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Will Season 3 be the Last of Transformers Prime? (Update: Combs States There Will Be A Fourth Season)

Transformers News: Will Season 3 be the Last of Transformers Prime? (Update: Combs States There Will Be A Fourth Season)

Sunday, September 16th, 2012 8:46AM CDT

Categories: Cartoon News, Rumors, People News
Posted by: El Duque   Views: 106,026

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Update: Transformers Prime fans can breath a sigh of relief, Combs has clarified that there will be a at least a fourth season of Transformers Prime.

We have some interesting news regarding the future of Transformers Prime out of Ep-Con 2012 where voice actors Tony Todd (Dreadwing) and Jeffrey Combs (Ratchet) were in attendance. MiraiBaby of fellow fan site TFW2005 attended a panel where Combs stated the upcoming season three would be the last for Transformers Prime:

Unfortunately this iteration of the franchise is coming to an end

He also stated he had just finished his recordings for the last episode of season three, which is slated for 16 episodes.

While this isn't official confirmation that the recently revealed Transformers Season 3 "Beast Hunters" is the overall end of Transformers Prime it's certainly all very interesting.
Credit(s): MiraiBaby, Sabrblade

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Re: Will Season 3 be the Last of Transformers Prime? (Update: Combs States There Will Be A Fourth Season) (1420772)
Posted by xyl360 on September 16th, 2012 @ 9:16am CDT
I suspect that Prime will end and Beast Hunters will be the new thing, continuing where Prime season 3 leaves off.

It makes sense with the new show and toyline trademarks Hasbro got. I think they're going forward with what I'd hoped (yet doubted highly) that they'd do, which is continue the story without the Bots and Cons and move away from rebooting the same cast of characters over and over again, which is what I loved about Beast Wars (the only show to explicitly be a continuation of G1, unlike every other show which creates its own continuity/universe loosely based on the original G1 concepts).

If that's where they're going, then I'm all in. I'm tired of the franchise standing still. Keep giving G1 the love with MP and Classics, but keep the main line moving forward as new generations come (and old generations, like mine get sick of seeing Optimus and Bumblebee vs Megatron and Starscream reinvented yet again for the 1000th time).
Re: Will Season 3 be the Last of Transformers Prime? (Update: Combs States There Will Be A Fourth Season) (1420773)
Posted by Ravage XK on September 16th, 2012 @ 9:34am CDT
Whatever happens I hope the same standard is kept up as Prime has been excellent.

Im not so keen on Beast based Transformers toys (except the Dinobots!) so my wallet will be happy.
Re: Will Season 3 be the Last of Transformers Prime? (Update: Combs States There Will Be A Fourth Season) (1420775)
Posted by Questworld12 on September 16th, 2012 @ 9:39am CDT
"Nooooooooo"-as Starscream would say.

I am unsure about this news.
I would like to see a season 4 or 5 but all good things must come to an end.
Re: Will Season 3 be the Last of Transformers Prime? (Update: Combs States There Will Be A Fourth Season) (1420777)
Posted by CBratetron on September 16th, 2012 @ 9:43am CDT
I suspect I'll be skipping a few year's worth of episodes if the successor series goes back to the dark ages of animal forms.
Re: Will Season 3 be the Last of Transformers Prime? (Update: Combs States There Will Be A Fourth Season) (1420778)
Posted by CBratetron on September 16th, 2012 @ 9:45am CDT
I suspect I'll be skipping a few year's worth of episodes if the successor series goes back to the dark ages of animal forms.
Re: Will Season 3 be the Last of Transformers Prime? (Update: Combs States There Will Be A Fourth Season) (1420780)
Posted by Shockwave7 on September 16th, 2012 @ 9:47am CDT
xyl360 wrote:...I'm tired of the franchise standing still. Keep giving G1 the love with MP and Classics, but keep the main line moving forward as new generations come (and old generations, like mine get sick of seeing Optimus and Bumblebee vs Megatron and Starscream reinvented yet again for the 1000th time).

