Images of Variant Headsculpt for Kingdom Beast Wars Megatron
Saturday, January 23rd, 2021 11:22PM CST
Category: Toy NewsPosted by: william-james88 Views: 36,316
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Posted by Ultra Markus on January 24th, 2021 @ 2:16am CST
Posted by AllNewSuperRobot on January 24th, 2021 @ 4:35am CST
Posted by Sabrblade on January 24th, 2021 @ 9:31am CST
Oh, there is paint on the teeth. It's just the same purple paint as his face.AllNewSuperRobot wrote:A good alternate headsculpt. It loses a little impact with no paint on the teeth though.

Posted by Wolfman Jake on January 24th, 2021 @ 9:37am CST
AllNewSuperRobot wrote:A good alternate headsculpt. It loses a little impact with no paint on the teeth though.
My guess is that this alternate head sculpt is for a different release of this mold later on, but on the production line, someone cast the parts with the wrong gate open for the head, and we got the alternate one. However, since this run is supposed to be the closed mouth version, the people painting probably had no directions for any teeth, because they shouldn't be there, so it was painted as if it was the closed mouth version.
Posted by Razorbeast88 on January 24th, 2021 @ 10:21am CST
Sabrblade wrote:Oh, there is paint on the teeth. It's just the same purple paint as his face.AllNewSuperRobot wrote:A good alternate headsculpt. It loses a little impact with no paint on the teeth though.
Haha nice
Posted by Spider5800 on January 24th, 2021 @ 11:21am CST
Primal is fantastic. The paint and details are excellent, he's extremely posable, and although he's a little short for a voyager, he's also extremely SOLID. He's got a great hefty feel to him and no hollow sections in either mode, which makes him look great at any angle. Only real complaints I have is his his robot knees don't hide very well in beast mode (they kind of stick out of his butt) and the swords are store on the outside in beast mode instead of internally. Those are really minor quibbles, though, I would easily recommend him.
Blackarachnia is also great, she looks fantastic in either mode. However, the one I found has a REALLY loose neck joint. It holds when you position her fine, but any kind of jarring and her head just kind of plops down to her back or chest. Maybe something to look for if others find her.
Posted by khrome on January 24th, 2021 @ 11:51am CST
Posted by AllNewSuperRobot on January 24th, 2021 @ 11:51am CST
Sabrblade wrote:Oh, there is paint on the teeth. It's just the same purple paint as his face.AllNewSuperRobot wrote:A good alternate headsculpt. It loses a little impact with no paint on the teeth though.

Very good

Posted by Mindmaster on January 24th, 2021 @ 2:45pm CST
Posted by AllNewSuperRobot on January 24th, 2021 @ 2:49pm CST
Posted by Jelze Bunnycat on January 24th, 2021 @ 3:03pm CST
AllNewSuperRobot wrote:I’ll be intrigued if this alternate head does signal a new version of T-Wrecks though.
In a sense it does. Starting with Robot Masters, Beast Megatron's mouth was closed on occasion, like it is on the Kingdom one:

Transformers Beast Wars Telemocha Series Megatron Gallery
Small Sad 'Saurus

Transformers Beast Wars Reborn Megatron (Reissue) Gallery

Transformers BotCon Exclusives Megatron Gallery
T-Wrecks only had one toy, as a redeco of the original BW Megatron with the teeth showing, so it would make sense for the Hasbro designers to use that for him.
While I'm at it: face plate for BW Grimlock!
Posted by AllNewSuperRobot on January 24th, 2021 @ 3:36pm CST

This colour scheme would look really good on the new figure.
Jelze Bunnycat wrote:While I'm at it: face plate for BW Grimlock!

Would the G1 Grimlock fans be really angry if this guy received the MP treatment, before his namesake was granted a 2.0?

