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Mirage May Not Be Mirage In Transformers DOTM

Transformers News: Mirage May Not Be Mirage In Transformers DOTM

Sunday, May 29th, 2011 12:30PM CDT

Categories: Movie Related News, Rumors
Posted by: El Duque   Views: 74,461

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Your fellow Seibertronian DavidT has found an interesting bit of information over on Michael Bay's Shoot for Edit forums. As he often does the site's adim nelson has dropped a cryptic clue regarding Transformers DOTM. It seems the red Ferrari revealed to be Mirage through Hasbro's official toy images and referenced as such in the comics may not be Mirage after all. nelson had this say over at Shoot for the Edit:

Originally Posted by nelson
All I will say is that he speaks with an Italian accent and is named after a famous Italian.

Originally Posted by nelson
Denial isn't just a river in Africa. I mean, do you guys prefer being lied to? It seems you're nicer when lied to.

Originally Posted by nelson
That doesn't mean ****.In the comic and novels the twins are still in it.

Originally Posted by nelson
Don't act dumb. You know I'm talking about the red Ferrari.

As you can see in his posts quoted above nelson states the red Ferrari will speak with an Italian accent and bare the name of a famous Italian. Truth or misinformation campaign? If accurate what could his new "famous Italian" name be? Speculate away here!
Credit(s): DavidT, nelson for Shoot for the Edit

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Re: Mirage May Not Be Mirage In Transformers DOTM (1230317)
Posted by Manterax Prime on May 29th, 2011 @ 12:37pm CDT
Toy already released that says Mirage.... I call shenanigans on Nelson's part
Re: Mirage May Not Be Mirage In Transformers DOTM (1230319)
Posted by dabattousai on May 29th, 2011 @ 12:43pm CDT
His name is Mario. Nintendo is already filing... 8)
Re: Mirage May Not Be Mirage In Transformers DOTM (1230323)
Posted by DavidT on May 29th, 2011 @ 12:47pm CDT
IgnikaMarcus wrote:Toy already released that says Mirage.... I call shenanigans on Nelson's part

But... that toy was a different kind of Farrari :-?
Re: Mirage May Not Be Mirage In Transformers DOTM (1230329)
Posted by Shockwave. on May 29th, 2011 @ 1:08pm CDT
Hey i this that nelson is right! :shock: I am saying this because the autobot in this image does NOT look like Ferrari 458 Italia!!!! If you look at that autobots car hood closely you will find what what i am saying. ;) It looks more like a Audi R8 :D :BOT:

Re: Mirage May Not Be Mirage In Transformers DOTM (1230330)
Posted by CrimsonPrime on May 29th, 2011 @ 1:09pm CDT
dabattousai wrote:His name is Mario. Nintendo is already filing... 8)

Lmao xD ! Damn that would be hilarious lol.

I think nelson is playing around with us but...I am concerned about the italian accent part...Cause for all we know Mirage might have that :BANG_HEAD: :BANG_HEAD: :BOOM:
Re: Mirage May Not Be Mirage In Transformers DOTM (1230333)
Posted by T-Macksimus on May 29th, 2011 @ 1:15pm CDT
Just from that brief snippet of the trailer you can tell the exact scene in the novel (which is adapted from the screenplay) where this takes place and guess what?? Yup, it's MIRAGE! Wheeljack, 'Bee and 'Swipe will be in that scene as well. I know, I know...the novel and the final Movie are not often the same even when adapted straight from the screenplay but everything else jives so far. All the other scenes from all the other trailers, sneak-peeks and whatever have meshed so I'm calling BS on this one. Bay and Nelson are screwing with us again (or rather, still)
Re: Mirage May Not Be Mirage In Transformers DOTM (1230343)
Posted by Shockwave. on May 29th, 2011 @ 1:41pm CDT
Hey i just found another thing! :D If you look in this trailer at 0:15 seconds, You will see a military tank behind Mirage which looks like decpticon Brawl or Buldgeon. You will also see that Mirage is pointing out his swords "knives, etc" to a soilder fallen on the ground. And behind the soilder look at the right side bottom of your PC screen you will see soilders aiming at mirage with some of their weapons.
This means that the transformer with red colour is not Mirage but a Decpticon /:) Or, This must be shot at that time when Mirage just reached earth and the military is surrounded him so that mirage dosen't run away or destroy anything. OR, They must have surrounded mirage to make sure that he is an autobot or a decpticon. :-$ Same thing also happened to bumblebee when he was caught by sector 7 agents. Btw, We just need to see the movie to figure it out. :D
Re: Mirage May Not Be Mirage In Transformers DOTM (1230345)
Posted by MrMunkeepants on May 29th, 2011 @ 1:44pm CDT
dabattousai wrote:His name is Mario. Nintendo is already filing... 8)

