't think they can :-?

This needs to be double-checked to make sure.

They can't. Only the arms split

A missed opportunity but if it improves the leg-bots somewhat, it's alright.
Re: Hasbro's Transformers Team Talks the Future of Legacy and the Figures They Want to Make at SDCC (2139429)
Posted by william-james88 on July 26th, 2022 @ 11:47am CDT
Sabrblade wrote:
Hellscream9999 wrote:
Sabrblade wrote:
william-james88 wrote:Which version of Prime Knockout is more show accurate to uou guys, the original ine or the Legacy one?
Original. It was only a little inaccurate, while the new one doesn't even try for accuracy at all in its robot mode.


I mean, its not as stylized and curvy, but they arms transform the same way, the wheels end up in the same places as the prime design, and the feet and lower leg kibble are all similar, I think it keeps the spirit of the original very well.

Is it the loving update the likes of which armada starscream is getting? no, am I upset? mildly do I care? no, the figure looks sick.
Will was asking about show-accuracy, not which is the better toy.

I still think Hellscream answered my question as I asked it. He was referring to show accuracy when bringing up the feet and lower leg kibble being similar to the show.
Re: Hasbro's Transformers Team Talks the Future of Legacy and the Figures They Want to Make at SDCC (2139430)
Posted by Quantum Surge on July 26th, 2022 @ 11:52am CDT
This is a very good read, and I'm interested in seeing the future of Legacy now that I'm almost done with my G1 crews.
Re: Hasbro's Transformers Team Talks the Future of Legacy and the Figures They Want to Make at SDCC (2139433)
Posted by Munkky on July 26th, 2022 @ 12:22pm CDT
Nemesis Primal wrote:-No continuity is off the table for Legacy, Cyberverse is an option

There is that leaked store listing for a Shadowstriker in next year's Velocitron line-up, but even if she was the only Cyberverse thing in Legacy, I'd be satisfied with that. Even so, a Legacy Thunderhowl or Hammerbyte would be nice.

-Animated was given a flat-out confirmation by Evan, Animated characters/designs WILL be in Legacy, the theory of those characters/designs being held up by Cartoon Network rights is incorrect
-Evan cited Animated Lockdown, Ratchet, and Prime as characters/designs he specifically would like to work on
-Legacy Animated figures WILL be G1-ified, HOWEVER the team has also heard the feedback on Arcee/Bulkhead/Knock Out and are working to find a better G1-ification balance

This is good to hear, and it's nice that the designers have at least realised that the G1-ification of the Prime cast wasn't received well and are trying to fix it somewhat with future toys. Lockdown is pretty much a given, but Optimus and Ratchet would be great too if done right. I'm also hoping for a Prowl.

-Minicons are something they're intending to figure out "once they move more fully into Armada"

Mini-Cons would be fairly easy to do in the Core Class, I remember in one of these Q&As it was mentioned that Drill Bit was being considered for Core Class because they couldn't get him into Metroplex's budget. Though I keep hearing that the Siege Micromasters were bad sellers, so perhaps the team still have cold feet about doing anything similar to that.

-When asked about a new Cybertron OP & Wing Saber: "it would be totally doable to make a new Wing Saber connect to Siege GUOP" (implying Wing Saber is on the table but Optimus is considered done)

If this is the case, a package refresh (or even a slight retool to accomodate the combination) of Galaxy Upgrade Optimus will need to happen. It's been a few years since that toy came out and it's hard to get now, so I hope Hasbro doesn't just assume everyone that wants it will already have it. I for one missed out on it, so another opportunity to get one would be great.

-Mark and Evan talk about making figures of the 13 Primes "all the time", mentioned The Fallen's tank mode

I've been hoping for this since we saw that concept art for the unmade Power of the Primes Prima and Megatronus toys. While I probably wouldn't want all thirteen Primes, at the very least I'd like Vector, Onyx and Solus, possibly even Nexus done in a similar way to Menasor.

-Mention of potential Coneheads rerelease in Legacy

Now this is the most interesting thing in the Q&A for me. I already have the Coneheads, but they were a pain to get hold of like many of the other Earthrise sets. Re-releasing them in Legacy to give those who missed out on them another chance would be a Gigachad move on Hasbro's part, but of course there's always the chance they'll be just as hard to get as they were before.
I'm running a bit short on cash at the moment, and with TFNation 2022 and another comic-con in October on the horizon, I've thought about sticking the Earthrise Ironhise and Prowl, Ratchet and Lifeline, and Dirge and Ramjet sets on Ebay so I'm not completely wrecked financially by the end of the year, but I want to hang back until we get a good look at the Studio Series 1986 Ironhide and see if it's actually better or worse than the Earthrise version, and also to see if it gets a Ratchet retool (I mean it should, but you never know).

