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Transformers: Age of Extinction Superbowl Trailer to Feature Grimlock?

Transformers News: Transformers: Age of Extinction Superbowl Trailer to Feature Grimlock?

Wednesday, January 15th, 2014 11:40AM CST

Categories: Movie Related News, Rumors
Posted by: Va'al   Views: 134,974

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Entertainment and media website is reporting a rumour that newcomer Grimlock himself may be featured in the Super Bowl trailer for Transformers: Age of Extinction, set to air on February 2nd as previously reported. Is this just a rumour? Do you think it's likely that the Dinobot will show up this soon? Check out a snippet of the original article below, and discuss your thoughts in the Energon Pub!

With Transformers 4: Age of Extinction nearing its release date, and spoilers spilling everywhere, we can't wait to see the new trailer for the movie. It's expected that the Transformers 4 movie trailer to debut on Super Bowl 2014 commercials will feature the new giant robot, Dinobot leader Grimlock together with the redesigned Optimus Prime and Bumblebee.

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Re: Transformers: Age of Extinction Superbowl Trailer to Feature Grimlock? (1542152)
Posted by LE0KING on January 15th, 2014 @ 12:06pm CST
Excited to see the king. But I'm freak'n sick of Bumblebee being everywhere. :BANG_HEAD:
Re: Transformers: Age of Extinction Superbowl Trailer to Feature Grimlock? (1542154)
Posted by Megatron Wolf on January 15th, 2014 @ 12:11pm CST
im sure hes in it but itll only be for less than a second and it wont be his robot mod thats for sure.If you want to get the mindless moron (main demographic) excited about this movie you show a shit ton of explosions and a giant t-rex stomping something.
Re: Transformers: Age of Extinction Superbowl Trailer to Feature Grimlock? (1542156)
Posted by njb902 on January 15th, 2014 @ 12:14pm CST
Megatron Wolf wrote:im sure hes in it but itll only be for less than a second and it wont be his robot mod thats for sure.If you want to get the mindless moron (main demographic) excited about this movie you show a shit ton of explosions and a giant t-rex stomping something.

Yes please.
Re: Transformers: Age of Extinction Superbowl Trailer to Feature Grimlock? (1542157)
Posted by njb902 on January 15th, 2014 @ 12:15pm CST
Silly me, double post.
Re: Transformers: Age of Extinction Superbowl Trailer to Feature Grimlock? (1542163)
Posted by Actar on January 15th, 2014 @ 12:54pm CST
Now, I'm hinging all my hopes on Grimlock to bring us a kick-ass figure.
Re: Transformers: Age of Extinction Superbowl Trailer to Feature Grimlock? (1542165)
Posted by dragons on January 15th, 2014 @ 1:01pm CST
Should be intersting want to here dino raor once again cant wait still sick of bumblebee toys hanging around all over place
Re: Transformers: Age of Extinction Superbowl Trailer to Feature Grimlock? (1542171)
Posted by Burn on January 15th, 2014 @ 1:52pm CST
Megatron Wolf wrote:im sure hes in it but itll only be for less than a second and it wont be his robot mod thats for sure.If you want to get the mindless moron (main demographic) excited about this movie you show a shit ton of explosions and a giant t-rex stomping something.

I like how you casually insult all the fans of the movies (myself included)

Please stop doing that.
Re: Transformers: Age of Extinction Superbowl Trailer to Feature Grimlock? (1542189)
Posted by Nemesis Maximo on January 15th, 2014 @ 3:18pm CST
If he's in it, I imagine it'll be to the same extent that Blackout was in the first film.
Re: Transformers: Age of Extinction Superbowl Trailer to Feature Grimlock? (1542191)
Posted by Nemesis Maximo on January 15th, 2014 @ 3:18pm CST
If he's in it, I imagine it'll be to the same extent that Blackout was in the first film.

As far as premier trailers, that is.
Re: Transformers: Age of Extinction Superbowl Trailer to Feature Grimlock? (1542195)
Posted by njb902 on January 15th, 2014 @ 3:27pm CST
Nemesis Maximo wrote:If he's in it, I imagine it'll be to the same extent that Blackout was in the first film.

