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Official Images: Takara Tomy Encore 20A Devastator and Encore 23 Fortress Maximus

Transformers News: Official Images: Takara Tomy Encore 20A Devastator and Encore 23 Fortress Maximus

Tuesday, October 16th, 2012 12:10AM CDT

Category: Toy News
Posted by: El Duque   Views: 30,040

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Takara Tomy official images round two, Encore 20A Devastator and Encore 23 Fortress Maximus! Devastator features a new more animation accurate head mold and deco. Check out the official images courtesy of Amazon Japan below:

Official Images: Takara Tomy Encore 20A Devastator and Encore 23 Fortress Maximus

Official Images: Takara Tomy Encore 20A Devastator and Encore 23 Fortress Maximus

Official Images: Takara Tomy Encore 20A Devastator and Encore 23 Fortress Maximus

Official Images: Takara Tomy Encore 20A Devastator and Encore 23 Fortress Maximus

Official Images: Takara Tomy Encore 20A Devastator and Encore 23 Fortress Maximus

Official Images: Takara Tomy Encore 20A Devastator and Encore 23 Fortress Maximus

Official Images: Takara Tomy Encore 20A Devastator and Encore 23 Fortress Maximus

Official Images: Takara Tomy Encore 20A Devastator and Encore 23 Fortress Maximus

Official Images: Takara Tomy Encore 20A Devastator and Encore 23 Fortress Maximus

Official Images: Takara Tomy Encore 20A Devastator and Encore 23 Fortress Maximus

Official Images: Takara Tomy Encore 20A Devastator and Encore 23 Fortress Maximus

Official Images: Takara Tomy Encore 20A Devastator and Encore 23 Fortress Maximus

Official Images: Takara Tomy Encore 20A Devastator and Encore 23 Fortress Maximus

Official Images: Takara Tomy Encore 20A Devastator and Encore 23 Fortress Maximus

Official Images: Takara Tomy Encore 20A Devastator and Encore 23 Fortress Maximus

Official Images: Takara Tomy Encore 20A Devastator and Encore 23 Fortress Maximus

Official Images: Takara Tomy Encore 20A Devastator and Encore 23 Fortress Maximus
Credit(s): Amazon Japan

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Re: Official Images: Takara Tomy Encore 20A Devastator and Encore 23 Fortress Maximus (1430826)
Posted by Sabrblade on October 16th, 2012 @ 12:37am CDT
Needs more Master Sword pics.
Re: Official Images: Takara Tomy Encore 20A Devastator and Encore 23 Fortress Maximus (1430834)
Posted by Autobot032 on October 16th, 2012 @ 12:56am CDT
Maximus looks really good. Devastator looks very ugly, very plain. I get what they were trying to do, but meh.
Re: Official Images: Takara Tomy Encore 20A Devastator and Encore 23 Fortress Maximus (1430845)
Posted by RhA on October 16th, 2012 @ 1:44am CDT
I want- No, I NEED them all.
Re: Official Images: Takara Tomy Encore 20A Devastator and Encore 23 Fortress Maximus (1430858)
Posted by Flux Convoy on October 16th, 2012 @ 2:52am CDT
As a kid I would have gone apeshit over that Devastator. Nearly thirty years later and I don't care any more, hahaha! Fun idea, it just isn't anything I'm after for G1 toys. They are kind of a different animal from the animation and even the old comics. I get it, it's just way too late.

Kinda surprised there are no images of the Master Sword. Really hope that it's included in the final release. Nice to see that Cerebros has his sword at least.
Re: Official Images: Takara Tomy Encore 20A Devastator and Encore 23 Fortress Maximus (1430860)
Posted by Ravage XK on October 16th, 2012 @ 3:10am CDT
I don't like Devy, there I said it. It looks like a cheap knock off. Maximus is huge but boxy and seems to be a giant brick. I have been collecting G1 Encore and the collector in me wants it but I cant justify that price :( I think my money will be going on Masterpiece figures for the moment.
Re: Official Images: Takara Tomy Encore 20A Devastator and Encore 23 Fortress Maximus (1430867)
Posted by fenrir72 on October 16th, 2012 @ 4:29am CDT
Ravage XK wrote:I don't like Devy, there I said it. It looks like a cheap knock off. Maximus is huge but boxy and seems to be a giant brick. I have been collecting G1 Encore and the collector in me wants it but I cant justify that price :( I think my money will be going on Masterpiece figures for the moment.

