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Transformers Generations Collaborative: Jurassic Park Tyrannocon Rex & Autobot JP93 video review

Transformers News: Transformers Generations Collaborative: Jurassic Park Tyrannocon Rex & Autobot JP93 video review

Saturday, September 11th, 2021 12:39PM CDT

Categories: Toy News, Reviews
Posted by: -Kanrabat-   Views: 41,030

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Greetings Seibertronians!
Razorbeast88 have pointed us out that Chefatron have posted the video review of the Jurassic Park X-Over set Tyrannocon Rex & Autobot JP93.

The set is an hommage to the classic 1993 movie. Tyrannocon is a repaint of Kingdom Leader Beast Megatron with a new head while Autobot JP93 is a completely brand new mold.

Most of the budget of this set seems to have been for the altmodes that are beautifully painted with lots of details. The Tyrannocon bot mode seems to be lacking in painted details while Autobot JP93 have unsightly hollow gaps, notably in the inner thighs.

You can see the video review below:

What do you think of this set? Is it worth the asking price? Let us know what you think!
Credit(s): Youtube

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Re: Transformers Generations Collaborative: Jurassic Park Tyrannocon Rex & Autobot JP93 video review (2115607)
Posted by -Kanrabat- on September 11th, 2021 @ 12:47pm CDT
First, if you want to post that bullcrap "stolen toy" comment, shut up. Lots of figures are coming out all over the world in advance and the guy have the box.

Second, not worth the money IMO for that baffling 155$CAN price. Especially for the hollow gaps in the Autobot JP93 bot mode and the blandness of Tyrannocon's bot mode. That set would need at least 50$ more in Reprolabels and 3D printed upgrade kits to make it worthwhile.

Re: Transformers Generations Collaborative: Jurassic Park Tyrannocon Rex & Autobot JP93 video review (2115608)
Posted by frogbat on September 11th, 2021 @ 12:52pm CDT
Expensive granted, but it’s the sheer coolness of the set for crossover fans that does the trick… if I didn’t already have the megatron mould I’d have gone for this.

The jeep is definitely giving me potential skids vibes
Re: Transformers Generations Collaborative: Jurassic Park Tyrannocon Rex & Autobot JP93 video review (2115611)
Posted by Mistaken_Table on September 11th, 2021 @ 1:24pm CDT
First, if you want to post that bullcrap "stolen toy" comment, shut up.

Ooooh, senpai noticed me! Sorry you felt you had to preface your article, but if you're going to draw attention to a stolen figure and not disable comments, folks are gonna discuss the stolen figure.

Lots of figures are coming out all over the world in advance and the guy have the box.

This isn't out yet. You can't even pre-order it. I'm ready to be corrected on that fact. As it happens I am interested in this set. If Cheffyboy has 1, then they're available?

Perhaps the article author could complete their piece by posting a link to the immediately available product. :POPCORN:
Re: Transformers Generations Collaborative: Jurassic Park Tyrannocon Rex & Autobot JP93 video review (2115618)
Posted by Bounti76 on September 11th, 2021 @ 1:33pm CDT
Mistaken_Table wrote:
First, if you want to post that bullcrap "stolen toy" comment, shut up.

Ooooh, senpai noticed me! Sorry you felt you had to preface your article, but if you're going to draw attention to a stolen figure and not disable comments, folks are gonna discuss the stolen figure.

Lots of figures are coming out all over the world in advance and the guy have the box.

This isn't out yet. You can't even pre-order it. I'm ready to be corrected on that fact. As it happens I am interested in this set. If Cheffyboy has 1, then they're available?

Perhaps the article author could complete their piece by posting a link to the immediately available product. :POPCORN:

It's been available for preorder on Amazon for months now.
Re: Transformers Generations Collaborative: Jurassic Park Tyrannocon Rex & Autobot JP93 video review (2115619)
Posted by Rodimus Prime on September 11th, 2021 @ 1:36pm CDT
If the T-Rex wasn't already designated female, it could have been a version of Grimlock with all that red and black.
Re: Transformers Generations Collaborative: Jurassic Park Tyrannocon Rex & Autobot JP93 video review (2115622)
Posted by Mistaken_Table on September 11th, 2021 @ 1:55pm CDT
Re: Transformers Generations Collaborative: Jurassic Park Tyrannocon Rex & Autobot JP93 video review. (2115618)
Posted by Bounti76 on September 11th, 2021 @ 1:33pm CDT

It's been available for preorder on Amazon for months now.

Ah jeez, you're right. My bad as I'd ruled Amazon out ages ago, as these fellas will be displayed in box. I think hell would freeze over if my local Amazon delivered my package without driving over it and passing it through a zoo's worth of digestive systems.

Pulse and IDToys, however, literal showroom condition.
Re: Transformers Generations Collaborative: Jurassic Park Tyrannocon Rex & Autobot JP93 video review (2115623)
Posted by MCutter on September 11th, 2021 @ 2:00pm CDT
-Kanrabat- wrote:...the guy have the box...

