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Transformers at Cinemacon: GI Joe Crossover Movie Confirmed and Transformers One Footage Shown

Transformers News: Transformers at Cinemacon: GI Joe Crossover Movie Confirmed and Transformers One Footage Shown

Thursday, April 11th, 2024 4:56PM CDT

Categories: Movie Related News, Event News
Posted by: william-james88   Views: 37,949

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Paramount had their panel at Cinemacon today and it looks included 2 Transformers projects. It was said, as confirmed on Cinemacon’s Twitter, that the Transformers GI Joe movie is in development. The only other detail we have is that Steven Spielberg is an executive producer, which has been the case for the previous Bay directed films.

Paramount also showed the trailer for Transformers One, which is confirmed to come out in September 13. Below are descriptions of what was shown from This trailer should be available to the public the 18th, as the rumour goes.

Exclusive Footage Description from CinemaCon 2024:
CinemaCon 2024 got to see the very first trailer from the new animated movie Transformers One. The story follows a young Optimus Prime, still known as Orion Pax (Chris Hemsworth), and his brother-like relationship with a young Megatron, known as D-16 (Brian Tyree Henry). The two robots do handy work together in the underground world of Cybertron, but their friendship grows shaky when Megatron wants to rebel and find out why no robots are allowed on the surface of Cybertron. Optimus reluctantly decides to help him figure out the truth behind this mystery because he can’t help but support his best friend, even if it may not be the best idea. The two decide to embark on a journey together to unravel the secrets of Cybertron, a journey that will eventually make them rivals.

The entire scene shown at CinemaCon 2024 focused on Orion Pax and D-16 breaking into a train facility with the help of the not-so-helpful B-127 (Keegan-Michael Key), soon to be known as Bumblebee. They are eventually caught by one of their Autobot friends on patrol, Elita-1 (Scarlett Johansson). Elita-1 tries to report them to the authorities for breaking in, which leads to a colorful chase as the train the group was looking for actually takes off and sends them all on a scenic trip across Cybertron. Orion and D-16 catch up to Elita-1 as it surprisingly reaches the surface of Cybertron, which leaves them all stunned in amazement. The surface of Cybertron looks beautiful with its galactic views and electronic landscapes, which leaves perplexed and asking questions as to why none of them are allowed to be up here.

Suddenly, a large cybernetic force appears in the distance, almost as if the surface of the planet itself is morphing into a monster with tentacles that doesn’t want anyone to see what the outside world has to offer. Orion reveals to Elita-1 that they have found the “Matrix of Leadership,” which is the reason why they want to uncover more of what the leaders of Cybertron are hiding. The footage then ends when we see the group try to escape from the monstrous force on the planet’s surface. There were also other significant bits of footage shown, like D-16 molding the first-ever Decepticon emblem from lava. The 3D animation is incredibly vibrant and sleek, with loads of color and fantastical designs on full display. Cybertron is full of other kinds of cybernetic creatures and landscapes, which all look gorgeous in this film’s animation style.

Transformers One looks like no other film from the series, even the iconic animated from the ’80s. Fans will be happy to know that Chris Hemsworth is almost unrecognizable as Orion, aka Optimus. It’s hard to tell that he’s voicing the role. Meanwhile, Keegan-Michael Key brings his comedic charm to B-127 and Scarlett Johansson brings strong resilience to Elita-1’s voice. Brian Tyree Henry, however, sounds the most exciting as the soon-to-be Megatron as he goes from sounding like a loveable brother to Optimus to a suspicious adversary on a dime. Their robot designs, which borrow various elements from the classic ’80s cartoon, the Transformers: Animated series from the late 2010s, and the fan-favorite War for Cybertron video games, all match perfectly with the respective voice actors. ... ouncement/

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Re: Transformers at Cinemacon: GI Joe Crossover Movie Confirmed and Transformers One Footage Shown (2179017)
Posted by -Kanrabat- on April 11th, 2024 @ 8:48pm CDT
I have little hope for a Jo X TF movie.

Especially after the previous 3 Joe movies we got that were just HORRIBLE.

Re: Transformers at Cinemacon: GI Joe Crossover Movie Confirmed and Transformers One Footage Shown (2179023)
Posted by TulioDude on April 12th, 2024 @ 9:13am CDT
GI Joe wasn't part of life like Transformers has, but I did some aspects of the movies.

Not sure how a team up will work, but we will see. (kinda wanted to Sector Seven to have appeared in Rise of the Beasts instead of the Joes.)

