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Studio Series 86 Core Ratchet Comes with his Death Scene Backdrop

Transformers News: Studio Series 86 Core Ratchet Comes with his Death Scene Backdrop

Tuesday, August 2nd, 2022 12:06PM CDT

Category: Toy News
Posted by: william-james88   Views: 43,998

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This was bound to confuse fans. While the Studio Series 86 line will have both Ratchet AND Ironhide this year, they are not the same class, and are entirely different molds. The Ironhide we just showed you is a voyager class toy, while the upcoming Ratchet is a core class toy. There will probably be redecos later on but for now, the two autobots are in different classes. Regarding Ratchet, the toy is now out in Taiwan and has been bought at retail. This means we have a better look at the toy through a video review (and screenshots). And this shows us his bot and alt mode at a different angle than we have seen before and it gives us a look at the backdrop we get with the toy which happens to be the shuttle cockpit where Ratchet had his last stand.

Transformers News: Studio Series 86 Core Ratchet Comes with his Death Scene Backdrop

Transformers News: Studio Series 86 Core Ratchet Comes with his Death Scene Backdrop

Transformers News: Studio Series 86 Core Ratchet Comes with his Death Scene Backdrop

Transformers News: Studio Series 86 Core Ratchet Comes with his Death Scene Backdrop

Transformers News: Studio Series 86 Core Ratchet Comes with his Death Scene Backdrop

Transformers News: Studio Series 86 Core Ratchet Comes with his Death Scene Backdrop

Transformers News: Studio Series 86 Core Ratchet Comes with his Death Scene Backdrop

Transformers News: Studio Series 86 Core Ratchet Comes with his Death Scene Backdrop

Transformers News: Studio Series 86 Core Ratchet Comes with his Death Scene Backdrop

Transformers News: Studio Series 86 Core Ratchet Comes with his Death Scene Backdrop

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Re: Studio Series 86 Core Ratchet Comes with his Death Scene Backdrop (2140191)
Posted by ZeroWolf on August 2nd, 2022 @ 12:24pm CDT
Still think Rachete is great for the price. Ironhide is a pleasant surprise being a new mold.
Re: Studio Series 86 Core Ratchet Comes with his Death Scene Backdrop (2140192)
Posted by Grahf_ on August 2nd, 2022 @ 12:26pm CDT
I have Botcon Ironhide.
I have Combiner Wars Ironhide.
I have Siege Ironhide.
I have Earthrise Ironhide.
I will get Studio Series '86 Ironhide.

I will not sell any of the other figures either as I'm at that point in my collecting that I no longer need to sell older figures just because a newer/better one appears. I did however sell Universe 2.0 Ironhide because while I did like it, it just didn't work very well as a whole and I became as disappointed with it as he looked with his droopy head. Okay I might sell Siege Ironhide but only because I picked up two to do a black custom of one but they got around to doing that before I could. I'll sell my second Siege Ratchet too even though they never did yellow or green Ratchet at any point. I'd sell my third Ratchet as well but I already started his greenification even though I never did finish it. If I knew how much that figure would end up going for, I would've picked up more when they were clogging the Walgreens shelves in my extended area. I could've had as many of him as I have PotP Wreck-Gar and I stopped at eight of him.

It would be awesome if the eventual voyager Ratchet comes with two guns for better accuracy. I always loved that it was the medic and not the weapons specialist that pulled out the two guns. Shame that it didn't help his accuracy any.

One hope I have is that I want at least the Earthrise mold to released as Energon Towline at some point. It just feels like such a wasted opportunity.

Oh and I thought they were going to stop the translucent windows? It's not like this is part of Legacy and has the same gimmick with the weapons. Not only the chest has it but it looks like some of those leg flaps are made out of it too. That's cool I guess for the vehicle mode having Translucent windows and all but it doesn't do anything for me. They're prone to breaking and red is a difficult color to paint match with as we already know from Earthrise Ironhide. I do appreciate that the front hip skirts are separate pieces and not a single piece as on the Earthrise Seeker mold. Or rather, that's how it appears.
Re: Studio Series 86 Core Ratchet Comes with his Death Scene Backdrop (2140194)
Posted by RodimusPrimeUkraine1 on August 2nd, 2022 @ 12:32pm CDT
chuckdawg1999 wrote:
AllNewSuperRobot wrote:He has a head. So he isn't '86 accurate... :P

That, that cut me deep bro. I need a moment.

