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BotCon 2014 Exclusive Scorponok and Olin Zarak - Jet Mode Image

Transformers News: BotCon 2014 Exclusive Scorponok and Olin Zarak - Jet Mode Image

Tuesday, April 8th, 2014 10:57AM CDT

Categories: Toy News, Event News, Collector's Club News
Posted by: Va'al   Views: 30,745

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In addition to last week's reveal about the biggest Transformers Collector's Club exclusive figure for the upcoming Pasadena BotCon, the official Twitter account for the event has revealed the jet mode for Scorponok and Olin Zarak - as was expected, given that the figure is a redeco of Energon Scorponok. The image is apparently an in-hand shot with tweaked colours, and it also reveals that the Olin figure cannot fit in the closed cockpit. They also posted a second image, showing Olin outside of the vehicle itself. Check them both out below!

Transformers News: BotCon 2014 Exclusive Scorponok and Olin Zarak - Jet Mode Image

Transformers News: BotCon 2014 Exclusive Scorponok and Olin Zarak - Jet Mode Image
Credit(s): BotCon

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Re: BotCon 2014 Exclusive Scorponok and Olin Zarak - Jet Mode Image (1563569)
Posted by Sabrblade on April 8th, 2014 @ 10:59am CDT
:michaelbay: :michaelbay: :michaelbay: :michaelbay: :michaelbay:
Re: BotCon 2014 Exclusive Scorponok and Olin Zarak - Jet Mode Image (1563572)
Posted by Sabrblade on April 8th, 2014 @ 11:03am CDT
Re: BotCon 2014 Exclusive Scorponok and Olin Zarak - Jet Mode Image (1563574)
Posted by RiddlerJ on April 8th, 2014 @ 11:06am CDT
Well, it beats flying around in city mode.

That never looked very aerodynamic.
Re: BotCon 2014 Exclusive Scorponok and Olin Zarak - Jet Mode Image (1563575)
Posted by AutoBorst on April 8th, 2014 @ 11:07am CDT
Did TF Energon Scorpinok have this jet mode also? Or is this just some fabrication that resembles a jet mode?
Re: BotCon 2014 Exclusive Scorponok and Olin Zarak - Jet Mode Image (1563577)
Posted by Sabrblade on April 8th, 2014 @ 11:12am CDT
AutoBorst wrote:Did TF Energon Scorpinok have this jet mode also? Or is this just some fabrication that resembles a jet mode?
Yes, it had this Jet Mode.

Re: BotCon 2014 Exclusive Scorponok and Olin Zarak - Jet Mode Image (1563578)
Posted by Jelze Bunnycat on April 8th, 2014 @ 11:13am CDT
AutoBorst wrote:Did TF Energon Scorpinok have this jet mode also? Or is this just some fabrication that resembles a jet mode?

The Energon Decepticon were Triple Changers for the most part. The Deluxes had Attack Modes, while Voyagers and Ultras had all new alt modes. Scorponok had a jet mode and Shockblast was a satellite.
Re: BotCon 2014 Exclusive Scorponok and Olin Zarak - Jet Mode Image (1563579)
Posted by Mindmaster on April 8th, 2014 @ 11:14am CDT
AutoBorst wrote:Did TF Energon Scorpinok have this jet mode also? Or is this just some fabrication that resembles a jet mode?

