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First Draft of The Transformers Movie 86 at TFNation 2022

Transformers News: First Draft of The Transformers Movie 86 at TFNation 2022

Monday, August 22nd, 2022 7:36PM CDT

Categories: Cartoon News, Event News
Posted by: Sabrblade   Views: 114,928

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A week ago, TFNation 2022 was held in the United Kingdom, whereat Transformers uber-fans Jim Sorenson and Chris McFeely held a very special presentation on the Saturday night of August 13, which was followed by an extra panel the next day on Sunday, August 14.

This presentation was, without a doubt, the event of the weekend. Back in June, Chris held a livestream on YouTube in which he momentarily hyped up this event as "one of the most important panels ever held at a Transformers convention." He later made this post on his YouTube community portal, which featured the following promotional art:

Transformers News: Re: TFTM: The First Draft @ TFNation 2022

To cut to the chase, Jim and Chris held a live presentation of the long lost, original, very first draft script of Transformers: The Movie (1986) written by Ron Friedman!

For about 12 years, this original script was thought to have been lost to time and gone for good. But about two years ago in the summer of 2020, G1 cartoon writer Flint Dille was going through his storage and unearthed this long lost script. Jim Sorenson then flew out to Los Angeles and spent the next week scanning as much of the script as he could. And now, after all these years, Jim and Chris have finally made the contents of this lost piece of Transformers known to the public!

At the presentation, they provided an in-depth summary of the script's events, accompanied by brand new artwork created especially for the occasion. While the artwork is unofficial, it provided visual illustrations of several events described by Friedman's script, each interpreted by the artists who drew them. Said artists included Ed Pirrie, Andy Turnbull, James Marsh, and Kris Carter.

While I, myself, was not present at the event, live updates were provided through both the TFWiki Discord server (most notably from uses Jacob McBaggins, Broadside, and Greeby) and the Twitter of James Bach. It is from these sources that I have compiled the following full report of the presentation.


By and large, the script is only vaguely resemblant to the final version of the movie. Some broad strokes are similar, but the biggest differences lie in the details. In fact, Flint Dille has previously gone on record calling this script "incoherent". As you will soon begin to see, "incoherent" is the kindest word one could use to describe it, as it honestly feels like Friedman just made up as he went along.

This script draft was first written in August 1984, before the first episode of the G1 cartoon had even aired. Literally right after the final episode of Season 1, "Heavy Metal War", had been written. Season 2 hadn't even been conceptualized yet. No date is given for when it takes place. Not 2005, not the 1980s, nothing.

The story begins with the Battle of Autobot City. Except, it's not Autobot City, but just a steel mill. The Constructicons steal some steel ore from carts around the plant to build siege towers to attack the place. The Autobots who defend the steel mill are (from left to right):
  • Hot Rod – Depicted here using the earliest known design by Floro Dery.
  • Tanker – Grizzled old Autobot who's missing an eye, transforms into a Sherman tank.
  • Magnus – Not "Ultra" Magnus. Drawn here in Floro Dery's early design that was later used for Orion Pax before the Diaclone Powered Convoy toy was decided to represent him.
  • Arcee – Field medic, shown here in an early Floro Dery design.
  • Wheeljack – Very sexist and misogynistic toward Arcee throughout the entire script, which is played for "comedy".
Transformers News: Re: TFTM: The First Draft @ TFNation 2022

As the Decepticons continue their attack on the steel mill, three of them combine into a cannon that begins to shoot "fire snow" at the Autobots. What is fire snow? Napalm. Yes, the Decepticons attack the Autobots... with napalm.

Tanker gets his arm burnt off and, in the heat of the moment, acts rather sexist toward Arcee. Magnus grabs an industrial bucket and, in a very cartoony moment, simply catches the balls of fire snow napalm in the bucket and tosses it back at the Decepticons. He saves Hot Rod in the process. The Decepticons dive for cover but get blown up by their own napalm tossed back at them, and are clobbered by the steel bucket.

Reinforcements for the Autobots arrive aboard an old locomotive train carrying rocket fuel in flatbed cars.

Transformers News: Re: TFTM: The First Draft @ TFNation 2022
Transformers News: Re: TFTM: The First Draft @ TFNation 2022
Transformers News: Re: TFTM: The First Draft @ TFNation 2022

The train is manned by human allies General Blaze and Colonel Rusty Steel, the latter of whom is described by the script as an "Indiana Jones" type. Hasbro's feedback on the character basically says that his personality would later be applied to Springer.

General Blaze
Transformers News: Re: TFTM: The First Draft @ TFNation 2022

Colonel Rusty Steele
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The train carrying the rocket fuel is meant to distract the Decepticons from their attack on the steel mill, making them think the train is just a simple fuel delivery and an easy target, from which the Autobots can ambush Megatron.

Starscream attacks the train and ties it in a pretzel knot. The train then begins to transform from an old locomotive into a bullet train, a process called "Transformation Alpha". Starscream is then run over. (It is at this point that Jim pointed out that Starscream will have a lot to do in this story, only to clarify that he gets his butt kicked a lot.) The train is now revealed to be an Autobot Triple Changer named Rails, who commences "Transformation Beta" into his robot mode... A GIANT SNAKE ROBOT MODE!!

