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Top 5 Best Transformers Combiners Toys Post G1

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Transformers Combiners Toys Post G1

Monday, September 11th, 2017 9:35AM CDT

Categories: Site Articles, Editorials, Top Lists
Posted by: william-james88   Views: 73,202

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Every two weeks, brings you a Top 5 list related to all things Transformers written by me, your fellow editor. These are my opinions (just like movie or game reviews hosted by sites are still just the opinion of one person) so what matters most is what you guys think of the topic or list, and I hope to see your own lists or comments on omissions and ranking. Let's have fun! All previous lists can be found here.

Top 5 Best Transformers Combiners Post G1

With Hascon taking place during the week-end, we preffered waiting to post a new list after the excitement. The main reveal at the show was indeed combiner related with an new Abominus coming along with a Dinobot combiner and in theme with all this combiner talk, I give you a new list featuring the best combiners we have had so far after G1. Enjoy!

5. Transformers Robots In Disguise Rail Racer (JRX)

The turn of the century Robots in Disguise line brought brought combiners into the new millennia in a big way with two combiners in that line: Landfill and Railracer. While Landfill has his charm, I don’t find him very solid nor fun to play with. That is totally not the case with Rail Racer though who is a stellar design and a fun combiner. He is like the new age Raiden with modern trains that become individual robots along with having a combined form. But you wouldn’t know that from just looking at the trains which look like toy models, with nice detail and smooth surfaces (the Takara version has the bodies fully painted since they are all made in clear plastic to have clear windows, making the paneling even more subtle). You really wouldn’t think these could transform, let alone combine. And he is a sleek combiner too. Not big of course, since it is only three, and the middle bot does not contribute too much, hence why this toy only makes it to 5th place. But the fresh design just overshadows thee complaints. I especially love the combiner head and chest, along with how strong all the connections are. The guns combine as well, which is always a fun feature to show another layer of connectivity among the bots.

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Transformers Combiners Toys Post G1
Transformers Robots In Disguise Railspike (J-5) Gallery

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Transformers Robots In Disguise Rapid Run (J-7) Gallery

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Transformers Robots In Disguise Midnight Express (J-4) Gallery

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Transformers Robots In Disguise Railspike (J-5) Gallery

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Transformers Robots In Disguise Rapid Run (J-7) Gallery

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Transformers Robots In Disguise Midnight Express (J-4) Gallery

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Transformers Robots In Disguise Railspike (J-5) Gallery

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Transformers Robots In Disguise Rail Racer (JRX) Gallery

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Transformers Combiners Toys Post G1

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Transformers Combiners Toys Post G1

4. Transformers Club Exclusive Nexus Prime (Nexus Maximus)

I rarely, if ever, put figures from license holders on lists. It’s because they are usually redecos of toys that are more readily available and that we probably had more experience with. Basically, you guys get to know what I am talking about and share your experience. But I am making an exception with Nexus Prime for a few reasons. Firstly, this is the only toy of the first Transformers Combiner in fiction, one of the 13 Primes. Plus, I wanted to highlight the Energon combiners on this list but there were none that I liked due to all the mold repeats they had. Nexus Prime not only has a stellar deco but also doesn’t repeat molds, showing the variety of all the combining components in the Energon line, which were pretty good for their time. He’s pretty much a “best of” Energon combiner.

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Transformers Club Exclusives Landquake Gallery

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Transformers Club Exclusives Breakaway Gallery

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Transformers Convention & Club Exclusives Nexus Prime (Nexus Maximus) Gallery

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Transformers Combiners Toys Post G1
Transformers Convention & Club Exclusives Nexus Prime (Nexus Maximus) Gallery

3. Combiner Wars / Unite Warriors Devastator

This was a dream come true for many, including me and he has incredible presence due to his immense stature. Devastator will always be the most iconic combiner so it is great to finally get a toy that represents his raw power. My only beef with him, and why he ends up in the middle of this list, is because while the Constructicons are as big as voyager, they don’t feel like voyagers and give you more the feel of those upscaled toys we get sometimes. Like they were deluxes and someone made everything bigger, except for the plastic which is very thin. Plus there is a lack of elbows on the Hasbro version which does make a significant difference (to anyone who thinks it doesn't matter that much, tell me, is Scrapper your favourite in the set?). It’s fun to have a giant combiner, but I feel we could have gotten a higher quality, or at least better feeling toy, if everything was made a tad bit smaller. Still awesome though and forever imposing. He is a real joy to build as well.

