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Transformers: EarthSpark EPs Discuss Megatron's Turn, Terrans, and Season 2

Transformers News: Transformers: EarthSpark EPs Discuss Megatron's Turn, Terrans, and Season 2

Sunday, September 17th, 2023 6:57PM CDT

Category: Cartoon News
Posted by: D-Maximal_Primal   Views: 55,533

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Thanks to, we have a new interview to share with you, this time from the Executive Producers of the show, Ant Ward and Dale Malinowski. In this interview, they talk about making Megatron an ally of the humans and Autobots, the heartwarming reaction to the Terrans, and teasing Season 2 as well!

Check it out below, and let us know what you think in the comments section below!

Transformers: EarthSpark EPs Discuss Megatron's Turn, Terrans, and Season 2

In an exclusive interview with CBR, Transformers: EarthSpark's Ant Ward and Dale Malinowski reveal more about the Paramount+ animated show.

The way of the Bot evolves in Transformers: EarthSpark. The new series sees many allies and foes come together as they meet a new family -- the Maltos -- in Witwicky, Pennsylvania. In addition to the new partnerships, the show marks the birth of the Terrans -- the first Transformers born on planet Earth. Unfortunately, several Decepticons and other villains detest the newfound alliance and peace, doing everything possible to throw a wrench into it.

In an exclusive interview with CBR, Transformers: EarthSpark executive producers Ant Ward and Dale Malinowski discuss the road to the small screen and the moments that made them the proudest. They revealed more about the initial concern of turning Megatron from the Autobot's greatest enemy to their new ally, as well as the overwhelming positive response to the creation of the Terrans. Ward and Malinowski also teased what the audience can expect for the second season of the animated show.

CBR: First of all, congratulations on the first season of Transformers: EarthSpark. Looking back, how do you feel about the journey up to this point?

Ant Ward: Thank you! We are deeply proud of our crew and series. On the production side, everyone overcame challenges that made them grow as artists and storytellers. On the narrative side, the Maltos overcame challenges that helped them grow as a family and as a team of heroes. Their story is far from over, though, and we're thrilled for everyone to see how Robby, Mo, and the Terrans level up in Season 2.

The show is an evolution of the franchise as it expands beyond the regular battle between Autobots and Decepticons -- in fact aligning old foes. What were your biggest concerns surrounding the concept of Transformers: EarthSpark in the beginning?

Dale Malinowski: We were eager to know if fans would accept Megatron as an ally to the Autobots. Creatively, we knew we had a solid causality for Megatron's story, and we had the support of both studios. We felt we were staying true to Megatron's character because, in lore, he and Optimus Prime were allies before they were enemies, so Megatron's the type who's willing to make significant changes for the sake of progress toward his goal. We committed to Megatron's story very early in development, but you never know how the audience will react, and in animation, the wait time between production and distribution is very long! Our hope was that fans would be intrigued and come along for the ride, and we're grateful that they have.

Taking a look back at the first season, what would you say has been your proudest moment in the series?

Ward: Creating original characters that resonate with our audience. We have a large cast, so there's someone for everyone with those characters telling stories that encourage empathy with others. Eight billion people are sharing planet Earth. Our world is rich with cultures and diversities. If our show inspires even one person to broaden their perspective and understanding of the people and world around them, we'd be very happy.

What has surprised you the most about the fans' reactions to the Terrans?

Malinowski: How quickly and passionately the fans have embraced the Terrans. We see a lot of fan art online, and every piece warms our hearts. Some of our crew have been printing everything they find and hanging it up near our production space in the studio.

Family is a strong concept in Transformers: EarthSpark. What challenges have you given yourselves and the team in expanding this theme for the second season?

Ward: The challenge is to never repeat ourselves, so we allow our characters to evolve. Family remains a core theme in Season 2, but so is growing up, trust, and loss. For Season 2, we want our themes to mature in tandem with our characters.

In a previous interview, the actors said they recorded their parts individually for the show. I'm not sure how far into Season 2's production you are, but is this the plan moving forward, or is there any intention to try to do group recordings?

Malinowski: For us, all decisions come down to creative intent. When we have a script or sequence hinging upon the dynamic between two characters, for example, then we'll ask the casting and records teams to schedule a session for those two actors to record together. Nickelodeon's in-house teams always support creative intent, so they're fantastic to work with.

What can you tease about Season 2 of the show?

Ward: Season 2 starts with a bang! The heroes are in the middle of an extremely important mission. They have new skills for the job, but many obstacles and foes stand in their way. Amidst the chaos, new relationships develop, new and familiar characters enter the story, and big secrets are exposed. It's a wild ride from start to finish!

Considering how Transformers is crossing over with G.I. Joe in the comics, and there was a tease in the recent movie, have there been any discussions about crossing over into other Hasbro properties?

Malinowski: You know we can't admit anything here! We're excited to see the Transformers comics and features explore their crossovers.

Transformers: EarthSpark Season 1 is available to watch on Paramount+.

