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Preorders for Walmart Exclusive Transformers Figures Nightprowler, Buzzsaw, Sandstorm and More Now Up

Transformers News: Preorders for Walmart Exclusive Transformers Figures Nightprowler, Buzzsaw, Sandstorm and More Now Up

Thursday, March 24th, 2022 4:11PM CDT

Category: Toy News
Posted by: william-james88   Views: 36,080

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Walmart is getting 3 exclusives from the Legacy line this year, Sandstorm, Nightprowler and Buzzsaw. These are now available to order online, here are the links:

Sandstorm: ... hbdg=L1100

Nightprowler: ... hbdg=L1100

Buzzsaw: ... hbdg=L1100

For those skeptical on Walmart fulfilling these orders, Hasbro Pulse also has preorders for these though the quantity is very limited (they might be sold out by the time you read this). They also have preorders for the other Walmart exclusives like Beast Wars Reissue Wolfang and Cybershark along with the RED Galvatron and Cyclonus.

You can find all of those at this link:

We thank fellow Seibertronians Death reviews, TFfankev and O.Supreme for all of this.

Transformers News: Preorders for Walmart Exclusive Trasformers Figures Now Up on Walmart and Hasbro  Pulse

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Re: Preorders for Walmart Exclusive Transformers Figures Nightprowler, Buzzsaw, Sandstorm and More Now Up (2129746)
Posted by william-james88 on March 24th, 2022 @ 4:46pm CDT
Legacy Blitzing has gotten the Transformers community very engaged and a big part has to do with the front of the tank mode. The first instinct was that the toy was mistransformed. Why would a tank mode have this purple cockpit extending beyond the treads? Well, as even die hard G1 fans forgot, that is very much part of the G1 model. In the 86 film, Blitzwing's most memorable moment is of him in tank mode, when Kup springs into action and bends the cannon up just in time to save Hot Rod. In that shot which I know I have seen countless times, I never noticed just how prevalent that purple extension is. But yeah, it's right there, and made even more obvious in the shot right after when Blitzwing is toppled, showing the length.

Also, to add to anyone thinking it is mistransformed, the Hasbro team went out of their way for this piece by actually making a fake canopy. You see, the actual jet canopy is an uninterupted red piece, but this fake canopy, which is only used for the tank mode, has extra purple paint segmenting it, to create some segments like the G1 model.

But can it be pushed in more? Well, look at the photo below which shows the underside, it really seems like it can't. Nor should it since it is close to the length we see in the G1 model. Of course, there is the option of rotating the turret and have that protruding purple piece go to the back. Well, as you can see below, that just means now you trade in one extending purple piece for two. So instead of a phallic shape a lot of fans made fun of, you now have a pointy bosom.





Re: Preorders for Walmart Exclusive Transformers Figures Nightprowler, Buzzsaw, Sandstorm and More Now Up (2129747)
Posted by ZeldaTheSwordsman on March 24th, 2022 @ 5:12pm CDT
Given that the details seen on top in the cartoon end up looking more like blue markings, I still say it's dumb that they bothered making a transparent faux canopy. Especially since his clear plastic is *red* (also questionable, perhaps they'll be able to change that?). Altogether it makes the area look less like the cartoon.

I'm more irked at how pulling a TR Mindwipe with the jet wings for.... reasons? led to him having an even-more-cluttered undercarriage than the G1 Blitzwing design already has, especially with how the tread pieces end up just hanging there. It's ROTF Jetfire territory. We saw with TR that they can do better while still giving us a super-GEEWUN Blitzwing.

I reiterate my hope that this guy deflates the eBay price of the TR version.
Re: Preorders for Walmart Exclusive Transformers Figures Nightprowler, Buzzsaw, Sandstorm and More Now Up (2129748)
Posted by Evil Eye on March 24th, 2022 @ 5:51pm CDT
God, Blitzwing looks bad. The marginal improvements in robot mode aren't worth the horrendous vehicle modes and useless extra parts (I hasten to add I don't dislike the idea of extra parts with a Voyager as a Leader- Shockwave and ER Prime are amazing figures- but the execution in this case with the static clear hands that do nothing for the alt modes is a damn shame). LG Blitzwing is utterly safe in my display. Only way I'll be getting a new Blitzwing is if someone makes a better toy of the Animated version (AKA the superior version).
Re: Preorders for Walmart Exclusive Transformers Figures Nightprowler, Buzzsaw, Sandstorm and More Now Up (2129749)
Posted by Grahf_ on March 24th, 2022 @ 5:54pm CDT
I've rewatched the chest transformation part of the video a few times and there's about 7mm to 1cm of space in the chest to slide the cockpit in more. It's not much space as the head's in there but there's some to work with. The head also could've somehow slid down into the cockpit some as the nosecone isn't taking up the whole space inside. Then the cockpit would've had more room to slide into the body of the tank. The chest plate could also have had a flip out piece similar to SS BB Wheeljack that could've covered some of that space in between the front tank treads above the faux cockpit. Or it could've had an extra hinge system around the collar area so that the chest plate could extend out more to fill out the space itself.

With some of those things it would've mitigated the "problem" quite a bit. It's not like there wasn't room in the budget either as those gauntlets are rather large and have quite a bit of paint on them.

Should it all have been done though? It depends. Yes it's mostly screen accurate however this is being released in Legacy and not Studio Series. It doesn't have to be so slavishly G1.

It's goofy looking in toy form regardless of it being accurate. Probably because the faux cockpit is designed to look so much like the real one whereas that same area on the character model is made to look quite a bit different. It looks like something else entirely on the character model. Almost like a battering ram or a missile bay or an escape pod or something. It's ambiguous enough looking to not look as goofy as this toy does.

I won't know for sure where I stand on it until I have it myself. It could be a TL Super Ginrai/TR Magnus Prime's feet situation where they don't look nearly as bad in person as they do in pictures. That and there's just so many upgrades that get made now that one might catch my interest to "fix" Legacy Blitzwing's "problems".

One thing I do know is that I would've wanted those robot mode wings to be able to spin around somehow so they could've been oriented properly in jet mode if someone wanted to deploy them. For some reason I always thought of Blitzwing having two sets of wings, one on top and one on bottom and this toy almost replicates my incorrect memory of Blitzwing from many, many years ago.

I'll still get this and enjoy it even though I have T30, TR and TL Blitzwings as well. I guess I'm glad I got TR Blitzwing when Ollie's had them for dirt cheap as I've seen several people complain about the price on him and I would also assume the TL version as well. I preordered the TL version when it first went up and originally skipped the TR version. I did the same for Octane as well. However I grabbed both Astrotrain from the start as they were such different colors.
Re: Preorders for Walmart Exclusive Transformers Figures Nightprowler, Buzzsaw, Sandstorm and More Now Up (2129751)
Posted by -Kanrabat- on March 24th, 2022 @ 6:26pm CDT
Good lord...

Why striving for CARTOON ACCURACY with a freaking GENERATIONS toy?
The beasts in Kingdom did it right by giving us a "cartoon accurate" bot mode but with a realistic altmode. Why not having Blitzwing having an accurate bot mode but with perfect altmodes? Without some mind-boggling EXTRA KIBBLE?

