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Fans Project Universe Bruticus Crossfire Upgrades Delayed?

Transformers News: Fans Project Universe Bruticus Crossfire Upgrades Delayed?

Monday, May 17th, 2010 7:06AM CDT

Categories: Toy News, Rumors, Collectables, Store News, Unlicensed Products News
Posted by: Tigertrack   Views: 71,989

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In an e-mail update to its shoppers, UK online retailer KAPOW toys is reporting that the two Energon/Universe Bruticus Maximus upgrades, Crossfire XF-02A Explorer with Combat Unit Appendage Kit, Crossfire XF-02B Munitioner with Combat Unit Appendage Kit, would be delayed, with a new release date set for July 2010.

The Fans Project created sets were expected to be shipping this month to online retailers.

Good and bad news I suppose. Longer to save for the expensive sets. But these sets are in the top five of most collector's 'MUST HAVE' lists, so waiting longer for them is a bit disappointing.

Other online retailers to this point, have not updated their expected delivery dates, although unlikely, perhaps this delay is only effecting KAPOW? Or is it for all online stores?




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Credit(s): KAPOW Toys E-mail Update to subscribers/shoppers

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Re: Fans Project Universe Bruticus Crossfire Upgrades Delayed? (1075213)
Posted by El Duque on May 17th, 2010 @ 7:23am CDT
Well that sucks! On the brite side I've got a bunch of pre-orders about to hit so the delay will help in that respect. Hopefully they will be released at the same time.
Re: Fans Project Universe Bruticus Crossfire Upgrades Delayed? (1075217)
Posted by Flux Convoy on May 17th, 2010 @ 7:44am CDT
I'm in no hurry to not be able to display another awesome FansProject piece.
Re: Fans Project Universe Bruticus Crossfire Upgrades Delayed? (1075218)
Posted by Dead Metal on May 17th, 2010 @ 7:49am CDT
Yes more time to have the money ready!
Re: Fans Project Universe Bruticus Crossfire Upgrades Delayed? (1075222)
Posted by Gauntlet101010 on May 17th, 2010 @ 8:01am CDT
Boo! I've set aside money since this stuff was announced!
Re: Fans Project Universe Bruticus Crossfire Upgrades Delayed? (1075225)
Posted by Ironhide516 on May 17th, 2010 @ 8:15am CDT
Dead Metal wrote:Yes more time to have the money ready!

Same here. My birthday's in July so hoping to get some B-day cash to put towards this. :D
Re: Fans Project Universe Bruticus Crossfire Upgrades Delayed? (1075229)
Posted by Mkall on May 17th, 2010 @ 8:29am CDT
Can't say I'm too surprised. But I'm more than willing to wait for the awesomeness
Re: Fans Project Universe Bruticus Crossfire Upgrades Delayed? (1075232)
Posted by kirbenvost on May 17th, 2010 @ 8:35am CDT
One word if true:

Re: Fans Project Universe Bruticus Crossfire Upgrades Delayed? (1075235)
Posted by Prime Evil on May 17th, 2010 @ 8:47am CDT
i have nooo problems waiting. i just know that these delays are because they just want their best product out. and if they don't think its ready, then waiting is a non-issue for me. buut it does make me wanna ship my pile o loot now so i can have defender in my hands!
Re: Fans Project Universe Bruticus Crossfire Upgrades Delayed? (1075238)
Posted by --B-- on May 17th, 2010 @ 8:58am CDT
If it get's delayed too much I may be able to ship with Headrobots Hardhead too!
Re: Fans Project Universe Bruticus Crossfire Upgrades Delayed? (1075252)
Posted by Trikeboy on May 17th, 2010 @ 9:26am CDT
I recently sent a message to TFSource on facebook asking if they had a more specific release date. They replied "Unless things change... right now FP said they won't be out until after Botcon."