Does he though? He doesn't interact with the packaging during the review, and the still image of the front of the box at the beginning of the review is identical to the one in the Amazon listing; photo taken at the same angle, exact same positioning of the trex arm and jaw.
Re: Transformers Generations Collaborative: Jurassic Park Tyrannocon Rex & Autobot JP93 video review (2115626)
Posted by LinaNui on September 11th, 2021 @ 2:41pm CDT
I pre-ordered this set right when it first came out, but after watching the review I decided to cancel it. I am not really a fan of the T-rex megatron mold but I did want to experience it, but I'll survive without it. Now the Jeep, oof it just doesn't look to good in hand to me. I will wait to experience it with skids/crosscut/ whoever else they do.

Also about the stolen toy debate. If it bugs you then don't watch them. No need to cry about it on the internet. I'll continue to watch them since Hasbro doesn't reveal anything.
Re: Transformers Generations Collaborative: Jurassic Park Tyrannocon Rex & Autobot JP93 video review (2115627)
Posted by cloudballoon on September 11th, 2021 @ 2:47pm CDT
Is Chefatron known to get, er, "advanced copy" to TF figures? I know places like Hong Kong, Manila (where Chefatron is based) & Singapore often get toys before America does and these cities have enough fluent English speaking toy reviewers.

I live in Canada, and sometimes we Canucks get toys before the US. The recently announced (by Target) Draculus for example is available in our capital Ottawa region right now from a legit toy retailer with a brick & mortar store.

Thing is, if people want to blame, blame YouTube and the all-too-easy online method to search & pay for these "factory samples." These people are willing to pay exorbitant prices for dubious items all in the name of "making it" as YouTube "content creators." It's just a bad cycle.
Re: Transformers Generations Collaborative: Jurassic Park Tyrannocon Rex & Autobot JP93 video review (2115633)
Posted by jtanimator on September 11th, 2021 @ 3:14pm CDT
Guys, SERIOUSLY, can we please just talk about the figures? Do we have to whine every single freaking time someone reviews a """stolen""" figure? We ALL get it at this point, it pisses you off, its dishonest, yadayadayada. Continuing to complain about it won't stop a single thing at this point, it won't change anyone's mind, and on the bright side, it doesn't effect us negatively at all. Plus it gives us a fun early peak at these figures. Get over it and let's talk about the figure.

I was definitely disappointed to find out JP is a deluxe class. It makes the most sense, but somehow I was inclined to think he'd be a voyager. It just makes the price a little harder to swallow, even more so than before. This may be one of the few figure sets I decide to keep in their package for display though, cause they look awesome.
Re: Transformers Generations Collaborative: Jurassic Park Tyrannocon Rex & Autobot JP93 video review (2115639)
Posted by -Kanrabat- on September 11th, 2021 @ 3:58pm CDT
jtanimator wrote:I was definitely disappointed to find out JP is a deluxe class. It makes the most sense, but somehow I was inclined to think he'd be a voyager. It just makes the price a little harder to swallow, even more so than before. This may be one of the few figure sets I decide to keep in their package for display though, cause they look awesome.

Being a big deluxe is perfectly on point though. But WHY those gaping holes in the thighs? For the asking price, this is pretty unforgivable.
Re: Transformers Generations Collaborative: Jurassic Park Tyrannocon Rex & Autobot JP93 video review (2115641)
Posted by transformers_va on September 11th, 2021 @ 4:17pm CDT
Mistaken_Table wrote:..folks are gonna discuss the stolen figure.
Why? Does it really matter? The figure is still the figure, regardless of whether or not it's stolen. Seems that it should only really matter to Hasbro/Takara.

I definitely like the T-Rex colours over the purple, and I'm happy to see JP93 is a new mold, and not just a repaint
Re: Transformers Generations Collaborative: Jurassic Park Tyrannocon Rex & Autobot JP93 video review (2115644)
Posted by Mistaken_Table on September 11th, 2021 @ 4:53pm CDT
Well, it kinda does matter. I come here for a look at the goings-on transformers-wise, and half the time this site's ACTIVELY ENDORSING THEFT against Hasbro (and by extension the Transformers brand itself) by featuring these reviewers, embedding their reviews and neglecting to mention the dubious nature of their acquisition, all just to trigger a few banner-ads.

I hate when people say "It's not hurting anyone" or "What can we do? They'll still steal them anyway." I bet KO companies could get a figure out before Hasbro with how early these 'review samples' get out there.

People like me get 100% of their TF news from sites like this. If we stopped promoting these reviewers, the dodgy goings-on would quickly lose their cost-effectiveness.

And anyone who thinks this article actually qualifies as news, we could tell from the 1st picture months ago its just a Kingdom Megatron repaint and THAT SAME CAR-FORMER, so this really was just "Look what Cheffy stole!!!!"

But hey, gotta keep the site going while there's still Transformers news, right?

@seibertron do you wanna weigh in on this? BTW I got the re-issue Optimus Primal. They grey plastic looks and feels awful, but other than that its a very solid re-do.

Can't wait to get banned for this. :HEADHURTS:
Re: Transformers Generations Collaborative: Jurassic Park Tyrannocon Rex & Autobot JP93 video review (2115646)
Posted by LinaNui on September 11th, 2021 @ 5:31pm CDT
-Kanrabat- wrote:
jtanimator wrote:I was definitely disappointed to find out JP is a deluxe class. It makes the most sense, but somehow I was inclined to think he'd be a voyager. It just makes the price a little harder to swallow, even more so than before. This may be one of the few figure sets I decide to keep in their package for display though, cause they look awesome.

