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Buyer Beware: KO/ 3rd Party Fortress Maximus in the works

Transformers News: Buyer Beware: KO/ 3rd Party Fortress Maximus in the works

Tuesday, August 30th, 2011 9:51PM CDT

Categories: Rumors, Knock Offs, Unlicensed Products News
Posted by: First Gen   Views: 148,921

Topic Options: View Discussion · Sign in or Join to reply News Crew member El Duque has found some new information on a possible KO, or third party recreation of Transformers Autobot mega cityformer Fortress Maximus. Heres the information he had to share:

"An interesting auction has surfaced on TaoBao that hints at a possible third-party version of Fortress Maximus, or perhaps the rumored KO. The auction is labeled G-02 Titan and as you can see the silhouetted image mirrored below (which is actually based on an official image) is almost certainly supposed to be Fort Max.

Description courtesy of Google Translate:

Earth version of the giant Ford G-02 Titan (Titans) scheduled

G1 Japanese version uses giant Ford mold making, material color and size reduction ratio of 100% realistic
No official stamp, in addition to a large sword that contains all the accessories other than the new sticker
Quality is not to say, I bought here, great sword friend Earth version of the idea in mind

This product will be available first quarter 2012

Offer Price: 2450 yuan

Deposit: $ 50

Scheduled to have a good price ~!


Official package art for reference:

There also seems to be a predecessing add on being offered as teh G-01 Justice Sword, available in three different versions:




More info on this upcoming release will be furnished as soon as it becomes available.
Credit(s): El Duque,

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Re: Buyer Beware: KO/ 3rd Party Fortress Maximus in the works (1283856)
Posted by LiKwid on August 30th, 2011 @ 10:10pm CDT
On this like white on rice! After watching the headmasters dvd set I've been a bit of a headmaster rampage.Would be nice to have something that resembles the big guy :P
Re: Buyer Beware: KO/ 3rd Party Fortress Maximus in the works (1283861)
Posted by cannonfodder4000 on August 30th, 2011 @ 10:21pm CDT
alternator77 wrote:this will be a tough sell :-?

How? everyone wants a Fortress Maximus, but not alot of people want to spend $700 on one. ;)

Anyways like, I don't know if I want to get this guy, or wait for a Brave Max, cause, Fort Max is, well, Fort Max, but Brave Max is also Fort Max, but with like, a better color scheme, and not as much stuff, so I don't know. :-?
Hope the price isn't too steep :-(, and the quality! I hope the quality's good.
Re: Buyer Beware: KO/ 3rd Party Fortress Maximus in the works (1283877)
Posted by UltraPrimal on August 30th, 2011 @ 10:56pm CDT
BBTS has their Master Swords(or should I say Highlord's Justice swords) for sale. Hopefully they will have some more info for us soon.
Re: Buyer Beware: KO/ 3rd Party Fortress Maximus in the works (1283885)
Posted by Rated X on August 30th, 2011 @ 11:16pm CDT
This is the best news I have heard all day !!! Cant wait for the pre-order !!!
Re: Buyer Beware: KO/ 3rd Party Fortress Maximus in the works (1283887)
Posted by dinogeist on August 30th, 2011 @ 11:24pm CDT
[DECEASED] wrote:wait-wait-wait-wait-wait... WHAAAAAAAAAT?!

Oh, it's a KO of the toy. I jumped to conclusions Office Space style. I envisioned a new classics styled Fort Max.

viewer discretion is advised

OMG,Imagine if it was a new mold fort max that had tons of poseability & was 2 feet tall. imagine a cerebros that was super poseable. or a spike that was poseabl;e. I suspose it would be kinda cool to see the 2 toes drones combining it poseable robot.
Re: Buyer Beware: KO/ 3rd Party Fortress Maximus in the works (1283900)
Posted by GetRightRobot on August 31st, 2011 @ 12:15am CDT
Is nothing sacred? Is there nothing money grabbers won't pump out to weasel their peace of the pie? I swear to God if this is a direct Knock Off I'm going to be thoroughly disappointed. Fort Max was my Holy Grail, and I had to work my butt off and save up to get him (and he is awesome), yet I feel like this will somehow steal my accolade's thunder.
Re: Buyer Beware: KO/ 3rd Party Fortress Maximus in the works (1283905)
Posted by Autobot032 on August 31st, 2011 @ 12:38am CDT
That's over $300 usd! Pass.
Re: Buyer Beware: KO/ 3rd Party Fortress Maximus in the works (1283921)
Posted by dinogeist on August 31st, 2011 @ 2:01am CDT
GetRightRobot wrote:Is nothing sacred? Is there nothing money grabbers won't pump out to weasel their peace of the pie? I swear to God if this is a direct Knock Off I'm going to be thoroughly disappointed. Fort Max was my Holy Grail, and I had to work my butt off and save up to get him (and he is awesome), yet I feel like this will somehow steal my accolade's thunder.

Personally I'd rather as many TF fans get the chance to enjoy the same toy i'm enjoying.