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Re: Transformers: EarthSpark EPs Discuss Megatron's Turn, Terrans, and Season 2 (2169100)
Posted by Deathsanras on September 18th, 2023 @ 6:47am CDT
Looking forward to this show... being over.
The G1 Dinobots were born on Earth almost 40 years ago. They're far from the "first."
Then there's the Constructicons ("Heavy Metal War"), Metroplex, Trypticon, all the activated protoforms from Beast Wars, Animated Wreck-Gar, Dirt Boss and Dinobots, all the AllSpark-activated Transformers from the Movie franchise... I could keep going and going.
This is like when that brain-dead moron Brie Larson kept pretending Captain Marvel was the first female action star. They have absolutely no idea of the franchise history and/or are outright gaslighting.
They're not "Terrans," they're clearly and unambiguously Cybertronians. If my parents are Swedish and I'm born while they're on holiday in China, that doesn't make me Chinese.
The entire premise of this show is nonsensical and stupid, compounded by giving Cybertronian robots human surnames. Everything spawned from that premise is utterly deranged. A human family teaching Cybertronian Transformers what it means to be from Earth is completely retarded.
Megatron being an ally actually sounded interesting. That could have been a good show. But I couldn't stomach this atrocity of a show for more than a few episodes. Much rather watch Energon.
Re: Transformers: EarthSpark EPs Discuss Megatron's Turn, Terrans, and Season 2 (2169101)
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on September 18th, 2023 @ 7:21am CDT
Deathsanras wrote:Looking forward to this show... being over.
The G1 Dinobots were born on Earth almost 40 years ago. They're far from the "first."
Then there's the Constructicons ("Heavy Metal War"), Metroplex, Trypticon, all the activated protoforms from Beast Wars, Animated Wreck-Gar, Dirt Boss and Dinobots, all the AllSpark-activated Transformers from the Movie franchise... I could keep going and going.

When people say this, I know they didn't actually watch the show.

There is a stark difference between being built on Earth (g1), Earth machines being transformed by cybertronian artifacts (Animated Wreck Gar/Allspark mutants), previously living protoforms waking up on earth (Beast Wars), and actually being born naturally and entirely from earth (Terrans).

The Terrans are literally forged straight from the Earth. They are truly "born" in this way. Not created, not built and given a spark, not waking up, fully forged and born, much like how IDW showed Cybertronians being born on Cybertron or how Aligned had them coming from the well of allsparks.

And ya know what, that works, it is fun, they are a whole new sub-species, Cybertronian and Earth in origin. It all works and makes sense.
Re: Transformers: EarthSpark EPs Discuss Megatron's Turn, Terrans, and Season 2 (2169105)
Posted by ScottyP on September 18th, 2023 @ 7:47am CDT
Deathsanras wrote:I couldn't stomach this atrocity of a show for more than a few episodes.
Everyone that watched the show, as we roll our eyes into the sun: "We can tell."

A more productive use of your online time in the future would be to talk about stuff you enjoy.
Re: Transformers: EarthSpark EPs Discuss Megatron's Turn, Terrans, and Season 2 (2169119)
Posted by Sabrblade on September 18th, 2023 @ 10:24am CDT
And, I can't believe it has to be spelled over and over again, but when this show refers to the Terrans as "The first Transformers born on Earth", it means "The first Transformers born on Earth in this continuity."

That G1-styled flashback sequence in the first episode is later confirmed to be a fantasy sequence that isn't actually accurate to what really happened in the past, as a later episode, "Warzone", has another flashback to the destruction of the space bridge in the past, which shows what really happened in that scene.

All that G1-styled animation was just an Easter egg for our, the viewers', benefit, just like how Transformers Animated used some G1 footage in its own first episode merely as fan service. None of it actually happened in this show's continuity, nor is this show in continuity with the G1 cartoon.
Re: Transformers: EarthSpark EPs Discuss Megatron's Turn, Terrans, and Season 2 (2172717)
Posted by Big Grim on October 24th, 2023 @ 10:31am CDT
With what I assume is the first half of this show having recently hit Netflix in the UK, I gave it a watch.

Binged through it in two days. Thoroughly enjoyed it. Feels quite fresh and new take. Love the new characters, love what they've done with Megatron. Weird hearing the odd snip of the VAs Scots brogue come through. Rather like Tuduck's Prime. Human characters are all pretty good up to excellent. Bumblebee is okay, glad they let him have a voice. Relationships between Bots is interesting with Bumblebee & Dead End being friends/Brothers. Skywarp and Frenzy being female took me by surprise, but I dug it. Especially Frenzy's punky hair-shaped head.

Animation feels solid and I am onboard with the character designs. Dig that Dot is a vet with a prosthetic leg. Gives off good Momma Bear vibes while also being a pretty kickass friend of Megs. I LOVE the music.

All in all an utterly entertaining and charming show built somewhat on G1 (with bits pulled from G1 across its own multiverse of origins and whatnot.) but being allowed to breathe and evolve into its own thing. Kinda want that Grimlock...