Any chance this is an Authentics or Cyber Series figure?

Re: Studio Series 86 Core Ratchet Comes with his Death Scene Backdrop (2140196)
Posted by Cyber Bishop on August 2nd, 2022 @ 12:39pm CDT
With the way figures have been getting leaked like this before any real official pix/info from Hasbro I think it looks Legit, deluxe proper Ironhide. Ill get him for sure.
Re: Studio Series 86 Core Ratchet Comes with his Death Scene Backdrop (2140198)
Posted by AllNewSuperRobot on August 2nd, 2022 @ 12:47pm CDT
Rodimus Prime wrote:Can't recreate the scene without a proper Megatron anyway, and we'll never get that. The designers pretty much said so.


This is the closest they will likely ever allow.
Re: Studio Series 86 Core Ratchet Comes with his Death Scene Backdrop (2140199)
Posted by Razorbeast88 on August 2nd, 2022 @ 12:50pm CDT
Not bad, better looking than the most recent Ironhides. Though I still think I'll stick with my iGear weapon specialist for now. Looks small hopefully he comes with a good amount of accessories
Re: Studio Series 86 Core Ratchet Comes with his Death Scene Backdrop (2140201)
Posted by Stormshot_Prime on August 2nd, 2022 @ 12:54pm CDT
Seriously, this looks like everything and more that the WFC molds just simply were not. I might be speaking too soon, but those proportions just look so correct. Let’s hope we get a full sized Ratchet out of him too.
Re: Studio Series 86 Core Ratchet Comes with his Death Scene Backdrop (2140202)
Posted by Munkky on August 2nd, 2022 @ 1:11pm CDT
I put my Earthrise Ironhide and Prowl set up for sale on Ebay last week, there's one day left on the auction, but now this new Ironhide has been leaked I'm guessing the resale value of the Earthrise version will drop, so I'm not expecting to get a good amount of money for the set. Either way, this looks a lot better than the Earthrise Ironhide, the only thing I'm not keen on is the face design, it reminds me too much of Blurr and his weird Lumiere from Beauty and the Beast face. Nevertheless, I'll definitely be buying this when it's out, but with the Core Ratchet already being a thing, I do wonder how long it will be before this mould is repainted into Ratchet. Perhaps they'll put Ratchet in Legacy instead?
Re: Studio Series 86 Core Ratchet Comes with his Death Scene Backdrop (2140210)
Posted by RodimusPrimeUkraine1 on August 2nd, 2022 @ 1:35pm CDT
AllNewSuperRobot wrote:
Rodimus Prime wrote:Can't recreate the scene without a proper Megatron anyway, and we'll never get that. The designers pretty much said so.


This is the closest they will likely ever allow.

Gut red is made of garbage materials!
Re: Studio Series 86 Core Ratchet Comes with his Death Scene Backdrop (2140214)
Posted by RodimusPrimeUkraine1 on August 2nd, 2022 @ 1:39pm CDT
ZeroWolf wrote:Still think Rachete is great for the price. Ironhide is a pleasant surprise being a new mold.

correction: Ratchete
Re: Studio Series 86 Core Ratchet Comes with his Death Scene Backdrop (2140215)
Posted by Gauntlet101010 on August 2nd, 2022 @ 1:39pm CDT
Looks like I wasted my money on that pricy exclusive ER version. At least I have Prowl and Lifeline to show for it.

I mean it's about all I could hope for and, possibly, the final work on Ironhide. But it stings that they didn't get this right the first time around.
Re: Studio Series 86 Core Ratchet Comes with his Death Scene Backdrop (2140216)
Posted by RodimusPrimeUkraine1 on August 2nd, 2022 @ 1:41pm CDT
Gauntlet101010 wrote:Looks like I wasted my money on that pricy exclusive ER version. At least I have Prowl and Lifeline to show for it.

I mean it's about all I could hope for and, possibly, the final work on Ironhide. But it stings that they didn't get this right the first time around.