I honestly don't care about reissues or KO's ruining the secondary market or fans toy collections they don't plan on selling.
Re: Buyer Beware: KO/ 3rd Party Fortress Maximus in the works (1283934)
Posted by AdamPrime on August 31st, 2011 @ 3:37am CDT
Wow. I would LOVE a 'reissue' of Fort Max. I have the Yuan conversion at about £240. If the quality is good, I'm sure to get one. I will wait and thoroughly read reviews, though. He's a big toy, and will need to take rough handling.

Again, only the quality of plastic can dissuade me from getting this.
Re: Buyer Beware: KO/ 3rd Party Fortress Maximus in the works (1283952)
Posted by iaconportland on August 31st, 2011 @ 4:25am CDT
I quite literally swallowed my tongue when I saw this. Holy Matrix Mother of Prime, I have been waiting for this since I gave my original Fortress Maximus to a neighbor child back in 1989 (don't ask me why...).

If this KO is as good as the KO Devastator from KOToys, I will be happy.
Re: Buyer Beware: KO/ 3rd Party Fortress Maximus in the works (1283953)
Posted by Flux Convoy on August 31st, 2011 @ 4:30am CDT
At around four hundred bones? For a KO? Granted, it's a large KO but I'm thinking, nah. I was drawing the line at $300 or less. For official product at this sort of pricing, I'd be hesitant but far more willing to part with the money. Guess I'll just continue to be satisfied with Brave Max until we get reissues from TakaraTomy.
Re: Buyer Beware: KO/ 3rd Party Fortress Maximus in the works (1283967)
Posted by fenrir72 on August 31st, 2011 @ 5:33am CDT
Quality KO makers, please, make it high quality. ( I already own one btw (the original that is) so this may be a mixed blessing for collectors. I for one would wish to be able to score another Cerebros gun and/or Cerebros' small black saber as a separate set.

Btw, I hope they don't sell it in the same G1 box so as to denote it as "not Fortress Maximus"...just to be fair.
Re: Buyer Beware: KO/ 3rd Party Fortress Maximus in the works (1283969)
Posted by RhA on August 31st, 2011 @ 5:45am CDT
GetRightRobot wrote:Is nothing sacred? Is there nothing money grabbers won't pump out to weasel their peace of the pie? I swear to God if this is a direct Knock Off I'm going to be thoroughly disappointed. Fort Max was my Holy Grail, and I had to work my butt off and save up to get him (and he is awesome), yet I feel like this will somehow steal my accolade's thunder.

I came here to say this. Scr*w KO's. Awful.
Re: Buyer Beware: KO/ 3rd Party Fortress Maximus in the works (1283997)
Posted by GetRightRobot on August 31st, 2011 @ 8:03am CDT
deathy wrote:
GetRightRobot wrote:Is nothing sacred? Is there nothing money grabbers won't pump out to weasel their peace of the pie? I swear to God if this is a direct Knock Off I'm going to be thoroughly disappointed. Fort Max was my Holy Grail, and I had to work my butt off and save up to get him (and he is awesome), yet I feel like this will somehow steal my accolade's thunder.

Personally I'd rather as many TF fans get the chance to enjoy the same toy i'm enjoying.

I honestly don't care about reissues or KO's ruining the secondary market or fans toy collections they don't plan on selling.

Neither of your statements have anything to do with what I said. I'm not sure your comments would not have stood better on their own. BUT, since you felt the need to quote me....

Do I want everyone to have a Fort Max? OF COURSE. Do I plan on selling my collection and therefore am upset about the potential value loss of a REAL Fortress Maximus? No. But know this: No sacrifice, no reward. :D

People drop a couple hundred bucks on a cheap knockoff, they will not appreciate their KO like appreciate my original.
Re: Buyer Beware: KO/ 3rd Party Fortress Maximus in the works (1284050)
Posted by Rated X on August 31st, 2011 @ 10:18am CDT
If I may inject my two cents into this. It's no secret I support KO's to the fullest. (no disrespect to aybody who doesnt) One issue I have is that the creation of e-bay has doubled and tripled the price of what many scarce collectibles in general are worth. An original Fort Max should have never reached a $700-900 value price. As with many e-bay listed items, you are not paying for what the figure is really worth. You are paying a comparison of what some collector that lives in the middle of nowhere is willing to pay out of desparation. In other words, if a few rich princes from the middle east decide to bid $2000 on Fort Max figures, then $2000 becomes the new value of Fort Max because they just drove up the price. Then the rest of the sellers raise their price based on speculation that they can make $2000 as well. So if you are a middle class income collector who worked your a** off to afford an original Fort Max at inflated rich collector prices, you got my respect. I commend you for finding your holy grail. However, I also feel you are a victim of an unfair system of price inflation. This is why I endorse KO's. They even the playing field. Especially the quality KO's from CHMS and Kold. They give anal e-bay sellers a reality check and encourage them to lower their prices to more respectable ones. The sellers who dont just continue to have their items collect dust on e-bay with the "buy it now" option. And those prices are not the real value in my opinion. They are just shark bait thrown in the water to catch a big fish. Some will bite, others wont. Im sure a few people will agree with me and some will disagree and trash talk my opinions. Go for it, I gotta roll out to work now.
Re: Buyer Beware: KO/ 3rd Party Fortress Maximus in the works (1284072)
Posted by DMSL on August 31st, 2011 @ 11:19am CDT
Now would be a good time for Hasbro/Takara to announce a re-issue of this behemoth.
Re: Buyer Beware: KO/ 3rd Party Fortress Maximus in the works (1284074)
Posted by El Duque on August 31st, 2011 @ 11:23am CDT
DMSL wrote:Now would be a good time for Hasbro/Takara to announce a re-issue of this behemoth.