~ Grim
Re: Transformers: EarthSpark EPs Discuss Megatron's Turn, Terrans, and Season 2 (2172719)
Posted by Sabrblade on October 24th, 2023 @ 11:23am CDT
Big Grim wrote:With what I assume is the first half of this show having recently hit Netflix in the UK,
How many episodes did Netflix UK put up? Season 1 has 26 eps in total.
Re: Transformers: EarthSpark EPs Discuss Megatron's Turn, Terrans, and Season 2 (2172755)
Posted by snavej on October 25th, 2023 @ 6:17am CDT
So, in Earthspark, they let kids interact freely with the greatest mass murderer in the galaxy (our Megs). They don't even tell the kids all the things he did. Does anyone think this is a good idea?! :-? :shock: :???:
Re: Transformers: EarthSpark EPs Discuss Megatron's Turn, Terrans, and Season 2 (2172761)
Posted by Big Grim on October 25th, 2023 @ 11:22am CDT
Sabrblade wrote:
Big Grim wrote:With what I assume is the first half of this show having recently hit Netflix in the UK,
How many episodes did Netflix UK put up? Season 1 has 26 eps in total.

There are 18 episodes at the moment on UK Netflix, the last being Home Part 2. I guess we have 8 more to come then! Curious!

~ Grim
Re: Transformers: EarthSpark EPs Discuss Megatron's Turn, Terrans, and Season 2 (2172762)
Posted by Sabrblade on October 25th, 2023 @ 11:26am CDT
Big Grim wrote:
Sabrblade wrote:
Big Grim wrote:With what I assume is the first half of this show having recently hit Netflix in the UK,
How many episodes did Netflix UK put up? Season 1 has 26 eps in total.

There are 18 episodes at the moment on UK Netflix, the last being Home Part 2. I guess we have 8 more to come then! Curious!

~ Grim
Then that means they put up the first two parts of the season, but not the third and final part. When it first came to Paramount+, the season was divided into three parts, with Part 1 being the first 10 episodes, Part 2 being the next eight, and Part 3 being the final eight. Though, each two-parter was uploaded as one long video.
Re: Transformers: EarthSpark EPs Discuss Megatron's Turn, Terrans, and Season 2 (2172763)
Posted by bluecatcinema on October 25th, 2023 @ 2:16pm CDT
snavej wrote:So, in Earthspark, they let kids interact freely with the greatest mass murderer in the galaxy (our Megs). They don't even tell the kids all the things he did. Does anyone think this is a good idea?! :-? :shock: :???:

No-one is denying Megatron used to be a bad guy, but it's been made clear that he changed for the better years ago. Besides, the fact that he's friends with their mother no doubt goes a long way toward them feeling comfortable around him.
Re: Transformers: EarthSpark EPs Discuss Megatron's Turn, Terrans, and Season 2 (2172776)
Posted by snavej on October 26th, 2023 @ 5:09am CDT
Personally, I wouldn't want my kids hanging around with some giant robot dude with a fusion cannon. He might be a pu55ycat in temperament but it's still a HUGE risk. All it takes is one wrong move and a kid dies. The relevant term is 'criminal negligence'! I reckon that this sets a very bad example. I mean, the writers are careful to be politically correct with all the right pronouns and yet they allow ridiculously huge breaches of health and safety. Talk about double standards! Pronouns won't save anyone from a Transformer rampage.
Re: Transformers: EarthSpark EPs Discuss Megatron's Turn, Terrans, and Season 2 (2172778)
Posted by Big Grim on October 26th, 2023 @ 6:57am CDT
Sabrblade wrote:Then that means they put up the first two parts of the season, but not the third and final part. When it first came to Paramount+, the season was divided into three parts, with Part 1 being the first 10 episodes, Part 2 being the next eight, and Part 3 being the final eight. Though, each two-parter was uploaded as one long video.

Thank you for the info, Duder! I'll keep an eye out for the final third. :)

~ Grim
Re: Transformers: EarthSpark EPs Discuss Megatron's Turn, Terrans, and Season 2 (2172785)
Posted by Sabrblade on October 26th, 2023 @ 11:36am CDT
snavej wrote:Personally, I wouldn't want my kids hanging around with some giant robot dude with a fusion cannon. He might be a pu55ycat in temperament but it's still a HUGE risk. All it takes is one wrong move and a kid dies. The relevant term is 'criminal negligence'! I reckon that this sets a very bad example. I mean, the writers are careful to be politically correct with all the right pronouns and yet they allow ridiculously huge breaches of health and safety. Talk about double standards! Pronouns won't save anyone from a Transformer rampage.
They also allow
  • one child to walk around carrying her own pair of swords,
  • another child to turn into a motorcycle (a dangerous vehicle unto itself),
  • another child to disguise herself as a vehicle belonging to the morally-gray government organization that's trying to hunt them down and kill them, which she also uses to sneak into the headquarters of said organization which full of armed guards and weaponry capable of hurting her, and is also permitted to hack into said organization's mainframe multiple times,
  • another child to tinker with machinery that has nearly harmed the other family members several times,
  • and the last child to turn into an initially-rampaging dinosaur after hanging out with an even bigger and more rampaging dinosaur who suffers from PTSD.
This is a dangerous world for everyone, and you're acting like these people hang out with Megatron on a regular basis when he barely ever shares any screentime with them outside of battle scenes.