What IS a justifiable price for Fortmax anyway?

@ TomyTakara :michaelbay:

D@mn! They should have had released Devastar anime style like last year when they re-issued them! :BANG_HEAD:
Re: Official Images: Takara Tomy Encore 20A Devastator and Encore 23 Fortress Maximus (1430868)
Posted by Ravage XK on October 16th, 2012 @ 4:30am CDT
fenrir72 wrote:
What IS a justifiable price for Fortmax anyway?

This is a good question and one for minds larger than ours.
Re: Official Images: Takara Tomy Encore 20A Devastator and Encore 23 Fortress Maximus (1430872)
Posted by NTESHFT on October 16th, 2012 @ 5:23am CDT
Justified price or not, I'm getting him! I tried to hunt him down as a kid. He was on my birthday and Christmas list forever, but no luck. Now, I got the chance.

Can anyone post some comparison pics of this devy next to the other Encore Devy? I'm having trouble seeing the difference.
Re: Official Images: Takara Tomy Encore 20A Devastator and Encore 23 Fortress Maximus (1430874)
Posted by alldarker on October 16th, 2012 @ 5:39am CDT
Considering I already own a vintage G1 Devastator, I had no need for the previous Encore version. But this Encore 20A Devastator most definitely looks very nice and is a significant variation to my own Devastator... Annoyingly tempting, even though I'm already waiting on so much (expensive) Masterpiece goodness.

Encore FM was already preordered... But I do agree about needing more Master Sword pictures :-?
Re: Official Images: Takara Tomy Encore 20A Devastator and Encore 23 Fortress Maximus (1430876)
Posted by DMSL on October 16th, 2012 @ 5:45am CDT
Here's hoping Fort Max will have the detail painted on and not have stickers, hate those.
Re: Official Images: Takara Tomy Encore 20A Devastator and Encore 23 Fortress Maximus (1430878)
Posted by fenrir72 on October 16th, 2012 @ 6:02am CDT
Ravage XK wrote:
fenrir72 wrote:
What IS a justifiable price for Fortmax anyway?

This is a good question and one for minds larger than ours.

I'm not good at math economics but iirc on a somewhat related vintage product aka as the Atari 2600, the computation factoring inflation pegs the Atari 2600 at close to $ 700 at todays price when back in the 1970s cost like $ 300. So if Fortmax back in 1987 cost around $ 100, it's SRP at amiami is Y 23,000 +, more or less $300.00 at todays exchange rates(not including shipping so you also have to take into consideration the cost of fuel/packaging overseas from China to the USA or Europe).

Given that, so Fortmax more or less tripled in price from his 1987 cost (then again, $ 100 + bought a lot of stuff back in the late 80s no?). Compare that to the astronomical price you get at ebay, I'd say Fortmax is still a bargain. Charging him any less than $ 300 is simply unrealistic! >:oP
Re: Official Images: Takara Tomy Encore 20A Devastator and Encore 23 Fortress Maximus (1430881)
Posted by Ravage XK on October 16th, 2012 @ 6:08am CDT
Costing £299 (equiv of $481) in the UK at Kapow Toys.
Re: Official Images: Takara Tomy Encore 20A Devastator and Encore 23 Fortress Maximus (1430884)
Posted by fenrir72 on October 16th, 2012 @ 6:23am CDT
Ravage XK wrote:Costing £299 (equiv of $481) in the UK at Kapow Toys.

Does that include shipping? If not, then that must be the mark up of the shop you mentioned.

Here is the price of the now sold out Fortmax (not including shipping) at amiami: ... agecnt%3D1

At todays exchange rates that should be more or less US 300.00 or at UK GBP of £185.

So Ravage XK, if the price you are quoting includes shipping, then that is more or less justified, if not, then you better look for another source (try hooking it up with another source)
Re: Official Images: Takara Tomy Encore 20A Devastator and Encore 23 Fortress Maximus (1430886)
Posted by Ravage XK on October 16th, 2012 @ 6:31am CDT
That is the total price as I believe shipping from the shop (UK based) is free. Plus you don't have to worry about Customs etc, so yeah I can see how it would cost that much.

