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Transformers Studio Series SS-90 AOE Galvatron Revealed with Info From Designer

Transformers News: Transformers Studio Series SS-90 AOE Galvatron Revealed with Info From Designer

Friday, May 6th, 2022 1:17AM CDT

Category: Toy News
Posted by: william-james88   Views: 42,731

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Hasbro designer Sam Smith is now full on revealing toys on Instagram. Now we have Hasbro's official Studio Series SS-90 Age Of Extinction Galvatron reveal with concept images showing how accurate the sculpt is compared to the movie model along with lots of info on the design process. We also have a 360 youtube video at the bottom.

SS-90 Age of Extinction Galvatron

“That is why I have no fear! I am GALVATRON!”

Well this release came about prematurely, but its official SS Voyager Wave 3 is here. So lets get into the details on Galvatron! AOE introduced a total redesign for our core bots, along with a major aesthetic change to help refresh some of the design. While the look of these bots were fantastic, there was certainly a new engineering challenge that was presented in terms of how these guys were going to transform. To make that even more difficult, enters Galvatron.

Galvatron was the reforge body of Megatron by K.S.I. who would utilize matter shifting to transform into his first earth bound vehicle form, a Freightliner Argosy (which would later be reused by Paramount as Dr. Robotnik’s convoy in the first Sonic Movie). Absolutely none of the vehicle mode is present on Galvatron’s robot design, so Takara had their work cut out for them with this design. Regardless, it was absolutely amazing to get Frank Welker to make his return as the theatrical voice of this character.

Thankfully, Yuya Onishi was up to the task. Yuya has been such a fantastic design partner at TT, and this figure was no exception. Yuya and the team got to work on a pretty faithful design plan that would do a pretty substantial job of eliminating most of the exposed vehicle paneling from the robot mode, while retaining a fully licensed vehicle design. We were able to maintain his difficult arm cannon, while also including a removable missile cluster that could be mounted to the figures arm, or loaded onto the side fairing of the truck as it was used in the film.

For the deco of the figure, I took learning from the existing AOE design, and knew where the shortfalls were on the molded silver plastic. I tried to work more from the matte base color of the truck, so that I could allocated most of the paint operations to the robot mode. I think this figure would benefit from a bit more paint, but he used up the budget quick since none of the truck paint really carries over to the robot mode which isn’t often the case.

All in all, I am pretty happy with how this figure came out given the number of challenges that it faced, and I look forward to tackling more of the AOE designs. I mean, if we can figure out Galvatron, the rest of them should be a cake walk.

Transformers News: Transformers SS-90 Age of Extinction Galvatron Revealed with Info From Designer

Transformers News: Transformers SS-90 Age of Extinction Galvatron Revealed with Info From Designer

Transformers News: Transformers SS-90 Age of Extinction Galvatron Revealed with Info From Designer

Transformers News: Transformers SS-90 Age of Extinction Galvatron Revealed with Info From Designer

Transformers News: Transformers SS-90 Age of Extinction Galvatron Revealed with Info From Designer

Transformers News: Transformers SS-90 Age of Extinction Galvatron Revealed with Info From Designer

Transformers News: Transformers SS-90 Age of Extinction Galvatron Revealed with Info From Designer

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Re: Transformers Studio Series SS-90 AOE Galvatron Revealed with Info From Designer (2132775)
Posted by whacko on May 6th, 2022 @ 1:30am CDT
It just looks... bad.

The square frame behind the robot mode chest give this figure one-step changer vibes, and the kibble on the back of the truck mode doesn't even pretend to not be robot parts they couldn't find a place to store. If you're gonna put robot feet on the back of a truck at least do it G1 Prime style. Sure they'll still look like obvious feet, but at least it doesn't break the silhouette of the truck.
Re: Transformers Studio Series SS-90 AOE Galvatron Revealed with Info From Designer (2132777)
Posted by jtanimator on May 6th, 2022 @ 2:35am CDT
Holy mother of monkey milk….that is a seriously ugly figure. It’s absolutely astounding to me that there are people defending it. I haven’t seen a figure in a really long time that has such little redeeming qualities about it visually. In both modes. Dear gosh.
Re: Transformers Studio Series SS-90 AOE Galvatron Revealed with Info From Designer (2132778)
Posted by jtanimator on May 6th, 2022 @ 2:36am CDT
whacko wrote:It just looks... bad.