Re: Preorders for Walmart Exclusive Transformers Figures Nightprowler, Buzzsaw, Sandstorm and More Now Up (2129752)
Posted by Hellscream9999 on March 24th, 2022 @ 6:27pm CDT
-Kanrabat- wrote:Good lord...

Why striving for CARTOON ACCURACY with a freaking GENERATIONS toy?
The beasts in Kingdom did it right by giving us a "cartoon accurate" bot mode but with a realistic altmode. Why not having Blitzwing having an accurate bot mode but with perfect altmodes? Without some mind-boggling EXTRA KIBBLE?


Because Geewun?
Re: Preorders for Walmart Exclusive Transformers Figures Nightprowler, Buzzsaw, Sandstorm and More Now Up (2129753)
Posted by -Kanrabat- on March 24th, 2022 @ 6:36pm CDT
Hellscream9999 wrote:Because Geewun?

That no longer just "Geewun" that's Geeeergbrlblblbrgggrrrrll.... :BOOM:
Re: Preorders for Walmart Exclusive Transformers Figures Nightprowler, Buzzsaw, Sandstorm and More Now Up (2129754)
Posted by ZeldaTheSwordsman on March 24th, 2022 @ 6:40pm CDT
Like I've said multiple times now, the faux-canopy ends up making him less GEEWUN, and as TR showed we could still get a GEEWUN Blitzwing without getting so messy. Whoever decided to pull a TR Mindwipe with the sodding wings should be demoted from designer to copyboy - and so should whoever signed off on it.
Re: Preorders for Walmart Exclusive Transformers Figures Nightprowler, Buzzsaw, Sandstorm and More Now Up (2129756)
Posted by DeathReviews on March 24th, 2022 @ 7:07pm CDT
I used to have the G1 Blitzwing figure - so yeah, I know that jet cockpit shape was jutting out in tank mode. But just because it was 'there' in the G1 figure doesn't mean they 'had' to replicate it for the Legacy figure. The toy had it because the designers back then were limited by the toy tech and engineering restrictions of that time. But times have changed. They could have fixed that cockpit issue - but they made a decision not to. Probably because they thought the G1 purists would complain. But we wound up complaining anyway. Guess you can't win for losin'....
Re: Preorders for Walmart Exclusive Transformers Figures Nightprowler, Buzzsaw, Sandstorm and More Now Up (2129763)
Posted by william-james88 on March 24th, 2022 @ 11:52pm CDT
In the immortal words of Sam Jackson, hold onto your buts. Prices everywhere are going up for a myriad of reasons and Hasbro is boosting the price of the Titan class figure in a significant way. Thanks to some new listings, we now know that the upcoming Legacy Cybertron Metroplex will be $189.99 USD. In other Legacy news, we now know there will be a Legacy Multipack released in the Buzzworthy Bumblebee line. The contents are yet to be confirmed. We also have other listings for some Evergreen toys and Transformers 7 products but those are in code names so we can't make much from them. These listings come from the Target Database and it is Voltrace who posted them on the TFW2005 boards.

Transformers MV7 Smash Changer Oscar – 087 16 6731 / 84794232 – $31.49
Transformers BB MV7 Hurricane – 087 16 6058 / 84794240 – $15.99
Transformers BB Evergreen DLX 3pk – 087 16 6047 / 84794229 – $62.99
Transformers BB Legacy Multipack – 087 16 0184 / 84794210 – $73.99
Transformers Gen Legacy EV Titan – 087 16 9227 / 84794227 – $189.99


Re: Preorders for Walmart Exclusive Transformers Figures Nightprowler, Buzzsaw, Sandstorm and More Now Up (2129764)
Posted by Seibertron on March 24th, 2022 @ 11:53pm CDT
Yah I feel like they just don't know what "we" want for some reason, which is a bit frustrating. Amalgamations of things like mixing Transformers Prime style and G1 style is not something I think any of us wanted. Want to do multiverse? Great. There's no reason why you need to change Prime Arcee's face so she all of a sudden has a G1 nose that she's never had before.

Homaging old school design flaws is also not something that I think any of us were clamoring for. I want to look at a modern day toy and say "wow, that's fantastic that today's designers with today's toy technology can overcome silly things like having Blitzwing's jet canopy blatantly showing in tank mode." I thought some of the half assed alt modes of triplechangers were charming when I was a kid but with today's technology I don't really find it charming on modern toys. I just don't understand what they're doing here. If I'm a "G1"-unner by some people's definition, own 8,000+ Transformers toys, own one of the largest Transformers fansites in the world, but for some reason don't want toys that include the flaws from yesteryear's toys, then who are they trying to appease? Am I really in the minority on this thought process?

At this point, I'm basically against anything G1 trying to be too slavish to the cartoon models because they're over engineered to the point where it's just a puzzle toy going from one animated robot mode to another animated alternate mode model that may or may not have the parts going in the right places and instead achieve the "look" by having faux pieces and instead having car parts where they should go in robot mode.

Masterpiece Sunstreaker might be the only one in recent years that I'm willing to give a pass to, but even then, I really like how Classics Universe Sunstreaker achieved it properly and G1 Sunstreaker is still a pretty solid figure after all of these years even if it's not 100% cartoon accurate. I think I'd rather have the actual windshield and roof of the car become his chest and lower abdomen instead of "faking" it.
Re: Preorders for Walmart Exclusive Transformers Figures Nightprowler, Buzzsaw, Sandstorm and More Now Up (2129765)
Posted by william-james88 on March 25th, 2022 @ 12:18am CDT
From all that I am reading Ryan, your opinion us majority rather than a minority. I am right there with you. I have found people that are fine with Blitzwing's tank being G1 to a fault but I found no one hoping that this is how it would look like.
Re: Preorders for Walmart Exclusive Transformers Figures Nightprowler, Buzzsaw, Sandstorm and More Now Up (2129766)
Posted by Gauntlet101010 on March 25th, 2022 @ 12:20am CDT
Reading all these comments is really making me cement a decision just to pass on Blitz. Looking at the video didn't help despite the reviewer being blown away. And maybe slavish animation model accuracy can explain the nosecone in the front, but what about the thrusters in the back?

In triple changes one alt mode usually suffers, but here's it's both for some reason? And the same is true for Astrotrain. I know the bot mode is the primary focus, but the other modes matter too.
Re: Preorders for Walmart Exclusive Transformers Figures Nightprowler, Buzzsaw, Sandstorm and More Now Up (2129767)
Posted by Sabrblade on March 25th, 2022 @ 12:55am CDT
I look at Legacy Blitzwing and just continue to feel that Legends Blitzwing was plenty show-accurate and wasn't nearly as compromised as this Blitzwing. And if anyone preferred toy-accuracy instead, the Titans Return version offered that.
Re: Preorders for Walmart Exclusive Transformers Figures Nightprowler, Buzzsaw, Sandstorm and More Now Up (2129768)
Posted by ZeldaTheSwordsman on March 25th, 2022 @ 1:08am CDT
@Gauntlet101010 Astrotrain's issues are nothing on this tho, and I don't think the locomotive mode suffers that much more than it did on the original. We've seen they can do better with Blitzwing, the idiotic TR Mindwipe-style handling of the jet wings was completely unnecessary to make him GEEWUN-but-with-full-length-feet. All they had to do was copy the TR transformation engineering and throw in ankle rockers. Boom. Done.