Being a big deluxe is perfectly on point though. But WHY those gaping holes in the thighs? For the asking price, this is pretty unforgivable.

Pretty sure the gaps are there since this will be given a new paint job and head to be released as skids and his repaints next year.
Re: Transformers Generations Collaborative: Jurassic Park Tyrannocon Rex & Autobot JP93 video review (2115650)
Posted by primalxconvoy on September 11th, 2021 @ 7:39pm CDT
Mistaken_Table wrote:Can't wait to get banned for this. :HEADHURTS:

I think this site's owner stated that they cut their teeth reviewing "dodgy" TFs and uploading to the proto version of this site? I think though that YouTube ads pay more than in the "good ol' days'" of the internet?

As for being banned, I doubt it. Seibertron has a track-record of being more open to debate and criticism (of an things in general and of the site itself), which is why it's so much better than some other fan sites out there (including other TF sites).

Folks, it's simple; just don't watch Chefatron or PVP videos. I don't trust either of them, as I don't see many other YouTubers, even Chinese-based ones, reviewing official TFs so early. They seem very suspicious and I have felt that Chefatron started to get dodgy TFs to review to improve his flagging channel. Prior to that, I used to respect him and subscribe to him (and PVP) but once I heard about them and started to see the amount of (perhaps circumstantial) evidence against them (and their seemingly arrogant lack of defense, explanation or apology), I simply unsubscribed, blocked them from commenting and moved on.

I find it odd that some of the major TF sites won't publish stories about the latest KOs (which aren't illegal unless proven so, in court), and yet they will happily promote people who are just as "suss" as certain KO companies.

Regardless, if you don't want to support such people, all you have to do is not watch their videos and don't click on any news articles at any of the TF sites that mention Chefatron or PVP. The lack of clicks means less (ad) revenue for such pages, which will help the site owner(s) to tell they're not popular.

That's what I've done recently, except for now, due to coming across these comments.

After that, I spent time looking for far better TF reviewers, who don't get stolen TFs (and or, who usually cite where they've gotten their TFs from) such as Peugh (sic), Bens Collectibles, Freakin' Geek, Kuma Style, Wotafa, and even Chinese reviewers (whom I need subtitles to understand). By focusing on them, and giving THEM the likes, subscriptions and associated clicks/views on news site pages that cover them, I believe that's a much better way of dealing with little tea-leaves like PVP and Chefatron.

EDIT: - Here are 2 nice little channels I came across recently. They have relaxing animated/recorded TF toy transformation videos. In this one, they TF most of the MP line of toys to bouncy J-pop and other assorted tunes:


Re: Transformers Generations Collaborative: Jurassic Park Tyrannocon Rex & Autobot JP93 video review (2115655)
Posted by jtanimator on September 11th, 2021 @ 9:57pm CDT
Mistaken_Table wrote:Well, it kinda does matter. I come here for a look at the goings-on transformers-wise, and half the time this site's ACTIVELY ENDORSING THEFT against Hasbro (and by extension the Transformers brand itself) by featuring these reviewers, embedding their reviews and neglecting to mention the dubious nature of their acquisition, all just to trigger a few banner-ads.

Yeah, people like you are the ones killing it and turning this site into a trudge. This site promotes news on New TF's, and it would be ridiculous to ignore early insite and news on a highly anticipated figure.

Mistaken_Table wrote: I hate when people say "It's not hurting anyone" or "What can we do? They'll still steal them anyway." I bet KO companies could get a figure out before Hasbro with how early these 'review samples' get out there.

Its not hurting anyone. What can we do? We can't, and you white knighting this place halfway to hell and back doesn't change anything. Never has and never will.

People like me get 100% of their TF news from sites like this. If we stopped promoting these reviewers, the dodgy goings-on would quickly lose their cost-effectiveness.

No. No, they wouldn't. They don't get their success from They get it from YouTube and plenty other platforms. Not featuring it here would put an insignificant dent in their success and "viewership". I've worked personally on YouTube enough to know that.

And anyone who thinks this article actually qualifies as news, we could tell from the 1st picture months ago its just a Kingdom Megatron repaint and THAT SAME CAR-FORMER, so this really was just "Look what Cheffy stole!!!!"

It is news. News of a first TF review. By your definition, you must hate the majority of Transformers figures, considering a massive percentage of figures made are repaints, remolds and "car-formers". where have you been the last 40 years?

Can't wait to get banned for this. :HEADHURTS:

You aren't so brave. Calm down.
Re: Transformers Generations Collaborative: Jurassic Park Tyrannocon Rex & Autobot JP93 video review (2115656)
Posted by primalxconvoy on September 11th, 2021 @ 11:19pm CDT
jtanimator wrote:
Mistaken_Table wrote:Well, it kinda does matter. I come here for a look at the goings-on transformers-wise, and half the time this site's ACTIVELY ENDORSING THEFT against Hasbro (and by extension the Transformers brand itself) by featuring these reviewers, embedding their reviews and neglecting to mention the dubious nature of their acquisition, all just to trigger a few banner-ads.

Yeah, people like you are the ones killing it and turning this site into a trudge. This site promotes news on New TF's, and it would be ridiculous to ignore early insite and news on a highly anticipated figure.