Mario is too obvious, so they went with something a little more subtle... and the visual changes, well those are non-copyrightable cultural stereotypes!
edit: see forum post for attachment!
Re: Mirage May Not Be Mirage In Transformers DOTM (1230357)
Posted by alexison on May 29th, 2011 @ 2:11pm CDT
This Nelson guy really puts me off.

I'd say it's Mirage. Next time Nelson will proclaim Shockwave isn't in the movie.
Re: Mirage May Not Be Mirage In Transformers DOTM (1230363)
Posted by OlivusPrime on May 29th, 2011 @ 2:28pm CDT
I think so much of the misinformation hasn't worked for this film that they're trying to make up for it now.

Still, if he isn't called Mirage, I'll be pissed. I like the idea of an italian accent though - elegant and upper class, just like Mirage.

If he's called Luciano Pavarotti, I quit.
Re: Mirage May Not Be Mirage In Transformers DOTM (1230366)
Posted by El Duque on May 29th, 2011 @ 2:32pm CDT
I'd wager nelson is correct on this. Remember the Brawl/Devastator fiasco in the first movie? The name on the toy and the name that gets used in the movie aren't necessarily the same. Plus there are a lot of inconsistencies between the comics and movies. In "Rising Storm" Wheeljack clearly has a G1 inspired head, in the movie he looks like Einstein.

Re: Mirage May Not Be Mirage In Transformers DOTM (1230370)
Posted by _I_Am_Megatron_ on May 29th, 2011 @ 2:39pm CDT
Is this Nelson guy on the DOTM crew?
Re: Mirage May Not Be Mirage In Transformers DOTM (1230380)
Posted by El Duque on May 29th, 2011 @ 2:53pm CDT
_I_Am_Megatron_ wrote:Is this Nelson guy on the DOTM crew?

He's the site administrator for the Shoot for the Edit forums on Bay's Official website, and Bay's right hand man if you will.
Re: Mirage May Not Be Mirage In Transformers DOTM (1230383)
Posted by craggy on May 29th, 2011 @ 3:04pm CDT
El Duque wrote:
_I_Am_Megatron_ wrote:Is this Nelson guy on the DOTM crew?

He's the site administrator for the Shoot for the Edit forums on Bay's Official website, and Bay's right hand man if you will.

that joke is too easy. Indistinct Red Mess is not called Mirage? I am concerned. Mightly so. I may even need to change my pantaloons.
Re: Mirage May Not Be Mirage In Transformers DOTM (1230393)
Posted by Mindmaster on May 29th, 2011 @ 3:16pm CDT
Mazzini? Cavour? Garibaldi? I give up.... Mussolini? Chef Boyardi?! 8-} 8-} 8-}
Re: Mirage May Not Be Mirage In Transformers DOTM (1230396)
Posted by craggy on May 29th, 2011 @ 3:17pm CDT
Re: Mirage May Not Be Mirage In Transformers DOTM (1230403)
Posted by shamone on May 29th, 2011 @ 3:26pm CDT
i would have said leo if he wasnt a character in the second movie

