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New Images of Voyager Class "The Fallen"

Transformers News: New Images of Voyager Class "The Fallen"

Wednesday, April 8th, 2009 9:49AM CDT

Categories: Movie Related News, Toy News, Collectables
Posted by: DavidT   Views: 36,365

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Once again, Ebay user Yayabeee has posted new images of an upcoming "Revenge of the Fallen" character. This time it's "The Fallen". Click on the link below to check out his Ebay auction with lots of great pics of this awesome figure. ... dZViewItem

New Images of Voyager Class "The Fallen"
New Images of Voyager Class "The Fallen"
New Images of Voyager Class "The Fallen"
New Images of Voyager Class "The Fallen"
New Images of Voyager Class "The Fallen"

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Credit(s): Yayabeee, Ebay

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Re: New Images of Voyager Class "The Fallen" (907939)
Posted by King Henrik on April 8th, 2009 @ 9:53am CDT
what are the chances we'll get a "premium" repaint of this figure? i'm not really diggin the forest green paint job...
Re: New Images of Voyager Class "The Fallen" (907941)
Posted by FracturedKoi on April 8th, 2009 @ 9:55am CDT
Very evil and menacing and all...but I just don't see how he's supposed to look like the Fallen. Then again, I didn't see how Meagtron was supposed to look like Megatron either...but it didn't keep me from enjoying the film.

Not a bad looking figure though!
Re: New Images of Voyager Class "The Fallen" (907943)
Posted by DavidT on April 8th, 2009 @ 10:01am CDT
FracturedKoi wrote:Very evil and menacing and all...but I just don't see how he's supposed to look like the Fallen. Then again, I didn't see how Meagtron was supposed to look like Megatron either...but it didn't keep me from enjoying the film.

Not a bad looking figure though!

Come on.... all you gotta do is pour a lil' gasoline on him and strike a match and BAM! You have the Fallen LOL! :grin:

Re: New Images of Voyager Class "The Fallen" (907950)
Posted by Sabrblade on April 8th, 2009 @ 10:18am CDT
DavidT wrote:
FracturedKoi wrote:Very evil and menacing and all...but I just don't see how he's supposed to look like the Fallen. Then again, I didn't see how Meagtron was supposed to look like Megatron either...but it didn't keep me from enjoying the film.

Not a bad looking figure though!

Come on.... all you gotta do is pour a lil' gasoline on him and strike a match and BAM! You have the Fallen LOL! :grin:

Yeah, but only for a minute or two. Then you're stuck with melted plastic. :-P
Re: New Images of Voyager Class "The Fallen" (907952)
Posted by King Slick on April 8th, 2009 @ 10:28am CDT
...and just when it was thought Megatron was the premiere ugly of the Micheal Bay Transformers.
Re: New Images of Voyager Class "The Fallen" (907954)
Posted by DavidT on April 8th, 2009 @ 10:36am CDT
I think this figure looks great. Of course I've heard of the name, The Fallen, over the years but I had never seen any visual of him until the 6 inch Titanium. So I've never been attached to any particular physical manifestation of the character. Still, regardless of whatever name they could have given this movie character, I love the design. But I too would like it better if it were dark gray or black instead of green.

Re: New Images of Voyager Class "The Fallen" (907962)
Posted by SJ21 on April 8th, 2009 @ 10:59am CDT
I don't know what to say about this. I don't like the look of the toy. I hope the movie character is much cooler than this guy looks. Regardless, I don't think I will be buying him.
Re: New Images of Voyager Class "The Fallen" (907965)
Posted by Megatron Wolf on April 8th, 2009 @ 11:09am CDT
Well it looks like a Predator had a baby with a gobot in the bionicle universe. So now how is this the Fallen? There is nothing about the look that says "im the fallen". No flames, colors wrong and theres just no Fallenesc shape to it. I like the alt mode and i have an idea for a repaint so it looks like a cyborg Predator so ill be getting it. But it wont be on display with my Transformers. It'll be fighting one of my Alien figures.
Re: New Images of Voyager Class "The Fallen" (907970)
Posted by FracturedKoi on April 8th, 2009 @ 11:35am CDT
Another thing I've noticed that both this figure and Soundwave feature is what seems to be a robot head of some design on their alt-modes. What's up with that?
Re: New Images of Voyager Class "The Fallen" (907982)
Posted by Absolute Zero on April 8th, 2009 @ 12:01pm CDT
Not particularly impressive.
Re: New Images of Voyager Class "The Fallen" (907992)
Posted by Dr. Caelus on April 8th, 2009 @ 12:28pm CDT
The Renegades are finally getting their day in the sun!