Instead we get this mess. In light of this, I think Blitzy should have gotten the Voyager slot and just been a TR reissue, while Armada Starscream got the leader slot (which would work better for size anyway).

Seibertron wrote:Yah I feel like they just don't know what "we" want for some reason, which is a bit frustrating. Amalgamations of things like mixing Transformers Prime style and G1 style is not something I think any of us wanted. Want to do multiverse? Great. There's no reason why you need to change Prime Arcee's face so she all of a sudden has a G1 nose that she's never had before.
Agreed. It's unneeded, as is converting characters to G1 style in general. Especially if they're UT characters who were thus already stylistically close to late-G1 stuff anyway, although at the same time that's less damaging than doing it to a Prime or Animated character.

I would suggest writing in to Hasbro via their website to express that sentiment to them. I know I'll be doing that.

Seibertron wrote:At this point, I'm basically against anything G1 trying to be too slavish to the cartoon models because they're over engineered to the point where it's just a puzzle toy going from one animated robot mode to another animated alternate mode model that may or may not have the parts going in the right places and instead achieve the "look" by having faux pieces and instead having car parts where they should go in robot mode.
Agreed... SS86 Hot Rod looks really nice in both modes, but the transformation witchcraft needed because of the faux-parts chest makes him less fun to transform than the Titans Return version - and makes certain parts have durability problems. I like neo-G1 toys to still feel like you're transforming the G1 character as best they can.

Seibertron wrote:Masterpiece Sunstreaker might be the only one in recent years that I'm willing to give a pass to, but even then, I really like how Classics Universe Sunstreaker achieved it properly and G1 Sunstreaker is still a pretty solid figure after all of these years even if it's not 100% cartoon accurate. I think I'd rather have the actual windshield and roof of the car become his chest and lower abdomen instead of "faking" it.
I disagree about Classics Sunstreaker achieving it "properly" since while he's got a real windshield chest instead of semi-real like the MP, the rest of him is backwards Sideswipe :P I have to say that at least MP Sunstreaker was restrained from getting nearly as stupid as MP Hound by the need to keep Lamborghini happy.

TBH the only thing making the G1 toy cartoon inaccurate is that like every season 1 design his stretches and squashes the proportions into "Human in a robot costume" versions of themselves, and the kibble deletion to simplify drawing.

Regarding the Titan-class price hike being as big as it is... I'm not remotely surprised. There's so much more mass to Titans, and when making a new one more/bigger molds need to be cut to accommodate all the parts - especially with as big as some of said parts are on non-combiner Titans.

Out of the entire line, I'm looking forward to: Skids, Pointblank, Twincast, and Crankcase. That's it. More money for SS86, catch-up, Armada, and Cybertron I guess.
Re: Preorders for Walmart Exclusive Transformers Figures Nightprowler, Buzzsaw, Sandstorm and More Now Up (2129772)
Posted by -Kanrabat- on March 25th, 2022 @ 4:22am CDT
william-james88 wrote:From all that I am reading Ryan, your opinion us majority rather than a minority. I am right there with you. I have found people that are fine with Blitzwing's tank being G1 to a fault but I found no one hoping that this is how it would look like.

I throw my vote in as well.

Having Legacy leader (LEADER) Blitzwing using faux-parts to achieve the crappy imperfect look of the G1 original is baffling and an insult.

With the leader budget, there's no excuses to not be able to make both a perfect tank and a perfect jet.
If 3P would design a "Blitzwing" in current Generations scale that would sell for less than 100$ it would be quite a flex on Hasbro/Takara.

With that said, I can now forgive Siege Astrotrain for having imperfect vehicle modes, but he's at least his own thing and the imperfect vehicles are still cohesive without using fake parts for uglyfication like Blitzwing.
Re: Preorders for Walmart Exclusive Transformers Figures Nightprowler, Buzzsaw, Sandstorm and More Now Up (2129780)
Posted by Gauntlet101010 on March 25th, 2022 @ 7:13am CDT
I'm just saying that the last two triple changers were both leaders and both suffered from compromised vehicles. BOTH vehicles. If they release Octane and he's a mess too that's three for three on the Decepticon side.

Meanwhile Springer was a voyager and he's perfect.

Maybe they're just trying to be too clever with too much emphasis placed on the bot mode.

I don't want to get too into Astro; I still remember the convo about him earlier. I'll just repeat that he's a train with another tiny train sticking out the front end. It's not the same nonsense as Blitz with a cockpit to emulate part of the animation model nobody remembers until now, but it's still nonsense. In both cases I think they sacrificed too much of the vehicle modes to give us an outstanding robot mode.
Re: Preorders for Walmart Exclusive Transformers Figures Nightprowler, Buzzsaw, Sandstorm and More Now Up (2129785)
Posted by ZeldaTheSwordsman on March 25th, 2022 @ 8:13am CDT
In Astrotrain's case the additional train mode compromise (Although for me it just feels like an inversion of the G1 toy's outside frontmost wheels making him look like he's got a wider locomotive's front end grafted on) was more about the C.O.M.B.A.T.-mandated full-length feet with rockers - a function, in other words - than it was about the looks. And the compromise to his shuttle mode (where his whole upper chest has to fold over to close the distance and bring the fin into place, instead of just folding the fin out) feels like a knock-on effect of that (I do still wonder if they could have pulled off a 2-layer slide-extending chest instead, though).

With this Blitzwing, it's all about looks and being too clever by half to achieve not-really-noticeable gains in robot mode appearance. I'll say for the umpteenth time that going Titans Return Mindwipe with the wings - where the robot mode wings are fake and the real ones form the legs - was more damaging IMO. Dumb as the cockpit being so prominent in the tank mode is (especially with them having messed up the cartoon resemblance), I find it far less obnoxious than the cluttered stupid going on with the tank panels in jet mode (it's like if Astrotrain had wound up with his front train wheel panels hanging off the shuttle wings, only a worse).

Part of the reason Springer was perfect is because his alien altmodes that share components make things easy, although not forcing the animation model's rounded chest definitely helped.
Re: Preorders for Walmart Exclusive Transformers Figures Nightprowler, Buzzsaw, Sandstorm and More Now Up (2129786)
Posted by sol magnus on March 25th, 2022 @ 8:17am CDT
Gauntlet101010 wrote:I don't want to get too into Astro; I still remember the convo about him earlier. I'll just repeat that he's a train with another tiny train sticking out the front end. It's not the same nonsense as Blitz with a cockpit to emulate part of the animation model nobody remembers until now, but it's still nonsense. In both cases I think they sacrificed too much of the vehicle modes to give us an outstanding robot mode.

I don't know about you, but I display my Transformers in robot mode. Transformation is a bonus. And, no, that doesn't mean 'go collect R.E.D. figures', I kind of hate them even as desk statues. I want my figures to transform, but I don't prioritize alt-modes. I'm not saying that gives Hasbro a pass on shoddy alt-modes, but that I'm willing to accept compromises where compromises of some sort have to be made. With Triple Changers not named Springer, there's probably always going to be some kind of compromise.