...and on top of all that semi-official stuff, JTPrime has said as of yesterday that Breakdown and Twincast's EAN numbers have been replaced with new ones that change what we thought the next few waves would be, indicating that Wave 4 will now include Needlenose, "Junkion 1", Hot Shot, Tarn, & Leo Prime (at least, don't think we know Leaders-per-specific-wave yet for 2023) in addition to Breakdown, while Twincast has been pushed back to the wave containing Metalhawk and the Wheeljack & Cheetor repacks have been possibly scrapped.

Ah nice, so we might be getting reveals of Hot Shot, Tarn and Lio Convoy earlier than I was expecting, just a couple more months on those. That's something to look forward to.

If you actually read to the end, I appreciate you

No worries bro any time.
Re: Hasbro's Transformers Team Talks the Future of Legacy and the Figures They Want to Make at SDCC (2139435)
Posted by Flashwave on July 26th, 2022 @ 12:55pm CDT
Soo ... Rescue Bots when?
Re: Hasbro's Transformers Team Talks the Future of Legacy and the Figures They Want to Make at SDCC (2139437)
Posted by Sentinel_Primal on July 26th, 2022 @ 1:27pm CDT
Didn't Mark say that Takara's prototype for Armada Prime wasn't finished and couldn't transform?

Also in regards to the Wing Saber and GUOP, if they do him, I'd hope that instead of doing a reissue, they instead make Wing Saber who's compatible with both GUOP and a new Cybertron Prime. Connection wise, it could be the same joint (the rail in the back) but the new one is closer to the original figure's design/transformation. Only issue would be stability for GUOP because... Well, despite the massive heel spurs, I do not trust that figure's joints to hold up a deluxe, let alone voyager or leader without falling over
Re: Hasbro's Transformers Team Talks the Future of Legacy and the Figures They Want to Make at SDCC (2139441)
Posted by AcademyofDrX on July 26th, 2022 @ 1:55pm CDT
Munkky wrote:There is that leaked store listing for a Shadowstriker in next year's Velocitron line-up, but even if she was the only Cyberverse thing in Legacy, I'd be satisfied with that. Even so, a Legacy Thunderhowl or Hammerbyte would be nice.

I think you're forgetting someone.

Flashwave wrote:Soo ... Rescue Bots when?

On that note ... BotBots when?
Re: Hasbro's Transformers Team Talks the Future of Legacy and the Figures They Want to Make at SDCC (2139443)
Posted by chuckdawg1999 on July 26th, 2022 @ 1:58pm CDT
Thanos wrote:
Rodimus Prime wrote:Well I for 1 think it's a good idea for each combiner to be unique. I was never a big fan of the scramble concept, even if it was fun to mix up limbs.

I know the Combiner Wars combiners are somewhat polarizing, but that's what I really appreciated about the line. I've got six "custom" head-cannon combiners in my collection made from different limb and torso combinations. They're visually unique and add some variety to my collection.

Looking back at the toon, Only Menasor's animation design was so far removed from the toy. The other combiners looked close enough and didn't come with a trailer like Motormaster that could make a combiner skeleton like the Legacy version.
Re: Hasbro's Transformers Team Talks the Future of Legacy and the Figures They Want to Make at SDCC (2139444)
Posted by bluecatcinema on July 26th, 2022 @ 2:07pm CDT
So maybe we'll be getting a show-accurate Bruticus after all?
Re: Hasbro's Transformers Team Talks the Future of Legacy and the Figures They Want to Make at SDCC (2139448)
Posted by Sabrblade on July 26th, 2022 @ 2:21pm CDT
bluecatcinema wrote:So maybe we'll be getting a show-accurate Bruticus after all?
What's wrong with the Unite Warriors one?
Re: Hasbro's Transformers Team Talks the Future of Legacy and the Figures They Want to Make at SDCC (2139450)
Posted by RodimusPrimeUkraine1 on July 26th, 2022 @ 2:22pm CDT
AllNewSuperRobot wrote:Still missing one though...


