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New (Clearer) Image of "Revenge of the Fallen" Soundwave Figure

Transformers News: New (Clearer) Image of "Revenge of the Fallen" Soundwave Figure

Saturday, November 15th, 2008 9:05AM CST

Categories: Movie Related News, Toy News, Rumors
Posted by: Skowl   Views: 54,831

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Yizhi521 of has posted yet another, and this time slightly clearer, photo of what appears to be the "Revenge of the Fallen" Soundwave figure. In this new image, you can clearly see three orbs on his chest as well as the "grill" form and "lights" on his stomach that ressemble those seen on the supposed Soundwave concept design leaked earlier. Though writer Roberto Orci specifically stated that Soundwave is not a pickup truck, there does seem to be some connection between this figure's design and the leaked Soundwave "truck" design.

See the image here or mirrored below, along with the supposed concept art for Soundwave's truck mode.

Credit(s): Yizhi521,

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Re: New (Clearer) Image of "Revenge of the Fallen" Soundwave Figure (834469)
Posted by Firebird on November 15th, 2008 @ 9:24am CST
he got a better camera!

And I like the headsculp we can now see on the new picture.
Re: New (Clearer) Image of "Revenge of the Fallen" Soundwave Figure (834470)
Posted by Rocketeer on November 15th, 2008 @ 9:31am CST
This alleged Soundwave figure seems more and more like Bigfoot-in-the-freezer.
It looks interesting in the first fuzzy pictures.
Clearer pictures make it look really ugly, but realistic.
And in the end, it will probably turn out to be a hoax.

I vote that this is a scratchbuilt custom made to look like that concept art.
Thus, it is a hoax.

Otherwise, I hope that this is just Soundwave's Cybertronian form rendered in Legends class or something.
If that were the case, he'd hopefully get a decent Earth form.
Just saying...
Re: New (Clearer) Image of "Revenge of the Fallen" Soundwave Figure (834471)
Posted by mattyc1007 on November 15th, 2008 @ 9:31am CST
i real hope this isnt the full toy, i want soundwave to be a triple changer at least the bot mode is horrible. i want car former or a pickup former, not a cybertrnian statlite on its own. me want chevy or dodge if it could. :sad:
Re: New (Clearer) Image of "Revenge of the Fallen" Soundwave Figure (834488)
Posted by SDL on November 15th, 2008 @ 10:12am CST
Could it be that they ditched the Soundwave-is-a-truck idea AFTER they made some concept art for it?
Re: New (Clearer) Image of "Revenge of the Fallen" Soundwave Figure (834495)
Posted by King Henrik on November 15th, 2008 @ 10:19am CST
judging from this new picture, i don't think the alt mode is a pick up truck... if you look at the "grill" area you'll see it looks like the central blue orb looks to be attached to it and it doesn't look like it bends... so unless that piece sticks straight up in the air in truck mode, i doubt it's a truck.
Re: New (Clearer) Image of "Revenge of the Fallen" Soundwave Figure (834518)
Posted by Autobotic9 on November 15th, 2008 @ 10:36am CST
That is definately Soundwave!

I also know that it is not Bionicle, I have also been a fan for many years.
Re: New (Clearer) Image of "Revenge of the Fallen" Soundwave Figure (834520)
Posted by Skowl on November 15th, 2008 @ 10:39am CST
SDL wrote:Could it be that they ditched the Soundwave-is-a-truck idea AFTER they made some concept art for it?

That's what I'm hoping.
Re: New (Clearer) Image of "Revenge of the Fallen" Soundwave Figure (834526)
Posted by Autobotic9 on November 15th, 2008 @ 10:51am CST
soundwave transforms into a wicked looking cybertronian lamp post judgint from his blue orbs :P
Re: New (Clearer) Image of "Revenge of the Fallen" Soundwave Figure (834537)
Posted by First-Aid on November 15th, 2008 @ 11:03am CST
I like the head sculpt...overall, it isn't a bad fig at all. Would love to see some alt mode pics to verify. It just doesn't look like it transforms much...maybe it is a FAB or something like that...I like the color combo too...

