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Paramount Advertises Rise of the Beasts as the Beginning of a New Trilogy and Provides Media Update

Transformers News: Paramount Advertises Rise of the Beasts as the Beginning of a New Trilogy and Provides Media Update

Tuesday, February 15th, 2022 6:50PM CST

Category: Movie Related News
Posted by: D-Maximal_Primal   Views: 46,719

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Today is a busy day! Following up on the first tease for the upcoming Nickelodeon cartoon Transformers: Earthspark, Paramount has thought fit to provide a small update on the big screen area of the Transformers fiction arena.

First up, Paramount writes the following when it comes to Transformers Rise of the Beasts :

Transformers: Rise of the Beasts will be released theatrically in 2023 and is the first of three new installments.

What this will mean for the story within those movies is unknown, but it is nice to know there appears to be a long term plan.

Second, Paramount cross-advertised the Nickelodeon cartoon, which is set to premier later in 2023.

Finally, Paramount has advised that a CG Animated Transformers film is still on the docket for 2024. While we get no further details on that movie, it is nice to know they are keeping us posted that it is coming.

You can check out the Tweet below where Paramount advertised this information, and let us know what you think in the comments section below.

Transformers News: Paramount Advertises Rise of the Beasts as the Beginning of a New Trilogy and Provides Media Update
Credit(s): Paramount on Twitter

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Re: Paramount Advertises Rise of the Beasts as the Beginning of a New Trilogy and Provides Media Update (2127556)
Posted by Stormshot_Prime on February 15th, 2022 @ 8:40pm CST
I really really hope they finally commit to rebooting the live action movies. Audiences are well familiar with the concept, and it’s sorely needed
Re: Paramount Advertises Rise of the Beasts as the Beginning of a New Trilogy and Provides Media Update (2127558)
Posted by TulioDude on February 15th, 2022 @ 9:10pm CST
Glad to know they have confidence in Transformers.
I'm excited to know more!
Re: Paramount Advertises Rise of the Beasts as the Beginning of a New Trilogy and Provides Media Update (2127559)
Posted by Sabrblade on February 15th, 2022 @ 9:20pm CST
Stormshot_Prime wrote:I really really hope they finally commit to rebooting the live action movies. Audiences are well familiar with the concept, and it’s sorely needed
It's as if they just can't let go of the memories of how much of a money-making goldmine each of the first four movies were.
Re: Paramount Advertises Rise of the Beasts as the Beginning of a New Trilogy and Provides Media Update (2127560)
Posted by Rodimus Prime on February 15th, 2022 @ 9:27pm CST
They should have finished the Knight trilogy first.
Re: Paramount Advertises Rise of the Beasts as the Beginning of a New Trilogy and Provides Media Update (2127562)
Posted by william-james88 on February 15th, 2022 @ 9:27pm CST
Sabrblade wrote:
Stormshot_Prime wrote:I really really hope they finally commit to rebooting the live action movies. Audiences are well familiar with the concept, and it’s sorely needed
It's as if they just can't let go of the memories of how much of a money-making goldmine each of the first four movies were.

Exactly. Plus, those films have a built in audience and people like familiarity. No point in alienating the audience.
Re: Paramount Advertises Rise of the Beasts as the Beginning of a New Trilogy and Provides Media Update (2127566)
Posted by Stormshot_Prime on February 15th, 2022 @ 11:02pm CST
william-james88 wrote:
Sabrblade wrote:
Stormshot_Prime wrote:I really really hope they finally commit to rebooting the live action movies. Audiences are well familiar with the concept, and it’s sorely needed
It's as if they just can't let go of the memories of how much of a money-making goldmine each of the first four movies were.

Exactly. Plus, those films have a built in audience and people like familiarity. No point in alienating the audience.

That’s a good point. It’s just a shame that the continuity itself is pretty fucked by this point, but I guess as long as the movies bring in that money.
Re: Paramount Advertises Rise of the Beasts as the Beginning of a New Trilogy and Provides Media Update (2127572)
Posted by MaximalNui on February 16th, 2022 @ 5:57am CST
Rodimus Prime wrote:They should have finished the Knight trilogy first.