I respectfully disagree. If people got 'bored of the same franchise being reinvented over and over', then NO one would ever watch another Batman movie or TV show ever again. I don't hear anybody saying, 'Oh gee, Nolan put Batman against the Joker - I'm not going to go see it because Adam West and Ceaser Romero already did that'.

Fact is, reboots make truckloads of cash and are successful because people like them.

And like Hasbro is going to pass up a chance to reboot the Tformers again and make us buy yet another gazillion different bumblebee repaints? They may let it lie for a while, but they'll be back. There are tons of different Optimus figures they'll want to make.
Re: Will Season 3 be the Last of Transformers Prime? (Update: Combs States There Will Be A Fourth Season) (1420788)
Posted by griftimus prime on September 16th, 2012 @ 10:28am CDT
for gods sake. no more children in future shows
Re: Will Season 3 be the Last of Transformers Prime? (Update: Combs States There Will Be A Fourth Season) (1420789)
Posted by njb902 on September 16th, 2012 @ 10:40am CDT
All of this worry is premature.
Re: Will Season 3 be the Last of Transformers Prime? (Update: Combs States There Will Be A Fourth Season) (1420792)
Posted by PrymeStriker on September 16th, 2012 @ 10:55am CDT

Re: Will Season 3 be the Last of Transformers Prime? (Update: Combs States There Will Be A Fourth Season) (1420812)
Posted by xyl360 on September 16th, 2012 @ 11:40am CDT
Shockwave7 wrote:
xyl360 wrote:...I'm tired of the franchise standing still. Keep giving G1 the love with MP and Classics, but keep the main line moving forward as new generations come (and old generations, like mine get sick of seeing Optimus and Bumblebee vs Megatron and Starscream reinvented yet again for the 1000th time).

I respectfully disagree. If people got 'bored of the same franchise being reinvented over and over', then NO one would ever watch another Batman movie or TV show ever again. I don't hear anybody saying, 'Oh gee, Nolan put Batman against the Joker - I'm not going to go see it because Adam West and Ceaser Romero already did that'.

Fact is, reboots make truckloads of cash and are successful because people like them.

And like Hasbro is going to pass up a chance to reboot the Tformers again and make us buy yet another gazillion different bumblebee repaints? They may let it lie for a while, but they'll be back. There are tons of different Optimus figures they'll want to make.

While that is very true, I've also seen series like those in the DCAU, which started with Batman: The Animated Series go all the way through to Justice League: Unlimited, following what comic books do and be very successful as well. I'm not saying they should never go back to Autobots vs Decepticons, Megatron vs Prime, absolutely not, but something fresh that isn't just yet another reboot every few years would be nice. It gets boring to watch the same characters 'learn who they are' and see the same (essentially the same) history get revealed throughout yet another series all over again.

A good re-telling can be nice, and there's certainly nothing wrong with it, but doing so every few years gets old. It's nice to see a continuity that lasts longer than just 4 or 5 seasons, especially if it really takes things in a new direction, expanding on the universe the first series or first few seasons of the series created. That's what I'd like to see them do with Prime. There's plenty they haven't touched on or expanded on from WfC and FoC that they could integrate and of course, if they move forward with this continuity's version of Beast Wars, and it's anything close to how the original was, then I suspect it will be a hit, at least with those of us who aren't opposed to bots with beast modes that are actual DISGUISES instead of gigantic robotic animals that aren't fooling anyone (lookin' at you G1 Predacons and Dinobots :P).
Re: Will Season 3 be the Last of Transformers Prime? (Update: Combs States There Will Be A Fourth Season) (1420814)
Posted by Avensis-Mahiya on September 16th, 2012 @ 11:48am CDT
And here I was hoping that Prime would last maybe 4 or 5 seasons. 16 episodes seems too...brief and rushed. See, I never really caught on to the Beast Era, so I don't know if I'm going to like this new show, or whatever it is.

