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Wave 3 One Steps with Scorn, Cogman and Drift from Transformers: The Last Knight found in Canada

Transformers News: Wave 3 One Steps with Scorn, Cogman and Drift from Transformers: The Last Knight found in Canada

Monday, August 21st, 2017 1:23PM CDT

Categories: Movie Related News, Toy News, Sightings
Posted by: william-james88   Views: 28,932

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The final wave of Transformers: The Last Knight One Step Turbo Changer toys has been found in Montreal, Canada at Walmart. This wave includes the new Cogman, Scorn and Drift toys. Every one step shares the cyber-fire gimmick where black light will reveal a firey emblem on the toys.

Transformers News: Wave 3 One Steps with Scorn, Cogman and Drift from Transformers: The Last Knight found in Canada

Transformers News: Wave 3 One Steps with Scorn, Cogman and Drift from Transformers: The Last Knight found in Canada

Transformers News: Wave 3 One Steps with Scorn, Cogman and Drift from Transformers: The Last Knight found in Canada
Credit(s): william-james88

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Re: Wave 3 One Steps with Scorn, Cogman and Drift from Transformers: The Last Knight found in Canada (1905584)
Posted by Kurona on August 21st, 2017 @ 2:27pm CDT
Scorn's visor somehow seems a little high up...
Re: Wave 3 One Steps with Scorn, Cogman and Drift from Transformers: The Last Knight found in Canada (1905585)
Posted by Autobot Roadburn on August 21st, 2017 @ 2:31pm CDT
Kurona wrote:Scorn's visor somehow seems a little high up...

You're right, it looks like they sculpted a tiny visor but painted over the brow instead for... a bigger visor, I guess? Why not sculpt it that way then? Weird.
Re: Wave 3 One Steps with Scorn, Cogman and Drift from Transformers: The Last Knight found in Canada (1905594)
Posted by Bronzewolf on August 21st, 2017 @ 3:27pm CDT
Autobot Roadburn wrote:
Kurona wrote:Scorn's visor somehow seems a little high up...

You're right, it looks like they sculpted a tiny visor but painted over the brow instead for... a bigger visor, I guess? Why not sculpt it that way then? Weird.

Now he just looks like a robo-parrot.
Re: Wave 3 One Steps with Scorn, Cogman and Drift from Transformers: The Last Knight found in Canada (1905620)
Posted by EunuchRon on August 21st, 2017 @ 6:01pm CDT
I just got my Calibur Optimus, and he came with this tucked inside the package!


This is the second time I've heard of this happening. I ordered mine from Hobby Link Japan just in case, since that's where I heard someone else got one of these in the box, forget who, he was on a vid review... and I got one too! There's nothing on the box about it or in the instructions so I think Takara might have goofed at the factory? :-? Either way, figure is awesome, as good as I hoped, though that riot shield, not the gold one, the truck parts shield, is HUUUUUUGE and heavy! Whatever... still rocks. If anyone's been wanting one of these grab him from HLJ if you want a shot at a free gold shield. :-D
Re: Wave 3 One Steps with Scorn, Cogman and Drift from Transformers: The Last Knight found in Canada (1905621)
Posted by EunuchRon on August 21st, 2017 @ 6:01pm CDT
Oh, that picture isn't mine by the way... but that's the item.
Re: Wave 3 One Steps with Scorn, Cogman and Drift from Transformers: The Last Knight found in Canada (1905632)
Posted by Sabrblade on August 21st, 2017 @ 7:46pm CDT
EunuchRon wrote:I just got my Calibur Optimus, and he came with this tucked inside the package!
Maybe HLJ bought up enough Calibur Optimus Primes from the stores to get a Gold Vector Shield for each one. The shield itself is a separate, store-exclusive campaign item that comes free with a certain quantity of TF products purchased, so HLJ could have bought up enough stock from the stores to get the shields to go with the figures.
Re: Wave 3 One Steps with Scorn, Cogman and Drift from Transformers: The Last Knight found in Canada (1905639)
Posted by Ironhidensh on August 21st, 2017 @ 8:09pm CDT
Mine came with one as well (from HLJ). Maybebjust a store specific thing?
Re: Wave 3 One Steps with Scorn, Cogman and Drift from Transformers: The Last Knight found in Canada (1905660)
Posted by Noideaforaname on August 21st, 2017 @ 10:18pm CDT

