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Top 5 Best Sunstreaker Transformers Toys

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Sunstreaker Transformers Toys

Wednesday, November 3rd, 2021 8:52AM CDT

Categories: Site Articles, Editorials, Top Lists
Posted by: william-james88   Views: 122,442

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Every month now, brings you a Top 5 list related to all things Transformers written by me, your fellow editor. These are my opinions (just like movie or game reviews hosted by sites are still just the opinion of one person) so what matters most is what you guys think of the topic or list, and I hope to see your own lists or comments on omissions and ranking. Let's have fun! All previous lists can be found here.

Top 5 Best Sunstreaker Transformers Toys

One thing I realized while writing this list, there are not a lot of Sunstreaker toys out there. Unlike many G1 characters, including his brother Sideswipe, he isn't a legacy character. Meaning that he, and any toy based on him, only ever appears in a G1 context. There isn't a version of him in the Aligned continuity, or the Unicron trilogy or even the films, and he doesn't even have extra g1 toys, like an action master. He is a very singular character and so this list is almost all there is to him, or at least all that is worth remembering and celebrating. So let's get to it!

5. Transformers Alternators Sunstreaker

There is an amount of sameness with all the Alternators designs and transformations but when looked at individually, this complaint melts away. It will forever be a wonderful concept, favoring an MP level licensed alt mode at a standard retail price point, bringing in both transformers fans and car model fans. And Sustreaker is one of the best ones since the transformation does land the windshield on his torso and it gives us a fun headsculpt.

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Sunstreaker Transformers Toys

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Sunstreaker Transformers Toys

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Sunstreaker Transformers Toys

4. Transformers G1 1984 Sunstreaker

The sunstreaker design will always be a fun one and this is where it all started.

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Sunstreaker Transformers Toys

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Sunstreaker Transformers Toys

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Sunstreaker Transformers Toys

3. Transformers Universe - Classics 2.0 Sunstreaker

This design was so ambitious and downright revolutionary. To have the two lambo brothers share the same mold and yet have their distinct robot modes is mind blowing.

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Sunstreaker Transformers Toys

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Sunstreaker Transformers Toys

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Sunstreaker Transformers Toys

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Sunstreaker Transformers Toys

2. Transformers War for Cybertron Earthrise Sunstreaker

What a stellar toy to get in a mainline at retail, especially in terms of transformation. I love how there is minimal use of fake parts (only his toes, which I also find genius since it's the underside of the car's front instead) and he just looks great in both modes. I was satisfied with my Siege Sideswipe at first, but when this Sunsreaker came out with that more squarish alt mode, I just needed something similar for Sideswipe (which luckily we did get).

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Sunstreaker Transformers Toys

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Sunstreaker Transformers Toys

1. Transformers MP-39 Masterpiece Sunstreaker

Takara went all out on this Masterpiece figure. While you can have the standard clean Countash mode, you can also turn it into a more G1 accurate super car mode in the back half. The alt mode also has pop up lights at the front. The robot ends up looking very sleek with Takara being smart in having the robot mode chest still line up with the larger car roof in alt mode giving the illusion that parts of the car morph to give him a sleeker silhouette in robot mode.

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Sunstreaker Transformers Toys

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Sunstreaker Transformers Toys

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Sunstreaker Transformers Toys

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Sunstreaker Transformers Toys

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Re: Top 5 Best Sunstreaker Transformers Toys (2120186)
Posted by Mistaken_Table on November 3rd, 2021 @ 9:39am CDT
The MP is so good, it almost feels like cheating putting him in. ALMOST. I would've put the Alternator above the G1, but you get bonus points for not even mentioning the CW Sunstreaker. I swear that whole line needs to be redone with more than 1 mold covering the deluxe releases.
Re: Top 5 Best Sunstreaker Transformers Toys (2120190)
Posted by Gauntlet101010 on November 3rd, 2021 @ 10:22am CDT
I saw ER Sunstreaker in stores, but I couldn't get past the hood paint looking so different in terms of color.

Plus I like Universe Sideswipe and Sunstreaker. A lot. Why replace what I still like? Even by today's standards it's very posable and I find it fun to transform. The mold was just overused.

Why does G1 beat out Alternators on the list?
Re: Top 5 Best Sunstreaker Transformers Toys (2120191)
Posted by william-james88 on November 3rd, 2021 @ 10:40am CDT
Gauntlet101010 wrote:Why does G1 beat out Alternators on the list?

It's more unique, more fun, less kibbly and has a better car mode.
Re: Top 5 Best Sunstreaker Transformers Toys (2120200)
Posted by Whifflefire on November 3rd, 2021 @ 1:04pm CDT
Gauntlet101010 wrote:I saw ER Sunstreaker in stores, but I couldn't get past the hood paint looking so different in terms of color.