Transformers One seens be interesting, with adding the new parts to the lore. But again, I still wonder if they are going this movie its going be general origin story, that you could point people where to start with the Cybertronian War( even if doesnt fit perfectly) or the star of its own series.
Re: Transformers at Cinemacon: GI Joe Crossover Movie Confirmed and Transformers One Footage Shown (2179026)
Posted by Emerje on April 12th, 2024 @ 9:37am CDT
A couple times I've heard the crossover would be based loosely on the 80s Marvel crossover, but I don't know if that's something that was officially said or if it was pure speculation from people that think that was their one and only crossover.

Re: Transformers at Cinemacon: GI Joe Crossover Movie Confirmed and Transformers One Footage Shown (2179040)
Posted by Rodimus Prime on April 12th, 2024 @ 2:08pm CDT
Emerje wrote:A couple times I've heard the crossover would be based loosely on the 80s Marvel crossover, but I don't know if that's something that was officially said or if it was pure speculation from people that think that was their one and only crossover.
Depending on whether it's a sequel of sorts or a stsnd-alone film. It would be awesome (to me) if it was a sequel to TLK where Cobra find a badly damaged Megatron after he was kicked out of Cybertron and crashed on Earth. Then they rebuild him into a near-indestructible tank like the Joe prequels to the G2 comics.
Re: Transformers at Cinemacon: GI Joe Crossover Movie Confirmed and Transformers One Footage Shown (2180918)
Posted by william-james88 on May 30th, 2024 @ 9:12pm CDT
Looks like Paramount is going full steam ahead with the Transformers GI Joe crossover movie. According to Variety, Chris Hemsworth is in talks with Paramount to star in the film. Howevever, the film has yet to find a director or writer. The only people confirmed to be involved with the film are Lorenzo Di Bonaventura, Mark Vahradian, Michael Bay, Tom DeSanto & Don Murphy, who are acting as producers. Steven Spielberg and Hasbro Entertainment will executive produce.

And yes, that would make Chris Hemsworth the new face of the brand since he also voices Orion Pax/Optimus Prime in Transformers One.

Re: Transformers at Cinemacon: GI Joe Crossover Movie Confirmed and Transformers One Footage Shown (2180925)
Posted by PhotonWaveZero on May 31st, 2024 @ 7:30am CDT
They are so incredibly out of touch with what fans of this franchise actually want, it's ridiculous.

Travis Knight was on to something with Bumblebee
Rise of the Beasts was decent, but a big step down from the Optimus - focused film that was originally in the works. That project was shot down obviously in favor of a world building film so they can have their own 80s verse.

I'm not holding my breath here. It's clear to me that they are trying to use star power once more, but Hemsworth's involvement with Mad Max did nothing for that franchise, nor did it do anything for the Men in Black franchise, or pretty much anything that wasn't Marvel related.

His VO work in the TF: One film already put me off. All these years waiting for a new animated film, and that's the BEST they could do?

Rant over.
Re: Transformers at Cinemacon: GI Joe Crossover Movie Confirmed and Transformers One Footage Shown (2180926)
Posted by -Kanrabat- on May 31st, 2024 @ 8:00am CDT
My expectations are rock bottom. I bet it will be a "serious" movie that will be generic as a saltless cracker.

But if by some miracle, the movie go full Sunbow with the craziness of the original G1 cartoons, I'd be pleasantly surprised.
Re: Transformers at Cinemacon: GI Joe Crossover Movie Confirmed and Transformers One Footage Shown (2180927)
Posted by TulioDude on May 31st, 2024 @ 8:26am CDT
I'm glad to see Chirs Hemsworth investing in his carrer.
If he is going to be one of the human characters, he has enough range to do a both serious and light moments.
Re: Transformers at Cinemacon: GI Joe Crossover Movie Confirmed and Transformers One Footage Shown (2180947)
Posted by noctorro on June 1st, 2024 @ 6:23am CDT
Okay... But will he be replacing Peter Cullen as the voice of Optimus Prime?
Or will he be a human character?

I'm only positive about real Transformers live action with Bumblebee. That was really a step in the right direction and would've been a great franchise starter. Escalating with more bots and eventually combiners etc.

Rise of the Beasts is so damn full of mistakes and just bland as hell.
The best youtube explanation is Filmento's review. He hits the nail on the head on the major things that are wrong with Rise of the Beasts.

And adding GI Joe to Transformers. .... that's just a ton of cringe man.
The GI Joe movies were silly with fun moments, Snake Eyes I couldn't finish watching a second time. It's just weak man, they are weak movies, and Rise of the Beasts might be even more below mid than the Joe movies. And then matching the two together?