Yes, the original use of this mold did have the jet mode. He was advertised as a Triplechanger from the start, back in 2004.
Re: BotCon 2014 Exclusive Scorponok and Olin Zarak - Jet Mode Image (1563586)
Posted by Mindmaster on April 8th, 2014 @ 11:23am CDT
I'm disappointed that Zarak doesn't fit in Scorponok's canopy, but that won't hinder me at all. This thing is definitely "King of the BotCon Exclusives"! :x =P~
Re: BotCon 2014 Exclusive Scorponok and Olin Zarak - Jet Mode Image (1563587)
Posted by Sabrblade on April 8th, 2014 @ 11:26am CDT
Mindmaster wrote:I'm disappointed that Zarak doesn't fit in Scorponok's canopy, but that won't hinder me at all. This thing is definitely "King of the BotCon Exclusives"! :x =P~
Well, even without the new neck piece, the G1 Headmaster molds are too big to fit inside the cockpit anyway, even with the original Energon head folded out to make more room.
Re: BotCon 2014 Exclusive Scorponok and Olin Zarak - Jet Mode Image (1563589)
Posted by WiseMan on April 8th, 2014 @ 11:30am CDT
I'm a little concerned about the cockpits. The mold has three cockpits; the one Zarak sits in and two more in front (one on the first section and a second behind that). On the original mold they look like cockpits, with the panes being one color and the supports another. But the Botcon mockup shows the first one all orange and the second all purple. It's not a dealbreaker for me, but I hope it's fixed.
Re: BotCon 2014 Exclusive Scorponok and Olin Zarak - Jet Mode Image (1563591)
Posted by Sabrblade on April 8th, 2014 @ 11:36am CDT
WiseMan wrote:I'm a little concerned about the cockpits. The mold has three cockpits; the one Zarak sits in and two more in front (one on the first section and a second behind that). On the original mold they look like cockpits, with the panes being one color and the supports another. But the Botcon mockup shows the first one all orange and the second all purple. It's not a dealbreaker for me, but I hope it's fixed.
What's wrong with having two cockpits? Some aircraft have two. And since this is an alien jet, it doesn't have to look Earthen/realistic.
Re: BotCon 2014 Exclusive Scorponok and Olin Zarak - Jet Mode Image (1563592)
Posted by mattj972 on April 8th, 2014 @ 11:44am CDT
This figure looks awesome. I'm really impressed with the exclusive set this year. This one I must possess. :CON:
Re: BotCon 2014 Exclusive Scorponok and Olin Zarak - Jet Mode Image (1563597)
Posted by Rodimus Prime on April 8th, 2014 @ 12:01pm CDT
Still not impressed. The only 2 things I like about this figure are that Zarak finally has an accurate head mode, and in robot mode it would be in scale with Powermaster Optimus Prime, according to the comics. They were pretty much the same size, with Scorponok being a big bulkier. So if I ever find this guy by himself on eBay, I may get him if he doesn't cost a body part.

And when is the final figure going to be revealed? Are they saving it for last because they think it's even better (in most fans' opinions) than Scorponok?
Re: BotCon 2014 Exclusive Scorponok and Olin Zarak - Jet Mode Image (1563599)
Posted by rpetras on April 8th, 2014 @ 12:14pm CDT
I love it!

But for the arm and/or leg this is going to cost me, I'll probably stick with Energon Scorponok
Re: BotCon 2014 Exclusive Scorponok and Olin Zarak - Jet Mode Image (1563600)
Posted by MINDVVIPE on April 8th, 2014 @ 12:14pm CDT
Meh, robot mode still flawed. We need a Scorponok made in the Generations line.
Re: BotCon 2014 Exclusive Scorponok and Olin Zarak - Jet Mode Image (1563604)
Posted by YoungPrime on April 8th, 2014 @ 12:34pm CDT
MINDVVIPE wrote:Meh, robot mode still flawed. We need a Scorponok made in the Generations line.

Exactly! A new Leader Class Generations Scorpinok could rival last years Metroplex.

So disappointing that the masses are hardwired to spend ridiculous prices for any repainted bone Botcon throws at them.

I'll just stick with my G1 original till Hasbro get's their act together.
Re: BotCon 2014 Exclusive Scorponok and Olin Zarak - Jet Mode Image (1563606)
Posted by WiseMan on April 8th, 2014 @ 12:54pm CDT
Sabrblade wrote:What's wrong with having two cockpits? Some aircraft have two. And since this is an alien jet, it doesn't have to look Earthen/realistic.

It's the fact that the cockpits are painted over so that they don't look like cockpits when they clearly are that bothers me.
Re: BotCon 2014 Exclusive Scorponok and Olin Zarak - Jet Mode Image (1563608)
Posted by Sabrblade on April 8th, 2014 @ 12:57pm CDT
WiseMan wrote:
Sabrblade wrote:What's wrong with having two cockpits? Some aircraft have two. And since this is an alien jet, it doesn't have to look Earthen/realistic.

