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Transformers Selects Legacy DK-2 Guard Found at TRU Canada for $45 + Review

Transformers News: Transformers Selects Legacy DK-2 Guard Found at TRU Canada for $45 + Review

Tuesday, March 29th, 2022 2:58PM CDT

Categories: Toy News, Reviews, Sightings
Posted by: william-james88   Views: 46,518

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DK-2 Guard is the only Transformers selects figure yet to be released in the US, but his release date of April 1st is approaching soon. In the meantime, he has been found in Canada, at Toysrus Canada but for a hefty price. Toysrus is selling this figure for $45 CAD. This is more than a 100% increase from the price of deluxes when Titans Return was in stores. This sighting comes from evenstaves over at We also have a review below in case you are curious of this black repaint of Earthrise Ironhide. And here is the link to order him on pulse if you like him: ... dk-2-guard
He is $24.99 USD, which is only $31 CAD, making that $45 CAD price from Toysrus truly nonsensical.

chuckdawg1999 wrote:Guard is a wonderful homage to the DiaKron toy from the very early 80s, a toy that I had, or maybe it was a KO, have never been sure. Vehicle mode is where Guard shines since the all-black deco blends better with the shoulder bits that stuck out on Earthrise Ironhide. Robot mode is very nice as well, but I feel Ironhide breaks up the color monotony a bit better. Guard is going to appeal to a very small audience but if that includes you, you'll be very happy with the figure.

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Re: Transformers Selects Legacy DK-2 Guard Found at TRU Canada for $45 + Review (2130195)
Posted by -Kanrabat- on March 29th, 2022 @ 4:37pm CDT
Toys R Us can shove it.

I'll never buy anything there, ever. They takes us for fools. All of their "exclusives" can also be bought elsewhere and for ironically cheaper even when adding shipping.

So there.

Screw you, TrU. Screw you deeply. [-(
Re: Transformers Selects Legacy DK-2 Guard Found at TRU Canada for $45 + Review (2130200)
Posted by Brutal brawl on March 29th, 2022 @ 5:15pm CDT
Cant believe a currnt deluxe class is selling for 5$cad less than a titans return leader class
Re: Transformers Selects Legacy DK-2 Guard Found at TRU Canada for $45 + Review (2130205)
Posted by -Kanrabat- on March 29th, 2022 @ 5:46pm CDT
Brutal brawl wrote:Cant believe a currnt deluxe class is selling for 5$cad less than a titans return leader class

In Canada, a TR leader was 60 or 70$CAN if I remember.

Still, they were often on sale at 45$ or 50$CAN. Especially the overpacked ones like Overlord.

Regardless, Toys R Us must have smoked some amazing stuff to makes ALL of their prices explode like this. Especially for Transformers.
Re: Transformers Selects Legacy DK-2 Guard Found at TRU Canada for $45 + Review (2130207)
Posted by william-james88 on March 29th, 2022 @ 6:44pm CDT
Brutal brawl wrote:Cant believe a currnt deluxe class is selling for 5$cad less than a titans return leader class

It's different currencies though, you have to convert to see the actual difference (which turns out to be $25 USD)
Re: Transformers Selects Legacy DK-2 Guard Found at TRU Canada for $45 + Review (2130208)
Posted by -Kanrabat- on March 29th, 2022 @ 6:47pm CDT
william-james88 wrote:
Brutal brawl wrote:Cant believe a currnt deluxe class is selling for 5$cad less than a titans return leader class

It's different currencies though, you have to convert to see the actual difference (which turns out to be $25 USD)

45$can is 36$US.

TrU think they are a eBay seller I guess.
Re: Transformers Selects Legacy DK-2 Guard Found at TRU Canada for $45 + Review (2130209)
Posted by william-james88 on March 29th, 2022 @ 6:50pm CDT
-Kanrabat- wrote:
william-james88 wrote:
Brutal brawl wrote:Cant believe a currnt deluxe class is selling for 5$cad less than a titans return leader class

It's different currencies though, you have to convert to see the actual difference (which turns out to be $25 USD)

45$can is 36$US.