The square frame behind the robot mode chest give this figure one-step changer vibes, and the kibble on the back of the truck mode doesn't even pretend to not be robot parts they couldn't find a place to store. If you're gonna put robot feet on the back of a truck at least do it G1 Prime style. Sure they'll still look like obvious feet, but at least it doesn't break the silhouette of the truck.

Haha this made me laugh out loud. I was JUST on another forum mentioning how it looks exactly like a 2011 one step changer in both modes. Thank heavens I’m not going crazy.
Re: Transformers Studio Series SS-90 AOE Galvatron Revealed with Info From Designer (2132779)
Posted by ZeroWolf on May 6th, 2022 @ 2:44am CDT
Its because of the initial design not being made to transform like normal. The only way they would be more accurate would be putting more money into it, which would come with other problems.

Still, I like it for what the designers are trying to achieve and how they reduced the back pack from the original Voyager. The feet thing I can overlook quite easily.
Re: Transformers Studio Series SS-90 AOE Galvatron Revealed with Info From Designer (2132780)
Posted by on May 6th, 2022 @ 3:28am CDT
Well... no.

As others have already said, the back part of the robot makes it all appear boxy.
In the alt mode, those two "things" on the rear have nothing to do with the original design and have no reason to be.

It's clear that Galvatron was a difficult job: but this isn't a great figure.
Re: Transformers Studio Series SS-90 AOE Galvatron Revealed with Info From Designer (2132781)
Posted by -Kanrabat- on May 6th, 2022 @ 4:33am CDT
Considering that impossible design had to be worked in voyager size and budget, it's a valiant effort. I can forgive the bot cancer growth as a "trailer hitch" for the truck mode, but the boxy chest is indeed an eyesore. Yet they reduced the backpack to a minimum and even added bot details on the back which makes me very forgiving of the boxy chest.

I'll be preordering that Galvatron for sure. That transformation will be a blast!
Re: Transformers Studio Series SS-90 AOE Galvatron Revealed with Info From Designer (2132784)
Posted by ZeroWolf on May 6th, 2022 @ 5:15am CDT
-Kanrabat- wrote:Considering that impossible design had to be worked in voyager size and budget, it's a valiant effort. I can forgive the bot cancer growth as a "trailer hitch" for the truck mode, but the boxy chest is indeed an eyesore. Yet they reduced the backpack to a minimum and even added bot details on the back which makes me very forgiving of the boxy chest.

I'll be preordering that Galvatron for sure. That transformation will be a blast!

Agreed, seems people were expecting the impossible for some reason (especially at that price point)
Re: Transformers Studio Series SS-90 AOE Galvatron Revealed with Info From Designer (2132786)
Posted by Hellscream9999 on May 6th, 2022 @ 6:28am CDT
Almost every bay-former has the front on silhouette ruined by a backpack (dino comes to mind), I don't know why this figure is receiving all the hate, the figure is otherwise impossible to engineer, especially at such a small scale. If the prevailing design ethos was: "if it can't be done perfectly, don't bother doing it at all", we wouldn't have any bayformers ever >:oP
Re: Transformers Studio Series SS-90 AOE Galvatron Revealed with Info From Designer (2132789)
Posted by on May 6th, 2022 @ 8:17am CDT
The problem is not the backpack itself: the problem is that the lower part of the squared shape is exacùtly where the pelvis begins: so it looks kinda a cube with a robot inside...
Re: Transformers Studio Series SS-90 AOE Galvatron Revealed with Info From Designer (2132790)
Posted by Cyber Bishop on May 6th, 2022 @ 9:10am CDT
Ugly figure not my taste, those who like it enjoy!! :D
Re: Transformers Studio Series SS-90 AOE Galvatron Revealed with Info From Designer (2132791)
Posted by EvasionModeBumblebee on May 6th, 2022 @ 9:17am CDT
I’m really impressed with how clean they got bot mode, It’s really cool that he actually has back detailing with the chest hole!
Re: Transformers Studio Series SS-90 AOE Galvatron Revealed with Info From Designer (2132792)
Posted by Emerje on May 6th, 2022 @ 9:21am CDT wrote:The problem is not the backpack itself: the problem is that the lower part of the squared shape is exacùtly where the pelvis begins: so it looks kinda a cube with a robot inside...