Re: Buyer Beware: KO/ 3rd Party Fortress Maximus in the works (1284084)
Posted by Treetop Maximus on August 31st, 2011 @ 11:46am CDT
DMSL wrote:Now would be a good time for Hasbro/Takara to announce a re-issue of this behemoth.

Hasbro will never do it because the figure smashes into a kajillion little pieces when you drop it. The government gets butthurt over shit like that. Let the plastic-eating kids die. That's what they get for being stupid. No need to punish collectors. Kinda like G1 Megatron. Let the kids who take realistic toy guns outside get shot by police. That's what they get for being stupid. No need to punish collectors.
Re: Buyer Beware: KO/ 3rd Party Fortress Maximus in the works (1284086)
Posted by El Duque on August 31st, 2011 @ 11:51am CDT
Treetop Maximus wrote:
DMSL wrote:Now would be a good time for Hasbro/Takara to announce a re-issue of this behemoth.

Hasbro will never do it because the figure smashes into a kajillion little pieces when you drop it. The government gets butthurt over shit like that. Let the plastic-eating kids die. That's what they get for being stupid. No need to punish collectors. Kinda like G1 Megatron. Let the kids who take realistic toy guns outside get shot by police. That's what they get for being stupid. No need to punish collectors.

They could easily release it Japan, which is where the release the Encore series anyway. Which we could in turn import thru BBTS, TFsource, etc. Just like Encore Megatron, they had to include that joke of an orange barrel plug but it happened none the less.
Re: Buyer Beware: KO/ 3rd Party Fortress Maximus in the works (1284089)
Posted by Treetop Maximus on August 31st, 2011 @ 12:00pm CDT
El Duque wrote:
Treetop Maximus wrote:
DMSL wrote:Now would be a good time for Hasbro/Takara to announce a re-issue of this behemoth.

Hasbro will never do it because the figure smashes into a kajillion little pieces when you drop it. The government gets butthurt over shit like that. Let the plastic-eating kids die. That's what they get for being stupid. No need to punish collectors. Kinda like G1 Megatron. Let the kids who take realistic toy guns outside get shot by police. That's what they get for being stupid. No need to punish collectors.

They could easily release it Japan, which is where the release the Encore series anyway. Which we could in turn import thru BBTS, TFsource, etc. Just like Encore Megatron, they had to include that joke of an orange barrel plug but it happened none the less.

Well, yeah. TakaraTomy can do whatever the hell they want since Japan is the coolest place in the world regarding toy laws. But Hasbro can't do cool stuff like they do because of "child safety"...
Re: Buyer Beware: KO/ 3rd Party Fortress Maximus in the works (1284120)
Posted by Xephon0930 on August 31st, 2011 @ 1:52pm CDT
The question of if I'm getting this depends on the size and the cartoon accuracy of the molds in all 3 forms. If I can still play it like a Micromachine base then I will consider it. If it is pathetically small in stature,I will whisper no.
Re: Buyer Beware: KO/ 3rd Party Fortress Maximus in the works (1284130)
Posted by dinogeist on August 31st, 2011 @ 2:11pm CDT
Treetop Maximus wrote:
El Duque wrote:
Treetop Maximus wrote:
DMSL wrote:Now would be a good time for Hasbro/Takara to announce a re-issue of this behemoth.

Hasbro will never do it because the figure smashes into a kajillion little pieces when you drop it. The government gets butthurt over shit like that. Let the plastic-eating kids die. That's what they get for being stupid. No need to punish collectors. Kinda like G1 Megatron. Let the kids who take realistic toy guns outside get shot by police. That's what they get for being stupid. No need to punish collectors.

They could easily release it Japan, which is where the release the Encore series anyway. Which we could in turn import thru BBTS, TFsource, etc. Just like Encore Megatron, they had to include that joke of an orange barrel plug but it happened none the less.

Well, yeah. TakaraTomy can do whatever the hell they want since Japan is the coolest place in the world regarding toy laws. But Hasbro can't do cool stuff like they do because of "child safety"...

I scored a factory sealed Brave max in 2001 for under $100 at in NYC. since i live in NYC. I took a train to NYC image animae & paid zero shipping fees.

