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Review for IDW Transformers Optimus Prime #13

Transformers News: Review for IDW Transformers Optimus Prime #13

Thursday, November 23rd, 2017 7:06PM CST

Categories: Comic Book News, Reviews, Site Articles
Posted by: Va'al   Views: 29,337

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Full Throttle
(Spoiler free-ish)

As the consequences of the First Strike event reverberate, Optimus Prime ventures into the wilderness of Cybertron to search for the first new Cybertronian life to emerge in four million years!

Transformers News: Review for IDW Transformers Optimus Prime #13
Getting the truck outta here


We leave First Strike almost entirely behind with this issue of the ongoing Optimus Prime series from IDW Publishing, though there are clear echoes at the start of the comic for sure - some louder than others - but the real accomplishment of the comic overall is just how much story it packs in one single issue.

Transformers News: Review for IDW Transformers Optimus Prime #13
THAT is an Arcee facesculpt expression

You will remember the Throttlebots in the IDW universe only if you were with the publisher's output since the Spotlight days, and specifically Spotlight: Metroplex, and we really had heard nothing from them since - the way in which Barber catches everyone up is admirable, and doesn't fall into the expodump traps it could've, still leaving a lot to be inferred or imagined being left out.

Transformers News: Review for IDW Transformers Optimus Prime #13
Really though, poor things

On the other side, we also have a continuation of the Dynobot trilogy, or Redemption of the Dinobots, with some additional information as to what went down after that story 'ended' and what may or may not have happened to the new sparks being discovered and activated, yet again leading to more questions answered and other not at all.

Transformers News: Review for IDW Transformers Optimus Prime #13
Arcee is still the best

And finally, we have some references to both Rom vs Transformers: Shining Armor - which will see its final issue next week - and the First Strike event, which this comic serves as one of the consequences of in terms of the general frame. And it's a frame that makes perfect sense, once you take into account how the stories have crossed paths, and who shows up in the multiple scenes that you will enjoy spending time identifying - or just using our database for (warning, spoilers obviously).


The art by Livio Ramondelli adds a nice touch of continuity with the Redemption of the Dinobots story, as the writing does for First Strike and the others - and it's one of his best efforts yet, with some true standouts when another returning character appears in his machinations, and some seriously eery scenes looming over pretty much the entire book.

Transformers News: Review for IDW Transformers Optimus Prime #13

Ramondelli obviously also provides his own colours, and much like for the Dinobot one-shots, the choice of palette and tones used in different scenes fit perfectly to the surprisingly very dark issue that Barber's script has laid out. The flames on one side, the cold metal on the other, it does feel like the heart of something is weighing heavy, all the way through.

Transformers News: Review for IDW Transformers Optimus Prime #13
"Botanica" indeed

The lettering is once more in the hands of capable Tom B. Long, and his combinations with Ramondelli's style always stands out a little more than usual - usually thanks to the hues of the backgrounds - but that's never a bad thing. The cover used for the thumbnail is the exercise in empathic emotion, with Casey Coller and John-Paul Bove taking on the surviving Throttlebots at their most vulnerable yet resilient; all others can be found in the Database entry for the issue here.

Spoilerish ahead

If you've read through me trying to highlight a couple of strands present in the issue, you make have one of two takeaways: there is a lot going on - perhaps too much, and it can get overloading or overbearing after a certain point, especially as a newer reader; there is a lot going on, and that's the best thing we could've had from a story like this, merging together threads that had been almost liminal so far. I veer on the latter, but entirely understand the former.

Transformers News: Review for IDW Transformers Optimus Prime #13
Still social commenting

The visual side of the book fits the tone and hits the spot exactly for the issue, and it helps deliver an intricate set-up and build of that merging I just mentioned - what I am concerned about, if anything, at this stage, is the landing. We'll see next issue how Barber and the others conclude this incursion into contemporary Hasbroverse, after such a strong take-off. But if you liked the Spotlight era, the Dinobots, the science experiments, and certain unlikeables - and a lot more about Arcee, which is never turned down as an offer - this book is for you.

Credit(s): IDW

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Re: Review for IDW Transformers Optimus Prime #13 (1923419)
Posted by Targetmaster Kup on November 23rd, 2017 @ 10:29pm CST
So it seems this book happens after Transformers vs. Visionaries, right?
Re: Review for IDW Transformers Optimus Prime #13 (1923425)
Posted by Va'al on November 23rd, 2017 @ 11:11pm CST
Nik Hero wrote:So it seems this book happens after Transformers vs. Visionaries, right?

