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'ebay' Auction For Chevy Exclusive 'Universe Autobot Swerve'

Transformers News: 'ebay' Auction For Chevy Exclusive 'Universe Autobot Swerve'

Monday, August 27th, 2007 11:59AM CDT

Categories: Toy News, Company News, Store News, Auctions
Posted by: Tigertrack   Views: 26,987

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Yesterday it was brought to our attention that there would be a new Chevy promotion involving a certain exclusive toy, 'Universe Swerve', a seemingly brand new mold, similar in size to a deluxe with Alternator type realness.

Today, Doctor Paragon shares with us the first eBay auction for this seemingly rare toy with plenty of new pictures to share.

Check out the auction here and then come and discuss your hopes with the rest of us, that this will be part of the new UNIVERSE line at some point, and not just a Chevy promotional toy.

Will this become one of the most desired U.S. exclusives around? We'll let you know in the Toy News when we find out more about the mold, the promotion, and the possible availability of this cool toy at retail (if ever?).
Credit(s): Doctor Paragon

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Re: 'ebay' Auction For Chevy Exclusive 'Universe Autobot Swerve' (308965)
Posted by upther on August 27th, 2007 @ 12:02pm CDT
He's kinda cool lookin. Too bad you have to buy a piece of crap to get him.
Re: 'ebay' Auction For Chevy Exclusive 'Universe Autobot Swerve' (308967)
Posted by tacogrande on August 27th, 2007 @ 12:03pm CDT
It's not the rarity that makes me want it, its the fact that it's a really freaking cool looking toy. I might call up my chevy place to try and bribe them to give me one. Even $50 would be better than $10,000 :lol:
Re: 'ebay' Auction For Chevy Exclusive 'Universe Autobot Swerve' (308968)
Posted by Starscream227 on August 27th, 2007 @ 12:03pm CDT
It looks seek as all hell, but such a limited avenue, even
for an exclusive. I hope this is a 'once in a blue moon' kinda
thing, and not something Hasbro is gonna make a point to do often...
Re: 'ebay' Auction For Chevy Exclusive 'Universe Autobot Swerve' (308970)
Posted by Talon523 on August 27th, 2007 @ 12:04pm CDT
I wonder if that is based on the chevy rise of the Autobots design.
Re: 'ebay' Auction For Chevy Exclusive 'Universe Autobot Swerve' (308971)
Posted by GetterDragun on August 27th, 2007 @ 12:05pm CDT
So tempting...yet I have a feeling there will sbe some in a nicer packaging and with some finalized details on e-bay eventually.
Re: 'ebay' Auction For Chevy Exclusive 'Universe Autobot Swerve' (308974)
Posted by Overcracker on August 27th, 2007 @ 12:06pm CDT
Looks nice. Maybe a repaint of him will make it into the Universe line.

Don't really understand the marketing decision behind giving a way a toy with a real car purchase. I guess, you can hope the car you actually bought, can transform into a robot too :grin:

Looks pretty cool. Loving the hands.
Maybe they can repaint him into a Stunticon: Dead End anybody?
Re: 'ebay' Auction For Chevy Exclusive 'Universe Autobot Swerve' (308981)
Posted by upther on August 27th, 2007 @ 12:11pm CDT
Looks like he needs to go the the body shop. The passenger side door has a pretty nasty crack in it.
Re: 'ebay' Auction For Chevy Exclusive 'Universe Autobot Swerve' (308990)
Posted by Starscream227 on August 27th, 2007 @ 12:19pm CDT
When does this promo begin? I feel the urge to pester my
local Chevy Dealers...
Re: 'ebay' Auction For Chevy Exclusive 'Universe Autobot Swerve' (308995)
Posted by Redimus on August 27th, 2007 @ 12:22pm CDT
I wouldnt be surprised if tnhis turned up in the Universe/Classics 2.0 line up as a different charecter anyway. Lets face it, they've just made a delux sized alt, I seiously cant see Hasbro spending the kindam oney they would have to spend to develop that on a toy that will be used only as a free bee for a hanful of prople who buy a car. It just wouldnt make sence.