Their is honestly no need for hasbro to reissue fort max. this is the internet age & if takara reissues issues fort max,then this will be the way to buy a reissue fort max.

Personally I had 2 (1987 hasbro fort max & CR Brave max) fort max's & all they did was stay in storage boxes & later got sold because I didn't want them anymore.

From my persepective the fort max mold is a bit too overly kiddie for my taste. it's a over sized play set that takes up too much room in storage or on display shelves.

I honestly view the fort max toy mold the same way I view Beasrmachines supreme sized cheetor. they both look like they were created as the ultimate christmas gift to give kids under 6 years of age. they were made super simple to transformer,sculpted for kids taste,super big,super heavy to cater towards younger kids under 6 years of age.

I just prefer my TF toys in my TF toy collection to evoke & look like they were made for teenagers or adult fans.
Re: Buyer Beware: KO/ 3rd Party Fortress Maximus in the works (1284188)
Posted by Autobot032 on August 31st, 2011 @ 4:28pm CDT
Treetop Maximus wrote:
DMSL wrote:Now would be a good time for Hasbro/Takara to announce a re-issue of this behemoth.

Hasbro will never do it because the figure smashes into a kajillion little pieces when you drop it. The government gets butthurt over shit like that. Let the plastic-eating kids die. That's what they get for being stupid. No need to punish collectors. Kinda like G1 Megatron. Let the kids who take realistic toy guns outside get shot by police. That's what they get for being stupid. No need to punish collectors.

Let the plastic eating kids die? That's what they get for being stupid?

Do you ever listen to yourself, or stop and think before you press the submit button?

Do us a favor, don't breed. Let your end of the gene pool end with you.
Re: Buyer Beware: KO/ 3rd Party Fortress Maximus in the works (1284213)
Posted by Stormrider on August 31st, 2011 @ 5:25pm CDT
This was bound to happen sooner or later. I don't support it.
Re: Buyer Beware: KO/ 3rd Party Fortress Maximus in the works (1284218)
Posted by It Is Him on August 31st, 2011 @ 5:34pm CDT
Autobot032 wrote:Do us a favor, don't breed. Let your end of the gene pool end with you.

Why do you have to be like that?
Re: Buyer Beware: KO/ 3rd Party Fortress Maximus in the works (1284224)
Posted by Flux Convoy on August 31st, 2011 @ 5:42pm CDT
It Is Him wrote:
Autobot032 wrote:Do us a favor, don't breed. Let your end of the gene pool end with you.

Why do you have to be like that?

No kidding. Not to jump all over ya but what's up with the attacks lately? First it was likening me to Hitler, now this guy. Sure, his comments could have been thought out better but come on man. We're talking about toys. Get a handle on it.
Re: Buyer Beware: KO/ 3rd Party Fortress Maximus in the works (1284236)
Posted by alternator77 on August 31st, 2011 @ 6:33pm CDT
deathy wrote:
Treetop Maximus wrote:
El Duque wrote:
Treetop Maximus wrote:
DMSL wrote:Now would be a good time for Hasbro/Takara to announce a re-issue of this behemoth.

Hasbro will never do it because the figure smashes into a kajillion little pieces when you drop it. The government gets butthurt over shit like that. Let the plastic-eating kids die. That's what they get for being stupid. No need to punish collectors. Kinda like G1 Megatron. Let the kids who take realistic toy guns outside get shot by police. That's what they get for being stupid. No need to punish collectors.

They could easily release it Japan, which is where the release the Encore series anyway. Which we could in turn import thru BBTS, TFsource, etc. Just like Encore Megatron, they had to include that joke of an orange barrel plug but it happened none the less.

Well, yeah. TakaraTomy can do whatever the hell they want since Japan is the coolest place in the world regarding toy laws. But Hasbro can't do cool stuff like they do because of "child safety"...

I scored a factory sealed Brave max in 2001 for under $100 at in NYC. since i live in NYC. I took a train to NYC image animae & paid zero shipping fees.

Their is honestly no need for hasbro to reissue fort max. this is the internet age & if takara reissues issues fort max,then this will be the way to buy a reissue fort max.

Personally I had 2 (1987 hasbro fort max & CR Brave max) fort max's & all they did was stay in storage boxes & later got sold because I didn't want them anymore.

From my persepective the fort max mold is a bit too overly kiddie for my taste. it's a over sized play set that takes up too much room in storage or on display shelves.

I honestly view the fort max toy mold the same way I view Beasrmachines supreme sized cheetor. they both look like they were created as the ultimate christmas gift to give kids under 6 years of age. they were made super simple to transformer,sculpted for kids taste,super big,super heavy to cater towards younger kids under 6 years of age.

I just prefer my TF toys in my TF toy collection to evoke & look like they were made for teenagers or adult fans.