Transformers News: Re: TFTM: The First Draft @ TFNation 2022
Transformers News: Re: TFTM: The First Draft @ TFNation 2022
Transformers News: Re: TFTM: The First Draft @ TFNation 2022
Transformers News: Re: TFTM: The First Draft @ TFNation 2022

Hot Rod soon runs out of ammo... in a laser gun. A Decepticon charges at him with a laser chainsaw, but Tanker steps in and trips up the Decepticon, who then falls on his own laser chainsaw and is bisected in half by it.

Then the Optimus and Megatron fight happens... basically the same as it does in the final movie, verbatim even. As the Decepticons retreat from the battle following Megatron's defeat (no Astrotrain here, they all just fly out into space on their own power), Ratchet, Wheeljack, and Arcee perform triage on Prime and determine that the damage is fatal. Rusty Steele objects, stating that they can't make that call in the field. Half the Autobots go with Ratchet to take the dying Optimus back to the Autobots' volcano base, while the other half go with Wheeljack to build ships to chase after Megatron. Gears is here as well, and is an insensitive jerk about the whole thing.

Basically, Friedman was mandated to kill off Optimus, but no other 1984 Autobots die either. The idea behind all this was to make the movie start out like a typical G1 cartoon episode until it wasn't. Hot Rod is very broken up over Optimus's current state ("I don't know how I'll stand it if Prime dies because of me"), but Tanker basically just tells him to suck it up and not be such a wimp. Jerk.

Meanwhile, the Decepticons make it back to Cybertron by just flying all the way there. In the final version of the movie, the place at which Starscream's coronation is held is referred to by its script as the Decepticon Hall of Heroes. In this script, the Hall of Heroes is basically described as a sci-fi version of Adolf Hitler's Nuremburg Rally Hall, in the Third Reich. According to Jim and Chris, the script is practically dripping with full-on Nazi references all over the place.

Megatron is there with them and dies unceremoniously while everyone argues over who gets to be the new leader. A fight soon breaks out. As Starscream and Skywarp fight, they inadvertently blow up the urn that was meant to house Megatron's "life spark". Without it, Megatron's ghost flies out of his body. As he pathetically begs and pleads for the other Decepticons to preserve his essence, they take no notice and continue their fight. Megatron's purple "life spark" ghost helplessly flies off into space.

Transformers News: Re: TFTM: The First Draft @ TFNation 2022

Back on Earth, the entire volcano that houses the Autobots' base now opens up like Tracy Island from Thunderbirds. It's now a whole base for both Autobots and humans. Two such humans are Dr. Ellen Prentiss and her young son Daniel. Yep, that Daniel. In this script, he is not Spike's son. In fact, Spike isn't even in this story at all. Here, Daniel looks up to and idolizes Colonel Rusty, who in turn calls the boy "Dan-o".

Transformers News: Re: TFTM: The First Draft @ TFNation 2022

Springer is also one the Autobots there, whom the script describes as "a huge, Arnold Schwarzenegger type". He is also described by the script as turning into something like either a jet-powered missile launcher, or a jet-powered steam roller. He also barely does anything in the whole story.

Out in space, Megatron's ghost is summoned to the planet Unicron. In this version, Unicron is the name of the planet and its leader is a mysterious intelligence simply known as "the Entity". Planet Unicron has tree trunks that resemble a big hand, and trees that are like hair. (Attendee reaction to this described it as "horrid".) The Entity agrees to recreate Megatron into Galvatron in exchange for Megatron/Galvatron going back to Cybertron, bringing all of its Decepticon inhabitants under the Entity's will, and then taking all of the Decepticons to Earth for a more important plan.

Galvatron is apparently described in the script as both looking like a bigger Megatron covered in metal scales, and looking like he's wearing a black military uniform. For the accompanying fanmade artwork, however, he is instead depicted in his early Floro Dery design with toy-accurate colors. He also receives a unique insignia on his chest (looks like the artists chose to base their interpretation of it on the Beast Wars Neo Blentron insignia).

Transformers News: Re: TFTM: The First Draft @ TFNation 2022

And now comes Optimus's death scene. In this version, instead of the Matrix of Leadership, a little green baby version of Optimus in energy form emerges from his chest. It is referred to as Optimus's "Matrix", long before the Creation Matrix was a thing in the Marvel Comics. It's basically Optimus's "life spark", like what came out of Megatron earlier when he died. The Baby Optimus goes into Magnus's body, making him "Ultra" Magnus.

Transformers News: Re: TFTM: The First Draft @ TFNation 2022

On Cybertron, Galvatron arrives and Starscream recognizes him as Megatron. Starscream gets to live in this version and all of the Decepticons get new upgraded forms by the power of Planet Unicron. For the Seekers, the artists chose to base their interpretation of these upgraded forms off of Starscream's coronation gear from the final movie. In the script, the idea was to just make them bigger.