Mistaken_Table wrote: I hate when people say "It's not hurting anyone" or "What can we do? They'll still steal them anyway." I bet KO companies could get a figure out before Hasbro with how early these 'review samples' get out there.

Its not hurting anyone. What can we do? We can't, and you white knighting this place halfway to hell and back doesn't change anything. Never has and never will.

People like me get 100% of their TF news from sites like this. If we stopped promoting these reviewers, the dodgy goings-on would quickly lose their cost-effectiveness.

No. No, they wouldn't. They don't get their success from They get it from YouTube and plenty other platforms. Not featuring it here would put an insignificant dent in their success and "viewership". I've worked personally on YouTube enough to know that.

And anyone who thinks this article actually qualifies as news, we could tell from the 1st picture months ago its just a Kingdom Megatron repaint and THAT SAME CAR-FORMER, so this really was just "Look what Cheffy stole!!!!"

It is news. News of a first TF review. By your definition, you must hate the majority of Transformers figures, considering a massive percentage of figures made are repaints, remolds and "car-formers". where have you been the last 40 years?

Can't wait to get banned for this. :HEADHURTS:

You aren't so brave. Calm down.


Other posters have the right to criticise such things and they most certainty are NOT "bringing down the site" with what they believe is right. There is obviously room to discuss the relevance of appropriate time to inject such criticism, but not too condemn it outright. As for possible damage, well if it is true that they're receiving stolen goods, then damage HAS been done, both to Hasbro and associates parties, and in taking (ad) revenue from legitimate YouTubers who don't conduct such possiblly illegal activities who gave lost potential views due to being "late to the party".

Your opinion on linking to YouTube not generating views for the cheeks are also false. By limiting the links, potential views are thus limited. I've watched enough "meta" videos on YouTube and internet link/ad revenue relationships to see that this is an obvious fact. Limiting the links DOES affect the amounts of views.

As for your false claims that campaigning for change brings no results, I would remind you of the furlough over the "KISS Players" and (arguably) sexualized imagery in the Japanese Titans Returns pack-in comics. There was enough debate throughout this to warrant most of the TF sites adjusting their site rules to now not cover, or edit, coverage of TF media and figures with potentially sexualized imagery of themes, such as the recent(ish) 3P Arcee "waifu" styled figure (which I've forgotten the name of). Even TFW2005, which was a stalwart refuge of such themes and imagery, eventually changed. Thus, change HAS occurred.

In the future, please refrain from such personal attacks on other posters here, and take the trouble to do a little research before making such generaliding statements. They're not welcome.
Re: Transformers Generations Collaborative: Jurassic Park Tyrannocon Rex & Autobot JP93 video review (2115659)
Posted by jtanimator on September 11th, 2021 @ 11:55pm CDT
primalxconvoy wrote:
jtanimator wrote:
Mistaken_Table wrote:Well, it kinda does matter. I come here for a look at the goings-on transformers-wise, and half the time this site's ACTIVELY ENDORSING THEFT against Hasbro (and by extension the Transformers brand itself) by featuring these reviewers, embedding their reviews and neglecting to mention the dubious nature of their acquisition, all just to trigger a few banner-ads.

Yeah, people like you are the ones killing it and turning this site into a trudge. This site promotes news on New TF's, and it would be ridiculous to ignore early insite and news on a highly anticipated figure.

Mistaken_Table wrote: I hate when people say "It's not hurting anyone" or "What can we do? They'll still steal them anyway." I bet KO companies could get a figure out before Hasbro with how early these 'review samples' get out there.

Its not hurting anyone. What can we do? We can't, and you white knighting this place halfway to hell and back doesn't change anything. Never has and never will.

People like me get 100% of their TF news from sites like this. If we stopped promoting these reviewers, the dodgy goings-on would quickly lose their cost-effectiveness.

No. No, they wouldn't. They don't get their success from They get it from YouTube and plenty other platforms. Not featuring it here would put an insignificant dent in their success and "viewership". I've worked personally on YouTube enough to know that.

And anyone who thinks this article actually qualifies as news, we could tell from the 1st picture months ago its just a Kingdom Megatron repaint and THAT SAME CAR-FORMER, so this really was just "Look what Cheffy stole!!!!"

It is news. News of a first TF review. By your definition, you must hate the majority of Transformers figures, considering a massive percentage of figures made are repaints, remolds and "car-formers". where have you been the last 40 years?

Can't wait to get banned for this. :HEADHURTS:

You aren't so brave. Calm down.


Other posters have the right to criticise such things and they most certainty are NOT "bringing down the site" with what they believe is right. There is obviously room to discuss the relevance of appropriate time to inject such criticism, but not too condemn it outright. As for possible damage, well if it is true that they're receiving stolen goods, then damage HAS been done, both to Hasbro and associates parties, and in taking (ad) revenue from legitimate YouTubers who don't conduct such possiblly illegal activities who gave lost potential views due to being "late to the party".

Your opinion on linking to YouTube not generating views for the cheeks are also false. By limiting the links, potential views are thus limited. I've watched enough "meta" videos on YouTube and internet link/ad revenue relationships to see that this is an obvious fact. Limiting the links DOES affect the amounts of views.