I still think its a lot of cash when Metroplex and Omega Supreme cost me about £60 each.
Re: Official Images: Takara Tomy Encore 20A Devastator and Encore 23 Fortress Maximus (1430889)
Posted by fenrir72 on October 16th, 2012 @ 6:41am CDT
Agreed with your feelings........too much of a wallet buster but given how he's 3 x bigger (more plastic) than Metroplex.

P.S. So Kapow also handles customs and handling? Then the price you are quoting is verrrrrry much justified.
Re: Official Images: Takara Tomy Encore 20A Devastator and Encore 23 Fortress Maximus (1430890)
Posted by KNM2012 on October 16th, 2012 @ 6:54am CDT
At this point of time,I am curious to how the "Encore" packaging will look for Fortress Maximus. I have mine pre-ordered (sans the "early bird" option), and read on e-HOBBY's page that it might be a limited 25th anniversary release. Regardless of that, this was one of those pieces that I made a point of pre-ordering regardless of its price. 8)

As for Devastor, I have concluded that I am good only having "2010" Predaking when it comes to Destron combiners. And seeing this, it has added to that conclusion. :BOOM:

Ravage XK wrote:Maximus is huge but boxy and seems to be a giant brick. I have been collecting G1 Encore and the collector in me wants it but I cant justify that price :( I think my money will be going on Masterpiece figures for the moment.

Welcome to the world of 1987 Transformers! :lol: However, when it comes to pricing, here is what you need to know:

1) It is 22", it has three forms, and is the first (of three) double Headmasters.
2) It is an anniversary piece, and e-HOBBY hints that it might have a limited run.
3) It is being imported from Japan, so you have to add import costs.

So all-in-all, the prices here are an estimated $80 more than the cheapest price overseas. But it is still cheaper than buying it from e-HOBBY. And unless you do not have the money, or are not into Headmasters, this might end up being the only time Takara Tomy will reissue Fortress Maximus.

Oh... And Hasbro made it clear that they cannot reissue him due to safety regulations. Which has me say that you should consider if it fits your collection or not, and not use the price to say "no" (as you may see it cost more when you change your mind). ;)
Re: Official Images: Takara Tomy Encore 20A Devastator and Encore 23 Fortress Maximus (1430894)
Posted by Ravage XK on October 16th, 2012 @ 7:07am CDT
KUMA-NIN Maximus wrote:1) It is 22", it has three forms, and is the first (of three) double Headmasters.
2) It is an anniversary piece, and e-HOBBY hints that it might have a limited run.
3) It is being imported from Japan, so you have to add import costs.

So all-in-all, the prices here are an estimated $80 more than the cheapest price overseas. But it is still cheaper than buying it from e-HOBBY. And unless you do not have the money, or are not into Headmasters, this might end up being the only time Takara Tomy will reissue Fortress Maximus.

Oh... And Hasbro made it clear that they cannot reissue him due to safety regulations. Which has me say that you should consider if it fits your collection or not, and not use the price to say "no" (as you may see it cost more when you change your mind). ;)

la la la la, Im not listening. Stop tempting me!! :)

I'm a sucker for limited runs etc.

No, its too much to pay for one figure and I need to pay for Masterpiece figures and holiday..........arrrrgghhhhh
Re: Official Images: Takara Tomy Encore 20A Devastator and Encore 23 Fortress Maximus (1430904)
Posted by fenrir72 on October 16th, 2012 @ 8:08am CDT
Choose your allegiance then! Fortmax or Masterpiece! :lol:
Re: Official Images: Takara Tomy Encore 20A Devastator and Encore 23 Fortress Maximus (1430908)
Posted by Jelze Bunnycat on October 16th, 2012 @ 8:40am CDT
fenrir72 wrote:Choose your allegiance then! Fortmax or Masterpiece! :lol:

Despite the price: Fortress Maximus! He's harder to get as it is.
Re: Official Images: Takara Tomy Encore 20A Devastator and Encore 23 Fortress Maximus (1430918)
Posted by fenrir72 on October 16th, 2012 @ 9:21am CDT
Plus the two Master swords adds the incentive! Right on JZGR! :grin:

(Unfortunately............I'm passing the bruiser up, 'cause already have the incomplete (non master sword wielding) USA vintage version :-( )
Re: Official Images: Takara Tomy Encore 20A Devastator and Encore 23 Fortress Maximus (1430919)
Posted by Marcdachamp on October 16th, 2012 @ 9:30am CDT
Max is too rich for my blood. I'd love to buy a real Fort Max, but for now I'll settle for my Kabaya figure. On the plus side, the more I look at the Encore version of Max, the more impressed I am at how faithful Kabaya managed to make their version.