maybe luigi
Re: Mirage May Not Be Mirage In Transformers DOTM (1230410)
Posted by _I_Am_Megatron_ on May 29th, 2011 @ 3:56pm CDT
Re: Mirage May Not Be Mirage In Transformers DOTM (1230411)
Posted by _I_Am_Megatron_ on May 29th, 2011 @ 3:56pm CDT
Oops, sorry.
Re: Mirage May Not Be Mirage In Transformers DOTM (1230414)
Posted by budmaloney on May 29th, 2011 @ 4:00pm CDT
I still can't comprehend how it's Mirage!
I just want to know, why is hasbro screwing up the characters and color schemes.
it just seems like "I'm Bay, I have to be different, instead of a red sideswide, we make him silver, black ironhide, green ratchet, and rainbow devastator!!!"
Did they not learn? The first 2 movies were sub par (yes even 1st movie from a Tf fan point of view, it barely had any transformers in it) , and the second one, we all agree was, monkey doody.
Bringing Shockwave, and finally actual guns (mech tech) for transformers was a good idea, optimus having a trailer again, appealing to fan base. But Mirage, being a Ferrari and RED!!! Every single fan on this forum speculated this could be Hot Rod, it HAS TO BE RIGHT? I mean he has all the checks
- red ...check
- sleek....check
- not crappy GM car and an actual amazing vehicle.... check
- killing optimus and having the wrath of all humanity bestowed upon progress we'll see if he does it in this film.

but back to my point. Logically it's hotrod right? but we have word it's Mirage. So when a movie screws your logic up, it's usually a bad sign.
And what's with his Decepticon look, and threatning design. And now we have word it's not Mirage!!! I smell a trick.

on that note, why is Shockwave's loading of his weapon in his trailer sound exactly like Megatron's firing canon in ROTF 3 v 1 scene. Did they run out of sounds?

I'll have to wait and see, but regarding what an Italian accent is and famous Italian , name , I'd say Mario is better than a dry hump character called Mirage.
Re: Mirage May Not Be Mirage In Transformers DOTM (1230425)
Posted by Covenant on May 29th, 2011 @ 4:28pm CDT
I've never liked nelson. Good to see his methods of interactions and mannerisms still justify as such.
Re: Mirage May Not Be Mirage In Transformers DOTM (1230426)
Posted by SoooTrypticon on May 29th, 2011 @ 4:38pm CDT
But surely such detailed and carefully plotted character work has been done, that changing a little thing like a name couldn't possibly hurt the story, right?

Ah, wait, that would be supposing that:

1: The robots had anything resembling character beyond outrageous accents.

2: The story relied on robot characters to make meaningful decisions beyond blowing stuff up.

3: That there was anything resembling a story, let alone one as half as complex as the animated film from 1986.

I would stand to wager that if you switched out Megatron's name for Shockwave's and visa versa, the story wouldn't change at all- because they'll both be portrayed as one dimensional slobbering goons.

Character doesn't exist in these films, so no one should be surprised at last minute name changes- because all of the robots are interchangeable in their actions and motivations.
Re: Mirage May Not Be Mirage In Transformers DOTM (1230430)
Posted by craggy on May 29th, 2011 @ 5:04pm CDT
SoooTrypticon wrote:Character doesn't exist in these films, so no one should be surprised at last minute name changes- because all of the robots are interchangeable in their actions and motivations.

...if this character wasn't red, we wouldn't really be able to tell him apart by looking at him anyway. Heck, from the "camera-work" in the last one, it still might be impossible to discern between Red Car Robot and Beige Truck Robot.
Re: Mirage May Not Be Mirage In Transformers DOTM (1230431)
Posted by alexison on May 29th, 2011 @ 5:05pm CDT
budmaloney wrote:I still can't comprehend how it's Mirage!
I just want to know, why is hasbro screwing up the characters and color schemes.
it just seems like "I'm Bay, I have to be different, instead of a red sideswide, we make him silver, black ironhide, green ratchet, and rainbow devastator!!!"
Did they not learn? The first 2 movies were sub par (yes even 1st movie from a Tf fan point of view, it barely had any transformers in it) , and the second one, we all agree was, monkey doody.
Bringing Shockwave, and finally actual guns (mech tech) for transformers was a good idea, optimus having a trailer again, appealing to fan base. But Mirage, being a Ferrari and RED!!! Every single fan on this forum speculated this could be Hot Rod, it HAS TO BE RIGHT? I mean he has all the checks
- red ...check
- sleek....check
- not crappy GM car and an actual amazing vehicle.... check
- killing optimus and having the wrath of all humanity bestowed upon progress we'll see if he does it in this film.