Ebay sell it fast! Get tons of money!
Re: Studio Series 86 Core Ratchet Comes with his Death Scene Backdrop (2140218)
Posted by Till-all-R1 on August 2nd, 2022 @ 1:44pm CDT
I'm not sure it would be affected too much because it still has G1 Prowl that you cannot get elsewhere. Sure it probably won't command the uber ridiculously high prices it is/was currently but I suspect it will still be quite high and certainly more than Retail.

Rodimus Prime wrote:I didn't have a problem with the robot mode of the ER figure, it was the vehicle mode. So if we do get a brand new SS86 Ironhide/Ratchet mold, that's what needs to be fixed.

Same here, since I keep them all displayed in Bot mode this is the part that concerns me most and both ER Ratchet and Ironhide are okay in that dept. Yes, the alt mode is what truly look bad so it would have to be all new ground up in that regard for it to be a major improvement.

That said, I do like the new chest being slightly more toon accurate. However, I'm not thrilled he's now at a Voyager price point. I personally can't see any difference from Siege/ER mold in terms of complexity/engineering to justify Voyager price. And since I already invested a lot of time and money tracking down the 2-pk I don't feel good about rebuying him.

Personally I'd have preferred they used this opportunity to get G1 Hound knocked out and revisit IH another time.
Re: Studio Series 86 Core Ratchet Comes with his Death Scene Backdrop (2140219)
Posted by cloudballoon on August 2nd, 2022 @ 1:45pm CDT
I have Siege Ironhide & Ratchet and I'm very happy with their bot mode. I cancelled my Earthrise preorders of the two because Hasbro didn't change the stupid feet. I got DK Guard for the same Earthrise mold experience anyway...

So this SS86 Ironhide & the possible Ratchet: It's all about the alt mode for me to MAYBE rope me in. I said MAYBE because with the ridiculous prices, I'd rather look at my MP Ironhide whenever I want to "vroom vroom" with a red van.
Re: Studio Series 86 Core Ratchet Comes with his Death Scene Backdrop (2140220)
Posted by Overcracker on August 2nd, 2022 @ 1:48pm CDT
william-james88 wrote:Crazy to think that there was a time when there were no decent G1 style Ironhide molds outside of one convention exclusive redeco. But now, not only do we have a G1 mold with the Siege toy, plus a more G1 accurate G1 mold with the Earthrise retool we now have an EVEN MORE accurate G1 mold with the upcoming Studio Series 86 toy. You can see the first image of it below. It's a cropped out image of the robot mode but it gives us a good enough idea that the mold is new. So, if this is indeed the toy we are getting, would you be replacing your Earthrise version? And most of all, are you glad that you no longer have to chase down that Earthrise version?

One last bit, we do not know the original source for the image so if you are the owner, let us know.


Color me intrigued. Skipped Siege and Earthrise, so this may be my Ironhide.
Re: Studio Series 86 Core Ratchet Comes with his Death Scene Backdrop (2140222)
Posted by Tuned Agent on August 2nd, 2022 @ 1:49pm CDT
Maybe it's the image, but that Ironhide looks derpy NGL.
Re: Studio Series 86 Core Ratchet Comes with his Death Scene Backdrop (2140234)
Posted by Sowndwave76 on August 2nd, 2022 @ 3:01pm CDT
From what I can see, I’m calling it that the feet are the top-rear section of the van. There is just enough of a diagonal from the top of the feet towards the “toes”, plus under the “toes” are hinges;
I’m betting the panels under the bot feet unfold to become the back of the van.
Just looked at a couple photos, & the back of the van of the original toy and the animation model show the back being completely flat.
All this to say it looks like the foot issue of the previous versions have been resolved.
Another reason I may get this version is because there’s not nearly as much greebling!!
Re: Studio Series 86 Core Ratchet Comes with his Death Scene Backdrop (2140235)
Posted by MeGrimlock78 on August 2nd, 2022 @ 3:04pm CDT
I get the SS86 aesthetic, but he looks TOO cartoony to me. I have both Siege Ratchet and Ironhide, and will stick with those. Love the bot modes, really interesting and different transformation, and the feet hanging off the back aren't as jarring on a cybertronian vehicle as they are on an Earth vehicle.
Re: Studio Series 86 Core Ratchet Comes with his Death Scene Backdrop (2140237)
Posted by DeathReviews on August 2nd, 2022 @ 3:44pm CDT
Yeah.... not really tempted by this Core class Ratchet. I'll stick with the Siege/Walgreens version for now.

