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Movie Ratchet and Ironhide vehicles spotted!

Transformers News: Movie Ratchet and Ironhide vehicles spotted!

Thursday, April 3rd, 2008 9:28AM CDT

Categories: Movie Related News, Rumors
Posted by: Seibertron   Views: 49,496

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Thanks to fellow Seibertronian Roadbuster for posting some new pictures of Ratchet and Ironhide being spotted recently.

"Apparently this was found before the Prime truck was sighted. I'm surprised this wans't posted already. So this means everyone that survived or disappeared is gonna return for sure with no unexplained absences to make room for new characters. So I would put my money on Scorponok returning at this point."

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Credit(s): Roadbuster

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Re: Movie Ratchet and Ironhide vehicles spotted! (671539)
Posted by Overloaded on April 3rd, 2008 @ 9:50am CDT
I wonder when will Bumblebee be spotted
Re: Movie Ratchet and Ironhide vehicles spotted! (671546)
Posted by Orion_Prime48 on April 3rd, 2008 @ 10:03am CDT
well I my scepticism about Barricade is officialy gone now. The countdown to TF2 has begun. and if anyone lives near Sedona AZ please takes pics of the movie cars we havent seen yet!
Re: Movie Ratchet and Ironhide vehicles spotted! (671558)
Posted by Skowl on April 3rd, 2008 @ 10:24am CDT
Please let this mean that they won't change their vehicle modes

Please let this mean that they won't change their vehicle modes

Please let this mean that they won't change their vehicle modes

Please let this mean that they won't change their vehicle modes

Please let this mean that they won't change their vehicle modes...

Re: Movie Ratchet and Ironhide vehicles spotted! (671574)
Posted by Fananga on April 3rd, 2008 @ 10:44am CDT
Hmm...interesting that all the old ones are coming back though does seem a little wierd if hasbro have anything to do with it.
I mean sure they can still release repaint after repaint and give it some new slogan but if all the old vehicles are coming back then it means 3 things....

1. Hasbro have taken a step back and simply provided source material

2. Theres gonna be a whole lot more new guys to make new moulds for.

3. These vehicles only get used for the first 10 min before everyone gets a re-format
Re: Movie Ratchet and Ironhide vehicles spotted! (671578)
Posted by Zeds on April 3rd, 2008 @ 10:46am CDT
Quite a good level of news on TFM2. Glad to hear about the characters returning. Maybe with new paint apps?
Re: Movie Ratchet and Ironhide vehicles spotted! (671597)
Posted by Dr. Caelus on April 3rd, 2008 @ 11:15am CDT
Fananga wrote:Hmm...interesting that all the old ones are coming back though does seem a little wierd if hasbro have anything to do with it.
I mean sure they can still release repaint after repaint and give it some new slogan but if all the old vehicles are coming back then it means 3 things....

1. Hasbro have taken a step back and simply provided source material

2. Theres gonna be a whole lot more new guys to make new moulds for.

3. These vehicles only get used for the first 10 min before everyone gets a re-format

Just because the characters will be unchanged in the movies doesn't mean there won't be new molds for them. Look at how many Darth Vader action figures have been created in the past 30 years!

They may create new figures that have more movie-accurate transformations or new gimmicks to match things they do in the movie. Give Ratchet a retractable circular saw and laser scalpel, Ironhide a pair of electronic light-up cannons. Or heck, their TF2 figures might be Deluxes instead of Voyagers depending on how important they are in the movie.
Re: Movie Ratchet and Ironhide vehicles spotted! (671600)
Posted by Skowl on April 3rd, 2008 @ 11:23am CDT
Caelus wrote:
Fananga wrote:Hmm...interesting that all the old ones are coming back though does seem a little wierd if hasbro have anything to do with it.
I mean sure they can still release repaint after repaint and give it some new slogan but if all the old vehicles are coming back then it means 3 things....

1. Hasbro have taken a step back and simply provided source material

2. Theres gonna be a whole lot more new guys to make new moulds for.

3. These vehicles only get used for the first 10 min before everyone gets a re-format

Just because the characters will be unchanged in the movies doesn't mean there won't be new molds for them. Look at how many Darth Vader action figures have been created in the past 30 years!

They may create new figures that have more movie-accurate transformations or new gimmicks to match things they do in the movie. Give Ratchet a retractable circular saw and laser scalpel, Ironhide a pair of electronic light-up cannons. Or heck, their TF2 figures might be Deluxes instead of Voyagers depending on how important they are in the movie.


If anything, the returning characters are the ones who need new molds the most. If I remember correctly, weren't fans clamoring for a Leader-class Starscream?

And really, how movie-accurate is the deluxe-class Barricade? Not very. Ironhide toy is way to tall and thin, and Ratchet is way to stocky - these toys could be improved, especially now that the Hasbro designers have probably gotten used to the movie esthetic. Only Optimus Prime and Bumblebee could remain unchanged.