but back to my point. Logically it's hotrod right? but we have word it's Mirage. So when a movie screws your logic up, it's usually a bad sign.
And what's with his Decepticon look, and threatning design. And now we have word it's not Mirage!!! I smell a trick.

on that note, why is Shockwave's loading of his weapon in his trailer sound exactly like Megatron's firing canon in ROTF 3 v 1 scene. Did they run out of sounds?

I'll have to wait and see, but regarding what an Italian accent is and famous Italian , name , I'd say Mario is better than a dry hump character called Mirage.

I think the "but this isn't G1" argument died with the first film. This could be Brawn for all the moververse cares.
Re: Mirage May Not Be Mirage In Transformers DOTM (1230432)
Posted by BeastProwl on May 29th, 2011 @ 5:07pm CDT
If you go back to when seibertron posted the trailer with mirage in it and read my comment. I totally called it! Italian Accent! :grin:
I shoulda put money down on that one!
Bay and his F*ckinf Steriotypes!
Re: Mirage May Not Be Mirage In Transformers DOTM (1230439)
Posted by BeastProwl on May 29th, 2011 @ 5:19pm CDT
Jason. wrote:Hey i just found another thing! :D If you look in this trailer at 0:15 seconds, You will see a military tank behind Mirage which looks like decpticon Brawl or Buldgeon. You will also see that Mirage is pointing out his swords "knives, etc" to a soilder fallen on the ground. And behind the soilder look at the right side bottom of your PC screen you will see soilders aiming at mirage with some of their weapons.
This means that the transformer with red colour is not Mirage but a Decpticon /:) Or, This must be shot at that time when Mirage just reached earth and the military is surrounded him so that mirage dosen't run away or destroy anything. OR, They must have surrounded mirage to make sure that he is an autobot or a decpticon. :-$ Same thing also happened to bumblebee when he was caught by sector 7 agents. Btw, We just need to see the movie to figure it out. :D

I also already posted my opinion on that when this trailer first hit seibertron! do you guys ever read my comments?
Okay, rundown.
He's no con.
Like when sideswipe first came to earth, tales of the fallen, the humans attacked him.
He's a giant effing alien robot! even though the autobots and decepticons have been made more or less public, Humans will still point boomsticks at giant robots!
They pointed theyre weapons at them in ROTF at theyre own base, and the autobots pointed them right back. You dare Point a weapon at me? ME? IA AM IRONHIDE!
Further more, brawl is in this movie.
If that is him in the beck
I dont think it is
then those humans could be evil
I dont think they are
Besides, the autobots will just re direct him, and he'll put his swords down, you watch and see.
As far as the italian accent goes, well. the comment above this one......
Re: Mirage May Not Be Mirage In Transformers DOTM (1230441)
Posted by D-340 on May 29th, 2011 @ 5:30pm CDT
Really. I didn't think Bay and his cronies were that stupid. More of this idiotic misinformation campaign, and it doesn't even sound like they're trying anymore. "The bot that's called Mirage well since forever isn't actually Mirage. Oh and btw, you all are stupid." Eff you Nelson, and Eff you Bay. Both of you are douche canoes.
Re: Mirage May Not Be Mirage In Transformers DOTM (1230446)
Posted by SlyTF1 on May 29th, 2011 @ 5:53pm CDT
BeastProwl wrote:OMFG! :BOOM:
If you go back to when seibertron posted the trailer with mirage in it and read my comment. I totally called it! Italian Accent! :grin:
I shoulda put money down on that one!
Bay and his F*ckinf Steriotypes!