And if you're going to criticize Dot and Alex as parents, then you're going to have to do the same for the likes of Sparkplug Witwicky and every other series's parental characters who actively let their children not only hang out with a bunch of gun-toting giants but were also brought into the middle of a warzone on a regular basis. Seriously, it's a wonder that Spike didn't get injured more often than just the events of "Autobot Spike". That boy should have been dead several times over, yet he always survived by the superhuman protective power of 1980s children's cartoon standards.
Re: Transformers: EarthSpark EPs Discuss Megatron's Turn, Terrans, and Season 2 (2172788)
Posted by ZeroWolf on October 26th, 2023 @ 2:22pm CDT
Sabrblade wrote:
snavej wrote:Personally, I wouldn't want my kids hanging around with some giant robot dude with a fusion cannon. He might be a pu55ycat in temperament but it's still a HUGE risk. All it takes is one wrong move and a kid dies. The relevant term is 'criminal negligence'! I reckon that this sets a very bad example. I mean, the writers are careful to be politically correct with all the right pronouns and yet they allow ridiculously huge breaches of health and safety. Talk about double standards! Pronouns won't save anyone from a Transformer rampage.
They also allow
  • one child to walk around carrying her own pair of swords,
  • another child to turn into a motorcycle (a dangerous vehicle unto itself),
  • another child to disguise herself as a vehicle belonging to the morally-gray government organization that's trying to hunt them down and kill them, which she also uses to sneak into the headquarters of said organization which full of armed guards and weaponry capable of hurting her, and is also permitted to hack into said organization's mainframe multiple times,
  • another child to tinker with machinery that has nearly harmed the other family members several times,
  • and the last child to turn into an initially-rampaging dinosaur after hanging out with an even bigger and more rampaging dinosaur who suffers from PTSD.
This is a dangerous world for everyone, and you're acting like these people hang out with Megatron on a regular basis when he barely ever shares any screentime with them outside of battle scenes.

And if you're going to criticize Dot and Alex as parents, then you're going to have to do the same for the likes of Sparkplug Witwicky and every other series's parental characters who actively let their children not only hang out with a bunch of gun-toting giants but were also brought into the middle of a warzone on a regular basis. Seriously, it's a wonder that Spike didn't get injured more often than just the events of "Autobot Spike". That boy should have been dead several times over, yet he always survived by the superhuman protective power of 1980s children's cartoon standards.

Let's not forget the teachers who allowed the kids of B.O.T to make that creation :-D

Seriously though, kids shows always allow the children to get away with a lot as it's a way for the children watching to have some fun. It's not just cartoons who do this if you want to pull on that thread.
Re: Transformers: EarthSpark EPs Discuss Megatron's Turn, Terrans, and Season 2 (2172800)
Posted by snavej on October 27th, 2023 @ 5:54am CDT
'...should have been dead several times over...'

The ol' plot armour is virtually impenetrable! At least the new comic book series has more realism and mangled corpses.
Re: Transformers: EarthSpark EPs Discuss Megatron's Turn, Terrans, and Season 2 (2172804)
Posted by Sabrblade on October 27th, 2023 @ 10:49am CDT
snavej wrote:'...should have been dead several times over...'

The ol' plot armour is virtually impenetrable!
And thus, you have nothing to worry about with the Malto kids.
Re: Transformers: EarthSpark EPs Discuss Megatron's Turn, Terrans, and Season 2 (2172805)
Posted by snavej on October 27th, 2023 @ 11:14am CDT
Sabrblade wrote:
snavej wrote:'...should have been dead several times over...'

The ol' plot armour is virtually impenetrable!
And thus, you have nothing to worry about with the Malto kids.

Time will tell. :POPCORN: I mainly worry about real people who try to imitate them in some way.
Re: Transformers: EarthSpark EPs Discuss Megatron's Turn, Terrans, and Season 2 (2172806)
Posted by Sabrblade on October 27th, 2023 @ 12:34pm CDT
snavej wrote:
Sabrblade wrote:
snavej wrote:'...should have been dead several times over...'

The ol' plot armour is virtually impenetrable!
And thus, you have nothing to worry about with the Malto kids.

Time will tell. :POPCORN: I mainly worry about real people who try to imitate them in some way.
Right, because It's so easy to imitate hanging out with giant robots.

Spike, Carly, Chip, Daniel, Koji, Rad, Carlos, Alexis, Billy, Fred, Kicker, Coby, Bud, Lori, Sam, Mikaela, Sari, Jack, Miko, Raf, Cody, Russell, and more have all been just as guilty of hanging out with giant robots. So if you're going to harp on the kids of this show, you have to do the same for every single one of the characters I just listed off. It's only fair.

Especially for Kicker. That kid actually threw himself into battle and fought against Decepticons on his own. He even once went up against Galvatron solo. That's way more dangerous than anything else that the others have done.
Re: Transformers: EarthSpark EPs Discuss Megatron's Turn, Terrans, and Season 2 (2172898)
Posted by snavej on October 28th, 2023 @ 7:31am CDT
All of those are very problematic. We don't have any actual Cybertronian Transformers but we do have plenty of large vehicles that can kill, accidentally or deliberately.
Re: Transformers: EarthSpark EPs Discuss Megatron's Turn, Terrans, and Season 2 (2172908)
Posted by Sabrblade on October 28th, 2023 @ 12:19pm CDT
snavej wrote:All of those are very problematic. We don't have any actual Cybertronian Transformers but we do have plenty of large vehicles that can kill, accidentally or deliberately.
In that case, you must therefore consider ALL of Transformers to be problematic and must raise a formal protest to Hasbro for making a product that is such a bad influence upon our children.