Question is, would anyone see it? Bumblebee apparently already suffered in the box office from backlash over Last Knight's reception; I doubt a direct sequel would garner much sympathy even if it was better made.

Stormshot_Prime wrote:
william-james88 wrote:
Sabrblade wrote:
Stormshot_Prime wrote:I really really hope they finally commit to rebooting the live action movies. Audiences are well familiar with the concept, and it’s sorely needed
It's as if they just can't let go of the memories of how much of a money-making goldmine each of the first four movies were.

Exactly. Plus, those films have a built in audience and people like familiarity. No point in alienating the audience.

That’s a good point. It’s just a shame that the continuity itself is pretty **** by this point, but I guess as long as the movies bring in that money.

Well, they'll have to at some point if they're making that Hasbro Cinematic Universe, otherwise it's the same "mesh together pre-established continuities and rush in new ones" mess from the Hasbro Comic Universe. Unless they already gave up on it.

Also, didn't TLK's performance prove that continuity isn't as successful anymore? At least not in their pre-Bumblebee approach?
Re: Paramount Advertises Rise of the Beasts as the Beginning of a New Trilogy and Provides Media Update (2127573)
Posted by ZeroWolf on February 16th, 2022 @ 6:17am CST
There wasn't much continuity in the first place to be far, the fans cared for it more then the writers.
Re: Paramount Advertises Rise of the Beasts as the Beginning of a New Trilogy and Provides Media Update (2127575)
Posted by -Kanrabat- on February 16th, 2022 @ 6:54am CST
ZeroWolf wrote:There wasn't much continuity in the first place to be far, the fans cared for it more then the writers.

True that.

I'm all for a fresh reboot, Bee Movie being Episode 1 of the new series.
Re: Paramount Advertises Rise of the Beasts as the Beginning of a New Trilogy and Provides Media Update (2127578)
Posted by Sabrblade on February 16th, 2022 @ 9:00am CST
The only real continuity that there was between the movies came primarily from the expanded universe tie-in material (comics, novels, webshows, etc.) that filled in the blanks for just the first three movies. And then AOE came along and tossed all of that out the window.

Though, I feel like TLK was as poorly done as it was on purpose, at least on Bay's part. He'd been wanting out of these movies since before DOTM, but Hasbro kept sending dump trucks full of cash to dump on his front lawn. TLK felt like he was trying to make a movie so bad that it would finally convince Hasbro to let him go (at least as a director, since he was still a producer on Bumblebee). I mean, putting Nazi banners on Winston Churchill's estate, of all things? The offensiveness of that decision had to be intentional. No sane, respectable person would have done that if they weren't trying to get themselves axed.
Re: Paramount Advertises Rise of the Beasts as the Beginning of a New Trilogy and Provides Media Update (2127580)
Posted by noctorro on February 16th, 2022 @ 9:25am CST
Sabrblade wrote:The only real continuity that there was between the movies came primarily from the expanded universe tie-in material (comics, novels, webshows, etc.) that filled in the blanks for just the first three movies. And then AOE came along and tossed all of that out the window.

Though, I feel like TLK was as poorly done as it was on purpose, at least on Bay's part. He'd been wanting out of these movies since before DOTM, but Hasbro kept sending dump trucks full of cash to dump on his front lawn. TLK felt like he was trying to make a movie so bad that it would finally convince Hasbro to let him go (at least as a director, since he was still a producer on Bumblebee). I mean, putting Nazi banners on Winston Churchill's estate, of all things? The offensiveness of that decision had to be intentional. No sane, respectable person would have done that if they weren't trying to get themselves axed.

Haha lol, very sharp my friend.

Yes, Bay didn't care anymore with that last one. It's everywhere, I was extremely dissapointed and I watched Revenge of the Fallen.

But this whole, lets start a flippin trilogy. Get out of here, just make 1 good or at least decent movie. See how it's received and then a sequel.

Anyway, todays consumers vote with their wallets more and more. That's why nonsense like Star Wars etc. are slowely dying as a marketing strategy.