I suspect it wont quite have that same silhouette in hand. Just look at how much it changed just turning his waist and leaning him forward a bit.


I think there's probably more of a gap between his really big (screen accurate) hips and the squaring off of his lower torso that doesn't come across so well in a flat photo.

Re: Transformers Studio Series SS-90 AOE Galvatron Revealed with Info From Designer (2132794)
Posted by william-james88 on May 6th, 2022 @ 9:38am CDT wrote:The problem is not the backpack itself: the problem is that the lower part of the squared shape is exacùtly where the pelvis begins: so it looks kinda a cube with a robot inside...

Yes, hence why people equate this to a one step design where you basically have a robot mode sculpted on a facade (which looks really like that when you compare the CG model with the toy side to side).

There is nice sculpted detail and the transformation will be really something, I am looking forward to that. I do still enjoy that prevous voyager, it has one of the best truck modes of all time.
Re: Transformers Studio Series SS-90 AOE Galvatron Revealed with Info From Designer (2132795)
Posted by SpaceEagle on May 6th, 2022 @ 10:22am CDT
Honestly for the price point, its budget, the sheer lack of defined truck parts on the robot mode, AND the extremely impossible to replicate transformation sequence...I think they genuinely knocked it out of the park. I do think the arms feel a bit shrimpy because of the box bod...but it still looks really nice and isn't a shellformer like the AoE toy, and it still manages to avoid a lot of kibble in the robot mode which really shocks me with how there are no truck bits in the CGI model. Honestly the bits on the back of the truck barely bother me (the front looks fantastic - who stares at a cab's hitch anyway?) especially if it resulted in such a kibble-free robo bro. Definitely picking him up.
Re: Transformers Studio Series SS-90 AOE Galvatron Revealed with Info From Designer (2132796)
Posted by TulioDude on May 6th, 2022 @ 10:51am CDT
He looks good overall.He just could use a little more bulk to his arms.Makes me wish they used a leader class spot for him,so that they could use more plastic for his design.


Day 857 of waiting for Transformers Armada Masterpiece news.
Re: Transformers Studio Series SS-90 AOE Galvatron Revealed with Info From Designer (2132800)
Posted by -Kanrabat- on May 6th, 2022 @ 11:28am CDT
william-james88 wrote: I do still enjoy that prevous voyager, it has one of the best truck modes of all time.

I remember way back then that you didn't liked AoE Voyager Galvatron at all. So it means that one day, you found one for cheap, bought it because "why not", then warmed to it once in hand? :-?
Re: Transformers Studio Series SS-90 AOE Galvatron Revealed with Info From Designer (2132801)
Posted by just_aCloud on May 6th, 2022 @ 11:29am CDT
Quite an engineering feat. Impressive. I love the behind the scenes info.
Re: Transformers Studio Series SS-90 AOE Galvatron Revealed with Info From Designer (2132815)
Posted by cloudballoon on May 6th, 2022 @ 2:30pm CDT
SS Galvatron: a triumph of kibble/shell management (for Hasbro's level of budgetary-minded engineering), a mess of body proportion.

I'm keeping the original AOE (repainted & modded -- the backpack is now a shield) Galvatron, it looks a ton better.
Re: Transformers Studio Series SS-90 AOE Galvatron Revealed with Info From Designer (2132820)
Posted by Rodimus Prime on May 6th, 2022 @ 3:53pm CDT
For me this figure is middle of the road. I'm disappointed by some things, impressed by others.

The truck mode is probably my 2nd favorite villain in Bayverse after Sentinel Prime. This figure seems to get it right with the exception of those things on the back.

The robot mode is alright, it's a slight improvement over the original voyager. I'm not as bothered by the boxy effect as some of you, but it is noticeable.

I still think that if this 7.5-inch figure (since saying "voyager-size" when referring to actual size is now a reason for some to get butthurt) received leader class budgeting, the engineering could have improved it some. They did it to SS86 Hot Rod, so why not here?