Also, you people are nuts! That Devastator is awesome sauce!
Re: Official Images: Takara Tomy Encore 20A Devastator and Encore 23 Fortress Maximus (1430922)
Posted by Crisdecal on October 16th, 2012 @ 9:39am CDT
I'm really digging the vintage style pics of Fort Max. Very Japanese, very 1980's. Reminds me of the old Japanese inserts and commercials. They even added laser beams! But I really hope he does come with his Master sword, being that Cerebros has his own in the pics. And even more... I really hope for a Grand Maximus repaint. I think I would have the ultimate Transgasam!

Wasn't this new re-re-relese of Devestator supposed to be a G2 yellow??
Re: Official Images: Takara Tomy Encore 20A Devastator and Encore 23 Fortress Maximus (1430926)
Posted by Jelze Bunnycat on October 16th, 2012 @ 10:06am CDT
Crisdecal wrote:Wasn't this new re-re-relese of Devestator supposed to be a G2 yellow??

That's what we originally assumed, but nothing was ever said about it. Now we know "A" probably stands for "Anime", as in cartoon-accurate.
Re: Official Images: Takara Tomy Encore 20A Devastator and Encore 23 Fortress Maximus (1430931)
Posted by Diem on October 16th, 2012 @ 10:28am CDT
That Devy deco is nice but it is just proof that you can't polish a turd; the G1 Constructicons are terrible figures.

Fort Max looks nice but I agree that it would be really nice to see confirmation that he's getting the Master Sword. Encore versions are usually pretty definitive so I would be surprised if it wasn't included.
Re: Official Images: Takara Tomy Encore 20A Devastator and Encore 23 Fortress Maximus (1430937)
Posted by Tigertrack on October 16th, 2012 @ 10:52am CDT
Without pics next to the others, as was asked for by another poster, it's really hard to justify wanting that set.

I know Long Haul's head is painted differently. In fact, I think they all are a little different, 'MORE ACCURATE' to the cartoon painting on the heads/faces. Besides DEvi's head, I think Scrapper's chest and abdomen is differently painted too, and of course, they have like 0 stickers applied (okay they each have a couple).

Max is great. Glad to see it comes with the sword. Wishing it leads to a Grand Maximus re-paint.
Re: Official Images: Takara Tomy Encore 20A Devastator and Encore 23 Fortress Maximus (1430938)
Posted by kirbenvost on October 16th, 2012 @ 10:53am CDT
Soooo... the only difference to Devastator is the black forearms and cartoon head? Or is the shade of green different too. Regardless, I still have the first Encore in my Loot and don't need this one.

Fort Max looks EPIC.
Re: Official Images: Takara Tomy Encore 20A Devastator and Encore 23 Fortress Maximus (1430940)
Posted by Jelze Bunnycat on October 16th, 2012 @ 10:58am CDT
kirbenvost wrote:Soooo... the only difference to Devastator is the black forearms and cartoon head? Or is the shade of green different too. Regardless, I still have the first Encore in my Loot and don't need this one.

Don't forget Mixmaster's drum.
Re: Official Images: Takara Tomy Encore 20A Devastator and Encore 23 Fortress Maximus (1430946)
Posted by RK_Striker_JK_5 on October 16th, 2012 @ 11:19am CDT
Fortress Maximus, will be mine. I already own two Devastators, so I'm good there. ;)
Re: Official Images: Takara Tomy Encore 20A Devastator and Encore 23 Fortress Maximus (1430948)
Posted by Flux Convoy on October 16th, 2012 @ 11:31am CDT
JelZe GoldRabbit wrote:
kirbenvost wrote:Soooo... the only difference to Devastator is the black forearms and cartoon head? Or is the shade of green different too. Regardless, I still have the first Encore in my Loot and don't need this one.

Don't forget Mixmaster's drum.