The last movie gave us a 'classics' Crasher figure as a repaint of Classics Mirage, and this one is giving us an entirely new mold based on Heart Attack!


Anyone else think he's supposed to have big flames/missiles shoot out of his hands?
Re: New Images of Voyager Class "The Fallen" (907993)
Posted by im ruined on April 8th, 2009 @ 12:31pm CDT
Shredder? :???:
Re: New Images of Voyager Class "The Fallen" (907997)
Posted by Iron Prime on April 8th, 2009 @ 12:38pm CDT
Caelus wrote:The Renegades are finally getting their day in the sun!

The last movie gave us a 'classics' Crasher figure as a repaint of Classics Mirage, and this one is giving us an entirely new mold based on Heart Attack!


Anyone else think he's supposed to have big flames/missiles shoot out of his hands?

OMG!! That's an awesome comparison! LOL!

I actually had all of those monster gestalt Gobots - pretty neat figures actually....
Re: New Images of Voyager Class "The Fallen" (907998)
Posted by Counterpunch on April 8th, 2009 @ 12:39pm CDT
Caelus wrote:The Renegades are finally getting their day in the sun!

The last movie gave us a 'classics' Crasher figure as a repaint of Classics Mirage, and this one is giving us an entirely new mold based on Heart Attack!


Anyone else think he's supposed to have big flames/missiles shoot out of his hands?

Re: New Images of Voyager Class "The Fallen" (908004)
Posted by kirbenvost on April 8th, 2009 @ 12:47pm CDT
I see "awesome" being a very loose term here. :lol:

I dunno, it's pretty green and pretty organic, and I think the bot mode looks hideous... the spaceship mode or whatever it's supposed to be looks halfway decent, but it's still a pass for me.
Re: New Images of Voyager Class "The Fallen" (908020)
Posted by DISCHARGE on April 8th, 2009 @ 1:31pm CDT
Caelus wrote:The Renegades are finally getting their day in the sun!

The last movie gave us a 'classics' Crasher figure as a repaint of Classics Mirage, and this one is giving us an entirely new mold based on Heart Attack!


Anyone else think he's supposed to have big flames/missiles shoot out of his hands?

I definitely see the similarities. It's kinda sad that they have to update Go-Bots to sell a movie about Transformers.
The toy isn't horrible, but it just shows that despite
all the great fan depictions of this character they have to rehash an old idea.
Re: New Images of Voyager Class "The Fallen" (908024)
Posted by Flashback77 on April 8th, 2009 @ 1:44pm CDT
I didn't accept the movie designs at first, but grew to enjoy them and loved the first film. This figure is really pushing it and I can't say I like the result all that much. It doesn't look at all like a robot and indeed looks like something out of Alien/Predator that folds up into a space jet kind of thing if you squint hard enough. It looks like a fantastic A/P toy but I don't collect those, so I think I will pass.
Re: New Images of Voyager Class "The Fallen" (908028)
Posted by DevastaTTor on April 8th, 2009 @ 2:07pm CDT
What the hell is Hasbro doing? Wasn't the rendering and the other figure we saw, presumably a leader, black?

So for the first movie, they made voyager Megs blue and now they're taking a black/red character and making him green and orange?
Re: New Images of Voyager Class "The Fallen" (908041)
Posted by Marcdachamp on April 8th, 2009 @ 2:48pm CDT
Not bad, but the colors are awful. I want him in black.
Re: New Images of Voyager Class "The Fallen" (908042)
Posted by Sabrblade on April 8th, 2009 @ 2:49pm CDT
DevastaTTor wrote:What the hell is Hasbro doing? Wasn't the rendering and the other figure we saw, presumably a leader, black?

So for the first movie, they made voyager Megs blue and now they're taking a black/red character and making him green and orange?
The robot mode for this Voyager figure is as tall as a Leader.