TrU think they are a eBay seller I guess.

Ah right, I used the wrong number, it's a $20 USD difference then between what they charge for a deluxe and what Hasbro Pulse charges for a leader
Re: Transformers Selects Legacy DK-2 Guard Found at TRU Canada for $45 + Review (2130210)
Posted by -Kanrabat- on March 29th, 2022 @ 6:57pm CDT
william-james88 wrote:Ah right, I used the wrong number, it's a $20 USD difference then between what they charge for a deluxe and what Hasbro Pulse charges for a leader

Don't get me started on that 110$can (88$us) Ecto-1.
When it came out 3 years ago, it was 60$can (48$us) and even then, I found it too expensive.

TrU has jumped the shark with their pricing. :HEADHURTS:

TrU are tieves.png
Re: Transformers Selects Legacy DK-2 Guard Found at TRU Canada for $45 + Review (2130211)
Posted by ZeldaTheSwordsman on March 29th, 2022 @ 7:05pm CDT
They're turning into US TRU
Re: Transformers Selects Legacy DK-2 Guard Found at TRU Canada for $45 + Review (2130212)
Posted by -Kanrabat- on March 29th, 2022 @ 7:09pm CDT
ZeldaTheSwordsman wrote:They're turning into US TRU

Which means they don't have much longer and once they're gone, they will NOT be missed. [-(
Re: Transformers Selects Legacy DK-2 Guard Found at TRU Canada for $45 + Review (2130216)
Posted by Emerje on March 29th, 2022 @ 8:45pm CDT
I recently heard that TRU Canada was sold to a different company and these price hikes are a direct result of that. Let's see if TRU still exists in Canada in 5 years with this kind of pricing.

o.supreme wrote:Ok Hasbro, we are essentially caught up with Selects now. Are we going to get any new reveals any time soon?

I'm guessing Hasbro will do a FFF or a Transformers Tuesday to announce the next round of Selects figures and one of them will be "available now" as they've done in the past. I feel like it was around this time last year that we had also caught up on Selects and then they announced a bunch of them, but I can't find the article.

Re: Transformers Selects Legacy DK-2 Guard Found at TRU Canada for $45 + Review (2130217)
Posted by william-james88 on March 29th, 2022 @ 10:05pm CDT
o.supreme wrote:Ok Hasbro, we are essentially caught up with Selects now. Are we going to get any new reveals any time soon?

I think it was said by leaker that those Beast Wars figures Walmart are getting, along with that Target Bluestreak, were all originally supposed to be the next selects figures. But since retailers are fond of exclusives, Hasbro worked out something with them and is releasing it in this new way instead. In the end, there is no difference in the type of toy a selects figure is and these upcoming 4 exclusives.
Re: Transformers Selects Legacy DK-2 Guard Found at TRU Canada for $45 + Review (2130218)
Posted by o.supreme on March 29th, 2022 @ 10:29pm CDT
william-james88 wrote:In the end, there is no difference in the type of toy a selects figure is and these upcoming 4 exclusives.

True. But I see those 3 BW Legacy Walmart exclusives as more of a stand-in for what would have been a media tie-in line, and since there is none this year Walmart opted for those instead. For the past 3 years there were retailer exclusives in addition to Selects (although their "type" is essentially the same, I agree). It just means we are getting less toys overall, which is kind of disappointing.

I'm still hoping for some new Selects reveals at some point, so much unrealized potential there.
Re: Transformers Selects Legacy DK-2 Guard Found at TRU Canada for $45 + Review (2130219)
Posted by william-james88 on March 29th, 2022 @ 11:09pm CDT
o.supreme wrote:
william-james88 wrote:In the end, there is no difference in the type of toy a selects figure is and these upcoming 4 exclusives.

True. But I see those 3 BW Legacy Walmart exclusives as more of a stand-in for what would have been a media tie-in line, and since there is none this year Walmart opted for those instead. For the past 3 years there were retailer exclusives in addition to Selects (although their "type" is essentially the same, I agree). It just means we are getting less toys overall, which is kind of disappointing.

