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Transformers Report from the British Toy Fair

Transformers News: Transformers Report from the British Toy Fair

Thursday, February 7th, 2008 3:48PM CST

Categories: Cartoon News, Movie Related News, Toy News, Event News, Company News
Posted by: i_amtrunks   Views: 67,335

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Transformers at the Moon have posted their report following the 2008 British Toy Fare.

Unfortunately no Pictures were allowed to be taken, but the Moon Crew have posted some previously unknown detailed information on upcoming Transformers lines. Below is a synopsis of the report:

Transformers: Animated
- Bulkhead and Optimus Prime will be made in Deluxe, Voyager and Leader size classes
- Earth Mode Megatron will be Leader Sized
- Animated Jazz has a G1 style Deco
- Animated will also have a renamed line very similar to the "Fast Action Battlers". This line will feature electronic lights and sounds.

Classics 2.0 / Universe
- Sunstreaker, Prowl, Onslaught and Powerglide were all on display.

Robot Heroes and Movie figures
- Will all make it to UK shores, with the Movie line running until Animated's Release.

Marvel Transformers
- Hulk, Venom and Iron Man will be the first figures released.
- The figures are smaller than megamorphs, and more comparable to SWTF.

To read the full report, please click here.
Credit(s): Tranformers @ the Moon, Moonbug

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Re: Transformers Report from the British Toy Fair (625951)
Posted by Overloaded on February 7th, 2008 @ 3:53pm CST
I am amazed Ratchets not a voyager figure instead of a deluxe
Re: Transformers Report from the British Toy Fair (625959)
Posted by Autobot032 on February 7th, 2008 @ 4:00pm CST
O_o...Leader Class? Seriously? Weren't we told officially that there would only be Deluxe and Voyager classes for Animated?

Well there's a plus side to that....Bulkhead will get the size he deserves. Which means I'll have to wait for him to arrive before I get him.

Patience is not one of my strong points. lol

I wonder what Leader Class Optimus will look like and do...

I think having the Deluxe Class figures, with a Voyager Optimus and Leader Class Bulkhead would fit the look of the show's scale.

Re: Transformers Report from the British Toy Fair (625962)
Posted by Tekka on February 7th, 2008 @ 4:01pm CST
Oh sweet, Leader class Chopper-Megatron. :mrgreen: Now I really want all the Animated Decepticons.
Re: Transformers Report from the British Toy Fair (625965)
Posted by Hip-Hoptimus Rime on February 7th, 2008 @ 4:04pm CST
Does all that info (aside from the UK-specific portion) apply to the US and the rest of the world?

Leader class would be awesome for Animated! Any idea if Bulkhead and Prime will be in scale w/ each other? The pics I've seen (Dlx? Voy?) seem to say yes. I'm really excited about this line, enough so to possibly pay way too much for one of those early-releases on eBay. Someone please stop me!

Thx for the heads-up, nice job.
Re: Transformers Report from the British Toy Fair (625976)
Posted by Bumblethumper on February 7th, 2008 @ 4:09pm CST
Why would anyone want a deluxe sized Bulkhead?
Re: Transformers Report from the British Toy Fair (625978)
Posted by Tekka on February 7th, 2008 @ 4:10pm CST
I might just pick up that Venom transformer too, that sounds intriguing.
Re: Transformers Report from the British Toy Fair (625987)
Posted by Liege Evilmus on February 7th, 2008 @ 4:24pm CST
Do you realy need 3 BulkHeads?

Re: Transformers Report from the British Toy Fair (625998)
Posted by Sledge on February 7th, 2008 @ 4:32pm CST
Not sure why they've done a Voyager Bulkhead. I can understand Leader and Deluxe (one for people who want the right scale, one for people on a budget), but the Voyager one? That's for... er... people who kinda want scale but are too cheap to pay for it? :-?