Are you freaking serious!? Is it such a huge crim for a robot to have an accent other than an American or British accent? Is it such a big freaking deal? Look at Cybertron, every robot in that show had a different accent and no one complained! (Well, I did.)
Re: Mirage May Not Be Mirage In Transformers DOTM (1230448)
Posted by craggy on May 29th, 2011 @ 6:05pm CDT
they need a robot with a Klingon accent
Re: Mirage May Not Be Mirage In Transformers DOTM (1230457)
Posted by BeastProwl on May 29th, 2011 @ 6:43pm CDT
SlyTF1 wrote:
BeastProwl wrote:OMFG! :BOOM:
If you go back to when seibertron posted the trailer with mirage in it and read my comment. I totally called it! Italian Accent! :grin:
I shoulda put money down on that one!
Bay and his F*ckinf Steriotypes!

Are you freaking serious!? Is it such a huge crim for a robot to have an accent other than an American or British accent? Is it such a big freaking deal? Look at Cybertron, every robot in that show had a different accent and no one complained! (Well, I did.)

I watched it, thought bullshit, and watched galaxy force. much better, with better diolouge. soundwave in galaxy force: more like fear for one's self.
Transformers cybertron: He's just trippin cause he got served!
come on now!
Re: Mirage May Not Be Mirage In Transformers DOTM (1230470)
Posted by Corduroy Bear on May 29th, 2011 @ 7:24pm CDT
Just a couple of things about the "Mirage" clip.

The humans in the foreground aren't wearing US camo, and the one on the far right is pointing a Kalashnikov at the robot. In Hollywood language, that makes them "bad guys."

The tank in the background is not Brawl, and it's not an Abrams. Those both have faceted armor and this one has rounded armor, at least on the turret. I can't make it out very well, but I'm guessing it's an M-60 being used by Hollywood to represent an "bad guy" eastern-bloc tank.

So, that is not necessarily a bad robot menacing "good guy" humans. It could be a robot of either allegiance menacing "bad guy" humans.

As far as the robot's name? Even if you believe Bay and his site about the Twins, they plainly lied when they said that the AMG was not Soundwave. So we could disregard this piece of doggerel as well.

But I favor another theory:

Minion: "Mr. Bay, the focus group results are in. Our urban samples loved the film because you made fun of rednecks."

Bay (in Karate Kid 3 villain voice): "Perrrfect."

Minion: "But sir, the rural samples were not so good. They felt that since you removed the Twins, there are no stereotypes they can enjoy."

Bay: "Blast! What else can we stereotype?"

Minion: "What about... foreigners? Sir?"

Bay: "Yes! Get me that midget who looks like Gaddafi again!"

Minion: "He's busy shooting an all-midget film about the Libyan uprising."

Bay: "Alright... it's coming to me... that Italian car! Let's re-dub him with a ridiculous accent! And we'll change his name to - wait for it - Leo-Car-do Davinci!"

Minion: "Brilliant, sir! I'll book Don Novello for the voicework!"

Bay (steepling fingers): "Perrrfect."
Re: Mirage May Not Be Mirage In Transformers DOTM (1230471)
Posted by SlyTF1 on May 29th, 2011 @ 7:34pm CDT
Corduroy Bear wrote:Just a couple of things about the "Mirage" clip.

The humans in the foreground aren't wearing US camo, and the one on the far right is pointing a Kalashnikov at the robot. In Hollywood language, that makes them "bad guys."

I love how Russian means "bad guy". It's why I call my dog a terrorist because he has a Russian accent! :D ...don't ask.
Re: Mirage May Not Be Mirage In Transformers DOTM (1230475)
Posted by SKYWARPED_128 on May 29th, 2011 @ 7:44pm CDT
He might turn out to be Mirage after all. This is probably just me, but the whole thing with the bot's "mantis arms" reminded me of those Reaper enemies from RE5. In the game, those things could create...wait for it...mirages to screw up your aim. And since some insects are known to be able to camouflage themselves.