At the same time as the first issue, in fact - directly after First Strike, both stories start to unravel. :D
Re: Review for IDW Transformers Optimus Prime #13 (1923463)
Posted by Randomhero on November 24th, 2017 @ 1:23pm CST
I loved this issue. Super wordy and quite an info dump but it was damn good. Kept reading and halfway i said “is this an extra long issue?” No it’s just got a lot going on in it. With Onyx and Liege Maximo coming back in January-something i thought wouldn’t happen till the Power of the Primes event- I’m curious to what power of the primes will be about.
Re: Review for IDW Transformers Optimus Prime #13 (1923917)
Posted by william-james88 on November 27th, 2017 @ 10:00pm CST
IDW posted on Twitter that the incentive cover for Optimus Prime 14 will be from James Raiz, in an attempt to make the most detailed drawing of Trypticon ever. James Raiz has done a series of videos on his youtube channel, the box office artist, featuring his process in doing the most detailed drawings of Transformers characters. However, all those were not solicited by official channels. But his hard work paid off and his drawing of Trypticon is comissioned by IDW to be the 10 copy retailer incentive cover. Raiz also most recently did the interior pages for the Unicron reveal in First Strike #6, so it is great to see this amazing artist get his due with some really cool paid work.

The actual tweet from IDW reads as follows:

IDW wrote:@boxofficeartist presents The Most Detailed Drawing Ever of Transformers Trypticon! Get a behind-the-scenes look at the incredible skill that went into creating this astounding cover for Optimus Prime #14.


The tweet had a link to the video below which shows his process for drawing the Trypticon cover. We also included an other example of what his youtube channel can offer, which includes courses on drawing Transformers like Grimlock.

As for the claim that this is the most detailed Trypticon drawing out there, Studio Ox may want a word in (if this below is considered a drawing).

Re: Review for IDW Transformers Optimus Prime #13 (1923919)
Posted by Randomhero on November 27th, 2017 @ 10:06pm CST
Now I love James Raiz art. He doesn’t get enough work but it just looks like an old Dreamwave cover or art piece with all those panels and looks like he’s got leprosy.

Detail is great until you start looking at something and get confused because there’s too much detail and have a hard time deciphering stuff
Re: Review for IDW Transformers Optimus Prime #13 (1923920)
Posted by steve2275 on November 27th, 2017 @ 10:08pm CST
holy primus
Re: Review for IDW Transformers Optimus Prime #13 (1923936)
Posted by Targetmaster Kup on November 28th, 2017 @ 5:27am CST
He looks like he's made out of rock.
Re: Review for IDW Transformers Optimus Prime #13 (1923940)
Posted by dragons on November 28th, 2017 @ 7:13am CST
I like his art as well wasn’t able buy one of his prints to big to put anywhere but trypticon stands out cover he doesn’t blend in with background he looks paste in
Re: Review for IDW Transformers Optimus Prime #13 (1923942)
Posted by bluecatcinema on November 28th, 2017 @ 7:44am CST
Now that is impressive. One of the best covers I've ever seen.
Re: Review for IDW Transformers Optimus Prime #13 (1923943)
Posted by ScottyP on November 28th, 2017 @ 8:07am CST
I really dig how Full Tilt is also huge, like a Titan on a bigger Titan!
Re: Review for IDW Transformers Optimus Prime #13 (1923974)
Posted by Rodimus Knight on November 28th, 2017 @ 12:34pm CST
Honestly not a fan of that cover.
Re: Review for IDW Transformers Optimus Prime #13 (1924140)
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on November 29th, 2017 @ 12:39pm CST
There was definitely a lot going on in the last issue, so holy cows lots to process.

I'm wondering what Prowl has been up to, seeing as how he was last chilling in base Maximus on Luna-1. He found Wheelie and Garnak (yay for bringing them back finally!) and he found Stardrive. And what looks like a vamparc ribbon from the Sentinel Prime days. Man, guy sure is busy.