The Ironhide looks like a heavily modified version of the ER mold. The weapon looks similar at least. We must wait and see more...
Re: Studio Series 86 Core Ratchet Comes with his Death Scene Backdrop (2140240)
Posted by Fires_Of_Inferno on August 2nd, 2022 @ 4:09pm CDT


Re: Studio Series 86 Core Ratchet Comes with his Death Scene Backdrop (2140241)
Posted by Rodimus Prime on August 2nd, 2022 @ 4:18pm CDT
Fires_Of_Inferno wrote:OMG!


That is Core class Ratchet.
Re: Studio Series 86 Core Ratchet Comes with his Death Scene Backdrop (2140242)
Posted by Fires_Of_Inferno on August 2nd, 2022 @ 4:20pm CDT
Rodimus Prime wrote:
Fires_Of_Inferno wrote:OMG!


That is Core class Ratchet.

I know. I was saying what if they made him like that for this scene.
Re: Studio Series 86 Core Ratchet Comes with his Death Scene Backdrop (2140244)
Posted by Rodimus Prime on August 2nd, 2022 @ 4:24pm CDT
Fires_Of_Inferno wrote:
Rodimus Prime wrote:
Fires_Of_Inferno wrote:OMG!


That is Core class Ratchet.

I know. I was saying what if they made him like that for this scene.
Oh. I doubt it, but Starscream did get a new release with a bunch of accessories just for 1 scene, so I guess its not impossible. I would also say that Hasbro is not into homaging animation errors, but we also got Hauler, and mini Shockwave, so maybe?
Re: Studio Series 86 Core Ratchet Comes with his Death Scene Backdrop (2140245)
Posted by RodimusPrimeUkraine1 on August 2nd, 2022 @ 4:28pm CDT
Rodimus Prime wrote:
Fires_Of_Inferno wrote:
Rodimus Prime wrote:
Fires_Of_Inferno wrote:OMG!


That is Core class Ratchet.

I know. I was saying what if they made him like that for this scene.
Oh. I doubt it, but Starscream did get a new release with a bunch of accessories just for 1 scene, so I guess its not impossible. I would also say that Hasbro is not into homaging animation errors, but we also got Hauler, and mini Shockwave, so maybe?

Then we NEED a titan class ultra magnus!
note: (I've already posted about core class ratchet animation error some time ago, we've already discussed this! :-$ )
Re: Studio Series 86 Core Ratchet Comes with his Death Scene Backdrop (2140249)
Posted by Fires_Of_Inferno on August 2nd, 2022 @ 4:51pm CDT
RodimusPrimeUkraine1 wrote:
Rodimus Prime wrote:
Fires_Of_Inferno wrote:
Rodimus Prime wrote:
Fires_Of_Inferno wrote:OMG!


That is Core class Ratchet.

I know. I was saying what if they made him like that for this scene.
Oh. I doubt it, but Starscream did get a new release with a bunch of accessories just for 1 scene, so I guess its not impossible. I would also say that Hasbro is not into homaging animation errors, but we also got Hauler, and mini Shockwave, so maybe?

Then we NEED a titan class ultra magnus!
note: (I've already posted about core class ratchet animation error some time ago, we've already discussed this! :-$ )

I'll also want a tiny Hoist and a big Huffer

Re: Studio Series 86 Core Ratchet Comes with his Death Scene Backdrop (2140250)
Posted by sol magnus on August 2nd, 2022 @ 5:21pm CDT
Well, bring on Prowl, Ratchet and Brawn!
Re: Studio Series 86 Core Ratchet Comes with his Death Scene Backdrop (2140251)
Posted by ZeroWolf on August 2nd, 2022 @ 5:21pm CDT
So a core Hoist and a titan huffer eh?
Re: Studio Series 86 Core Ratchet Comes with his Death Scene Backdrop (2140253)
Posted by RodimusPrimeUkraine1 on August 2nd, 2022 @ 5:25pm CDT
ZeroWolf wrote:So a core Hoist and a titan huffer eh?