Also if this is the kinda design style we are to be expecting for the Universe line (diddy alts), then tickle me excited.
Re: 'ebay' Auction For Chevy Exclusive 'Universe Autobot Swerve' (309016)
Posted by God Magnus on August 27th, 2007 @ 12:40pm CDT
upther wrote:Looks like he needs to go the the body shop. The passenger side door has a pretty nasty crack in it.

Yeah, but it's listed in "mint condition" so that's probably just some shopping cart battle damage.
Re: 'ebay' Auction For Chevy Exclusive 'Universe Autobot Swerve' (309019)
Posted by microclone on August 27th, 2007 @ 12:41pm CDT
so this is possibly one of the new universe (classics 2 toys)? i wonder if thats the final colors? If it is to be also a classics 2 mould i wonder who and if thats going to be the final head. eitherway thats one sweet TF, like a simplified binaltech BUT with great looking legs! that really demonstrates what i imagine a real gen 1 update could be, a nicer looking and more elegant toy than those in the movie line.
Re: 'ebay' Auction For Chevy Exclusive 'Universe Autobot Swerve' (309051)
Posted by Blitzwing the warrior on August 27th, 2007 @ 1:11pm CDT
Wasnt there a Monte Carlo SS Autobot in the Rise of the Autobots game?
Re: 'ebay' Auction For Chevy Exclusive 'Universe Autobot Swerve' (309052)
Posted by --B-- on August 27th, 2007 @ 1:11pm CDT
It's a shame, because that is a pretty damn sweet mold. That could easily be used like classics BB and CJ to make minibots to fit in with the Alternators line.

Hopefully we will see this in Universe with a new head sculpt.
Re: 'ebay' Auction For Chevy Exclusive 'Universe Autobot Swerve' (309064)
Posted by HighPrime on August 27th, 2007 @ 1:20pm CDT
I like the head sculpt... Looks like Robocop..
Re: 'ebay' Auction For Chevy Exclusive 'Universe Autobot Swerve' (309083)
Posted by Seibertron on August 27th, 2007 @ 1:41pm CDT
I asked my Dad about this yesterday, who is a salesman at a Chevy dealership in Grand Blanc, MI (Al Serra). He said that he thinks the figures are being mailed directly to the customers so they won't actually be receiving stock at the store. He thinks he might be able to snag me one somehow for the galleries on the site, but we'll see.
Re: 'ebay' Auction For Chevy Exclusive 'Universe Autobot Swerve' (309128)
Posted by Zeds on August 27th, 2007 @ 2:23pm CDT
Here's hoping this will be released in the Universe Line in due course. Stupid to have this as a giveaway if you buy and Aveo. Makes no sense Hasbro.
Re: 'ebay' Auction For Chevy Exclusive 'Universe Autobot Swerve' (309142)
Posted by Megatron Wolf on August 27th, 2007 @ 2:37pm CDT
$122?! holy shit dude. I may have to call up a chevy dealer and see if i can some how get one. Now if i were to get one i would have to decide to keep it or put it on ebay. If i sell it i can pay my cable bill and if i keep it i have a rare figure.
Re: 'ebay' Auction For Chevy Exclusive 'Universe Autobot Swerve' (309146)
Posted by Autobot032 on August 27th, 2007 @ 2:42pm CDT
Re: 'ebay' Auction For Chevy Exclusive 'Universe Autobot Swerve' (309158)
Posted by Starscream227 on August 27th, 2007 @ 2:51pm CDT
Seibertron wrote:I asked my Dad about this yesterday, who is a salesman at a Chevy dealership in Grand Blanc, MI (Al Serra). He said that he thinks the figures are being mailed directly to the customers so they won't actually be receiving stock at the store. He thinks he might be able to snag me one somehow for the galleries on the site, but we'll see.

That bites. Hope ya can get one for us, Ryan!
Re: 'ebay' Auction For Chevy Exclusive 'Universe Autobot Swerve' (309229)
Posted by Scaleface on August 27th, 2007 @ 3:42pm CDT
I'd guess Hasbro wouldn't waste the mold. We'll probably see it repainted as a more common release. I'll buy that version.
Re: 'ebay' Auction For Chevy Exclusive 'Universe Autobot Swerve' (309305)
Posted by Liege Evilmus on August 27th, 2007 @ 4:25pm CDT
Gotta talk to my GM guys about this!
Re: 'ebay' Auction For Chevy Exclusive 'Universe Autobot Swerve' (309327)
Posted by GetterDragun on August 27th, 2007 @ 4:34pm CDT
-Z- G1 Snarl Rules wrote:Here's hoping this will be released in the Universe Line in due course. Stupid to have this as a giveaway if you buy and Aveo. Makes no sense Hasbro.