Just my two cents' worth, and I'm probably over-analyzing the whole connection.
Re: Mirage May Not Be Mirage In Transformers DOTM (1230484)
Posted by Catalyst_Prime on May 29th, 2011 @ 8:10pm CDT
The ferreri has to be mirage because if you look at that aforementioned toyvpicture you will see that the robot face on it resembles the face in the trailers which resembles the face in the game so it is defiantly mirage
Re: Mirage May Not Be Mirage In Transformers DOTM (1230485)
Posted by TheDownshift on May 29th, 2011 @ 8:16pm CDT
Corduroy Bear wrote:Just a couple of things about the "Mirage" clip.

The humans in the foreground aren't wearing US camo, and the one on the far right is pointing a Kalashnikov at the robot. In Hollywood language, that makes them "bad guys."

The tank in the background is not Brawl, and it's not an Abrams. Those both have faceted armor and this one has rounded armor, at least on the turret. I can't make it out very well, but I'm guessing it's an M-60 being used by Hollywood to represent an "bad guy" eastern-bloc tank.

So, that is not necessarily a bad robot menacing "good guy" humans. It could be a robot of either allegiance menacing "bad guy" humans.

As far as the robot's name? Even if you believe Bay and his site about the Twins, they plainly lied when they said that the AMG was not Soundwave. So we could disregard this piece of doggerel as well.

But I favor another theory:

Minion: "Mr. Bay, the focus group results are in. Our urban samples loved the film because you made fun of rednecks."

Bay (in Karate Kid 3 villain voice): "Perrrfect."

Minion: "But sir, the rural samples were not so good. They felt that since you removed the Twins, there are no stereotypes they can enjoy."

Bay: "Blast! What else can we stereotype?"

Minion: "What about... foreigners? Sir?"

Bay: "Yes! Get me that midget who looks like Gaddafi again!"

Minion: "He's busy shooting an all-midget film about the Libyan uprising."

Bay: "Alright... it's coming to me... that Italian car! Let's re-dub him with a ridiculous accent! And we'll change his name to - wait for it - Leo-Car-do Davinci!"

Minion: "Brilliant, sir! I'll book Don Novello for the voicework!"

Bay (steepling fingers): "Perrrfect."

I just spit Dr.Pepper out all over my monitor. I've never laughed so hard on this site.
Re: Mirage May Not Be Mirage In Transformers DOTM (1230490)
Posted by Megatron Wolf on May 29th, 2011 @ 8:26pm CDT
Well if its not Mirage then hasbro probably just used the name on the toy so they could keeps the rights to said name and/or because they couldnt use the "famous italian" guys name for the toy. I say its all bullshit like every thing else stated before the bayformers movies come out, we all know that they constantly lie about movie related info.
Re: Mirage May Not Be Mirage In Transformers DOTM (1230543)
Posted by GetterDragun on May 29th, 2011 @ 10:46pm CDT
BeastProwl wrote:OMFG! :BOOM:
If you go back to when seibertron posted the trailer with mirage in it and read my comment. I totally called it! Italian Accent! :grin:
I shoulda put money down on that one!
Bay and his F*ckinf Steriotypes!

How is it a stereotype. Ferraris come from Italy, if a person came from Italy and spoke English, he'd have an Italian accent. Why do all the robots need to sound American?
Re: Mirage May Not Be Mirage In Transformers DOTM (1230553)
Posted by Iamwarhorse on May 29th, 2011 @ 11:27pm CDT
So, we went from arguing about the Twins being or not being in the movie, to now if that's Mirage or not. Well, debating about this stuff does keep the forums alive.
Re: Mirage May Not Be Mirage In Transformers DOTM (1230589)
Posted by Starscream GaGa on May 30th, 2011 @ 2:52am CDT
What a joke. There goes all the credibility to the whole "No Twins" thing. I mean, this just proves that they're constant misinformation campaigns, "Shockwave is the main villain", "the silver Mercedes is not a Transformer", etc and now "Mirage isn't in the movie" are just to increase hype and try to make surprises by lying. With the Twins being in all the adaptions, on set, in the first trailer, in Wave 1 toys and then mentioned in the review (although later revised with the half-assed "I meant the other robots, who are in no way Twins, I just said they were because I was... confused") and the fact that they are once again trying an also debunked misinformation campaign, I can confidently say I don't believe a word that these people are saying.
They are far too late to start declaring he's not Mirage. They might as well start insisting that Sideswipe is not the Corvette. We have many adaptions, we have a toy, we know that's Mirage.
I also love that they not only lie, they do it in a really aggressive, rude way. It's like the misinformation campaign for jerks.
Re: Mirage May Not Be Mirage In Transformers DOTM (1230621)
Posted by craggy on May 30th, 2011 @ 5:31am CDT
you know, the car being Italian could work. It could be the best thing ever. If they get Brad Pitt, as Aldo Raine, to do the voice.
Re: Mirage May Not Be Mirage In Transformers DOTM (1230669)
Posted by NatsumeRyu on May 30th, 2011 @ 8:38am CDT