Here's hoping that this is only a rumor and that Jeff was only misinformed.
Re: Will Season 3 be the Last of Transformers Prime? (Update: Combs States There Will Be A Fourth Season) (1420815)
Posted by Megatron Wolf on September 16th, 2012 @ 11:49am CDT
I hope this is true, TF:Prime is such a bad show. If the kids werent in it it probably wouldnt be too bad but it still wouldnt be good. I just hope that they bring back Combs, Todd, & Welker cause they did one hell of a job. Bring back Cullen too just tell him to stop doing his old man prime voice and tell him to do normal Optimus Prime. But for the love of god dont rehire Blum, he sucked as starscream & im just tired of hearing him in every damn game and cartoon i watch. Wonder if Beast Hunters has anything to do with this?
Re: Will Season 3 be the Last of Transformers Prime? (Update: Combs States There Will Be A Fourth Season) (1420817)
Posted by YRQRM0 on September 16th, 2012 @ 11:52am CDT
16 episodes? That would mean in 16 episodes plus whatever is left in season 2, they would need to end the story of the ongoing Iacon database/relic thing, do something with Starscream (hopefully other than let him be a loner forever), possibly do something with Airachnid, and introduce whatever "Beast Hunters" entails. Just doesn't seem like it would end this quickly, especially when we just got hints of some story with Alpha Trion, Shockwave doing something that would allow reuse of his model, usage of the red energon, etc.

Hopefully if this is then end of Prime, there will be a new show that continues it, like Armada and Energon. I just hope the quality doesn't drop, or they change to some horrible animation style (Energon). I'm sure we'll get new designs though, for new toys.
Re: Will Season 3 be the Last of Transformers Prime? (Update: Combs States There Will Be A Fourth Season) (1420819)
Posted by XDMan on September 16th, 2012 @ 12:09pm CDT
The end of the Prime franchise? Aw. :sad:

Well, this has been as successful as G1, Beast Wars and possibly Animated.
Re: Will Season 3 be the Last of Transformers Prime? (Update: Combs States There Will Be A Fourth Season) (1420821)
Posted by PrymeStriker on September 16th, 2012 @ 12:10pm CDT
Megatron Wolf wrote: Bring back Cullen too just tell him to stop doing his old man prime voice and tell him to do normal Optimus Prime.

Peter is 71 years old. Do you expect him to sound the same when he was 43? He's doing his "normal" Optimus Prime voice, but people age, and it sounds older. You do know that he was 43 when he did his "normal" Optimus Prime voice, right?

At least this Optimus voice isn't edited with a vocoder in Prime, like the Movies (and to some extent, G1). :roll:
Re: Will Season 3 be the Last of Transformers Prime? (Update: Combs States There Will Be A Fourth Season) (1420833)
Posted by Flashwave on September 16th, 2012 @ 1:08pm CDT
Disappointed if this is true, but if it is, I'm not neccesarily surprised. Prime has done wonderful things as a cartoon, but three seasons seems to be the average lifespan of a TF cartoon nowadays
Re: Will Season 3 be the Last of Transformers Prime? (Update: Combs States There Will Be A Fourth Season) (1420838)
Posted by Sabrblade on September 16th, 2012 @ 1:18pm CDT
PrymeStriker wrote:
Megatron Wolf wrote: Bring back Cullen too just tell him to stop doing his old man prime voice and tell him to do normal Optimus Prime.

Peter is 71 years old. Do you expect him to sound the same when he was 43? He's doing his "normal" Optimus Prime voice, but people age, and it sounds older. You do know that he was 43 when he did his "normal" Optimus Prime voice, right?