Very glad you brought that up because that is the cherry on top that just seals the whole rumour as being true for me.

Walmart already has a confirmed stand in for what would have been the media tie in line: The upcoming velocitron line. Which is exactly like the netflix line with a mix of redecos and retools ranging from extensive to minimal, and in 3 different classes.

And they also have more BW reissues, so that fills the shelves as well.

So these BW redeco toys (and that silverstreak) end up being extra to that, and more exclusives than would have been planned if we compare year over year.

That really brings home those rumours that these BW redecos are selects figures. Comes out to the same thing of course, but we know for a fact that these are not stand ins for the WFC Netflix lines.
Re: Transformers Selects Legacy DK-2 Guard Found at TRU Canada for $45 + Review (2130220)
Posted by o.supreme on March 29th, 2022 @ 11:18pm CDT
Oh that's cool. I Didn't know about the Velocitron line. Looking forward to hearing more about that.
Re: Transformers Selects Legacy DK-2 Guard Found at TRU Canada for $45 + Review (2130221)
Posted by Sabrblade on March 29th, 2022 @ 11:21pm CDT
o.supreme wrote:Oh that's cool. I Didn't know about the Velocitron line. Looking forward to hearing more about that.
There's a whole thread about it.
Re: Transformers Selects Legacy DK-2 Guard Found at TRU Canada for $45 + Review (2130223)
Posted by WiseMan on March 29th, 2022 @ 11:48pm CDT
I was just in a TRU on the weekend while on vacation. The prices were so horrendous that I couldn't justify buying any Transformer they had on the shelf. It was $35.00 for the Bumblebee & Spike Witwicky set.

I went to Walmart afterwards and bought Hammerbyte for $20.00.
Re: Transformers Selects Legacy DK-2 Guard Found at TRU Canada for $45 + Review (2130229)
Posted by Nemesis Primal on March 30th, 2022 @ 2:01am CDT
In terms of Selects reveals, we do still have Armada/Toy Colors Cyclonus and DK3/Blue Trailbreaker to get through, after that we're out of leaks (unless the Selects Clampdown isn't cancelled).

william-james88 wrote:I think it was said by leaker that those Beast Wars figures Walmart are getting, along with that Target Bluestreak, were all originally supposed to be the next selects figures.
BW Buzzsaw and Sandstorm started out rumored for Selects, yeah, but Silverstreak never was, that was just the early reviewers that originally leaked him talking out their asses because they didn't have instructions/packaging or any leaks/rumors to go off of in order to place what line he'd be in.
Re: Transformers Selects Legacy DK-2 Guard Found at TRU Canada for $45 + Review (2130363)
Posted by Razorbeast88 on March 31st, 2022 @ 8:47pm CDT
Not sure if this is real, sketch because it's already in box but I saw this on instagram


Re: Transformers Selects Legacy DK-2 Guard Found at TRU Canada for $45 + Review (2130367)
Posted by sol magnus on March 31st, 2022 @ 8:53pm CDT
Looks pretty real.
Re: Transformers Selects Legacy DK-2 Guard Found at TRU Canada for $45 + Review (2130368)
Posted by Nemesis Primal on March 31st, 2022 @ 9:06pm CDT
-TF packaging doesn't use plastic trays anymore
-The plastic tray is also not shaped right for that box
-The instructions in the box appear to just be Siege Mirage's
-Tomorrow (or today, depending on timezone) is April Fool's