As far as 'toon accurate', they've been going in this direction for years now, and we're back to the Masterpiece complaints. I've always been +/- on strict cartoon accuracy, but I have to admit, if a toy is indeed that I certaintly plunk down the cash on that over something that isn't (looking at MP-44 (I don't care what anyone says, he's awesome) BB Kup and Cliffjumper). Part of it I'm sure is getting hit in the feels from my favorite cartoon of all time - sentimentality.

Question: While Blitzwing is coming in Legacy, at some point wasn't he rumored at least for Studio Series 86 (not that it makes that much of a difference to me)?
Re: Preorders for Walmart Exclusive Transformers Figures Nightprowler, Buzzsaw, Sandstorm and More Now Up (2129788)
Posted by Gauntlet101010 on March 25th, 2022 @ 8:35am CDT
Let's not get hung up on compromises to a toy 30 years old. The outer wheels on the G1 aren't great, but it's also a different product at a different price point for a different time.

@sol magnus - Focusing on bot mode makes sense, but there's a limit. The alt mode matters too; they're Transformers. Sacrificing just about everything for the bot mode doesn't make sense, even if that's how everyone displays their stuff.

Blitz is just a mess in both alt modes. Astro is a mess in both alt modes. In bot mode both look great to me. In either case I just can't say it's justified.

Staying on the topic of Blitz, I never got the Titans Returns version. Just not better enough. Looking at it now the tank mode loses badly there too. How can the G1 toy strike the best balance of all three modes?
Re: Preorders for Walmart Exclusive Transformers Figures Nightprowler, Buzzsaw, Sandstorm and More Now Up (2129790)
Posted by ZeldaTheSwordsman on March 25th, 2022 @ 8:58am CDT
Gauntlet101010 wrote:Let's not get hung up on compromises to a toy 30 years old. The outer wheels on the G1 aren't great, but it's also a different product at a different price point for a different time.
Fine. But for me, the SIEGE version's narrowing feels like it's just an inversion of that widening, and so doesn't bug me as much.

Gauntlet101010 wrote:Blitz is just a mess in both alt modes. Astro is a mess in both alt modes. In bot mode both look great to me. In either case I just can't say it's justified.
No, only Blitzwing is a mess in his altmodes. Astrotrain has minor hiccups in both altmodes. And again, his compromises were for the sake of a function thing - full-length feet with ankle rockers - rather than Blitzwing's screwing things up purely for minuscule (and thus worthless) gains in looks by having fake robot-mode jet wings.

Gauntlet101010 wrote:Staying on the topic of Blitz, I never got the Titans Returns version. Just not better enough. Looking at it now the tank mode loses badly there too. How can the G1 toy strike the best balance of all three modes?
Because straight-telescoping legs and because it's a brick without real feet, that's how. Also, I'd say the TR tank mode only looks slightly worse than G1 (note how the cockpit does not stick out past the treads, and also isn't floating there on its own with no surrounding hull - unlike what's seen on the Legacy mess and the animation model).
Although the tank mode could definitely have been improved by the wings folding up to cover the jet mode bits instead folding down as mismatched-looking armor (oh hey, add that to the list of things the Legacy joke should have done instead of pulling a TR Mindwipe for no good reason).

...The Deluxes are allegedly showing up at US retail, right? Hopefully someone here gets their hands on one and starts posting pics so we have something else to talk about.
Re: Preorders for Walmart Exclusive Transformers Figures Nightprowler, Buzzsaw, Sandstorm and More Now Up (2129791)
Posted by Bindaeyen on March 25th, 2022 @ 9:03am CDT
Seibertron wrote:Homaging old school design flaws is also not something that I think any of us were clamoring for. I want to look at a modern day toy and say "wow, that's fantastic that today's designers with today's toy technology can overcome silly things like having Blitzwing's jet canopy blatantly showing in tank mode." I thought some of the half assed alt modes of triplechangers were charming when I was a kid but with today's technology I don't really find it charming on modern toys.

The tricky thing is that, I think at least, the janky alt modes can still be charming, Snapdragon is a good example of this imo. It’s just that not all of them are. The nose cone on Blitzwing is very much not one of those things, though, and if it had to be incorporated it needed to be a far more subtle hint rather than going out of its way to replicate the original design flaw. It doesn’t help that Blitzwing’s jets are jutting out the back of the other side, or that his jet mode in general is already so….”stylized” by its very nature, meaning you don’t get any alt mode that looks that incredible.

At this point, I'm basically against anything G1 trying to be too slavish to the cartoon models because they're over engineered to the point where it's just a puzzle toy going from one animated robot mode to another animated alternate mode model that may or may not have the parts going in the right places and instead achieve the "look" by having faux pieces and instead having car parts where they should go in robot mode.

This is a really interesting point, particularly the “puzzle toy” bit. I don’t personally care about faux parts, but I think you’re right about the slavishness being a problem and creating overly complex figures. I adore the cartoon models, and some of the figures I’ve absolutely loved, but there’s frequently little joy in transforming them. The designs are often so over engineered and complicated in the name of producing an accurate figure that they become fiddly, and often have steps where you’re just trying to line everything up so it all clicks together.

I’ve found I actually have loved a lot of the figures I’ve loved most are the simpler ones that might make some compromises here and there but still manage to incorporate some fun tricks and look great . Tigatron is a blast to play around with, for example. Really the Beast Wars figures in general(with an exception here or there) nail the sweet spot of FEELING show accurate without being either overly complicated or so obsessed with accuracy that we get of the oddities of 90s-era toy engineering or CGI modeling replicated(like the weird textures you often see replicated on Masterpiece versions).

Give me more of that, please. Especially if it means we get Fuzors and Transmetals, lol
Re: Preorders for Walmart Exclusive Transformers Figures Nightprowler, Buzzsaw, Sandstorm and More Now Up (2129792)
Posted by o.supreme on March 25th, 2022 @ 9:09am CDT
Honestly, I was never going to get Legacy Blitzwing because as a character, he really doesn't fit in my wheelhouse of collecting, despite somehow having the original. (Honestly I don't remember how I got Blitzwing I know I had it, but nobody I recall ever bought it for me)

The toy to me dosen't look that bad. Opinions will always vary. It seems the majority are negative on this toy, and that's fine, so be it. I just hope those that feel as such remember the next time I express my dissenting opinions on a toy, or show, and then go to great lengths tell me I'm wrong, or to stop being so negative, or that I'm expecting too much.
Re: Preorders for Walmart Exclusive Transformers Figures Nightprowler, Buzzsaw, Sandstorm and More Now Up (2129793)
Posted by Gauntlet101010 on March 25th, 2022 @ 9:11am CDT
I get that you like Siege Astrotrain. You have to get that I find both of his alt modes severely compromised.