I was really looking forward to this, but my enthusiasm has been dampened some. This will be an in-hand decision.
Re: Transformers Studio Series SS-90 AOE Galvatron Revealed with Info From Designer (2132832)
Posted by chuckdawg1999 on May 6th, 2022 @ 4:52pm CDT
If they wanted to do a proper Galvatron, just use leftover Kreo bricks. Build the truck, then take it apart to build the robot, just like in the movie.
Re: Transformers Studio Series SS-90 AOE Galvatron Revealed with Info From Designer (2132834)
Posted by cloudballoon on May 6th, 2022 @ 4:56pm CDT
Rodimus Prime wrote:The truck mode is probably my 2nd favorite villain in Bayverse after Sentinel Prime. This figure seems to get it right with the exception of those things on the back.

The robot mode is alright, it's a slight improvement over the original voyager. I'm not as bothered by the boxy effect as some of you, but it is noticeable.

I think if you pull out the old AOE Galvy to compare the truck modes, the new SS version is also worse - exposed hinges, more panel lines, and of course the kibble at the back of the truck.

Robot mode, it's not just about the boxy torso, it's just... not as imposing looking as the old version from the early renders. To my eyes anyway.

The 2 major gripes (i.e. something I can't solve by modding) I have with the old version is the position of the knees & hip joints, which the SS no doubt solved by better engineering. So it's not like the new SS version doesn't have its merit.
Re: Transformers Studio Series SS-90 AOE Galvatron Revealed with Info From Designer (2132835)
Posted by cloudballoon on May 6th, 2022 @ 5:02pm CDT
chuckdawg1999 wrote:If they wanted to do a proper Galvatron, just use leftover Kreo bricks. Build the truck, then take it apart to build the robot, just like in the movie.

No, not Kreo. They should license Nanoblock for the job on ALL the "Transformium" bots.

Sorry for the rant, but Transformium... what a stupid idea. It's not even visually impressive in the movie and does Hasbro no favor for toy engineering.
Re: Transformers Studio Series SS-90 AOE Galvatron Revealed with Info From Designer (2132836)
Posted by -Kanrabat- on May 6th, 2022 @ 6:14pm CDT
Not even Nan9blocks would do 5he OG transformation justice.
We would need DUST "bricks".
Re: Transformers Studio Series SS-90 AOE Galvatron Revealed with Info From Designer (2132840)
Posted by DeathReviews on May 6th, 2022 @ 7:56pm CDT
I never cared for Bayverse's interpretations of Megatron and/or Galvatron. This SS Galvatron is an improvement over the Age of Extinction figure - but that's not exactly shooting for the moon, is it? The original movie figures were awful. They had the feel of stuffing robot parts into one of those plastic easter eggs. I guess anything past that is a step up.

But, those who like the Bayverse figures can once again make off like bandits, because they won't have to worry about ME taking any of these and reducing their chances of finding one...
Re: Transformers Studio Series SS-90 AOE Galvatron Revealed with Info From Designer (2132843)
Posted by william-james88 on May 6th, 2022 @ 9:32pm CDT
-Kanrabat- wrote:
william-james88 wrote: I do still enjoy that prevous voyager, it has one of the best truck modes of all time.

I remember way back then that you didn't liked AoE Voyager Galvatron at all. So it means that one day, you found one for cheap, bought it because "why not", then warmed to it once in hand? :-?

Yes exactly. You inspired me to get one.
Re: Transformers Studio Series SS-90 AOE Galvatron Revealed with Info From Designer (2132844)
Posted by Hellscream9999 on May 6th, 2022 @ 9:41pm CDT
william-james88 wrote:
-Kanrabat- wrote:
william-james88 wrote: I do still enjoy that prevous voyager, it has one of the best truck modes of all time.

I remember way back then that you didn't liked AoE Voyager Galvatron at all. So it means that one day, you found one for cheap, bought it because "why not", then warmed to it once in hand? :-?

Yes exactly. You inspired me to get one.

I feel like giving that figure the premium line treatment would make him amazing, so much detail to paint. Would have been nice if te backpack had been a removable shield.