Transformers News: Re: TFTM: The First Draft @ TFNation 2022
Transformers News: Re: TFTM: The First Draft @ TFNation 2022

Cybertron is then destroyed in a beam of light and NOBODY cares. All except for Galvatron for about 30 seconds. The Decepticons then head for Earth. End of Act 1.


Act 2 begins with the Autobots building giant metal shields to protect Earth's cities so that they can take their new fleet of ships Wheeljack is building and go after the Decepticons without worry. The shields are said to be made out of metals with ridiculous names like "titano-rubidium steel" and "durabyl-metal". The script apparently takes two or three whole pages to describe the shields.

Colonel Rusty Steele seems to be taking point in this operation, while a bunch of "comedy" bits are going on around him. Namely, Wheeljack has a running "gag" where Arcee will do something really competent behind his back while he is oblivious to this and makes several sexist remarks about "she-bots". And he does this all throughout the script.

When the Decepticons arrive, Teletraan I cannot even compute their newly-acquired power. The Entity fires a green energy blast from space that strikes Galvatron, goes through him into the other Decepticons, and powers them all up enough for them to blast through all the shields the Autobots just built, destroying them in an instant despite multiple script pages setting up the shields.

Transformers News: Re: TFTM: The First Draft @ TFNation 2022

Oh, and Prowl is here and doesn't die. And Starscream gets beaten up a second time, suffering endless slapstick. Even so, the Autobot base is overrun and they have to retreat.

A time-skip occurs. The Decepticons have a "Sweep Party" of black "Gestapo-like" bots searching for the Autobots, who have since set up a guerilla camp. This is from where the idea of the Sweeps originated.

Transformers News: Re: TFTM: The First Draft @ TFNation 2022

The Decepticons have apparently taken over and are building an "energy drain cage" around the Earth, in order to siphon its energy and send it all to Planet Unicron.

Transformers News: Re: TFTM: The First Draft @ TFNation 2022

Daniel gets the camp found by the Sweep Gestapo by accidently setting off Teletraan I, who mistakes him for an intruder.

Now engaged in a guerilla war, Tanker and Hot Rod go off to recruit a crack squad of the best of the best to help everyone get to the one remaining Autobot ship, so they can go find the source of the Decepticons' new powers.

First is Chemico, "the walking laboratory". He literally just pops up to make a smokescreen and never appears again.

Transformers News: Re: TFTM: The First Draft @ TFNation 2022

Magnus also transforms... into either a truck or a combine harvester. The idea behind what his altmode should be was "What's the coolest vehicle to run someone over with?"

The Autobots knock away the Decepticons with baseball bats and escape via a river raft. Yes, really.

Springer is also here. As is Starscream. You know what that means? It's clobbering time, Screamer! Springer uses his jumping power, which Jim compares to bouncing like Tigger. Springer grabs Starscream and a generic Decepticon and bonks their heads together, which also results in the two 'Cons impaling each other with their limbs. Starscream is furious and threatens to boil the Autobots in their own pee (yes, really!), and demands "UNKNOT MEEEEE!!" (Chris McFeely did his best and most throat-hurting Chris Latta impression for this line).

Other Autobot recruits include Blurr (who in this version talks reeeeeeeaallly slow, like Jimmy Stewart), Grimlock, Swoop, Sludge (but no other Dinobots) and Mentlar (a "Carl Sagan" type whose role as the "smart guy" is later taken by Perceptor).

Transformers News: Re: TFTM: The First Draft @ TFNation 2022

Don't confuse his name with "Metlar", who is one of the Inhumanoids. He's "Mentlar", because of his great "mental" capacity. He turns into a radar truck.

Transformers News: Re: TFTM: The First Draft @ TFNation 2022

Mentlar presses a button that activates a giant energy grid that he uses like a big flyswatter to disable the Insecticons and strip them of their Unicron upgrades, allowing the Dinobots to defeat them. Afterward, this grid is never used or brought up again.

The Autobots reach the last ship they still have, which is hidden inside an ice cave.

Transformers News: Re: TFTM: The First Draft @ TFNation 2022

As Rusty, Daniel, and Ellen board the ship, Rusty gives Daniel his lucky silver dollar as a promise that they'll get through this. As the ship takes off, Hot Rod, Tanker, and the Dinobots are still fighting on the ground and just fly up alongside the ship, flying through space outside the vessel. Bumblebee shows up here just to get blasted off-screen by a cluster bomb. Wheeljack and Arcee remain on Earth to keep fighting the Decepticons and Wheeljack has more misogynist moments with Arcee.

Galvatron is mentally tortured by the Entity, who calls him an imbecile and tells him to destroy the fleeing Autobot ship. He give Galvatron a ship of his own, which resembles an aircraft carrier (this was the prototype version of Galvatron's ship from the final movie). Rusty and Daniel man the Autobot ship's guns like Han and Luke in Star Wars: A New Hope. And then a random space hurricane interrupts the battle, destroying Galvatron's ship and hurling Hot Rod, Tanker, and the Dinobots off into space. Galvatron emerges from the wreckage of his ship, sees no Autobots, and thinks he's won. End of Act 2.