Plus I like Universe Sideswipe and Sunstreaker. A lot. Why replace what I still like? Even by today's standards it's very posable and I find it fun to transform. The mold was just overused.

Why does G1 beat out Alternators on the list?

If I had gotten Universe Sunstreaker, I would have thought the same. I love '08 Sideswipe, and never considered the Siege one, but the urge to finally pair him with Sunstreaker (even if he didn't match exactly) made me jump on the Earthrise release.

I only wish he came with another accessory besides his engine block, but otherwise he's an excellent representation of the character.
Re: Top 5 Best Sunstreaker Transformers Toys (2120203)
Posted by Big Grim on November 3rd, 2021 @ 2:41pm CDT
I’d love an MP Sunstreaker. Just gimme a version with the toy head and shin panels please.

~ Grim
Re: Top 5 Best Sunstreaker Transformers Toys (2120205)
Posted by God Sunstreaker on November 3rd, 2021 @ 3:40pm CDT
This list is wrong. They don’t include fun factor. MP Sunny is no fun to transform. Earthrise should be first, then g1 and then classics. Alternators shouldn’t even be on the list for how unfun it is. I transformed it once and left it in robot mode ever since. CW beats out alternators for looking more sunny in car mode and the fun factor of a quick transformation and getting to combine it. G1 beats classics because I love my g1 sunny and I would easily give up classics for it if I had to choose.
1. ER
2 G1
3. MP
4. Classics
5. CW

I’m coincidentally writing reviews for these at the moment. I have g1 finished if Seibetron
.com is interested
Re: Top 5 Best Sunstreaker Transformers Toys (2120207)
Posted by M. Spector on November 3rd, 2021 @ 3:52pm CDT
I really like Sunstreaker and have been wanting to purchase the Masterpiece (or MP Spin-out) for quite some time it's just so gorgeous, the only version of him I own is ER Cordon, which is a slick figure with a very satisfying transformation but didn't scream Sunstreaker enough for me to get it as him as my definitive version, hence waiting for the MP :lol:
Re: Top 5 Best Sunstreaker Transformers Toys (2120213)
Posted by Evil Eye on November 3rd, 2021 @ 4:31pm CDT
Sunstreaker doesn't get nearly enough love, so this list is greatly appreciated! I still want ER Sunny at some point, I had him on order but unfortunately he was out of stock. Which is annoying because he looks awesome- his transformation is pretty clever (the double-sided feet even work IMO, as it seems less like fake kibble and more like he's just a cool concept car with quadruple headlights) and he looks spot on. He needs a proper gun though, I will say that.

I'm a little "eh" on the MP. He looks impressive, and the car mode switching gimmick is cool and all, but I don't like how messy he looks or what an explosion his transformation is. It's particularly jarring next to his bro Sideswipe. I know Sideswipe is a much older figure from a different design era, but I feel he still holds up very well so it's a shame that there isn't a "matching" Sunstreaker.
Re: Top 5 Best Sunstreaker Transformers Toys (2120218)
Posted by -Kanrabat- on November 3rd, 2021 @ 5:14pm CDT
The Alternators is not that great and the G1 original needs to partform his fists. Then the Universe that I bought back a few months back is worse than I remembered.

Then the incredible ER deluxe came out and MAN, he's so perfect that I also got the Select Cordon & Spinout 2 pack. Those are so fun to transform over and over again.

Sadly, I never got the MP but I heard he's perfect. I should hunt him down eventually.

Overall, this list's ranking is spot-on. ;)^
Re: Top 5 Best Sunstreaker Transformers Toys (2120219)
Posted by God Sunstreaker on November 3rd, 2021 @ 5:42pm CDT
First I didn't mean to be rude, I just typed fast and it's annoying to do so with an Iphone.

This article is more than just an opinion. It's on a website generating revenue for the owner and advertisers. The author may even be getting paid per article.
This article may be around 5 years from now, or 10, or 20 more years. People are going to see this years from now and formulate their own ideas about what to like and what to buy.
This article could even convince someone to go out and track down the Masterpiece.There's a responsibility that goes with publishing work and a popular site so
this is article is more than just an opinion. So, I want this article to be perfect...just like
Sunstreaker thinks he is in fiction :)

My credibility is this:
Sunstreaker was the 5th transformer I ever got and I loved it to the point it fell apart and then put it back together. (Those pins wear out the plastic after a
decade or so of constant play.)
I love that character, and in transformers the movie I get internal joy from Sunny sitting next to Optimus in the shuttle riding to the rescue. I'd like to think it was because he
is one of the foremost Autobot car warriors, but a part of me knows that it probably has something to do with the color pallet they used: Sunstreaker would contrast Optimus's colors without
sticking out like a sore thumb.
But I digress. I've picked up one version of every transforming Sunstreaker. I've transformed them all and I can tell the difference between a toy that's fun to play with and one that
just looks good on a shelf.