Custom based on Sludge anyone?
Re: Hasbro's Transformers Team Talks the Future of Legacy and the Figures They Want to Make at SDCC (2139451)
Posted by RodimusPrimeUkraine1 on July 26th, 2022 @ 2:27pm CDT
Sabrblade wrote:
bluecatcinema wrote:So maybe we'll be getting a show-accurate Bruticus after all?
What's wrong with the Unite Warriors one?

Honestly, the cw seems fine by me. Everyone whining that blast off wasn't a shuttle, but for once I dont care. Yes, Soundwave should be a cassette player, but who's ever heard of a ww2 space shuttle? As long as the transformation and robot mode look the same, I actually like that modernization.
Re: Hasbro's Transformers Team Talks the Future of Legacy and the Figures They Want to Make at SDCC (2139453)
Posted by Rodimus Prime on July 26th, 2022 @ 2:35pm CDT
RodimusPrimeUkraine1 wrote:
Sabrblade wrote:
bluecatcinema wrote:So maybe we'll be getting a show-accurate Bruticus after all?
What's wrong with the Unite Warriors one?

Honestly, the cw seems fine by me. Everyone whining that blast off wasn't a shuttle, but for once I dont care. Yes, Soundwave should be a cassette player, but who's ever heard of a ww2 space shuttle? As long as the transformation and robot mode look the same, I actually like that modernization.
The Combaticons didn't get their alt modes during WW2. They got them in 1985 from wrecked WW2 vehicles. We had space shuttles in 1985. ;)^

Having said that, I do agree that a fighter jet fits better in the team.
Re: Hasbro's Transformers Team Talks the Future of Legacy and the Figures They Want to Make at SDCC (2139464)
Posted by RodimusPrimeUkraine1 on July 26th, 2022 @ 2:52pm CDT
Rodimus Prime wrote:
RodimusPrimeUkraine1 wrote:
Sabrblade wrote:
bluecatcinema wrote:So maybe we'll be getting a show-accurate Bruticus after all?
What's wrong with the Unite Warriors one?

Honestly, the cw seems fine by me. Everyone whining that blast off wasn't a shuttle, but for once I dont care. Yes, Soundwave should be a cassette player, but who's ever heard of a ww2 space shuttle? As long as the transformation and robot mode look the same, I actually like that modernization.
The Combaticons didn't get their alt modes during WW2. They got them in 1985 from wrecked WW2 vehicles. We had space shuttles in 1985. ;)^

Having said that, I do agree that a fighter jet fits better in the team.

I knew that.
Re: Hasbro's Transformers Team Talks the Future of Legacy and the Figures They Want to Make at SDCC (2139469)
Posted by Rodimus Prime on July 26th, 2022 @ 3:00pm CDT
RodimusPrimeUkraine1 wrote:
Rodimus Prime wrote:
RodimusPrimeUkraine1 wrote:
Sabrblade wrote:
bluecatcinema wrote:So maybe we'll be getting a show-accurate Bruticus after all?
What's wrong with the Unite Warriors one?

Honestly, the cw seems fine by me. Everyone whining that blast off wasn't a shuttle, but for once I dont care. Yes, Soundwave should be a cassette player, but who's ever heard of a ww2 space shuttle? As long as the transformation and robot mode look the same, I actually like that modernization.
The Combaticons didn't get their alt modes during WW2. They got them in 1985 from wrecked WW2 vehicles. We had space shuttles in 1985. ;)^

Having said that, I do agree that a fighter jet fits better in the team.

I knew that.
Your "WW2 space shuttle" comment indicates otherwise. >:oP
Re: Hasbro's Transformers Team Talks the Future of Legacy and the Figures They Want to Make at SDCC (2139471)
Posted by RodimusPrimeUkraine1 on July 26th, 2022 @ 3:04pm CDT
Rodimus Prime wrote:
RodimusPrimeUkraine1 wrote:
Rodimus Prime wrote:
RodimusPrimeUkraine1 wrote:
Sabrblade wrote:
bluecatcinema wrote:So maybe we'll be getting a show-accurate Bruticus after all?
What's wrong with the Unite Warriors one?