It's the fact that the cockpits are painted over so that they don't look like cockpits when they clearly are that bothers me.
The orange canopy still looks like a cockpit to me.
Re: BotCon 2014 Exclusive Scorponok and Olin Zarak - Jet Mode Image (1563613)
Posted by shajaki on April 8th, 2014 @ 1:22pm CDT
YoungPrime wrote:
MINDVVIPE wrote:A new Leader Class Generations Scorpinok could rival last years Metroplex.

nawww... if they made another metroplex sized transformer, id want it to be trypticon. im ok with a smaller scorponok.
Re: BotCon 2014 Exclusive Scorponok and Olin Zarak - Jet Mode Image (1563614)
Posted by Evil Eye on April 8th, 2014 @ 1:22pm CDT
I have Dark Scorponok and I love him to bits (although unfortunately a few of his ratchets broke, and whilst the joints still move fine and hold a pose, they don't click any more...). I'd like to see him given a bit more outward hip articulation and maybe a swivel where his elbow meets his claw to avoid Gorilla Arms Syndrome (Medical definition, named by the esteemed Professor V. Angelus), but that's nitpicking, and unfair considering how well engineered he is despite being made on a budget for a "toy".

Never really liked the G1 colours myself. Always looked a bit garish. If they were all in chrome, however...
Re: BotCon 2014 Exclusive Scorponok and Olin Zarak - Jet Mode Image (1563615)
Posted by Flashwave on April 8th, 2014 @ 1:24pm CDT
Sabrblade wrote:
WiseMan wrote:
Sabrblade wrote:What's wrong with having two cockpits? Some aircraft have two. And since this is an alien jet, it doesn't have to look Earthen/realistic.

It's the fact that the cockpits are painted over so that they don't look like cockpits when they clearly are that bothers me.
The orange canopy still looks like a cockpit to me.

I'm with Wiseman on this. The gimmick is great, and the colrocheme does a decentjob of tryingto be the G1 colorscheme, greentread for the legs, lots of purple everywhere, but there are large swaths of solid color and some detailing would be nice. the sides of the tread rollers, the cockpit trim, I just don't like the way the colors work on the mold. Even still I applaud Funpub for going after the gimmick, and if I had the money for an Iacon package I'd do it in a heartbeat.
Re: BotCon 2014 Exclusive Scorponok and Olin Zarak - Jet Mode Image (1563625)
Posted by Vicalliose on April 8th, 2014 @ 1:45pm CDT
Henry921 wrote:Not everyone loved LSoTW. Not everyone cares for Roberts' writing styles.

The majority opinion is not the same as truth.
That's a typical anti-movie quote you got there. :michaelbay: Pretty copy/paste if you ask me. >:oP

Simple counter argument: Just because someone didn't like it, doesn't mean it's bad writing. I mean, everyone tells me Bioshock Infinite had good writing, and I hated the entire plot. :lol: Except the movies really are badly written and Bioshock Infinite really did have a terrible plot. DO NOT QUESTION ME!!! I AM AN ANGRY NERD WITH OPINIONS!

Rodimus Prime wrote:The story didn't have enough going on.
Here, we have a grain of truth, though still something of a bad argument. Because yes, nothing really happened that was actually important or that had any lasting effect on the war. But that was the entire point.

"It's a story of sacrifice and betrayal, and of good people dying in stupid, pointless ways." - Verity Carlo

To me it just seems like you didn't care enough about the characters in the miniseries to begin with, and I suppose if you have no investment in any of the cast, you won't really be able to get yourself into the story. But then that's basically the only rational argument I've heard from anyone, so I'm just making an assumption there.

Rodimus Prime wrote:Other than Overlord getting FUBARed, I don't even remember anything else about it.
Ah. Have you actually been reading MTMTE? Because that statement is technically false.

Still. You're entitled to your opinion. Even if this other guy isn't.
84forever wrote:Some stuff.
Why hasn't this obvious troll been banned? :-?
Re: BotCon 2014 Exclusive Scorponok and Olin Zarak - Jet Mode Image (1563633)
Posted by Rodimus Prime on April 8th, 2014 @ 2:24pm CDT
Vicalliose wrote:
"It's a story of sacrifice and betrayal, and of good people dying in stupid, pointless ways." - Verity Carlo

To me it just seems like you didn't care enough about the characters in the miniseries to begin with, and I suppose if you have no investment in any of the cast, you won't really be able to get yourself into the story. But then that's basically the only rational argument I've heard from anyone, so I'm just making an assumption there.