And Speaking to the article: The Masterpiece just looks good on a shelf
and it's no fun to transform back and forth (specifically the legs, it's a derivative of a derivative: It's made to look like the cartoon which itself is derived form the toy:
G1 Sunstreaker. It also pays more homage to the cartoon than the toy: face and accessories. Therefore G1 must be better. And as I say that I know that the MP has an amazing looking
car mode: the design is beautiful and I can easily understand based on it's strengths why it was considered #1: I mean the mode can look like a vinila Lambo and a hot rod lambo, that's
black magic right there. But it's prone to breaking and is a pain to transform too so it can't be #1

The Alternators figure is just annoying. Of all the figures I have that's the one I have actually forgotten than I own, multiple times. That one is last on my list. And it's not even
#6 runner up: the botcon Sunstreaker in all it's diablo glory goes above it on the list.

The ER version is the Suntreaker I've been waiting for for years. The front of the car is the feet! The top of the car is the chest!. Why is that so hard hasbro/takara? You did that
literally on your first design. Infact, the majority of my first transformer cars had this design to the point I got tired of it and wished for a Sideswipe or Bluestreak type
(Sunstreaker, Blurr, Lightspeed..maddening)
The ER design can actually hold an accessory, and in fact it can hold many of them: it's customizability is amazing. And I've added extra accessories
to many a Sunstreaker and I have to say that ER is the most fun. Some wonderful person made a set with G1 style missile/guns, there's a couple different sets of spoilers out there.
There's rifles and pistols, and I may have a sword or 2. I've done that with the Masterpiece and the Botcon. And ER just blows them away in fun. And the transformation is just so
quick and simple: if I was still 5 I could drive the ER version into battle and transform it in a minute and keep going: that's the epitome of TF fun right there.

I say all this and I have a nostalgic connection to the G1 version. It was the only Sunny for what, about 15 years before the botcon 2003 version. Sunstreaker was literally the
first design of everything we call Transformers. If I could only keep 1 Sunstreaker, the G1 would be it. But I still acknowledge that there could be something better than the G1.

Classics was the one I didn't get initially. I got it on the secondary market years later and it has a qc issue where the chest doesn't fully swivel: looks annoying. But, it's a good
toy, it's fun and does the car to robot thing nicely. It has issues with the shoulders and the transformation annoys me, but it's really cool nonetheless.

And let's talk CW lastly: It's just fun: it's what a toy should be: it has a fun simple transformation, it can combine (although story wise that's weird), the car mode looks
sort of like a lambo and it has the hot rod air intakes. Calling a transformer Sunstreaker without those air intakes and it might as well be a yellow sideswipe (or a tigertracks)

I know Sunstreaker, I love sunstreaker and if there's such a thing as a Sunstreaker expert, that's me. You could say that I've studied the source material for years.

Fun, look, durability, transformation, accessories, and source material: that's what I consider. And maybe I'm wrong (and rude) but I know that sticking the MP on the top spot isn't right.

Please consider revising the article. As one Sunstreaker fan to another, it'd be appreciated.

Thanks for reading,

Re: Top 5 Best Sunstreaker Transformers Toys (2120220)
Posted by Gauntlet101010 on November 3rd, 2021 @ 6:18pm CDT
Why not make your own list? What you have is halfway there. Organize your thoughts a bit more, add some pictures, and there you go.
Re: Top 5 Best Sunstreaker Transformers Toys (2120228)
Posted by william-james88 on November 3rd, 2021 @ 7:10pm CDT
God Sunstreaker wrote:First I didn't mean to be rude, I just typed fast and it's annoying to do so with an Iphone.

This article is more than just an opinion. It's on a website generating revenue for the owner and advertisers. The author may even be getting paid per article.

The author is not paid. I suggest you write your own list and post it here in case people come across this list 10 years from now and check the comments.
Re: Top 5 Best Sunstreaker Transformers Toys (2120232)
Posted by blackeyedprime on November 4th, 2021 @ 1:57am CDT
Interesting list and comments. G1 as always would be a bit higher on the list for me. Swappable and firing fists/missiles is never a downside and it makes sunstreaker a better choice to have paired with inferno or hoist over the g1 sideswipe.