Transformers News: Re: TFTM: The First Draft @ TFNation 2022


Act 3 begins with the Autobots' ship crash-landing on Planet Unicron's moon, drawn there by a tractor beam brainwave.

Transformers News: Re: TFTM: The First Draft @ TFNation 2022
Transformers News: Re: TFTM: The First Draft @ TFNation 2022

Back on Earth, Arcee twirls Starscream around like a wrestler and tosses him at a freeway overpass, collapsing it on top of other Decepticons. Despite this, Wheeljack is still sexist to her. This is also Starscream's last scene.

Hot Rod, Tanker, and the Dinobots end up on a planet that would later become Quintessa in the final movie. Sharkticons proceed to eat Swoop, but only nibble on him rather than consume him entirely.

Transformers News: Re: TFTM: The First Draft @ TFNation 2022

The script keeps cutting back and forth between the moon with Magnus's team, the planet with Hot Rod's team, and Earth with Wheeljack and Arcee, the latter of whom ends up kissing Wheeljack on the cheek at one point.

Galvatron is told by the Entity to go into space and kill the Autobots stranded on the moon. His army flies off from Earth in space cruisers they just suddenly have now. As they approach Unicron's moon, the Autobots there trick the Decepticons with cardboard cutouts as decoys.

Hot Rod, Tanker, and the Dinobots witness the arena-style execution of a rock-based alien named Granix. Yep, before he was Kranix, he was Granix, his name based on "granite". And the Sharkticon pit was a battle arena rather than a shark tank.

Transformers News: Re: TFTM: The First Draft @ TFNation 2022
Transformers News: Re: TFTM: The First Draft @ TFNation 2022

Here, the Sharkticons have sensors that direct them to eat whatever they bump into, likely explaining what those antennae they have are supposed to be.

When Hot Rod's group stands trial, they are found "Innocent of trespassing but guilty of insolence". Hot Rod blinds the Sharkticons, but the Quintesson uses its mental powers to just make more Sharkticons from scrap. Hot Rod subdues the Quint and orders it to use its mind powers to find the other Autobots. It ends up finding Planet Unicron.

Transformers News: Re: TFTM: The First Draft @ TFNation 2022

On Unicron's moon, the Decepticons have found the Autobots' three human allies, who all wear exo-suits implied to work by telekinesis. Rumble forces Daniel to watch Dirge try to crush Ellen to death, but Daniel saves his mother by crushing Dirge's torso inward and tossing him onto Rumble.

Then the Junkions show up, the leader of which is literally described by the script as wearing a Nazi helmet. The artists chose instead to draw him wearing a WWI German helmet because there's just so much Nazi stuff in this script!!!

Transformers News: Re: TFTM: The First Draft @ TFNation 2022

Elsewhere on Unicron's moon, Galvatron just straight up murders Magnus, Mentlar, and Blurr. Like, he just kills them. Dead. No repairs, no rebuilding them. Just dead. And Hasbro was furious.

Transformers News: Re: TFTM: The First Draft @ TFNation 2022

Galvatron steals the glowing baby Optimus from Magnus and puts it in a jar around his neck.

Transformers News: Re: TFTM: The First Draft @ TFNation 2022

What comes next are a couple of big reveals: The Junkions built Unicron! It was originally built to be a protector, but something went wrong. The Junkions then reveal a flaw in Unicron that serves as its weakness. And that weakness is... MISSING from the script! Yep, unfortunately, the script that Flint Dille found in storage was missing three whole pages that detail this very important part of the story. One of these pages also presumably sees Hot Rod, Tanker, and the Dinobots reuniting with the others on the moon, with Tanker freeing the Autobots from the Junkions with the Universal Greeting.

As Planet Unicron absorbs the siphoned energy from Earth, the Entity is powered up enough to transform the planet into a humanoid robot form. It heads towards Earth, munching other planets along the way. And at this point, Wheeljack FINALLY apologizes to Arcee for being such a sexist misogynist.

Transformers News: Re: TFTM: The First Draft @ TFNation 2022

A Junkion named Scrapo befriends the Dinobots, whose role was presumably later taken by Wheelie in the final movie.

In a surprise twist that shocks absolutely no one, the Entity and Unicron are revealed to be one and the same. In order to defeat him, the Autobots must fight their way into Unicron's core. Once there, Daniel is the only one small enough to fit into the area they need to get into to destroy Unicron. But then, they suddenly remember that they also need the Baby Optimus that Galvatron still has. So they go all the way back out to go get it. Hot Rod and Rusty corner Galvatron, who tries to fuse the Baby Optimus with himself into nothingness. But he is defeated by Dr. Ellen.

Transformers News: Re: TFTM: The First Draft @ TFNation 2022

The Autobots and humans go all the way back into Unicron's core, where Daniel takes the Baby Optimus and puts it into the core, blowing by Unicron. Galvatron gets blasted off on one of Unicron's severed fingers.

Transformers News: Re: TFTM: The First Draft @ TFNation 2022

In the aftermath, Earth just gets all better after being shriveled up from its massive energy drain. A parade is held and Hot Rod holds Daniel up on his shoulders. The End.


The day after this presentation was given, Chris and Jim held a follow-up panel with more information and artwork.