No, an transformable headmaster size posable figure of hoist!
Re: Studio Series 86 Core Ratchet Comes with his Death Scene Backdrop (2140260)
Posted by chuckdawg1999 on August 2nd, 2022 @ 7:20pm CDT
I hope Core Ironhide and Voyager Ratchet aren't exclusives.
Re: Studio Series 86 Core Ratchet Comes with his Death Scene Backdrop (2140261)
Posted by william-james88 on August 2nd, 2022 @ 7:27pm CDT
chuckdawg1999 wrote:I hope Core Ironhide and Voyager Ratchet aren't exclusives.

Re: Studio Series 86 Core Ratchet Comes with his Death Scene Backdrop (2140262)
Posted by RodimusPrimeUkraine1 on August 2nd, 2022 @ 7:42pm CDT
william-james88 wrote:
chuckdawg1999 wrote:I hope Core Ironhide and Voyager Ratchet aren't exclusives.


They definitely could be
But I hope not, cause I need a Ratchet!
Re: Studio Series 86 Core Ratchet Comes with his Death Scene Backdrop (2140269)
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on August 2nd, 2022 @ 8:06pm CDT
I really like Siege Ironhide, and still consider him the definitive G1-ish Ironhide. ER went backwards, and this one looks like it continues that trend. I really wish his voyager slot would have gone to someone else, just like Starscream's leader slot
Re: Studio Series 86 Core Ratchet Comes with his Death Scene Backdrop (2140271)
Posted by sol magnus on August 2nd, 2022 @ 8:09pm CDT
D-Maximal_Primal wrote:I really like Siege Ironhide, and still consider him the definitive G1-ish Ironhide. ER went backwards, and this one looks like it continues that trend. I really wish his voyager slot would have gone to someone else, just like Starscream's leader slot

We must be looking at two different pictures, cuz I think he looks better than either of those. Still, this is early, so I'm willing to reserve judgement until we get better visuals.
Re: Studio Series 86 Core Ratchet Comes with his Death Scene Backdrop (2140273)
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on August 2nd, 2022 @ 8:11pm CDT
sol magnus wrote:
D-Maximal_Primal wrote:I really like Siege Ironhide, and still consider him the definitive G1-ish Ironhide. ER went backwards, and this one looks like it continues that trend. I really wish his voyager slot would have gone to someone else, just like Starscream's leader slot

We must be looking at two different pictures, cuz I think he looks better than either of those. Still, this is early, so I'm willing to reserve judgement until we get better visuals.

He looks too cartoony to me. Mind you, I HATE G1 cartoon designs/accuracy almost universally. But he just doesn't look that good, especially looking at the very good Siege one
Re: Studio Series 86 Core Ratchet Comes with his Death Scene Backdrop (2140275)
Posted by RodimusPrimeUkraine1 on August 2nd, 2022 @ 8:18pm CDT
D-Maximal_Primal wrote:
sol magnus wrote:
D-Maximal_Primal wrote:I really like Siege Ironhide, and still consider him the definitive G1-ish Ironhide. ER went backwards, and this one looks like it continues that trend. I really wish his voyager slot would have gone to someone else, just like Starscream's leader slot

We must be looking at two different pictures, cuz I think he looks better than either of those. Still, this is early, so I'm willing to reserve judgement until we get better visuals.

He looks too cartoony to me. Mind you, I HATE G1 cartoon designs/accuracy almost universally. But he just doesn't look that good, especially looking at the very good Siege one

I half agree. I've noticed after tracing toys in adobe illustrator that the toy designs are actually a lot cooler than the cartoon designs.
Re: Studio Series 86 Core Ratchet Comes with his Death Scene Backdrop (2140277)
Posted by Emerje on August 2nd, 2022 @ 8:25pm CDT
Sowndwave76 wrote:From what I can see, I’m calling it that the feet are the top-rear section of the van. There is just enough of a diagonal from the top of the feet towards the “toes”, plus under the “toes” are hinges;
I’m betting the panels under the bot feet unfold to become the back of the van.
Just looked at a couple photos, & the back of the van of the original toy and the animation model show the back being completely flat.
All this to say it looks like the foot issue of the previous versions have been resolved.
Another reason I may get this version is because there’s not nearly as much greebling!!