I also agree with the idea put forth earlier about his truck mode getting scrapped after the concept was made. Could explain the color change too...
Re: New (Clearer) Image of "Revenge of the Fallen" Soundwave Figure (834538)
Posted by UltraPrimal on November 15th, 2008 @ 11:06am CST
At least they got the face right. :D
Re: New (Clearer) Image of "Revenge of the Fallen" Soundwave Figure (834547)
Posted by Autobot Snake Eyes on November 15th, 2008 @ 11:35am CST
DarkScry wrote:Heavily modded movie Megs, does anyone else think so?

Thats pretty much what i thought when i saw it.
Re: New (Clearer) Image of "Revenge of the Fallen" Soundwave Figure (834550)
Posted by bossbot on November 15th, 2008 @ 11:40am CST
the movie art looks kinda weird with all those eyes (or whatever they ar), but there's clearly some carmode in there, chevroletgrille and the wheels, so i'm still thinking triple changer sattelite/truck/bot

the toy? thats simply ugly, like someone glued a soundwave-like head on a bionicle....
Re: New (Clearer) Image of "Revenge of the Fallen" Soundwave Figure (834562)
Posted by Solrac333 on November 15th, 2008 @ 11:59am CST
The colors look bad. I hope it's just a prototype or I'll be doing some serious repaints next year.

I guess those blue circle things are where the soundwaves will come out of or minions. :-?
Re: New (Clearer) Image of "Revenge of the Fallen" Soundwave Figure (834573)
Posted by dragons on November 15th, 2008 @ 12:13pm CST
not to sound hipacritcal but i see more mgeatron move parts than anything he looks good but i dont think this is the officail version i could be wrong.
Re: New (Clearer) Image of "Revenge of the Fallen" Soundwave Figure (834610)
Posted by TankedThomas on November 15th, 2008 @ 1:53pm CST
Okay, I'm not too sure exactly what it is and I don't know if it's Soundwave but my bet is that it definitely is a new TF for ROTF and it looks damn awesome, I reckon. If this figure is as good as it seems, I'd be happy to own it.
Re: New (Clearer) Image of "Revenge of the Fallen" Soundwave Figure (834649)
Posted by kazmagnus on November 15th, 2008 @ 2:56pm CST
ok new to the boards!i've been reading these forums since the first movie but this is the topic that made me sign up to post on these heres what i think not to be blunt but this new pic is clearly not megatron and the figure is by far not made of megs spare parts, let that thought die. i have all of megatrons movie figures from FAB all the way to premium megs and not one even comes close to resembling any part of that pic..i think everyone associates it with megs because its a grey figure with grey legs and arms...when we say it dont look like it transforms much well your right he's a satellite, how difficult of a transformation can there be for a guessing its compairable to the optimus and starscream protoforms figures..remember how those where the special movie characters when those two where released.. they where simple figures ,not much detail or paint aps..i think they will do the same thing with soundwave and another un-named autobot..release the satellite soundwave as a deluxe protoform before the rest of the figures come out like a teaser. soundwave was the first transformer i ever got when i was a kid im 30 now he's deffinatley my fav and if this is his cybertron "protoform" figure im good with that..just think what his voyager or leader class will look like..
Re: New (Clearer) Image of "Revenge of the Fallen" Soundwave Figure (834651)
Posted by Megatron Wolf on November 15th, 2008 @ 3:01pm CST
Even after seeing the new "clearer" picture i still think he looks like crap. The head looks kinda like a Soundwave head but its not enough. Not to mention the color. Why do they feel the need to ruin our favorite characters? First Megatron now Soundwave. Hell im stull waiting for a purple or pink Rodimus cause i know they wont make him red or call him HotRod just to piss us off some more. And i still fear for Ravage.
Re: New (Clearer) Image of "Revenge of the Fallen" Soundwave Figure (834675)
Posted by Tigertrack on November 15th, 2008 @ 4:47pm CST
This has me interested. Not much more than that. NOt worth debating at this point. We know nothing else about it.

kazmagnus wrote:ok new to the boards!i've been reading these forums since the first movie but this is the topic that made me sign up to post on these boards...