Damn it. I have a Universe Bruticus with two empty limbs (they are being used for customs) just waiting for these guys. Another couple of months is going to be torture.
Re: Fans Project Universe Bruticus Crossfire Upgrades Delayed? (1075253)
Posted by Ravage XK on May 17th, 2010 @ 9:29am CDT
The more I see of this set the more annoyed I am that I cannot find the Bruticus set. Seems that nowhere in the UK has it!
Re: Fans Project Universe Bruticus Crossfire Upgrades Delayed? (1075257)
Posted by Stockade on May 17th, 2010 @ 9:35am CDT
Actually to tell you guys the truth im glad its delayed, cause i need to save up some money for some minor car repair and the extra $100 will come in handy. And if the car repair is under a $100, then ill get some G1 Re-issues... Who knows, maybe it will be delay again until august... hope not, but it could happen...
Re: Fans Project Universe Bruticus Crossfire Upgrades Delayed? (1075261)
Posted by Trikeboy on May 17th, 2010 @ 9:38am CDT
Ravage XK wrote:The more I see of this set the more annoyed I am that I cannot find the Bruticus set. Seems that nowhere in the UK has it!

I know how you feel Ravage, I managed to get one preordered on BigBadToyStore before they sold out. The picures attached to the post don't make it any easier. Regular Bruticus sucks in comparison.
Re: Fans Project Universe Bruticus Crossfire Upgrades Delayed? (1075266)
Posted by zodconvoy on May 17th, 2010 @ 9:47am CDT
That's great and sucks at the same time. Great because I'm moving soon and don't have the cash. Sucks because it may get shipped to the wrong house! I've already got to worry about Dion and P/CP from the club but throw in two Munitioneers, an Explorer and Defender and the rest of my PoL? Nearly enough to make me put off moving for a few months! :BANG_HEAD:
Re: Fans Project Universe Bruticus Crossfire Upgrades Delayed? (1075293)
Posted by Kibble on May 17th, 2010 @ 11:06am CDT

I was hoping to ship these with Alternity Starscream. I don't want to sit on him in my POL for 2+ months.
Re: Fans Project Universe Bruticus Crossfire Upgrades Delayed? (1075295)
Posted by It Is Him on May 17th, 2010 @ 11:11am CDT
zodconvoy wrote:That's great and sucks at the same time. Great because I'm moving soon and don't have the cash. Sucks because it may get shipped to the wrong house! I've already got to worry about Dion and P/CP from the club but throw in two Munitioneers, an Explorer and Defender and the rest of my PoL? Nearly enough to make me put off moving for a few months! :BANG_HEAD:

If you have to move, you gotta do it sometime. 8)

That's a good point to update your address with TFClub. I'm moving a week or two after Botcon, and I'll be damned if some punk ass 5-year-old gets my Dion by mistake.
Re: Fans Project Universe Bruticus Crossfire Upgrades Delayed? (1075300)
Posted by kirbenvost on May 17th, 2010 @ 11:33am CDT
Trikeboy wrote:I recently sent a message to TFSource on facebook asking if they had a more specific release date. They replied "Unless things change... right now FP said they won't be out until after Botcon."

Why, are they waiting for Hasbro to shut them down? :BANG_HEAD:

Or maybe it's because of the recent shipping delays out of China?

The worst part of this is my Defender is still sitting in my PoL because I was waiting for these. Man. This is going to be a LONG 2 months with no new TFs. We still haven't seen the last wave of ROTF or the Animated Exclusives in TRUs around here... if it's taking them this long to get those, how long are we going to have to wait for the new lines? Augh, the wait is killing me!
Re: Fans Project Universe Bruticus Crossfire Upgrades Delayed? (1075302)
Posted by Razorclaw0000 on May 17th, 2010 @ 11:35am CDT
Prime Evil wrote:i have nooo problems waiting. i just know that these delays are because they just want their best product out. and if they don't think its ready, then waiting is a non-issue for me. buut it does make me wanna ship my pile o loot now so i can have defender in my hands!

I think I'm going to ship mine now.
Re: Fans Project Universe Bruticus Crossfire Upgrades Delayed? (1075305)
Posted by Blurrz on May 17th, 2010 @ 11:38am CDT
Boo Hiss!
Re: Fans Project Universe Bruticus Crossfire Upgrades Delayed? (1075308)
Posted by Autobot032 on May 17th, 2010 @ 11:44am CDT
Well, I'm okay with this, actually. I just bought a van and the down payment cost more than expected. So, this will give me time to come up with the money. June would be a good month because it'll be my birthday, but this will work.

I'm just not sure why the dang things are being delayed so much. First April, then May, then June, now July.