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Transformers Combiners Toys Post G1

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Transformers Combiners Toys Post G1

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Transformers Combiners Toys Post G1

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Transformers Combiners Toys Post G1

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Transformers Combiners Toys Post G1

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Transformers Combiners Toys Post G1

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Transformers Combiners Toys Post G1

2. Transformers Beast Wars Tripredacus

Yes, I truly believe that Tripedicus is a better toy than the Devastator we got 20 years later. Of practically any combiner ever, I really feel this is the one that has absolutely nothing hindered by the fact that he combines. What I mean is you have great looking diverse beast modes that share the same complexity as any of the other non-combining Beast Wars deluxe when converting to robot mode. And then… they also combine! Unlike his Maximal counterpart Magnaboss (and our previous entry, Railracer), each robot contributes as much to the combiner with one being the legs, the other the chest and the other the arms. And no partsforming. This makes for a well balanced and solid combiner that isn’t back heavy and has a nice colour variation that works really well. The combiner looks complete and like he is a unique form as opposed of being made up of various bits. It’s quite impressive. And the engineering still holds up.

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Transformers Combiners Toys Post G1

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Transformers Combiners Toys Post G1

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Transformers Combiners Toys Post G1

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Transformers Combiners Toys Post G1

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Transformers Combiners Toys Post G1

1. Unite Warriors Grand Galvatron and Combiner Wars/Unite Warriors Computron

Of course Combiner Wars was going to be the top pick. Those toys brought back the hay day of combiners for a whole new generation and are without a doubt the very best combiners we have ever had (although revisiting that Tripredicus above did give them a run for their money, at least for me). They improved over G1 in terms of their size, poseablity, integrated combiner head, transformations, and port technology which means they can finally have differently shaped heads. Now most of these were not sold together in the Hasbro line and there was ths whole idea of official configurations from Hasbro being different from the configurations from g1 since they were adding new characters and all sorts of stuff. So Combiner Wars is the number 1 pick, but what from it? So to make this number 1 pick comply with the others, I went for Combiners that had a clear idea of which components made up the combiner and I picked the ones that I feel are truly the best examples of what this line had to offer. Computron will go down in history as one of the most different offerings between Hasbro and Takara. Usually, between the two versions, you could get some differences in the paintjob or even the molding. But here, it was practically two different toys where only one of the 5 was the same mold. Takara went completely in one direction and Hasbro in the other. And you know what? I think we all win with that. Either way you go you have something the other side doesn't have. Both had unique molds and distinctive decos. Takara might have had new heads but Hasbro's had new feet and hands as well as more accompanying toys. And both were made up of a variety of molds, giving you a very good look at the breadth of the line, while also being unified in theme and deco (to an extent).

And while Computron is hard to beat, there was another offering that just keeps amazing me: Grand Galvatron. This one was only from Takara but all of the molds (except for some of the heads) are available from Hasbro in one way or another so the new mixture of molds can be recreated. And that's the whole idea behind this combiner, that he is completely random (aside from being made up of zombies, mostly). He is something completely new, made up of characters that never combined before, from different fictions, using a few molds that on the Hasbro side of things were for new characters. He really encompasses the play value of the line perfectly. And he looks incredible. Easily the combiner with the best deco in either line, bar none.

For fans of combiners, we are truly living in its golden age.