That's pretty much correct. I never cared for the Wreckers. Never. I never read the UK Marvel stuff, and IMO along with forcing Jhiaxus down our throats, they're the main reason ReGeneration was a disappointment. Magnus was good to have, as was Kup, and to me Springer's execution was a highlight, but the others? Totally pointless.

Rodimus Prime wrote:Other than Overlord getting FUBARed, I don't even remember anything else about it.
Ah. Have you actually been reading MTMTE? Because that statement is technically false.

Obviously not, otherwise I probably wouldn't be making false statements. :-P I was going to, but I picked up LSoTW 1st, and its total suckage eliminated whatever little interest I had in it. This coming after an attempt at both Maximum Dinobots and AHM, which were also utterly sub-par, IMO. 3 strikes, iDW is out. Too bad, I heard Rodimus and the story with the Lost Light was actually pretty good. As is psychopath Arcee. Or are those from RiD?

Still. You're entitled to your opinion.

Thank you.
Re: BotCon 2014 Exclusive Scorponok and Olin Zarak - Jet Mode Image (1563635)
Posted by megatronus on April 8th, 2014 @ 2:28pm CDT
shajaki wrote:
YoungPrime wrote:
MINDVVIPE wrote:A new Leader Class Generations Scorpinok could rival last years Metroplex.

nawww... if they made another metroplex sized transformer, id want it to be trypticon. im ok with a smaller scorponok.

He said Leader Class, not Titan.

Leader Class would be perfect for Scorponok. It would make more sense than Leader Class Megatron, at any rate. That guy desperately needs an updated voyager...
Re: BotCon 2014 Exclusive Scorponok and Olin Zarak - Jet Mode Image (1563636)
Posted by megatronus on April 8th, 2014 @ 2:31pm CDT
YoungPrime wrote:
MINDVVIPE wrote:Meh, robot mode still flawed. We need a Scorponok made in the Generations line.

Exactly! A new Leader Class Generations Scorpinok could rival last years Metroplex.

So disappointing that the masses are hardwired to spend ridiculous prices for any repainted bone Botcon throws at them.

I'll just stick with my G1 original till Hasbro get's their act together.

I basically agree with this sentiment. I will say this Botcon Scorponok looks great, and I give FunPub props for going the extra mile with the Headmaster. BUT, and this is a big but, Energon Scorponok (like many Unicron Trilogy molds) is greatly lacking in the articulation department.

Who knows. Maybe Hasbro will pull a Scourge and release a new mold in a couple years. >:oP
Re: BotCon 2014 Exclusive Scorponok and Olin Zarak - Jet Mode Image (1563641)
Posted by Seibertron on April 8th, 2014 @ 2:37pm CDT
megatronus wrote:Who knows. Maybe Hasbro will pull a Scourge and release a new mold in a couple years. >:oP

That's what I'm hoping for. Maybe the demand for this figure will show Hasbro that there is a large enough market for a large scale mass released Scorponok figure.

I'd really like to see Olin Zarak plugged into G1 Scorponok just for fun.
Re: BotCon 2014 Exclusive Scorponok and Olin Zarak - Jet Mode Image (1563657)
Posted by shajaki on April 8th, 2014 @ 3:12pm CDT
megatronus wrote:
shajaki wrote:
YoungPrime wrote:
MINDVVIPE wrote:A new Leader Class Generations Scorpinok could rival last years Metroplex.

nawww... if they made another metroplex sized transformer, id want it to be trypticon. im ok with a smaller scorponok.

He said Leader Class, not Titan.

Leader Class would be perfect for Scorponok. It would make more sense than Leader Class Megatron, at any rate. That guy desperately needs an updated voyager...

my bad. all i must have just focused on the "metroplex" when i read that...
Re: BotCon 2014 Exclusive Scorponok and Olin Zarak - Jet Mode Image (1563660)
Posted by Nemesis Maximo on April 8th, 2014 @ 3:28pm CDT
I don't understand why we cant just have all three modes sent out at one time.