I'm not sure what to do about getting Rodimus. I want to buy the figure, but I'm only interested in buying him for the Protector set, and if Protector's delayed, we might not see it for a year or so.

Re: Fans Project Universe Bruticus Crossfire Upgrades Delayed? (1075339)
Posted by Prime Evil on May 17th, 2010 @ 12:42pm CDT
Razorclaw0000 wrote:
Prime Evil wrote:i have nooo problems waiting. i just know that these delays are because they just want their best product out. and if they don't think its ready, then waiting is a non-issue for me. buut it does make me wanna ship my pile o loot now so i can have defender in my hands!

I think I'm going to ship mine now.

I was about to ship mine as well, but just remembered that my crazy devy Devastator head should come to bbts this month. once THAT gets in, im shippin my pile...damnit, and i was THIS close to shippin as well. July is to long for Defender, he'll hold me over till the crossfire sets.
Re: Fans Project Universe Bruticus Crossfire Upgrades Delayed? (1075415)
Posted by RK_Striker_JK_5 on May 17th, 2010 @ 3:53pm CDT
Boo! I have the money and a half-built Bruticus. :-x
Re: Fans Project Universe Bruticus Crossfire Upgrades Delayed? (1075552)
Posted by Editor on May 18th, 2010 @ 12:31am CDT
It sucks that they may be delayed. However if the delay is based on the known issue for smaller companies transporting product within a decreased shipping market, then I would rather wait that have them jack the prices in order to pay to get the product forced on the ships or shipped air.
Re: Fans Project Universe Bruticus Crossfire Upgrades Delayed? (1075573)
Posted by Vectorsigma100 on May 18th, 2010 @ 4:27am CDT
Well if you ordered from BBTS they haven't changed the release date on the set, but if TFSource and Kapow Toys have changed the release date then we can expect the same from other sites as well. :-(

But now next month (the month of my birthday, I'll be getting some pretty good TF Stuff! :D
Re: Fans Project Universe Bruticus Crossfire Upgrades Delayed? (1075584)
Posted by VYPER ALPHA on May 18th, 2010 @ 5:26am CDT
For Some reason i kind of expected this, I don't know why I just did if it is true.
Anyway time flies when you are waiting for cool bots!
Re: Fans Project Universe Bruticus Crossfire Upgrades Delayed? (1075665)
Posted by Autobot032 on May 18th, 2010 @ 11:22am CDT
Vectorsigma100 wrote:Well if you ordered from BBTS they haven't changed the release date on the set, but if TFSource and Kapow Toys have changed the release date then we can expect the same from other sites as well. :-(

But now next month (the month of my birthday, I'll be getting some pretty good TF Stuff! :D

Actually, BBTS did change their date, once.

Munitioner/Swindle was due in May from the get go.
Explorer/Blast-Off was due in April.

Explorer's date has now been pushed back to May, and Munitioner hasn't been changed, yet.

As the month goes on and we head into June, you'll see their dates change to June, and maybe July just to cover the bases.

ToyArena and TFSource both said June from the getgo, for at least one of the bots. BBTS was the only one stating April and May. Now with TFSource and Kapow Toys saying July...BBTS will have to change their dates. They'll have to.

Outside of them getting a special order of some kind (which wouldn't be fair), I doubt we'll see them before July.

...somebody help me here... Wasn't the Superion armor delayed time and again and it took BBTS a while to get them, and TFSource what seems like forever to get theirs well after everyone else had?

EDIT: Just received this tidbit in a newsletter from RobotKingdom:


Fansproject Crossfire 02 - XF-02A & XF-02B Combat Unit Appendage Add-on kit set.


Delay to July 2010.

US$89.9/Set of 2 ... BA&lang=us

And ToyArena still claims 5/30/2010 as their sale date for these two. Ain't gonna happen. When three out of five stores say no, it's no.
Re: Fans Project Universe Bruticus Crossfire Upgrades Delayed? (1076011)
Posted by ArmadaPrime on May 19th, 2010 @ 11:01am CDT
:lol: I love how i would be really P'd off by this but since i rarely do e-shopping and can't find the big dude 8) anywhere in th uk :-( i couldn't care less. Still i can see how you must feel. Is it just me or is explorers head scarily similar to Prime's... :???:

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