The only solution is to remove humanity from the Transformers fiction entirely, setting the stories completely apart from human civilization to the point that the Transformers are no longer in disguise from humankind, thus rendering one of the entire points of the brand completely pointless.

And once you have succeeded, you must then move on to protest G.I. Joe for promoting warfare and weaponry usage to children, and then must protest Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles for promoting martial arts and weaponry violence to children, and then protest Power Rangers for also promoting martial arts violence and giant robot piloting to children, And then protest DC and Marvel for also promoting violence to children, and protest Star Wars for promoting space warfare and sword-based violence to children, and protest Nintendo and every other video game company for also promoting violence to children.

You must never cease in your one-man crusade to completely rid the Earth of any and all harmful media for the sake of our children, to the point that every single channel must become as sanitary and safe as PBS Kids. Every form of children's entertainment must be as wholesome as Sesame Street, and never have even a shred of any potentially violent element whatsoever.

So, go forth, snavej. Go and finally bring peace to this war-torn, dreadful, violent world that we all live in, and bring an end to this destructive era that currently plagues upon our youth, so that you may usher in a brighter and safer future for us all. :PEACE: :PEACE: :PEACE:
Re: Transformers: EarthSpark EPs Discuss Megatron's Turn, Terrans, and Season 2 (2172948)
Posted by snavej on October 29th, 2023 @ 2:00pm CDT
All I'm saying is that the parents should make an effort to remove their children from a highly dangerous situation. Perhaps they could relocate to another part of the country or even another country. Look what happened in Ukraine in 2022. There was a mass movement of families away from the fighting. When parents stupidly allow their children to stay in harm's way, that's very bad writing. Sure, many Transformers are friendly but they're not infallible and there are Decepticons popping up all over the place, causing havoc.

I agree that things like GI Joe, TMNT, Power Rangers Star Wars, most superhero stories, etc. should be banned because they're rubbish and also a small number of people get hurt copying the stunts therein. Remember the kids thinking they were Superman and jumping off buildings?!
Re: Transformers: EarthSpark EPs Discuss Megatron's Turn, Terrans, and Season 2 (2172971)
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on October 30th, 2023 @ 6:25am CDT
Don't know how we got here, but please return to the topic.
Re: Transformers: EarthSpark EPs Discuss Megatron's Turn, Terrans, and Season 2 (2174918)
Posted by Sabrblade on January 4th, 2024 @ 12:33pm CST
Five months late to this, but Keyan Carlile made a really in-depth review of the three-part first season of EarthSpark, covering the good, the mixed, and the bad of each third of the season.

Re: Transformers: EarthSpark EPs Discuss Megatron's Turn, Terrans, and Season 2 (2175009)
Posted by PerfectVision on January 7th, 2024 @ 7:03am CST
-G.H.O.S.T is useless.

-The terrans aren't strong in characterization and effectiveness more or less(Mo herself can use the shield?Bizarre like some other things).

-The script suggests verbaly they are immigrants but it's practically wrong:they are underground mutants(TMNT,they reuse the 2012 aesthetic) or angels like Metatron and the morning Star-scream,Lucifer (the boundary between them,aliens and demons is thin).

-This perspective changes the meaning of Meridian:he wants to become a god.That explains the stupid and not credible modification on his body rather than an exterior one with a cockpit.

-A lack of accessibility?Forever?
Re: Transformers: EarthSpark EPs Discuss Megatron's Turn, Terrans, and Season 2 (2177701)
Posted by o.supreme on March 10th, 2024 @ 11:13am CDT
Seemingly, without fanfare, the remaining 16 episodes of S1 were released on DVD; at least in North America (R1) about a month ago. Significantly, this is the first Transformers TV series to have a complete (as of this time) release on physical media since Prime a decade ago. I've seen Vol 1 in store at Walmart previously, haven't seen V2 in person yet, but links to purchase on Amazon are below if interested.

Volume 2 (episodes 11-16)

Volume 1 (episodes 1-10)

Probably because this series is produced by Paramount/Nickelodeon it was much easier to get out on physical media. I'm not sure if Hasbro and Shout!Factory still have a contract for the other series they've released on DVD many years ago (most of which are on streaming in one form or another), but it would be nice if Hasbro continued to partner wither with Paramount, or another distributor to get their remaining missing/incomplete series on physical media at some point.
Re: Transformers: EarthSpark EPs Discuss Megatron's Turn, Terrans, and Season 2 (2180241)
Posted by bluecatcinema on May 13th, 2024 @ 2:10pm CDT
The official Transformers YouTube channel has posted a brief trailer for the second season:
Re: Transformers: EarthSpark EPs Discuss Megatron's Turn, Terrans, and Season 2 (2180242)
Posted by Sabrblade on May 13th, 2024 @ 2:25pm CDT
How much we wanna bet that this is the same promo that will be played during the upcoming theatrical presentation of the G1 cartoon pilot three-parter?
Re: Transformers: EarthSpark EPs Discuss Megatron's Turn, Terrans, and Season 2 (2180269)
Posted by Sabrblade on May 14th, 2024 @ 10:58am CDT
Season 2 guest voice cast announced:

Joining TRANSFORMERS: EARTHSPARK this season are guest stars "Weird Al" Yankovic as Cosmos, Zelda Williams (The Legend of Korra) as Spitfire, Red Hot Chili Peppers bassist Flea as Aftermath and Richard Ayoade (The IT Crowd) as Fairmaestro.
Re: Transformers: EarthSpark EPs Discuss Megatron's Turn, Terrans, and Season 2 (2180304)
Posted by bluecatcinema on May 14th, 2024 @ 2:04pm CDT
Sabrblade wrote:Season 2 guest voice cast announced:

Joining TRANSFORMERS: EARTHSPARK this season are guest stars "Weird Al" Yankovic as Cosmos, Zelda Williams (The Legend of Korra) as Spitfire, Red Hot Chili Peppers bassist Flea as Aftermath and Richard Ayoade (The IT Crowd) as Fairmaestro.