It is speculated that Rails was replaced with the Anibots (Autobot versions of the Predacons before those toys were decided to be Decepticons) in later script drafts, and then ultimately replaced by just the Dinobots defending Autobot City in the final movie. (The concept of Rails as a large, multi-changing transport Autobot with a bestial robot mode may have possibly even evolved into Sky Lynx.)

"Life Spark" came from a memo note from Sunbow to refer to the leadership aspect of "the Matrix", which had yet to be a thing at the time. "'Til all Matrixes are One" evolved into "'Til all Life Sparks are one", which after a game of telephone became just "'Til all are One".

As everyone could probably tell by now, the concept of Tanker would eventually evolve into Kup. Jim reasoned that Tanker changed into Kup because Hasbro, at the time, was looking at the next generation of Autobots and Decepticons being cars and jets, not tanks.

Transformers News: Re: TFTM: The First Draft @ TFNation 2022

At some point in the script, Grimlock sees Arcee and thinks she's so cool that he want there to be female Dinobots.

A few more pieces of the fanmade artwork:

Transformers News: Re: TFTM: The First Draft @ TFNation 2022

Quintesson (the name "Quintesson" originally came from a restaurant)
Transformers News: Re: TFTM: The First Draft @ TFNation 2022

This Quintesson is based on Floro Dery's early Quintesson design.

Sweep Gestapo-bot
Transformers News: Re: TFTM: The First Draft @ TFNation 2022

Junkion (who's meant to look like something out of the Road Warrior)
Transformers News: Re: TFTM: The First Draft @ TFNation 2022


The suspected intended runtime for this script is two hours.

Unicron's backstory as having originally been created as a protector is removed from later script iterations, and is ultimate made as vague and undisclosed as it is in the final movie.

Galvatron's original altmode in this script is basically a cannon covered in guns all over.

Hot Rod has no Autobot symbol in these art pieces because the design notes in the script simply don't mention it. The second design iteration does put it on, though.

Now that we know where the Sweeps came from, what about Cyclonus's armada from the later script drafts? They would have been just a bunch of Cyclonus duplicates.

Colonel Rusty Steele was never Daniel's father. Daniel just had hero worship for him.

And most importantly of all, the script itself WILL eventually be uploaded online for all eyes to see. We don't know when, but it is definitely planned to be released at some point later on.


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Re: First Draft of The Transformers Movie 86 at TFNation 2022 (2142472)
Posted by Stormshot_Prime on August 22nd, 2022 @ 8:07pm CDT
I know the 86 Movie doesn’t have the most Oscar worthy plot, but damn it could have been a lot worse. Still interesting though, can’t wait to read through it when it gets released online.
Re: First Draft of The Transformers Movie 86 at TFNation 2022 (2142492)
Posted by zko on August 22nd, 2022 @ 9:20pm CDT
I actually kind of appreciate this because of how it explains some of the stranger decisions of the TFTM we did end up with.

Some of the designs the artist did actually look neat, like Magnus looking like he's mixed with Galvatron we got and Optimus.

I like how Tanker/Kup was originally gonna be a tank, and in the movie we got Kup beats up on Blitzwing's tank mode.

LOL baby ghost Optimus.

In retrospect I always wished that G1 had lasted a bit longer than it did after the original movie and season 3. One of the things I always considered a mistake was the time jump to the future they made so distant and I always wanted it to be a bit more like how the G2 toyline and comics wound up being in the early 90s, giving us more stuff in the late 80s and early 90s to see instead of going 20 years ahead and having the more alien futuristic designs of bot and alt modes.

Still interesting to see this stuff as a G1 fan though, if I wrote it I would have made the beam of light that made Cybertron vanish a teleporter that took it to Unicron to be "drained" and then have baby ghost Optimus revitalize the planet with his spark, becoming Optimus Primus or something :p

I also would have saved the movie to be the finale of the G1 series, instead of the way it turned out dropping sort of 3/4ths of the way through the episodes. Which might have been something they had planned here, seeing as how Optimus and others had major deaths.
Re: First Draft of The Transformers Movie 86 at TFNation 2022 (2142503)
Posted by chuckdawg1999 on August 22nd, 2022 @ 9:52pm CDT
This definitely is something. Anybody ask Ron Friedman about his thought process coming up with the script?
Re: First Draft of The Transformers Movie 86 at TFNation 2022 (2142521)
Posted by Dr. Caelus on August 22nd, 2022 @ 11:00pm CDT
I'm probably in the minority or singularity on this, but I actually like the idea of OG Megatron making it all the way back to Cybertron but dying because none of his troops care enough about him to render aid, then becoming a ghost because they're already so busy fighting over his throne they don't even perform basic burial rights.

It feels like something out of Greek myth or the Bible, and has a sort of comeuppance to it as well - all Megatron's power and glory, and he's left dying on the floor as the troops he united and trained fight over his scraps.