Posted by Razorbeast88 on January 24th, 2021 @ 3:43pm CST
I would assume BW Grimlock would be released in generations selects before an MP version, especially since MP Dinobot was made to be cartoon accurate and BW Grimlock looks pretty different from that (at least based on the comic appearance)
That and although a masterpiece 2.0 grimlock would be pretty cool im not sure how necessary it would be, the first version was pretty good and SS86 version is satisfying a lot of people. I would assume masterpiece efforts would be devoted to another character but idk
Posted by AllNewSuperRobot on January 24th, 2021 @ 3:54pm CST
Razorbeast88 wrote:Hmmm good question
I would assume BW Grimlock would be released in generations selects before an MP version, especially since MP Dinobot was made to be cartoon accurate and BW Grimlock looks pretty different from that (at least based on the comic appearance)
That and although a masterpiece 2.0 grimlock would be pretty cool im not sure how necessary it would be, the first version was pretty good and SS86 version is satisfying a lot of people. I would assume masterpiece efforts would be devoted to another character but idk
Selects has a lot of potential in Kingdom. Even Blackarachnia could have an Arcee redeco. Every chosen Beast Character so far has at least one. Even the question mark to this line that is Polar Claw, has four recolours.
BW Grimlock as an MP, I would see as MP Dinobot, with a new Head and colour scheme. No other real changes, as he has no physical reference point to scale him with. Just comic appearances that vaguely assert his size.
Friends have told me MP Grimlock is too short now. That a 2.0 is needed for him to be brought into the correct scale with Prime etc. The lack of MP G1 Dinobots I can only assume are due to Takara complacently leaving them down to 3P's to provide.
Posted by ZeroWolf on January 24th, 2021 @ 4:06pm CST
AllNewSuperRobot wrote:Razorbeast88 wrote:Hmmm good question
I would assume BW Grimlock would be released in generations selects before an MP version, especially since MP Dinobot was made to be cartoon accurate and BW Grimlock looks pretty different from that (at least based on the comic appearance)
That and although a masterpiece 2.0 grimlock would be pretty cool im not sure how necessary it would be, the first version was pretty good and SS86 version is satisfying a lot of people. I would assume masterpiece efforts would be devoted to another character but idk
Selects has a lot of potential in Kingdom. Even Blackarachnia could have an Arcee redeco. Every chosen Beast Character so far has at least one. Even the question mark to this line that is Polar Claw, has four recolours.
BW Grimlock as an MP, I would see as MP Dinobot, with a new Head and colour scheme. No other real changes, as he has no physical reference point to scale him with. Just comic appearances that vaguely assert his size.
Friends have told me MP Grimlock is too short now. That a 2.0 is needed for him to be brought into the correct scale with Prime etc. The lack of MP G1 Dinobots I can only assume are due to Takara complacently leaving them down to 3P's to provide.
Considering how much MP Prime was, I can't help but wonder how much MP Grimlock 2.0 would cost

Anyway, I reckon we'll start hearing about the Kingdom Selects soon enough.
Posted by Razorbeast88 on January 24th, 2021 @ 4:16pm CST
I agree about the MP BW Grimlock, just not sure if they'd go for it. And it'd be really awesome if any version of BW Grimlock included some remolding to add that furry/feathery look that his dino mode had in the comics but not a big deal if that never happens
As far as the need for an updated MP Grimlock goes, I didnt know about the scaling issue since the new MP prime was too expensive for me but seems like reason enough for an update since starscream got an update too. I would assume you're right about takara relying on 3P for MP scale dinobots, my impression has always been the MP line focuses on the most popular characters and although the dinobots are popular, they don't really stand out other than Grimlock. They're just kind of part of the collective. Maybe that's why MP hasn't done any of the other groups like constructicons or combaticons (those are combiners though so way different)
Posted by AllNewSuperRobot on January 24th, 2021 @ 4:21pm CST
I can't help but notice that the Dinobots always seem to phased out of the comics around the midpoint of their life cycle. They never seem to get any kind of upgraded form in the figures either. Similar story with the cartoons too.
Beyond G1, I wonder if that is a mandate from HasTak?
Posted by Razorbeast88 on January 24th, 2021 @ 4:44pm CST
It does seem that the dinobots have been pretty neglected after this time. The only update they've had that comes to mind was in transformers animated and even then that was just 3 out of the 5
Posted by AllNewSuperRobot on January 24th, 2021 @ 4:51pm CST
Razorbeast88 wrote:Id loveee an updated razorbeast, as surprising as that must be hahahahaha and agreed about the size issues, though im not sure if voyager would be a little too big for razorbeast. Of course I've never seen a wild boar, but based on lion king and the javelinas ive seen id imagine they are still fairly small haha
It does seem that the dinobots have been pretty neglected after this time. The only update they've had that comes to mind was in transformers animated and even then that was just 3 out of the 5
As far as Boar scaling goes...
This was the best one I could find. Definitely should be bigger than a Rat, Iguana Frilled Lizard, Stag Beetle etc
Yeah, maybe that is because Takara doesn't like to make Dinobots as ongoing figures? Seeing them more as a short term novelty. Like the Battlechargers, Duocons etc
Posted by Razorbeast88 on January 24th, 2021 @ 5:07pm CST
Posted by Flashwave on January 24th, 2021 @ 5:11pm CST
AllNewSuperRobot wrote:Razorbeast88 wrote:Id loveee an updated razorbeast, as surprising as that must be hahahahaha and agreed about the size issues, though im not sure if voyager would be a little too big for razorbeast. Of course I've never seen a wild boar, but based on lion king and the javelinas ive seen id imagine they are still fairly small haha
It does seem that the dinobots have been pretty neglected after this time. The only update they've had that comes to mind was in transformers animated and even then that was just 3 out of the 5
As far as Boar scaling goes...
This was the best one I could find. Definitely should be bigger than a Rat, Iguana Frilled Lizard, Stag Beetle etc
Yeah, maybe that is because Takara doesn't like to make Dinobots as ongoing figures? Seeing them more as a short term novelty. Like the Battlechargers, Duocons etc
I mean yes, but compared with the Gorilla and the Cheetah, Rattrap is an R.U.S. and a basic class Razorbeast would be the one in scale here
Posted by blackeyedprime on January 24th, 2021 @ 5:13pm CST
SS86 Grimlocks too short for Grimlock so I'm doubting an inscale MP Grimlock 2.0 at any point though it would be nice if thye did one and his team mates.
G1 Grimlock did get an update...into a pretender (thats kinda maybe an upgrade), the orig toys were pretty good along with the G2 colorings.
I'd kinda hope for the pretenders/animal pretenders in the case of a use of a wildboar for Snarler over a BW Razorbeast.
Posted by ZeroWolf on January 24th, 2021 @ 5:18pm CST

