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Toy Review Of Hasbro Version Transformers Masterpiece Skywarp

Transformers News: Toy Review Of Hasbro Version Transformers Masterpiece Skywarp

Wednesday, October 28th, 2009 5:12AM CDT

Category: Toy News
Posted by: Mach   Views: 33,070

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Seibertron member kirbenvost has wrote a toy review for the recently release Hasbro Version Transformers Masterpiece Skywarp.
Check out his view below and make your decision whether this beauty will be part of your collection!

Well, there doesn't seem to be a thread yet as only a few lucky Canucks (like me) and those over the pond have seen him, so I'm making one.

I don't have Takara's Skywarp (only Greenscream) to compare to, so I'm not going to go into a detailed comparison like that, but I'll give a general overview, and observations you might not be able to tell from pics, or general things to know. I can take a few pics later if people want.

First of all, it's a very nice looking, well-painted figure, if you are able to take the time to compare a few in-store before buying. I found minor paint flaws on a few, but nothing major. The packaging is nice, pretty similar to the Hasbro Starscream from what I've seen, though I don't have it to compare to.

His eyes are yellow, which is a big difference from the Takara version. He's got a very G1 paint scheme, as seen from previous pictures. The stripes are all very well-painted. There is also no sticker sheet like the Takara one, so what you see is what you get, which is fine with me, because he's got some of the nice details from the G1 version, the red on the intakes, and a little on the hip pieces. Also, the nametag on the stand is painted on, whereas it was a sticker for the Takara MPs, if I recall correctly. The Decepticon symbol on the stand is properly chromed, as it should be. The little minifigure (forgot his name) is completely unpainted, but no one cares about him anyway. One nice detail I noticed was some gunmetal detail on the weapons, as well as some colored stripes on the missiles. Just a nice little detail they didn't have to put on, but they did anyway.

Edit: A couple more notes on the paint job - the rocket launchers behind his chest fans are not painted in detail like the Takara versions. However, since his whole chest is painted silver, this doesn't look as bad as on the US Starscream where it's all red. Also, the fans on the chest are also not painted gunmetal, but again, it looks fine because it's silver.

There are two big things people should know: His faces are the same as MP Starscream's, not Skywarp's. So he really is a repaint of Starscream. That's fine with me, but might bother some. Another, perhaps bigger thing, is the shade of purple used for his hands/forearms and leg detail is the same slightly-transleucent, pinkish purple from the Classics version, NOT the G1-esque lilac. This may bother a lot of people. For me, it's a sacrifice I'm willing to make for a more affordable Skywarp.

One more slight flaw is some of the joints are a bit loose, especialy the rear thrusters which become his heels in robot mode. The ball joints are not very tight, and this could cause problems standing the figure. But it's a pretty back-heavy figure that takes a lot of work to stand up, so I'm betting most people would use the stand anyway. The fingers are also a bit loose on mine, but they still stay in place, so that's fine with me. I did notice it's a lot easier to get the landing gear out, which is a good thing. Otherwise, the joints on mine are pretty good, a couple are even tighter than on my MP-03. No stress marks so far, though I've only Transformed him twice.

I'm not familiar with/can't remember the assembly flaw that happened with MP Thundercracker's chest, but this Skywarp looks normal to me. Haha, hopefully it's not one of those "once you see it, you can't unsee it" things.

So, I guess that's it. If you're trying to decide between the Hasbro and Takara versions, I would recommend this: If you can manage to find the Hasbro figure at retail, get it, unless the purple really bothers you. It's a great-looking, quality figure, for a great price, with only a few very minor flaws. However, if you have to buy online, the cost is going to be almost as much as the Takara version, judging by scalper and aftermarket prices so far. So I'd think carefully about which version appeals more to you, and make your decision based on that.

Alright guys, several hours later (including HK-Skywarp missile retrieval from under the fridge, and a dinner break), here's the goods. Sorry for the cut off images, I'm too tired tonight to do any more. Right click and select "view image" for the whole pics.