Honestly, the cw seems fine by me. Everyone whining that blast off wasn't a shuttle, but for once I dont care. Yes, Soundwave should be a cassette player, but who's ever heard of a ww2 space shuttle? As long as the transformation and robot mode look the same, I actually like that modernization.
The Combaticons didn't get their alt modes during WW2. They got them in 1985 from wrecked WW2 vehicles. We had space shuttles in 1985. ;)^

Having said that, I do agree that a fighter jet fits better in the team.

I knew that.
Your "WW2 space shuttle" comment indicates otherwise. >:oP

The alt modes of the combaticons are based on vehicles from world war two. Unless I am wrong, space shuttles were not used in world war 2.
Re: Hasbro's Transformers Team Talks the Future of Legacy and the Figures They Want to Make at SDCC (2139472)
Posted by Rodimus Prime on July 26th, 2022 @ 3:06pm CDT
RodimusPrimeUkraine1 wrote:
Rodimus Prime wrote:
RodimusPrimeUkraine1 wrote:
Rodimus Prime wrote:
RodimusPrimeUkraine1 wrote:
Sabrblade wrote:
bluecatcinema wrote:So maybe we'll be getting a show-accurate Bruticus after all?
What's wrong with the Unite Warriors one?

Honestly, the cw seems fine by me. Everyone whining that blast off wasn't a shuttle, but for once I dont care. Yes, Soundwave should be a cassette player, but who's ever heard of a ww2 space shuttle? As long as the transformation and robot mode look the same, I actually like that modernization.
The Combaticons didn't get their alt modes during WW2. They got them in 1985 from wrecked WW2 vehicles. We had space shuttles in 1985. ;)^

Having said that, I do agree that a fighter jet fits better in the team.

I knew that.
Your "WW2 space shuttle" comment indicates otherwise. >:oP

The alt modes of the combaticons are based on vehicles from world war two. Unless I am wrong, space shuttles were not used in world war 2.
Thus my explanation of how and why the shuttle was included.
Re: Hasbro's Transformers Team Talks the Future of Legacy and the Figures They Want to Make at SDCC (2139474)
Posted by Jelze Bunnycat on July 26th, 2022 @ 3:09pm CDT
RodimusPrimeUkraine1 wrote:
Rodimus Prime wrote:
RodimusPrimeUkraine1 wrote:
Rodimus Prime wrote:
RodimusPrimeUkraine1 wrote:
Sabrblade wrote:
bluecatcinema wrote:So maybe we'll be getting a show-accurate Bruticus after all?
What's wrong with the Unite Warriors one?

Honestly, the cw seems fine by me. Everyone whining that blast off wasn't a shuttle, but for once I dont care. Yes, Soundwave should be a cassette player, but who's ever heard of a ww2 space shuttle? As long as the transformation and robot mode look the same, I actually like that modernization.
The Combaticons didn't get their alt modes during WW2. They got them in 1985 from wrecked WW2 vehicles. We had space shuttles in 1985. ;)^

Having said that, I do agree that a fighter jet fits better in the team.

I knew that.
Your "WW2 space shuttle" comment indicates otherwise. >:oP

The alt modes of the combaticons are based on vehicles from world war two. Unless I am wrong, space shuttles were not used in world war 2.

Not exactly. In the cartoon they did start out as WWII vehicles, but once the Combaticons' personality components were installed, they changed into more modern vehicles, with Blast Off making the least sense yet still does, from a B-17 Flying Fortress to a Space Shuttle Orbiter. In fact, the oldest vehicle in the Combaticon ranks dates back to 1959 (Vortex if you must know).
Re: Hasbro's Transformers Team Talks the Future of Legacy and the Figures They Want to Make at SDCC (2139475)
Posted by RodimusPrimeUkraine1 on July 26th, 2022 @ 3:12pm CDT
Jelze Bunnycat wrote:
RodimusPrimeUkraine1 wrote:
Rodimus Prime wrote:
RodimusPrimeUkraine1 wrote:
Rodimus Prime wrote:
RodimusPrimeUkraine1 wrote:
Sabrblade wrote:
bluecatcinema wrote:So maybe we'll be getting a show-accurate Bruticus after all?
What's wrong with the Unite Warriors one?

Honestly, the cw seems fine by me. Everyone whining that blast off wasn't a shuttle, but for once I dont care. Yes, Soundwave should be a cassette player, but who's ever heard of a ww2 space shuttle? As long as the transformation and robot mode look the same, I actually like that modernization.
The Combaticons didn't get their alt modes during WW2. They got them in 1985 from wrecked WW2 vehicles. We had space shuttles in 1985. ;)^

Having said that, I do agree that a fighter jet fits better in the team.