Thanks for joining the community kazmagnus. Welcome.
Re: New (Clearer) Image of "Revenge of the Fallen" Soundwave Figure (834686)
Posted by StarThunderWarp on November 15th, 2008 @ 4:56pm CST
I really hope this is just a bad kitbash
Re: New (Clearer) Image of "Revenge of the Fallen" Soundwave Figure (834701)
Posted by First-Aid on November 15th, 2008 @ 5:39pm CST
tigertracks 24 wrote:This has me interested. Not much more than that. NOt worth debating at this point. We know nothing else about it.

kazmagnus wrote:ok new to the boards!i've been reading these forums since the first movie but this is the topic that made me sign up to post on these boards...

Thanks for joining the community kazmagnus. Welcome.

Seconded! Welcome aboard! Well thought out post too! I hadn't thought about the possibility of a protoform figure...that's a definite possibility... :-?
Re: New (Clearer) Image of "Revenge of the Fallen" Soundwave Figure (834708)
Posted by Stormrider on November 15th, 2008 @ 6:01pm CST
This is what I was expecting for Soundwave. Even though you may not like it, you can't be surprised by the style. Quite frankly, I am surprised that the head even resembles G1 Soundwave.
Re: New (Clearer) Image of "Revenge of the Fallen" Soundwave Figure (834741)
Posted by YRQRM0 on November 15th, 2008 @ 7:12pm CST
Now I see it!!! Yes, I finally believe it's soundwave, thanks to those concept art comparisons. Plus, I can see his red visor thing that I was looking for in the blurr pictures.
Re: New (Clearer) Image of "Revenge of the Fallen" Soundwave Figure (834743)
Posted by DevastaTTor on November 15th, 2008 @ 7:28pm CST
First-Aid wrote:
tigertracks 24 wrote:This has me interested. Not much more than that. NOt worth debating at this point. We know nothing else about it.

kazmagnus wrote:ok new to the boards!i've been reading these forums since the first movie but this is the topic that made me sign up to post on these boards...

Thanks for joining the community kazmagnus. Welcome.

Seconded! Welcome aboard! Well thought out post too! I hadn't thought about the possibility of a protoform figure...that's a definite possibility... :-?

Yeah, I mentioned that protiform/sneak peek theory the other day when this first posted. This figure, with it's cruder transformation and lack of detail screams early release figure to me.

Still looks like legos though.
Re: New (Clearer) Image of "Revenge of the Fallen" Soundwave Figure (834856)
Posted by D-340 on November 16th, 2008 @ 1:19am CST
If this is the real deal, I'm impressed. I likes.
Re: New (Clearer) Image of "Revenge of the Fallen" Soundwave Figure (835044)
Posted by Sherade on November 16th, 2008 @ 2:17pm CST
I'm more convinced this is real..or just someone getting high on concept art and going all-out on a custom.... 8-}
Re: New (Clearer) Image of "Revenge of the Fallen" Soundwave Figure (835068)
Posted by Bumblebeast on November 16th, 2008 @ 3:27pm CST
The toy


And the concept


So i guess that's the incarnation of Soundwave this time. Awesome.
Re: New (Clearer) Image of "Revenge of the Fallen" Soundwave Figure (835102)
Posted by Skowl on November 16th, 2008 @ 5:21pm CST
Posted earlier here.