Some robot mode pics, note lack of detailing on arms. Different from Takara MP, but G1 accurate:

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Credit(s): kirbenvost

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Re: Toy Review Of Hasbro Version Transformers Masterpiece Skywarp (1014216)
Posted by Razorclaw0000 on October 28th, 2009 @ 5:49am CDT
Looks damn sexy. I may be a minority, but I love the shade of purple. The lilac looks too washed out compared to this orchid-y color. The stripes are extremely well done.
Re: Toy Review Of Hasbro Version Transformers Masterpiece Skywarp (1014218)
Posted by fartripper67 on October 28th, 2009 @ 5:53am CDT
Sweet mother of GOD I hope I can find this at retail. None of the Wally Worlds in my are ever got the MP Starscream before :|

Looks great.
Re: Toy Review Of Hasbro Version Transformers Masterpiece Skywarp (1014232)
Posted by vectorA3 on October 28th, 2009 @ 7:13am CDT
I am green with envy. :mrgreen: Now i want Warp even more -as if that were possible. Looks like there were no changes from the display model shown at Botcon and Comic con. Robot mode nor the missles were shown though. Am I gonna have to drive up to Vancouver right now KV?? Tempted to! :lol:
Re: Toy Review Of Hasbro Version Transformers Masterpiece Skywarp (1014233)
Posted by Counterpunch on October 28th, 2009 @ 7:25am CDT
Thank you for the pictures, it's very helpful.

I'm glad that people who don't have the opportunity to import Masterpiece figures are getting a shot at this guy. I'm also glad that Hasbro is continuing to use that vibrant purple as opposed to the lilac purple. The figure looks good. The yellow eyes are cool.

That being said, it becomes kind of obvious where the additional $40 goes for a Takara release. It's really cool that a version is available for $60, but having owned the Takara version for two years now, I can see all the little differences.

Where if I had not owned the Japanese version, I would probably never have noticed these differences between the two, the fact that I have had this toy and really do like it makes those differences glaring.

Without attempting to even pretend sounding elitist, even if Hasbro continues to release MP figures stateside, I think I will continue to import. With Masterpiece style toys, style and detail count as much for me as mold and character. It's cool that this is available, but this pricing discount isn't worth the cost in detail to me.
Re: Toy Review Of Hasbro Version Transformers Masterpiece Skywarp (1014236)
Posted by RodimusConvoy13 on October 28th, 2009 @ 7:42am CDT
I have the MP Skywarp. The hasbro one looks really good too. I'll be picking one up. I do wish the Decepticon symbols on the wing were correct. They should be upside down in Robot mode. Oh well, little things I guess...
Re: Toy Review Of Hasbro Version Transformers Masterpiece Skywarp (1014238)
Posted by Razorclaw0000 on October 28th, 2009 @ 7:59am CDT
RodimusConvoy13 wrote:I have the MP Skywarp. The hasbro one looks really good too. I'll be picking one up. I do wish the Decepticon symbols on the wing were correct. They should be upside down in Robot mode. Oh well, little things I guess...

I've always preferred them "right side up" in robot mode. They just look a lot better, since most of figures spend most of the time in robot mode. I guess I'm just not nostalgic enough.
Re: Toy Review Of Hasbro Version Transformers Masterpiece Skywarp (1014239)
Posted by RodimusConvoy13 on October 28th, 2009 @ 8:00am CDT
Razorclaw0000 wrote:
RodimusConvoy13 wrote:I have the MP Skywarp. The hasbro one looks really good too. I'll be picking one up. I do wish the Decepticon symbols on the wing were correct. They should be upside down in Robot mode. Oh well, little things I guess...

I've always preferred them "right side up" in robot mode. They just look a lot better, since most of figures spend most of the time in robot mode. I guess I'm just not nostalgic enough.