Maybe it just takes them that long to transform the toys? :lol:
Re: BotCon 2014 Exclusive Scorponok and Olin Zarak - Jet Mode Image (1563674)
Posted by Rodimus Prime on April 8th, 2014 @ 4:13pm CDT
Nemesis Maximo wrote:I don't understand why we cant just have all three modes sent out at one time.

Maybe it just takes them that long to transform the toys? :lol:

Wouldn't surprise me. Seriously.
Re: BotCon 2014 Exclusive Scorponok and Olin Zarak - Jet Mode Image (1563680)
Posted by Vicalliose on April 8th, 2014 @ 4:45pm CDT
Rodimus Prime wrote:Obviously not, otherwise I probably wouldn't be making false statements. :-P I was going to, but I picked up LSoTW 1st, and its total suckage eliminated whatever little interest I had in it. This coming after an attempt at both Maximum Dinobots and AHM, which were also utterly sub-par, IMO. 3 strikes, iDW is out. Too bad, I heard Rodimus and the story with the Lost Light was actually pretty good. As is psychopath Arcee. Or are those from RiD?
Yes the entire Lost Light plot is MtMtE, but if you seriously didn't enjoy Maximum Dinobots or LSoTW, I'd say don't bother. I have no idea what your tastes are, but you've pretty much seen both the best and the worst of what IDW has to offer. Though I'd say many still hold Furman's work as the best part of the series.

Personally I've never read any Marvel UK. But in short span of time many of the characters were given, I grew to like them more than the entirety of old cast in the rest of the series. Though to me, that may be because I'm tired of the guys who constantly get the spotlight in other media.

I hate Optimus, Megatron and Bumblebee. There I said it. :lol:
This is a serious spoiler so stop if you actually change your mind and wanna read more IDW. I find it funny that one of my favorite characters is somewhat responsible for making Megatron into an evil dictator.
Re: BotCon 2014 Exclusive Scorponok and Olin Zarak - Jet Mode Image (1563709)
Posted by Rodimus Prime on April 8th, 2014 @ 5:40pm CDT
Vicalliose wrote:Yes the entire Lost Light plot is MtMtE, but if you seriously didn't enjoy Maximum Dinobots or LSoTW, I'd say don't bother. I have no idea what your tastes are, but you've pretty much seen both the best and the worst of what IDW has to offer. Though I'd say many still hold Furman's work as the best part of the series.

I had the same problem with them as ReGeneration. No real substance. No characters I had been invested in. Before Maximum Dinobots (the TPB which I own), the last TF I read were the DW issues, either the G1, WW or Armada, whichever was issued the latest. I stopped with Energon, because the 1st 3 issues sucked. I missed anything and everything until 2010. Then I bought Maximum Dinobots, because I thought "Grimlock + Scorponok + Furman = WIN" and I was soooo disappointed. That was my 1st clue to Furman's downward spiral in churning out quality stories. Not sure if he wrote any of AHM, but I gave that a shot and it was just lame. Maybe I missed some stuff beforehand, I don't know. And LSotW was the last straw.

Anyway, back to BotCon and Scorponok, which is the actual topic here. :P

I am still curious about the final figure of the set. I hope it's a Voyager, since it's a Knight. Also, I agree with Seibertron, I would like to see Olin on the original G1 Scorponok, just to see how it looks. It's probably still too small, as it's basically a repainted Spike.
Re: BotCon 2014 Exclusive Scorponok and Olin Zarak - Jet Mode Image (1563718)
Posted by Seibertron on April 8th, 2014 @ 5:59pm CDT
Rodimus Prime wrote:
Vicalliose wrote:Yes the entire Lost Light plot is MtMtE, but if you seriously didn't enjoy Maximum Dinobots or LSoTW, I'd say don't bother. I have no idea what your tastes are, but you've pretty much seen both the best and the worst of what IDW has to offer. Though I'd say many still hold Furman's work as the best part of the series.