In this new image, you can clearly see three orbs on his chest as well as the "grill" form and "lights" on his stomach that ressemble those seen on the supposed Soundwave concept design leaked earlier. Though writer Roberto Orci specifically stated that Soundwave is not a pickup truck, there does seem to be some connection between this figure's design and the leaked Soundwave "truck" design.
Re: New (Clearer) Image of "Revenge of the Fallen" Soundwave Figure (835305)
Posted by FortisVox on November 17th, 2008 @ 6:55am CST
To be perfectly honest, I will not say a bad word about what the bots have looked like so far. I didn't have any gripes about any of them.

As long as they get the voice to sound good (not necessarily identical to G1) I'm ok with whatever the new Bayformers look like.

side note: I don't intend to de-rail, but this question has been in my head since I started checking this site...

The green chevy has already been named "Tracks" per this site...Any chance the red one is Cliffjumper? sorry if this has already been asked and answered...
Re: New (Clearer) Image of "Revenge of the Fallen" Soundwave Figure (835755)
Posted by Doubledealer93 on November 18th, 2008 @ 5:29am CST
it is an OK fig but to me not "a dear got it sucks!" fig if it is real and if it is even sound wave i will get it.
Re: New (Clearer) Image of "Revenge of the Fallen" Soundwave Figure (836172)
Posted by Zek Patterson on November 18th, 2008 @ 9:52pm CST
Looks about right I suppose...the concept is clearly not the same as it has a chevy grill in its tum tum. I have no problems with any movie bots. The cons color schemes are just to grey tho. But no biiiig problems.
Re: New (Clearer) Image of "Revenge of the Fallen" Soundwave Figure (836204)
Posted by Archatron on November 18th, 2008 @ 11:20pm CST
It's real. They started on Movie toys in/or around August and the first was Leader-class. If it isn't Leader-class it's a big Voyager and they're well into production already, also satellites are pretty damn big in real life. This is Soundwave though from what I am told.
Re: New (Clearer) Image of "Revenge of the Fallen" Soundwave Figure (836390)
Posted by Urzu Six on November 19th, 2008 @ 9:33am CST
It's blackout with blue orbs of EEEVIL! Fear for your lives!
Re: New (Clearer) Image of "Revenge of the Fallen" Soundwave Figure (836453)
Posted by Mephalarse on November 19th, 2008 @ 11:28am CST
noooooo michael bay you have ruined my childhood... raped it if you will, it has been raped and will never be the same. it will require conselling for decades and will struggle to form meaningful, healthy relationships with other robot franchises :sad:
Re: New (Clearer) Image of "Revenge of the Fallen" Soundwave Figure (840492)
Posted by Omegasoundwave on November 26th, 2008 @ 10:46am CST
I like the mold for the Fig and the movie but he looks like Soundblaster in the drawing. HE needs mor BLUE!!!!! and his face doesn't look like he has his face plate up maybe it pops up like Prime's. other than that he looks awsome.
Re: New (Clearer) Image of "Revenge of the Fallen" Soundwave Figure (842631)
Posted by Bumblebeast on November 30th, 2008 @ 10:26am CST
One of the first things i'm going to make when i get one is to paint it entirely blue and white.
Re: New (Clearer) Image of "Revenge of the Fallen" Soundwave Figure (878994)
Posted by Grimlock18 on February 4th, 2009 @ 4:39pm CST
FortisVox wrote:As long as they get the voice to sound good (not necessarily identical to G1) I'm ok with whatever the new Bayformers look like.

I don't know, the mechanical monotone was a big part of Soundwave, what made him recognizable. I think they need to stick with the monotone, but they can probably drop stuff like 'Soundwave: superior'.
Re: New (Clearer) Image of "Revenge of the Fallen" Soundwave Figure (879058)
Posted by Cyber Bishop on February 4th, 2009 @ 6:46pm CST
Up so I can merge topics.
Re: New (Clearer) Image of "Revenge of the Fallen" Soundwave Figure (879450)
Posted by vectorA3 on February 5th, 2009 @ 11:57am CST
but Soundwave is superior. :mrgreen: It'd be great if Welker could do SW's voice since he was snubbed for Megs

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