Nitro Zeus' transformation does neat things but isn't very fun -- kinda like Long Haul or Rampage, I suppose, but with more vehicle parts usage. NZ's robot and jet modes are pretty boss, though.
Re: Wave 3 One Steps with Scorn, Cogman and Drift from Transformers: The Last Knight found in Canada (1905662)
Posted by Sigma Magnus on August 21st, 2017 @ 10:20pm CDT
So I got voyager Megs and Hound in the mail today (FINALLY), and I wanted to share my thoughts.

First up, Hound!


...I love this guy. Easily one of my new favorites. His bot mode just looks so good, all the paint on him and the sculpting are awesome, and there's so much poseability. I like how they did the feet, really clever. I would prefer if they did it in a more movie accurate way, but it would probably be impossible at that size, so I'll give it a pass.


He just oozes character. Only things I'd change would be to change some joints to screws so they can be tightened when necessary, and give him more guns. I'd use the AoE guns (believe me, I'd love to and I'm so glad they made that a feature) but I don't have that Hound.


Vehicle mode is good too. Lacking in paint, sure, but does what it's supposed to and looks good doing it. Transformation is fun, but it has some clearance issues.

Now for Megs!


This is the guy I was waiting for, and wow. Definitely lived up to expectations, another new favorite. I loved this design in the movie, and I really hope they don't change it moving forward. The toy captures the look really well, and overall I like it more than the leader version. The only things I'd really change are minor things.
-Wrist swivel and pivot (because sword-wielders should always have those)
-Slightly larger cannon, with a stronger joint for the tip
-Tilting/rotating sword peg on the back
-More rounded battle skirt
-Adjustable horns
Add all that and he'd be flawless, but without those he's still pretty great.


And you can still get him in some really cool action poses.


Looks great with Prime, too!


Jet mode, while not as imposing as that of the leader, is also great. Good size, and the transformation is fun once you get the hang on of it. I just wish the wings/legs and the arms tabbed in a bit more securely.

Overall, love 'em both. Highly recommended. :D
Re: Wave 3 One Steps with Scorn, Cogman and Drift from Transformers: The Last Knight found in Canada (1905678)
Posted by chuckdawg1999 on August 22nd, 2017 @ 12:00am CDT
I was finally able to get the Wave 2 Legion Class figures, they're good but I feel these should've been Wave 1 releases. Megatron is the best which seems to be a common theme for the line. Here's my review if you want to look:
Re: Wave 3 One Steps with Scorn, Cogman and Drift from Transformers: The Last Knight found in Canada (1905682)
Posted by Autobot Roadburn on August 22nd, 2017 @ 12:29am CDT
chuckdawg1999 wrote:I was finally able to get the Wave 2 Legion Class figures, they're good but I feel these should've been Wave 1 releases. Megatron is the best which seems to be a common theme for the line. Here's my review if you want to look:

Nice! I agree these should have hit earlier. I just got the 3 in on BBTS, and they should be shipping out soon with my Figuarts R2-D2. I've been looking forward to finding Crosshairs to stand next to my voyager Scorn since they were buddies in Age of Extinction.
Re: Wave 3 One Steps with Scorn, Cogman and Drift from Transformers: The Last Knight found in Canada (1905880)
Posted by beastwarsbrah on August 22nd, 2017 @ 11:49pm CDT
I just found voyager Megatron and hound at walmart. Hound looks awesome but I could only get one tonight and I've been looking for megatron for months. Megatron is simply thick, solid, and tight. Great transformation and no loose joints (these joints are the new standard, thats how tight and solid megs is). Seriously this is one of the few I've bought since I got back in that didnt have some sort of issue (only others beeing from rid).
Re: Wave 3 One Steps with Scorn, Cogman and Drift from Transformers: The Last Knight found in Canada (1905892)
Posted by Autobot Roadburn on August 23rd, 2017 @ 1:12am CDT
I actually found wave 2 deluxes today (finally!). Im not interested in any of them since I heard Drift wasn't very good and I honestly couldn't stand Sqweeks in the movie. Bring on wave 3, I'm ready.
Re: Wave 3 One Steps with Scorn, Cogman and Drift from Transformers: The Last Knight found in Canada (1905895)
Posted by -Kanrabat- on August 23rd, 2017 @ 4:12am CDT
Any Canada bros found the TrU exclusive Primus/Cybertron yet?
Because I'm morbidly curious to know what will be the Canadian price.
Re: Wave 3 One Steps with Scorn, Cogman and Drift from Transformers: The Last Knight found in Canada (1906005)
Posted by Sigma Magnus on August 23rd, 2017 @ 1:24pm CDT




Megs is awesome. :D
Re: Wave 3 One Steps with Scorn, Cogman and Drift from Transformers: The Last Knight found in Canada (1906092)
Posted by Spider5800 on August 23rd, 2017 @ 8:57pm CDT
Wave 2 voyagers FINALLY started arriving in stores in my area last week (Still no wave 2 deluxes though). Had to check a couple different stores and found the last voyager Megatron at Target. Really love this figure, his transformation is actually fun to do and he looks great in both modes.

Saw the new Hound at several places but I didn't pick him up. Can someone explain why people seem to love this figure? His head looks weirdly proportioned compared to his body, the vehicle mode looks cheap and bland, and the accessories are terrible, they don't look like any of the weapons he used in the movies. Think I'll stick with my Autobots United version of his AOE voyager, at least that has his minigun and proper shotguns.
Re: Wave 3 One Steps with Scorn, Cogman and Drift from Transformers: The Last Knight found in Canada (1906103)
Posted by Qwan on August 23rd, 2017 @ 9:42pm CDT
Spider5800 wrote:Wave 2 voyagers FINALLY started arriving in stores in my area last week (Still no wave 2 deluxes though). Had to check a couple different stores and found the last voyager Megatron at Target. Really love this figure, his transformation is actually fun to do and he looks great in both modes.

Saw the new Hound at several places but I didn't pick him up. Can someone explain why people seem to love this figure? His head looks weirdly proportioned compared to his body, the vehicle mode looks cheap and bland, and the accessories are terrible, they don't look like any of the weapons he used in the movies. Think I'll stick with my Autobots United version of his AOE voyager, at least that has his minigun and proper shotguns.

From my own experience with TLK Hound, he looks so much better once he's out of the box and actually posing a bit. It's true the colors and vehicle deco aren't fantastic (I'd have much preferred a more vibrant green like the AoE one), and that his head is noticeably larger than I'd like in terms of scale with other 'bots (though I think it looks fine in proportion to the rest of his body) but like so many things about him, the issue becomes much less noticeable once he's doing something other than sitting in a window-box on a store shelf under fluorescent lighting. And honestly if you can pick out enough detail on Hound's weapons to tell them apart that clearly and with that level of passion, I'd say you're probably in the minority - personally as long as he's got some huge ol' guns to lug around I'm happy enough, and if you have the AoE one you can obviously give those weapons to the newer incarnation.

I think most of what it comes down to is that he's a really clever Transformer from an engineering perspective - it's maybe not quite Voyager Megs' level, but it's still a genius transformation IMO - and the robot mode in particular is objectively way more accurate to his on-screen appearance in both TLK and AoE. You do you, and if you prefer the previous mold, awesome! It just means you have one less thing to buy. But there are plenty of things that this new Hound does really well to entice people (myself included obviously) into buying and loving him.
Re: Wave 3 One Steps with Scorn, Cogman and Drift from Transformers: The Last Knight found in Canada (1906107)
Posted by Autobot Roadburn on August 23rd, 2017 @ 9:55pm CDT
Spider5800 wrote:Wave 2 voyagers FINALLY started arriving in stores in my area last week (Still no wave 2 deluxes though). Had to check a couple different stores and found the last voyager Megatron at Target. Really love this figure, his transformation is actually fun to do and he looks great in both modes.