Earthrise would be a lot lower, the car mode doesn't stay tabbed together well on my other uses of the mold and the mold itself doesn't feel like sunstreaker. The mismatched paint also contributes to that making it more fitting for cordon/spin out.

Classics is my preferred version of the ones I have at the moment. I had the binal tech and it was pretty nice but the robots are a bit too compromised and when it's in a line showcasing car mode it really is the wrong car. The later starscream lambos etc might have been a good time to do a second sunstreaker.
Re: Top 5 Best Sunstreaker Transformers Toys (2120235)
Posted by Gauntlet101010 on November 4th, 2021 @ 10:26am CDT
blackeyedprime wrote:The later starscream lambos etc might have been a good time to do a second sunstreaker.

I think that whole line was a missed opportunity. Of all the characters chosen only BB and Cliff really fit and ... those bot modes.

Had they come out with the Autobot cars I likely wouldn't have ever replaced them. I don't need all my guys to be as G1 as possible.
Re: Top 5 Best Sunstreaker Transformers Toys (2120265)
Posted by cruizerdave on November 4th, 2021 @ 5:56pm CDT
Of course the MP is gonna win! :lol:

However, that War for Cybertron one? I'm not a fan. I hate the head. I hate the mismatched yellow. I hate the lack of a gun. The whole thing reeks of cost cutting and over simplicity. Universe 2.0 is much better.
Re: Top 5 Best Sunstreaker Transformers Toys (2120532)
Posted by primalxconvoy on November 7th, 2021 @ 10:27pm CST
As said before, the Alternator/(Racing)Binaltech figure, at the time, was one of my fave line of toys, but now, they have lost most of their lustre. Sunstreaker/Deadend was perhaps, the easiest to transform, but it was Grimlock/Sideswipe that put me off the line for good. Even today, in Japan, most BT TFs only sell for a few dollars/pounds/thousand yen.

As a question, are there really that many official, fully transformable Sunstreaker toys out there? Wouldn't any list really be the ONLY list of SS toys, in reality?
Re: Top 5 Best Sunstreaker Transformers Toys (2120537)
Posted by Gauntlet101010 on November 8th, 2021 @ 6:42am CST
I wonder how long it'll be until the current hot toys go for just a couple of bucks. There should be a top ten "love lost" list of formerly loved molds that people are just indifferent to now.

I like the concept of Alternators ... right now the only one on display is Hot Rod in my Hot Rod display. I only have six.

The only Sunstreakers not on the list are Universe (a repaint) and Combiner Wars. I guess Chrono Q could also count. Since there are so few it would have been nice for the article to go into more detail on why one mold outranks another, but I guess there isn't much to say.
Re: Top 5 Best Sunstreaker Transformers Toys (2120546)
Posted by Jelze Bunnycat on November 8th, 2021 @ 11:41am CST
primalxconvoy wrote:As a question, are there really that many official, fully transformable Sunstreaker toys out there? Wouldn't any list really be the ONLY list of SS toys, in reality?

BotCon 2003 Universe 2003 (redeco of RiD 2001 Prowl/CR Mach Alert
Universe 2008/Henkei!
Combiner Wars/Unite Warriors

If we're gonna count total partsforming, Transform Block and Kre-O :lol:

Unlike other characters, he gets only mentions in other continuities, no toys whatsoever.
Re: Top 5 Best Sunstreaker Transformers Toys (2120568)
Posted by primalxconvoy on November 8th, 2021 @ 3:29pm CST
Jelze Bunnycat wrote:
primalxconvoy wrote:As a question, are there really that many official, fully transformable Sunstreaker toys out there? Wouldn't any list really be the ONLY list of SS toys, in reality?

BotCon 2003 Universe 2003 (redeco of RiD 2001 Prowl/CR Mach Alert
Universe 2008/Henkei!
Combiner Wars/Unite Warriors

If we're gonna count total partsforming, Transform Block and Kre-O :lol:

Unlike other characters, he gets only mentions in other continuities, no toys whatsoever.

Cheers. That doesn't seem a lot for a mainline G1 character, or is that just me?
Re: Top 5 Best Sunstreaker Transformers Toys (2120609)
Posted by Jelze Bunnycat on November 9th, 2021 @ 11:46am CST
primalxconvoy wrote:
Jelze Bunnycat wrote:
primalxconvoy wrote:As a question, are there really that many official, fully transformable Sunstreaker toys out there? Wouldn't any list really be the ONLY list of SS toys, in reality?

BotCon 2003 Universe 2003 (redeco of RiD 2001 Prowl/CR Mach Alert
Universe 2008/Henkei!
Combiner Wars/Unite Warriors

If we're gonna count total partsforming, Transform Block and Kre-O :lol:

Unlike other characters, he gets only mentions in other continuities, no toys whatsoever.