Still, at least it'll put an end to the "why is Bulkhead a Deluxe when he should be bigger" moaning.
Re: Transformers Report from the British Toy Fair (626001)
Posted by mattyc1007 on February 7th, 2008 @ 4:40pm CST
what about tankor
Re: Transformers Report from the British Toy Fair (626003)
Posted by Autobot Jazz on February 7th, 2008 @ 4:41pm CST
Liege Evilmus wrote:Do you realy need 3 BulkHeads?


The 3 Bulkheads isn't really my concern, though it does seem a little excessive(seems like 3 different classes would have been reserved for BB), my main concern is which Prime I'm gonna get!(probably leader but should I also get Voyager &/or Deluxe?)
Re: Transformers Report from the British Toy Fair (626007)
Posted by STngAR on February 7th, 2008 @ 4:43pm CST
The marvel transformers makes me pull the balloon out and start blowing it up, but the phrase "more comparable to SWTF" makes the needle in the drawer come out and start a plummeting motion toward it... but I will not pop it till further info.
Re: Transformers Report from the British Toy Fair (626017)
Posted by Overcracker on February 7th, 2008 @ 4:50pm CST
Interesting, I'm kind of intrigued by th Marvelformers.

Guess they'll be more like the Shape Shifter's line rather than the megaorphers, although if they are taking the Star Wars Tf concept will they be like Megamorphers with pilots?

Never quite understood that concept:
its not like Venom would get a Symbiote Mech to pilot. Can Hulk even pilot a mech (yes he does in the Megamorpher line, don't know the reasoning behind that one). Well I guess if he is the Professor persona he can. Or are we going to get a tiny Bruce Banner figure to place inside the huge green Hulk mech. That would be kind of interesting.

Iron-Man is the only one that makes sense. Stark is the only one who could build an iron man mech for himself. Or a huge armor for that matter.

Still very intrigued. I do hope however the QC is improved. the first few waves of SWTF's were abysmal. And the Megamorpher and Shape Shifter Lines weren't really that good. Images of the horrible Punisher/Pistol Shape Shifter still haunt me. That was a terrible design IMHO. Gun barrel out of his butt hole.
Re: Transformers Report from the British Toy Fair (626031)
Posted by Briggs on February 7th, 2008 @ 5:05pm CST
Wow that was unexpected!

Though I think I will limit myself to one of each character, so here's hoping Voyager Prime scales well with leader bulkhead.
Re: Transformers Report from the British Toy Fair (626060)
Posted by Jazzz on February 7th, 2008 @ 5:56pm CST
lights and sounds?
leader class bulkhead?
leader class Prime?
leader class Megs?
dude, I'm happy that these toys will be more scale. but that's 120 dollars!
I'll probably just get leader Bulkhead.
Voyager Megatron is probably gonna be awesome.
and Prime is a meh character. but I need him and I don't want to spend 40 dollars on him.

Jazz will have a G1 Deco. =P~
Re: Transformers Report from the British Toy Fair (626062)
Posted by WasPWNator on February 7th, 2008 @ 5:58pm CST
Man I hope I have enough money for leader class Megatron. If not I may have to stick with the voyager cybertron mode. But I want Helicopter megs! :(

Deluxe Bulkhead is good news though, he's one of my fav autobots, and now all us poor folk will be able to get him:)
Re: Transformers Report from the British Toy Fair (626108)
Posted by Autobot Snake Eyes on February 7th, 2008 @ 6:46pm CST
Bulkhead is a must for me.

Cool Your Circuits Bulkhead!

That never gets old
Re: Transformers Report from the British Toy Fair (626119)
Posted by Tekka on February 7th, 2008 @ 7:00pm CST
I will be getting these guys to the closest scale I can. So if that means forking out £100 on Bulkhead and Megs so be it, though I will more than likely have family get me one on the cheap from the US or get one myself from eBay if they're cheap enough.
Re: Transformers Report from the British Toy Fair (626127)
Posted by Jaz-Zen on February 7th, 2008 @ 7:15pm CST
Booya! :grin: I TOLD ya'll Animated was gonna have a Leader class. :P Naw, just kidding, I'm not really a "told ya so" kinda guy. :) But I did know that Animated was gonna have Leader-sized Bulkhead and Megatron. I'm kinda surprised about Leader Optimus, though. I was SURE that Ultra Magnus was gonna be Leader-sized, or at least have a leader-sized version. I hope we still see leader-size UM at some point in the future, though.