Also, really interested to see where the Dinobots go. And what kind of an effect Slug will have the story. And Bludgeon is what, a servant of Onyx, Liege, Unicron? who is his master?
Re: Review for IDW Transformers Optimus Prime #13 (1925710)
Posted by Bounti76 on December 8th, 2017 @ 2:31am CST
Well it looks like Christmas will be coming a little early for fans of IDW's Optimus Prime ongoing comic. Coming to us from iTunes, we have a three page preview of issue #14, which is due just a few days before Christmas, on December 20th! Picking up right where issue #13 left off, we get right into it with Prowl leading a team consisting of Wheelie, Garnak, Stardrive(!) and a HUGE gun, on a mission to save the Throttlebots (who'd been MIA for the better part of a decade, since Spotlight: Metroplex, waaaaaaaay back in 2008) from a horde of beast-mode Transformers.The other plot thread running through the issue is Optimus' team fighting the Dinobots over a cache of sparks that Trypticon is bringing to life. Read on below!

On Cybertron, Optimus Prime battles the Dinobots over the first new Cybertronian life to emerge in four million years! But does he stand a chance when the Dinobots' newest member is two miles tall and eats cities?




So what do you think? Are you planning on picking this issue up when it comes out in a few weeks? Stay tuned to for a full preview in a week or two, then come back to the Energon Pub Forums to discuss this issue when it's released.
Re: Review for IDW Transformers Optimus Prime #13 (1925712)
Posted by Sunstar on December 8th, 2017 @ 2:55am CST
Holy slag, that poor thing is part dire wraith.
Re: Review for IDW Transformers Optimus Prime #13 (1925716)
Posted by Bounti76 on December 8th, 2017 @ 3:50am CST
Sunstar wrote:Holy slag, that poor thing is part dire wraith.

I had hoped that wouldn't be the case with her, but hopefully it's like that G.I. Joe character (Doc?) who's half Wraith and one of the good guys. Seems like Stardrive doesn't let any Wraith part of her take over.
Re: Review for IDW Transformers Optimus Prime #13 (1925720)
Posted by Sabrewing on December 8th, 2017 @ 4:54am CST
Hmmm. There was a Dire Wraith in a MTMTE issue of Revolution who seemed pretty nice.
I am guessing they're not innately evil any more than humans or Cybertronians.

Maybe it's a Venom type deal: it matters who the host is, and Stardrive is very strong-willed.
Re: Review for IDW Transformers Optimus Prime #13 (1925723)
Posted by Sabrewing on December 8th, 2017 @ 5:01am CST
D-Maximus_Prime wrote:
ScottyP wrote:
ScottyP wrote:Up and to the right behind Hydra - is that Drancron?
Update: yep, it's Drancron: ... 5655490562

Jumping waaaaay ahead here, but if they manage to use beasts as Unicronian heralds like in BW II and Armada that will be awesome

But what if they are the coming of Onyx instead? We know he's coming next year!

>The Primes return
>Everybody is shaking in their actuators
>Turns out they have returned to prepare Cybertron for something even worse
"The tribes must unite!"
"There aren't really tribes anymore."
"If you say 'unite' do you mean 'combine'?
"This is an outrage! We have fought to rid ourselves of oppressors for millions of years!"
"Wait, what does this mean? Were these guys created by the Guiding Hand?"
"What would Primus do?"
"Is Optimus one of these Primes?"
"Scrap that - is Megatron?"
"You are being deceived!"

Also... still rooting for this to be true.
Re: Review for IDW Transformers Optimus Prime #13 (1925729)
Posted by BATTLEMASTER IIC on December 8th, 2017 @ 6:25am CST
It doesn't surprise me that Stardrive is now part Dire Wraith based on the conclusion of Shining Armor. I just hope she's able to control that side of her.

I'm wondering why Prowl is missing an eye again. Maybe he had to fight someone for the Vamparc Ribbon? Maybe it's just artistic license or a straight-up goof.
Re: Review for IDW Transformers Optimus Prime #13 (1925738)
Posted by snavej on December 8th, 2017 @ 8:03am CST
BATTLEMASTER IIC wrote:It doesn't surprise me that Stardrive is now part Dire Wraith based on the conclusion of Shining Armor. I just hope she's able to control that side of her.

I'm wondering why Prowl is missing an eye again. Maybe he had to fight someone for the Vamparc Ribbon? Maybe it's just artistic license or a straight-up goof.