Plot-wise it's no different from what happened in the final movie, but it seems like it really twists the knife more thoroughly than just having Starscream do what Starscream does. Maybe because having Screamer kill him feels like its punishing Megatron for his repeated mercy towards Starscream, but this version is confronting him with the consequences of his cruelty and callousness.
Re: First Draft of The Transformers Movie 86 at TFNation 2022 (2142538)
Posted by o.supreme on August 23rd, 2022 @ 12:41am CDT
I understand that sentiment Dr. C. Even as a kid, I didn't think it was fair how so many Autobots were killed off in TF:TM, and only a few Decepticons. Also Megatron, by all rights would have, and should have succumbed to his injuries.

Oddly enough, the TF Prime film "Predacons Rising" made me look back at the original series. Although Galvatron had a new, more powerful body. It was at great cost. To eternally be a slave to Unicron, and tortured for every error that occurred. Some might rather welcome death. Also Season 3 of the Original Series played up the insanity of Galvatron after Unicron's demise. While the treatment in the S3 episode "Webworld" may have helped, it was pretty obvious that it wasn't until The Return of Optimus Prime; and his unleashing of the Wisdom within the Autobot Matrix which had the residual effect of not only curing the hate plague, but also Galvatron's madness. "There will be no war today Optimus Prime, you have earned Galvatron's Respect" (the first and only time Frank Welker didn't sound insane as Galvatron, since the 1986 Galvatron toy commercial)

Of course Galvatron remained a malevolent being as seen in "The Rebirth", or in the Japanese Headmasters series, albeit perhaps more dangerous now that he was not inhibited by insanity. Also, while the ultimate fate of Megatron/Galvatron may never be known in the Marvel/Sunbow continuity, we know that in the Japanese series, Galvatron had to endure quite a humiliating end at the hand of the Autobot Headmasters, only to be resurrected years later to serve another super powerful being (Dark Nova), to be destroyed multiple times yet again by his old rival Optimus Prime (now in a new body as Star Convoy)... So while his lifespan did drag on, I guess you can say Megatron/Galvatron (at least in the Japanese continuity), did get a comeuppance of constant death/resurrection/and torture in a cycle for quite some time.
Re: First Draft of The Transformers Movie 86 at TFNation 2022 (2142539)
Posted by Bumblevivisector on August 23rd, 2022 @ 12:45am CDT
Said it before, and I'll say it again and again, some comic company that gets the TF license in the future needs to start a tradition of doing a miniseries each year that adapts each of these early TFTM scripts, preferably devoting 4 to 6 issues to each in order to showcase every known piece of unused concept art.

Maybe start with this one while it's fresh in everyone's minds, then the following Friedman draft that was released as a PDF (through Disciples of Boltax?) about 15 years ago, with the Anibots, the Life Sparks of past 'Con leaders being rebuilt into Cyclonus and Scourge + minions, the Autobot Decoys growing from tiny versions reminiscent of the actual toy Decoys before Ultra Magnus deliberately lets Galvatron kill him, and Hot Rod getting cover fire from Jazz and other 'Bots on the moons Ingestor ate, still tangled in his innards.

Then go back to Flint Dille's original "Secret of Cybertron" script; if he can't find that in his closet as well, just pay him to rewrite it from memory!

Maybe add a framing story of Vector Prime obsessing over this critical juncture in the multiverse to explain why it'll be forever revisited. I've still got over a decade of catch-up on IDW comics ahead of me, but THAT I'd buy and read every year!
Re: First Draft of The Transformers Movie 86 at TFNation 2022 (2142540)
Posted by Sabrblade on August 23rd, 2022 @ 1:36am CDT
o.supreme wrote:I understand that sentiment Dr. C. Even as a kid, I didn't think it was fair how so many Autobots were killed off in TF:TM, and only a few Decepticons. Also Megatron, by all rights would have, and should have succumbed to his injuries.

Oddly enough, the TF Prime film "Predacons Rising" made me look back at the original series. Although Galvatron had a new, more powerful body. It was at great cost. To eternally be a slave to Unicron, and tortured for every error that occurred. Some might rather welcome death. Also Season 3 of the Original Series played up the insanity of Galvatron after Unicron's demise. While the treatment in the S3 episode "Webworld" may have helped, it was pretty obvious that it wasn't until The Return of Optimus Prime; and his unleashing of the Wisdom within the Autobot Matrix which had the residual effect of not only curing the hate plague, but also Galvatron's madness. "There will be no war today Optimus Prime, you have earned Galvatron's Respect" (the first and only time Frank Welker didn't sound insane as Galvatron, since the 1986 Galvatron toy commercial)