Nice to hear Weird Al will be returning to the franchise once again.
Re: Transformers: EarthSpark EPs Discuss Megatron's Turn, Terrans, and Season 2 (2180365)
Posted by william-james88 on May 15th, 2024 @ 8:36am CDT
Paramount released a trailer for Season 2 of Transformers Earthspark. In it, we can see some of the toys that were previously revealed, like Hashtag's new alt mode being a pickup truck.

We also have a synopsis of each episode, which also explains why Hashtag changed alt mode.

Episode 1:
One year after Mandroid's defeat and the Emberstone's shattering, the Maltos go on a search for the shards. When a Decepticon creates a new foe from a broken shard, the Maltos realize life in Witwicky is about to be chaotic.

Episode 2:
While searching for Emberstone shards, Mo and Thrash stumble upon ancient ruins where a Quintesson Executioner lay in stasis. The duo try to care for the creature, after it follows them home but they fail to realize it has a plan of its own.

Episode 3:
Hashtag helps the Autobots get rid of all the old GHOST stuff around base, which has her feeling like her GHOST van alt-mode is obsolete too. Meanwhile, Shockwave needs to acquire a GHOST hard drive that holds a key to Starscream's master plan.

Episode 4:
Robby, Mo, Twitch, and Thrash attend a carnival where Robby develops a crush on a new student, while Twitch, Thrash, and Mo encounter trouble with the carnival's Fairmaster. As the heroes battle Fairmaestro, they unlock a new power: cyber-syncing.

Episode 5:
Jawbreaker wants to cyber-sync, but he's left out. Walking home, he saves Aftermath from a woodland monster. The two spend the day together and accidentally sync into one awkward bot.

Episode 7:
Twitch and Spitfire accidentally swap bodies; it's hard for both to avoid getting caught behind enemy lines; the Decepticons plan to attack Twitch's friends and allies.

Episode 8:
Optimus lands a prestigious photoshoot, so Robby and Hashtag take his battle worn trailer to get detailed. Unfortunately, the Decepticons steal it from them, leading the kids to race the clock to get it back in one piece.

Episode 9/10:
Mo and Hashtag find a giant secret beneath Witwicky, and Starscream plans to use it for evil. To do so, Starscream needs to rebuild the shattered Emberstone. Robby rallies his family and the Autobots to stop him, and end the chaos once and for all.
Re: Transformers: EarthSpark EPs Discuss Megatron's Turn, Terrans, and Season 2 (2180367)
Posted by Stormshot_Prime on May 15th, 2024 @ 9:13am CDT
Well the Hashtag thing makes more sense now! Glad she’s getting an alt that’s more “her”, I’m sure that’ll be an interesting little arc. Seriously excited for season 2 and the new terrans, I love the lore of this series so much.
Re: Transformers: EarthSpark EPs Discuss Megatron's Turn, Terrans, and Season 2 (2180378)
Posted by o.supreme on May 15th, 2024 @ 12:00pm CDT
Sabrblade wrote:How much we wanna bet that this is the same promo that will be played during the upcoming theatrical presentation of the G1 cartoon pilot three-parter?

I'm certain it will be. It would make sense however to play this trailer (along with other ads) before the 40th anniversary show actually starts. I thought I heard some odd rumor they were going to play it at the conclusion of the show, which seems odd. I'm thinking a lot of people get up and leave if that's the case.
Re: Transformers: EarthSpark EPs Discuss Megatron's Turn, Terrans, and Season 2 (2180386)
Posted by Glyph on May 15th, 2024 @ 2:09pm CDT
From someone watching it (not me):
Grant W. (@ZakuFan0079) wrote:#Earthspark preview for #Transformers40th is the core Autobots, Terans and humans keeping 3 ember stones away from the Seekers. ... 7024218189
Re: Transformers: EarthSpark EPs Discuss Megatron's Turn, Terrans, and Season 2 (2180414)
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on May 15th, 2024 @ 7:31pm CDT
Weird Al Cosmos and new truck mode Hashtag is cool sounding
Re: Transformers: EarthSpark EPs Discuss Megatron's Turn, Terrans, and Season 2 (2180429)
Posted by william-james88 on May 15th, 2024 @ 9:49pm CDT
fans watching the 40th anniversary screening were given an exclusive sneak peek at a scene from Transformers Earthspark season 2. It was shared below by a fan ... 0857675148
Re: Transformers: EarthSpark EPs Discuss Megatron's Turn, Terrans, and Season 2 (2181190)
Posted by Sabrblade on June 8th, 2024 @ 12:41am CDT
The first ten episodes of Season 2 have premiered.