At least this Optimus voice isn't edited with a vocoder in Prime, like the Movies (and to some extent, G1). :roll:
Then have him voice Optimus like he did for the Orion Pax episodes. An Average Joe we can all relate to instead of a pontificating stiff whose only emotion is anger or nothing.
Re: Will Season 3 be the Last of Transformers Prime? (Update: Combs States There Will Be A Fourth Season) (1420840)
Posted by amtm on September 16th, 2012 @ 1:37pm CDT
Boo. Transformers Prime has been the best series since G1. If they are going to end it, they'd better have a real wrap-up at least, instead of some dumb open-ended "there will be a sequel so we can sell more toys" type thing.

I am not a big fan of animal Transformers, as animal modes don't lend themselves to transformation very well, or at least most of the toys have done a poor job of it so far, so I am not enthused about a "beast hunters" theme. Maybe we'll get a few pleasant suprises like some updated Classics Dinobots, but I'll probably end up spending about as much money on any beastformers as I have so far on the Prime toys, which is none. (I love the show, but hate the look--it's the worst of both worlds, Animated and Movie.)
Re: Will Season 3 be the Last of Transformers Prime? (Update: Combs States There Will Be A Fourth Season) (1420856)
Posted by Gundamu on September 16th, 2012 @ 2:46pm CDT
I agree with the though that Beast Hunters will pick up where Prime leaves off. Makes sense.
Re: Will Season 3 be the Last of Transformers Prime? (Update: Combs States There Will Be A Fourth Season) (1420857)
Posted by Bubbah on September 16th, 2012 @ 2:48pm CDT
IF this is the end of Prime, I'll be extremely disappointed. I really like this series and was really hoping to see it continue and see where it was going. I really like the cast and will be sad to see them go but I'm not going to freak out and worry just yet. Hasbro has stated that this alligned continuity is what they're sticking with for a while so I'm pretty sure that Beast Hunters is going to be a crossing into point for the next portion, much like A/E/C had or Beast Wars & Beast Machines.

What I'm really hoping for is that Beast Hunters is going to be Prime's version of the G1 movie. After the movie, the G1 series continued but with a completely rebooted cast. I'd be ok with Prime season 3 doing this, and Prime continueing into season 4 & 5 following the cast of Ultra Magnus and Thundertron (since they have upcoming toys) as the story follows up on Exodus/Exiles type setting and introducing more characters. Then after a couple seasons of that, have it all lead back to Team Prime on Earth, with a merging of story lines for some epic conclusions and events.
Re: Will Season 3 be the Last of Transformers Prime? (Update: Combs States There Will Be A Fourth Season) (1420858)
Posted by starwarrior1227 on September 16th, 2012 @ 2:50pm CDT
oh gosh, NO!
i mean i didnt want prime to last a decade, but this is too short!
Re: Will Season 3 be the Last of Transformers Prime? (Update: Combs States There Will Be A Fourth Season) (1420863)
Posted by PrymeStriker on September 16th, 2012 @ 3:05pm CDT
starwarrior1227 wrote:NO!...
oh gosh, NO!
i mean i didnt want prime to last a decade, but this is too short!

Prime wasn't going to last a decade. It was going to last 5 years. The Aligned continuity family is supposed to last a decade. That's not going to change.
Re: Will Season 3 be the Last of Transformers Prime? (Update: Combs States There Will Be A Fourth Season) (1420864)
Posted by starwarrior1227 on September 16th, 2012 @ 3:11pm CDT
PrymeStriker wrote:
starwarrior1227 wrote:NO!...
oh gosh, NO!
i mean i didnt want prime to last a decade, but this is too short!

Prime wasn't going to last a decade. It was going to last 5 years. The Aligned continuity family is supposed to last a decade. That's not going to change.

Re: Will Season 3 be the Last of Transformers Prime? (Update: Combs States There Will Be A Fourth Season) (1420869)
Posted by PrymeStriker on September 16th, 2012 @ 3:25pm CDT
starwarrior1227 wrote:
PrymeStriker wrote:
starwarrior1227 wrote:NO!...
oh gosh, NO!
i mean i didnt want prime to last a decade, but this is too short!