It's kind of a cartoon/real life accuracy thing for me. They were always upside down on the cartoon and also, in real life, the symbols would be that way so they are right side up if you're approaching the plane from behind. In the long run, it doesn't really matter. Still a great looking figure!
Re: Toy Review Of Hasbro Version Transformers Masterpiece Skywarp (1014243)
Posted by WinterSting on October 28th, 2009 @ 8:29am CDT
I have the Takara MP Skywarp and probably wont be picking this baby up since Ive already gotten one version of him. But I think Hasbro did a commendable job with this baby.

But I seriously think kirbenvost did a good job with this review: I love the commentary that came along with the good quality pics and I really appreciate that he was straight up about the good, bad and ugly of this version of Skywarp. No Hasbro boot-licking... just the facts. Great job there kirbenvost! :APPLAUSE: could really do with more good reviewers like you guys.
Re: Toy Review Of Hasbro Version Transformers Masterpiece Skywarp (1014247)
Posted by feeiq90 on October 28th, 2009 @ 8:41am CDT
wow!!the prple is definitely a fine touch(same like takara's,actualy)..n the slver on its chest too..
it's realy G1'ish..
Re: Toy Review Of Hasbro Version Transformers Masterpiece Skywarp (1014252)
Posted by mattyc1007 on October 28th, 2009 @ 8:51am CDT
hehe their all playing rock, paper, sisscors :P

Is this the argos, UK version/Hasbro ? If so I may change my mind and keep greenscream. Even though hes fragile I expect quality and good paint apps, but skywarp dos'nt have as many as I would like for £60.

Nice photo's :D
Re: Toy Review Of Hasbro Version Transformers Masterpiece Skywarp (1014255)
Posted by the_dark_decepticon on October 28th, 2009 @ 8:55am CDT
Give me this version over the Takara one any day. :APPLAUSE:
Re: Toy Review Of Hasbro Version Transformers Masterpiece Skywarp (1014267)
Posted by Kibble on October 28th, 2009 @ 9:48am CDT
Razorclaw0000 wrote:
RodimusConvoy13 wrote:I have the MP Skywarp. The hasbro one looks really good too. I'll be picking one up. I do wish the Decepticon symbols on the wing were correct. They should be upside down in Robot mode. Oh well, little things I guess...

I've always preferred them "right side up" in robot mode. They just look a lot better, since most of figures spend most of the time in robot mode. I guess I'm just not nostalgic enough.

The insignia would drive me nuts on this thing. I might not mind as much if they were at least consistent, but that Starscream's were correct, but then they do Skywarp's the opposite = teh suckz. Glad I already have the Takara version.

Really hope they do them the right way on Thundercracker if they release him because I don't have the Takara of that one and would buy a Hasbro one.
Re: Toy Review Of Hasbro Version Transformers Masterpiece Skywarp (1014269)
Posted by RodimusConvoy13 on October 28th, 2009 @ 9:52am CDT
Kibble wrote:
Razorclaw0000 wrote:
RodimusConvoy13 wrote:I have the MP Skywarp. The hasbro one looks really good too. I'll be picking one up. I do wish the Decepticon symbols on the wing were correct. They should be upside down in Robot mode. Oh well, little things I guess...

I've always preferred them "right side up" in robot mode. They just look a lot better, since most of figures spend most of the time in robot mode. I guess I'm just not nostalgic enough.

The insignia would drive me nuts on this thing. I might not mind as much if they were at least consistent, but that Starscream's were correct, but then they do Skywarp's the opposite = teh suckz. Glad I already have the Takara version.

Really hope they do them the right way on Thundercracker if they release him because I don't have the Takara of that one and would buy a Hasbro one.