PM me if anyone without Paramount+ would like help watching them.
Re: Transformers: EarthSpark EPs Discuss Megatron's Turn, Terrans, and Season 2 (2181616)
Posted by Sabrblade on June 20th, 2024 @ 11:38am CDT
Apparently, making this show hasn't actually been a very fun experience for the production crew. If you look at the credits for season 1 and season 2, you'll notice a massive shift in the crew who made season 1 and the crew who made season 2, with several people behind the first season just gone and several new people added to the second season who did not work on the first. The first season was animated by Icon Creative Studio in Canada, but season 2 switched to being animated by 88 Pictures in India. The series' CG Supervisor Michael Launder gave this explanation for why there was such a drastic change in production between the two seasons:

hasbro and nick decided to switch to a new studio as the mental health and well being of icon and the nick team was suffering during S1.
Re: Transformers: EarthSpark EPs Discuss Megatron's Turn, Terrans, and Season 2 (2181700)
Posted by bluecatcinema on June 24th, 2024 @ 2:26pm CDT
I just finished watching the latest batch of episodes. Overall, not too bad. The Chaos Terrans were an interesting new addition, and seeing Starscream acting as the big bad was a nice switch. Terratronis was a pretty big surprise. I'm hoping there's more episodes so we can see more of her.
Re: Transformers: EarthSpark EPs Discuss Megatron's Turn, Terrans, and Season 2 (2181702)
Posted by Sabrblade on June 24th, 2024 @ 2:35pm CDT
bluecatcinema wrote:I just finished watching the latest batch of episodes. Overall, not too bad. The Chaos Terrans were an interesting new addition, and seeing Starscream acting as the big bad was a nice switch. Terratronis was a pretty big surprise. I'm hoping there's more episodes so we can see more of her.
Luckily, this is Part 1 of 3 for Season 2.
Re: Transformers: EarthSpark EPs Discuss Megatron's Turn, Terrans, and Season 2 (2181704)
Posted by bluecatcinema on June 24th, 2024 @ 2:50pm CDT
Sabrblade wrote:Luckily, this is Part 1 of 3 for Season 2.

Good to know.
Re: Transformers: EarthSpark EPs Discuss Megatron's Turn, Terrans, and Season 2 (2182062)
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on July 7th, 2024 @ 5:26pm CDT
I still need to watch it, though I admit, as soon as I found out about the visuals changing companies and seeing that that change definitely impacted the quality, I haven't been in a rush to watch
Re: Transformers: EarthSpark EPs Discuss Megatron's Turn, Terrans, and Season 2 (2182126)
Posted by o.supreme on July 8th, 2024 @ 12:48pm CDT
Sabrblade wrote:Luckily, this is Part 1 of 3 for Season 2.

Do we know for sure S2 is a full 26 episode season? With the sale of eOne, it certainly could have been cut short.

For instance with Young Justice back in 2012 Imbecilic Executives at CN cut the second season from 26 to just 20 episodes. There's many other examples I could site, but unlike YJ, if the show isn't popular, and the toys aren't selling (YJ really didn't have any merch, which is why that claim doesn't make sense), Earthspark could definitely have been cut short.
Re: Transformers: EarthSpark EPs Discuss Megatron's Turn, Terrans, and Season 2 (2182303)
Posted by TulioDude on July 14th, 2024 @ 7:30pm CDT
Watched season 1 on Netflix, it was good! Pretty wholesome.
Nice mix of slice of life stuff, similar to Rescue Bots. The stakes feel believable.
The one thing I not sure if this series is fully begginer friendly. The Maltos can ask questions the viewers or kids could have, but I feel this series expects you to be familiar with Transformers lore in general in other parts, like how Megatron abused Starscream.
Re: Transformers: EarthSpark EPs Discuss Megatron's Turn, Terrans, and Season 2 (2182343)
Posted by JazZeke on July 15th, 2024 @ 3:43pm CDT
I just finished the first season of Earthspark and the first episode of season 2. I want SO HARD to like this show, I really do. I love the fact that we're getting a postwar story on TV. I love that the franchise is trying new things and evolving past The Great War. BUT...

I feel like the show is sidelining the ACTUAL INTERESTING stuff to focus on baby Transformer "edutainment" hijinks. Optimus and Megatron working together? Awesome, but hardly on screen. Optimus and Megatron talk all the time about not trusting GHOST, but we never see the GHOST agents actually DO anything worth questioning their ethics aside from occasionally standing menacingly in dark rooms.

Dot Malto is a badass, I love her. Her husband though is a moronic chump and his fanboying and merchandise collecting is utterly ridiculous. Why would there even BE TF merch in a world where TFs exist? Mo is okay but her giant eyes are creepy as fuck, Robbie is... just there. Twitch is cool, but Thrash is another "just there" character.