Of course Galvatron remained a malevolent being as seen in "The Rebirth", or in the Japanese Headmasters series, albeit perhaps more dangerous now that he was not inhibited by insanity. Also, while the ultimate fate of Megatron/Galvatron may never be known in the Marvel/Sunbow continuity, we know that in the Japanese series, Galvatron had to endure quite a humiliating end at the hand of the Autobot Headmasters, only to be resurrected years later to serve another super powerful being (Dark Nova), to be destroyed multiple times yet again by his old rival Optimus Prime (now in a new body as Star Convoy)... So while his lifespan did drag on, I guess you can say Megatron/Galvatron (at least in the Japanese continuity), did get a comeuppance of constant death/resurrection/and torture in a cycle for quite some time.
Until he eventually lost all of his malevolence and finally made peace with Optimus at long last, sacrificing himself to save the Earth from annihilation and his spark traveling onward into another world to begin a new life as a hero, as the new leader of the Green Order and one of the new Warriors of the Seven Lights.
Re: First Draft of The Transformers Movie 86 at TFNation 2022 (2142577)
Posted by Hero Alpha on August 23rd, 2022 @ 1:51pm CDT
Sabrblade wrote:
Moonshot wrote:Well, thats pretty bad, but very interesting to see now. Basically everything was better in the final movie. But hindsight and all. One thing I do notice is they pretty much used the character design of Col Rusty as Lt Falcon later in the GI Joe movie. Very cool of Sabr to put this up here and Jim, Chris to put it all together and present it. What a find. I can only imagine some of the stuff Flint Dille and others from back then have in closets or have thrown away, hehe. Thanks everyone involved.
All the new character designs in this are fan art. They are not actually what they would have all looked like.

I had read that in the article. Pretty good job they did as well, from some of the original descriptions in the script and their own artistic imaginations.
Re: First Draft of The Transformers Movie 86 at TFNation 2022 (2142578)
Posted by bluecatcinema on August 23rd, 2022 @ 2:03pm CDT
Now this is really interesting. I'll admit, all of the Decepticons getting powered up sounds like a cool idea, as does the character of Rails, and the Junkions being Unicron's creators.

That said, I'm not a fan of Wheeljack's bad attitude toward Arcee. Maybe one of the writers disliked this so much that it's the reason why he was killed off in the movie...
Re: First Draft of The Transformers Movie 86 at TFNation 2022 (2142581)
Posted by Cyber Bishop on August 23rd, 2022 @ 2:19pm CDT
I understand some of the decisions that made it to the actual movie but man, This would have went up in flames like a dumpsterfire.. I am glad of the TFTM that we got even more now.

Some of the names were absolutely stupid and generic and since this was essentially a movie to push the wave 3 toys I wonder how bad some of those toys would have ended up. NOW based on this fan art I would be curious if they attempted to make Tanker a toy using the current technology. I would most likely buy him in a heartbeat.
Re: First Draft of The Transformers Movie 86 at TFNation 2022 (2142665)
Posted by Bumblevivisector on August 24th, 2022 @ 12:11pm CDT
Cyber Bishop wrote:NOW based on this fan art I would be curious if they attempted to make Tanker a toy using the current technology. I would most likely buy him in a heartbeat.
Well, if Studio series ever exhausts '86 designs and faces another gap before the next live action film, they could produce toys based on early concept art and vague descriptions, like when we finally got actual Star Wars figures of McQuarrie's original designs. For both TF:TM and the live action films, that is.
Re: First Draft of The Transformers Movie 86 at TFNation 2022 (2142677)
Posted by Cyber Bishop on August 24th, 2022 @ 2:18pm CDT
Bumblevivisector wrote:
Cyber Bishop wrote:NOW based on this fan art I would be curious if they attempted to make Tanker a toy using the current technology. I would most likely buy him in a heartbeat.
Well, if Studio series ever exhausts '86 designs and faces another gap before the next live action film, they could produce toys based on early concept art and vague descriptions, like when we finally got actual Star Wars figures of McQuarrie's original designs. For both TF:TM and the live action films, that is.

:-D :-D :-D :-D :-D
Re: First Draft of The Transformers Movie 86 at TFNation 2022 (2142684)
Posted by AllNewSuperRobot on August 24th, 2022 @ 4:41pm CDT
o.supreme wrote:I understand that sentiment Dr. C. Even as a kid, I didn't think it was fair how so many Autobots were killed off in TF:TM, and only a few Decepticons. Also Megatron, by all rights would have, and should have succumbed to his injuries.

It was accurate. They made a clear distinction in the lore. The Autobots were mostly civilians, scientists etc Not the hardened trained soldiers and killers the Decepticons were supposed to be. The Autobots had a lot of plot armour in the show. TFTM took the kid gloves off of the Decepticons, and the result was a foregone conclusion.

Prime was fatally wounded. Megatron was not. He was badly beaten, but not fatally so. That much is told via dialogue. If Starscream hadn't made his power play on Astrotrain (you'll note no one other than him dared touched Megatron, when the wounded were jettisoned). They would have returned to Cybertron and Megatron doubtlessly would have been fixed up. Technically he was the only one still alive when they all drifted into Unicron's path.
Re: First Draft of The Transformers Movie 86 at TFNation 2022 (2142690)
Posted by MaximalNui on August 24th, 2022 @ 5:44pm CDT
Does anyone else finds the whole scales thing a bit strange? Such a huge emphasis is placed on how they cover Unicron/Ingestor and the Decepticons he enhances, as if they're going to play a bigger role, and then...nothing. Maybe they had something to do with the missing pages and Unicron's weakness?

I'm also curious as to how the Transformers mythos would've changed if this was the first origin for Unicron; maybe Furman wouldn't create the whole Unicron/Primus mythos and Unicron would lose his later Satanic, uber-evil representation in later media? The Junkions would've replaced the Quintessons as the recurring, but more benevolent, precursors?