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Transformers Combiners Toys Post G1

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Transformers Combiners Toys Post G1

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Transformers Combiners Toys Post G1

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Transformers Combiners Toys Post G1

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Transformers Combiners Toys Post G1

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Transformers Combiners Toys Post G1

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Transformers Combiners Toys Post G1

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Transformers Combiners Toys Post G1

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Transformers Combiners Toys Post G1

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Transformers Combiners Toys Post G1

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Transformers Combiners Toys Post G1

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Transformers Combiners Toys Post G1

Honourable Mentions: PCC Grimstone

Grimstone came out the best he possibly could given what the Power Core Combiner line was all about. He pulls off the automorph drone combination better than any other toy due to how good he looks in both his individual Dinosaur modes and his combined mode, which has a very unified look thanks to the colour scheme.

Transformers News: Top 5 Best Transformers Combiners Toys Post G1

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Re: Top 5 Best Transformers Combiners Toys Post G1 (1910160)
Posted by kurthy on September 11th, 2017 @ 10:45am CDT
What were your requirements for qualifying as a combiner? Would energon OP count since you considered PCC drones? Would Armada OP count with jetfire and Overload?
Re: Top 5 Best Transformers Combiners Toys Post G1 (1910162)
Posted by Rodimus Prime on September 11th, 2017 @ 10:51am CDT
I agree with the list with one exception: Nexus Maximus. I would replace that with RoTF Jet Optimus. And put the train bots higher than Tripredacus.
Re: Top 5 Best Transformers Combiners Toys Post G1 (1910166)
Posted by Kurona on September 11th, 2017 @ 10:59am CDT
... yeah, pretty much. Difficult to argue with this list. I find quite a number of CW guys more appealing than Computron but it's still that system (and in many cases molds) at the number one spot, so yeah. I agree.
Re: Top 5 Best Transformers Combiners Toys Post G1 (1910168)
Posted by ExciKaiser on September 11th, 2017 @ 11:01am CDT
What, no mention of the best combiner of all times ? I mean Energon Mega-Dinobot ?

Sorry. I'm leaving now.
Re: Top 5 Best Transformers Combiners Toys Post G1 (1910171)
Posted by Evil Eye on September 11th, 2017 @ 11:08am CDT
Yep, pretty much. I don't care much for UW/CW Devy but I struggle to think who I would have replaced him with. Nice to see Tripredacus on there too, I really need to get him some day.

One I'd be tempted to add (even if only on a technicality) is RID Ruination. A classic combiner with snazzy new colours and more weapon functionality? Yes please!

As far as CW and UW go, Grand Galvatron is definitely a good pick for the craziness of the set alone and for the gorgeous paint on Cyclonus. Computron is definitely a solid set, I'm glad I picked him up. I'd be tempted to at least mention Megatronia but then I am biased as I was sold on the concept of Megaempress alone- the fact she's a really cool combiner with less horrendous colours than her moldmate is a bonus.
Re: Top 5 Best Transformers Combiners Toys Post G1 (1910174)
Posted by Cyberpath on September 11th, 2017 @ 11:18am CDT
My personal pick is UW04 Devastator. The size, the articulation, the balance, the looks. Everything about him is still impressive.
And the fact that he works so well with the Masterpiece line is a bonus.





Re: Top 5 Best Transformers Combiners Toys Post G1 (1910188)
Posted by Randomhero on September 11th, 2017 @ 12:04pm CDT
Cyberpath wrote:My personal pick is UW04 Devastator. The size, the articulation, the balance, the looks. Everything about him is still impressive.
And the fact that he works so well with the Masterpiece line is a bonus.






That's the fun thing about Devastator, the designer about year and half ago or so said it was intended to be a master piece figure and you can tell. He was asked to redesign and simplify it for what it became. Other than mixmaster and long haul they are right out of the cartoon and don't really match with the look of combiner wars. They look just like their animation models with some tweaks.
Re: Top 5 Best Transformers Combiners Toys Post G1 (1910189)
Posted by Randomhero on September 11th, 2017 @ 12:07pm CDT
I very much agree with this list. As I was reading the article I was hoping the train boys from RID would be on it. He's one of the few figures I'd like to get again and add in my CHUG collection because they'd fit in my opinion.