Good movies will be rewarded. Bad ones riding on nostalgia or pre established work by talented people will eventually crash and burn. It may take 3 movies to get there, but the people decide in the end. I refuse to watch the Last Jedi and it's on Netflix I think.

Just keep that Cybertron scene vibe from Bumblebee and just be good and creative.
Re: Paramount Advertises Rise of the Beasts as the Beginning of a New Trilogy and Provides Media Update (2127582)
Posted by First-Aid on February 16th, 2022 @ 12:01pm CST
Here's an alternative: the next trilogy sets up the backstory to the end of the Last Knight and the potential emergence of Unicron. Then, after that trilogy, they resume after with the Unicron storyline. It allows the expansion on the background of Unicron and the menace he presents.
Re: Paramount Advertises Rise of the Beasts as the Beginning of a New Trilogy and Provides Media Update (2127588)
Posted by griftimus prime on February 16th, 2022 @ 1:27pm CST
and none of them will release on time. also if this flops they will cancel them all. but hey go ahead and say you plan to make 3 of them
Re: Paramount Advertises Rise of the Beasts as the Beginning of a New Trilogy and Provides Media Update (2127606)
Posted by MaximalNui on February 16th, 2022 @ 5:53pm CST
noctorro wrote:
Sabrblade wrote:The only real continuity that there was between the movies came primarily from the expanded universe tie-in material (comics, novels, webshows, etc.) that filled in the blanks for just the first three movies. And then AOE came along and tossed all of that out the window.

Though, I feel like TLK was as poorly done as it was on purpose, at least on Bay's part. He'd been wanting out of these movies since before DOTM, but Hasbro kept sending dump trucks full of cash to dump on his front lawn. TLK felt like he was trying to make a movie so bad that it would finally convince Hasbro to let him go (at least as a director, since he was still a producer on Bumblebee). I mean, putting Nazi banners on Winston Churchill's estate, of all things? The offensiveness of that decision had to be intentional. No sane, respectable person would have done that if they weren't trying to get themselves axed.

Haha lol, very sharp my friend.

Yes, Bay didn't care anymore with that last one. It's everywhere, I was extremely dissapointed and I watched Revenge of the Fallen.

But this whole, lets start a flippin trilogy. Get out of here, just make 1 good or at least decent movie. See how it's received and then a sequel.

Anyway, todays consumers vote with their wallets more and more. That's why nonsense like Star Wars etc. are slowely dying as a marketing strategy.

Good movies will be rewarded. Bad ones riding on nostalgia or pre established work by talented people will eventually crash and burn. It may take 3 movies to get there, but the people decide in the end. I refuse to watch the Last Jedi and it's on Netflix I think.

Just keep that Cybertron scene vibe from Bumblebee and just be good and creative.

It probably didn't help the continuity that every film since Revenge of the Fallen had the same plot beat of "the Transformers actually were here in the past and changed human history", needing a new retcon for every new period they supposedly interfered with.

Though honestly, I blame the failure of TLK not (just) on Bay's usual hands off, "effects first story second" directing, but also on whatever exec decided to pick three different story pitches from the new writers room and cram them all into a single movie.

I also didn't feel as disappointed with TLK as I was with RoTF. Maybe it's because I heard so many people badmouth TLK and was expecting something worse, maybe it's because RoTF picked a part of the mythos I love (the Thirteen) and completely squandered it.
Re: Paramount Advertises Rise of the Beasts as the Beginning of a New Trilogy and Provides Media Update (2127619)
Posted by william-james88 on February 16th, 2022 @ 8:09pm CST
-Kanrabat- wrote:
ZeroWolf wrote:There wasn't much continuity in the first place to be far, the fans cared for it more then the writers.

True that.

I'm all for a fresh reboot, Bee Movie being Episode 1 of the new series.

Bumblebee doesn't feel fresh enough. While I like the film as stand alone, it is also an origin movie for the Bayverse Bee many kids grew up with. Like how he lost his voice and learnt to express himself with the radio. And at the end he even transforms into a similar car that we see in the beginning of Transformers 1. Plus, he has the same Bayverse Bee face, it's all still too Bay for me to consider it a fresh start.