I actually kinda get the problem with this new galvatron, the cab front looks like it actually bisects the torso as opposed to being an actual backpack, so yeah, not great, but I'll still enjoy him a lot.
Re: Transformers Studio Series SS-90 AOE Galvatron Revealed with Info From Designer (2132848)
Posted by TF-fan kev777 on May 6th, 2022 @ 11:01pm CDT
I'll get Galvatron simply because I'm addicted to plastic and he doesn't looks terrible while the transformation looks interesting.

So yeah, right up my alley.
Re: Transformers Studio Series SS-90 AOE Galvatron Revealed with Info From Designer (2132849)
Posted by javar01 on May 6th, 2022 @ 11:50pm CDT
I was looking forward to this reveal for a long time, I love the studio series and I am glad they are still making them, galvatron is my 2nd favorite character, i wish they would make a few versions of him,, but the quality has gone down with this one, and this has got to be a fan favorite, along with the fallen, witch after seeing this, i am worried about what the fallen will look like,

the only decent version of this amazing character is the nero galvatron, witch is 3rd party, and the price is ridiculous for it, and of course, it is not in scale with the studio series,
so when I heard news that it was finally happening I was so excited, skip to this reveal,
a few months back I had found what I thought was an amazing deal on the nero galvatron, had bought it, and of course it turned out to be to good to be true, and have waited 3 month's for it to never show,
so when I seen that it was announced, and shown, I couldn't wait to finally see it, but after seeing it,,,, I can't even describe how disappointing it is,

for 1, it definitely should have been a leader class, tech its not too late for them to postpone this and go back and redo it, or at least make a 2nd one, that is a Lil different and a leader,
because galvatron should be looking down to prime, on top of that, if it was a leader class, they would have more room to play around with, and maybe we could have got something half as good as the nero,
it should at least be as big as ss34 megatron, with more bulky arms,

2 it has some of the worst kibble, but even with that it's arms and his cannon are ridiculously small, way too skinny,
and still his arms don't sit well to his blocky chest, they seem to strangely have the same design as blackout's,

3, and this is a big problem, he doesn't have his arm blade's,,,
why on earth would they make a studio series figure, and not make him screen accurate, that should have been a easy thing to add and the arm blade's were an important part of his part in the movie,

4 if the bot mode was sacrificed for some strange reason to make the truck look good, why doesn't it look better, it got super panel's, and the feet are clearly visible, plus i didn't see his launcher,,,,

5 the blocky chest, and back look terrible,

6 the face isn't very accurate at all,

after all this time I just don't get why this looks like it was rushed out the door, like the first 1,
if it was a leader class maybe could have done something new and surprising, like be the first studio series to have multiple face sculpts, maybe add battery compartment and have the eyes and especially the chest reactor light up, that could have been super cool,
extra weapons or 2 different modes,
cause im sure a lot of fans would love love love a good galvatron, and would buy it in a instant,
Re: Transformers Studio Series SS-90 AOE Galvatron Revealed with Info From Designer (2132850)
Posted by -Kanrabat- on May 7th, 2022 @ 1:42am CDT
Hellscream9999 wrote:
william-james88 wrote:
-Kanrabat- wrote:
william-james88 wrote: I do still enjoy that prevous voyager, it has one of the best truck modes of all time.

I remember way back then that you didn't liked AoE Voyager Galvatron at all. So it means that one day, you found one for cheap, bought it because "why not", then warmed to it once in hand? :-?

Yes exactly. You inspired me to get one.

I feel like giving that figure the premium line treatment would make him amazing, so much detail to paint. Would have been nice if te backpack had been a removable shield.

I actually kinda get the problem with this new galvatron, the cab front looks like it actually bisects the torso as opposed to being an actual backpack, so yeah, not great, but I'll still enjoy him a lot.

The Takara version already has the premium paint job.
I want it but unfortunately, it's worth a fortune.

Galvatron AoE HASBRO vs TAKARA.png

Takara on the right.
Re: Transformers Studio Series SS-90 AOE Galvatron Revealed with Info From Designer (2133013)
Posted by EvasionModeBumblebee on May 9th, 2022 @ 10:25pm CDT
Incoming Studio Series reveals!
SS Reveals.jpg

We can see the deluxe components of the next wave, DOTM Bumblebee, ROTF Sideways, and 86 Arcee.