Jazz has a G1 deco? That's cool. :D

- Animated will also have a renamed line very similar to the "Fast Action Battlers". This line will feature electronic lights and sounds.
That's kinda cool. I'll need to see them before I make a true judgement call, though. Oh, and I believe this quote is referencing this previously released info:
Transformers Animated Activators Assortment: 8 spring-loaded quick transforming figures

Marvel TFs comparable to SWTF? Hmm. Again, I'll have to see before I judge. I would say that its probably safe to say that Iron Man, having a robotic look anyway, would probably look okay, but I do wonder what these Marvel TFs will transform into.

Overall, cool report. Thanks! :grin:
Re: Transformers Report from the British Toy Fair (626163)
Posted by UltraPrimal on February 7th, 2008 @ 8:04pm CST
Leader Megatron, huh? That'll be a big helicopter. He should be better than the last leader Megatron. I guess leader Prime is going to be the one with the trailer. Not sure which, if any, Bulkhead I'll pick up. Good thing Jazz is in his G1 colors, 'cause I wouldn't pick him up if he wasn't. Marvel Transformers? We knew it was coming. We'll have to wait till BotCon, or until some photos are leaked, to judge how crappy they are. If doesn't sound fair, just look at the track record of Marvel Morpher and Shape Shifters. And the "comparable to SWTF" thing doesn't inspire confidence.
Re: Transformers Report from the British Toy Fair (626167)
Posted by First-Aid on February 7th, 2008 @ 8:09pm CST
MARVEL Transformers? When did I miss this news? Must be the fever I';m running...:-/
Re: Transformers Report from the British Toy Fair (626218)
Posted by Omega Charge on February 7th, 2008 @ 9:27pm CST
Jaz-Zen wrote:Booya! :grin: I TOLD ya'll Animated was gonna have a Leader class. :P Naw, just kidding, I'm not really a "told ya so" kinda guy. :) But I did know that Animated was gonna have Leader-sized Bulkhead and Megatron.

Hey, don't be afraid to rub it in. we tried to tell 'em, they just didn't listen. :P
Re: Transformers Report from the British Toy Fair (626236)
Posted by Sabrblade on February 7th, 2008 @ 9:48pm CST
I'll bet leader class Prime will have the back half of his vehicle mode so he actually looks like a fire truck. :grin:
Re: Transformers Report from the British Toy Fair (626288)
Posted by Autobot032 on February 8th, 2008 @ 12:37am CST
Omega Charge wrote:
Jaz-Zen wrote:Booya! :grin: I TOLD ya'll Animated was gonna have a Leader class. :P Naw, just kidding, I'm not really a "told ya so" kinda guy. :) But I did know that Animated was gonna have Leader-sized Bulkhead and Megatron.

Hey, don't be afraid to rub it in. we tried to tell 'em, they just didn't listen. :P

As I've said many times in the past, when I'm wrong, I'll admit it. I was wrong. That's what I get for listening to hearsay on the internet.

Personally, I'm hoping the Leader Class figures have some oomph packed into them....
Re: Transformers Report from the British Toy Fair (626311)
Posted by MrMunkeepants on February 8th, 2008 @ 1:54am CST
have we actually seen Earth vehicle mode Megatron? there were the screen shots from the video games, but nothing else as far as I know... well, here's hoping he looks like a cross between movie Blackout and Incinerator, except full scale!
Re: Transformers Report from the British Toy Fair (626320)
Posted by Autobot032 on February 8th, 2008 @ 2:25am CST
MrMunkeepants wrote:have we actually seen Earth vehicle mode Megatron? there were the screen shots from the video games, but nothing else as far as I know... well, here's hoping he looks like a cross between movie Blackout and Incinerator, except full scale!