As far as premier trailers, that is.

So like 7 minutes of him thrashing a army base?
Re: Transformers: Age of Extinction Superbowl Trailer to Feature Grimlock? (1542196)
Posted by 5150 Cruiser on January 15th, 2014 @ 3:31pm CST
Megatron Wolf wrote:im sure hes in it but itll only be for less than a second and it wont be his robot mod thats for sure.If you want to get the mindless moron (main demographic) excited about this movie you show a shit ton of explosions and a giant t-rex stomping something.

As opposed to what? All the autobots and decpeticons sitting around a table with Dr. Phil talking about feelings? :roll: Or maybe you'd prefer a two hour movie of them protesting there exile. A nice picket line in front of Washington. Or instead of fighting they could occupy and squat in a building. Now that's the TF movie I know everyone wants to see! :BANG_HEAD:

All things aside, looking forward to the trailer. This year promises to be a good one for movie trailers. Tf's, Godzilla, Planet of the Apes, spider man 2, Robocop, Expendables 3, captain America 2. Should be cool.
Re: Transformers: Age of Extinction Superbowl Trailer to Feature Grimlock? (1542216)
Posted by MINDVVIPE on January 15th, 2014 @ 5:28pm CST
Blackout didn't get 7 minutes thrashing an army base, Jesse. He spent like 3 minutes just flying there, a minute or so of actual fighting, with even less time of blackout actually being in the shot, and he pretty much did little to nothing for the rest of the movie. 7 minutes, hah. That's more like the collective screen time of all robot mode tfs in the entire first movie. So yeah, I do expect about the same this time round with grimlock.
Re: Transformers: Age of Extinction Superbowl Trailer to Feature Grimlock? (1542229)
Posted by TimothyR on January 15th, 2014 @ 6:40pm CST
Megatron Wolf wrote:im sure hes in it but itll only be for less than a second and it wont be his robot mod thats for sure.If you want to get the mindless moron (main demographic) excited about this movie you show a shit ton of explosions and a giant t-rex stomping something.

they showed his robot mode for the dotm teaser.. why wouldn't they for TF4? .. i'm sure they want to show the off some of the different "transmorphed" robot modes.
Re: Transformers: Age of Extinction Superbowl Trailer to Feature Grimlock? (1542234)
Posted by PrymeStriker on January 15th, 2014 @ 6:48pm CST
TimothyR wrote:
Megatron Wolf wrote:im sure hes in it but itll only be for less than a second and it wont be his robot mod thats for sure.If you want to get the mindless moron (main demographic) excited about this movie you show a shit ton of explosions and a giant t-rex stomping something.

they showed his robot mode for the dotm teaser.. why wouldn't they for TF4?

Grimlock wasn't in DOTM. How could they show his robot mode?
Re: Transformers: Age of Extinction Superbowl Trailer to Feature Grimlock? (1542256)
Posted by Sabrblade on January 15th, 2014 @ 8:11pm CST
It's Megatron Wolf, guys. He's become like the next griftimus prime.
Re: Transformers: Age of Extinction Superbowl Trailer to Feature Grimlock? (1542266)
Posted by SlyTF1 on January 15th, 2014 @ 8:45pm CST
MINDVVIPE wrote:Blackout didn't get 7 minutes thrashing an army base, Jesse. He spent like 3 minutes just flying there, a minute or so of actual fighting, with even less time of blackout actually being in the shot, and he pretty much did little to nothing for the rest of the movie. 7 minutes, hah. That's more like the collective screen time of all robot mode tfs in the entire first movie. So yeah, I do expect about the same this time round with grimlock.