Now BW Grim, I can see Hasbro taking the easy way abd just doing it off Voyager Dinobot, leaving T-Wrecks to be the other use of the megatron mold.
Posted by william-james88 on January 24th, 2021 @ 5:34pm CST
ZeroWolf wrote:Actually he got a further update with Nucleon as wellSS86 Grim too short? He looks like he's bigger the prime so isn't that right?
Now BW Grim, I can see Hasbro taking the easy way abd just doing it off Voyager Dinobot, leaving T-Wrecks to be the other use of the megatron mold.
I just realized ss86 grim is as tall as the potp Voyager, so I kinda get where people are coming from.
And yes T wrecks is for sure the other use, along with the Jurassic park crossover figure.
Posted by aronjlove on January 24th, 2021 @ 5:46pm CST
Uh...william-james88 wrote:I just realized ss86 grim is as tall as the potp Voyager, so I kinda get where people are coming from.
Posted by Nuclearxpotato on January 24th, 2021 @ 6:08pm CST
aronjlove wrote:Uh...william-james88 wrote:I just realized ss86 grim is as tall as the potp Voyager, so I kinda get where people are coming from.
Wow, he really puts the PotP version in perspective. I was trying to hold off on the SS86 Dinos just because I had the PotP ones... but this is making me reconsider.
Do you have TR Wheelie to make comparisons with? Can he hold the SS86 Wheelie figure's slingshot?
Posted by Sabrblade on January 24th, 2021 @ 6:16pm CST
Wheelie can hold Wheelie! (not my pic, btw)Nuclearxpotato wrote:aronjlove wrote:Uh...william-james88 wrote:I just realized ss86 grim is as tall as the potp Voyager, so I kinda get where people are coming from.
Wow, he really puts the PotP version in perspective. I was trying to hold off on the SS86 Dinos just because I had the PotP ones... but this is making me reconsider.
Do you have TR Wheelie to make comparisons with? Can he hold the SS86 Wheelie figure's slingshot?