A few things we can tell on Bumblebee, who this is our first look at:
- reuses the TLK/SS-01 head sculpt
- They did remold the central chest piece in bot mode! Very excited about that
- Unfortunately, we can't see if they remolded the alt mode grill or collar pieces yet
Re: Transformers Studio Series SS-90 AOE Galvatron Revealed with Info From Designer (2133014)
Posted by EvasionModeBumblebee on May 9th, 2022 @ 10:39pm CDT
With the upcoming reveal of SS DOTM Bumblebee, I wanted to show this breakdown I made a little while ago showing all of the changes (mold-wise, anyway) that could be remolded from SS ROTF Bee to get Bumblebee's different design in DOTM!

I don't expect all of these parts to be remolded (the tires and secondary wings are, I would say, lower priority than the new chest and spoiler - also, the new secondary wings would require changing the transformation), but here's showing what all the differences are between the models. There are paint differences too, such as the stripes running over the roof in alt mode and the black details on the foreamr shields, but this just looks at remolding. We can already tell the central chest piece (the one outlined in blue in the first picture) has been remolded, so that's exciting!

DOTM Remold bot 2.jpg

DOTM Remold bot 1.jpg

DOTM Remold back.jpg

DOTM Remold alt front.jpg

DOTM Remold alt 1.jpg

DOTM Remold 2.jpg
Re: Transformers Studio Series SS-90 AOE Galvatron Revealed with Info From Designer (2133016)
Posted by Sabrblade on May 9th, 2022 @ 10:55pm CDT
That's the Thrilling 30 Arcee mold!
Re: Transformers Studio Series SS-90 AOE Galvatron Revealed with Info From Designer (2133017)
Posted by william-james88 on May 9th, 2022 @ 11:07pm CDT
Well this is quite the surprise. Fans were DREADING the fabled Studio Series 86 Arcee since all rumours indicated to this being yet another rerelease of Earthrise Arcee (which surprisingly didn't shelfwarm as bas as fans feared in the Kingdom line). However, Takara gave us a preview of what they will be revealing soon and while they are usually late to the party compared to Hasbro, this preview shows us SS86 Arcee and we can see that it is not the Earthrise mold. This is very peculiar. While Takara is doing the reveal, this Arcee is a Hasbro product (the only toy made solely by Takara in the list is MP Trailbreaker) and this would mean that for a new "movie accurate" Arcee, they would rather go back to what looks to be the T30 mold from 2014 than the more recent Earhtrise mold. This is unprecedented in the Studio Series line. We also have an obscured shot of the upcoming DOTM Bumblebee. Fellow Seibertronian EvasionModeBumblebee told us about these images and wrote that from the image, it looks like the toy reuses the TLK/SS-01 head sculpt and they remolded the central chest piece in bot mode from the previous SS ROTF Bumblebee. Unfortunately, we can't see if they remolded the alt mode grill or collar pieces yet. The other figure shown is Sideways. These will be revealed within a day.

Re: Transformers Studio Series SS-90 AOE Galvatron Revealed with Info From Designer (2133019)
Posted by LinaNui on May 9th, 2022 @ 11:26pm CDT
Pretty sure the middle one is sideways, not sideswipe :P
I am very excited to see sideways officially. Hopefully The Fallen is also being shown here.
Re: Transformers Studio Series SS-90 AOE Galvatron Revealed with Info From Designer (2133021)
Posted by SpaceEagle on May 9th, 2022 @ 11:30pm CDT
I had a feeling Arcee wasn't really shelfwarming because while I do see some warming the pegs at the Walmarts and Targets I've been to, it's usually only a few...meanwhile those Blurrs, Kups, Wreck-Gars, and Sweeps just refuse to sell, heh!
They probably made sure not to pack too many Arcees per case or somethin'...
Re: Transformers Studio Series SS-90 AOE Galvatron Revealed with Info From Designer (2133022)
Posted by TulioDude on May 9th, 2022 @ 11:31pm CDT
They are looking cool,though I'm not sure the 2014 Arcee looks more movie/cartoon accurate than the Earthrise one.