Cheers. That doesn't seem a lot for a mainline G1 character, or is that just me?

Pretty much standard fare, really: Original, update to second update is pretty much the bar now. Redecos and Masterpiece are bonuses pretty much, so he's above par unlike, say, Skids.
Re: Top 5 Best Sunstreaker Transformers Toys (2120613)
Posted by God Sunstreaker on November 9th, 2021 @ 1:00pm CST
I apologize in advance for picking on you. :D

cruizerdave wrote:Of course the MP is gonna win! :lol:

It's not as cut and dry as you think, it's still very subjective some on points. And the MP is disappointing on several levels: and when you're spending $100+ that's getting into failure territory.
TAKi is making MP's that are derivative of the cartoon and try to stay true to that. That's a derivative of a derivative, yuck. Also, and you may not know this, the cartoon detail and design was very simplistic, and bland. Then to add blandness to Sunny: the most vibrant of vibrant is counter intuitive.
This is subjective territory but I like the Sideswipe gun vs the Sunny gun, silver vs pale grey. Then there's Bluestreak: the first run looks so slick and I prefer it to the "anime" dull colored version. Let's look at TF movie Sunny vs Cartoon sunny (or Optimus or Grimlock or anyone). Tak is selling us short and taking the lamest designs: they should be giving us the best overall representative and if they're leaning to the cartoon, use the Movie where possible.

In terms of Sunny. The MP version is only a little better than Sunsurge and that's debatable. The toyesk look and the chrome give Sunsurge's look a bright, shiny, striking appearance that pops and says, "look at me". Although I do have the MP siting out on a shelf instead of the Badcube version because the look is more cohesive and complete (in the front), and the Yellow/orangish paint is very well done. The MP has a terrible backpack and it's just disappointing that the TF back is just the place on the toy that the designers just give up and punted. I'll do a quick compare: Just compare MP's: Optimus (MP-1/10): yay!, Tracks: boo, Sideswipe: yay, Sunstreaker: boo, Bluestreak: Yay. They could have done better: the MP Sunny is the only Sunny in existence with a giant backpack. Even the CW gets away with it's back because it has the place for the exhaust (HFG).

To put it bluntly: The MP while looking good in the front and car mode has an overly complicated transformation, and the legs are poorly engineered to the point that parts can break off. The backpack is atrocious. And it lacks the toy missile accessories and the toy face, leaning hard into the cartoon look and aesthetic to the point of disappointment and giving us instead the alien mask from a terrible episode. And, a missile while used used by Sunny in Ultimate Doom pt 1 in the underwater fight where he calls Megs a "Megadunce" right before firing it at him was ignored/rejected. Yet the MP Hound has the "fabric" convertible roof from that group of scenes. Why? I ask you, is Takara direction insane? Takara spent more time and effort to give a mask instead of the missile, and the missile could have been duplicated on 3 figures. What!?!?

So as pretty as the MP is from a certain point of view...the best....not even, it barely beats out the third party for best "masterpiece" style.

cruizerdave wrote:However, that War for Cybertron one? I'm not a fan. I hate the head. I hate the mismatched yellow. I hate the lack of a gun. The whole thing reeks of cost cutting and over simplicity. Universe 2.0 is much better.

Haha. Really? I need to show you my photos of both. My ER sunny is soo much cooler than Universe. Like it's night and day.

I ask you, what is an ER figure that doesn't "reek" of cost cutting, or a tf toy for that matter? And what do you mean by "over simplification"? I'm just curious because in Universe version, not completing the transformation with the shoulders, not making the hood the feet and instead "hiding" it as the back, partsforming the air intake, and the cheap legs and top heavy nature and the worst thing: my copy's chest doesn't fully spin 180° and lock in place: the chest is physically crooked: all of that adds up to incomplete figure. And, it's subjective but don't like the transformation, it's overly complicated and it's not fun to go back and forth with: I decided long ago to just leave it in robot mode, where as ER sunny I go back and forth. Although I have 2 kids and no time, but before I got ER, I stilled didn't like it. Maybe call me old school but I loved the simplicity of the G1 Sunny transformation. Anyway, I'm not sure how ER can be considered less than the Universe based on "cost cutting" and "over simplicity" when Universe/generations toy didn't have a complete transformation and that's before we talk the accessories.

I find it fascinating that there's a complaint about paint causing ER to be considered less than the universe version when the universe version has all those physical, and structural negatives.

But to be far as TF figures go. Universe is sized perfectly for a Sunny and looks good. But a Sunny that has the car front for the seems like hastak has finally got it right with the MP and ER...there was a long drought of weird transformations after G1. I mean, would sidesiwe be sideswipe if the car front wasn't the chest? No it'd be Windcharger. Would Optimus be Optimus without the front of the truck be the front of the robot? No, that'd be Ginrai.