Why can't Prowl get his eye replaced or fixed? He's supposed to be incredibly capable and resourceful.
Come to think of it, why doesn't Elita-1 get her right-side antenna replaced? Is that deliberate, leaving the damage unfixed for many years? This might have been explained but I forgot.
Re: Review for IDW Transformers Optimus Prime #13 (1925750)
Posted by Sunstar on December 8th, 2017 @ 9:25am CST
It was a tiny bit. I assume too small to do more than give her an extra ability?
Re: Review for IDW Transformers Optimus Prime #13 (1925778)
Posted by Randomhero on December 8th, 2017 @ 11:43am CST
snavej wrote:
BATTLEMASTER IIC wrote:It doesn't surprise me that Stardrive is now part Dire Wraith based on the conclusion of Shining Armor. I just hope she's able to control that side of her.

I'm wondering why Prowl is missing an eye again. Maybe he had to fight someone for the Vamparc Ribbon? Maybe it's just artistic license or a straight-up goof.

Why can't Prowl get his eye replaced or fixed? He's supposed to be incredibly capable and resourceful.
Come to think of it, why doesn't Elita-1 get her right-side antenna replaced? Is that deliberate, leaving the damage unfixed for many years? This might have been explained but I forgot.

Well look at garnak. He’s got an eye patch now he didn’t during dark Cybertron. In fact all his wounds were healed From syndromica. The in-universe excuse is he has a healing factor, barber said that to fix the continuity goof. Real reason is Dark a Cybertron was drawn a year before release and the artists didn’t know he was injured. Same thing here. Livio is just following the last time he drew the characters. Prowls missing eye from the one panel he drew him in titans return even though it was repaired at the end of Sins of the wreckers only for Priscilla to follow and give him his missing eye only for her to have it repaired at the end of Titans Return and now it’s back to being gone again.

Tfwiki just put that maybe he’s missing it as a reminder of his betrayal he feels from a Prime.

Real reason: livio doesn’t bother to read previous book to follow continuity unity or it’s just in the script that it’s gone again.
Re: Review for IDW Transformers Optimus Prime #13 (1925809)
Posted by ScottyP on December 8th, 2017 @ 12:56pm CST
Sabrewing wrote:Hmmm. There was a Dire Wraith in a MTMTE issue of Revolution who seemed pretty nice.
I am guessing they're not innately evil any more than humans or Cybertronians.

Maybe it's a Venom type deal: it matters who the host is, and Stardrive is very strong-willed.
Ryall's confirmed this. Wraiths like Doc and CONS4EVA were just a first glimpse into the fact that not all Dire Wraiths use magic for spooky evilness or whatever.

That said, Dire Wraiths are not interesting villains. I'm disappointed in this direction for Stardrive, but open to changing my mind about it. Not a good start though.
Re: Review for IDW Transformers Optimus Prime #13 (1925844)
Posted by Randomhero on December 8th, 2017 @ 3:16pm CST
ScottyP wrote:
Sabrewing wrote:Hmmm. There was a Dire Wraith in a MTMTE issue of Revolution who seemed pretty nice.
I am guessing they're not innately evil any more than humans or Cybertronians.

Maybe it's a Venom type deal: it matters who the host is, and Stardrive is very strong-willed.
Ryall's confirmed this. Wraiths like Doc and CONS4EVA were just a first glimpse into the fact that not all Dire Wraiths use magic for spooky evilness or whatever.

That said, Dire Wraiths are not interesting villains. I'm disappointed in this direction for Stardrive, but open to changing my mind about it. Not a good start though.

Yeah they’re just Skrulls. A dime a dozen. You can make them as threatening as you want but they’re not really that interesting. IDW is trying to make them the worst enemy in the universe but cybertronians have already filled that roll for the past 12 years of IDW. Nothing wrong with that it’s a good idea and works.
Re: Review for IDW Transformers Optimus Prime #13 (1925950)
Posted by WarMachine72 on December 9th, 2017 @ 10:54am CST
Stardrive's alt mode looks interesting in this illustration. I can see Hasbto/Takara retooling the Titans Return Misfire mold into this character. That could be an interesting possibility. :-? :BOT:
Re: Review for IDW Transformers Optimus Prime #13 (1926075)
Posted by Randomhero on December 10th, 2017 @ 1:17pm CST
WarMachine72 wrote:Stardrive's alt mode looks interesting in this illustration. I can see Hasbto/Takara retooling the Titans Return Misfire mold into this character. That could be an interesting possibility. :-? :BOT:

Well Takara isn’t gonna do it because they have no attachment to her and the Titan master gimmick is gone now so don’t hold out too much hope.
Re: Review for IDW Transformers Optimus Prime #13 (1926080)
Posted by Targetmaster Kup on December 10th, 2017 @ 3:31pm CST
And exactly what attachment do they have to Windblade, which they have made multiple figures of?