It would align with most of this year's Selects figures, but there's a lot of evidence here for it to be fake.
Also the "leaker" gave it an actual name instead of DK-16, Hasbro wouldn't put forth that much effort
Re: Transformers Selects Legacy DK-2 Guard Found at TRU Canada for $45 + Review (2130369)
Posted by Razorbeast88 on March 31st, 2022 @ 9:22pm CDT
Heckin bamboozled
Re: Transformers Selects Legacy DK-2 Guard Found at TRU Canada for $45 + Review (2130371)
Posted by Sabrblade on March 31st, 2022 @ 10:48pm CDT
Let's news it anyway. Make it an April Fools article in which we state LOUD AND CLEAR that this is an April Fools attempt on part of the source, in order to ruin their attempt to fool us. ;)
Re: Transformers Selects Legacy DK-2 Guard Found at TRU Canada for $45 + Review (2130387)
Posted by o.supreme on April 1st, 2022 @ 9:25am CDT
Honestly, I've never been a fan of what occurs on 4/1 especially since the advent of the internet. Coincidentally Black Zarak was leaked late on 3/31 and was believed to be an April fool's joke for a bit. I'm glad that turned out to be true though.
Re: Transformers Selects Legacy DK-2 Guard Found at TRU Canada for $45 + Review (2130388)
Posted by william-james88 on April 1st, 2022 @ 9:52am CDT
Razorbeast88 wrote:Not sure if this is real, sketch because it's already in box but I saw this on instagram



It's not an actual product coming from hasbro.

As for April fools stuff, I'll use this day to catch up on older news, as I did with the Shockwave bit. I won't trust anything new I see.
Re: Transformers Selects Legacy DK-2 Guard Found at TRU Canada for $45 + Review (2130449)
Posted by Emerje on April 1st, 2022 @ 9:13pm CDT
Nemesis Primal wrote:-TF packaging doesn't use plastic trays anymore
-The plastic tray is also not shaped right for that box
-The instructions in the box appear to just be Siege Mirage's
-Tomorrow (or today, depending on timezone) is April Fool's

It would align with most of this year's Selects figures, but there's a lot of evidence here for it to be fake.
Also the "leaker" gave it an actual name instead of DK-16, Hasbro wouldn't put forth that much effort

Also weird that the figure wasn't tied down and Hasbro is unlikely to go back to the Siege mold, they need a second use for the Kingdom mold (I still believe it's coming to BB).

Re: Transformers Selects Legacy DK-2 Guard Found at TRU Canada for $45 + Review (2130450)
Posted by Nemesis Primal on April 1st, 2022 @ 9:32pm CDT
Emerje wrote:Also weird that the figure wasn't tied down and Hasbro is unlikely to go back to the Siege mold, they need a second use for the Kingdom mold (I still believe it's coming to BB).

The figure has been confirmed by this point to be a custom.

There is at least a second use of the Kingdom Mirage tooling that's supposed to be on the way though, the Leadfoot coming in the Amazon-exclusive Wreckers.
Re: Transformers Selects Legacy DK-2 Guard Found at TRU Canada for $45 + Review (2130452)
Posted by Emerje on April 1st, 2022 @ 9:45pm CDT
Nemesis Primal wrote:
Emerje wrote:Also weird that the figure wasn't tied down and Hasbro is unlikely to go back to the Siege mold, they need a second use for the Kingdom mold (I still believe it's coming to BB).

The figure has been confirmed by this point to be a custom.

I was just adding to the list of things they got wrong trying to fool us. The moment I saw it was in a bubble I knew it was fake.

There is at least a second use of the Kingdom Mirage tooling that's supposed to be on the way though, the Leadfoot coming in the Amazon-exclusive Wreckers.

I thought Leadfoot was a Legacy Dragstrip retool? Never mind, just double checked, I was way off. Maybe it was just speculation I read.

Re: Transformers Selects Legacy DK-2 Guard Found at TRU Canada for $45 + Review (2130469)
Posted by Wolfman Jake on April 2nd, 2022 @ 9:28am CDT
If we do get another shot at Mirage from the Buzzworthy Bumblebee line, I hope it's the Siege mold without transparent plastic and with paint apps to match the animation model as closely as possible. The Siege mold was much better than the remolds done for the Kingdom version of Mirage.
Re: Transformers Selects Legacy DK-2 Guard Found at TRU Canada for $45 + Review (2130492)
Posted by AcademyofDrX on April 2nd, 2022 @ 7:04pm CDT
I assume they're staying far from the original vehicle design for licensing reasons, but I don't want an updated Mirage from the current mold, I want a new mold. If we need a redeco of Siege or Kingdom Mirage, I'd rather have a different character like Joyride. Though there again, my preference would be for a new mold.
Re: Transformers Selects Legacy DK-2 Guard Found at TRU Canada for $45 + Review (2130539)
Posted by Rtron on April 3rd, 2022 @ 12:53pm CDT
o.supreme wrote:Honestly, I've never been a fan of what occurs on 4/1 especially since the advent of the internet. Coincidentally Black Zarak was leaked late on 3/31 and was believed to be an April fool's joke for a bit. I'm glad that turned out to be true though.