I had the same problem with them as ReGeneration. No real substance. No characters I had been invested in. Before Maximum Dinobots (the TPB which I own), the last TF I read were the DW issues, either the G1, WW or Armada, whichever was issued the latest. I stopped with Energon, because the 1st 3 issues sucked. I missed anything and everything until 2010. Then I bought Maximum Dinobots, because I thought "Grimlock + Scorponok + Furman = WIN" and I was soooo disappointed. That was my 1st clue to Furman's downward spiral in churning out quality stories. Not sure if he wrote any of AHM, but I gave that a shot and it was just lame. Maybe I missed some stuff beforehand, I don't know. And LSotW was the last straw.

The derailment continues!

It sounds like you and I have similar tastes in comics. I wasn't a fan of LSOTW either so it's nice to see someone else say it outloud since we seem to be in the minority. There's something missing in IDW's Transformers comics. There's a variety of problems that I have with them but it doesn't seem like there's any way to change the formula that they're using unfortunately. The Spotlights have been some of my favorites and that's been about it. I've been warming up to More Than Meets The Eye's Lost Light crew up until the Dark Cybertron crossover event which put me back into an uncaring state about the storyline. I liked Robots in Disguise up until Starscream took over.

I digress no more!
Re: BotCon 2014 Exclusive Scorponok and Olin Zarak - Jet Mode Image (1563724)
Posted by Rated X on April 8th, 2014 @ 6:33pm CDT
One of the reasons this figure is a must have for me is because I have Universe Onslaught with the Headrobots Stronghold set along with the Cerebros head and Perfect Effect sword. So now I will have an Ultra scale Fort Max and Scorponok for my classics shelves. I try to think of them as the character reincarnated in neo fashion.
Re: BotCon 2014 Exclusive Scorponok and Olin Zarak - Jet Mode Image (1563726)
Posted by Rated X on April 8th, 2014 @ 6:40pm CDT
Rodimus Prime wrote:
Nemesis Maximo wrote:I don't understand why we cant just have all three modes sent out at one time.

Maybe it just takes them that long to transform the toys? :lol:

Wouldn't surprise me. Seriously.

I wouldnt doubt it. Brian Savage and the Funpub staff dont exactly look like TF or GI Joe collectors. They appear to be just a promotions group that is just cashing in on Hasbro conventions. Maybe some of them are fans, but I doubt they are skilled at transforming the figures.
Re: BotCon 2014 Exclusive Scorponok and Olin Zarak - Jet Mode Image (1563727)
Posted by Rated X on April 8th, 2014 @ 6:40pm CDT
Rodimus Prime wrote:
Nemesis Maximo wrote:I don't understand why we cant just have all three modes sent out at one time.

Maybe it just takes them that long to transform the toys? :lol:

Wouldn't surprise me. Seriously.

I wouldnt doubt it. Brian Savage and the Funpub staff dont exactly look like TF or GI Joe collectors. They appear to be just a promotions group that is just cashing in on Hasbro conventions. Maybe some of them are fans, but I doubt they are skilled at transforming the figures.
Re: BotCon 2014 Exclusive Scorponok and Olin Zarak - Jet Mode Image (1563730)
Posted by Rodimus Prime on April 8th, 2014 @ 6:55pm CDT
Rated X wrote:
Rodimus Prime wrote:
Nemesis Maximo wrote:I don't understand why we cant just have all three modes sent out at one time.

Maybe it just takes them that long to transform the toys? :lol:

Wouldn't surprise me. Seriously.

I wouldnt doubt it. Brian Savage and the Funpub staff dont exactly look like TF or GI Joe collectors. They appear to be just a promotions group that is just cashing in on Hasbro conventions. Maybe some of them are fans, but I doubt they are skilled at transforming the figures.

They probably don't sit around the office fiddling with them if that's what you mean. In 2011, I attended BotCon, and during the Hall of Fame I sat directly behind Brian Savage and Aaron Archer when Michael Bay and Steven Spielberg were inducted. (Met Bay and Tyrese, as well as Peter Cullen, out of a signing line :P ) I managed a few words with Brian, and he seemed to be knowledgeable of the toys, not just the business and convention side of things. Doesn't make him a toy fan, though I guess. But he's not a total idiot toward the toys facet of the TF world.