By the way, someone is posting what I am 100% sure is a purposely false rumour but oh man would this piss people off. Someone said, what if Scourge in ROTB is actually a future version of Bayverse Prime that came back to the past to ensure the autobots don't get whatever maguffin this film is about. Like that you can change the past (and future) but still preserve the Bay continuity, kinda like what Star Trek did.
Re: Paramount Advertises Rise of the Beasts as the Beginning of a New Trilogy and Provides Media Update (2127623)
Posted by -Kanrabat- on February 16th, 2022 @ 8:32pm CST
william-james88 wrote:
-Kanrabat- wrote:
ZeroWolf wrote:There wasn't much continuity in the first place to be far, the fans cared for it more then the writers.

True that.

I'm all for a fresh reboot, Bee Movie being Episode 1 of the new series.

Bumblebee doesn't feel fresh enough. While I like the film as stand alone, it is also an origin movie for the Bayverse Bee many kids grew up with. Like how he lost his voice and learnt to express himself with the radio. And at the end he even transforms into a similar car that we see in the beginning of Transformers 1. Plus, he has the same Bayverse Bee face, it's all still too Bay for me to consider it a fresh start.

By the way, someone is posting what I am 100% sure is a purposely false rumour but oh man would this piss people off. Someone said, what if Scourge in ROTB is actually a future version of Bayverse Prime that came back to the past to ensure the autobots don't get whatever maguffin this film is about. Like that you can change the past (and future) but still preserve the Bay continuity, kinda like what Star Trek did.

Kinda an interesting concept actually. If it turn out to be true, let's hope it will be better handled than the abysmal "Nemesis Prime" from TLK.
Re: Paramount Advertises Rise of the Beasts as the Beginning of a New Trilogy and Provides Media Update (2127624)
Posted by Sabrblade on February 16th, 2022 @ 8:36pm CST
william-james88 wrote:By the way, someone is posting what I am 100% sure is a purposely false rumour but oh man would this piss people off. Someone said, what if Scourge in ROTB is actually a future version of Bayverse Prime that came back to the past to ensure the autobots don't get whatever maguffin this film is about. Like that you can change the past (and future) but still preserve the Bay continuity, kinda like what Star Trek did.
To me, that sounds like someone yanked that idea from the Nemesis Prime seen in Netflix WFCT cartoon: An evil Optimus from the future battling his heroic past self trying to change history.
Re: Paramount Advertises Rise of the Beasts as the Beginning of a New Trilogy and Provides Media Update (2127626)
Posted by william-james88 on February 16th, 2022 @ 8:52pm CST
Sabrblade wrote:
william-james88 wrote:By the way, someone is posting what I am 100% sure is a purposely false rumour but oh man would this piss people off. Someone said, what if Scourge in ROTB is actually a future version of Bayverse Prime that came back to the past to ensure the autobots don't get whatever maguffin this film is about. Like that you can change the past (and future) but still preserve the Bay continuity, kinda like what Star Trek did.
To me, that sounds like someone yanked that idea from the Nemesis Prime seen in Netflix WFCT cartoon: An evil Optimus from the future battling his heroic past self trying to change history.

Oh for sure, it's just a joke to see people lose their shit.
Re: Paramount Advertises Rise of the Beasts as the Beginning of a New Trilogy and Provides Media Update (2127656)
Posted by bluecatcinema on February 17th, 2022 @ 1:59pm CST
Let's just hope they stick with the trilogy idea, and not run it into the ground with more sequels like they did before.
Re: Paramount Advertises Rise of the Beasts as the Beginning of a New Trilogy and Provides Media Update (2129304)
Posted by TulioDude on March 20th, 2022 @ 6:44pm CDT
Anyone else hoping to see a Barricade appearance?

Day 810 of waiting for Transformers Armada Masterpiece news.
Re: Paramount Advertises Rise of the Beasts as the Beginning of a New Trilogy and Provides Media Update (2129307)
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on March 20th, 2022 @ 7:42pm CDT
TulioDude wrote:Anyone else hoping to see a Barricade appearance?