As long as they get Thundercracker's chest correct, they could leave off the symbols for all I care :grin:
Re: Toy Review Of Hasbro Version Transformers Masterpiece Skywarp (1014276)
Posted by DevastaTTor on October 28th, 2009 @ 10:16am CDT
RodimusConvoy13 wrote:As long as they get Thundercracker's chest correct, they could leave off the symbols for all I care :grin:

Re: Toy Review Of Hasbro Version Transformers Masterpiece Skywarp (1014281)
Posted by muswp1 on October 28th, 2009 @ 10:22am CDT
MP Skywarp is coming out in November in the US right??
Re: Toy Review Of Hasbro Version Transformers Masterpiece Skywarp (1014282)
Posted by Kibble on October 28th, 2009 @ 10:23am CDT
DevastaTTor wrote:
RodimusConvoy13 wrote:As long as they get Thundercracker's chest correct, they could leave off the symbols for all I care :grin:


If they had to do one backwards between the chest and the insignia, I'd actually take the chest. That would be a little less noticeable to me.
Re: Toy Review Of Hasbro Version Transformers Masterpiece Skywarp (1014294)
Posted by Torneira on October 28th, 2009 @ 11:18am CDT
RodimusConvoy13 wrote:
Kibble wrote:
Razorclaw0000 wrote:
RodimusConvoy13 wrote:I have the MP Skywarp. The hasbro one looks really good too. I'll be picking one up. I do wish the Decepticon symbols on the wing were correct. They should be upside down in Robot mode. Oh well, little things I guess...

I've always preferred them "right side up" in robot mode. They just look a lot better, since most of figures spend most of the time in robot mode. I guess I'm just not nostalgic enough.

The insignia would drive me nuts on this thing. I might not mind as much if they were at least consistent, but that Starscream's were correct, but then they do Skywarp's the opposite = teh suckz. Glad I already have the Takara version.

In the cartoon the symbols position were inconsistent. See for example episode "Starscream's Brigade", where the decepticon insignia is right side up on his wings.
Re: Toy Review Of Hasbro Version Transformers Masterpiece Skywarp (1014295)
Posted by Torneira on October 28th, 2009 @ 11:20am CDT
And later on in the episode the symbols are upside down once more**
Re: Toy Review Of Hasbro Version Transformers Masterpiece Skywarp (1014299)
Posted by kirbenvost on October 28th, 2009 @ 11:36am CDT
vectorA3 wrote:I am green with envy. :mrgreen: Now i want Warp even more -as if that were possible. Looks like there were no changes from the display model shown at Botcon and Comic con. Robot mode nor the missles were shown though. Am I gonna have to drive up to Vancouver right now KV?? Tempted to! :lol:

Haha, well you could, but most of the stores sold out in 2 days, which is why I was extremely lucky to find one in store. :shock: We're all hoping for a restock, and 1 store has so far, but in very limited numbers. Considering how fast they're going, Walmart would be crazy to not get more in.

Counterpunch wrote:Thank you for the pictures, it's very helpful.

I'm glad that people who don't have the opportunity to import Masterpiece figures are getting a shot at this guy. I'm also glad that Hasbro is continuing to use that vibrant purple as opposed to the lilac purple. The figure looks good. The yellow eyes are cool.

That being said, it becomes kind of obvious where the additional $40 goes for a Takara release. It's really cool that a version is available for $60, but having owned the Takara version for two years now, I can see all the little differences.

Where if I had not owned the Japanese version, I would probably never have noticed these differences between the two, the fact that I have had this toy and really do like it makes those differences glaring.

Without attempting to even pretend sounding elitist, even if Hasbro continues to release MP figures stateside, I think I will continue to import. With Masterpiece style toys, style and detail count as much for me as mold and character. It's cool that this is available, but this pricing discount isn't worth the cost in detail to me.