The head is a different sculpt. The forearms are black and not purple. Mixmaster's drum is purple, not green. Both green and purple appear to be different from the Encore. The individual faces of the bot modes have better painted/detailed faces. The faces are the same molds, just painted nicely.
Re: Official Images: Takara Tomy Encore 20A Devastator and Encore 23 Fortress Maximus (1430987)
Posted by Kibble on October 16th, 2012 @ 1:20pm CDT
I'd like to have that Dev, but I'm not buying again after having just bought the new Encore version a year ago. This one looks better all around, though.
Re: Official Images: Takara Tomy Encore 20A Devastator and Encore 23 Fortress Maximus (1431065)
Posted by XDMan on October 16th, 2012 @ 5:08pm CDT

Show accurracy Takara: 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000% Superior :D

BB loving Hasbro: -1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000% Inferior :-(
Re: Official Images: Takara Tomy Encore 20A Devastator and Encore 23 Fortress Maximus (1431084)
Posted by KNM2012 on October 16th, 2012 @ 5:32pm CDT
Ravage XK wrote:la la la la, Im not listening. Stop tempting me!! :)

I'm a sucker for limited runs etc.

No, its too much to pay for one figure and I need to pay for Masterpiece figures and holiday..........arrrrgghhhhh

:lol: ..... :))

Thanks for the laugh. You're awesome for doing that, as I needed it after the two responses I have received today (that had nothing to do with the point I made or the facts I based them on). :lol: But anyways... Would it be a bad time to also mention that TFsource offers both free shipping for all orders above $150, and also allows you to pay for this item the moment they receive it? :WHISTLE:
Re: Official Images: Takara Tomy Encore 20A Devastator and Encore 23 Fortress Maximus (1431125)
Posted by Sodan-1 on October 16th, 2012 @ 7:04pm CDT
I know it's a trivial thing to contest but I saw Maximus' biography on BBTS earlier and had a :???: moment when I saw his speed is higher than his endurance.

Re: Official Images: Takara Tomy Encore 20A Devastator and Encore 23 Fortress Maximus (1431197)
Posted by KNM2012 on October 16th, 2012 @ 10:10pm CDT
XDMan wrote:WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Show accurracy Takara: 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000% Superior :D

BB loving Hasbro: -1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000% Inferior :-(

Well, in Hasbro's defense, Michael Bay helped make BB be popular. :lol: But, ahem... >:oP On a more serious note, I have to be upset with them when it comes to the way they allowed the "Japanese Collection" be handled.

But yeah... Takara Tomy is trying to reestablish themselves within the G1 community since 2007. And I am hoping they continue as they are transitioning to the terminology first created by Marvel for Hasbro. :-B

Sodan-1 wrote:I know it's a trivial thing to contest but I saw Maximus' biography on BBTS earlier and had a :???: moment when I saw his speed is higher than his endurance.


You mean these stats?
Re: Official Images: Takara Tomy Encore 20A Devastator and Encore 23 Fortress Maximus (1431345)
Posted by Sodan-1 on October 17th, 2012 @ 12:28pm CDT
KUMA-NIN Maximus wrote:
Sodan-1 wrote:I know it's a trivial thing to contest but I saw Maximus' biography on BBTS earlier and had a :???: moment when I saw his speed is higher than his endurance.


You mean these stats?

Forgive me, I wasn't suggesting BBTS got it wrong. This might be the first time I've actually seen Fort Max's tech specs (or at least the first time I've paid attention to them) and I'm just surprised by those numbers.
Re: Official Images: Takara Tomy Encore 20A Devastator and Encore 23 Fortress Maximus (1431348)
Posted by Jelze Bunnycat on October 17th, 2012 @ 12:31pm CDT
Sodan-1 wrote:
KUMA-NIN Maximus wrote:
Sodan-1 wrote:I know it's a trivial thing to contest but I saw Maximus' biography on BBTS earlier and had a :???: moment when I saw his speed is higher than his endurance.


You mean these stats?

Forgive me, I wasn't suggesting BBTS got it wrong. This might be the first time I've actually seen Fort Max's tech specs (or at least the first time I've paid attention to them) and I'm just surprised by those numbers.

For his speed: cue the giant with seven-mile boots :lol:
Re: Official Images: Takara Tomy Encore 20A Devastator and Encore 23 Fortress Maximus (1431352)
Posted by Dagon on October 17th, 2012 @ 12:46pm CDT
Autobot032 wrote:Maximus looks really good. Devastator looks very ugly, very plain. I get what they were trying to do, but meh.