Or! wait,
blue Spy!!!

LOL :lol:
Re: Mirage May Not Be Mirage In Transformers DOTM (1230721)
Posted by TheDownshift on May 30th, 2011 @ 11:37am CDT
NatsumeRyu wrote:Ezio.

Or! wait,
blue Spy!!!

LOL :lol:

I swear to god, if I saw a Ferrari-bot doing parkour, then swandive off a building while stabbing 2 random Decepticons in the neck, the floor of the theater will be a WHOLE lot stickier.

Also, The TF2 Spies are French.
Re: Mirage May Not Be Mirage In Transformers DOTM (1230722)
Posted by shamone on May 30th, 2011 @ 11:40am CDT
I am not going to make any rash or harsh judgments regarding dotm or the characters names or changs until i have seen the flick. Gone into the previous two with open mind and will do same again.
Re: Mirage May Not Be Mirage In Transformers DOTM (1230757)
Posted by SaTaN CoNvOy on May 30th, 2011 @ 12:45pm CDT
Wether Mirage is in the film or not this Nelson guy seems like such a tool.

:twisted: :CON:
Re: Mirage May Not Be Mirage In Transformers DOTM (1230843)
Posted by BeastProwl on May 30th, 2011 @ 5:28pm CDT
GetterDragun wrote:
BeastProwl wrote:OMFG! :BOOM:
If you go back to when seibertron posted the trailer with mirage in it and read my comment. I totally called it! Italian Accent! :grin:
I shoulda put money down on that one!
Bay and his F*ckinf Steriotypes!

How is it a stereotype. Ferraris come from Italy, if a person came from Italy and spoke English, he'd have an Italian accent. Why do all the robots need to sound American?

okay, lets say he comes to earth and scans a ferrari. theres no guarantee he'll land in italy, he may as well just haave scanned it in amarica, its not the fact that it's Italian that bugs me, it's the fact that it's an italian car, given an Italian accent.
to me that's very steriotypical because he probably landed at optimus' location he vetted to earth, and the humans who are fighting him are iraqy-lookin not italian, sooo....
well, lets just wait for the film okay?
still. an Italian assassin? were have I seen that before?
tell no
Re: Mirage May Not Be Mirage In Transformers DOTM (1230859)
Posted by Mindmaster on May 30th, 2011 @ 6:08pm CDT
amcgrath929 wrote:
budmaloney wrote:I still can't comprehend how it's Mirage!
I just want to know, why is hasbro screwing up the characters and color schemes.
it just seems like "I'm Bay, I have to be different, instead of a red sideswide, we make him silver, black ironhide, green ratchet, and rainbow devastator!!!"
Did they not learn? The first 2 movies were sub par (yes even 1st movie from a Tf fan point of view, it barely had any transformers in it) , and the second one, we all agree was, monkey doody.
Bringing Shockwave, and finally actual guns (mech tech) for transformers was a good idea, optimus having a trailer again, appealing to fan base. But Mirage, being a Ferrari and RED!!! Every single fan on this forum speculated this could be Hot Rod, it HAS TO BE RIGHT? I mean he has all the checks
- red ...check
- sleek....check
- not crappy GM car and an actual amazing vehicle.... check
- killing optimus and having the wrath of all humanity bestowed upon progress we'll see if he does it in this film.

but back to my point. Logically it's hotrod right? but we have word it's Mirage. So when a movie screws your logic up, it's usually a bad sign.
And what's with his Decepticon look, and threatning design. And now we have word it's not Mirage!!! I smell a trick.

on that note, why is Shockwave's loading of his weapon in his trailer sound exactly like Megatron's firing canon in ROTF 3 v 1 scene. Did they run out of sounds?