OK im going to call BS deathy 100 for brave max sure yeah right ive shopped there and know the guy who owns it and there is no way in hell hed sell a bravemax for a hundred. show me a reciept and then i might believe you. even back then he was wort much more than that.

anyway as far as a ko the reason i call it a hard sell is simple 300-400 for a 2ft ko alright maybe but i just dont see the quality being that great and if they plan on keeping prices reasonable they will be downsizing it. >:oP
Re: Buyer Beware: KO/ 3rd Party Fortress Maximus in the works (1284241)
Posted by Crisdecal on August 31st, 2011 @ 6:45pm CDT
If this is the real thing, then I hope they KO Grand Maximus, right down to the box and instructions. I love KO's.
Re: Buyer Beware: KO/ 3rd Party Fortress Maximus in the works (1284253)
Posted by Xephon0930 on August 31st, 2011 @ 7:33pm CDT
The quality and size would have to be comparable. Otherwise,I don't want a 300-400 dollar brick that I can't transform or whatever.
Re: Buyer Beware: KO/ 3rd Party Fortress Maximus in the works (1284258)
Posted by dinogeist on August 31st, 2011 @ 7:47pm CDT
alternator77 wrote:
deathy wrote:
Treetop Maximus wrote:
El Duque wrote:
Treetop Maximus wrote:
DMSL wrote:Now would be a good time for Hasbro/Takara to announce a re-issue of this behemoth.

Hasbro will never do it because the figure smashes into a kajillion little pieces when you drop it. The government gets butthurt over shit like that. Let the plastic-eating kids die. That's what they get for being stupid. No need to punish collectors. Kinda like G1 Megatron. Let the kids who take realistic toy guns outside get shot by police. That's what they get for being stupid. No need to punish collectors.

They could easily release it Japan, which is where the release the Encore series anyway. Which we could in turn import thru BBTS, TFsource, etc. Just like Encore Megatron, they had to include that joke of an orange barrel plug but it happened none the less.

Well, yeah. TakaraTomy can do whatever the hell they want since Japan is the coolest place in the world regarding toy laws. But Hasbro can't do cool stuff like they do because of "child safety"...

I scored a factory sealed Brave max in 2001 for under $100 at in NYC. since i live in NYC. I took a train to NYC image animae & paid zero shipping fees.

Their is honestly no need for hasbro to reissue fort max. this is the internet age & if takara reissues issues fort max,then this will be the way to buy a reissue fort max.

Personally I had 2 (1987 hasbro fort max & CR Brave max) fort max's & all they did was stay in storage boxes & later got sold because I didn't want them anymore.

From my persepective the fort max mold is a bit too overly kiddie for my taste. it's a over sized play set that takes up too much room in storage or on display shelves.

I honestly view the fort max toy mold the same way I view Beasrmachines supreme sized cheetor. they both look like they were created as the ultimate christmas gift to give kids under 6 years of age. they were made super simple to transformer,sculpted for kids taste,super big,super heavy to cater towards younger kids under 6 years of age.

I just prefer my TF toys in my TF toy collection to evoke & look like they were made for teenagers or adult fans.

OK im going to call BS deathy 100 for brave max sure yeah right ive shopped there and know the guy who owns it and there is no way in hell hed sell a bravemax for a hundred. show me a reciept and then i might believe you. even back then he was wort much more than that.

anyway as far as a ko the reason i call it a hard sell is simple 300-400 for a 2ft ko alright maybe but i just dont see the quality being that great and if they plan on keeping prices reasonable they will be downsizing it. >:oP

I bought Car robots on clearance at imagineanime in NYC for $100.

I don't care if you believe me or not. TRYING to provide proof for something I bought 10 years ago is nearly impossible to do.

Car robots Brave max didn't sell that well when it was released. a lot of places/sites put brave max on clearance.

My solid guess,Is since brave max was well over 10 pounds & came in a beyond gigantic box. their weren't that many buyers willing to pay those high shipping fees.

the USA Post office charges a extra fee for over sized boxes. I'm not even sure the USA Post office will ship out such a huge box like brave max. As far as I know UPS & Fedex will ship almost anything because their desperate for cash & are always looking to steal post office customers.

Like I said,I didn't pay any shipping fees for brave max. as I chose to take a train to imageanime & pick up the toy in person.
Re: Buyer Beware: KO/ 3rd Party Fortress Maximus in the works (1284276)
Posted by GetRightRobot on August 31st, 2011 @ 9:13pm CDT
Rated X wrote:If I may inject my two cents into this. It's no secret I support KO's to the fullest. (no disrespect to aybody who doesnt) One issue I have is that the creation of e-bay has doubled and tripled the price of what many scarce collectibles in general are worth. An original Fort Max should have never reached a $700-900 value price. As with many e-bay listed items, you are not paying for what the figure is really worth. You are paying a comparison of what some collector that lives in the middle of nowhere is willing to pay out of desparation. In other words, if a few rich princes from the middle east decide to bid $2000 on Fort Max figures, then $2000 becomes the new value of Fort Max because they just drove up the price. Then the rest of the sellers raise their price based on speculation that they can make $2000 as well. So if you are a middle class income collector who worked your a** off to afford an original Fort Max at inflated rich collector prices, you got my respect. I commend you for finding your holy grail. However, I also feel you are a victim of an unfair system of price inflation. This is why I endorse KO's. They even the playing field. Especially the quality KO's from CHMS and Kold. They give anal e-bay sellers a reality check and encourage them to lower their prices to more respectable ones. The sellers who dont just continue to have their items collect dust on e-bay with the "buy it now" option. And those prices are not the real value in my opinion. They are just shark bait thrown in the water to catch a big fish. Some will bite, others wont. Im sure a few people will agree with me and some will disagree and trash talk my opinions. Go for it, I gotta roll out to work now.