And let's talk car modes: ER >>>>> GEN?Clas. It's so close to the car that I'm surprised HasTak isn't being sued by all of Italy. I mean the ER looks more like a Lamborghini than the G1, the licenced design.

And btw: if you need accessories for your ER sunny, steal your CW sunny's gunblade or spend another $20 on one of the accessory packs out there. While the air intake weapon isn't perfect it still works, and It's kind of cool that they made it useable as a weapon. I mean, complaining that ER has an intake gun vs Gen with it's exhaust gun is sort of splitting hairs.

It's interesting that you hate the head...because those are really strong words for plastic. But I digress that that is an interesting complaint when my most disliked head is the MP, followed by the universe. For that money, I feel jipped that there wasn't a toy accurate head that could be swapped: and since Cordon and Spinout exists, it could have been a thing. The universe head is just too, much: maybe it's those yellow lines that I would rather not be there. See the head is subjective, but when you stare at the G1 toy head for far more time than the cartoon, the toy becomes the correct head...anything else is flawed and not a contender.

So I get it. You like Universe/Generations and while it has some legitimate strengths to call it overall better than the ER is a stretch.

I will give you that Universe is made with better materials. I like my generations IDW Springer more than Siege. However if you go by materials you need to consider G1 as G1 materials are superior to all the new stuff. Die cast, rubber tires, higher quality / more dense plastics: It's a lost art.

So...I have no idea how you can consider MP or Universe Sunny being better overall than ER. Just so confused at the arguments.

Now if you said, "yay", yes: yay...always yay "they're so pretty because nice paint and they have the best high quality plastic" then I suppose that makes some sense, But then I say: G1 wins!!!

That's right folks, G1 has to be a better Transformer than the nonsense that is the MP and the GEN/CLassic with the incomplete transformations and the silly ear things. What's up with the ear things anyway. Incomplete transformation on a Transformer = not the best.

Just thinking of that terrible MP backpack just makes me disagree with this "official" list even more. Oh, why why?
Re: Top 5 Best Sunstreaker Transformers Toys (2120617)
Posted by Evil Eye on November 9th, 2021 @ 1:13pm CST
I may be biased as I love the RID original molds (including Prowl) but it's a shame he's rare because Universe 2003 Sunstreaker actually wears the mold pretty well IMO.
Re: Top 5 Best Sunstreaker Transformers Toys (2120636)
Posted by Gauntlet101010 on November 9th, 2021 @ 2:25pm CST
God Sunstreaker wrote:So.....
I will give you that Universe is made with better materials. I like my generations IDW Springer more than Siege. However if you go by materials you need to consider G1 as G1 materials are superior to all the new stuff. Die cast, rubber tires, higher quality / more dense plastics: It's a lost art.

As to the point on materials:

You're taking this point, but stretching it until it doesn't make sense. There's a point where poor materials and paint apps can hamper an otherwise good toy. And no matter how good the materials are they can only elevate a bad toy so far.

So if someone prefers Universe Sunstreaker because of his materials (or construction) it's a valid point. It's just not the only point.

I also have to add that my own Universe Sunstreaker (and his mold mates) don't have that problem with the hood. It sounds like you have a bum copy. Which can happen. But, unless it's a common issue, I don't think the flaw on one toy takes away from all of them.
Re: Top 5 Best Sunstreaker Transformers Toys (2120668)
Posted by william-james88 on November 9th, 2021 @ 5:03pm CST
God Sunstreaker wrote:Just thinking of that terrible MP backpack just makes me disagree with this "official" list even more. Oh, why why?

Because the MP is better :lol:

But I do welcome the discussion. Price/"what you get" both the ER and MP are pretty close, but in the end the MP gives you more for more (unlike say, the MP 11 Seeker mold or MP Bee version 3 and even Shockwave to an extent).
Re: Top 5 Best Sunstreaker Transformers Toys (2120670)
Posted by Evil Eye on November 9th, 2021 @ 5:27pm CST
william-james88 wrote:
God Sunstreaker wrote:Just thinking of that terrible MP backpack just makes me disagree with this "official" list even more. Oh, why why?

Because the MP is better :lol:

But I do welcome the discussion. Price/"what you get" both the ER and MP are pretty close, but in the end the MP gives you more for more (unlike say, the MP 11 Seeker mold or MP Bee version 3 and even Shockwave to an extent).