This is exactly what I see. The panel folding under the foot is reminiscent of JP93. And to go back to your previous point about the clear windows I think that panel under the foot may also be painted clear plastic like JP93 giving him clear windows on the back. We know the side windows are clear because the panels that make them on the legs are also painted clear blue. Even if the foot panel isn't clear blue (thinking more about it it probably isn't), the bulk of the windows will be just like the original figure.

That said, I'm on team painted windows, I don't feel any need to see a bunch random robot parts inside an otherwise normal looking vehicle.

He doesn't look like a Voyager to me, but he'll probably come with his "sled" and a bunch of weapons to pad the price.

Should also point out that this isn't a great representation of the figure as it's most definitely edited out some stuff in an attempt to remove the background.

Re: Studio Series 86 Core Ratchet Comes with his Death Scene Backdrop (2140282)
Posted by william-james88 on August 2nd, 2022 @ 8:57pm CDT
Fans still seem confused by this case of two different van molds appearing in the Studio Series 86 line at the same time. While the Studio Series 86 line will have both Ratchet AND Ironhide this year, they are not the same class, and are entirely different molds. Ratchet comes out in wave 3 of 2022's core class while Ironhide comes out in the final wave of 2022's voyagers.
Neither are exclusives, they are both mainline toys in different classes. This means that we will eventually get a CORE class Ironhide and a VOYAGER class Ratchet at a later date based on these molds, to suit whatever kind of collection and scale you want. We don't know if those will be exclusives or not.

Some fans were not entirely sure of the scale of voyager Ironhide so we have another image for you below. It comes from Prime vs Prime who has the toy and will be making a review of him shortly.

Re: Studio Series 86 Core Ratchet Comes with his Death Scene Backdrop (2140283)
Posted by RodimusPrimeUkraine1 on August 2nd, 2022 @ 9:07pm CDT
william-james88 wrote:Fans still seem confused by this case of two different van molds appearing in the Studio Series 86 line at the same time. While the Studio Series 86 line will have both Ratchet AND Ironhide this year, they are not the same class, and are entirely different molds. Ratchet comes out in wave 3 of 2022's core class while Ironhide comes out in the final wave of 2022's voyagers.
Neither are exclusives, they are both mainline toys in different classes. This means that we will eventually get a CORE class Ironhide and a VOYAGER class Ratchet at a later date based on these molds, to suit whatever kind of collection and scale you want. We don't know if those will be exclusives or not.

Some fans were not entirely sure of the scale of voyager Ironhide so we have another image for you below. It comes from Prime vs Prime who has the toy and will be making a review of him shortly.


Of course it's from prime vs prime!
Re: Studio Series 86 Core Ratchet Comes with his Death Scene Backdrop (2140294)
Posted by Sowndwave76 on August 2nd, 2022 @ 11:31pm CDT
Emerje wrote:
Sowndwave76 wrote:From what I can see, I’m calling it that the feet are the top-rear section of the van. There is just enough of a diagonal from the top of the feet towards the “toes”, plus under the “toes” are hinges;
I’m betting the panels under the bot feet unfold to become the back of the van.
Just looked at a couple photos, & the back of the van of the original toy and the animation model show the back being completely flat.
All this to say it looks like the foot issue of the previous versions have been resolved.
Another reason I may get this version is because there’s not nearly as much greebling!!

This is exactly what I see. The panel folding under the foot is reminiscent of JP93. And to go back to your previous point about the clear windows I think that panel under the foot may also be painted clear plastic like JP93 giving him clear windows on the back. We know the side windows are clear because the panels that make them on the legs are also painted clear blue. Even if the foot panel isn't clear blue (thinking more about it it probably isn't), the bulk of the windows will be just like the original figure.

That said, I'm on team painted windows, I don't feel any need to see a bunch random robot parts inside an otherwise normal looking vehicle.