Maybe the makers thought they had a Batman v Superman movie reveal moment, but the only reaction in the cinema were people laughing like, omg that's so stupid.
Re: Transformers at Cinemacon: GI Joe Crossover Movie Confirmed and Transformers One Footage Shown (2180959)
Posted by Quantum Surge on June 1st, 2024 @ 3:46pm CDT
I don't care about Chris Hemsworth but I just hope he plays a character I can take seriously compared to what became of Thor. Either way, I still hope this GI Joe crossover is neither bloated like TLK or boring like Bumblebee
Re: Transformers at Cinemacon: GI Joe Crossover Movie Confirmed and Transformers One Footage Shown (2181473)
Posted by william-james88 on June 14th, 2024 @ 10:41am CDT
While the GI Joe Transformers crossover movie is underway at Paramount, leaded by Lorenzo di Bonaventura, it was still missing a writer and a director (Steven Caple Jr is not currently attached to the film). Well, it now has a writer and it's Derek Connolly, who is a true darling over at Hollywood, with an expertise in huge budget franchise movies. Those include Rise of Skywalker, Kong Skull Island, Detective Pikachu and all 3 Jurassic World films. All those films have been box office successes, many reaching the billion dollar mark.

Say what you want about those movies, but it seems Derek knows how to write a billion dollar movie. We'll see if his winning streak continues with this Transformers Gi Joe movie.

Re: Transformers at Cinemacon: GI Joe Crossover Movie Confirmed and Transformers One Footage Shown (2181476)
Posted by Brokebot on June 14th, 2024 @ 12:38pm CDT
This is not good news. This is one of the idiots that brought us attacking Star Destroyers on horseback and "Somehow, Palpatine returned."
Re: Transformers at Cinemacon: GI Joe Crossover Movie Confirmed and Transformers One Footage Shown (2181478)
Posted by william-james88 on June 14th, 2024 @ 1:56pm CDT
Brokebot wrote:This is not good news. This is one of the idiots that brought us attacking Star Destroyers on horseback and "Somehow, Palpatine returned."

to be fair:

1. that film still made over a billion dollars, which is something that hasnt happened in a TF film in 10 years
2. he didn't write the somehow palpatine line. While they kept the story he developped, the whole film was rewritten after his original script.
Re: Transformers at Cinemacon: GI Joe Crossover Movie Confirmed and Transformers One Footage Shown (2181479)
Posted by Silver Wind on June 14th, 2024 @ 2:06pm CDT
Fair, but one can be forgiven for feeling rather skeptical. Guess we'll see...
Re: Transformers at Cinemacon: GI Joe Crossover Movie Confirmed and Transformers One Footage Shown (2181483)
Posted by Brokebot on June 14th, 2024 @ 3:25pm CDT
william-james88 wrote:
Brokebot wrote:This is not good news. This is one of the idiots that brought us attacking Star Destroyers on horseback and "Somehow, Palpatine returned."

to be fair:

1. that film still made over a billion dollars, which is something that hasnt happened in a TF film in 10 years
2. he didn't write the somehow palpatine line. While they kept the story he developped, the whole film was rewritten after his original script.

1. Fine. A fleet of Star Destroyers constructed UNDERGROUND that have to crash their way to the surface, and then don't know which way is up once they're in the air. Admittedly, that bit of cinematic dipshittery has Jar Jar Abrams stink all over it, but I digress.

2. It made a billion dollars based on its brand name, not it's quality. If it were a generic sci fi movie stripped of it's Star Wars connections but with the same basic script, it probably wouldn't have made its production money back.

It was also a different time. If you wanted to see a movie -- ANY movie, you went to the theater. Even mediocre movies had a decent shot of breaking even or turning a profit. Now, three weeks after its release it'll be on a streaming service, so why bother? I honestly don't see enough of a demand to make a GI Joe/Transformers crossover movie profitable. The last two Transformers efforts were hardly blockbusters, and none of the GI Joe movies exactly shattered expectations.

Remain optimistic all you like. As for me, I haven't seen anything floating in the sewage flowing out of Hollywood that would give me any reason to believe a forthcoming movie will be anything more than the disjointed nonsense that came before it.
Re: Transformers at Cinemacon: GI Joe Crossover Movie Confirmed and Transformers One Footage Shown (2181486)
Posted by Rodimus Prime on June 14th, 2024 @ 4:51pm CDT
Yeah, I'm not enthusiastic either. Rise of Skywalker was mediocre at best, owing its success to the franchise name, much like Last Jedi, and that was just a gigantic sweaty turd.