You're still stuck on the flaws of the first movie? A flaw surrounding a character who doesn't even have that big of a name or fan base? Ok. Sure.
Re: Transformers: Age of Extinction Superbowl Trailer to Feature Grimlock? (1542270)
Posted by Shockwave7 on January 15th, 2014 @ 9:11pm CST
I've been burned by Bay and his insectoid nightmares too many times to not be skeptical. It may sound churlish, but so far every movie toy I've seen in stores has been a big letdown. They're never as flexible, poseable or as fun as they are portrayed. Indeed, most of them are kibble-laden bricks that don't yield nearly enough reward for all the effort it takes to transform them. You'd think toys that complicated would.... just LOOK better. Take Ravage for example. In the movie - lithe, flexible and agile. The toy? Stiff and brittle. All those spiky joints, and 99% of them turned out to be immovable plastic molded into solid pieces. Same with Scorponok. You wanted to be able to bend and flex them at least PARTIALLY like they could in the films without them snapping in two.

So sadly, I don't expect any degree of real articulation for the Dinobots. All these teaser images portray the figures as limber, fleet-footed and intricate. Ten to one, the forearms and the legs of each figure in alt mode will have only ONE joint and it will only bend 90 degrees. The heads probably won't move or rotate either, nor will there be any neck, back or waist articulation. And good luck if there are ANY joints on the tails.
Re: Transformers: Age of Extinction Superbowl Trailer to Feature Grimlock? (1542314)
Posted by MasterSoundBlaster on January 16th, 2014 @ 12:05am CST
Gonna take this news like I take my Fanboy tears; Refreshing with subtle hint of flamewar


I say bring on the Dinobots!! At least they'll be shown in the trailer, most things were kept secret in Dark of the Moon that it barely phased my interest during the commercials. Let's see some Robot-Dinos!

:michaelbay: :michaelbay: :michaelbay:
Re: Transformers: Age of Extinction Superbowl Trailer to Feature Grimlock? (1542315)
Posted by MINDVVIPE on January 16th, 2014 @ 12:09am CST
Shockwave7 wrote:I've been burned by Bay and his insectoid nightmares too many times to not be skeptical. It may sound churlish, but so far every movie toy I've seen in stores has been a big letdown. They're never as flexible, poseable or as fun as they are portrayed. Indeed, most of them are kibble-laden bricks that don't yield nearly enough reward for all the effort it takes to transform them. You'd think toys that complicated would.... just LOOK better. Take Ravage for example. In the movie - lithe, flexible and agile. The toy? Stiff and brittle. All those spiky joints, and 99% of them turned out to be immovable plastic molded into solid pieces. Same with Scorponok. You wanted to be able to bend and flex them at least PARTIALLY like they could in the films without them snapping in two.

So sadly, I don't expect any degree of real articulation for the Dinobots. All these teaser images portray the figures as limber, fleet-footed and intricate. Ten to one, the forearms and the legs of each figure in alt mode will have only ONE joint and it will only bend 90 degrees. The heads probably won't move or rotate either, nor will there be any neck, back or waist articulation. And good luck if there are ANY joints on the tails.

Let's not go assuming too much. The non-screen time movie toys had some great ones, as well as probably one of the greatest TF's (at least in regards to show accuracy/engineering), ROTF Prime. But the prime in this one is definitely crap.

SlyTF1 wrote:You're still stuck on the flaws of the first movie? A flaw surrounding a character who doesn't even have that big of a name or fan base? Ok. Sure.

I was responding to another poster's comment about Blackout, and the gross exageration of his screen time. I'm not stuck on anything simply because I choose to remember it accurately. Blackout having a big name or fanbase is subjective and doesn't matter. I could pick out flaws with a million things about all the other characters. But Blackout was brought up.
Re: Transformers: Age of Extinction Superbowl Trailer to Feature Grimlock? (1542349)
Posted by VioMeTriX on January 16th, 2014 @ 6:26am CST
Megatron Wolf, stop insulting the fandom...

otherwise I am interested to see the trailer. I am a g1 hardcore fan, but I can appreciate the movies as an entertainment medium, and for the sake of argument I look at these movies as their own series not using or depending on g1 to exist.

and to whoever ragged on beast wars (I think megatron wolf) we loved them as their own story and the direct tie in to G1.

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