He doesn't look like a Voyager to me, but he'll probably come with his "sled" and a bunch of weapons to pad the price.

Should also point out that this isn't a great representation of the figure as it's most definitely edited out some stuff in an attempt to remove the background.


I agree about the side windows... Looks like transparent plastic in those panels.
But in looking at these photos more, I can at least appreciate that the windshield/windows are blue transparent plastic, not just clear. That makes a big difference imo.
Also, possibly the biggest improvement imo is the waist.
It's not just suddenly a small brick of a piece at the bottom of the torso that the upper thighs are attached to.
Which is the main reason I think the new Blanker looks pretty bad.
In the most recent photo where Ironhide is posed running does a good job of what I'm saying.
And overall this figure just looks incredibly good.
Hopefully there aren't any QC issues, but based on appearance alone, I won't be able to pass on this one.
I'm also pretty excited that this also means we should be getting a Ratchet from this mold next year.
I skipped the ER version because I didn't want the 2 pack.

Nice one, Hastak... I really figured this was going to be a letdown of a SS86 figure.
Glad I was wrong!!
Re: Studio Series 86 Core Ratchet Comes with his Death Scene Backdrop (2140295)
Posted by RodimusPrimeUkraine1 on August 2nd, 2022 @ 11:33pm CDT
Sowndwave76 wrote:
Emerje wrote:
Sowndwave76 wrote:From what I can see, I’m calling it that the feet are the top-rear section of the van. There is just enough of a diagonal from the top of the feet towards the “toes”, plus under the “toes” are hinges;
I’m betting the panels under the bot feet unfold to become the back of the van.
Just looked at a couple photos, & the back of the van of the original toy and the animation model show the back being completely flat.
All this to say it looks like the foot issue of the previous versions have been resolved.
Another reason I may get this version is because there’s not nearly as much greebling!!

This is exactly what I see. The panel folding under the foot is reminiscent of JP93. And to go back to your previous point about the clear windows I think that panel under the foot may also be painted clear plastic like JP93 giving him clear windows on the back. We know the side windows are clear because the panels that make them on the legs are also painted clear blue. Even if the foot panel isn't clear blue (thinking more about it it probably isn't), the bulk of the windows will be just like the original figure.

That said, I'm on team painted windows, I don't feel any need to see a bunch random robot parts inside an otherwise normal looking vehicle.

He doesn't look like a Voyager to me, but he'll probably come with his "sled" and a bunch of weapons to pad the price.

Should also point out that this isn't a great representation of the figure as it's most definitely edited out some stuff in an attempt to remove the background.


I agree about the side windows... Looks like transparent plastic in those panels.
But in looking at these photos more, I can at least appreciate that the windshield/windows are blue transparent plastic, not just clear. That makes a big difference imo.
Also, possibly the biggest improvement imo is the waist.
It's not just suddenly a small brick of a piece at the bottom of the torso that the upper thighs are attached to.
Which is the main reason I think the new Blanker looks pretty bad.
In the most recent photo where Ironhide is posed running does a good job of what I'm saying.
And overall this figure just looks incredibly good.
Hopefully there aren't any QC issues, but based on appearance alone, I won't be able to pass on this one.
I'm also pretty excited that this also means we should be getting a Ratchet from this mold next year.
I skipped the ER version because I didn't want the 2 pack.

Nice one, Hastak... I really figured this was going to be a letdown of a SS86 figure.
Glad I was wrong!!

You don't know that yet. "Looks can be deceiving" But probably not, this does look very good.
Re: Studio Series 86 Core Ratchet Comes with his Death Scene Backdrop (2140299)
Posted by Emerje on August 3rd, 2022 @ 12:07am CDT
Hard to get a good feel for his size thanks to the forced perspective but I'm guessing he's around the size of Grapple.

He does seem to have a lot of panels on the back of his legs, too.

Re: Studio Series 86 Core Ratchet Comes with his Death Scene Backdrop (2140300)
Posted by Tuned Agent on August 3rd, 2022 @ 1:05am CDT
Emerje wrote:He doesn't look like a Voyager to me, but he'll probably come with his "sled" and a bunch of weapons to pad the price.