You're number one is spot on. I got UW Computron when he was released and his last month got my hands on Grand Galvatron and I love him. Hes just oozing with character and I'm glad POTP is making more limbs because I think Deadwind and Darkwing will look good as alternate limbs for him to replace starscream and Roller
Re: Top 5 Best Transformers Combiners Toys Post G1 (1910209)
Posted by dragons on September 11th, 2017 @ 1:38pm CDT
Kurona wrote:... yeah, pretty much. Difficult to argue with this list. I find quite a number of CW guys more appealing than Computron but it's still that system (and in many cases molds) at the number one spot, so yeah. I agree.

Combiner figures in combiner wars ok looking arms are longer than legs in combiner mode for combiner wars FIGURES better look at if pour portioned limbs where not made combiners look like gorilla is stand tall decent looking combined figurEs
Re: Top 5 Best Transformers Combiners Toys Post G1 (1910219)
Posted by cruizerdave on September 11th, 2017 @ 2:03pm CDT
I really enjoy these lists, but I'm sorry, I disagree so much with your top 2. I remember boxing Tripedicus back up and taking him back to the store. His combined mode looked like a mess to me. No hands, loose joints all over the place (maybe that was just mine?). I just didn't care for it at all.
Also, the Galvatron and Computron combiners? Really? In a line that gave us a superior Superion and an almost perfect Bruticus you picked these? Sorry, but these hap-hazard repaints were among the most disappointing of the Combiner Wars line to me.
The others are fine, although, UW Devastator could easily be number one for me. The extra guns and articulation make all the difference in the world.
Re: Top 5 Best Transformers Combiners Toys Post G1 (1910222)
Posted by kurthy on September 11th, 2017 @ 2:07pm CDT
dragons wrote:
Kurona wrote:... yeah, pretty much. Difficult to argue with this list. I find quite a number of CW guys more appealing than Computron but it's still that system (and in many cases molds) at the number one spot, so yeah. I agree.

Combiner figures in combiner wars ok looking arms are longer than legs in combiner mode for combiner wars FIGURES better look at if pour portioned limbs where not made combiners look like gorilla is stand tall decent looking combined figurEs

How do figure that? The arms from shoulder to end of the fist are over an inch shorter than legs.
Re: Top 5 Best Transformers Combiners Toys Post G1 (1910233)
Posted by william-james88 on September 11th, 2017 @ 3:07pm CDT
cruizerdave wrote:I really enjoy these lists, but I'm sorry, I disagree so much with your top 2. I remember boxing Tripedicus back up and taking him back to the store. His combined mode looked like a mess to me. No hands, loose joints all over the place (maybe that was just mine?). I just didn't care for it at all.
Also, the Galvatron and Computron combiners? Really? In a line that gave us a superior Superion and an almost perfect Bruticus you picked these? Sorry, but these hap-hazard repaints were among the most disappointing of the Combiner Wars line to me.
The others are fine, although, UW Devastator could easily be number one for me. The extra guns and articulation make all the difference in the world.

I guess originality and innovation scores higher for me than others, but thats ok. I dont remember my tripredicus being loose, sorry yours wasnt top notch.

As for Galvatron and Computron, I picked em because they best symbolized the phenomenal CW line. They have lots of mold variety while being made up of the best torso mold in the line, and Grand Galvatron specifically has fun with the idea of randomness (plus, the deco on him and his components is the best in all lines).
I love Superion but he would have been a pain to include because not only is he lacking in mold and transformation variety but he is technically made up of different parts for different people. Hasbro has him with Dragstrip, G1 diehards have him without Alpha Bravo and those who stuck with general retail have him with Alpha Bravo. Technically, there is no such thing as a Hasbro Superion release in g1 colours since completing him was up to the buyer, and his team is up to you. So going with combiners that came in a boxset worked best for a list of combiners post G1. At least people know exactly what I am talking about and there is no debate over who makes up either of the number 1 picks.

As for Bruticus, he too is a full of repaints/retools, with his only original mold being Brawl, the worst mold in the entire line. So if we are gonna be looking at redecos, might as well look at the best right? And in any case, in his respective market, Grand Galvatron was full of mold variations and headsculpts that were never released (and 2 of which are still unreleased by Hasbro).