We've seen robot mode, briefly.
The most we've seen of his Earth mode is through YouTube openings of the show and the NetJet inclusion.

He remains quite the mystery. He better look darn good after all of this.

Speaking of...isn't The International Toy Fair due within the next couple of weeks??
Re: Transformers Report from the British Toy Fair (626404)
Posted by Moonbug on February 8th, 2008 @ 7:33am CST
A bit more information this time our thanks go our to Break. His report is regarding what was in the Buyers Guide.
Re: Transformers Report from the British Toy Fair (626707)
Posted by munkimus prime on February 8th, 2008 @ 1:05pm CST
Where's Tankor on that report, hasbro better be releasing him here if not i'm going to be very p'd off he was the classic that I wanted the most aside from prowl. I really want to see some pics of animated jazz he sound nice having a g1 deco.
Re: Transformers Report from the British Toy Fair (626852)
Posted by Decatron on February 8th, 2008 @ 4:11pm CST
Interesting choice for Bulkhead to be 3 classes.
Re: Transformers Report from the British Toy Fair (626854)
Posted by rpetras on February 8th, 2008 @ 4:12pm CST
I'm glad they're making lots of different sizes. Gives people the choice of which bots they want in which sizes and prices.

If they are going to have a limited roster, like they did in the movie, I prefer to see more options on the characters.

Seriously, how much crying was there that we never got a leader Blackout or dlx Bonecrusher?

So far I really liked the previews of dlx Bulkhead, with all the gimicks and all, but he was more than a bit small. I hope leader class has a lot of similar features!!!
Re: Transformers Report from the British Toy Fair (626896)
Posted by Jaz-Zen on February 8th, 2008 @ 5:17pm CST
Moonbug wrote:A bit more information this time our thanks go our to Break. His report is regarding what was in the Buyers Guide.

Just to keep all the info in the thread so people don't have to look elsewhere, here is the summery:

1. Transformers Animated 'Bumpber-bots' is the name of the new Cyber-slammer type line.

2. One of these 'Bumpber-bots' (Cyber Slammers) will be Animated Bumblebee.

3. Animated 'Activators' are scout-sized versions of characters which feature spring loaded transformations.

4. Universe Legends were listed

5. A supreme-scale 'Roll Out' Optimus Prime that has a moving mouth with sounds from the cartoon!"

As I said before, I'm interested in seeing what the Activators look like. My biggest complaint about Fast Action Battlers was that they cost the same as the Deluxe class. Sure, that makes all the voyager-sized characters available at a cheaper price point, but all of the FABs of deluxe-sized characters were really only so kids could have less complicated versions of the Movie characters. Which is fine, that was smart on Hasbro's part, but it kinda sucked for adult collectors when the only Concept Camaro version of Bumblebee on the shelves was the FAB version. I was like, I really want CC Bumblebee, but I'd rather spend $10 on deluxe-sized BB than $10 on FAB BB.

So having, perhaps, the whole cast as scout-sized Activators could be really cool. That way, those of us that kinda get hung-up on scale can get Prowl as a scout-sized figure, if we want. It will still depend on how good Activators look, of course.
Re: Transformers Report from the British Toy Fair (627145)
Posted by Bumblethumper on February 8th, 2008 @ 6:41pm CST
This makes sense now.

see the listing on an official Hasbro site:

I'm also intrigued by the activators. It remains to be seen whether they'll be worthwhile, but it does seem that they at least will offer something different.