Yeah, after going through the MP galleries on the site, it is very obvious that there are many more paint apps on the Takara versions. I certainly don't regret waiting for the Hasbro version though, I'm very happy with it. But if I hadn't been able to get it in store, and had to make a choice between Hasbros for $80 online, or Takara's for $90 or $100, I'd probably go for the import.

mattyc1007 wrote:hehe their all playing rock, paper, sisscors :P

Is this the argos, UK version/Hasbro ? If so I may change my mind and keep greenscream. Even though hes fragile I expect quality and good paint apps, but skywarp dos'nt have as many as I would like for £60.

Nice photo's :D

lol yeah it does kinda look like rock, paper, scissors. :mrgreen: This is the Hasbro Canada release of MP Skywarp, which should be the same as the UK and US releases, aside form the bilingual packaging we have here.

DevastaTTor wrote:
RodimusConvoy13 wrote:As long as they get Thundercracker's chest correct, they could leave off the symbols for all I care :grin:


Holy crap yeah. :lol: Saw it in the gallery and I remembered how awful it looks. I'd definitely take missing/incorrect symbols over that any day.

WinterSting wrote:But I seriously think kirbenvost did a good job with this review: I love the commentary that came along with the good quality pics and I really appreciate that he was straight up about the good, bad and ugly of this version of Skywarp. No Hasbro boot-licking... just the facts. Great job there kirbenvost! :APPLAUSE: could really do with more good reviewers like you guys.

Thanks a bunch. :D The feedback is nice to hear.

Glad you guys like the pics, thanks for the comments everyone! :)
Re: Toy Review Of Hasbro Version Transformers Masterpiece Skywarp (1014309)
Posted by Neurie on October 28th, 2009 @ 12:13pm CDT
Heres a few pics i took of my skywarp

He has VERY loose hand joints, had him over a week but been too busy to post much

Sorry about the low res I dont own a decent digital camera and it would take too long to develope SLR pictures and scan them :P
Re: Toy Review Of Hasbro Version Transformers Masterpiece Skywarp (1014310)
Posted by Kibble on October 28th, 2009 @ 12:18pm CDT
Torneira wrote:In the cartoon the symbols position were inconsistent. See for example episode "Starscream's Brigade", where the decepticon insignia is right side up on his wings.

So it is cartoon accurate then!

I know they effed it up in the 'toon all the time, but it doesn't have to carry over to the so called "Masterpiece" line. They also consistently drew the symbols all sloppy-ass on the characters too...doesn't mean I want them done that way on my figs.
Re: Toy Review Of Hasbro Version Transformers Masterpiece Skywarp (1014336)
Posted by Rated X on October 28th, 2009 @ 1:28pm CDT
Great review !!!

The purple looks just fine and I cant see why anybody should nitpick and complain about it. It is a G1 accurate Skywarp for a price that deserves respect. I will be buying one. Nuff said.
Re: Toy Review Of Hasbro Version Transformers Masterpiece Skywarp (1014338)
Posted by Iron Prime on October 28th, 2009 @ 1:33pm CDT
fartripper67 wrote:Sweet mother of GOD I hope I can find this at retail. None of the Wally Worlds in my are ever got the MP Starscream before :|

That is the exact same problem I had - same with the last 2 Alternators (still need them for a complete set).

Also, thanks for a great review and pics kirbenvost!
Re: Toy Review Of Hasbro Version Transformers Masterpiece Skywarp (1014340)
Posted by kirbenvost on October 28th, 2009 @ 1:38pm CDT
Glad to help guys, and thanks for the newsification too. :mrgreen:

Up here in Canada, I don't think we even got the US Starscream, and if Alt Ravage & Rumble were released, I never heard about it. I'm super lucky to have gotten Skywarp.

*drools over Neurie's MP Grimlock* :lol:
Re: Toy Review Of Hasbro Version Transformers Masterpiece Skywarp (1014350)
Posted by Naked Magnus on October 28th, 2009 @ 2:03pm CDT
I swear, I am so addicted to this plastic crack. I have all four existing MP screamers (Takara Screemer, Takara Skywarp, Hasbro Screemer, and Takara Thundercracker) and yet I STILL want to buy this. Is it better than the MP Skywarp I already have? Heck no, but there is definitely a rush I experience whenever I buy a Transformer, especially one in the MP/Leader class.