You dont have to agree with me, I really like hearing what you like best (and that you like these lists, thanks!). I just wanted to show you were I was coming from :)
Re: Top 5 Best Transformers Combiners Toys Post G1 (1910268)
Posted by Burn on September 11th, 2017 @ 5:22pm CDT
Nexus Maximus? No. Just no. Aside from being a five year wait for disappointment, he was never a great combiner.

Throw him out and put Magnaboss in. Now that is one solid combiner!
Re: Top 5 Best Transformers Combiners Toys Post G1 (1910309)
Posted by SureShot18 on September 11th, 2017 @ 9:53pm CDT
So glad to see UW Computron take part of the number one spot. That set was my favorite TF of last year.
Re: Top 5 Best Transformers Combiners Toys Post G1 (1910379)
Posted by Evil Eye on September 12th, 2017 @ 8:05am CDT
Burn wrote:Nexus Maximus? No. Just no. Aside from being a five year wait for disappointment, he was never a great combiner.

Throw him out and put Magnaboss in. Now that is one solid combiner!

To be fair on Nexus Prime, with Landquake and Breakaway (I think? The Windrazor redeco anyway) as arms it's possible to fanmode elbows for him, and the molds are all pretty fun standalone figures. I mean it's still in dire need of replacement but it's not FOC Bruticus levels of bad.
Re: Top 5 Best Transformers Combiners Toys Post G1 (1910393)
Posted by william-james88 on September 12th, 2017 @ 8:45am CDT
Burn wrote:Nexus Maximus? No. Just no. Aside from being a five year wait for disappointment, he was never a great combiner.

Throw him out and put Magnaboss in. Now that is one solid combiner!

I have a major beef with Magnaboss, several actually. For one, only the lion (Prowl) has a solid robot mode. That Ironhide has such a bad robot mode I choose to either always have him as an elephant or combined. Plus, his combiner mode isnt equally made up of the seperate components. Its mostly the elephant with the lion in the middle and the eagle making a headcrest.

Plus he is constantly looking up, making him look super goofy when you pose him firhging tripredicus.
Re: Top 5 Best Transformers Combiners Toys Post G1 (1910408)
Posted by Kurona on September 12th, 2017 @ 9:11am CDT
The Energon Combiners have a ton of problems... but I'd say one of their positives is that they're not Magnaboss. Any time I saw the latter I just shook my head slowly; it just... does not look good.
Re: Top 5 Best Transformers Combiners Toys Post G1 (1910471)
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on September 12th, 2017 @ 12:42pm CDT
Huh, I actually found Magnaboss to look pretty cool. And his name was so awesome. Trying to hunt down a complete version of the original was what inspired me to get the Magnaboss sticker set from Botcon. I just wish I had had the cash to get Predacus too, so I could have those 2 together.

as for this list, Devastator deserved to be #1. He is my absolute favorite combiner, no doubt about it.

Even though he is relatively new, I would still wager God Ginrai deserves a spot too. He is such a great figure, with a really good leader and a decent leader combining into an awesome CW sized robot. He is just so cool and very posable too.
Re: Top 5 Best Transformers Combiners Toys Post G1 (1910551)
Posted by shajaki on September 12th, 2017 @ 8:48pm CDT
Railracer, yes!

Nexus Maximus.... mmmmm....I get why he's there, the Energon Combiners aren't bad and in this iteration there are 5 unique molds. I like clear plastic too, but I find it kinda boring.

UW Devastator is phenomenal. BUT.... he doesn't really fit anywhere. He's too big for C/G, and too simple for MP. But those are pretty much his only faults.

Tripredacus... sorry bro. Not a fan.

Both Computron's. Yes. They both deserve the #1 spot. But not to share it with Galvatron.... UW and G2 Bruticus should be there!


Also another fav of mine is Universe(?) Devastator. Landfill was a fun toy, and he's even better in green and purple 8-)

Re: Top 5 Best Transformers Combiners Toys Post G1 (1911188)
Posted by -Kanrabat- on September 15th, 2017 @ 5:04pm CDT
After seeing a video review of Railracer, I really wonder why people love it so much. The bot modes are ugly and disproportioned. And only TWO bots out of tree combine for real, the third being just the "glue" and a giant kibelly backpack. That's garbage for me.