Ah, Shockwave. If his knees bent at least 90 degrees I'd say he was pretty good for what he is (granted it's tricky to make a bad looking Shockwave toy as his design is just fundamentally great) but 60 degree knees on an MP is just pants.

Oh yes, Sunstreaker! I will say I kinda wish they'd made the car back swapping gimmick by just swapping out parts rather than having the whole thing transform. Like, you'd have a backpack for the "Cosmo Countach" and one for the regular car- neither would need removing or partsforming for regular transformation from car to robot and back, but you'd swap them out if you wanted to change the look. It'd have made engineering the figure much easier, would have reduced the backpack messiness and would have (probably) made the figure more affordable too. I also don't much care for the grey face instead of silver, but that's more me disliking the overly toony look of modern MPs rather than an objective criticism.
Re: Top 5 Best Sunstreaker Transformers Toys (2120672)
Posted by Jelze Bunnycat on November 9th, 2021 @ 5:34pm CST
I can't really comment on the lists as I only have Universe 2008 Sunstreaker and Binaltech Asterix (with its yummy metal), but I can comment how they both serve different "needs". The first is a true toy, while the other is more "collector-grade" as it were with the materials, licensing and its complexity, kinda like Masterpieces now.

No offense, but I'm staying away from the Masterpieces as they're too complex to be fun for me. Not that they're bad, they're just not for me. Binaltech is pretty much my limit. :lol:
Re: Top 5 Best Sunstreaker Transformers Toys (2120714)
Posted by william-james88 on November 9th, 2021 @ 11:22pm CST
Jelze Bunnycat wrote:Pretty much standard fare, really: Original, update to second update is pretty much the bar now. Redecos and Masterpiece are bonuses pretty much, so he's above par unlike, say, Skids.

With legacy, there are at least as many Skids toys out there for a list, if not more, since unlike Sunstreaker Skids is present in Bayverse.

Jelze Bunnycat wrote:No offense, but I'm staying away from the Masterpieces as they're too complex to be fun for me. Not that they're bad, they're just not for me. Binaltech is pretty much my limit. :lol:

Wheeljack, Sideswipe and the first Bumblebee hit a really nice happy medium. By the way, I've been meaning to do a top 5 Wheeljack but unlike other G1 characters, his name changes across different versions and his name is then used for unrelated characters. So he's not as clear cut. Granted, aside from Downshift none would make the top 5, but still I wouldn't want the discussion turning into nomenclature arguments rather than just discussing the toys themselves.
Re: Top 5 Best Sunstreaker Transformers Toys (2120718)
Posted by primalxconvoy on November 10th, 2021 @ 1:05am CST
william-james88 wrote:
Jelze Bunnycat wrote:Pretty much standard fare, really: Original, update to second update is pretty much the bar now. Redecos and Masterpiece are bonuses pretty much, so he's above par unlike, say, Skids.

With legacy, there are at least as many Skids toys out there for a list, if not more, since unlike Sunstreaker Skids is present in Bayverse.

Jelze Bunnycat wrote:No offense, but I'm staying away from the Masterpieces as they're too complex to be fun for me. Not that they're bad, they're just not for me. Binaltech is pretty much my limit. :lol:

Wheeljack, Sideswipe and the first Bumblebee hit a really nice happy medium. By the way, I've been meaning to do a top 5 Wheeljack but unlike other G1 characters, his name changes across different versions and his name is then used for unrelated characters. So he's not as clear cut. Granted, aide from Downshift none would make the top 5, but still I wouldn't want the discussion turning into nomenclature arguments rather than just discussing the toys themselves.

If you include Binaltech WJ or that rubbish Einstein thing, we riot.
Re: Top 5 Best Sunstreaker Transformers Toys (2120748)
Posted by Jelze Bunnycat on November 10th, 2021 @ 1:07pm CST
primalxconvoy wrote:
william-james88 wrote:
Jelze Bunnycat wrote:Pretty much standard fare, really: Original, update to second update is pretty much the bar now. Redecos and Masterpiece are bonuses pretty much, so he's above par unlike, say, Skids.

With legacy, there are at least as many Skids toys out there for a list, if not more, since unlike Sunstreaker Skids is present in Bayverse.

Jelze Bunnycat wrote:No offense, but I'm staying away from the Masterpieces as they're too complex to be fun for me. Not that they're bad, they're just not for me. Binaltech is pretty much my limit. :lol:

Wheeljack, Sideswipe and the first Bumblebee hit a really nice happy medium. By the way, I've been meaning to do a top 5 Wheeljack but unlike other G1 characters, his name changes across different versions and his name is then used for unrelated characters. So he's not as clear cut. Granted, aide from Downshift none would make the top 5, but still I wouldn't want the discussion turning into nomenclature arguments rather than just discussing the toys themselves.