Ok, I have the Kold Blue Convoy, to go with my DIA commander, I like it. I have no problems with a KO in general, however, if HAS/Tak released a Blue Classics Prime, I have no doubts it would be of a higher quality. As far as value, it's like this Rated X: Transformers are only worth the market will yield. If some shmuck scalper tries to sell a figure for 10grand he's not going to sell it. If he sells a figure for something someone is willing to pay, then that is the value of that figure at that time. The is no law or rule other than what SOMEONE (including idiots) is willing to pay. For me, personally, in my collection, a Knock Off holy grail is redundant. Lets take Henkei Wildrider. I want one sure. I'm not gonna pay $500 bucks, so a Knockoff will suffice. It will do. In this case, in my experience, IMO, for me, personally, a milestone piece like Max as a KO is pointless. Like getting a fake Michael Jordan rookie card signed by a homeless man on the street. It looks right, it feels right and it only cost you a quarter, but is it the same?
Re: Buyer Beware: KO/ 3rd Party Fortress Maximus in the works (1284282)
Posted by Xephon0930 on August 31st, 2011 @ 9:31pm CDT
I am going to laugh if the KO is built at a surprisingly high quality in terms of engineering and poseability. The real or reissue of Maximus may be tempting but with me not having a job and still in school,I won't be paying +800 on any figure no matter how tempting it is.
Re: Buyer Beware: KO/ 3rd Party Fortress Maximus in the works (1284308)
Posted by Autobot032 on August 31st, 2011 @ 11:24pm CDT
It Is Him wrote:
Autobot032 wrote:Do us a favor, don't breed. Let your end of the gene pool end with you.

Why do you have to be like that?

...he WANTS children to DIE.

To DIE. That kind of...whatever you want to call it, probably shouldn't carry on a bloodline with that kind of hatred coursing through one's veins.

The death of children, over TOYS? You don't see the vile insanity in that? And yes, he means it. I'm almost 100% sure he'd tell you he meant it if asked.

It angered me.

Flux Convoy wrote:
It Is Him wrote:
Autobot032 wrote:Do us a favor, don't breed. Let your end of the gene pool end with you.

Why do you have to be like that?

No kidding. Not to jump all over ya but what's up with the attacks lately? First it was likening me to Hitler, now this guy. Sure, his comments could have been thought out better but come on man. We're talking about toys. Get a handle on it.

When I got mad at you, I had every right to be because you sat on your high horse and flung stones at people, basically. Likening you to Hitler was just to be on your level when you made those comments.

I do have a handle on it. You're right, we are talking about toys and he wants kids to die over them.

He calls them stupid and says they deserve to die because of it. Every kid puts things like coins or Legos in their mouths at some point. It doesn't make them stupid, it makes them kids and they're not equipped to handle the world around them. If anything, it makes the parents stupid for allowing it. Even then, no one should DIE over some toys.

I'm not the one who needs to get a handle on it. He does. Oh, not to mention, some children are developmentally disabled, which some people will label as stupidity (which is entirely wrong) and they might put toy pieces in their mouths.

Do children deserve to die over toys? No. This was supposed to be a news article, not a debate. I wouldn't have said anything if he hadn't wanted the death of children over his stupid toys.

He said what he meant and meant what he said. I countered it.
Re: Buyer Beware: KO/ 3rd Party Fortress Maximus in the works (1284314)
Posted by Xephon0930 on August 31st, 2011 @ 11:39pm CDT
Godammit!!! I just want to know if this rendition of Maximus is going to be like Maketoys Devastator,Protector and even Head Robots in quality with a reasonable and remarkable size to boot. I just want a Fortress Maximus that is worth bragging about in all 3 modes. That with the leaps in toy engineering.
Re: Buyer Beware: KO/ 3rd Party Fortress Maximus in the works (1284315)
Posted by Autobot032 on August 31st, 2011 @ 11:46pm CDT
Xephon0930 wrote:Godammit!!! I just want to know if this rendition of Maximus is going to be like Maketoys Devastator,Protector and even Head Robots in quality with a reasonable and remarkable size to boot. I just want a Fortress Maximus that is worth bragging about in all 3 modes. That with the leaps in toy engineering.

The earlier part of the thread mentioned a set of swords by the same company and they look to be the exact duplication of the original swords. If the swords are any indication, their Max should be an exact duplicate.