I'm really glad that Computron shared the #1 spot. He's the best combiner ever and I love it so much that not only did I buy the Reprolabels to make him look even better, but I also bought the original G1 toy to go with it.

Also, I really love the fact that Hasbro went for TOY accuracy and Takara for the CARTOON accuracy. (Plus, two bonus figures from Hasbro!) So this give fans plenty of choices and options.

Re: Top 5 Best Transformers Combiners Toys Post G1 (1911255)
Posted by mick1122 on September 16th, 2017 @ 6:21am CDT
Rodimus Prime wrote:I agree with the list with one exception: Nexus Maximus. I would replace that with RoTF Jet Optimus. And put the train bots higher than Tripredacus.

I've never experienced Tripredacus, so my opinion is slightly off here. I love Railracer from a visual standpoint, but he is not very dynamic. Tripredacus looks more like a fluid character.

If your going to pick a flying Prime combiner, screw ROTF. Cybertron baby. That Wing Saber combined mode is beautiful.

Don't get me wrong, I really do adore the ROTF Jetfire mold (I may be in the minority on this opinion), but the combined mode just looks janky to me.
Re: Top 5 Best Transformers Combiners Toys Post G1 (1911256)
Posted by -Kanrabat- on September 16th, 2017 @ 6:40am CDT
mick1122 wrote:
Rodimus Prime wrote:I agree with the list with one exception: Nexus Maximus. I would replace that with RoTF Jet Optimus. And put the train bots higher than Tripredacus.

I've never experienced Tripredacus, so my opinion is slightly off here. I love Railracer from a visual standpoint, but he is not very dynamic. Tripredacus looks more like a fluid character.

If your going to pick a flying Prime combiner, screw ROTF. Cybertron baby. That Wing Saber combined mode is beautiful.

Don't get me wrong, I really do adore the ROTF Jetfire mold (I may be in the minority on this opinion), but the combined mode just looks janky to me.

The ROTF combination is more like some guy in a power suit than a real combination. You know, the kind they are experimenting with in the army right now:


I dunno if it count as a combiner, but I really adore the Energon Optimus combined with Wingsaber especially the configuration below:


I know it's a super mode but it also use the gestalt method of having a core body with limbs attached, even though it's more a duocon...

Another "combiner" I love is Armada's TOWER OF DEATH:
If 3 bots can combine by stacking themselves on top of each others, that Optimus count I guess. It's a brick sure, but man, the thing is POWER INCARNATE. :michaelbay:
Re: Top 5 Best Transformers Combiners Toys Post G1 (1911260)
Posted by ExciKaiser on September 16th, 2017 @ 7:36am CDT
The lack of love for Go! is disturbing. Probably because they've not been released outside Japan ?








Re: Top 5 Best Transformers Combiners Toys Post G1 (1911294)
Posted by kurthy on September 16th, 2017 @ 11:40am CDT
ExciKaiser wrote:The lack of love for Go! is disturbing. Probably because they've not been released outside Japan ?

I love Go! but need more exposure to it. I need more exprime swords.
Re: Top 5 Best Transformers Combiners Toys Post G1 (2046784)
Posted by Tigerhawk7109 on December 12th, 2019 @ 4:50pm CST
What, no love for PotP Predaking? Also, Unite Warriors Superion is pretty kick-ass. Wish I had Grand Galvatron. :-(

'Til all are one! :BH-PREDACON:
Re: Top 5 Best Transformers Combiners Toys Post G1 (2046907)
Posted by -Kanrabat- on December 13th, 2019 @ 4:20pm CST
Tigerhawk7109 wrote:What, no love for PotP Predaking? Also, Unite Warriors Superion is pretty kick-ass. Wish I had Grand Galvatron. :-(

'Til all are one! :BH-PREDACON:

When the list was created POTP Predaking was not released yet.
Re: Top 5 Best Transformers Combiners Toys Post G1 (2046926)
Posted by Zeedust on December 13th, 2019 @ 9:00pm CST
Looking back, I'm a little disappointed there wasn't at least an honorable mention for any small combiners. Okay, PotP Battletrap didn't exist yet, but between RotF's Legends-class Devastator, TFP's mini-Abominus and the various Mini-Con combiners, I'd think there would've been something that resonated. (I'm leaving the Crash Combiners off this list because I don't think anyone is really impressed by any of them.)