And Seibertron, one last word regarding the comics. You said the new iDW stuff seems to be missing something compared to older stuff. I agree, and I can't quite put my finger on it either. It's like there's no love or heart from the writers in the story. The art is mostly very good, making the visual experience wonderful, but the intellectual side suffers. I say this only half-joking, but I think the difference may also be that we look at these comics with 30-35-year-old eyes instead of with the 5-10-year-old eyes we viewed the G1 Marvel stuff way back when. Though, even now I get a better read from Marvel G1 (even after literally hundreds of reads) than the newer stuff.
Re: BotCon 2014 Exclusive Scorponok and Olin Zarak - Jet Mode Image (1563745)
Posted by Amelie on April 8th, 2014 @ 7:42pm CDT
Sorry to continue this derailment - the intangible thing to me that effects everything IDW have done is....

... its not a kids comic.

There. I said it. The original G1 issues were very kid-friendly with vibrant, easy to follow plots with characters that didn't need several issues explaining a deep psychology.

IDW stuff reads like 2000ADs "ABC Warriors", which is fine and dandy - but its not what I necessarily want from my Transformers.

Back on topic...

I'm still laying a hope the other guy is Fortress Maximus, utilizing a mold thats good enough, but not perfect. I could see Cybertron Metroplex being nice for that, with the stupid buzzsaw blade and swoop taken away for a big gun.
Re: BotCon 2014 Exclusive Scorponok and Olin Zarak - Jet Mode Image (1563748)
Posted by MINDVVIPE on April 8th, 2014 @ 7:49pm CDT
You guys are nuts, the idw stuff is sweet, and I've read both old marvel and newer a stuff. I'm glad it isn't a kids comic. I could stoop to the level of some posters and pretty much go off on how the franchise needs to evolve, yada yada, (the same argument applied to the movies), But I'm not, coz compared to any animated or live action crap, the comics, both pre idw and new, are miles above. Leader scorponok would be sweet. :P
Re: BotCon 2014 Exclusive Scorponok and Olin Zarak - Jet Mode Image (1563750)
Posted by Nemesis Maximo on April 8th, 2014 @ 7:50pm CDT
Rodimus Prime wrote:
Vicalliose wrote:I had (this) problem with ...ReGeneration(;) No real substance. No characters I had been invested in. Before Maximum Dinobots (the TPB which I own), the last TF I read were the DW issues, either the G1, WW or Armada, whichever was issued the latest. I stopped with Energon, because the 1st 3 issues sucked. I missed anything and everything until 2010. Then I bought Maximum Dinobots, because I thought "Grimlock + Scorponok + Furman = WIN" and I was soooo disappointed. That was my 1st clue to Furman's downward spiral in churning out quality stories. Not sure if he wrote any of AHM, but I gave that a shot and it was just lame. Maybe I missed some stuff beforehand, I don't know. And LSotW was the last straw.

Anyway, back to BotCon and Scorponok, which is the actual topic here. :P

I am still curious about the final figure of the set. I hope it's a Voyager, since it's a Knight. Also, I agree with Seibertron, I would like to see Olin on the original G1 Scorponok, just to see how it looks. It's probably still too small, as it's basically a repainted Spike.

See, THIS is how you dislike something. With a thoughtful and truthful opinion.

And now back to your regularly scheduled news discussions.
Re: BotCon 2014 Exclusive Scorponok and Olin Zarak - Jet Mode Image (1563762)
Posted by RiddlerJ on April 8th, 2014 @ 9:00pm CDT
If the 5th figure is Metrotitan. I will totally lose my sh**.
Re: BotCon 2014 Exclusive Scorponok and Olin Zarak - Jet Mode Image (1563764)
Posted by Sabrblade on April 8th, 2014 @ 9:03pm CDT
You guys do realize that these five figures have to fit inside a single box that stays mostly the same size every year, right?

Cybertron Metroplex or Titan Metroplex mold suggestions would be outrageous.
Re: BotCon 2014 Exclusive Scorponok and Olin Zarak - Jet Mode Image (1563766)
Posted by T-Macksimus on April 8th, 2014 @ 9:11pm CDT
YoungPrime wrote:I'll just stick with my G1 original till Hasbro get's their act together.