Saw the new Hound at several places but I didn't pick him up. Can someone explain why people seem to love this figure? His head looks weirdly proportioned compared to his body, the vehicle mode looks cheap and bland, and the accessories are terrible, they don't look like any of the weapons he used in the movies. Think I'll stick with my Autobots United version of his AOE voyager, at least that has his minigun and proper shotguns.

I actually had the same disappointment with the guns since I like the ones he comes with displaying on his back, so I just have him the ones from AoE. They look great on him. I had a few of the same thoughts before I picked him up (mostly got him because I'd missed the Megatrons that had been on the shelf) but he was a huge amount of fun after I busted him out of the box.
Re: Wave 3 One Steps with Scorn, Cogman and Drift from Transformers: The Last Knight found in Canada (1906188)
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on August 24th, 2017 @ 12:58pm CDT
These guys are awesome!!

Re: Wave 3 One Steps with Scorn, Cogman and Drift from Transformers: The Last Knight found in Canada (1906306)
Posted by WreckerJack on August 24th, 2017 @ 8:23pm CDT
Thanks to fellow Seibertronian, Autobot Roadburn we are now aware that the exclusive Transformers: Autobots Unite Legion Class Autobot Hot Rod figure is available at This figure will cost 9.99 and exclusive to Walmart. You can still pick this figure up in stores, however ordering is a great way to ensure you get it.



Re: Wave 3 One Steps with Scorn, Cogman and Drift from Transformers: The Last Knight found in Canada (1906307)
Posted by Quantum Surge on August 24th, 2017 @ 8:33pm CDT
No friggin way I'll pay ten bucks for that! No way! Nooo way!
Re: Wave 3 One Steps with Scorn, Cogman and Drift from Transformers: The Last Knight found in Canada (1906318)
Posted by Mirage22 on August 24th, 2017 @ 9:49pm CDT
Quantum Surge wrote:No friggin way I'll pay ten bucks for that! No way! Nooo way!

Ha! That was great. I always try to quote and incorporate that Crosshairs line into my daily life. :lol:

Also, wake me up when the Deluxe Hot Rod has made its way online... >:oP
Re: Wave 3 One Steps with Scorn, Cogman and Drift from Transformers: The Last Knight found in Canada (1906332)
Posted by Archforce on August 24th, 2017 @ 10:21pm CDT
So, Monsieur Hot Rod isn't discounted to $1.50 with the rest of the Legion figures at Walmart?
Re: Wave 3 One Steps with Scorn, Cogman and Drift from Transformers: The Last Knight found in Canada (1906337)
Posted by Autobot Roadburn on August 24th, 2017 @ 10:39pm CDT
Archforce wrote:So, Monsieur Hot Rod isn't discounted to $1.50 with the rest of the Legion figures at Walmart?

I wish. I checked my nearby Walmart this morning to be sure they didn't have him first and they don't even carry legions at all. I'm not super happy about paying the $10 either, but it's for one figure that I likely will never see at my store.
Re: Wave 3 One Steps with Scorn, Cogman and Drift from Transformers: The Last Knight found in Canada (1906338)
Posted by Archforce on August 24th, 2017 @ 10:44pm CDT
Autobot Roadburn wrote:
Archforce wrote:So, Monsieur Hot Rod isn't discounted to $1.50 with the rest of the Legion figures at Walmart?

I wish. I checked my nearby Walmart this morning to be sure they didn't have him first and they don't even carry legions at all. I'm not super happy about paying the $10 either, but it's for one figure that I likely will never see at my store.