In Blitz's case the front of the tank is comparable to G1, but the back is much worse. And the G1 cartoon model didn't have real feet either (just the thrusters pointed out a bit). Don't act like there aren't alternatives to telescoping legs. I just don't buy that this is the best design possible here. They got too clever. I think they could have achieved a better result by, ironically, sticking to the G1 design.
Re: Preorders for Walmart Exclusive Transformers Figures Nightprowler, Buzzsaw, Sandstorm and More Now Up (2129796)
Posted by SpaceEagle on March 25th, 2022 @ 10:01am CDT
I guess I am one of the minority that really doesn't mind how Legacy Blitzwing looks and I genuinely prefer how he looks over the Titans Return version...
and I guess I'm the minority over not caring about the "Mindwipe legs" at all? I WILL agree that I do like the TR version's backpack but for me it's really neither-nor. Maybe I'll have to actually handle the figure in person to get a more solid opinion - I have the TR version and I wanna make a comparison, but to me I really do love how the 'bot mode of the Legacy version looks over the TR version (the arms look less of a mess and he has a proper Blitzy tum rather than a recoloured Megs one), and I enjoy the big shoulder armour stacks. The vehicle modes look fine to me but I can understand people preferring the TR version's modes, albeit I guess we're trading wings draped over the sides with front thrusters to a cockpit hull with butt thrusters for the tank mode - and trading tread flaps underneath instead of a whole turret for the jet.

But hey, ankle tilts and wrist swivels!
Re: Preorders for Walmart Exclusive Transformers Figures Nightprowler, Buzzsaw, Sandstorm and More Now Up (2129799)
Posted by Overcracker on March 25th, 2022 @ 10:29am CDT
I'm still a bit shocked about Blitzwing.

I think there's a chance that jet mode is mistransformed somehow.

He always had thick wings, even in the cartoon, and I think that's what this toy tries to replicate but PvP managed to muck them up. Those fake wings from the robot mode I think become the bottom part of the wing in jet mode.

I'm harboring a tiny bit of hope yet for it.

Beyond that, that robot mode is well Blitzwing as he appears in the cartoon, and the Tank mode is fine. Yes the nosecone protrudes a bit, but it is what its supposed to be.
Re: Preorders for Walmart Exclusive Transformers Figures Nightprowler, Buzzsaw, Sandstorm and More Now Up (2129800)
Posted by Sabrblade on March 25th, 2022 @ 10:30am CDT
At the end of the day, Blitzwing is just that guy who randomly turned against the Decepticons in "Five Faces of Darkness" because Hasbro wanted it to be someone whose toy was still for sale in 1986, when the one originally intended for that role was Shockwave.
Re: Preorders for Walmart Exclusive Transformers Figures Nightprowler, Buzzsaw, Sandstorm and More Now Up (2129801)
Posted by o.supreme on March 25th, 2022 @ 10:32am CDT
Sabrblade wrote:At the end of the day, Blitzwing is just that guy who randomly turned against the Decepticons in "Five Faces of Darkness" because Hasbro wanted it to be someone whose toy was still for sale in 1986, when the one originally intended for that role was Shockwave.

Interesting. :-? . I always thought it was meant to be Blitzwing, and then somehow his defection to the Autobots was grafted onto Octane in error. I mean Galvatron gave similar denouncement tob both of them, in that they would no longer be welcomed among the Deception ranks.
Re: Preorders for Walmart Exclusive Transformers Figures Nightprowler, Buzzsaw, Sandstorm and More Now Up (2129803)
Posted by Sabrblade on March 25th, 2022 @ 10:45am CDT
o.supreme wrote:
Sabrblade wrote:At the end of the day, Blitzwing is just that guy who randomly turned against the Decepticons in "Five Faces of Darkness" because Hasbro wanted it to be someone whose toy was still for sale in 1986, when the one originally intended for that role was Shockwave.

Interesting. :-? . I always thought it was meant to be Blitzwing, and then somehow his defection to the Autobots was grafted onto Octane in error. I mean Galvatron gave similar denouncement tob both of them, in that they would no longer be welcomed among the Deception ranks.
It's a recent discovery. Flint Dille's full outline and scripts for all of FFOD have been brought to light. Shockwave was gonna be the one who was suspicious of the Quints because of his being much older than all the other Decepticons and remembering the Quints more, and was gonna full-on defect to the Autobots by the end. But Hasbro was like "No. His toy isn't in stores anymore. Use someone whose has a toy in stores."

The Octane thing was likely supposed to be a follow-up to this with Blitzwing, but Octane had the newer toy on shelves and we know Hasbro likes it when new toys get the spotlight.
Re: Preorders for Walmart Exclusive Transformers Figures Nightprowler, Buzzsaw, Sandstorm and More Now Up (2129804)
Posted by sol magnus on March 25th, 2022 @ 10:55am CDT
Sabrblade wrote:The Octane thing was likely supposed to be a follow-up to this with Blitzwing, but Octane had the newer toy on shelves and we know Hasbro likes it when new toys get the spotlight.

Octane was a direct result of stealing Trypticon in "Thief in the Night" except they aired them out of order. Now, that I guess could be a kludge but they wrote a whole episode and mentioned it in "Starscream's Ghost." Also, he didn't really 'join the Autobots.'
Re: Preorders for Walmart Exclusive Transformers Figures Nightprowler, Buzzsaw, Sandstorm and More Now Up (2129805)
Posted by Sabrblade on March 25th, 2022 @ 10:59am CDT
sol magnus wrote:
Sabrblade wrote:The Octane thing was likely supposed to be a follow-up to this with Blitzwing, but Octane had the newer toy on shelves and we know Hasbro likes it when new toys get the spotlight.

Octane was a direct result of stealing Trypticon in "Thief in the Night" except they aired them out of order. Now, that I guess could be a kludge but they wrote a whole episode and mentioned it in "Starscream's Ghost." Also, he didn't really 'join the Autobots.'
"Thief in the Night" was also produced after "Starscream's Ghost". See here for more on the Blitzwing/Octane switch.
Re: Preorders for Walmart Exclusive Transformers Figures Nightprowler, Buzzsaw, Sandstorm and More Now Up (2129808)
Posted by Seibertron on March 25th, 2022 @ 11:19am CDT
Sabrblade wrote:At the end of the day, Blitzwing is just that guy who randomly turned against the Decepticons in "Five Faces of Darkness" because Hasbro wanted it to be someone whose toy was still for sale in 1986, when the one originally intended for that role was Shockwave.

I had never heard that before. Where can I find out more info?
Re: Preorders for Walmart Exclusive Transformers Figures Nightprowler, Buzzsaw, Sandstorm and More Now Up (2129809)
Posted by Sabrblade on March 25th, 2022 @ 11:27am CDT
Seibertron wrote:
Sabrblade wrote:At the end of the day, Blitzwing is just that guy who randomly turned against the Decepticons in "Five Faces of Darkness" because Hasbro wanted it to be someone whose toy was still for sale in 1986, when the one originally intended for that role was Shockwave.