How does Chevrolet paying Hasbro to do a custom figure to promote their vehicle not make sense. That is by definition a promotion.
Re: 'ebay' Auction For Chevy Exclusive 'Universe Autobot Swerve' (309449)
Posted by Nemesis Cyberplex on August 27th, 2007 @ 5:38pm CDT
Seibertron wrote:I asked my Dad about this yesterday, who is a salesman at a Chevy dealership in Grand Blanc, MI (Al Serra). He said that he thinks the figures are being mailed directly to the customers so they won't actually be receiving stock at the store. He thinks he might be able to snag me one somehow for the galleries on the site, but we'll see.
I honestly hope that's not the case. This figure existing makes my Swerve collection incomplete(he was one of the few G1 toys I still have from when I was little, & have all versions of him to date that I am aware of), & it would suck if I had to shell out an arm & a leg one way or another in order to get this.
Re: 'ebay' Auction For Chevy Exclusive 'Universe Autobot Swerve' (309468)
Posted by tacogrande on August 27th, 2007 @ 5:50pm CDT
GetterDragun wrote:
-Z- G1 Snarl Rules wrote:Here's hoping this will be released in the Universe Line in due course. Stupid to have this as a giveaway if you buy and Aveo. Makes no sense Hasbro.

How does Chevrolet paying Hasbro to do a custom figure to promote their vehicle not make sense. That is by definition a promotion.

I can't say for sure what he meant, but I took it that anyone who is buying an aveo probably didn't do it for a $10 toy, and those who want the toy probably don't want an aveo. I'd have to agree with that. The toy is still pretty sick though.

I keep hearing the aveo is a piece of crap, is that true or is this just bitterness? I know someone who is looking to buy a new car, and if it's relatively inexpensive then maybe I'll get this guy, though I have no problems waiting to see if he makes it to universe 2.
Re: 'ebay' Auction For Chevy Exclusive 'Universe Autobot Swerve' (309544)
Posted by i_amtrunks on August 27th, 2007 @ 6:21pm CDT
Interesting promotion... I was expecting GM to do something along these lines if you bought their cars during the movie run.

He reminds me of Swindle from the Movie line, except with far superior quality. Hope we get this figure in one way or another in general release, too bad Red is easily the nicest colour though.
Re: 'ebay' Auction For Chevy Exclusive 'Universe Autobot Swerve' (309594)
Posted by Phenotype on August 27th, 2007 @ 6:41pm CDT
They could easily release this figure in the movie line, it's an official licensed vehicle, has an asthetic similar to the movie figures, and is Deluxe sized.
Re: 'ebay' Auction For Chevy Exclusive 'Universe Autobot Swerve' (309630)
Posted by Anonymous on August 27th, 2007 @ 6:52pm CDT
The car looks good, but the robot looks KO-ish. I'll probably get one a bit later on Ebay when they will be all over the place.
Re: 'ebay' Auction For Chevy Exclusive 'Universe Autobot Swerve' (315130)
Posted by Auto Bot on August 31st, 2007 @ 7:05am CDT
At last! A realistic Autobot car that you can see in the streets everyday. An ordinary everyday car! Beautiful!
Re: 'ebay' Auction For Chevy Exclusive 'Universe Autobot Swerve' (315131)
Posted by Wheeljack35 on August 31st, 2007 @ 7:05am CDT
My neice just bought this car and in red like the toy

I still have to find out if she got the toy
Re: 'ebay' Auction For Chevy Exclusive 'Universe Autobot Swerve' (315135)
Posted by Auto Bot on August 31st, 2007 @ 7:08am CDT
I hope this will eventually be produced as a regular Movie Deluxe toy.
This Autobot Swerve guy has the beauty of BB Camaro in an ordinary car. None of those Swindle weirdness and cyclop face.

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