I love his design and the Legends/Legion size class, but I don't think I've ever seen Legion at my local Walmart, let alone their TLK exclusives. I just don't think I can justify paying half the price of a movie deluxe when his contemporaries are available for around a tenth of the price.
Re: Wave 3 One Steps with Scorn, Cogman and Drift from Transformers: The Last Knight found in Canada (1906363)
Posted by Rodimus277 on August 25th, 2017 @ 4:16am CDT
My local ASDA store had him for £6.97.
Re: Wave 3 One Steps with Scorn, Cogman and Drift from Transformers: The Last Knight found in Canada (1906366)
Posted by -Kanrabat- on August 25th, 2017 @ 4:53am CDT
Archforce wrote:So, Monsieur Hot Rod isn't discounted to $1.50 with the rest of the Legion figures at Walmart?

Are you a time traveller visiting the future? Because it's been years since legions have been discounted at that price. Lowest I saw a RID legion was 5.50$US and the movie ones at 7$US.

The prices have gone quite up, especially for the movie figures.
Damn those TrU exclusive deluxes at over 30$US in Canada... And somehow, they still all sold at my local TrU! Granted, they were back at the "regular" price because of the sale but still...

Speaking of super clearance, I'm just waiting for TrU to be tired of all of these voyager Grimlocks.
Re: Wave 3 One Steps with Scorn, Cogman and Drift from Transformers: The Last Knight found in Canada (1906403)
Posted by Marcdachamp on August 25th, 2017 @ 9:56am CDT
Cool, but I'm still waiting on the two-pack with Bumblebee since he has the G1 Hot Rod flames on the hood. >:oP
Re: Wave 3 One Steps with Scorn, Cogman and Drift from Transformers: The Last Knight found in Canada (1906414)
Posted by william-james88 on August 25th, 2017 @ 10:45am CDT
Marcdachamp wrote:Cool, but I'm still waiting on the two-pack with Bumblebee since he has the G1 Hot Rod flames on the hood. >:oP

Will probably come out cheaper too. Is it the same BB that also comes in the Megatron two pack at TRU?
Re: Wave 3 One Steps with Scorn, Cogman and Drift from Transformers: The Last Knight found in Canada (1906431)
Posted by DestronMirage22 on August 25th, 2017 @ 11:52am CDT
$9.99 for a Legion Class figure?! No way! :shock:
I could get a Legends Class for that!!
Re: Wave 3 One Steps with Scorn, Cogman and Drift from Transformers: The Last Knight found in Canada (1906439)
Posted by Quantum Surge on August 25th, 2017 @ 12:40pm CDT
I got a $10 off coupon from Hasbro when I told them that my Berserker was missing one of his spiked accessories. Sucks they can't get me a replacement, but I'm glad that I got a coupon that can help with getting anything I need at a decent price. All that's left now is to decide what I can use it for. (new mold Bee? Cogman? Barricade? Hot Rod? Wave 2 & 3 Voyagers? Masterpiece Prime or Bee? Power of the Primes anything?)
Re: Wave 3 One Steps with Scorn, Cogman and Drift from Transformers: The Last Knight found in Canada (1906454)
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on August 25th, 2017 @ 2:20pm CDT
-Kanrabat- wrote:
Archforce wrote:So, Monsieur Hot Rod isn't discounted to $1.50 with the rest of the Legion figures at Walmart?

Are you a time traveller visiting the future? Because it's been years since legions have been discounted at that price. Lowest I saw a RID legion was 5.50$US and the movie ones at 7$US.

The prices have gone quite up, especially for the movie figures.
Damn those TrU exclusive deluxes at over 30$US in Canada... And somehow, they still all sold at my local TrU! Granted, they were back at the "regular" price because of the sale but still...

Speaking of super clearance, I'm just waiting for TrU to be tired of all of these voyager Grimlocks. ... ing/39334/

Saw this a few days ago.