As for the TF/Joe crossover, hopefully they keep stephen caple jr. FAR from the director's chair. That way it might still have a chance, even with a mediocre writer attached.
Re: Transformers at Cinemacon: GI Joe Crossover Movie Confirmed and Transformers One Footage Shown (2181487)
Posted by -Kanrabat- on June 14th, 2024 @ 5:10pm CDT
I was about to trash that writer but there's Detective Pikachu to his credits.

So I 'll keep an open mind.
Re: Transformers at Cinemacon: GI Joe Crossover Movie Confirmed and Transformers One Footage Shown (2181500)
Posted by Slashercon on June 14th, 2024 @ 7:46pm CDT
Say what you want about the Rise of Skywalker (I personally thought it was a mess of a film to top off a mess of a trilogy), but the fact that he wrote the Jurassic World movies was the nail in the coffin regarding my optimism about the movie. I can still somewhat enjoy the first World movie, but the second and ESPECIALLY the third were among some of the worst movies I've seen in theaters. (Kong Skull Island and Detective Pikachu were fine. ) But of course, time will tell..
Re: Transformers at Cinemacon: GI Joe Crossover Movie Confirmed and Transformers One Footage Shown (2181503)
Posted by Spider5800 on June 14th, 2024 @ 10:31pm CDT
Rise of Skywalker and the Jurassic World movies were garbage.

Detective Pikachu and Kong: Skull Island were pretty good.

So no idea how to feel about this. I assume multiple writers were involved on all of these movies, so it's hard to gauge if this is good or bad.
Re: Transformers at Cinemacon: GI Joe Crossover Movie Confirmed and Transformers One Footage Shown (2181505)
Posted by Blastback on June 15th, 2024 @ 12:40am CDT
Spider5800 wrote:Rise of Skywalker and the Jurassic World movies were garbage.

Detective Pikachu and Kong: Skull Island were pretty good.

So no idea how to feel about this. I assume multiple writers were involved on all of these movies, so it's hard to gauge if this is good or bad.

Pretty much my stance. Not an optimistic sign in my opinion, but we'll see what happens
Re: Transformers at Cinemacon: GI Joe Crossover Movie Confirmed and Transformers One Footage Shown (2181511)
Posted by blackeyedprime on June 15th, 2024 @ 11:29am CDT
Detective Pikachu was awful, and that was even seeing it in the cinema in Japan. Oh well, even people that write stinkers may actually write a good one at some point.
Re: Transformers at Cinemacon: GI Joe Crossover Movie Confirmed and Transformers One Footage Shown (2181517)
Posted by Quantum Surge on June 15th, 2024 @ 4:00pm CDT
Kong: Skull Island was pretty solid, Jurassic World and Detective Pikachu were okay, and the less said about Rise of Skywalker, the better.
Re: Transformers at Cinemacon: GI Joe Crossover Movie Confirmed and Transformers One Footage Shown (2181534)
Posted by VGPrime on June 16th, 2024 @ 12:32am CDT
Quantum Surge wrote:I don't care about Chris Hemsworth but I just hope he plays a character I can take seriously compared to what became of Thor. Either way, I still hope this GI Joe crossover is neither bloated like TLK or boring like Bumblebee

Honestly, I wouldn't call it "boring". If anything, I thought it gives some Iron Giant-vibes, while building up a (seemingly) promising start.
Re: Transformers at Cinemacon: GI Joe Crossover Movie Confirmed and Transformers One Footage Shown (2181535)
Posted by VGPrime on June 16th, 2024 @ 12:35am CDT
blackeyedprime wrote:Detective Pikachu was awful, and that was even seeing it in the cinema in Japan. Oh well, even people that write stinkers may actually write a good one at some point.

Eh, I don't know. Detective Pikachu's too fun and fairly good for video game movie standards.
Re: Transformers at Cinemacon: GI Joe Crossover Movie Confirmed and Transformers One Footage Shown (2181842)
Posted by noctorro on June 30th, 2024 @ 4:48am CDT
I like the posters optimism.

But this is absolute bad news.
Detective Pikachu was a joke. All of the Jurassic World movies were garbage storywise, 0.0 creative thought and military combat raptor... TRASH guys, expect more from a big budget movie. Go watch Godzilla Minus One.