Day 861 of waiting for Transformers Armada Masterpiece news.
Re: Transformers Studio Series SS-90 AOE Galvatron Revealed with Info From Designer (2133026)
Posted by william-james88 on May 10th, 2022 @ 12:17am CDT
LinaNui wrote:Pretty sure the middle one is sideways, not sideswipe :P
I am very excited to see sideways officially. Hopefully The Fallen is also being shown here.

They releasd the entire list of reveals and these are the only SS toys, the rest are toys we already knew are coming.

And thanks for catching that, I will change it.
Re: Transformers Studio Series SS-90 AOE Galvatron Revealed with Info From Designer (2133027)
Posted by Grahf_ on May 10th, 2022 @ 12:19am CDT
T30 Arcee would be fine so long as they retool/redesign the lower torso, lower legs, lower arms, hips and face. Okay, the face isn't bad. It's just that it's too motherly? kind? non-threatening? I can't quite place it but that face just doesn't look like the face of a Transformer. I just laugh at her when she's holding weapons. Especially the swords. Or more like tries to hold the weapons that is.

It's a good looking figure don't get me wrong, it's just pretty trash when it comes to doing anything other than standing straight upright. It's always been trash too. I never really cared much for it. It has a decent amount of articulation but just doesn't do anything convincingly or dynamically. It's just not a fun toy. Say what you will about Earthrise Arcee but at least she's fun as an action figure.

That silhouette of Arcee doesn't quite look like a stock T30 Arcee though. The lower torso looks like it's completely reworked. Normally it's rounded off but it looks very angular in the silhouette. You can see that there looks like a trapezoid in the middle of it. The hips look like they've been reworked as well as their silhouette doesn't quite line up with what the figure's stock hips look like. Both could just be my imagination and wishful thinking getting away with itself as it's late and it's a silhouette. But that lower torso definitely has something different going on with it. There's no way I'm imagining that. I just hope she can actually hold her weapons for once though without risk of breaking the hands, the weapons just falling out or them not going all the way into hands due to intentional blockages. Ankle pivots sure would be nice too.
Re: Transformers Studio Series SS-90 AOE Galvatron Revealed with Info From Designer (2133030)
Posted by Rodimus Prime on May 10th, 2022 @ 12:32am CDT
Sabrblade wrote:That's the Thrilling 30 Arcee mold!
Hopefully this time it will have the proper paint job.
Re: Transformers Studio Series SS-90 AOE Galvatron Revealed with Info From Designer (2133038)
Posted by -Kanrabat- on May 10th, 2022 @ 4:37am CDT
My original T-30 Arcee is badly yellowed so I may get that "new" SS86 version to replace her. :-?
Re: Transformers Studio Series SS-90 AOE Galvatron Revealed with Info From Designer (2133040)
Posted by Emerje on May 10th, 2022 @ 7:17am CDT
The only use of the T30 Arcee mold I don't have is the one from the Platinum box set so I look forward to adding this one to the collection.

Re: Transformers Studio Series SS-90 AOE Galvatron Revealed with Info From Designer (2133045)
Posted by Rtron on May 10th, 2022 @ 8:15am CDT
EvasionModeBumblebee wrote:With the upcoming reveal of SS DOTM Bumblebee, I wanted to show this breakdown I made a little while ago showing all of the changes (mold-wise, anyway) that could be remolded from SS ROTF Bee to get Bumblebee's different design in DOTM!

I don't expect all of these parts to be remolded (the tires and secondary wings are, I would say, lower priority than the new chest and spoiler - also, the new secondary wings would require changing the transformation), but here's showing what all the differences are between the models. There are paint differences too, such as the stripes running over the roof in alt mode and the black details on the foreamr shields, but this just looks at remolding. We can already tell the central chest piece (the one outlined in blue in the first picture) has been remolded, so that's exciting!