I'm not from the US so it's a completely foreign custom for me, I only found out about it once I got internet on my pc when I was a kid and I've hated it ever since.
Re: Transformers Selects Legacy DK-2 Guard Found at TRU Canada for $45 + Review (2130540)
Posted by ZeroWolf on April 3rd, 2022 @ 1:17pm CDT
Rtron wrote:
o.supreme wrote:Honestly, I've never been a fan of what occurs on 4/1 especially since the advent of the internet. Coincidentally Black Zarak was leaked late on 3/31 and was believed to be an April fool's joke for a bit. I'm glad that turned out to be true though.

I'm not from the US so it's a completely foreign custom for me, I only found out about it once I got internet on my pc when I was a kid and I've hated it ever since.

It's also a UK thing (and happens in Australia as well) so it might have been a English language custom only, not sure where else it's observed. Here in the UK the pranking time only lasted 12 hours from midnight to noon, after that it was customary to reveal the deception so everyone could join in the laugh. Some companies however either made their fake product real, or in the case of Games Workshop, actually pulled a double bluff, and what everyone thought was a joke (praying otherwise) was actually real all along.
Re: Transformers Selects Legacy DK-2 Guard Found at TRU Canada for $45 + Review (2130596)
Posted by Emerje on April 4th, 2022 @ 10:31am CDT
Japan celebrates April Fools as well. Remember when The Last Knight was coming out and they made a fake romantic drama movie poster for it called The Last Night? Probably no, I think I'm the only one that remembers that because I can't find a picture of it anywhere

Re: Transformers Selects Legacy DK-2 Guard Found at TRU Canada for $45 + Review (2130597)
Posted by ZeroWolf on April 4th, 2022 @ 10:50am CDT
Emerje wrote:Japan celebrates April Fools as well. Remember when The Last Knight was coming out and they made a fake romantic drama movie poster for it called The Last Night? Probably no, I think I'm the only one that remembers that because I can't find a picture of it anywhere


Was never sure about Japan, and no, I don't remember that either :lol:
Re: Transformers Selects Legacy DK-2 Guard Found at TRU Canada for $45 + Review (2130602)
Posted by william-james88 on April 4th, 2022 @ 12:00pm CDT
Emerje wrote:Japan celebrates April Fools as well. Remember when The Last Knight was coming out and they made a fake romantic drama movie poster for it called The Last Night? Probably no, I think I'm the only one that remembers that because I can't find a picture of it anywhere


I was posting a bunch of stuff about the movie at the time (there were 40 different TV spots I think) but I don't remember that at all.
Re: Transformers Selects Legacy DK-2 Guard Found at TRU Canada for $45 + Review (2130923)
Posted by Nemesis Primal on April 9th, 2022 @ 4:10pm CDT
Updated info from JTPrime17: Toy Colors Cyclonus/"Cyclonus's Armada" will be revealed in a TF Tuesday on the 26th and has now added "Targetmaster Cyclonus" to it's marketing.
Re: Transformers Selects Legacy DK-2 Guard Found at TRU Canada for $45 + Review (2130926)
Posted by sol magnus on April 9th, 2022 @ 4:26pm CDT
Nemesis Primal wrote:Updated info from JTPrime17: Toy Colors Cyclonus/"Cyclonus's Armada" will be revealed in a TF Tuesday on the 26th and has now added "Targetmaster Cyclonus" to it's marketing.