Day 810 of waiting for Transformers Armada Masterpiece news.

One can hope, he shows up in every other movie, so odds are in his favor right now
Re: Paramount Advertises Rise of the Beasts as the Beginning of a New Trilogy and Provides Media Update (2129312)
Posted by Sabrblade on March 20th, 2022 @ 7:51pm CDT
D-Maximal_Primal wrote:
TulioDude wrote:Anyone else hoping to see a Barricade appearance?

Day 810 of waiting for Transformers Armada Masterpiece news.

One can hope, he shows up in every other movie, so odds are in his favor right now
With how often these movies keep intending to kill him off yet never quite succeed in that department, who knows?

Was the robot character list we got before supposed to be for all of the ones that appear in the movie, or just for the main ones and not including any minor/background ones?
Re: Paramount Advertises Rise of the Beasts as the Beginning of a New Trilogy and Provides Media Update (2129316)
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on March 20th, 2022 @ 7:54pm CDT
Sabrblade wrote:
D-Maximal_Primal wrote:
TulioDude wrote:Anyone else hoping to see a Barricade appearance?

Day 810 of waiting for Transformers Armada Masterpiece news.

One can hope, he shows up in every other movie, so odds are in his favor right now
With how often these movies keep intending to kill him off yet never quite succeed in that department, who knows?

Was the robot character list we got before supposed to be for all of the ones that appear in the movie, or just for the main ones and not including any minor/background ones?

Unsure, I have sort of been disconnected from the movie rumor news, so we will need someone else to talk about it. But i have a feeling it was a full character list, or meant to be, despite there being maybe 4 beasts listed only
Re: Paramount Advertises Rise of the Beasts as the Beginning of a New Trilogy and Provides Media Update (2130027)
Posted by TulioDude on March 27th, 2022 @ 3:12pm CDT
D-Maximal_Primal wrote:
Sabrblade wrote:
D-Maximal_Primal wrote:
TulioDude wrote:Anyone else hoping to see a Barricade appearance?

Day 810 of waiting for Transformers Armada Masterpiece news.

One can hope, he shows up in every other movie, so odds are in his favor right now
With how often these movies keep intending to kill him off yet never quite succeed in that department, who knows?

Was the robot character list we got before supposed to be for all of the ones that appear in the movie, or just for the main ones and not including any minor/background ones?

Unsure, I have sort of been disconnected from the movie rumor news, so we will need someone else to talk about it. But i have a feeling it was a full character list, or meant to be, despite there being maybe 4 beasts listed only

Barricade keeping appearing in between movies is really cool.

About the character list for Rise of the Beasts,I feel every movie since Revenge of The Fallen has huge character list,even if the main cast is smaller.Bumblebee is a goor example of this;you can describe the movie main robots to be Bumblebee,Shatter and Dropkick,with other Transformers being reserved for othert scenes.
That's what I imagine as a possibility for ROTB.
Re: Paramount Advertises Rise of the Beasts as the Beginning of a New Trilogy and Provides Media Update (2130061)
Posted by william-james88 on March 28th, 2022 @ 9:10am CDT
Hasbro held a retailer and investor event to show what was coming up in the next 2 years and highlighted the upcoming Transformers Rise of the Beasts film. For Rise of the Beasts, they gave us a title card which features Inca styled carvings of Predacons and Maximals in their beast modes. We can see Optimus Primal, Dinobot, Scorponok, Terrorsaur, Cheetor, Airazor, one of the Spider bots, Rattrap and even Megatron in a fetal position at the very bottom of the circle where all these beasts are carved. At the far right and left we have profiles of Optimus Prime and Optimus Primal though these are of their WFC looks and not their movie look. That last part should remind everyone that this poster is not indicative of anything other than Hasbro wanting a nice backdrop to the logo which combines the themes of Cybertronians coming in contact with ancient civilizations, which has been an ongoing theme in the live action films. We still do not know if the Predacons will actually be in the film as substantial characters or merely a mention, like a wall carving. Hasbro also confirmed the release date being the June 9th 2023 and that it is a sequel to the Bumblebee movie. Here is exactly what was said by Jenny Whitlock, VP of Global Franchises at Hasbro:

“We’re partnering with eOne, Paramount, and a visionary new director to bring to life a Transformers story like you’ve never seen. The film will pick up after the events of 2018’s Bumblebee and follows Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, and an unlikely team of humans who are joined by a group of powerful new allies; the Transformers Beasts. The introduction of beast characters will be a significant moment for all. From kids to core fans, and especially those who grew up with Beast Wars in the 90s. Transformers: Rise of the Beasts raises the stakes and set us up for what’s to come over the next few years in our film franchise.”

Re: Paramount Advertises Rise of the Beasts as the Beginning of a New Trilogy and Provides Media Update (2130065)
Posted by JazZeke on March 28th, 2022 @ 9:41am CDT
Oh no, I hope this doesn't mean more "ancient astronauts" BS. It was cute the first movie, but five of them in a row was ridiculous.
Re: Paramount Advertises Rise of the Beasts as the Beginning of a New Trilogy and Provides Media Update (2130067)
Posted by william-james88 on March 28th, 2022 @ 10:14am CDT
JazZeke wrote:Oh no, I hope this doesn't mean more "ancient astronauts" BS. It was cute the first movie, but five of them in a row was ridiculous.

The theme of that poster is clearly ancient astronauts, whether that figures in the film or not.
Re: Paramount Advertises Rise of the Beasts as the Beginning of a New Trilogy and Provides Media Update (2130069)
Posted by TulioDude on March 28th, 2022 @ 10:25am CDT
It's cool see these character getting a nod,even if they aren't confirmed as of yet to be part of the main story.

I'm hoping we can get an live action Beast Megatron.
Re: Paramount Advertises Rise of the Beasts as the Beginning of a New Trilogy and Provides Media Update (2130095)
Posted by ZeldaTheSwordsman on March 28th, 2022 @ 2:25pm CDT
Someone remove the number from the title. The Beeverse films aren't part of the Bayverse numbering any more than the Kelvin-timeline Star Trek films would be part of the Classic Trek film numbering.
Re: Paramount Advertises Rise of the Beasts as the Beginning of a New Trilogy and Provides Media Update (2130102)
Posted by william-james88 on March 28th, 2022 @ 2:48pm CDT
ZeldaTheSwordsman wrote:Someone remove the number from the title. The Beeverse films aren't part of the Bayverse numbering any more than the Kelvin-timeline Star Trek films would be part of the Classic Trek film numbering.

It's still used officially by Hasbro, so unless they tell me otherwise, I won't assume anything else. The Bay films weren't numbered in the titles and had no internal continuity, so this seventh film is no different.


Re: Paramount Advertises Rise of the Beasts as the Beginning of a New Trilogy and Provides Media Update (2130124)
Posted by -Kanrabat- on March 28th, 2022 @ 4:31pm CDT
ZeldaTheSwordsman wrote:Someone remove the number from the title. The Beeverse films aren't part of the Bayverse numbering any more than the Kelvin-timeline Star Trek films would be part of the Classic Trek film numbering.


I'm so going to use that!
Re: Paramount Advertises Rise of the Beasts as the Beginning of a New Trilogy and Provides Media Update (2130145)
Posted by griftimus prime on March 28th, 2022 @ 7:06pm CDT
wow people are still concerned about the continuity of these movies? the battle is long over.
Re: Paramount Advertises Rise of the Beasts as the Beginning of a New Trilogy and Provides Media Update (2130182)
Posted by First-Aid on March 29th, 2022 @ 11:18am CDT
griftimus prime wrote:wow people are still concerned about the continuity of these movies? the battle is long over.