Randomhero wrote:
WarMachine72 wrote:Stardrive's alt mode looks interesting in this illustration. I can see Hasbto/Takara retooling the Titans Return Misfire mold into this character. That could be an interesting possibility. :-? :BOT:

Well Takara isn’t gonna do it because they have no attachment to her and the Titan master gimmick is gone now so don’t hold out too much hope.
Re: Review for IDW Transformers Optimus Prime #13 (1926151)
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on December 11th, 2017 @ 9:38am CST
I'm more interested in seeing what Prowl has been up to, considering he was chilling on Luna 1. And where he found his hidden Vamparc Ribbons. And how he brought his team together.

Also, looks like poor Searchlight bit it. Dang, down to 3
Re: Review for IDW Transformers Optimus Prime #13 (1926321)
Posted by Tyrannacon on December 12th, 2017 @ 3:50pm CST
Previews World has shown us a look at the retail cover B of the IDW Optimus Prime #14 comic that is set to release later this month around December 20th. The cover is done by artist, Casey Coller, as part of IDW's Artist Edition Cover month series. While the comic deals still with the fallout of the First-Strike series still, the production of the comic itself features the talents of writer, John Barber and the art skills of Livio Ramondelli inside the cover. The summary on PreviewsWorld states:

"On Cybertron, Optimus Prime battles the Dinobots over the first new Cybertronian life to emerge in four million years! But does he stand a chance when the Dinobots' newest member is two miles tall and eats cities?

Lastly, the sales price is set to $3.99. Be sure to support the comic if you love it!

Re: Review for IDW Transformers Optimus Prime #13 (1927276)
Posted by Va'al on December 19th, 2017 @ 2:38am CST
The third preview of this week's comics from IDW Publishing - as the Till All Are One Annual was covered already here - brings us back to Transformers proper, and the second part of the Livio Ramondelli-drawn issues featuring both the Throttlebots and the Dinobots in Optimus Prime #14. There are pretty much all of the possible spoilers for the previous issue present in the opening pages of this, so if you're a trade reader, or still waiting for #13, avoid the images below!

Will you be picking up the issue this week? Let us know what you think, and join the discussion in the Energon Pub discussion boards.

Optimus Prime #14
John Barber (w) • Livio Ramondelli (a) • Kei Zama (c)
On Cybertron, Optimus Prime battles the Dinobots over the first new Cybertronian life to emerge in four million years! But does he stand a chance when the Dinobots' newest member is two miles tall and eats cities?
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Bullet points:
Part of IDW’s Artist’s Edition Cover Month!
Optimus Prime deals with the fallout of the First Strike event!
Variant cover by James Raiz!







Re: Review for IDW Transformers Optimus Prime #13 (1927310)
Posted by Randomhero on December 19th, 2017 @ 11:54am CST
Anyone recognizing any Easter eggs in prowls weapons cache? So far I think I see AOE lockdowns face gun, maybe the sniper rifle from WFC/FOC and a second vamparc ribbon

Oh and a giant stone head of Unicron
Re: Review for IDW Transformers Optimus Prime #13 (1927313)
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on December 19th, 2017 @ 12:40pm CST
Randomhero wrote:Anyone recognizing any Easter eggs in prowls weapons cache? So far I think I see AOE lockdowns face gun, maybe the sniper rifle from WFC/FOC and a second vamparc ribbon

Oh and a giant stone head of Unicron

I was looking at that head trying to figure out what it was. It looked more like a skull, but now I see Unicron clearly.