I knew that.
Your "WW2 space shuttle" comment indicates otherwise. >:oP

The alt modes of the combaticons are based on vehicles from world war two. Unless I am wrong, space shuttles were not used in world war 2.

Not exactly. In the cartoon they did start out as WWII vehicles, but once the Combaticons' personality components were installed, they changed into more modern vehicles, with Blast Off making the least sense yet still does, from B-17 Flying Fortress to a Space Shuttle Orbiter.

WW1 then, okay. I guess a lot of gaps in transformers, and I wouldn't care to pause the video and search for nazi logos to see if its ww 1 or 2.
Re: Hasbro's Transformers Team Talks the Future of Legacy and the Figures They Want to Make at SDCC (2139481)
Posted by -Kanrabat- on July 26th, 2022 @ 3:30pm CDT
Sabrblade wrote:
bluecatcinema wrote:So maybe we'll be getting a show-accurate Bruticus after all?
What's wrong with the Unite Warriors one?

It needed an expensive upgrade kit and a severe mod to the legs so that the damn combiner stop ragdolling.
Re: Hasbro's Transformers Team Talks the Future of Legacy and the Figures They Want to Make at SDCC (2139485)
Posted by o.supreme on July 26th, 2022 @ 3:53pm CDT
o.supreme wrote:Just got an Amazon update again for Impactor/Spindle coming next week....was not quite prepared for this oh well...

Just got an Amazon update. Delayed from Tomorrow (7/27), to August 8, which honestly I am quite ok many other things going on, hopefully when this does arrive I can relax and enjoy it.
Re: Hasbro's Transformers Team Talks the Future of Legacy and the Figures They Want to Make at SDCC (2139488)
Posted by RodimusPrimeUkraine1 on July 26th, 2022 @ 4:17pm CDT
-Kanrabat- wrote:
Sabrblade wrote:
bluecatcinema wrote:So maybe we'll be getting a show-accurate Bruticus after all?
What's wrong with the Unite Warriors one?

It needed an expensive upgrade kit and a severe mod to the legs so that the damn combiner stop ragdolling.

hopefully my ko g2 version does not have that issue.
Re: Hasbro's Transformers Team Talks the Future of Legacy and the Figures They Want to Make at SDCC (2139496)
Posted by Whirlkick on July 26th, 2022 @ 5:45pm CDT
I read to the end! Very thankful for your research!

Very interesting, I'm glad Animated is definitely coming! Not sure about the G1 aesthetic they'll be injecting though. Not been a fan of what they've done to the TFP characters. We'll have to wait and see I guess.

I do need some Armada figures too!
Re: Hasbro's Transformers Team Talks the Future of Legacy and the Figures They Want to Make at SDCC (2139535)
Posted by Emerje on July 27th, 2022 @ 1:05am CDT
Sentinel_Primal wrote:Didn't Mark say that Takara's prototype for Armada Prime wasn't finished and couldn't transform?

I don't see why it wouldn't be able to transform, we could even see the Super mode head in his back. I just don't think they finished the trailer.

I think the biggest issue is scale, Armada Prime's standard bot mode was the same size a PotP Evolution Leader class figure's inner bot which is about the size of the shorter modern Voyagers (when compared to Prime and Megatron) like Soundwave and Starscream. Going with that would have required making the whole thing better and finishing the trailer, I don't fault them for wanting to start over again.

Flashwave wrote:Soo ... Rescue Bots when?

Hey, RID 2015 already got a step up on this, time for Generations to catch up! :lol:

I'd be down for more of this.

I think if Hasbro does decided to do Mini-cons they wont actually make them functional, just peg onto the figure. If that happened then I could see the likes of Legacy Armada Starscream getting reissued with pegs added on, maybe an upgrade kit that adds a peg somehow to Metroplex. Likewise if they do Star Saber I could see them rereleasing GUOP (though I'd still like to see the black and red Galaxy Force repaint redone from that mold). It's not like Hasbro shies away from releasing older figures in later waves.

RodimusPrimeUkraine1 wrote:
AllNewSuperRobot wrote:Still missing one though...


Custom based on Sludge anyone?

Probably impossible. Paddles has flippers instead of legs it'd be hard to do his back flippers since they'd have to turn into arms in bot mode.


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