I had never heard that before. Where can I find out more info?
It's a very recent discovery. Flint Dille's full outline and scripts for all of FFOD have finally been brought to light.
Re: Preorders for Walmart Exclusive Transformers Figures Nightprowler, Buzzsaw, Sandstorm and More Now Up (2129810)
Posted by Sowndwave76 on March 25th, 2022 @ 11:39am CDT
o.supreme wrote:Honestly, I was never going to get Legacy Blitzwing because as a character, he really doesn't fit in my wheelhouse of collecting, despite somehow having the original. (Honestly I don't remember how I got Blitzwing I know I had it, but nobody I recall ever bought it for me)

The toy to me dosen't look that bad. Opinions will always vary. It seems the majority are negative on this toy, and that's fine, so be it. I just hope those that feel as such remember the next time I express my dissenting opinions on a toy, or show, and then go to great lengths tell me I'm wrong, or to stop being so negative, or that I'm expecting too much.

Yeah, funny how skewed peoples' reactions can be based on what they like or dislike...
I don't think this figures looks bad at all. I'm excited to add him to my collection.

SpaceEagle wrote:I guess I am one of the minority that really doesn't mind how Legacy Blitzwing looks and I genuinely prefer how he looks over the Titans Return version...
and I guess I'm the minority over not caring about the "Mindwipe legs" at all? I WILL agree that I do like the TR version's backpack but for me it's really neither-nor. Maybe I'll have to actually handle the figure in person to get a more solid opinion - I have the TR version and I wanna make a comparison, but to me I really do love how the 'bot mode of the Legacy version looks over the TR version (the arms look less of a mess and he has a proper Blitzy tum rather than a recoloured Megs one), and I enjoy the big shoulder armour stacks. The vehicle modes look fine to me but I can understand people preferring the TR version's modes, albeit I guess we're trading wings draped over the sides with front thrusters to a cockpit hull with butt thrusters for the tank mode - and trading tread flaps underneath instead of a whole turret for the jet.
But hey, ankle tilts and wrist swivels!

I'm with you... And we may be in the minority on this forum, but in the grand scheme, that doesn't mean that much.

I still don't really understand why there's so much hate with recent figures leaning towards screen-accuracy.
Figures usually have issues no matter how they look.
The vast majority of figures from the start haven't been cartoon accurate... At best they take elements from the character models, but in mainline figures, there is always something off.
Whether it's because of compromises due to engineering, or just a designer's own preferences coming to the forefront.
Hell, even when Hastak's goal is to make a figure as screen/movie accurate as possible, there are going to be issues...
Look at the SS86 line... I love it. This line has produced some of my favorite figures ever.
And yet,
Kup's face sculpt is off. Blurr's face sculpt is off.
Gnaw's head in the Skarticon's mouth. The Sharkticon's mouth being completely open at the bottom. In alt mode the feet and leg colors make up the sides of the torso...
Scourge/Sweep's wings don't look animation accurate... The Dinobot molds have a crap-ton of greebling...
Slag's tail was sacrificed to store his blaster...
Then you could go into how certain colors of joints are often times off... Hot Rod's yellow knee joints.
The gray hinge on ER Ironhide's lower torso...
This could keep going on and on and on...
I get it, there are reasons for how these things are what they are.
And this isn't me saying I want, need, or expect every figure to embody screen-accurate perfection. Even relative to three-dimensional converting toys.
But I do appreciate it. A lot. Partly because like I said, it's never really happened... Ever (with mainline toys).
My mindset is, yeah, I want Hastak to push for 100% screen accuracy knowing that the result, the actual final product, is going to get 70%-80% right and/or done well.
And that's fine. In fact, all things considered, that's probably great.

But I think people that are so against screen-accuracy and how those visual elements may affect a figure's parts count, transformation, etc., need to remember that with mainline releases, screen accuracy has never been the top priority until within a couple years of right now.
Everything from the Classics line, to Universe, to Alternators, to Animated, to FoC, to even Siege...
Almost none of these produced figures that were extremely closely aligned with G1 character models.
So those who hate screen accuracy and feel it ruins figures... Well, in that regard, spanning over decades, they've had multiple lines worth of figures that always steered clear of cartoon accuracy.
And if all of that somehow hasn't been enough... Well don't worry.
I'm sure once we get the rest of the Insecticons and Dinobots, this phase will end, and there will be some stupid play gimmick or just a design overhaul that steers the mainline away from screen accuracy once more.
Again, I'm not saying that the goal of every figure or line should be to clone character models...
But the bitching and complaining about figures that are finally mirroring character models is really pretty myopic.
Re: Preorders for Walmart Exclusive Transformers Figures Nightprowler, Buzzsaw, Sandstorm and More Now Up (2129811)
Posted by Sabrblade on March 25th, 2022 @ 11:40am CDT
Re: Preorders for Walmart Exclusive Transformers Figures Nightprowler, Buzzsaw, Sandstorm and More Now Up (2129813)
Posted by sol magnus on March 25th, 2022 @ 11:55am CDT
That memo, though. :lol:
Re: Preorders for Walmart Exclusive Transformers Figures Nightprowler, Buzzsaw, Sandstorm and More Now Up (2129814)
Posted by primalxconvoy on March 25th, 2022 @ 12:15pm CDT
What a thoroughly stupid design decision. As a fan of the original cartoon, I STILL wouldn't want any cockpit kibble if I could help it (although a small purple bump in its place wouldn't be too bad as a small homage).

However, thanks to this super-early review from Tealeaf, I can now not bother to preorder this badly designed and overpriced turd.

I might get this mold if it was, say, repainted as a Quint merc-bot or something else, but I'll stick with my TR Blitzwing, just like I did with Astrotrain (due to the similar bloated accessories, high price and badly designed space shuttle mode on the Siege version).

Hasbro definitely misread the fandom room on this one...
Re: Preorders for Walmart Exclusive Transformers Figures Nightprowler, Buzzsaw, Sandstorm and More Now Up (2129815)
Posted by Till-all-R1 on March 25th, 2022 @ 12:16pm CDT
I would think that with the prices they're charging, especially him being a Leader versus Voyager that more would go into creating a bot that can turn into alt modes just as the OG's did without kibble/fake parts to worry about. I mean it's 2022 for crying out loud surely the technology is there to simply improve on the 80's toys?

And in some ways they have with giving them better detailing but I have to agree with others on how they're approaching the design of these figures, even though I too only display them in bot mode it would be nice not to have as many fake parts deal with/risk losing. Overall I'm okay because they do spend 99% of their time displayed in bot mode and very rarely ever get transformed. And I feel that if improvements were made to eliminate those fake parts and rely totally on even more complicated engineering it would just raise the price even more and at that point people might as well just collect masterpiece. Because then they're no longer considered toys and especially not for younger kids.

Then again maybe kids no longer buy them IDK, it's a fine line to walk on what to charge and how complicated to make it, and perhaps is why they created RED and the Core line.
Re: Preorders for Walmart Exclusive Transformers Figures Nightprowler, Buzzsaw, Sandstorm and More Now Up (2129818)
Posted by DeathReviews on March 25th, 2022 @ 12:36pm CDT
Just remember, they've told us that all these rising prices are "only transitory"! (if by that they mean, 'transitioning to even HIGHER prices')
Re: Preorders for Walmart Exclusive Transformers Figures Nightprowler, Buzzsaw, Sandstorm and More Now Up (2129820)
Posted by Seibertron on March 25th, 2022 @ 12:54pm CDT
Just want to clarify my thoughts for everyone here. I do like Legacy Blitzwing. Overall, he looks like a great reprentation of the character and he's better than previous versions. I just don't get some of the choices. It's so close to what I want in a Blitzwing figure that it can be a bummer when some perplexing choices take away from that.