I'll have to wait and see, but regarding what an Italian accent is and famous Italian , name , I'd say Mario is better than a dry hump character called Mirage.

I think the "but this isn't G1" argument died with the first film. This could be Brawn for all the moververse cares.

Would it piss anyone off if I added another "but this isn't G1" name. I say OMEGA SUPREME! 8-}
Re: Mirage May Not Be Mirage In Transformers DOTM (1230861)
Posted by Autobot Megatron on May 30th, 2011 @ 6:21pm CDT
Uhg. I can deal with him being Italian, but can we just name him Mirage and not be such an... tailpipe (I don't know, I'm trying to be PG) about it. Come on. Please.
Anyways, if it is, I'm guessing Mario, Luigi, or Leo-Car-Do Divinci, like someone already said.

Re: Mirage May Not Be Mirage In Transformers DOTM (1230885)
Posted by Silverbolt007 on May 30th, 2011 @ 7:59pm CDT
cmon! just because he speaks with a italian accent doesnt mean he cant be mirage! maybe when he landed on earth, he fell in italy and picked up the accent along with scanning the italian car for his alt mode! he IS an italian car so it would make sense if he adopted the accent too.
Re: Mirage May Not Be Mirage In Transformers DOTM (1230886)
Posted by Silverbolt007 on May 30th, 2011 @ 8:04pm CDT
Jason. wrote:Hey i just found another thing! :D If you look in this trailer at 0:15 seconds, You will see a military tank behind Mirage which looks like decpticon Brawl or Buldgeon. You will also see that Mirage is pointing out his swords "knives, etc" to a soilder fallen on the ground. And behind the soilder look at the right side bottom of your PC screen you will see soilders aiming at mirage with some of their weapons.
This means that the transformer with red colour is not Mirage but a Decpticon /:) Or, This must be shot at that time when Mirage just reached earth and the military is surrounded him so that mirage dosen't run away or destroy anything. OR, They must have surrounded mirage to make sure that he is an autobot or a decpticon. :-$ Same thing also happened to bumblebee when he was caught by sector 7 agents. Btw, We just need to see the movie to figure it out. :D
or maybe Mirage is stopping them from being up to no good. Ive heard that a some humans are in alliance with decepticons and could be doing some of their dirty work. He could be scaring them or maybe he'll disarm them without hurting them.
Re: Mirage May Not Be Mirage In Transformers DOTM (1230894)
Posted by GetterDragun on May 30th, 2011 @ 8:33pm CDT
BeastProwl wrote:
GetterDragun wrote:
BeastProwl wrote:OMFG! :BOOM:
If you go back to when seibertron posted the trailer with mirage in it and read my comment. I totally called it! Italian Accent! :grin:
I shoulda put money down on that one!
Bay and his F*ckinf Steriotypes!

How is it a stereotype. Ferraris come from Italy, if a person came from Italy and spoke English, he'd have an Italian accent. Why do all the robots need to sound American?

okay, lets say he comes to earth and scans a ferrari. theres no guarantee he'll land in italy, he may as well just haave scanned it in amarica, its not the fact that it's Italian that bugs me, it's the fact that it's an italian car, given an Italian accent.
to me that's very steriotypical because he probably landed at optimus' location he vetted to earth, and the humans who are fighting him are iraqy-lookin not italian, sooo....
well, lets just wait for the film okay?
still. an Italian assassin? were have I seen that before?
tell no

If you read the first novel, when Optimus met Sam for the first time he spoke to him in Chinese because it came up as the most spoken language in the world. Kind of stupid that they would figure that out, but wouldn't default to speaking english because they were in America. That being said I can see Mirage or whatever he's called realizing he is based on an Italian car and scanning information about Italy.

Besides, Mirage is a stupid choice for the Italia's name any way.

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