Prime wasn't going to last a decade. It was going to last 5 years. The Aligned continuity family is supposed to last a decade. That's not going to change.


Re: Will Season 3 be the Last of Transformers Prime? (Update: Combs States There Will Be A Fourth Season) (1420874)
Posted by Evil_the_Nub on September 16th, 2012 @ 3:45pm CDT
I wonder if this has anything to do with Hasbro's mishandling of the toyline. They aren't selling because there are too many damn Bumblbees. But like the DotM line it's because they screwed up distribution, not a lack of interest.
Re: Will Season 3 be the Last of Transformers Prime? (Update: Combs States There Will Be A Fourth Season) (1420935)
Posted by Heavy B on September 16th, 2012 @ 6:00pm CDT
Please PLEASE don't let takara make the next show, We've had such a good run since that boondogle of RID/Unicron Trilogy. :PRAY:
Re: Will Season 3 be the Last of Transformers Prime? (Update: Combs States There Will Be A Fourth Season) (1420938)
Posted by G1 Smoketreader on September 16th, 2012 @ 6:05pm CDT
If Hasbro believed in the way they handled their product, they would let it last longer.
Re: Will Season 3 be the Last of Transformers Prime? (Update: Combs States There Will Be A Fourth Season) (1420950)
Posted by Noideaforaname on September 16th, 2012 @ 6:28pm CDT ... on-175936/
UPDATE Jeffrey Combs confirmed today 9/16/2012 that there will be a fourth season of Transformers Prime - the series will NOT end with season 3. Early cutoff rumor untrue."

So it IS continuing. Yay!
Re: Will Season 3 be the Last of Transformers Prime? (Update: Combs States There Will Be A Fourth Season) (1420955)
Posted by PrymeStriker on September 16th, 2012 @ 6:41pm CDT
Noideaforaname wrote:
UPDATE Jeffrey Combs confirmed today 9/16/2012 that there will be a fourth season of Transformers Prime - the series will NOT end with season 3. Early cutoff rumor untrue."

So it IS continuing. Yay!

WHEW! That was a close one. Yayayayayayaya!

Re: Will Season 3 be the Last of Transformers Prime? (Update: Combs States There Will Be A Fourth Season) (1420957)
Posted by Sodan-1 on September 16th, 2012 @ 6:47pm CDT
It'll be a shame when PRIME finishes, but as they say all good things must come to an end. And those that don't end tend to become less and less of a good thing as time goes on. I only hope that Hasbro allows PRIME to end with a proper conclussion. I'll welcome whatever takes over so long as the quality remains. Perhaps the replacement series will give an insight into which characters will be appearing in Transformers 4.
Re: Will Season 3 be the Last of Transformers Prime? (Update: Combs States There Will Be A Fourth Season) (1420968)
Posted by Justanormalguy on September 16th, 2012 @ 7:16pm CDT
Sabrblade wrote:
Justanormalguy wrote:Hmmm, I may have to look into this. I would like to know what "Beast Masters" is though.
That was a typo on Burn's part. He meant "Beast Hunters".

Oh ok. I wonder what that may be. Return of beast modes?
Re: Will Season 3 be the Last of Transformers Prime? (Update: Combs States There Will Be A Fourth Season) (1420969)
Posted by Justanormalguy on September 16th, 2012 @ 7:18pm CDT
PrymeStriker wrote:
Noideaforaname wrote:
UPDATE Jeffrey Combs confirmed today 9/16/2012 that there will be a fourth season of Transformers Prime - the series will NOT end with season 3. Early cutoff rumor untrue."

So it IS continuing. Yay!

WHEW! That was a close one. Yayayayayayaya!