Rise of Skywalker, holy hell gusy, average? Mid? It was terrible! Absolute garbage. It looked pretty, it made some cash on the last few 40 year old guys who had 1 crumble of hope left. But it was garbage. I am all the Jedi, a freaking measurement tool to pinpoint the location of McMuffin number 5 but only when the damn ship crashed on a planet... Guys, Killing Chewy only for 3 minutes in, he was on a different ship.

This guy is the worst, he is horrible and should never be hired again for anything above 1000 dollars.

Rise of the Beasts was a 4-5 out of 10. It was mid, again McMuffin hunting and bland as hell (watch filmento's review). So the bar is set low yet again. Not Last Knight low, that was just an insult.

I have zero f+k all hope on this movie. The whole theater cringed with the post credit scene about GI Joe. The Joe movies themselves are okay for popcorn fun but could be way, way better.

I have some hope for Transformers One.

And that High Moon Studios somehow comes back from the dead like Palpatine.
Re: Transformers at Cinemacon: GI Joe Crossover Movie Confirmed and Transformers One Footage Shown (2181912)
Posted by TulioDude on July 2nd, 2024 @ 10:21pm CDT
Looking at the movies he worked mentioned here, my opinion is:

-Rise of Skywalker: didn't like this one, but to be fair, its problem is bigger than the script. The trilogy had a lack of sinergy between the films.

-Jurassic World: Saw the first, only saw the ending of the second and saw the third. Overall goood, but they seen to depend on the callbacks to previous movies. Some of them are pretty cleaver. Some of the world building is cool. The new characters are hit or miss.

- Kong of The Skull Island: didn't see

-Detective Pikachu: a simple, but very well exectued story.

So he seens to be a writer capable of using callback to previous films, but their effectiveness depends on the main story.

I think he, the directorc and other parts of the movie, have a vision that can unite and usee their strong points, this can be a good movie.
Re: Transformers at Cinemacon: GI Joe Crossover Movie Confirmed and Transformers One Footage Shown (2181996)
Posted by snavej on July 5th, 2024 @ 7:00am CDT
Well, I'm reluctant to see this film or films. The Transformers are vastly superior. Any suggestion that GI Joe or Cobra have a realistic chance against them is ludicrous.
Re: Transformers at Cinemacon: GI Joe Crossover Movie Confirmed and Transformers One Footage Shown (2181997)
Posted by -Kanrabat- on July 5th, 2024 @ 7:09am CDT
snavej wrote:Well, I'm reluctant to see this film or films. The Transformers are vastly superior. Any suggestion that GI Joe or Cobra have a realistic chance against them is ludicrous.

Like in the comics, they would be WITH them.

But even if the Joes and cobra would be 100% against the Transformers, if we go by the first 5 Bay movie rules, these human armies will be able to stand their ground against the bots pretty easily. Especially if they are not taken by surprise.

That's why in the Bayverse, being a robot in disguise is a must. And I really, really love that aspect of the Bayverse. This makes for much more interesting movies and it up the stakes for the principles of being hidden in plain sight.

Of course, the bots shouldn't be weaklings, but they shouldn't be gods either. A bot showing in town and making an unstoppable rampage is possible, but when the 6 stars wanted status take effect and the army come with their heavy weaponry, it should be game over for that bot unless it flee.
Re: Transformers at Cinemacon: GI Joe Crossover Movie Confirmed and Transformers One Footage Shown (2182037)
Posted by Rodimus Prime on July 6th, 2024 @ 9:24pm CDT
It will never happen, but I would LOVE to see a straight adaptation of G.I. Joe #138 to #142, which is the prequel to the G2 comics, and could be a prequel in the new TF/Joe live action series as well. It would be a very good way to introduce Megatron into this "new" continuity, and he wouldn't have to be a gun.
Re: Transformers at Cinemacon: GI Joe Crossover Movie Confirmed and Transformers One Footage Shown (2182046)
Posted by TulioDude on July 7th, 2024 @ 12:10pm CDT
Its not too hard the imagine the GI Joe characters fighting the Transformers. You just have to imagine something similar to Sector Seven ,NEST, Cemetery Wind and TRA, from the previous films

Rodimus Prime wrote:It will never happen, but I would LOVE to see a straight adaptation of G.I. Joe #138 to #142, which is the prequel to the G2 comics, and could be a prequel in the new TF/Joe live action series as well. It would be a very good way to introduce Megatron into this "new" continuity, and he wouldn't have to be a gun.

I could see Cobra wanting to take Megatron from Hoover Dam being the event that attracts the Joes and the Autobots attention.

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