During the finale when Megatron was strapped to a table and being cut up by laser, Dot sabotauged the laser, and Megatron was still stuck to the table while Mandroid worked to fix it. During the rescue though, someone shot the laser, and Megatron... just stood up? No straps were holding him down? Why did he just lie there the first time? I had to scream at that. The overall narrative of the series is good, but so often the writers take shortcuts just like the example above because I assume they think the dumb kids watching won't notice or care and it just drives me NUTS.
Re: Transformers: EarthSpark EPs Discuss Megatron's Turn, Terrans, and Season 2 (2182351)
Posted by Sabrblade on July 15th, 2024 @ 10:52pm CDT
JazZeke wrote:During the finale when Megatron was strapped to a table and being cut up by laser, Dot sabotauged the laser, and Megatron was still stuck to the table while Mandroid worked to fix it. During the rescue though, someone shot the laser, and Megatron... just stood up? No straps were holding him down? Why did he just lie there the first time? I had to scream at that. The overall narrative of the series is good, but so often the writers take shortcuts just like the example above because I assume they think the dumb kids watching won't notice or care and it just drives me NUTS.
That doesn't sound at all like the Season 1 finale.
Re: Transformers: EarthSpark EPs Discuss Megatron's Turn, Terrans, and Season 2 (2182360)
Posted by snavej on July 16th, 2024 @ 9:10am CDT
Sabrblade wrote:Apparently, making this show hasn't actually been a very fun experience for the production crew. If you look at the credits for season 1 and season 2, you'll notice a massive shift in the crew who made season 1 and the crew who made season 2, with several people behind the first season just gone and several new people added to the second season who did not work on the first. The first season was animated by Icon Creative Studio in Canada, but season 2 switched to being animated by 88 Pictures in India. The series' CG Supervisor Michael Launder gave this explanation for why there was such a drastic change in production between the two seasons:

hasbro and nick decided to switch to a new studio as the mental health and well being of icon and the nick team was suffering during S1.

What could it be, to make a dedicated and talented team just give up? Overwork? I'm guessing that certain higher-ups kept changing the script because of their peculiar values and lack of talent, so the animators had to redo their work, possibly many times. My brother is a video editor so he has to deal with this kind of thing regularly.
Re: Transformers: EarthSpark EPs Discuss Megatron's Turn, Terrans, and Season 2 (2182391)
Posted by JazZeke on July 16th, 2024 @ 4:21pm CDT
I just saw the episode with Tarantulas. And while it was a great showcase for Nightshade and honestly made me tempted to get the toy, they did my boy Tarantulas dirty. I know better in this fandom to complain about a character being different from past incarnations, but this Tarantulas is not just different, he's bland. They could have put just about any Decepticon in that role. It was so less interesting than the gleeful sicko. I kept hoping Tarantulas would show us something... naughty.

Loved the way they animated his mandibles though.
Re: Transformers: EarthSpark EPs Discuss Megatron's Turn, Terrans, and Season 2 (2182393)
Posted by Sabrblade on July 16th, 2024 @ 4:29pm CDT
JazZeke wrote:I just saw the episode with Tarantulas. And while it was a great showcase for Nightshade and honestly made me tempted to get the toy, they did my boy Tarantulas dirty. I know better in this fandom to complain about a character being different from past incarnations, but this Tarantulas is not just different, he's bland. They could have put just about any Decepticon in that role. It was so less interesting than the gleeful sicko. I kept hoping Tarantulas would show us something... naughty.

Loved the way they animated his mandibles though.
Just so you know, you're still in Season 1. It's 26 episodes.
Re: Transformers: EarthSpark EPs Discuss Megatron's Turn, Terrans, and Season 2 (2182395)
Posted by JazZeke on July 16th, 2024 @ 4:44pm CDT
Sabrblade wrote:
JazZeke wrote:I just saw the episode with Tarantulas. And while it was a great showcase for Nightshade and honestly made me tempted to get the toy, they did my boy Tarantulas dirty. I know better in this fandom to complain about a character being different from past incarnations, but this Tarantulas is not just different, he's bland. They could have put just about any Decepticon in that role. It was so less interesting than the gleeful sicko. I kept hoping Tarantulas would show us something... naughty.

Loved the way they animated his mandibles though.
Just so you know, you're still in Season 1. It's 26 episodes.

Paramount+ lists this as season 2.
Re: Transformers: EarthSpark EPs Discuss Megatron's Turn, Terrans, and Season 2 (2182396)
Posted by Sabrblade on July 16th, 2024 @ 4:52pm CDT
JazZeke wrote:
Sabrblade wrote:
JazZeke wrote:I just saw the episode with Tarantulas. And while it was a great showcase for Nightshade and honestly made me tempted to get the toy, they did my boy Tarantulas dirty. I know better in this fandom to complain about a character being different from past incarnations, but this Tarantulas is not just different, he's bland. They could have put just about any Decepticon in that role. It was so less interesting than the gleeful sicko. I kept hoping Tarantulas would show us something... naughty.

Loved the way they animated his mandibles though.
Just so you know, you're still in Season 1. It's 26 episodes.

Paramount+ lists this as season 2.
Season 1 was split into three upload batches:
  • Season 1 Part 1 = Episodes 1-10 (11/22/2022)
  • Season 1 Part 2 = Episodes 11-18 (03/03/2023)
  • Season 1 Part 3 = Episodes 19-26 (07/28/2023)
Season 2 proper went into production after these 26 were completed, and was made by a different studio altogether. Its first batch of ten episodes was released last month on June 7, 2024, 11 months later as opposed to the 4-month intervals of the first three batches.

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