The one gun looks like Megatron's fusion cannon hanging from the roof. As for the others, I may need to reread A/M/P to see if I recognize any of them
Re: Review for IDW Transformers Optimus Prime #13 (1927314)
Posted by Randomhero on December 19th, 2017 @ 1:00pm CST
I keep wanting to say that scythe is something but I have no idea. First I was thinking Straxus’s weapon of choice but that’s a sickle

The Unicron head I didn’t notice at first. I thought it was a table. Not gonna bitch and moan about Livio but it’s not a good drawing.
Re: Review for IDW Transformers Optimus Prime #13 (1927324)
Posted by SG Roadbuster on December 19th, 2017 @ 2:47pm CST
soooo, are IDW not allowed to let competent artists draw the Dinobots anymore? cuz for the last 2 (almost 3 years), every time the Dinobots show up, they're drawn by that hack Ramondelli.

the Dinobots are my favorite characters, and every time I read a solicit that mentions them I get excited. until I see Ramondelli's name in the art credits, at which point my excitement shrivels and dies like an earthworm on a Texas Sidewalk in July.

idw has dozens of amazing artists working for them. Matt Frank, Alex Milne, Jack Lawrence, Sarah Pietre Durocher, Guido Guidi, Kei Zama, Hayato Sakamoto, Andrew Griffin, E.J. Su, just to name a few.

hell, at this point i'd rather have Pat Lee back.
Re: Review for IDW Transformers Optimus Prime #13 (1927332)
Posted by Randomhero on December 19th, 2017 @ 3:27pm CST
SG Roadbuster wrote:soooo, are IDW not allowed to let competent artists draw the Dinobots anymore? cuz for the last 2 (almost 3 years), every time the Dinobots show up, they're drawn by that hack Ramondelli.

the Dinobots are my favorite characters, and every time I read a solicit that mentions them I get excited. until I see Ramondelli's name in the art credits, at which point my excitement shrivels and dies like an earthworm on a Texas Sidewalk in July.

idw has dozens of amazing artists working for them. Matt Frank, Alex Milne, Jack Lawrence, Sarah Pietre Durocher, Guido Guidi, Kei Zama, Hayato Sakamoto, Andrew Griffin, E.J. Su, just to name a few.

hell, at this point i'd rather have Pat Lee back.

Because hes reliable and can meet deadlines? Sadly half those artists have either other commitments, been unable to commit to deadlines or just been unavailable due to whatever reason. While I’m not a fan of his art he’s a nice dude and has an outstanding relationship with the editors and that’s why he gets work. He’s a dude that draws, inks and colors his own stuff and makes the deadline. I’ll respect that with him.
Re: Review for IDW Transformers Optimus Prime #13 (1927425)
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on December 20th, 2017 @ 10:26am CST
Twas the Night Before Unicron
A Spoilerish review of IDW's Optimus Prime #14

OK, so to start things off with, this was a difficult story for me to get my head around. When I first read this issue, I had to take a step back, wonder what I just read, take a few more moments, and reread. And even then, I still wasn't sure of what I read.

Take a few moments to read some other staff inputs, and some more sense it made.

Not a creature was stirring, not even a Goldbug

Now, that is not to say that this is an issue that is very confusing. It's not an issue where we are jumping around time, not one where things are jumbled, not one where the writing is bad. The story itself is a really good read and another great installment for the Optimus Prime run. It's just an issue where, much like last issue, there is a lot of stuff going on. It is dense in its content. And most of that is saved for the final few pages, where a reveal throws all kinds of continuity dense implications to us.

The stockings were hung by the chimney with care, in hopes that St Prowl would soon be there

Now that we got that out of the way, here are some actual thoughts. The opening pages with Prowl and crew, it felt cool and yet unique. Here we have a crew of misfits essentially, those who have not been accounted for over the past few years, mostly. Wheelie and Garnak once again make a triumphant return, the Throttlebots, and Stardrive, not to mention all of Prowl's tech. The one oddball thing about this whole section: what on Earth is Prowl gathering everything for? And why this crew of characters? It does make me smile some to see Prowl is still up to his old ways, even if it does feel a bit weird following the ending of Titans Return.

Cut back to Cybertron: the whole section feels just a bit wonky, but it still works out for me. This is the first part that gave me some pause. The way the characters fight each other feels a bit weird, but bringing together characters developed in different stories for this section will do that to you. I did enjoy the Trypticon "reveal" part though, and jokes about Dinobot child resemblance made me smirk several times. The writing with the Dino-crew is a great story in and of itself to follow.