Emerje wrote:Hard to get a good feel for his size thanks to the forced perspective but I'm guessing he's around the size of Grapple.


PvP has stated elsewhere that he's a tad shorter than Siege/Earthrise (no specific amount was given). I'm not totally sure how that compares to Grapple, but I'm pretty sure it's shorter?

Multiple leakers have also now stated he doesn't partsform (so presumably no sled, which might have been outright stated too but IDR), and one leaker who has seen info on the mold said that the mold includes an alternate Ratchet head (obviously), only one gun for Ironhide (I don't remember if there were different guns for Ratchet), and "alternate battle damaged parts". I believe the current theory on the battle damaged parts is that they are for separate releases and won't come with the base version, because a damaged Ratchet chest plate would be the most logical damaged part, and PvP mentioned that the chest plate is pinned on. So at this point it looks like this is it.

(Info from TFW)
Re: Studio Series 86 Core Ratchet Comes with his Death Scene Backdrop (2140302)
Posted by Rodimus Prime on August 3rd, 2022 @ 1:35am CDT
I wonder if this will be officially revealed alongside Blanker and Dead End in a week.
Re: Studio Series 86 Core Ratchet Comes with his Death Scene Backdrop (2140303)
Posted by noctorro on August 3rd, 2022 @ 1:37am CDT
Does Prime vs Prime steal these unreleased toys?
Or does he get them from someone who stole them?
Re: Studio Series 86 Core Ratchet Comes with his Death Scene Backdrop (2140304)
Posted by JomasterII on August 3rd, 2022 @ 2:14am CDT
noctorro wrote:Does Prime vs Prime steal these unreleased toys?
Or does he get them from someone who stole them?

I don't believe he lives in Vietnam so I'd assume it's the latter.
Re: Studio Series 86 Core Ratchet Comes with his Death Scene Backdrop (2140305)
Posted by ZeroWolf on August 3rd, 2022 @ 4:37am CDT
Just a quick interlude to remind folk that this is the thread for SS86 toys, not bash on YouTuber. Keep it on the toys, not the people.
Re: Studio Series 86 Core Ratchet Comes with his Death Scene Backdrop (2140309)
Posted by Hellscream9999 on August 3rd, 2022 @ 6:33am CDT
So are we allowed to feel salty about all the previous, almost-there attempts of these two we've had in the past couple of years yet? Can't wait to see the slightly improved leader class ironhide they reveal in another year >:oP
Re: Studio Series 86 Core Ratchet Comes with his Death Scene Backdrop (2140310)
Posted by primalxconvoy on August 3rd, 2022 @ 6:59am CDT
noctorro wrote:Does Prime vs Prime steal these unreleased toys?
Or does he get them from someone who stole them?

RodimusPrimeUkraine1 wrote:Of course it's from prime vs prime!

There's a dedicated thread devoted to discussing the likes of CrimevsCrime, Gonrong and Shiftytron, which can be found here:

- ... -them.922/

(If there's an equivalent thread at Seibertron, please let me know, and I'll update the link above).
Re: Studio Series 86 Core Ratchet Comes with his Death Scene Backdrop (2140311)
Posted by -Kanrabat- on August 3rd, 2022 @ 7:05am CDT
primalxconvoy wrote:
(If there's an equivalent thread at Seibertron, please let me know, and I'll update the link above).

Is there any point in such a Karen club? :-?

I mean, whine all ta want, nothing will change.
And beside, normal people appreciate the leaks.
Re: Studio Series 86 Core Ratchet Comes with his Death Scene Backdrop (2140313)
Posted by primalxconvoy on August 3rd, 2022 @ 7:27am CDT
Hellscream9999 wrote:So are we allowed to feel salty about all the previous, almost-there attempts of these two we've had in the past couple of years yet? Can't wait to see the slightly improved leader class ironhide they reveal in another year >:oP

This is why I haven't bothered with the two versions of Springer. I'm sure there will be a better SS86 version, even if it's just an anime-styled paintjob, sans the cr@pple-damage.

They might even release decent versions of Astrotrain and Blitzwing, providing they keep the idiots responsible for the recent versions as far away from them as possible.

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