Posted by aronjlove on January 24th, 2021 @ 6:23pm CST
I was thinking the same since I have them as well but then I saw SS86 Grimlock in Walmart. Once I realized how huge he was I had to have him.Nuclearxpotato wrote:Wow, he really puts the PotP version in perspective. I was trying to hold off on the SS86 Dinos just because I had the PotP ones... but this is making me reconsider.
Until this comment I didn't realize the slingshot came out of his hand lol and the slingshot post is the same size as the PotP Prime Master pretender armor hands and the Kingdom core-class hands, 3mm I think?Nuclearxpotato wrote:Do you have TR Wheelie to make comparisons with? Can he hold the SS86 Wheelie figure's slingshot?
Posted by Jelze Bunnycat on January 24th, 2021 @ 6:28pm CST
aronjlove wrote:I was thinking the same since I have them as well but then I saw SS86 Grimlock in Walmart. Once I realized how huge he was I had to have him.Nuclearxpotato wrote:Wow, he really puts the PotP version in perspective. I was trying to hold off on the SS86 Dinos just because I had the PotP ones... but this is making me reconsider.Until this comment I didn't realize the slingshot came out of his hand lol and the slingshot post is the same size as the PotP Prime Master pretender armor hands and the Kingdom core-class hands, 3mm I think?Nuclearxpotato wrote:Do you have TR Wheelie to make comparisons with? Can he hold the SS86 Wheelie figure's slingshot?
3mm, yeah. Which makes it too small for TR Wheelie which uses 5mm.
Posted by Evil Eye on January 24th, 2021 @ 7:12pm CST
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on January 25th, 2021 @ 12:32pm CST

Also, it's kind of incredible that the beats seem to sort of be in scale with the 6" lines. Between them and the MPs, one of them is in scale and both look pretty good with the 6-inchers!

Posted by Nuclearxpotato on January 26th, 2021 @ 12:39am CST
If this is what the Core class is offering, I'm hopeful for where it'll go!
She makes me long for more original characters. The Modulators and Fossilizers are a good start, but I hope this trend continues into the next Trilogy.
Posted by Actar on January 26th, 2021 @ 8:50am CST

Posted by sol magnus on January 26th, 2021 @ 8:56am CST
Posted by Actar on January 26th, 2021 @ 9:04am CST
sol magnus wrote:LOL Where are all those Golden Disks coming from?
Small one is 3P die-cast Golden Disks. Big one is a 1/1 scale replica from Etsy.
Posted by bacem on January 26th, 2021 @ 10:23am CST
Posted by Sabrblade on January 26th, 2021 @ 10:28am CST
I'd say the use of those parts as part of the beast mode thighs is a pretty clever way of hiding them in plain sight, making the most out of the figure's raptor skin parts for the beast mode.bacem wrote:Nice! I am looking forward to a video review, because that transformation looks interesting. Kinda bummed the faux dino chest are not hidden in beast mode tho.
Posted by blackeyedprime on January 26th, 2021 @ 10:40am CST
Posted by Razorbeast88 on January 26th, 2021 @ 11:14am CST
Posted by Actar on January 26th, 2021 @ 4:52pm CST
Posted by sol magnus on January 26th, 2021 @ 4:56pm CST
Actar wrote:...and DONE! I don't think I've rushed out a review this quickly since the MPM-03 one.
I see the Golden Disk is prominently factored in. LOL
Posted by Overcracker on January 26th, 2021 @ 4:56pm CST
Actar wrote:They released Kingdom Wave 2 early at Isetan NEX in Singapore!!! Managed to get Dinobot! AAAAAAA!!!
Damn.. Dinobot looks really nice. If only BBTS and. Amazon would get the Kingdom figures in so I could ship my pre-orders, I'd be really happy.
Posted by blackeyedprime on January 26th, 2021 @ 5:11pm CST

Posted by william-james88 on January 26th, 2021 @ 10:31pm CST
department store in Singapore. He took several in hand images, comparing him to Kingdom Primal and many previous versions of Dinobot for your viewing pleasure. He also did a video review. All of this awesome content can be found below.
Actar wrote:They released Kingdom Wave 2 early at Isetan NEX in Singapore!!! Managed to get Dinobot! AAAAAAA!!!

Posted by First-Aid on January 26th, 2021 @ 10:58pm CST
Posted by BIGGUY007 on January 26th, 2021 @ 11:43pm CST
First-Aid wrote:Meanwhile, I'm still awaiting Earthrise Wave 2 at my local stores.
I found Wave 2 of the Deluxes at an Aldi’s in a neighboring town if that helps.
Posted by First-Aid on January 27th, 2021 @ 12:58am CST
BIGGUY007 wrote:First-Aid wrote:Meanwhile, I'm still awaiting Earthrise Wave 2 at my local stores.
I found Wave 2 of the Deluxes at an Aldi’s in a neighboring town if that helps.
You're a few miles and feet of snow away from me...
Posted by MeGrimlock78 on January 27th, 2021 @ 6:45am CST
Posted by Rodimus Knight on January 27th, 2021 @ 8:02am CST
What were they thinking!!!
Posted by Rodimus Prime on January 27th, 2021 @ 9:06am CST