That's a guess though, not a promise.

I still think $300+ is a lot of money for a bootleg. Yeeouch.
Re: Buyer Beware: KO/ 3rd Party Fortress Maximus in the works (1284317)
Posted by Xephon0930 on August 31st, 2011 @ 11:51pm CDT
Beats the alternative where you spend 800 on average with little to no guarantee if all the parts are there.
Re: Buyer Beware: KO/ 3rd Party Fortress Maximus in the works (1284325)
Posted by Autobot032 on September 1st, 2011 @ 12:09am CDT
Xephon0930 wrote:Beats the alternative where you spend 800 on average with little to no guarantee if all the parts are there.

Very true. I can't argue with that one.

I wonder how many people will get a hold of these and sell off the accessories.
Re: Buyer Beware: KO/ 3rd Party Fortress Maximus in the works (1284326)
Posted by morphobots on September 1st, 2011 @ 12:10am CDT
GetRightRobot wrote:
Rated X wrote:If I may inject my two cents into this. It's no secret I support KO's to the fullest. (no disrespect to aybody who doesnt) One issue I have is that the creation of e-bay has doubled and tripled the price of what many scarce collectibles in general are worth. An original Fort Max should have never reached a $700-900 value price. As with many e-bay listed items, you are not paying for what the figure is really worth. You are paying a comparison of what some collector that lives in the middle of nowhere is willing to pay out of desparation. In other words, if a few rich princes from the middle east decide to bid $2000 on Fort Max figures, then $2000 becomes the new value of Fort Max because they just drove up the price. Then the rest of the sellers raise their price based on speculation that they can make $2000 as well. So if you are a middle class income collector who worked your a** off to afford an original Fort Max at inflated rich collector prices, you got my respect. I commend you for finding your holy grail. However, I also feel you are a victim of an unfair system of price inflation. This is why I endorse KO's. They even the playing field. Especially the quality KO's from CHMS and Kold. They give anal e-bay sellers a reality check and encourage them to lower their prices to more respectable ones. The sellers who dont just continue to have their items collect dust on e-bay with the "buy it now" option. And those prices are not the real value in my opinion. They are just shark bait thrown in the water to catch a big fish. Some will bite, others wont. Im sure a few people will agree with me and some will disagree and trash talk my opinions. Go for it, I gotta roll out to work now.

Ok, I have the Kold Blue Convoy, to go with my DIA commander, I like it. I have no problems with a KO in general, however, if HAS/Tak released a Blue Classics Prime, I have no doubts it would be of a higher quality. As far as value, it's like this Rated X: Transformers are only worth the market will yield. If some shmuck scalper tries to sell a figure for 10grand he's not going to sell it. If he sells a figure for something someone is willing to pay, then that is the value of that figure at that time. The is no law or rule other than what SOMEONE (including idiots) is willing to pay. For me, personally, in my collection, a Knock Off holy grail is redundant. Lets take Henkei Wildrider. I want one sure. I'm not gonna pay $500 bucks, so a Knockoff will suffice. It will do. In this case, in my experience, IMO, for me, personally, a milestone piece like Max as a KO is pointless. Like getting a fake Michael Jordan rookie card signed by a homeless man on the street. It looks right, it feels right and it only cost you a quarter, but is it the same?

GRR stole my thunder before I could get to a computer to comment, but I second his analysis. Collectibles follow the same rules as anything else sold in a free market: buyer demand determines price/value/worth. This is why gold is selling at over $2000 an ounce now. Is that an insane price? Yes. Is that where the market value is now set? Yes. You can try to buck it all you want, but it will continue to rise unless a flood of product hits the market. Fort Max is expensive on the secondary market because it was expensive to begin with, and it hasn't been manufactured in 25 years (Brave Max not withstanding). $900 secondary for a complete Max originally sold for $100 is still keeping in line with $75/$85/$100 secondary for a complete deluxe Autobot car from '84/5 that originally sold for $8.99. That's still a markup of ten times original price, but we don't holler about that. We chalk it up to the name of the game. And, quite frankly, a lot of inflated prices on websites like eBay come from sellers trying to recoup losses to ever-increasing fees. Marketplace takes almost 20% off the top from some sales before throwing a bit back to you as a "shipping credit."