I'm really surprised by this fandom's reactions. For fans who freak the hell out every time some little thing is changed, you sure are all of a sudden wanting alot of useless change. Changing alt modes and bot designs of existing characters just to sell more toys is the equivalent of getting different actors to play the X-Men in each movie.

Sure, the TFs do change between series, but each movie is not its own respective series, the live-action film franchise, collectively, is ONE series. How would fans have felt if G1 Optimus Prime changed design and alt mode each season?

Put things in perspective, people.
Re: Movie Ratchet and Ironhide vehicles spotted! (671627)
Posted by DevastaTTor on April 3rd, 2008 @ 11:47am CDT
It seems to me that once the Decepticons show up again, they would do a reformat in order to avoid detection. Just a thought...

I do agree though that even if they stayed the same, there's room for improvement in the toy designs. Hell, look at the number of clone/stormtroopers we've had in the last 10 years. What, something like 50+.
Re: Movie Ratchet and Ironhide vehicles spotted! (671640)
Posted by rhinox555 on April 3rd, 2008 @ 12:00pm CDT
I've said it before,and i'll say it again,either they're taking them away for storage,or these are the hoaxes Bay warned us for,isn't it a little TOO coincident that the two autobots who shared a mold in G1 are being transported together?
Re: Movie Ratchet and Ironhide vehicles spotted! (671645)
Posted by Autobot Jazz on April 3rd, 2008 @ 12:06pm CDT
This is good news, but I'm not sure this means Scorponok will be in TF2 like some people are saying, after all, Ironhide killed him in one of the comics which could be taken into the movie's canon.
Re: Movie Ratchet and Ironhide vehicles spotted! (671664)
Posted by Roadbuster on April 3rd, 2008 @ 12:36pm CDT
Autobot Jazz wrote:This is good news, but I'm not sure this means Scorponok will be in TF2 like some people are saying, after all, Ironhide killed him in one of the comics which could be taken into the movie's canon.

Except the comics aren't cannon. They're their own continuity, much like MTV's crappy Spider-man cartoon was supposed to take place after the first Spidey movie but had nothing to do with 2 and 3. The Decepticons won't try anything until Starscream returns with reinforcements or Megatron is revived. By all accounts form the Special ops, Scorponok was killed. They never saw him burrow underground since his retreat was masked by the smoke and dirt.

As for it being a hoax and the two of them being transported together. It'd be a waste of money to make that a hoax. Not to mention both vehicles are considerably large to put multi's up. I think they're actually going to be used. It saves money using characters they've sued before so they can use that money towards newer chars and special effects. So we know they're in. Bay doens't care about that. He expects us to know they're in. It's a given to him since they survived/we never saw them die. Would be a big continuity error if they didn't appear without explanation. It's the newer TF's and any new form for Megatron that he's gonna go out of his way with to keep secret, as well as the story.
Re: Movie Ratchet and Ironhide vehicles spotted! (671708)
Posted by leakin' lubricant on April 3rd, 2008 @ 1:25pm CDT
Is that Ultra Magnus carrying them :-?
Re: Movie Ratchet and Ironhide vehicles spotted! (671748)
Posted by Kryptikore on April 3rd, 2008 @ 2:20pm CDT
leakin' lubricant wrote:Is that Ultra Magnus carrying them :-?

That would be interesting, but that truck is a little plain and the trailer should be blue. To tell you the truth I wouldn't be suprised if they just repainted the Optimus mold to be Ultra Magnus for the TF2 toy line!
Re: Movie Ratchet and Ironhide vehicles spotted! (671780)
Posted by Cheetron on April 3rd, 2008 @ 2:47pm CDT
it might just be me or this monitor but doesn't Ratchet look a little more yellow than he did in the movie. I swear he was green, not yellow.
Re: Movie Ratchet and Ironhide vehicles spotted! (671809)
Posted by First-Aid on April 3rd, 2008 @ 3:37pm CDT
The team is reuniting...(hears "Arrival to Earth" in the background)...

Break a leg guys! axle...uh...whatever
Re: Movie Ratchet and Ironhide vehicles spotted! (671866)
Posted by Agent 007 on April 3rd, 2008 @ 5:16pm CDT
awsome! :)
Re: Movie Ratchet and Ironhide vehicles spotted! (671886)
Posted by Chevy_Ironhide on April 3rd, 2008 @ 5:34pm CDT
Man If I lived out that way I'd take a week off work and stake out a near by highway and just wait for the movie vehicles to come by. I'd then try to follow them. I've got Autobot badges and decals on my truck, maybe they'd think I was suppose to be there :mrgreen:
Re: Movie Ratchet and Ironhide vehicles spotted! (671888)
Posted by saberconvoy on April 3rd, 2008 @ 5:35pm CDT
Its great but its the same mode i know there are going to be more transformers but the first ones have the same mode!?
Re: Movie Ratchet and Ironhide vehicles spotted! (671918)
Posted by ***Galvatron*** on April 3rd, 2008 @ 6:15pm CDT
Cheetron wrote:it might just be me or this monitor but doesn't Ratchet look a little more yellow than he did in the movie. I swear he was green, not yellow.