Despite this, I still believe that they can salvage the Unicron storyline from TF:TLK if they play the Beast Wars right. My idea would be that the Beasts discover Unicron is in fact the core of the planet (as it looks in that movie, a la TF Prime) and somehow manage to subdue him...until the events of TLK awaken him, then they can create a subsequent line from there dealing with his reawakening. If time travel is involved in this movie, then they can retcon everything wiping out the Bayverse entirely...but since Unicron is a being that exists outside the normal universe a time reset wouldn't necessarily affect him.
Re: Paramount Advertises Rise of the Beasts as the Beginning of a New Trilogy and Provides Media Update (2130193)
Posted by MaximalNui on March 29th, 2022 @ 4:33pm CDT
So, has anyone found the beasts described in the article? I'm having trouble with Megatron and Airazor, and I'm not 100% sure on Rattrap. :???:
Re: Paramount Advertises Rise of the Beasts as the Beginning of a New Trilogy and Provides Media Update (2130370)
Posted by RotorstormNZ on March 31st, 2022 @ 9:28pm CDT
MaximalNui wrote:So, has anyone found the beasts described in the article? I'm having trouble with Megatron and Airazor, and I'm not 100% sure on Rattrap. :???:

A couple of posters on TFW2005 have theories (their words clipped directly from the linked posts):
12 o’ clock - Gorilla - Optimus Primal

1 o’ clock - Pterosaur - Terrorsaur

2 o’ clock - Wing of a Falcon(?) (Obscured by Logo) - Airrazor

4 o’ clock - Tarantula - Tarantulas / Tarantula or Black Widow (half hourglass in abdomen)

5 o’ clock - Either a Rat or Wasp - Rattrap or Waspinator / Rat for sure - Rattrap

6 o’ clock - Possibly a Snake - Quickstrike / Dinosaur - Megatron

7 o’ clock - Fish or Bird(?) (I cannot tell, all I can see is some vague fins or wings) / Fish(?) or Bird(?) or Rhino(?) (Can't tell either, perhaps those fins/wings are horns?)

8 o’ clock - Scorpion - Scorponok

10 o’ clock - Cheetah - Cheetor

11 o’ clock - Velociraptor - Dinobot
Re: Paramount Advertises Rise of the Beasts as the Beginning of a New Trilogy and Provides Media Update (2130416)
Posted by william-james88 on April 1st, 2022 @ 2:59pm CDT
MaximalNui wrote:So, has anyone found the beasts described in the article? I'm having trouble with Megatron and Airazor, and I'm not 100% sure on Rattrap. :???:

Here you go ... .29446608/
Re: Paramount Advertises Rise of the Beasts as the Beginning of a New Trilogy and Provides Media Update (2130554)
Posted by TulioDude on April 3rd, 2022 @ 6:33pm CDT
The transformers in the seven o'clock position remains a big mistery.

Day 824 of waiting for Transformers Armada Masterpiece news.
Re: Paramount Advertises Rise of the Beasts as the Beginning of a New Trilogy and Provides Media Update (2131129)
Posted by william-james88 on April 12th, 2022 @ 7:49am CDT
While we saw some toys already, we actually have our first piece of non toy merchandise for Transformers 7 Rise of the Beasts. It is a school folder with one side being a clearer shot of that Inca styled art with various beasts and the other side being Optimus Prime. It's basically the same look he had in the Bumblebee film but at least we get a very clear shot here.

This was found on the Russian shopping site WildBerries.


Re: Paramount Advertises Rise of the Beasts as the Beginning of a New Trilogy and Provides Media Update (2131132)
Posted by TulioDude on April 12th, 2022 @ 8:29am CDT
Also,this confirms that he mystyerious figure in the circle is Rhinox.
Day 833 of waiting for Transformers Armada Masterpiece news.
Re: Paramount Advertises Rise of the Beasts as the Beginning of a New Trilogy and Provides Media Update (2131142)
Posted by DeathReviews on April 12th, 2022 @ 9:51am CDT
I picked up the MP version of Bumblebee/Movie Optimus, and unless these movie 7 figures have something really awesome up their sleeves, I see no need to get any of them. I've got Legacy Motormaster to save up for, so I doubt I'll have room for any more Bayverse style figures in this year's budget :).
Re: Paramount Advertises Rise of the Beasts as the Beginning of a New Trilogy and Provides Media Update (2131179)
Posted by LOSHII on April 12th, 2022 @ 12:03pm CDT
Seeing all the Maximals confirmed for ROTB are in that art work I really hope we see all the Predacons that are there too!
Re: Paramount Advertises Rise of the Beasts as the Beginning of a New Trilogy and Provides Media Update (2131198)
Posted by william-james88 on April 12th, 2022 @ 1:07pm CDT
rattrap is in the art and he isn't confirmed to be in the movie.
Re: Paramount Advertises Rise of the Beasts as the Beginning of a New Trilogy and Provides Media Update (2131205)
Posted by TulioDude on April 12th, 2022 @ 1:35pm CDT
william-james88 wrote:rattrap is in the art and he isn't confirmed to be in the movie.