*Does the happy dance* :DANCE:
Re: Will Season 3 be the Last of Transformers Prime? (Update: Combs States There Will Be A Fourth Season) (1420971)
Posted by PrymeStriker on September 16th, 2012 @ 7:26pm CDT
Justanormalguy wrote:
Sabrblade wrote:
Justanormalguy wrote:Hmmm, I may have to look into this. I would like to know what "Beast Masters" is though.
That was a typo on Burn's part. He meant "Beast Hunters".

Oh ok. I wonder what that may be. Return of beast modes?

It's Season 3(or 3.5) of Transformers Prime. We speculate the introduction of the Dinobots and Star Seekers.
Re: Will Season 3 be the Last of Transformers Prime? (Update: Combs States There Will Be A Fourth Season) (1420989)
Posted by Bubbah on September 16th, 2012 @ 8:43pm CDT
Well we can all breathe a sigh of relief. But remember, the same person who started the rumors is the one who debunked them haha. Obviously Prime is continueing into a season 4 but Combs has said nothing about Ratchet going forward, AND there's still the "iteration" comment he made, so there's obviously going to be a large change/shake up in the middle of season 3. And for all we know, season 3 may be 26 episodes, the 16 episode cutoff is for Combs/Ratchet ... We'll just have to wait and see, while resting comfortably knowing "the show will go on" :)
Re: Will Season 3 be the Last of Transformers Prime? (Update: Combs States There Will Be A Fourth Season) (1420990)
Posted by Downbeat on September 16th, 2012 @ 8:46pm CDT
Whatever actually happens, I hope what comes next for Transformers cartoon-wise features better writing. Animated is still the gold star standard for writing in a Transformers product marketed to children in my eyes, even if it felt like a stop-gap cartoon because of its poor animation/low budget.

I'm hoping for something featuring writing by Barber, Roche, or Roberts, or even character designs by Roche. Nick's artstyle would translate incredibly well to a show.
Re: Will Season 3 be the Last of Transformers Prime? (Update: Combs States There Will Be A Fourth Season) (1421004)
Posted by njb902 on September 16th, 2012 @ 9:51pm CDT
You can all stop freaking out now, we'll at least until rodimus2006 discovers this thread.
Re: Will Season 3 be the Last of Transformers Prime? (Update: Combs States There Will Be A Fourth Season) (1421010)
Posted by PrymeStriker on September 16th, 2012 @ 10:21pm CDT
njb902 wrote:You can all stop freaking out now, we'll at least until rodimus2006 discovers this thread.

That's kind of rude (but true).

But I'm surprised nobody has updated the news post. What's up with that?
Re: Will Season 3 be the Last of Transformers Prime? (Update: Combs States There Will Be A Fourth Season) (1421025)
Posted by Sabrblade on September 16th, 2012 @ 11:19pm CDT
PrymeStriker wrote:
njb902 wrote:You can all stop freaking out now, we'll at least until rodimus2006 discovers this thread.

That's kind of rude (but true).

But I'm surprised nobody has updated the news post. What's up with that?
Maybe no one's submitted the news or alerted any of the news staff yet.
Re: Will Season 3 be the Last of Transformers Prime? (Update: Combs States There Will Be A Fourth Season) (1421026)
Posted by PrymeStriker on September 16th, 2012 @ 11:23pm CDT
Sabrblade wrote:
PrymeStriker wrote:
njb902 wrote:You can all stop freaking out now, we'll at least until rodimus2006 discovers this thread.

That's kind of rude (but true).

But I'm surprised nobody has updated the news post. What's up with that?
Maybe no one's submitted the news or alerted any of the news staff yet.

Thought someone had told them by now. It's not a matter of great concern to me, and I'm sure someone already did.