Well keep in mind that whomever took these photos was not using a high end industrial movie camera to take them and we also have to consider the lighting conditions and effects that may have been used at the time of shooting or in post production.

Re: Movie Ratchet and Ironhide vehicles spotted! (671953)
Posted by First-Aid on April 3rd, 2008 @ 6:59pm CDT
Cheetron wrote:it might just be me or this monitor but doesn't Ratchet look a little more yellow than he did in the movie. I swear he was green, not yellow.

You know, I actually thought that too when I first saw him...he DOES look more yellow than the last movie...I think. I need to get my copy back from my mother-in-law who borrowed it so I can compare...(lame excuse to watch the movie YET again)...
Re: Movie Ratchet and Ironhide vehicles spotted! (672040)
Posted by Defcon! on April 3rd, 2008 @ 8:52pm CDT
I think most of the original Tfs in the first movie will be relatively the same with a few upgrades or minor changes. They may harken back to G1 in the movie with a reformat sequence. I still think it would be cool if Prime scanned an old semi trailer resembling his G1 mode for a shot in the movie! Most of the Tfs through the cartoon series did'nt really change their appearances just tweaked them a little but they still resembled their original modes. I think it will be the same with the movie. I also think there will be quite a bit of new Tfs as well! Here's hoping! :D
Re: Movie Ratchet and Ironhide vehicles spotted! (672176)
Posted by T-Macksimus on April 3rd, 2008 @ 11:42pm CDT
No need for them to reformat since the 'Cons track them by energy signature not physical form. It would be cool to see a G1 style trailer for Prime, though. As for the toys, I think that they shoud do deluxe style versions of the Voyager class TF1 toys for the TF2 toy line. Some of us just dont have the space or the wallets to accomodate getting all the cool larger stuff and smaller versions of the original forms would be a nice alternative and would give the designers at Hasbro something to think about aside from what crappy colors they can repaint the same mold this week. Even my kids are sick of the repaints and they are in the target demographic.
Re: Movie Ratchet and Ironhide vehicles spotted! (672245)
Posted by leakin' lubricant on April 4th, 2008 @ 2:19am CDT
Kryptikore wrote:
leakin' lubricant wrote:Is that Ultra Magnus carrying them :-?

That would be interesting, but that truck is a little plain and the trailer should be blue. To tell you the truth I wouldn't be suprised if they just repainted the Optimus mold to be Ultra Magnus for the TF2 toy line!

Just a thought really, but it would be an ingenius way to distract the attetion from a possible Ultra Magnus by shoving a couple of well etablished Auotbots on the back of him.
Re: Movie Ratchet and Ironhide vehicles spotted! (672270)
Posted by astig on April 4th, 2008 @ 4:42am CDT
cool! ironhide and ratchet! could be that the white truck carrying them is ultra magnus!!! :SMUG: :grin:
Re: Movie Ratchet and Ironhide vehicles spotted! (672284)
Posted by Auto Bot on April 4th, 2008 @ 5:20am CDT
So Daywatch Prime (White Prime) carries Ratchet and Ironhide around the city. How about that? ;;)

These guys must be low on energon.
Re: Movie Ratchet and Ironhide vehicles spotted! (673265)
Posted by ShockUzer on April 5th, 2008 @ 3:53pm CDT
I´m sure that if Scorponok apears in transformers 2, dies when the movie is begining.
Re: Movie Ratchet and Ironhide vehicles spotted! (673709)
Posted by Uber Galvatron on April 6th, 2008 @ 9:18am CDT
There are two fictions on what Scorponoks Alt mode is.
one is that his Scorpian mode IS his alt mode and he just prefers it over his Robot mode.
The other is that he Transforms into Blackouts engine.
Re: Movie Ratchet and Ironhide vehicles spotted! (673721)
Posted by Rushie on April 6th, 2008 @ 9:46am CDT
I thought it was already established that Scorp has an animal-based robot mode and transforms into part of Blackout. That's what we see him doing in the film itself. Of course, he could be a triple changer with a robot mode, but it'd better not look like his deluxe toy.
Re: Movie Ratchet and Ironhide vehicles spotted! (675843)
Posted by Autobot032 on April 8th, 2008 @ 10:46pm CDT
There's one more positive to them coming back as is.

As it was mentioned earlier, they might update the figures with new sculpts, etc.

Well...they're going to need to fill the line up with old molds, etc.
What if they finally give us the Voyager (or bigger) Bonecrusher that we've been clamoring for? I couldn't think of a better filler figure.

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