As for your false claims that campaigning for change brings no results, I would remind you of the furlough over the "KISS Players" and (arguably) sexualized imagery in the Japanese Titans Returns pack-in comics. There was enough debate throughout this to warrant most of the TF sites adjusting their site rules to now not cover, or edit, coverage of TF media and figures with potentially sexualized imagery of themes, such as the recent(ish) 3P Arcee "waifu" styled figure (which I've forgotten the name of). Even TFW2005, which was a stalwart refuge of such themes and imagery, eventually changed. Thus, change HAS occurred.

In the future, please refrain from such personal attacks on other posters here, and take the trouble to do a little research before making such generaliding statements. They're not welcome.

I figured I'd trigger someone sensitive.
Re: Transformers Generations Collaborative: Jurassic Park Tyrannocon Rex & Autobot JP93 video review (2115661)
Posted by Burn on September 12th, 2021 @ 2:14am CDT
Re: Transformers Generations Collaborative: Jurassic Park Tyrannocon Rex & Autobot JP93 video review (2115665)
Posted by Mistaken_Table on September 12th, 2021 @ 6:16am CDT
@jtanimator no offence or anything, but you lost all credibility as soon as gives us a fun early peak at these figures.

You're either the marketing rep for the Thieves Guild in question, or you may need to take another look at the situation.

Since you've graced me with an in-depth response, its only fair that I reciprocate in kind:

Its not hurting anyone. What can we do? We can't, and you white knighting this place halfway to hell and back doesn't change anything. Never has and never will.

"Quiet! You're just people and nobody's listening. Consume content, consumer."

Also, are you saying Hasbro wouldn't be hurt when KO companies can reproduce and release their figures before Hasbro have even announced them? And since when were white knights a negative thing?

They don't get their success from They get it from YouTube and plenty other platforms. Not featuring it here would put an insignificant dent in their success and "viewership". I've worked personally on YouTube enough to know that.

Limiting/removing support of these reviewers from sites like these would help exclude and discourage the videos. Yes, people will still watch the reviews, but it will shift their viewership more towards ad-hoc viewers and away from returning and externally directed viewers.

It is news. News of a first TF review. By your definition, you must hate the majority of Transformers figures, considering a massive percentage of figures made are repaints, remolds and "car-formers". where have you been the last 40 years?

Yes, it is the first review. But its of 2 remolds, not brand-new designs. Only a goldfish clicks on a Skywarp or Tigertrack review expecting entirely new figures. Kingdom Megatron and the Siege Car-former mold have already been reviewed. I don't have any problem with repaints or retools, they are just less news-worthy than new figures.

Yeah, people like you are the ones killing it and turning this site into a trudge. This site promotes news on New TF's, and it would be ridiculous to ignore early insite and news on a highly anticipated figure.

Its a lack of people like me that lets stuff like this go unchecked, a classic example is people calling IPKOs 3rd party and straight rip KOs being rebranded as 4th party. Stuff like this directly affects the future of the company, the franchise, sites like this and our hobby. If you don't want to hear stuff like this, I'd suggest limiting yourself to spamming ePiC in the Youtube comment section of these videos.

And finally...

Can't wait to get banned for this. :HEADHURTS:

You aren't so brave. Calm down.

I amin't so brave. I'm a big brave boy XD. But in all seriousness, I'll point out when something's nicked every time it comes up, because if I don't, no-one will, and theft will become an accepted practise around here.

I'd like to thank primalxconvoy for the increasingly rare backup and Burn for the gif.

NGL really enjoying myself here.
Re: Transformers Generations Collaborative: Jurassic Park Tyrannocon Rex & Autobot JP93 video review (2115666)
Posted by ZeroWolf on September 12th, 2021 @ 6:26am CDT
I've largely kept out of this as a staff member has kindly asked for this to stay on topic about the toys, not to keep talking about the reviewer (something that the site owner has also asked in a separate thread) but I have to correct one thing:

The 'car-former' isn't a WfC mold. Speculation on the transformation method is that we're seeing a retool released before the original use of the mold. Of course it could be another completely new and unique mold like Maverick was but it also seems to bear the markings of being Skids, who is heavily rumoured to be coming next year in the Legacy line *(with a redeco in the Walmart line that is replacing the Netflix toys).
Re: Transformers Generations Collaborative: Jurassic Park Tyrannocon Rex & Autobot JP93 video review (2115667)
Posted by primalxconvoy on September 12th, 2021 @ 6:27am CDT
No problem, although as a big fan of KO TFs, I wouldn't sing my praises too highly. Regardless, I think receiving stolen goods (IF that's what has occurred, as I've no concrete evidence to prove that) is just a smidge more "gittish" than buying KOs (but then again, I've written extensively at various KO threads about my views on the subject).

I do think we should get around to simply making a thread to discuss this, rather than keep doing it in these threads (and just post a link to said thread every time a PVP/Chefatron/Tea-leaf article appears). That way, those that want to highlight the debate can do so, causing the least amount of disruption to discussing the toys themselves?
Re: Transformers Generations Collaborative: Jurassic Park Tyrannocon Rex & Autobot JP93 video review (2115668)
Posted by ZeroWolf on September 12th, 2021 @ 6:31am CDT
primalxconvoy wrote:No problem, although as a big fan of KO TFs, I wouldn't sing my praises too highly. Regardless, I think receiving stolen goods (IF that's what has occurred, as I've no concrete evidence to prove that) is just a smidge more "gittish" than buying KOs (but then again, I've written extensively at various KO threads about my views on the subject).