In a nutshell, I'm definitely a "form follows function" guy when it comes to my Transformers.
Re: Preorders for Walmart Exclusive Transformers Figures Nightprowler, Buzzsaw, Sandstorm and More Now Up (2129823)
Posted by Starseeker on March 25th, 2022 @ 1:13pm CDT
primalxconvoy wrote:What a thoroughly stupid design decision. As a fan of the original cartoon, I STILL wouldn't want any cockpit kibble if I could help it (although a small purple bump in its place wouldn't be too bad as a small homage).

However, thanks to this super-early review from Tealeaf, I can now not bother to preorder this badly designed and overpriced turd.

I might get this mold if it was, say, repainted as a Quint merc-bot or something else, but I'll stick with my TR Blitzwing, just like I did with Astrotrain (due to the similar bloated accessories, high price and badly designed space shuttle mode on the Siege version).

Hasbro definitely misread the fandom room on this one...

Well said and I agree 100%. I too will be sticking with my TR Blitzwing over this one. TR figure is still solid in my opinion and looks great in all modes, compacting better without looking ridiculous. The tank mode on legacy is ruined by that purple part sticking out front, like what the heck is up with that? And calling him "leader class" simply by adding those outrageous whatever those are, energon hand gauntlet things that don't even store nice on the vehicle mode, yuck!
On the whole I feel like Legacy is a lazy line. I do plan to get the beast wars characters and maybe the Stunticons, but nothing else. Will have to see how Metroplex turns out.
Re: Preorders for Walmart Exclusive Transformers Figures Nightprowler, Buzzsaw, Sandstorm and More Now Up (2129829)
Posted by Nemesis Primal on March 25th, 2022 @ 2:01pm CDT
Reminder that the BB Legacy Multipack is rumored to contain Goldbug, Ransack, Paralyzer, and Toy Colors Scorponok.

sol magnus wrote:Question: While Blitzwing is coming in Legacy, at some point wasn't he rumored at least for Studio Series 86 (not that it makes that much of a difference to me)?
Re: Preorders for Walmart Exclusive Transformers Figures Nightprowler, Buzzsaw, Sandstorm and More Now Up (2129832)
Posted by Tuned Agent on March 25th, 2022 @ 2:30pm CDT
Sowndwave76 wrote:I still don't really understand why there's so much hate with recent figures leaning towards screen-accuracy.
Figures usually have issues no matter how they look.
The vast majority of figures from the start haven't been cartoon accurate... At best they take elements from the character models, but in mainline figures, there is always something off.
Whether it's because of compromises due to engineering, or just a designer's own preferences coming to the forefront.
Hell, even when Hastak's goal is to make a figure as screen/movie accurate as possible, there are going to be issues...
Look at the SS86 line... I love it. This line has produced some of my favorite figures ever.
And yet,
Kup's face sculpt is off. Blurr's face sculpt is off.
Gnaw's head in the Skarticon's mouth. The Sharkticon's mouth being completely open at the bottom. In alt mode the feet and leg colors make up the sides of the torso...
Scourge/Sweep's wings don't look animation accurate... The Dinobot molds have a crap-ton of greebling...
Slag's tail was sacrificed to store his blaster...
Then you could go into how certain colors of joints are often times off... Hot Rod's yellow knee joints.
The gray hinge on ER Ironhide's lower torso...
This could keep going on and on and on...
I get it, there are reasons for how these things are what they are.
And this isn't me saying I want, need, or expect every figure to embody screen-accurate perfection. Even relative to three-dimensional converting toys.
But I do appreciate it. A lot. Partly because like I said, it's never really happened... Ever (with mainline toys).
My mindset is, yeah, I want Hastak to push for 100% screen accuracy knowing that the result, the actual final product, is going to get 70%-80% right and/or done well.
And that's fine. In fact, all things considered, that's probably great.

But I think people that are so against screen-accuracy and how those visual elements may affect a figure's parts count, transformation, etc., need to remember that with mainline releases, screen accuracy has never been the top priority until within a couple years of right now.
Everything from the Classics line, to Universe, to Alternators, to Animated, to FoC, to even Siege...
Almost none of these produced figures that were extremely closely aligned with G1 character models.
So those who hate screen accuracy and feel it ruins figures... Well, in that regard, spanning over decades, they've had multiple lines worth of figures that always steered clear of cartoon accuracy.
And if all of that somehow hasn't been enough... Well don't worry.
I'm sure once we get the rest of the Insecticons and Dinobots, this phase will end, and there will be some stupid play gimmick or just a design overhaul that steers the mainline away from screen accuracy once more.
Again, I'm not saying that the goal of every figure or line should be to clone character models...
But the bitching and complaining about figures that are finally mirroring character models is really pretty myopic.

I don't think the people complaining are generally against screen-accurate toys. The biggest accuracy complaints in recent memory were about how Legacy toys like Bulkhead and Arcee aren't accurate to the Prime cartoon. With Blitzwing, people's complaints are that he was made accurate in ways that nobody really wanted/don't really matter and that just serve to make one of the modes worse (like the jet cockpit in tank mode). People like accuracy, but the cost of accuracy isn't always worth it.

As for toylines before the last couple years not producing accurate figures, that's really not accurate (pun intended). Classics and Universe did their own thing, true. But the goal of Alternators was to have alt modes that were extremely accurate to real-life cars, even being in model scale. The Animated line was always meant to be accurate to the Animated cartoon, and to this day it's still one of the most screen-accurate TF lines ever made. The FoC line was meant to accurate to the FoC game, which it was. I could go on and on about other toylines. Even Siege was still trying to be G1 screen-accurate, but with a few tweaks and some greebling to make them look "cybertronian" (which was probably just done to make them "imperfect" so people would buy the Earthrise versions). The point is all these lines were striving for accuracy, it just wasn't always accuracy to the G1 cartoon. If I were someone who hated accuracy, those lines would have been ruined for me too.
Re: Preorders for Walmart Exclusive Transformers Figures Nightprowler, Buzzsaw, Sandstorm and More Now Up (2129833)
Posted by Lore Keeper on March 25th, 2022 @ 2:35pm CDT
I'm happy to see I'm not the only one who feels this way. The over-reliance on fake parts to chase accuracy to a rush job of 80s animation is killing the creativity of the brand. It's becoming more the rule than the exception as of late. It's why I can't stand what they're doing to Menasor. They're willing to throw away an amazing playstyle and compatibility with the other combiners because "that's how it was in the cartoon". I know I'll get hate for this, but it's fine. The G1 cartoon is vital to establishing the lore and fan base of Transformers. That's why it's still around nearly 40 years later. That being said, it usually looked like ass. Go back and watch it through adult eyes and explain to me why we should be trying to emulate it rather than improve upon it.
Re: Preorders for Walmart Exclusive Transformers Figures Nightprowler, Buzzsaw, Sandstorm and More Now Up (2129834)
Posted by william-james88 on March 25th, 2022 @ 2:41pm CDT
Gauntlet101010 wrote:Blitz is just a mess in both alt modes. Astro is a mess in both alt modes. In bot mode both look great to me. In either case I just can't say it's justified.