*as a main character.
Re: Paramount Advertises Rise of the Beasts as the Beginning of a New Trilogy and Provides Media Update (2131224)
Posted by william-james88 on April 12th, 2022 @ 3:37pm CDT
TulioDude wrote:
william-james88 wrote:rattrap is in the art and he isn't confirmed to be in the movie.

*as a main character.

I doubt any beast will be a main character
Re: Paramount Advertises Rise of the Beasts as the Beginning of a New Trilogy and Provides Media Update (2132037)
Posted by TulioDude on April 23rd, 2022 @ 12:58pm CDT
Bonus points for the movie if they manage to tie Scorponok with the Predacons.

Day 844 of waiting for Transformers Armada Masterpiece news.
Re: Paramount Advertises Rise of the Beasts as the Beginning of a New Trilogy and Provides Media Update (2132418)
Posted by william-james88 on April 28th, 2022 @ 4:33pm CDT
Paramount had a big presentation today for theatre executives only. It included a sizzle reel showing clips of Dungeons & Dragons, Mission Impossible and Transformers Rise of the Beasts. Here is a description of what was shown:

No Beasts were shown. Instead people saw Optimus, Bumblebee and Arcee. Arcee is said to look like G1 Arcee, Optimus is said to look like he did in the Bumblebee movie and Bumblebee looks like Bayverse Bumblebee (same car mode, same face, same visual cues). The footage shows Arcee hanging on the the side of a moving car as she is about to take shots with her gun. No Dialogue was utterred, it was only 12 seconds of shots across.

This description was lifted from The John Campea Show which discussed first hand what the group saw.

Usually, if a trailer is shown at an event, then it will likely be shown in a week or two to the public BUT if it is a sizzle reel like the one described, then it will not be made available for anyone else to see, ever.
Re: Paramount Advertises Rise of the Beasts as the Beginning of a New Trilogy and Provides Media Update (2132423)
Posted by Quantum Surge on April 28th, 2022 @ 5:19pm CDT
I never liked John Campea, he always came off as the kind of movie guy I wanted to avoid of late.
Re: Paramount Advertises Rise of the Beasts as the Beginning of a New Trilogy and Provides Media Update (2132424)
Posted by william-james88 on April 28th, 2022 @ 5:42pm CDT
TulioDude wrote:Bonus points for the movie if they manage to tie Scorponok with the Predacons.

It won't.
Re: Paramount Advertises Rise of the Beasts as the Beginning of a New Trilogy and Provides Media Update (2132436)
Posted by -Kanrabat- on April 28th, 2022 @ 11:08pm CDT
william-james88 wrote:
TulioDude wrote:Bonus points for the movie if they manage to tie Scorponok with the Predacons.

It won't.

It would't had made any sense regardless.
Re: Paramount Advertises Rise of the Beasts as the Beginning of a New Trilogy and Provides Media Update (2132440)
Posted by Blamo-Stramo on April 29th, 2022 @ 6:00am CDT
Given that John Campea isnt in the transformers loop. Its clear to me that when he says Bumblebee looks like Bayverse but Arcee and Optimus look as they did in the Bumblebee movie,he just doesnt know the minutia and differences Bumblebee has in design. Since 2/3s of the bots listed look like they did in the BB movie, its clear bumblebee will look similar ti his robot mode at the end of the film

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