I truly don't believe this KO will affect the secondary market for Fort Max much, if at all. It will just create additional primary and secondary markets for the KO. If you really have your eyes on an '86 Max, you'll save your pennies and hunt for one with a price you're willing to meet. If not, you'll hunt for a KO with a price you're willing to meet. I'm not saying I'm happy with this thing being released; I'm saying to each his own and buyer beware, like it says in the headline.
Re: Buyer Beware: KO/ 3rd Party Fortress Maximus in the works (1284339)
Posted by funeralthirst7 on September 1st, 2011 @ 2:03am CDT
This is forcing me to rethink my rule about knock-offs. I don't buy knock-offs. Never have and said I never will.But now I find myself debating on whether or not to suspend that rule and buy a high quality ko of figures with prohibitive ebay costs that will never be re-issued and also including some of the Japanese exclusives (I'm looking at you Overlord). I guess I'll have to wait and see some of the reviews before I even consider it.
Re: Buyer Beware: KO/ 3rd Party Fortress Maximus in the works (1284341)
Posted by dinogeist on September 1st, 2011 @ 2:13am CDT
funeralthirst7 wrote:This is forcing me to rethink my rule about knock-offs. I don't buy knock-offs. Never have and said I never will.But now I find myself debating on whether or not to suspend that rule and buy a high quality ko of figures with prohibitive ebay costs that will never be re-issued and also including some of the Japanese exclusives (I'm looking at you Overlord). I guess I'll have to wait and see some of the reviews before I even consider it.

If they ever release a high quality masterforce overlord,I'd buy this in a heart beat. i'd pre-order this asap as soon as the pre-order page goes up.

High quality KO TF toys ain't bad. I got high quality 1986 KO Cyclonus & high quality 1986 KO Scourge.
Re: Buyer Beware: KO/ 3rd Party Fortress Maximus in the works (1284346)
Posted by dabattousai on September 1st, 2011 @ 2:29am CDT
He will need to be a remold or 48 inches in height, otherwise I am quite happy with my Brave Maximus. >:oP
Re: Buyer Beware: KO/ 3rd Party Fortress Maximus in the works (1284356)
Posted by Flux Convoy on September 1st, 2011 @ 4:31am CDT
Autobot032 wrote:When I got mad at you, I had every right to be because you sat on your high horse and flung stones at people, basically. Likening you to Hitler was just to be on your level when you made those comments.

No, I stated how I felt on a subject. I didn't take it out on you or anyone else personally and I didn't take it that way in any of the responses but yours. Which was in fact a personal attack which we have rules against. You simply got offended by something I said and took it personally. You can defend how you feel about something but it doesn't necessarily make you correct. Being on my level would be discussing things in a civil tone, not hurling insults and acting generally childish because not everyone agrees with you.
Re: Buyer Beware: KO/ 3rd Party Fortress Maximus in the works (1284366)
Posted by Autobot032 on September 1st, 2011 @ 5:25am CDT
Flux Convoy wrote:
Autobot032 wrote:When I got mad at you, I had every right to be because you sat on your high horse and flung stones at people, basically. Likening you to Hitler was just to be on your level when you made those comments.

No, I stated how I felt on a subject. I didn't take it out on you or anyone else personally and I didn't take it that way in any of the responses but yours. Which was in fact a personal attack which we have rules against. You simply got offended by something I said and took it personally. You can defend how you feel about something but it doesn't necessarily make you correct. Being on my level would be discussing things in a civil tone, not hurling insults and acting generally childish because not everyone agrees with you.

Not everyone agrees with me? Plenty of people (most, actually) disagree with me. I don't always respond as I did in the other thread. It takes something extra to rile me up like that.

Just as it did in this thread. (Not you, this time. Him. Just wanted to clarify that.)
Re: Buyer Beware: KO/ 3rd Party Fortress Maximus in the works (1284440)
Posted by nemesis-prime on September 1st, 2011 @ 9:28am CDT
id get one
Re: Buyer Beware: KO/ 3rd Party Fortress Maximus in the works (1284654)
Posted by Blurrz on September 1st, 2011 @ 5:28pm CDT
Let's be civil here. If you want to take pot shots at each other than do it in PMs.
Re: Buyer Beware: KO/ 3rd Party Fortress Maximus in the works (1284997)
Posted by NTESHFT on September 2nd, 2011 @ 3:24pm CDT
I wish I could talk myself into this one, but I can't justify 300 for a K.O. Not knocking those who like them, just saying it's not my prerogative. I haven't even been able to spend that much on, say, Botcon exclusive box sets........
Re: Buyer Beware: KO/ 3rd Party Fortress Maximus in the works (1285342)
Posted by Treetop Maximus on September 3rd, 2011 @ 3:01pm CDT
Re: Buyer Beware: KO/ 3rd Party Fortress Maximus in the works (1285343)
Posted by Treetop Maximus on September 3rd, 2011 @ 3:05pm CDT
Autobot032 wrote:
Treetop Maximus wrote:
DMSL wrote:Now would be a good time for Hasbro/Takara to announce a re-issue of this behemoth.

Hasbro will never do it because the figure smashes into a kajillion little pieces when you drop it. The government gets butthurt over shit like that. Let the plastic-eating kids die. That's what they get for being stupid. No need to punish collectors. Kinda like G1 Megatron. Let the kids who take realistic toy guns outside get shot by police. That's what they get for being stupid. No need to punish collectors.

Let the plastic eating kids die? That's what they get for being stupid?

Do you ever listen to yourself, or stop and think before you press the submit button?

Do us a favor, don't breed. Let your end of the gene pool end with you.

I lol'd. This is what I like to read. Don't worry. I have no intention of having kids. Kids break things.

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