Must resist...
Re: Toy Review Of Hasbro Version Transformers Masterpiece Skywarp (1014376)
Posted by kirbenvost on October 28th, 2009 @ 3:13pm CDT
Ack, this killed my Photobucket bandwidth. :shock:

I could mirror them on Flickr later, unless there's a better site with no limits...
Re: Toy Review Of Hasbro Version Transformers Masterpiece Skywarp (1014387)
Posted by Ungie on October 28th, 2009 @ 3:44pm CDT
I now just remembered that if he is next to the hasbro screamer the decepticon logos will be flipped, as my screamer has upside down ones. (hasbro)
Re: Toy Review Of Hasbro Version Transformers Masterpiece Skywarp (1014463)
Posted by Blurrz on October 28th, 2009 @ 6:51pm CDT
No worries Kirben... I'll host these through Seibertron..
Re: Toy Review Of Hasbro Version Transformers Masterpiece Skywarp (1014556)
Posted by kirbenvost on October 28th, 2009 @ 9:32pm CDT
Thanks Blurrz!
Re: Toy Review Of Hasbro Version Transformers Masterpiece Skywarp (1014567)
Posted by Mach on October 28th, 2009 @ 9:52pm CDT
kirbenvost wrote:Glad to help guys, and thanks for the newsification too. :mrgreen:

Keep up the good work, kirbenvost! In this case, your hard work and sharing comes with additional reward - Front Page. :APPLAUSE:
Re: Toy Review Of Hasbro Version Transformers Masterpiece Skywarp (1014582)
Posted by muswp1 on October 28th, 2009 @ 10:43pm CDT
kirbenvost wrote:Image

Quick question, who is the figure on the left side of the pic (across from C-Cyclonus)
Re: Toy Review Of Hasbro Version Transformers Masterpiece Skywarp (1014591)
Posted by kirbenvost on October 28th, 2009 @ 11:19pm CDT
muswp1 wrote:
kirbenvost wrote:Image

Quick question, who is the figure on the left side of the pic (across from C-Cyclonus)

Alternity Convoy Super Black.
Re: Toy Review Of Hasbro Version Transformers Masterpiece Skywarp (1014608)
Posted by Crossfire on October 29th, 2009 @ 12:28am CDT
Since I never saw MP Starscream when it was released in the USA, hopefully I'll get a chance to snag this when(if) it ships to BC.

By the way, how tall is he in robot mode/jet mode?
Re: Toy Review Of Hasbro Version Transformers Masterpiece Skywarp (1014632)
Posted by vectorA3 on October 29th, 2009 @ 3:12am CDT
too bad a lot of the pix didn't show up further down page 1 of this thread. To the guy who asked - Walmart excl. MP Skywarp is scheduled to drop Nov. 1st. My top want of this year - any toy brand. #1 with a bullet
Re: Toy Review Of Hasbro Version Transformers Masterpiece Skywarp (1014666)
Posted by Pretender Skywarp on October 29th, 2009 @ 6:03am CDT
Great review Kirbenvost :APPLAUSE:

I have been fortunate enough to pick one of these up here in the UK, but hadn't noticed that it was a straight re-paint of the MP-Screamer mold. Good spot!

Does anyone know if there are any comparsion pics anywhere with the Takara one? I'm curious to see how they look side-by-side.
Re: Toy Review Of Hasbro Version Transformers Masterpiece Skywarp (1014696)
Posted by Counterpunch on October 29th, 2009 @ 7:18am CDT
Crossfire wrote:Since I never saw MP Starscream when it was released in the USA, hopefully I'll get a chance to snag this when(if) it ships to BC.

By the way, how tall is he in robot mode/jet mode?