I think we can be sure the robot chest and the car's front and bonnet will be remolded, as they changed those parts for the Revenge of the Fallen release. The collar piece and the thigh pieces that form the front of the back wheelwells are a maybe. As for the tires, the back of the car and the lower wings, I doubt very much that they'll change those.
Re: Transformers Studio Series SS-90 AOE Galvatron Revealed with Info From Designer (2133048)
Posted by Cyber Bishop on May 10th, 2022 @ 8:48am CDT
There is a post on Reddit that is of what appears to be the T30 Arcee with a remolded rear that folds better in bot mode and closes the gaps in alt mode. She also looks to have rocker ankles. Ill pull the image from my phone and DL it here
Re: Transformers Studio Series SS-90 AOE Galvatron Revealed with Info From Designer (2133049)
Posted by Immortal Starscream on May 10th, 2022 @ 8:49am CDT
Wile similar, that doesn't look like a straight re-use of the t-30 arcee. Proportions and shape are different. also the shell backpack seems different as well, with the wheels being the only part that looks the same. it could be based on the t-3o mold, like how ER starscream was based on classics. part of that backpack, and some of the shoulder area makes me think of the legacy elita-1 though.
Re: Transformers Studio Series SS-90 AOE Galvatron Revealed with Info From Designer (2133051)
Posted by Cyber Bishop on May 10th, 2022 @ 8:54am CDT
This is the photo from reddit, make your own decision but it sure looks to me like T30 remastered.
Re: Transformers Studio Series SS-90 AOE Galvatron Revealed with Info From Designer (2133052)
Posted by EvasionModeBumblebee on May 10th, 2022 @ 8:55am CDT
Rtron wrote:
I think we can be sure the robot chest and the car's front and bonnet will be remolded, as they changed those parts for the Revenge of the Fallen release. The collar piece and the thigh pieces that form the front of the back wheelwells are a maybe. As for the tires, the back of the car and the lower wings, I doubt very much that they'll change those.

I agree, though I think the back of the car is more likely since they need to add the spoiler.
Re: Transformers Studio Series SS-90 AOE Galvatron Revealed with Info From Designer (2133053)
Posted by Immortal Starscream on May 10th, 2022 @ 8:57am CDT
Cyber Bishop wrote:This is the photo from reddit, make your own decision but it sure looks to me like T30 remastered.

yup, forget what I said before, that is without a doubt the same arcee used for the teaser image.
Re: Transformers Studio Series SS-90 AOE Galvatron Revealed with Info From Designer (2133054)
Posted by Cyber Bishop on May 10th, 2022 @ 9:00am CDT
Immortal Starscream wrote:yup, forget what I said before, that is without a doubt the same arcee used for the teaser image.

Yeah when I saw it posted there then that image I said to myself the exact same thing, I even took my T30 and earthrise to look at the comparison. It looks like they may have given her the ER head too which pleases me.
Re: Transformers Studio Series SS-90 AOE Galvatron Revealed with Info From Designer (2133056)
Posted by Immortal Starscream on May 10th, 2022 @ 9:17am CDT
Cyber Bishop wrote:
Immortal Starscream wrote:yup, forget what I said before, that is without a doubt the same arcee used for the teaser image.

Yeah when I saw it posted there then that image I said to myself the exact same thing, I even took my T30 and earthrise to look at the comparison. It looks like they may have given her the ER head too which pleases me.

zooming in and trying to clear up the image a bit, it looks like there is quite a bit of new tooling here, and not just on the even worse backpack. her thighs, though mostly obscured are definitely all new, and sadly hollow. her calves look the same, but with the new ankles may have new tooling. her arms, or at least her forearms seem a little different as well, missing the tab slots. though the biceps do look to have the same hollow bits. the only parts that look like direct re-use seem to be the chest, and the front fenders. Betting her "belly" area is the same, though cant tell due to the text
Re: Transformers Studio Series SS-90 AOE Galvatron Revealed with Info From Designer (2133057)
Posted by Cyber Bishop on May 10th, 2022 @ 9:19am CDT
Immortal Starscream wrote:zooming in and trying to clear up the image a bit, it looks like there is quite a bit of new tooling here, and not just on the even worse backpack. her thighs, though mostly obscured are definitely all new, and sadly hollow. her calves look the same, but with the new ankles may have new tooling. her arms, or at least her forearms seem a little different as well, missing the tab slots. though the biceps do look to have the same hollow bits. the only parts that look like direct re-use seem to be the chest, and the front fenders. Betting her "belly" area is the same, though cant tell due to the text

I have been sitting here all morning doing the same, trying to figure out what looks reworked but the damn letters have to be in the way.. Also Looks like the wheels are not in the back of her thighs anymore and must be part of the reworked rear section.

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