The protoforms were nestled all snug in Trypticon, with visions of Dino jokes in their heads

Arcee had some good moments in there, as did Prime. With Till All Are One coming out with some big new story developments, it was fun to see Starscream interact with both Bumblebee and Bludgeon. I'm interested to see where the Dinobots go from here too, along with Sandstorm.

As for the final 2 pages, that is a reveal I didn't see coming, but one where things make all kinds of sense, and they make me worry about what is about to happen next. Taking 2 of the biggest... pricks/pains-in-the-back characters and now showing them to be in cahoots with each other is interesting and a take that is setting up even more tension prior to the Unicron story to come. Barber is probably the only one who could handle this whole set up, and as far as I am concerned, he is nailing it, and he is setting us up for some truly fun stuff to come.

When out in Iacon there arose such a clatter

The story was helped a lot by Livio Ramondelli and his art, and as I and others have said, his art has improved greatly. I really enjoyed the scenes he was drawing, and there are distinct close ups that he nails perfectly, such as Arcee and Prowl. Everything Trypticon is awesome in this story too. I give props to Livio for continued improvement, his art has become something that is quire enjoyable to follow.

With a little old driver, so tiny and quick, I knew it must be Centuri-nick

And Tom B. Long continues to do great work with the lettering. I am especially appreciative of the inverted speech bubble colors. He helps add that mysticism that Bludgeon is helping to set up.

As a close friend of mine likes to say: "long story short": this is a great book, and one that nicely compliments issue 13 as a 2 part continuity-heavy saga leading up to the Primes and Unicron. Things are being done, they are being done right, and they are being done enjoyably, with no major complaints on story, art, or otherwise.

But I heard him exclaim, ere he drove out of sight: Great comics to all, and to all a new Sideswipe!

The story has moved, old continuity points are being sewed up, and we are getting set for a big year next year with comics. And I am glad this crew continues to be a flagship for the comic run.

Re: Review for IDW Transformers Optimus Prime #13 (1927533)
Posted by Va'al on December 21st, 2017 @ 5:07am CST
The captions were masterful, well done! :APPLAUSE:
Re: Review for IDW Transformers Optimus Prime #13 (1927667)
Posted by Va'al on December 22nd, 2017 @ 4:15am CST
In the full list of IDW Publishing comics solicitations for January 2018 - posted here - we had seen one of the covers for the upcoming The Falling arc in the Optimus Prime ongoing series, by Casey Coller.

We now also have, directly from the source herself and via fellow Seibertronian Sunstar, the cover as imagined by regular artist Kei Zama and colourist Josh Burcham, featuring a very different take on the concept, though with Optimus, Windblade and the Mistress of Flame still taking front stage. Give it an eye below!

Also mirrored from Previews World is the Brendan Cahill retailer incentive cover, featuring a scene with Megatron and Optimus Prime that has nothing to do with the interior of the comic itself, but pretty impressive nonetheless!

“THE FALLING, PART 1!” Darkness falls over Cybertron as the legendary Onyx Prime returns. What does this mean for Optimus Prime—and the Earth? Windblade defends an already tense planet against a secret that could shatter Cybertron forever.



Re: Review for IDW Transformers Optimus Prime #13 (1929582)
Posted by Bounti76 on January 3rd, 2018 @ 7:43pm CST
Thanks to a tip from fellow Seibertronian Soundwave902, who pointed us towards iTunes, we have the initial three-page preview for Transformers: Optimus Prime #15! This issue promises the return of the big bad Onyx Prime, whose return has been hinted, assumed, and downright spelled out over the last couple of years in IDW comics. Check out the preview below, and head back here for the full preview, and a rousing discussion, once the issue is released on January 17th!

“THE FALLING, PART 1!” Darkness falls over Cybertron as the legendary Onyx Prime returns. What does this mean for Optimus Prime—and the Earth? Windblade defends an already tense planet against a secret that could shatter Cybertron forever.