A standard Alternator will come up to his shoulders. The seeker molds aren't that big, but they look better when attached to their flight mode stands.

They're all on flight stands here:

Re: Toy Review Of Hasbro Version Transformers Masterpiece Skywarp (1014754)
Posted by kirbenvost on October 29th, 2009 @ 10:49am CDT
vectorA3 wrote:too bad a lot of the pix didn't show up further down page 1 of this thread. To the guy who asked - Walmart excl. MP Skywarp is scheduled to drop Nov. 1st. My top want of this year - any toy brand. #1 with a bullet

My bandwidth on photobucket got used up. #-o But if you go to the news story in Toy News, Blurrz hosted them on Seibertron's server.
Re: Toy Review Of Hasbro Version Transformers Masterpiece Skywarp (1015015)
Posted by vectorA3 on October 30th, 2009 @ 5:42am CDT
kirbenvost wrote:
vectorA3 wrote:too bad a lot of the pix didn't show up further down page 1 of this thread. To the guy who asked - Walmart excl. MP Skywarp is scheduled to drop Nov. 1st. My top want of this year - any toy brand. #1 with a bullet

My bandwidth on photobucket got used up. #-o But if you go to the news story in Toy News, Blurrz hosted them on Seibertron's server.

ah, ok. Thx.
Re: Toy Review Of Hasbro Version Transformers Masterpiece Skywarp (1015776)
Posted by Nightdrive on November 1st, 2009 @ 8:52pm CST
Sorry, I am new here - the release date on Skywarp was 11/1/09, yes? I have had no luck finding him in California Wal-Marts at all. Am I being too paranoid thinking scalpers/Black Friday release is in effect?

This Skywarp is super-important to me because it marks the end of my Transformers collection. And I can't justify the cost of the Takara one. Personal limitations.

EDIT: I just saw a Takara MP Skywarp go for $60 on eBay, went up and out just as I was posting. :/
Re: Toy Review Of Hasbro Version Transformers Masterpiece Skywarp (1015781)
Posted by Blurrz on November 1st, 2009 @ 9:00pm CST
Hasbro release dates aren't exact. It will be arriving sometime in the early moments onf November. No one in the US has even sighted it yet, so we'll let everyone know when it does.
Re: Toy Review Of Hasbro Version Transformers Masterpiece Skywarp (1015837)
Posted by vectorA3 on November 2nd, 2009 @ 12:55am CST
was MP SS late last year? Don't remember that happening, but it may have been... Warp needs to be in stores effective immediately!!!!!!!!
Re: Toy Review Of Hasbro Version Transformers Masterpiece Skywarp (1015909)
Posted by Nightdrive on November 2nd, 2009 @ 6:46am CST
Blurrz wrote:Hasbro release dates aren't exact. It will be arriving sometime in the early moments onf November. No one in the US has even sighted it yet, so we'll let everyone know when it does.

Thank you kindly!
Re: Toy Review Of Hasbro Version Transformers Masterpiece Skywarp (1016031)
Posted by kirbenvost on November 2nd, 2009 @ 12:02pm CST
Yeah, not to worry if you guys are in the US, MP Skywarp has only been sighted in Canada and the UK so far, so US fans still have a good chance of getting him when he's released there. :) Further good news is, there have been limited restocks in Canada as well, so if you miss out the first day there's still a chance of getting him.
Re: Toy Review Of Hasbro Version Transformers Masterpiece Skywarp (1016034)
Posted by Prime Riblet on November 2nd, 2009 @ 12:04pm CST
I just hope I see this sucker in the store. I'm not going to hold my breathe though. We'll see. I haven't yet purchased a MP TF, so I like the lower price point. If I lie this I will buy more. Maybe I should hope that I don't see him.......It would be nice to save that money.

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Transformers Podcast: Twincast / Podcast #354 - Identity Crisis
Twincast / Podcast #354:
"Identity Crisis"
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Posted: Saturday, July 13th, 2024

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