I do think we should get around to simply making a thread to discuss this, rather than keep doing it in these threads (and just post a link to said thread every time a PVP/Chefatron/Tea-leaf article appears). That way, those that want to highlight the debate can do so, causing the least amount of disruption to discussing the toys themselves?

That would be more ideal
Re: Transformers Generations Collaborative: Jurassic Park Tyrannocon Rex & Autobot JP93 video review (2115672)
Posted by Gauntlet101010 on September 12th, 2021 @ 10:47am CDT
Another thread derailed by an argument over whether something is stolen? Maybe I should care about where a reviewer gets his toys, but I don't.

It's interesting to speculate on whether JP93 is based on a future Skids. He does share a lot with him. I can believe it.
Re: Transformers Generations Collaborative: Jurassic Park Tyrannocon Rex & Autobot JP93 video review (2115673)
Posted by -Kanrabat- on September 12th, 2021 @ 10:55am CDT
Gauntlet101010 wrote:It's interesting to speculate on whether JP93 is based on a future Skids. He does share a lot with him. I can believe it.

I can see a Skids based on that mold. However, I'm sure he'll have another car shell than JP93. This make the completely hollow thighs still unforgivable. If some smart-ass with a 3D printer can make filler parts, I don't see why Hasbro can't make those parts on the JP93 car shell runner to justify the absurd mark-up.
Re: Transformers Generations Collaborative: Jurassic Park Tyrannocon Rex & Autobot JP93 video review (2115674)
Posted by Gauntlet101010 on September 12th, 2021 @ 11:05am CDT
-Kanrabat- wrote:
Gauntlet101010 wrote:It's interesting to speculate on whether JP93 is based on a future Skids. He does share a lot with him. I can believe it.

I can see a Skids based on that mold. However, I'm sure he'll have another car shell than JP93. This make the completely hollow thighs still unforgivable. If some smart-ass with a 3D printer can make filler parts, I don't see why Hasbro can't make those parts on the JP93 car shell runner to justify the absurd mark-up.

TBH, the hollow parts on TFs never really bothered me. It's usually when they go halfway on a decent idea that really bothers me.

What bothers me are the lack of paint apps really hurting a figure overall (like Arcee and Prime) or only going so far in remolding (Ironhide). I think my main gripe on these figures are the terrible names. Which aren't a real problem. I also wish that they had remolded Tyrannocoon's chest. I forgave it on first viewing since I thought JP was all-new, but if he isn't then it's just cheap.
Re: Transformers Generations Collaborative: Jurassic Park Tyrannocon Rex & Autobot JP93 video review (2115675)
Posted by ZeroWolf on September 12th, 2021 @ 11:08am CDT
Well for intents and purposes jp is brand new still, and if we're right about the molds future use, then it will give us some idea on how Skids will turn out.
Re: Transformers Generations Collaborative: Jurassic Park Tyrannocon Rex & Autobot JP93 video review (2115676)
Posted by -Kanrabat- on September 12th, 2021 @ 11:22am CDT
Gauntlet101010 wrote:I also wish that they had remolded Tyrannocon's chest. I forgave it on first viewing since I thought JP was all-new, but if he isn't then it's just cheap.

Because all the dinos in JP are "female", it would have been really awesome (and worth the price) if Tyrannocon's chest would not only have been remolded, but remolded into a fembot chest with the head to match. She would have been so sweet and bad-ass! :x
Re: Transformers Generations Collaborative: Jurassic Park Tyrannocon Rex & Autobot JP93 video review (2115685)
Posted by The_Cryptid_Person on September 12th, 2021 @ 12:38pm CDT
-Kanrabat- wrote:
Gauntlet101010 wrote:I also wish that they had remolded Tyrannocon's chest. I forgave it on first viewing since I thought JP was all-new, but if he isn't then it's just cheap.

Because all the dinos in JP are "female", it would have been really awesome (and worth the price) if Tyrannocon's chest would not only have been remolded, but remolded into a fembot chest with the head to match. She would have been so sweet and bad-ass! :x

The bio on Amazon says the new character Tyrannocon is a "she," but the toy still looks like the definitely male BW Megatron. It's Cybertron Override all over again, but the budget finds a way, I guess... :lol:

Related to the mold discussion, I really hope JP93 isn't Skids. He looks way too cheaply built (ball joints!!!) and hollow to continue the WFC Deluxe retail price point IMO.
Re: Transformers Generations Collaborative: Jurassic Park Tyrannocon Rex & Autobot JP93 video review (2115691)
Posted by ZeroWolf on September 12th, 2021 @ 1:26pm CDT
Latebrus-K wrote:
-Kanrabat- wrote:
Gauntlet101010 wrote:I also wish that they had remolded Tyrannocon's chest. I forgave it on first viewing since I thought JP was all-new, but if he isn't then it's just cheap.

Because all the dinos in JP are "female", it would have been really awesome (and worth the price) if Tyrannocon's chest would not only have been remolded, but remolded into a fembot chest with the head to match. She would have been so sweet and bad-ass! :x

The bio on Amazon says the new character Tyrannocon is a "she," but the toy still looks like the definitely male BW Megatron. It's Cybertron Override all over again, but the budget finds a way, I guess... :lol:

Related to the mold discussion, I really hope JP93 isn't Skids. He looks way too cheaply built (ball joints!!!) and hollow to continue the WFC Deluxe retail price point IMO.