It's kinda like how Cybertron Metroplex was sold as a Leader, but was as tall as a Supreme.
Re: New Images of Voyager Class "The Fallen" (908071)
Posted by Venomous Prime on April 8th, 2009 @ 3:58pm CDT
FracturedKoi wrote:Very evil and menacing and all...but I just don't see how he's supposed to look like the Fallen. Then again, I didn't see how Meagtron was supposed to look like Megatron either...but it didn't keep me from enjoying the film.

Not a bad looking figure though!

The Fallen isn't SUPPOSED to look like the comic character. Its a new universe. New character.

Beast Wars Megatron looks nothing like G1 Megatron. Same for RiD Megs, Armada, Energon, Cybertron, and Animated.
Re: New Images of Voyager Class "The Fallen" (908072)
Posted by dragons on April 8th, 2009 @ 3:59pm CDT
it would be nice if hasbro gave a list who is going to be made into premium figures what if some poeple dont want to buy 2 of the same figure.

nice imporvement from the last one i can actuallty tell where the eyse are now
Re: New Images of Voyager Class "The Fallen" (908078)
Posted by Agent 007 on April 8th, 2009 @ 4:27pm CDT
I like the mold but the colors are kinda cruddy I wish he was black and molton red like the CGI pics... :-?
Re: New Images of Voyager Class "The Fallen" (908080)
Posted by Delicon on April 8th, 2009 @ 4:54pm CDT
Now I'm mad I sold my "Monstrous" a couple years back!

You've got me all nostalgic-like.

But as for the Fallen, he's always looked ugly to me. This may be a different ugly, but still ugly.
Re: New Images of Voyager Class "The Fallen" (908083)
Posted by i_amtrunks on April 8th, 2009 @ 5:04pm CDT
if thats an awesome figure, then I must only like the non-awesome ones.

Between this figure and Soundwave, the ROTF figures have gotten even worse in terms of looks than in the first film.
Re: New Images of Voyager Class "The Fallen" (908086)
Posted by Dr. Caelus on April 8th, 2009 @ 5:19pm CDT
Iron Prime wrote:I actually had all of those monster gestalt Gobots - pretty neat figures actually....

I had two thirds of them - I was missing the arms. If I had foreseen the existence of ebay when I was a child, I would have held onto them and completed the set as an adult for, what? Twenty dollars probably?

But no, I sold them or gave them away or something, figuring I'd never find the two I was missing.

Re: New Images of Voyager Class "The Fallen" (908092)
Posted by Giant Purple Griffin on April 8th, 2009 @ 5:30pm CDT
Caelus wrote:The Renegades are finally getting their day in the sun!

The last movie gave us a 'classics' Crasher figure as a repaint of Classics Mirage, and this one is giving us an entirely new mold based on Heart Attack!

I was gonna say Vamp or Pincher but I think you nailed it with Heart Attack.
Re: New Images of Voyager Class "The Fallen" (908119)
Posted by Gandalf on April 8th, 2009 @ 6:44pm CDT
The apparent quality of this figure screams "1997" to me.
Re: New Images of Voyager Class "The Fallen" (908135)
Posted by Swiftpaw on April 8th, 2009 @ 7:11pm CDT
And of course you have Hasbro's insistantly stupid 'It's a bad guy put a Decepticon icon on them even if they're not really a Decepticon.' ;p But looks decent otherwise so far.
Re: New Images of Voyager Class "The Fallen" (908161)
Posted by Venomous Prime on April 8th, 2009 @ 8:32pm CDT
I actually really like the figure and will definitely be buying it no matter what.
Re: New Images of Voyager Class "The Fallen" (908164)
Posted by ShGarland_1383 on April 8th, 2009 @ 8:39pm CDT
King Henrik wrote:what are the chances we'll get a "premium" repaint of this figure? i'm not really diggin the forest green paint job...

Me neither. Deco isn't really bad, but it doesn't really fit what I personally expect the Fallen to be either.

Swiftpaw wrote:And of course you have Hasbro's insistantly stupid 'It's a bad guy put a Decepticon icon on them even if they're not really a Decepticon.' ;p

Yeah, exactly. Characters like this should only be given an alliance if that's the side they pick in whatever's going on.

Swiftpaw wrote:But looks decent otherwise so far.