Also, that Hot Rod is missing a wheel in his stock image :lol:

Also, here is my Infernocus with Quintessa where he will actually stand fairly stable:
Re: Wave 3 One Steps with Scorn, Cogman and Drift from Transformers: The Last Knight found in Canada (1906565)
Posted by Rainmaker on August 26th, 2017 @ 4:26am CDT
Cogman's head is gonna look so out of place because of how well it's painted and how different the Movie bots and TR bots look

Re: Wave 3 One Steps with Scorn, Cogman and Drift from Transformers: The Last Knight found in Canada (1906623)
Posted by Stuartmaximus on August 26th, 2017 @ 12:54pm CDT
Rainmaker wrote:Cogman's head is gonna look so out of place because of how well it's painted and how different the Movie bots and TR bots look


Speaking of Cogman...Chefatron has the video review of the Deluxe up now
Re: Wave 3 One Steps with Scorn, Cogman and Drift from Transformers: The Last Knight found in Canada (1906627)
Posted by ScottyP on August 26th, 2017 @ 1:00pm CDT
ScottyP wrote:Did anyone else's Infernocus come with the wrong card for the collage that all the Mission to Cybertron toy cards can create? Infernocus had the one that's the upper left corner, which already came with, I think, the set of Deluxe DotM OP and Protoform OP. Was expecting the upper right/part that forms the end of the word "Transformers" that runs along the right side. Curious if this is widespread or if I need to go make an exchange at the store!
Can anyone help with this question of mine? Pretty please?
Re: Wave 3 One Steps with Scorn, Cogman and Drift from Transformers: The Last Knight found in Canada (1906630)
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on August 26th, 2017 @ 1:17pm CDT
ScottyP wrote:
ScottyP wrote:Did anyone else's Infernocus come with the wrong card for the collage that all the Mission to Cybertron toy cards can create? Infernocus had the one that's the upper left corner, which already came with, I think, the set of Deluxe DotM OP and Protoform OP. Was expecting the upper right/part that forms the end of the word "Transformers" that runs along the right side. Curious if this is widespread or if I need to go make an exchange at the store!
Can anyone help with this question of mine? Pretty please?
He is the only figure of the subline I have, and I kind of ignored the card and it is buried somewhere. I can try to dig it up later
Re: Wave 3 One Steps with Scorn, Cogman and Drift from Transformers: The Last Knight found in Canada (1906675)
Posted by Autobot Roadburn on August 26th, 2017 @ 3:51pm CDT
Legion Hot Rod went down a dollar on, he's now $8.99. Not a ton better but enough to make me a bit disappointed I didn't wait longer.
Re: Wave 3 One Steps with Scorn, Cogman and Drift from Transformers: The Last Knight found in Canada (1906762)
Posted by william-james88 on August 27th, 2017 @ 6:29am CDT
Fellow Seibertronians Stuartmaximus and MaverickPrime have informed us of an English language review of Premier Edition Deluxe Cogman from Transformers: The Last Knight. This one is from Chefatron. This is the final deluxe to be coming out for this line. Enjoy the reivew!

Re: Wave 3 One Steps with Scorn, Cogman and Drift from Transformers: The Last Knight found in Canada (1906783)
Posted by dragons on August 27th, 2017 @ 9:26am CDT
Nice looking figure wouldn't mind buying this figure someday like see what they with this figure for headmaster figure
Re: Wave 3 One Steps with Scorn, Cogman and Drift from Transformers: The Last Knight found in Canada (1906812)
Posted by -Kanrabat- on August 27th, 2017 @ 11:38am CDT
Cogman is the only TLK deluxe I'm REALLY interested in. So beautiful all over. :x
Re: Wave 3 One Steps with Scorn, Cogman and Drift from Transformers: The Last Knight found in Canada (1906815)
Posted by Quantum Surge on August 27th, 2017 @ 11:55am CDT
All that's left to do is to find him in stores whike I still can!
Re: Wave 3 One Steps with Scorn, Cogman and Drift from Transformers: The Last Knight found in Canada (1906820)
Posted by Kurona on August 27th, 2017 @ 12:20pm CDT
It's so weird that this line decided to randomly plonk in a couple Headmasters -- and weirder beyond that that they're the only ones from the line I'm particularly interested in. Weirdness galore!
Re: Wave 3 One Steps with Scorn, Cogman and Drift from Transformers: The Last Knight found in Canada (1906826)
Posted by Carnivius_Prime on August 27th, 2017 @ 12:49pm CDT
Very cool. Despite some issues the TLK toyline has been easily my fave TF toyline since..well..AoE really. Now if the toy stores round here could realise there's more beyond Wave 1 that would be great.