Absolutely agree.
Re: Official Images: Takara Tomy Encore 20A Devastator and Encore 23 Fortress Maximus (1431362)
Posted by Mkall on October 17th, 2012 @ 1:46pm CDT
JelZe GoldRabbit wrote:
Sodan-1 wrote:
KUMA-NIN Maximus wrote:
Sodan-1 wrote:I know it's a trivial thing to contest but I saw Maximus' biography on BBTS earlier and had a :???: moment when I saw his speed is higher than his endurance.


You mean these stats?

Forgive me, I wasn't suggesting BBTS got it wrong. This might be the first time I've actually seen Fort Max's tech specs (or at least the first time I've paid attention to them) and I'm just surprised by those numbers.

For his speed: cue the giant with seven-mile boots :lol:

in FM's defence, he can travel between planets speedily enough to keep the plot moving. I don't think Blurr can do that now can he?
Re: Official Images: Takara Tomy Encore 20A Devastator and Encore 23 Fortress Maximus (1431366)
Posted by Blurrz on October 17th, 2012 @ 2:00pm CDT
Mkall wrote:in FM's defence, he can travel between planets speedily enough to keep the plot moving. I don't think Blurr can do that now can he?

'Course I can.
Re: Official Images: Takara Tomy Encore 20A Devastator and Encore 23 Fortress Maximus (1431372)
Posted by Mkall on October 17th, 2012 @ 2:27pm CDT
Blurrz wrote:
Mkall wrote:in FM's defence, he can travel between planets speedily enough to keep the plot moving. I don't think Blurr can do that now can he?

'Course I can.

Yeah, but Fort Max can do it without consuming alcohol.
Re: Official Images: Takara Tomy Encore 20A Devastator and Encore 23 Fortress Maximus (1431462)
Posted by alexison on October 17th, 2012 @ 8:23pm CDT
Really excited for Fortress. Like Matt, I hope it leads to a couple repaints.
Re: Official Images: Takara Tomy Encore 20A Devastator and Encore 23 Fortress Maximus (1431522)
Posted by KNM2012 on October 17th, 2012 @ 11:17pm CDT
Sodan-1 wrote:
KUMA-NIN Maximus wrote:
Sodan-1 wrote:I know it's a trivial thing to contest but I saw Maximus' biography on BBTS earlier and had a :???: moment when I saw his speed is higher than his endurance.


You mean these stats?

Forgive me, I wasn't suggesting BBTS got it wrong. This might be the first time I've actually seen Fort Max's tech specs (or at least the first time I've paid attention to them) and I'm just surprised by those numbers.

You are forgiven on account that I wanted to see if we were on the same page. And besides, I think it is due to the fact he has a structural weakpoint that has his Endurance is lower.

But I guess that is the cost of being created by Marvel first and not have Tony Stark be involved. :-B
Re: Official Images: Takara Tomy Encore 20A Devastator and Encore 23 Fortress Maximus (1431639)
Posted by Sabrblade on October 18th, 2012 @ 9:11am CDT
KUMA-NIN Maximus wrote:And besides, I think it is due to the fact he has a structural weakpoint that has his Endurance is lower.
He does?

I knew of Scorponok (or the MegaZarak version from The Headmasters) having a weak spot in his chest, but not one for Fort Max.

Or, are you talking about the toy mold? ^_^'
Re: Official Images: Takara Tomy Encore 20A Devastator and Encore 23 Fortress Maximus (1431760)
Posted by KNM2012 on October 18th, 2012 @ 2:11pm CDT
Sabrblade wrote:
KUMA-NIN Maximus wrote:And besides, I think it is due to the fact he has a structural weakpoint that has his Endurance is lower.
He does?

I knew of Scorponok (or the MegaZarak version from The Headmasters) having a weak spot in his chest, but not one for Fort Max.

Or, are you talking about the toy mold? ^_^'

I was talking about the fact that Fortress requires the Master Sword to become Fortress Maximus. And the Destrons found that it can be prevented. So his weak point is the area where the bonding process happens. That, and his size when he become Fort Max might have reduced his maximum potential. :-B

And speaking of the toys, there is a rumor that Soundblaster's tapes hold data stolen from Hasbro. ;)

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