Yep! Still not a big fan of the forest green, but I otherwise agree with you. For me this is another of those figures that have a good mold, but a bad deco. I can see myself getting this anyway if I like it well enough when I see it on shelves.
Re: New Images of Voyager Class "The Fallen" (908169)
Posted by Wheelimus Prime on April 8th, 2009 @ 8:44pm CDT
look @ his crotch.

'Tis alls i gotta say :P
Re: New Images of Voyager Class "The Fallen" (908176)
Posted by DevastaTTor on April 8th, 2009 @ 8:53pm CDT
Sabrblade wrote:
DevastaTTor wrote:What the hell is Hasbro doing? Wasn't the rendering and the other figure we saw, presumably a leader, black?

So for the first movie, they made voyager Megs blue and now they're taking a black/red character and making him green and orange?
The robot mode for this Voyager figure is as tall as a Leader.

It's kinda like how Cybertron Metroplex was sold as a Leader, but was as tall as a Supreme.

Man, this isn't the same figure we saw from TF08 about a month or so ago. I know that figure was black. Not to mention, I thought the directions were released too and they said leader.

In any case, whoever thought a green Fallen would be a good idea should be fired.

Edit: Ironically, I went back to see who posted the original pictures from and it was me... and he was green. So much for my leader theory. Now, I'm not only disappointed in Hasbro, I'm disappointed in myself.
Re: New Images of Voyager Class "The Fallen" (908185)
Posted by Bumblebeast on April 8th, 2009 @ 9:06pm CDT
Not on my "BUY!" list. It will be on my "buy if you find it cheap" list.
Re: New Images of Voyager Class "The Fallen" (908211)
Posted by Dr. Caelus on April 8th, 2009 @ 11:13pm CDT
ShGarland_1383 wrote:
Swiftpaw wrote:And of course you have Hasbro's insistantly stupid 'It's a bad guy put a Decepticon icon on them even if they're not really a Decepticon.' ;p

Yeah, exactly. Characters like this should only be given an alliance if that's the side they pick in whatever's going on.

Have either of you read Defiance yet?
Re: New Images of Voyager Class "The Fallen" (908243)
Posted by ShGarland_1383 on April 9th, 2009 @ 2:47am CDT
Caelus wrote:
ShGarland_1383 wrote:
Swiftpaw wrote:And of course you have Hasbro's insistantly stupid 'It's a bad guy put a Decepticon icon on them even if they're not really a Decepticon.' ;p

Yeah, exactly. Characters like this should only be given an alliance if that's the side they pick in whatever's going on.

Have either of you read Defiance yet?

Not yet. Got at least a couple things I wanna do out in the direction of the nearest comic shop anyway. Do they explain why Hasbro does this in Defiance?
Re: New Images of Voyager Class "The Fallen" (908246)
Posted by Blurrz on April 9th, 2009 @ 2:58am CDT
For some reason the Alternate mode completely reminds me of Voyager Megatron, causing me to facepalm. Hopefully it doesn't contain the same fail and is in fact a better figure.
Re: New Images of Voyager Class "The Fallen" (908491)
Posted by Zeds on April 10th, 2009 @ 9:21am CDT
Caelus wrote:The Renegades are finally getting their day in the sun!

Touche for an utterly crap figure and waste of plastic which pretty much describes the go bots IMHO! :APPLAUSE:
Re: New Images of Voyager Class "The Fallen" (908732)
Posted by Stress on April 10th, 2009 @ 7:55pm CDT
so there is a deluxe one aswell, or just voyager???
Re: New Images of Voyager Class "The Fallen" (908762)
Posted by ShGarland_1383 on April 10th, 2009 @ 9:04pm CDT
Stress wrote:so there is a deluxe one aswell, or just voyager???

I dunno if there should be. Aside from the deco (which I've already said plenty about), I rather like this figure as a voyager.
Re: New Images of Voyager Class "The Fallen" (915258)
Posted by Raymond101 on April 28th, 2009 @ 3:38am CDT
Aside from the strange green deco, this Fallen figure has a head that's pressed back, resembling an Alien-esque head shape. But the movie CGI art clearly is more faithful to an Egyptian headdress insofar that the tip of his head is tall and sticks up. What's with this discrepancy?

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