This was the problem with FABs. For the same price as a deluxe, they just didn't have enough to offer.
Re: Transformers Report from the British Toy Fair (627424)
Posted by olokin on February 9th, 2008 @ 5:01am CST
The upcoming marvel transformers sounds interesting. . . .
Re: Transformers Report from the British Toy Fair (627425)
Posted by Tekka on February 9th, 2008 @ 5:05am CST
Bumblethumper wrote:see the listing on an official Hasbro site:

I see "Animated Supreme, Sortiment" who the heck is going to be supreme size in Animated? :shock:
Re: Transformers Report from the British Toy Fair (627457)
Posted by Jaz-Zen on February 9th, 2008 @ 7:15am CST
Tekka wrote:
Bumblethumper wrote:see the listing on an official Hasbro site:

I see "Animated Supreme, Sortiment" who the heck is going to be supreme size in Animated? :shock:

Optimus. "Roll Out" Optimus will be like Movie Ultimate Bumblebee: Supreme-sized, with electronics.
Re: Transformers Report from the British Toy Fair (627758)
Posted by Bumblethumper on February 9th, 2008 @ 4:53pm CST
i_amtrunks wrote:Transformers: Animated
- Bulkhead and Optimus Prime will be made in Deluxe, Voyager and Leader size classes

Between Roll out and transform Optimus, voyager Optimus and 2 deluxe Primes, I'm starting to think maybe Minion was mistaken about there being a Leader Optimus. That just seems like it would be overkill.

So far Optimus has been just about the dullest character.

Perhaps Minion mistook Roll out Optimus for a leader class.

Deluxe Cybertronian mode is on my list. Voyager's worth getting to be in scale with the other autobots. The deluxe 2 pack is tempting. And if Roll Out Prime does what they say it does, it's definitely on my list.

...So unless it's just that mind-blowingly awesome, I really can't see having all that much use for an out of scale Leader class Animated Prime.
Re: Transformers Report from the British Toy Fair (627946)
Posted by Jaz-Zen on February 9th, 2008 @ 9:19pm CST
Bumblethumper wrote:
i_amtrunks wrote:Transformers: Animated
- Bulkhead and Optimus Prime will be made in Deluxe, Voyager and Leader size classes

Between Roll out and transform Optimus, voyager Optimus and 2 deluxe Primes, I'm starting to think maybe Minion was mistaken about there being a Leader Optimus. That just seems like it would be overkill.

So far Optimus has been just about the dullest character.

Perhaps Minion mistook Roll out Optimus for a leader class.

Deluxe Cybertronian mode is on my list. Voyager's worth getting to be in scale with the other autobots. The deluxe 2 pack is tempting. And if Roll Out Prime does what they say it does, it's definitely on my list.

...So unless it's just that mind-blowingly awesome, I really can't see having all that much use for an out of scale Leader class Animated Prime.

You know, you really might be right. Your lists Leader Megatron and Leader Bulkhead by NAME, but there is no mention of Leader Optimus, there's just the "box" for the Supreme-sized figure. If there's only one supreme-sized figure, then you really don't NEED to put a name on that box, the picture will tell you who that is, once a picture is put into the empty box.

Ah well, its just a week until the next Toy Fair, so we should have some picture proof soon.
Re: Transformers Report from the British Toy Fair (628072)
Posted by Mr-Valkeyreion on February 10th, 2008 @ 4:18am CST
Nice to see the UK gets a look in (really nice cause i live in the UK) i wonder when there gonna be avaible in the north-east though...
Re: Transformers Report from the British Toy Fair (628151)
Posted by Bumblethumper on February 10th, 2008 @ 9:28am CST
Jaz-Zen wrote:You know, you really might be right. Your lists Leader Megatron and Leader Bulkhead by NAME, but there is no mention of Leader Optimus, there's just the "box" for the Supreme-sized figure. If there's only one supreme-sized figure, then you really don't NEED to put a name on that box, the picture will tell you who that is, once a picture is put into the empty box.

Ah well, its just a week until the next Toy Fair, so we should have some picture proof soon.

Yeah, can't wait. Here's hoping we get to see some clearer shots of these guys soon.

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