Well, whatever it is, I'm getting it.
Re: Transformers Selects Legacy DK-2 Guard Found at TRU Canada for $45 + Review (2130929)
Posted by Sabrblade on April 9th, 2022 @ 7:02pm CDT
Wonder what Nightstick might look like, since there was no Battle Master Nightstick in Siege.
Re: Transformers Selects Legacy DK-2 Guard Found at TRU Canada for $45 + Review (2130930)
Posted by sol magnus on April 9th, 2022 @ 7:04pm CDT
Sabrblade wrote:Wonder what Nightstick might look like, since there was no Battle Master Nightstick in Siege.

Probably Blowpipe. Or Caliburst,
Re: Transformers Selects Legacy DK-2 Guard Found at TRU Canada for $45 + Review (2130976)
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on April 10th, 2022 @ 11:54am CDT
I had my Guard delivered. He isn't too bad. I like the colors on him a lot. But this mold made me realize: I don't like the ER van mold a lot. I got SG Ratchet, and now this Guard, and wasn't overly impressed with either. The Siege mold was by far the better of the mold toolings. I will take Guard, and he adds to a growing and nice looking Diaclone setup.


While we're at it, have a city mode Black Zarak as well

Re: Transformers Selects Legacy DK-2 Guard Found at TRU Canada for $45 + Review (2131364)
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on April 13th, 2022 @ 8:06pm CDT
Galvatron II is pretty dang good, and looks good fighting his mortal enemies.

Re: Transformers Selects Legacy DK-2 Guard Found at TRU Canada for $45 + Review (2131555)
Posted by chuckdawg1999 on April 16th, 2022 @ 8:14pm CDT
sol magnus wrote:
Sabrblade wrote:Wonder what Nightstick might look like, since there was no Battle Master Nightstick in Siege.

Probably Blowpipe. Or Caliburst,

Hopefully the Original Nightstick from the Universe release, and they do some retooling so the TM can mount Japanese style.
Re: Transformers Selects Legacy DK-2 Guard Found at TRU Canada for $45 + Review (2131562)
Posted by Jelze Bunnycat on April 16th, 2022 @ 10:47pm CDT
chuckdawg1999 wrote:
sol magnus wrote:
Sabrblade wrote:Wonder what Nightstick might look like, since there was no Battle Master Nightstick in Siege.

Probably Blowpipe. Or Caliburst,

Hopefully the Original Nightstick from the Universe release, and they do some retooling so the TM can mount Japanese style.

*looks at Selects Artfire's Nightstick, then at Siege Skywarp's Fracas*

Yet another Firedrive redeco it is.
Re: Transformers Selects Legacy DK-2 Guard Found at TRU Canada for $45 + Review (2131564)
Posted by ZeroWolf on April 17th, 2022 @ 6:33am CDT
Jelze Bunnycat wrote:
chuckdawg1999 wrote:
sol magnus wrote:
Sabrblade wrote:Wonder what Nightstick might look like, since there was no Battle Master Nightstick in Siege.

Probably Blowpipe. Or Caliburst,

Hopefully the Original Nightstick from the Universe release, and they do some retooling so the TM can mount Japanese style.

*looks at Selects Artfire's Nightstick, then at Siege Skywarp's Fracas*

Yet another Firedrive redeco it is.

I would like to think that it would be an original mold but it's more likely one of the Siege battlemasters coming to play again. Maybe the best we could hope for is a compromise and ger get a heavily retooled one.
Re: Transformers Selects Legacy DK-2 Guard Found at TRU Canada for $45 + Review (2131578)
Posted by Jelze Bunnycat on April 17th, 2022 @ 2:56pm CDT
ZeroWolf wrote:
Jelze Bunnycat wrote:
chuckdawg1999 wrote:
sol magnus wrote:
Sabrblade wrote:Wonder what Nightstick might look like, since there was no Battle Master Nightstick in Siege.

Probably Blowpipe. Or Caliburst,

Hopefully the Original Nightstick from the Universe release, and they do some retooling so the TM can mount Japanese style.