If you include Binaltech WJ or that rubbish Einstein thing, we riot.

Wheeljack is an interesting case of cross-continuity namesakes and homages that are named differently. And really, the Armada, Energon and Prime ones aren't (mad) scientists or inventors, which is the G1's main character trait. :-?
Re: Top 5 Best Sunstreaker Transformers Toys (2120749)
Posted by william-james88 on November 10th, 2021 @ 2:49pm CST
Jelze Bunnycat wrote:
primalxconvoy wrote:
william-james88 wrote:
Jelze Bunnycat wrote:Pretty much standard fare, really: Original, update to second update is pretty much the bar now. Redecos and Masterpiece are bonuses pretty much, so he's above par unlike, say, Skids.

With legacy, there are at least as many Skids toys out there for a list, if not more, since unlike Sunstreaker Skids is present in Bayverse.

Jelze Bunnycat wrote:No offense, but I'm staying away from the Masterpieces as they're too complex to be fun for me. Not that they're bad, they're just not for me. Binaltech is pretty much my limit. :lol:

Wheeljack, Sideswipe and the first Bumblebee hit a really nice happy medium. By the way, I've been meaning to do a top 5 Wheeljack but unlike other G1 characters, his name changes across different versions and his name is then used for unrelated characters. So he's not as clear cut. Granted, aide from Downshift none would make the top 5, but still I wouldn't want the discussion turning into nomenclature arguments rather than just discussing the toys themselves.

If you include Binaltech WJ or that rubbish Einstein thing, we riot.

Wheeljack is an interesting case of cross-continuity namesakes and homages that are named differently. And really, the Armada, Energon and Prime ones aren't (mad) scientists or inventors, which is the G1's main character trait. :-?

Neither is Prime Wheeljack but he'd definitely be included in a top 5 list. He'd probably even be top 3.

And honestly, I dont think Earthrise is top 5, not a fan of that toy. And the combiner wars one was bad. Poor wheeljack, he hasnt had great updates in the gen line.
Re: Top 5 Best Sunstreaker Transformers Toys (2120750)
Posted by primalxconvoy on November 10th, 2021 @ 3:05pm CST
william-james88 wrote:
Jelze Bunnycat wrote:
primalxconvoy wrote:
william-james88 wrote:
Jelze Bunnycat wrote:Pretty much standard fare, really: Original, update to second update is pretty much the bar now. Redecos and Masterpiece are bonuses pretty much, so he's above par unlike, say, Skids.

With legacy, there are at least as many Skids toys out there for a list, if not more, since unlike Sunstreaker Skids is present in Bayverse.

Jelze Bunnycat wrote:No offense, but I'm staying away from the Masterpieces as they're too complex to be fun for me. Not that they're bad, they're just not for me. Binaltech is pretty much my limit. :lol:

Wheeljack, Sideswipe and the first Bumblebee hit a really nice happy medium. By the way, I've been meaning to do a top 5 Wheeljack but unlike other G1 characters, his name changes across different versions and his name is then used for unrelated characters. So he's not as clear cut. Granted, aide from Downshift none would make the top 5, but still I wouldn't want the discussion turning into nomenclature arguments rather than just discussing the toys themselves.

If you include Binaltech WJ or that rubbish Einstein thing, we riot.

Wheeljack is an interesting case of cross-continuity namesakes and homages that are named differently. And really, the Armada, Energon and Prime ones aren't (mad) scientists or inventors, which is the G1's main character trait. :-?

Neither is Prime Wheeljack but he'd definitely be included in a top 5 list. He'd probably even be top 3.

And honestly, I dont think Earthrise is top 5, not a fan of that toy. And the combiner wars one was bad. Poor wheeljack, he hasnt had great updates in the gen line.

The Earthrise version is the best CHUG iteration to date.
Re: Top 5 Best Sunstreaker Transformers Toys (2121145)
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on November 15th, 2021 @ 6:07pm CST
Looking over this list, and looking at my collection, I only have 2 Sunstreakers: Earthrise and CW. Sad part is, I am not a huge fan of either.

CW was a cop out repaint, but has the far nicer head sculpt for sure. And a much better yellow color and consistency.

ER has the better bot mode and actual transformation and bot mode qualities, but the colors kill him, as does the fact that his 2 Selects repaints far and away were better than him. That to me hurts worst of all, his repaints looking that much better than he does.

Outside of that, he really doesn't even have a chance does he? Has he even made it to a cartoon outside a mention but no onscreen appearance in Kingdom since G1? At least the early IDW years made him interesting (and make me sad we didn't get him in Titans Return), and later years even continued to help give him SOME fiction

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