*scrolls down*

Yep, they updated it. Nevermind.
Re: Will Season 3 be the Last of Transformers Prime? (Update: Combs States There Will Be A Fourth Season) (1421036)
Posted by starwarrior1227 on September 16th, 2012 @ 11:52pm CDT
i still say its too short if they end at 4 seasons, i would like them to end at five, well depending on how the story developes that is.
Re: Will Season 3 be the Last of Transformers Prime? (Update: Combs States There Will Be A Fourth Season) (1421038)
Posted by Sabrblade on September 17th, 2012 @ 12:06am CDT
starwarrior1227 wrote:i still say its too short if they end at 4 seasons, i would like them to end at five, well depending on how the story developes that is.
Well, we don't yet know if it ends at four. All we know is that it doesn't end at three and there's a fourth coming. Its ending remains unknown.
Re: Will Season 3 be the Last of Transformers Prime? (Update: Combs States There Will Be A Fourth Season) (1421042)
Posted by Duke of Luns on September 17th, 2012 @ 12:53am CDT
Sabrblade wrote:
starwarrior1227 wrote:i still say its too short if they end at 4 seasons, i would like them to end at five, well depending on how the story developes that is.
Wel,, we don't yet know if it ends at four. All we know is that it doesn't end at three and there's a fourth coming. Its ending remains unknown.

I don't see Prime's run as "short" at all. At the end of Season 2 we'll have 52 episodes, same as Beast Wars, Armada, Energon, and Cybertron. Since Season 3 is confirmed to have at least 16 episodes, that makes Prime the longest running series since G1.

Now don't get me wrong, I don't want Prime to end either, as it is a really good show(even if it is just a tad status quo-ey), but it has had and is having a good run.

However, episode counts don't mean squat if half of them are sub par filler episodes. Here's hoping for continued quality.
Re: Will Season 3 be the Last of Transformers Prime? (Update: Combs States There Will Be A Fourth Season) (1421082)
Posted by padfoo on September 17th, 2012 @ 9:18am CDT
The show should end, its too inconsistent especially when transformers battle. An example of what I am talking about would be the One Shall Rise Episode and the later episode where Nemesis Prime/Silas beats the entire Autobot team. In one episode they are extremely powerful in the next they are beaten by a human in a big robot, and the reason, because he used his years of military combat experience. last time I checked the Transformers were fighting for Millions years....... We also have similar situations, with the recent Insecticon episodes.
Transformers Animated and WFC/FOC are the most interesting interpretations of Transformers that has come along in recent years. Unfortunately I would/will not miss Transformers Prime when it gets cancelled.
Re: Will Season 3 be the Last of Transformers Prime? (Update: Combs States There Will Be A Fourth Season) (1421087)
Posted by starwarrior1227 on September 17th, 2012 @ 9:29am CDT
padfoo wrote:The show should end, its too inconsistent especially when transformers battle. An example of what I am talking about would be the One Shall Rise Episode and the later episode where Nemesis Prime/Silas beats the entire Autobot team. In one episode they are extremely powerful in the next they are beaten by a human in a big robot, and the reason, because he used his years of military combat experience. last time I checked the Transformers were fighting for Millions years....... We also have similar situations, with the recent Insecticon episodes.
Transformers Animated and WFC/FOC are the most interesting interpretations of Transformers that has come along in recent years. Unfortunately I would/will not miss Transformers Prime when it gets cancelled.

thanks, you finally ruined the show for me.
Re: Will Season 3 be the Last of Transformers Prime? (Update: Combs States There Will Be A Fourth Season) (1421088)
Posted by Sabrblade on September 17th, 2012 @ 9:32am CDT
starwarrior1227 wrote:thanks, you finally ruined the show for me.
Season 1 already ruined it for me. Season 2 is a vast improvement, though, but still not quite there, yet there is hope.
Re: Will Season 3 be the Last of Transformers Prime? (Update: Combs States There Will Be A Fourth Season) (1421089)
Posted by starwarrior1227 on September 17th, 2012 @ 9:35am CDT
Sabrblade wrote:
starwarrior1227 wrote:thanks, you finally ruined the show for me.
Season 1 already ruined it for me. Season 2 is a vast improvement, though, but still not quite there, yet there is hope.