Re: Review for IDW Transformers Optimus Prime #13 (1929609)
Posted by Targetmaster Kup on January 4th, 2018 @ 12:03am CST
I see Optimus Primal :MAXIMAL: and BW Megatron! :PREDACON:
Re: Review for IDW Transformers Optimus Prime #13 (1929613)
Posted by Va'al on January 4th, 2018 @ 1:50am CST
Oh man, here's the meat. And Zama/Burcham is doing fantastic work of it.
Re: Review for IDW Transformers Optimus Prime #13 (1929730)
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on January 4th, 2018 @ 10:37am CST
Awwwwwwwwwwwww yeah, this is what I have been looking forward to! And Primal and Beast Megatron are there! Hopefully they actually get called out by name this time, seeing as how both were seen in issue 10 I believe(?) and unnamed in Trion's story.
Re: Review for IDW Transformers Optimus Prime #13 (1929731)
Posted by Mr.MicroMaster on January 4th, 2018 @ 10:39am CST
This going to be epic I can’t wait. I can’t wait for the Beast Wars cameos.
Re: Review for IDW Transformers Optimus Prime #13 (1929740)
Posted by Mr.MicroMaster on January 4th, 2018 @ 11:07am CST
The art is fantastic Zama and Burcham are a perfect team.
Re: Review for IDW Transformers Optimus Prime #13 (1929753)
Posted by ZeroWolf on January 4th, 2018 @ 11:37am CST
Am I being blind? I can see Optimus Primal clearly but I can't see bw Megs...there's also a few others I recognise like the bunny one, but I can't place a name on him.
Re: Review for IDW Transformers Optimus Prime #13 (1929760)
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on January 4th, 2018 @ 12:23pm CST
ZeroWolf wrote:Am I being blind? I can see Optimus Primal clearly but I can't see bw Megs...there's also a few others I recognise like the bunny one, but I can't place a name on him.

BW Megatron is alright right beside Primal in the same panel as him. He's a bit trickier to identify, but you can see the glow of his T-Rex head on his hand.

and the bunny would be Stampy, except he showed up in sins of the Wreckers in a different role, so it must be different
Re: Review for IDW Transformers Optimus Prime #13 (1929797)
Posted by ZeroWolf on January 4th, 2018 @ 3:47pm CST
D-Maximus_Prime wrote:
ZeroWolf wrote:Am I being blind? I can see Optimus Primal clearly but I can't see bw Megs...there's also a few others I recognise like the bunny one, but I can't place a name on him.

BW Megatron is alright right beside Primal in the same panel as him. He's a bit trickier to identify, but you can see the glow of his T-Rex head on his hand.

and the bunny would be Stampy, except he showed up in sins of the Wreckers in a different role, so it must be different

Ah I thought that spec was just the background showing through but yeah I can see it now, thanks.
Re: Review for IDW Transformers Optimus Prime #13 (1930029)
Posted by Mr.MicroMaster on January 5th, 2018 @ 2:54pm CST
So by the colors I’m guessing those two bots with The Mistress Flame are previous torchbearers.
Re: Review for IDW Transformers Optimus Prime #13 (1930040)
Posted by Va'al on January 5th, 2018 @ 3:32pm CST
Mr.MicroMaster wrote:So by the colors I’m guessing those two bots with The Mistress Flame are previous torchbearers.

Indeed! We've seen Praesidia before, in last year's TF annual. :D
Re: Review for IDW Transformers Optimus Prime #13 (1931272)
Posted by Va'al on January 13th, 2018 @ 12:45am CST
Are you ready for some bots to the wall mythological action? Next week's IDW Publishing comic book, from the ongoing Transformers title Optimus Prime, sees John Barber, Kei Zama, and Josh Burcham bring back in full the story of Onyx Prime, the Mistress of Flame, and the Torchbearer predecessors to the Rust Renegades who form Victorion. You can see the full preview below, courtesy of fellow Seibertronian Sunstar and entertainment website Newsarama - join the conversation in the Energon Pub discussion boards, and stay tuned after the book's release for the review!

Optimus Prime #1
Cover A: Kei Zama
John Barber (w) • Kei Zama (a & c)
“THE FALLING, PART 1!” Darkness falls over Cybertron as the legendary Onyx Prime returns. What does this mean for Optimus Prime—and the Earth? Windblade defends an already tense planet against a secret that could shatter Cybertron forever.
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Bullet points:
· Variant cover by Brendan Cahill!







Re: Review for IDW Transformers Optimus Prime #13 (1931284)
Posted by ZeroWolf on January 13th, 2018 @ 6:50am CST
That onyx prime needs to appear as a toy...

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