Lad, that's gonna be a long wait for a train that wont ever come. :P
Re: BotCon 2014 Exclusive Scorponok and Olin Zarak - Jet Mode Image (1563767)
Posted by RiddlerJ on April 8th, 2014 @ 9:11pm CDT
He could crouch in the box :grin:
Re: BotCon 2014 Exclusive Scorponok and Olin Zarak - Jet Mode Image (1563768)
Posted by Sabrblade on April 8th, 2014 @ 9:17pm CDT
RiddlerJ wrote:He could crouch in the box :grin:
Titan Metroplex alone is bigger than most BotCon boxes.
Re: BotCon 2014 Exclusive Scorponok and Olin Zarak - Jet Mode Image (1563789)
Posted by Bumblevivisector on April 8th, 2014 @ 11:37pm CDT
Sabrblade wrote:
RiddlerJ wrote:He could crouch in the box :grin:
Titan Metroplex alone is bigger than most BotCon boxes.
But one of his arms would fit!

I'm calling it: Metrotitan will be the first BotCon BAF! There'll be a plot point in the comic where it turns out the pirates found one of his arms, and the Knights have to race to find the rest of him. Then 2015's box will be just the remainder of Metrotitan!

Before the arm can be reattached, Metrotitan wakes up and dispatches Scorpolinok with a taste of, "a little trick I once heard of one of your father's former subordinates using! No pretender to power commands me!"

Or, if we really want a Fort Max in scale, FunPub could just reproduce TF Junior Fort Max in more accurate colors; thematically similar to this Scorponk, especially if his head turns into Daniel for the sake of making Wings's Rebirth different from Sunbow's.

Hey, this box has me believing any crazy-ass thing's possible!
Re: BotCon 2014 Exclusive Scorponok and Olin Zarak - Jet Mode Image (1563793)
Posted by Rodimus Prime on April 8th, 2014 @ 11:55pm CDT
RiddlerJ wrote:If the 5th figure is Metrotitan. I will totally lose my sh**.

The last figure will be a Knight. A good guy. Fort Max in maybe Energon Omega Supreme's mold or something. That would be cool. But, then the box would need to be huge. Unless he is a supplemental figure. Or the attendee exclusive.
Re: BotCon 2014 Exclusive Scorponok and Olin Zarak - Jet Mode Image (1563847)
Posted by Amelie on April 9th, 2014 @ 7:02am CDT
Sabrblade wrote:You guys do realize that these five figures have to fit inside a single box that stays mostly the same size every year, right?

Cybertron Metroplex or Titan Metroplex mold suggestions would be outrageous.

They did say they struggled to fit them all in the new box, right?

Devcon, Cannonball and Ferak are hardly using large Deluxes, Scorponok can actually be quite compact, as can Cybertron Metroplex, though I do agree hes a little too large - which is why I earlier pointed at Scattorshot Voyager being a good figure.
Re: BotCon 2014 Exclusive Scorponok and Olin Zarak - Jet Mode Image (1563943)
Posted by It Is Him on April 9th, 2014 @ 12:06pm CDT
Sorry to derail the derailment, but how much do you guys think a loose set of the core five botcon figures would sell for?

I'm interested, but still deciding what to do. One of the big things keeping me from jumping on this set is the 2 foot tall Scorponok coming out pretty much the same time as the fun pub version. If I bought both the botcon boxed set and and the giant scorpy, I'm like at about $1K in scorponok toys this summer. That's no small amount of money, even for the most die hard scorponok fans.
Re: BotCon 2014 Exclusive Scorponok and Olin Zarak - Jet Mode Image (1563948)
Posted by gothsaurus on April 9th, 2014 @ 12:20pm CDT
did I miss some announcement of a 2-foot reissue or new Hasbro Scorponok?
Re: BotCon 2014 Exclusive Scorponok and Olin Zarak - Jet Mode Image (1563961)
Posted by Midnight_Fox on April 9th, 2014 @ 1:16pm CDT
gothsaurus wrote:did I miss some announcement of a 2-foot reissue or new Hasbro Scorponok?

No, he means the Scorponok by Sentinel. ... 013/28020/


It doesn't transform, but it is a thing that will exist.

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