Well Skids is still a little whiles off, and Skids could have been refined further (or jp altered to save money, same way titan class devy)

I do wonder how much the licence is adding to the cost :-? After all there's not just the Jurassic Park licence but also the Ford licence for JP
Re: Transformers Generations Collaborative: Jurassic Park Tyrannocon Rex & Autobot JP93 video review (2115708)
Posted by o.supreme on September 12th, 2021 @ 7:19pm CDT
So future speculation aside, can we officially say that JP93 is the 2nd completely original toy from the crossover line? ( The 1st being Maverick from Top Gun).
Re: Transformers Generations Collaborative: Jurassic Park Tyrannocon Rex & Autobot JP93 video review (2115711)
Posted by Jelze Bunnycat on September 12th, 2021 @ 8:20pm CDT
o.supreme wrote:So future speculation aside, can we officially say that JP93 is the 2nd completely original toy from the crossover line? ( The 1st being Maverick from Top Gun).

So far, yes.
Re: Transformers Generations Collaborative: Jurassic Park Tyrannocon Rex & Autobot JP93 video review (2116114)
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on September 18th, 2021 @ 2:37pm CDT
Rexy is looking good, I do appreciate the new head and colors, she looks good.

JP93 will get a new name, not sure yet on which one, but he will. Love the hat still
Re: Transformers Generations Collaborative: Jurassic Park Tyrannocon Rex & Autobot JP93 video review (2119591)
Posted by TF-fan kev777 on October 26th, 2021 @ 7:58am CDT
Looks like Rexy and JP93 are getting pushed back to December 15th. That actually works for me and will end up going under the Christmas tree.
Re: Transformers Generations Collaborative: Jurassic Park Tyrannocon Rex & Autobot JP93 video review (2119649)
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on October 26th, 2021 @ 6:49pm CDT
Ugh, disappointed this set got pushed back. this makes December a heavier month thanks to the delays, which is unfortunate. November is now pretty light
Re: Transformers Generations Collaborative: Jurassic Park Tyrannocon Rex & Autobot JP93 video review (2120800)
Posted by Emerje on November 11th, 2021 @ 6:29am CST
Just got charged, Amazon says it should be here Monday!

Was hoping the price would drop, $110 would have been a lot for two leaders let alone this.

Re: Transformers Generations Collaborative: Jurassic Park Tyrannocon Rex & Autobot JP93 video review (2120801)
Posted by -Kanrabat- on November 11th, 2021 @ 6:31am CST
Emerje wrote:Just got charged, Amazon says it should be here Monday!


Be sure to leave your impressions and lots of pictures when you get your set!

On my end, I'll skip because Canadians are grossly overcharged for this.
Re: Transformers Generations Collaborative: Jurassic Park Tyrannocon Rex & Autobot JP93 video review (2120802)
Posted by Emerje on November 11th, 2021 @ 6:42am CST
-Kanrabat- wrote:
Emerje wrote:Just got charged, Amazon says it should be here Monday!


Be sure to leave your impressions and lots of pictures when you get your set!

On my end, I'll skip because Canadians are grossly overcharged for this.

I might, it'll give me something to do while I'm stuck in quarantine in my bedroom for another week (I'll be fine I've had colds worse than this). No computer in here so I'll have to figure out how to upload from my phone.

Prices are crazy for all of us on this one. $35 markup on this one is no joke!

Re: Transformers Generations Collaborative: Jurassic Park Tyrannocon Rex & Autobot JP93 video review (2120810)
Posted by william-james88 on November 11th, 2021 @ 8:24am CST
-Kanrabat- wrote:
Emerje wrote:Just got charged, Amazon says it should be here Monday!


Be sure to leave your impressions and lots of pictures when you get your set!

On my end, I'll skip because Canadians are grossly overcharged for this.

was curious to see if the mark up was similar in canada when taking exchange into consideration and I can no longer find the listing on
Re: Transformers Generations Collaborative: Jurassic Park Tyrannocon Rex & Autobot JP93 video review (2120811)
Posted by -Kanrabat- on November 11th, 2021 @ 8:42am CST
william-james88 wrote:
-Kanrabat- wrote:
Emerje wrote:Just got charged, Amazon says it should be here Monday!


Be sure to leave your impressions and lots of pictures when you get your set!

On my end, I'll skip because Canadians are grossly overcharged for this.

was curious to see if the mark up was similar in canada when taking exchange into consideration and I can no longer find the listing on

I remember the price and it was 155$can. That mean Canadians pay 125$us.

Why? Because F Canadians.
Re: Transformers Generations Collaborative: Jurassic Park Tyrannocon Rex & Autobot JP93 video review (2120838)
Posted by King Kuuga on November 11th, 2021 @ 1:36pm CST
Mine is set to arrive on Monday. I'm going to wait for other in-hand perspectives but I'm probably just going to flip this one. I ordered it while on the fence because it was easier to have an order and cancel it than to decide I want it when it's sold out. I'm strongly leaning towards not wanting it, so yeah.
Re: Transformers Generations Collaborative: Jurassic Park Tyrannocon Rex & Autobot JP93 video review (2120839)
Posted by -Kanrabat- on November 11th, 2021 @ 1:39pm CST
King Kuuga wrote:Mine is set to arrive on Monday. I'm going to wait for other in-hand perspectives but I'm probably just going to flip this one. I ordered it while on the fence because it was easier to have an order and cancel it than to decide I want it when it's sold out. I'm strongly leaning towards not wanting it, so yeah.