why didnt u like season 1?
Re: Will Season 3 be the Last of Transformers Prime? (Update: Combs States There Will Be A Fourth Season) (1421091)
Posted by Sabrblade on September 17th, 2012 @ 9:51am CDT
starwarrior1227 wrote:
Sabrblade wrote:
starwarrior1227 wrote:thanks, you finally ruined the show for me.
Season 1 already ruined it for me. Season 2 is a vast improvement, though, but still not quite there, yet there is hope.

why didnt u like season 1?
"Darkness Rising" was awful. Easily the worst part of the show.
Nothing majorly exciting happened from episode 6 to 11 (Breakdown and Knock Out coming in was expected to happen from the get-go, so they just helped to get the status quo into what it was already meant to be).
"Predatory" was cool, I'll give you that.
13-14 were also good
"Shadowzone" felt pointless and "Operation: Breakdown" felt unnecessarily dark
"Crisscross" was great
"Metal Attraction" had no meat to it
19-20 were very good
21-22 had promise, but ultimately went nowhere (except for making Ratchet cool in 22).
23-26 were trying WAAAAAY to hard to be epic, and pulled the unimpressively cliche Unicron card to do it, using the guy way too early in the series and thus giving the finale a very hollow feeling of unoriginality (minus him being inside the Earth, but it was still him, regardless). Though, the return of Orion Pax was a welcome, but that was covered more by season 2. :roll:

Only 7 out of 26 episodes really stood out for me. The rest was a disappointment.

Season 2 has gotten so much better, though, but it needs to kick it up just a little more.
Re: Will Season 3 be the Last of Transformers Prime? (Update: Combs States There Will Be A Fourth Season) (1421092)
Posted by starwarrior1227 on September 17th, 2012 @ 9:54am CDT
Sabrblade wrote:
starwarrior1227 wrote:
Sabrblade wrote:
starwarrior1227 wrote:thanks, you finally ruined the show for me.
Season 1 already ruined it for me. Season 2 is a vast improvement, though, but still not quite there, yet there is hope.

why didnt u like season 1?
"Darkness Rising" was awful. Easily the worst part of the show.
Nothing majorly exciting happened from episode 6 to 11 (Breakdown and Knock Out coming in was expected to happen from the get-go, so they just helped to get the status quo into what it was already meant to be).
"Predatory" was cool, I'll give you that.
13-14 were also good
"Shadowzone" felt pointless and "Operation: Breakdown" felt unnecessarily dark
"Crisscross" was great
"Metal Attraction" had no meat to it
19-20 were very good
21-22 had promise, but ultimately went nowhere (except for making Ratchet cool in 22).
23-26 were trying WAAAAAY to hard to be epic, and pulled the unimpressively cliche Unicron card to do it, using the guy way too early in the series and thus giving the finale a very hollow feeling of unoriginality (minus him being inside the Earth, but it was still him, regardless). Though, the return of Orion Pax was a welcome, but that was covered more by season 2. :roll:

Only 7 out of 26 episodes really stood out for me. The rest was a disappointment.

Season 2 has gotten so much better, though, but it needs to kick it up just a little more.

i shoudlnt have asked....
more of the show is ruined cuz i realized the truth.
Re: Will Season 3 be the Last of Transformers Prime? (Update: Combs States There Will Be A Fourth Season) (1421093)
Posted by Sabrblade on September 17th, 2012 @ 10:05am CDT
starwarrior1227 wrote:i shoudlnt have asked....
more of the show is ruined cuz i realized the truth.
Hey, no series is perfect. It's no secret these days that G1 was far from perfect, and not even Beast Wars is without its own share of flaws. It's okay to still like something, warts and all. ;)
Re: Will Season 3 be the Last of Transformers Prime? (Update: Combs States There Will Be A Fourth Season) (1421094)
Posted by Avensis-Mahiya on September 17th, 2012 @ 10:07am CDT
I'm really happy that there will be a fourth season. Prime deserves it.

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