Staying on the topic of Blitz, I never got the Titans Returns version. Just not better enough. Looking at it now the tank mode loses badly there too. How can the G1 toy strike the best balance of all three modes?

Astrotrain was never gonna satisfy me in shuttle mode since I knew they'd replicate the rectangular nature of the shuttle body behind the front end. That too was an animation design copying a flaw in a toy from the 80s. But I guess that one was more obvious than the purple bit extending from Blitzwing. I wanted a rounder shuttle, but not sure if everyone else wanted a rounder one too. So that mode was compromised from the start for the cartoon model (which granted, it didn't really ace either, so we are all left unhappy). I didn't have much issue with the train mode though. It had a semblance to what I was hoping for.

As for your keen question, the thing is the g1 toy does not balance out all three modes. As with all G1 toys, it prioritized the alt mode. In this case, there are 2, so you get 2 out of 3 modes that look fine. And we in turn accept the robot mode as also looking fine since it isn't better or worse than all the other compromised bot modes of the time.

Sowndwave76 wrote:I still don't really understand why there's so much hate with recent figures leaning towards screen-accuracy.

Were you hoping this toy's tank mode was as faithful to the cartoon model as it turned out to be.
Re: Preorders for Walmart Exclusive Transformers Figures Nightprowler, Buzzsaw, Sandstorm and More Now Up (2129835)
Posted by Cyber Bishop on March 25th, 2022 @ 2:51pm CDT
It all boils down to you can't please everyone (people that scream GEEWON fans are terrible or BAYFORMERS are crap, etc.. etc..), same thing in Star Wars as their fans (and costumers) are some of the worst.
I for one am just happy to be able to by Transformers all these years later that actually resemble something I hold fondly in my heart from when I was a teen.


If I have offended anyone with this post good I look forward to keyboard warriors attacking me, calling names and such to prove my point.
Re: Preorders for Walmart Exclusive Transformers Figures Nightprowler, Buzzsaw, Sandstorm and More Now Up (2129848)
Posted by Till-all-R1 on March 25th, 2022 @ 5:20pm CDT
Cyber Bishop wrote:It all boils down to you can't please everyone (people that scream GEEWON fans are terrible or BAYFORMERS are crap, etc.. etc..), same thing in Star Wars as their fans (and costumers) are some of the worst.
I for one am just happy to be able to by Transformers all these years later that actually resemble something I hold fondly in my heart from when I was a teen.


If I have offended anyone with this post good I look forward to keyboard warriors attacking me, calling names and such to prove my point.

This is the thing I never quite understood, the vileness towards another's viewpoint/preference, how does what someone else prefers affect you in any way? I don't like Bay's designs at all so I don't buy them, but I see no point in reiterating it in every other post nor attacking a person because they do like the design.

I'm a G1 fan so that's what I buy and I also can recognize that some bots aren't as well designed/thought out as others, yet I see no reason to go on a hate tirade because nothing I say will change it or what Hasbro does.
Re: Preorders for Walmart Exclusive Transformers Figures Nightprowler, Buzzsaw, Sandstorm and More Now Up (2129849)
Posted by Sowndwave76 on March 25th, 2022 @ 5:34pm CDT
Tuned Agent wrote:As for toylines before the last couple years not producing accurate figures, that's really not accurate (pun intended).

I had thought about addressing this in my previous post, but figured it was obvious.
Clearly there were various source materials that those other lines were going to align with.
But that's actually still part of my point.
None of those lines ever prioritized the G1 cartoon appearance nearly as much as what we've seen recently. So many, many people will agree with the statement of, "It's about time".
Whether one likes this old-school G1 animated look or not, we've had almost 40 years worth of figures, that haven't delivered this look, until again, within the last couple years.
So sure, people can absolutely be sick and tired of G1 stuff. But for anyone to try and claim something like, "Another line like SS86 AGAIN??!?", is impossible. And just for clarity, I'm still referring to mainline figures... Not MP's, and not 3P.

william-james88 wrote:Were you hoping this toy's tank mode was as faithful to the cartoon model as it turned out to be.

I really have no issue with Blitzwing's tank mode... No, the purple bits don't make it better for me...
But I do think it's kind of cool that they went with that. Whether someone likes it or not, that front part does make some sense.
And for the boosters in the back, I'll take that look over the dumpy feet on the back of ER Ironhide.

Sure, I would've hoped for a cleaner jet mode... But overall, I'm totally looking forward to this guy.
The TR version looks good as well (I don't have it).
But this Legacy Blitzwing has a bot mode that is very, very on point. The proportions, the head/face sculpt... Even if I had the TR version, I'd still want this new one as well.
Re: Preorders for Walmart Exclusive Transformers Figures Nightprowler, Buzzsaw, Sandstorm and More Now Up (2129850)
Posted by DeathReviews on March 25th, 2022 @ 5:39pm CDT
This is the thing I never quite understood, the vileness towards another's viewpoint/preference, how does what someone else prefers affect you in any way? I don't like Bay's designs at all so I don't buy them, but I see no point in reiterating it in every other post nor attacking a person because they do like the design....

In ye olde days, it was easier to let bygones be, because there was no internet and no forums where everybody could post their opinions, and where everybody could also hide safely at home and insult other people for their opinions.

I remember well when local newspapers were pretty much the ONLY place where people could post their opinions (on the opinion PAGE) in a manner that lots of other people could see and know about it. Opinion pages were pretty snarky then as well, but only a few people were lucky enough to get their opinions printed, and even fewer were able to respond beyond sending angry letters to the editors - which the editors were free to wad up and throw in the trash.

So most 'flame wars' never really got a chance to start back then. But now opinions are instantaneous. And people who are ticked off can respond angrily at once, rather than having to wait a few days to cool off. So yeah, we can blame teh interwebz for most people's reactionary snark. As Ego said in that Pixar movie, "We thrive on negative criticism, which is fun to write and fun to read."

I'll probably wind up getting Legacy Blitzwing, for all its flaws. It has some merit. Whereas other versions, like Thrilling 30, were the real lousy ones (IMO).
Re: Preorders for Walmart Exclusive Transformers Figures Nightprowler, Buzzsaw, Sandstorm and More Now Up (2129851)
Posted by primalxconvoy on March 25th, 2022 @ 6:26pm CDT
Cyber Bishop wrote:It all boils down to you can't please everyone (people that scream GEEWON fans are terrible or BAYFORMERS are crap, etc.. etc..), same thing in Star Wars as their fans (and costumers) are some of the worst.
I for one am just happy to be able to by Transformers all these years later that actually resemble something I hold fondly in my heart from when I was a teen.


If I have offended anyone with this post good I look forward to keyboard warriors attacking me, calling names and such to prove my point.

Except in this case, they didn't please anyone.

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Transformers Podcast: Twincast / Podcast #354 - Identity Crisis
Twincast / Podcast #354:
"Identity Crisis"
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Posted: Saturday, July 13th, 2024

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