If you don't want to lose money, just return the thing to Amazon for a full refund.
Re: Transformers Generations Collaborative: Jurassic Park Tyrannocon Rex & Autobot JP93 video review (2120851)
Posted by Emerje on November 11th, 2021 @ 5:29pm CST
Shipping updated to say arriving Saturday. :DANCE:

Re: Transformers Generations Collaborative: Jurassic Park Tyrannocon Rex & Autobot JP93 video review (2120853)
Posted by triKlops on November 11th, 2021 @ 6:51pm CST
Monday the 15th for me.
Re: Transformers Generations Collaborative: Jurassic Park Tyrannocon Rex & Autobot JP93 video review (2120857)
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on November 11th, 2021 @ 8:12pm CST
Mine shipped and should arrive tomorrow
Re: Transformers Generations Collaborative: Jurassic Park Tyrannocon Rex & Autobot JP93 video review (2120968)
Posted by sol magnus on November 13th, 2021 @ 10:31am CST
TF-fan kev777 wrote:Looks like Rexy and JP93 are getting pushed back to December 15th. That actually works for me and will end up going under the Christmas tree.

My card got charged on Thursday for this. I ordered three, with the intent to sell two of em, but I'm not even sure I'm going to keep the one.
Re: Transformers Generations Collaborative: Jurassic Park Tyrannocon Rex & Autobot JP93 video review (2120969)
Posted by -Kanrabat- on November 13th, 2021 @ 10:44am CST
sol magnus wrote:
TF-fan kev777 wrote:Looks like Rexy and JP93 are getting pushed back to December 15th. That actually works for me and will end up going under the Christmas tree.

My card got charged on Thursday for this. I ordered three, with the intent to sell two of em, but I'm not even sure I'm going to keep the one.

If those suddenly pop up everywhere like the other X-Over figures that shelfwarm due to their ludicrous prices, you'll have a hard time selling them yet alone making any profits. Especially with the very big cut eBay takes.
Re: Transformers Generations Collaborative: Jurassic Park Tyrannocon Rex & Autobot JP93 video review (2120970)
Posted by sol magnus on November 13th, 2021 @ 10:47am CST
-Kanrabat- wrote:
sol magnus wrote:
TF-fan kev777 wrote:Looks like Rexy and JP93 are getting pushed back to December 15th. That actually works for me and will end up going under the Christmas tree.

My card got charged on Thursday for this. I ordered three, with the intent to sell two of em, but I'm not even sure I'm going to keep the one.

If those suddenly pop up everywhere like the other X-Over figures that shelfwarm due to their ludicrous prices, you'll have a hard time selling them yet alone making any profits. Especially with the very big cut eBay takes.

True, but I can just return them. The question is am I returning two or three. It's looking more like three. I like original characters, but I just don't feel the 'need' on this one.
Re: Transformers Generations Collaborative: Jurassic Park Tyrannocon Rex & Autobot JP93 video review (2120972)
Posted by -Kanrabat- on November 13th, 2021 @ 10:53am CST
sol magnus wrote:
-Kanrabat- wrote:
sol magnus wrote:
TF-fan kev777 wrote:Looks like Rexy and JP93 are getting pushed back to December 15th. That actually works for me and will end up going under the Christmas tree.

My card got charged on Thursday for this. I ordered three, with the intent to sell two of em, but I'm not even sure I'm going to keep the one.

If those suddenly pop up everywhere like the other X-Over figures that shelfwarm due to their ludicrous prices, you'll have a hard time selling them yet alone making any profits. Especially with the very big cut eBay takes.

True, but I can just return them. The question is am I returning two or three. It's looking more like three. I like original characters, but I just don't feel the 'need' on this one.

Thanks to Amazon for their "no fuss" return policies. I could return my Ark because of severe buyer remorse despite the thing being open and used. So as long that you don't wait for too long, you should have no problem.
Re: Transformers Generations Collaborative: Jurassic Park Tyrannocon Rex & Autobot JP93 video review (2120973)
Posted by sol magnus on November 13th, 2021 @ 10:55am CST
-Kanrabat- wrote:
sol magnus wrote:
-Kanrabat- wrote:
sol magnus wrote:
TF-fan kev777 wrote:Looks like Rexy and JP93 are getting pushed back to December 15th. That actually works for me and will end up going under the Christmas tree.

My card got charged on Thursday for this. I ordered three, with the intent to sell two of em, but I'm not even sure I'm going to keep the one.

If those suddenly pop up everywhere like the other X-Over figures that shelfwarm due to their ludicrous prices, you'll have a hard time selling them yet alone making any profits. Especially with the very big cut eBay takes.

True, but I can just return them. The question is am I returning two or three. It's looking more like three. I like original characters, but I just don't feel the 'need' on this one.

Thanks to Amazon for their "no fuss" return policies. I could return my Ark because of severe buyer remorse despite the thing being open and used. So as long that you don't wait for too long, you should have no problem.

Yeah, I remember you saying that. I don't get it. I love my Ark.

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