*looks at Selects Artfire's Nightstick, then at Siege Skywarp's Fracas*

Yet another Firedrive redeco it is.

I would like to think that it would be an original mold but it's more likely one of the Siege battlemasters coming to play again. Maybe the best we could hope for is a compromise and ger get a heavily retooled one.

The Battle Master toolings only have two molds/colors each, not much one can do there. Maybe a new torso, or limbs and gun piece for Firedrive (like they did for Blowpipe into Aimless), but not both.
Re: Transformers Selects Legacy DK-2 Guard Found at TRU Canada for $45 + Review (2131580)
Posted by ZeroWolf on April 17th, 2022 @ 3:48pm CDT
Jelze Bunnycat wrote:
ZeroWolf wrote:
Jelze Bunnycat wrote:
chuckdawg1999 wrote:
sol magnus wrote:
Sabrblade wrote:Wonder what Nightstick might look like, since there was no Battle Master Nightstick in Siege.

Probably Blowpipe. Or Caliburst,

Hopefully the Original Nightstick from the Universe release, and they do some retooling so the TM can mount Japanese style.

*looks at Selects Artfire's Nightstick, then at Siege Skywarp's Fracas*

Yet another Firedrive redeco it is.

I would like to think that it would be an original mold but it's more likely one of the Siege battlemasters coming to play again. Maybe the best we could hope for is a compromise and ger get a heavily retooled one.

The Battle Master toolings only have two molds/colors each, not much one can do there. Maybe a new torso, or limbs and gun piece for Firedrive (like they did for Blowpipe into Aimless), but not both.

You had to burst the bubble :lol:
Re: Transformers Selects Legacy DK-2 Guard Found at TRU Canada for $45 + Review (2131582)
Posted by Jelze Bunnycat on April 17th, 2022 @ 4:40pm CDT
ZeroWolf wrote:
Jelze Bunnycat wrote:The Battle Master toolings only have two molds/colors each, not much one can do there. Maybe a new torso, or limbs and gun piece for Firedrive (like they did for Blowpipe into Aimless), but not both.

You had to burst the bubble :lol:

How about a Firedrive with new arms, legs and gun piece that may or not have been designed but never used? ;)
Re: Transformers Selects Legacy DK-2 Guard Found at TRU Canada for $45 + Review (2131583)
Posted by chuckdawg1999 on April 17th, 2022 @ 4:53pm CDT
Jelze Bunnycat wrote:
chuckdawg1999 wrote:
sol magnus wrote:
Sabrblade wrote:Wonder what Nightstick might look like, since there was no Battle Master Nightstick in Siege.

Probably Blowpipe. Or Caliburst,

Hopefully the Original Nightstick from the Universe release, and they do some retooling so the TM can mount Japanese style.

*looks at Selects Artfire's Nightstick, then at Siege Skywarp's Fracas*

Yet another Firedrive redeco it is.

LOL, true.
Re: Transformers Selects Legacy DK-2 Guard Found at TRU Canada for $45 + Review (2132233)
Posted by Nemesis Primal on April 25th, 2022 @ 11:44pm CDT
Look at what Amazon Australia accidentally put up a day early: ... BKMG1XQZVQ?tag=seibertron0c-22&
Blowpipe it is.
Re: Transformers Selects Legacy DK-2 Guard Found at TRU Canada for $45 + Review (2132234)
Posted by Emerje on April 26th, 2022 @ 12:00am CDT
Wow, that looks awesome! It even comes with foil decals if you aren't a fan of the toy aesthetic.

Re: Transformers Selects Legacy DK-2 Guard Found at TRU Canada for $45 + Review (2132236)
Posted by Sentinel_Primal on April 26th, 2022 @ 12:19am CDT
I like the purple and color layout. Might pick him up, but as is, he seems pretty nice

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Transformers Podcast: Twincast / Podcast #369 - Gattai-Funding
Twincast / Podcast #369:
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Posted: Saturday, February 8th, 2025

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