Personally, I'd give Armada Perceptor for cramming some impressive engineering into such a small package. I like Mirror, too, he's nicely poseable and an interesting concept, but his components don't really stand alone as well, particularly apart from Sideways. But the others definitely have their strong points as well, and I'd consider them all worthy topics of conversation, since smaller combiners are usually overshadowed by their larger counterparts.
Re: Top 5 Best Transformers Combiners Toys Post G1 (2047054)
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on December 15th, 2019 @ 9:15pm CST
Looking back at this list, I'm not sure I would change too many things on it. Power of the Primes Abominus would be a contender for the list, and SS Devastator is really looking to be a contender as well.

Also having gotten some smaller dudes, I would put PotP Battletrap and Armada Perceptor up for contention too
Re: Top 5 Best Transformers Combiners Toys Post G1 (2047573)
Posted by Zeedust on December 22nd, 2019 @ 12:25am CST
Yeah, I'm pretty sure everybody loves Battletrap. I'm kinda disappointed that they didn't upgrade Flywheels/Skytread the same way.

While we're on the subject of the PotP combiners... Is it just me, or is it kinda stupid that Hasbro didn't show that they combined on the actual packaging for the toys?
Re: Top 5 Best Transformers Combiners Toys Post G1 (2047574)
Posted by Jelze Bunnycat on December 22nd, 2019 @ 1:12am CST
Zeedust wrote:Yeah, I'm pretty sure everybody loves Battletrap. I'm kinda disappointed that they didn't upgrade Flywheels/Skytread the same way.

While we're on the subject of the PotP combiners... Is it just me, or is it kinda stupid that Hasbro didn't show that they combined on the actual packaging for the toys?

Not directly, they only had images of combined forms on the side if applicable. Even then, only Battletrap, Dreadwing, Volcanicus and Abominus were explicitly called out on the instructions (Dreadwing only on Blackwing's tho).

Kinda missed the mark there, because who looks at instructions nowadays?
Re: Top 5 Best Transformers Combiners Toys Post G1 (2047633)
Posted by Zeedust on December 22nd, 2019 @ 10:13pm CST
JelZe GoldRabbit wrote:
Zeedust wrote:Yeah, I'm pretty sure everybody loves Battletrap. I'm kinda disappointed that they didn't upgrade Flywheels/Skytread the same way.

While we're on the subject of the PotP combiners... Is it just me, or is it kinda stupid that Hasbro didn't show that they combined on the actual packaging for the toys?

Not directly, they only had images of combined forms on the side if applicable. Even then, only Battletrap, Dreadwing, Volcanicus and Abominus were explicitly called out on the instructions (Dreadwing only on Blackwing's tho).

Kinda missed the mark there, because who looks at instructions nowadays?

Even for people who do look at the instructions, you'll only see them after you've already bought the toy. Since the purpose of the package is to help sell the toy, it would have been nice if they'd devoted some space on the packaging to it beyond a picture on the side that doesn't mean anything unless you already know what it is. This is also true for the SS Constructicons, although at least for them most of the one-sentence bios on the back of the box at leastmention that they combine.

At least that's not as bad as the Titan Masters getting generic card backs, despite having
triple-changing partner vehicle thingies. But that's getting off topic.
Re: Top 5 Best Transformers Combiners Toys Post G1 (2053226)
Posted by Tigerhawk7109 on February 21st, 2020 @ 7:38am CST
-Kanrabat- wrote:
Tigerhawk7109 wrote:What, no love for PotP Predaking? Also, Unite Warriors Superion is pretty kick-ass. Wish I had Grand Galvatron. :-(

'Til all are one! :BH-PREDACON:

When the list was created POTP Predaking was not released yet.

Fair point.


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