for UK, Kapow has Cogman (or Gogman as they have him titled for some reason) for £27.99. Is he supposed to be a more expensive limited Deluxe like Hot Rod then? ... ogman.html
Re: Wave 3 One Steps with Scorn, Cogman and Drift from Transformers: The Last Knight found in Canada (1906828)
Posted by -Kanrabat- on August 27th, 2017 @ 12:56pm CDT
Carnivius_Prime wrote:for UK, Kapow has Cogman (or Gogman as they have him titled for some reason) for £27.99. Is he supposed to be a more expensive limited Deluxe like Hot Rod then? ... ogman.html

Pretty sure it's just price gouging for the impatient customer. >:oP
Re: Wave 3 One Steps with Scorn, Cogman and Drift from Transformers: The Last Knight found in Canada (1906844)
Posted by Deadput on August 27th, 2017 @ 2:47pm CDT
Kurona wrote:It's so weird that this line decided to randomly plonk in a couple Headmasters -- and weirder beyond that that they're the only ones from the line I'm particularly interested in. Weirdness galore!

Well Cogman is a headmaster even if he is not shown being so in the film (He is called one though) it just was cut for time just like a billion other things from the film, as for him using the same system as TR it's probably just so Hasbro can just use an existing system instead of making one of for just Cogman.

Only reason Nitro is one is probably so there is another figure in the line for Cogman to use and even then Nitro is not a headmaster he just uses the connection port.
Re: Wave 3 One Steps with Scorn, Cogman and Drift from Transformers: The Last Knight found in Canada (1906859)
Posted by -Kanrabat- on August 27th, 2017 @ 4:17pm CDT
And Nitro do have a TR compatible cockpit. So he should have been a headmaster as well, film canon be damned.
Re: Wave 3 One Steps with Scorn, Cogman and Drift from Transformers: The Last Knight found in Canada (1906882)
Posted by Kurona on August 27th, 2017 @ 6:59pm CDT
Cool as having a cockpit for the headmaster is - and that is in fact my favourite part of the titan master gimmick - I'm glad they took advantage of the Titan Masters not being a line-wide gimmick here to give us something a bit more unique from your typical headmaster in Nitro.
Re: Wave 3 One Steps with Scorn, Cogman and Drift from Transformers: The Last Knight found in Canada (1906979)
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on August 28th, 2017 @ 8:58am CDT
Really hoping some wave 1 stuff starts moving. The only things left from the line for me to get are wave 3, Cogman, and Hot Rod, and even then with wave 1 stuff still not moving from any nearby store, I am scared. I saw TFsource had Cogman up for preorder for $39.99, which is way too much, but I really want him and I am doubtful of him appearing near here.

For the record: Bumblebee, Cogman, Hot Rod, Dragonstorm, and the legion Hound and Dragonstorm are the only figures left I'd like
Re: Wave 3 One Steps with Scorn, Cogman and Drift from Transformers: The Last Knight found in Canada (1906985)
Posted by nycPrime on August 28th, 2017 @ 9:33am CDT
Went to a few stores in my area and it was mostly wave 1. The TRU near me got a nice restock but still flooded with Grimlocks. Wouldn't mind a w3 bee and hot rod myself.
Re: Wave 3 One Steps with Scorn, Cogman and Drift from Transformers: The Last Knight found in Canada (1906986)
Posted by Quantum Surge on August 28th, 2017 @ 9:36am CDT
The flooding Berserkers and Dinobot repaints made me wish my one of my Walmarts and the closest Target to me weren't closed.

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Transformers Podcast: Twincast / Podcast #354 - Identity Crisis
Twincast / Podcast #354:
"Identity Crisis"
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Posted: Saturday, July 13th, 2024

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