Also fun to know this was being worked since before the cartoon was aired; they really went all out with G1! :shock:

Bumblevivisector wrote:Said it before, and I'll say it again and again, some comic company that gets the TF license in the future needs to start a tradition of doing a miniseries each year that adapts each of these early TFTM scripts, preferably devoting 4 to 6 issues to each in order to showcase every known piece of unused concept art.

Maybe start with this one while it's fresh in everyone's minds, then the following Friedman draft that was released as a PDF (through Disciples of Boltax?) about 15 years ago, with the Anibots, the Life Sparks of past 'Con leaders being rebuilt into Cyclonus and Scourge + minions, the Autobot Decoys growing from tiny versions reminiscent of the actual toy Decoys before Ultra Magnus deliberately lets Galvatron kill him, and Hot Rod getting cover fire from Jazz and other 'Bots on the moons Ingestor ate, still tangled in his innards.

Then go back to Flint Dille's original "Secret of Cybertron" script; if he can't find that in his closet as well, just pay him to rewrite it from memory!

Maybe add a framing story of Vector Prime obsessing over this critical juncture in the multiverse to explain why it'll be forever revisited. I've still got over a decade of catch-up on IDW comics ahead of me, but THAT I'd buy and read every year!

Heck, you don't even need the framing story; all the The Star Wars series needed was say "hey, here's the first draft of the first movie, wanna buy a comic about it?". I'd easily buy any of the 3 drafts, or all 3, as a comic series. Maybe make a whole series of unused Transformers drafts/pilots.

Moonshot wrote:
Sabrblade wrote:
Moonshot wrote:Well, thats pretty bad, but very interesting to see now. Basically everything was better in the final movie. But hindsight and all. One thing I do notice is they pretty much used the character design of Col Rusty as Lt Falcon later in the GI Joe movie. Very cool of Sabr to put this up here and Jim, Chris to put it all together and present it. What a find. I can only imagine some of the stuff Flint Dille and others from back then have in closets or have thrown away, hehe. Thanks everyone involved.
All the new character designs in this are fan art. They are not actually what they would have all looked like.

I had read that in the article. Pretty good job they did as well, from some of the original descriptions in the script and their own artistic imaginations.

Actually, at least a few are based on Floro Dery's own artwork; namely Magnus and the Quintesson.

Cyber Bishop wrote:
Bumblevivisector wrote:
Cyber Bishop wrote:NOW based on this fan art I would be curious if they attempted to make Tanker a toy using the current technology. I would most likely buy him in a heartbeat.
Well, if Studio series ever exhausts '86 designs and faces another gap before the next live action film, they could produce toys based on early concept art and vague descriptions, like when we finally got actual Star Wars figures of McQuarrie's original designs. For both TF:TM and the live action films, that is.

:-D :-D :-D :-D :-D

Ohh, a Studio Series Draft subline? Me likes! :-D I was thinking precisely how I'd love a toy of Tanker and Rails (also Mentlar, Chemisto and Granix, but I admit I might be alone with these three)! Maybe add some of the other concept art, like the Unicron-bug moon or the Univorsum planet-bot (or his guard).
Re: First Draft of The Transformers Movie 86 at TFNation 2022 (2142694)
Posted by chuckdawg1999 on August 24th, 2022 @ 6:16pm CDT
Perhaps Ron Friedman was basing some of the plot off of the pre, pre-transformers concepts, that odd storyline where Bumblebee looked more like a Go-Bot, I think it was going to be the Mysterions? This really feels like a Mysterions story.
Re: First Draft of The Transformers Movie 86 at TFNation 2022 (2142696)
Posted by Sabrblade on August 24th, 2022 @ 6:55pm CDT
MaximalNui wrote:Actually, at least a few are based on Floro Dery's own artwork; namely Magnus and the Quintesson.
Those designs aren't of "new" characters. I was talking about only the characters who exist specific to this draft, whose designs were newly made from scratch in the presentation's artwork.

chuckdawg1999 wrote:Perhaps Ron Friedman was basing some of the plot off of the pre, pre-transformers concepts, that odd storyline where Bumblebee looked more like a Go-Bot, I think it was going to be the Mysterions? This really feels like a Mysterions story.
According to fellow user Greebtron, much of this draft's plot beats were recycled by Friedman from the second G.I. Joe miniseries, The Revenge of Cobra.

Also, you're confusing Mysterians with Car and Cable.
Re: First Draft of The Transformers Movie 86 at TFNation 2022 (2142731)
Posted by Greebtron on August 24th, 2022 @ 10:26pm CDT
Sabrblade wrote:
chuckdawg1999 wrote:Perhaps Ron Friedman was basing some of the plot off of the pre, pre-transformers concepts, that odd storyline where Bumblebee looked more like a Go-Bot, I think it was going to be the Mysterions? This really feels like a Mysterions story.
According to fellow user Greebtron, much of this draft's plot beats were recycled by Friedman from the second G.I. Joe miniseries, The Revenge of Cobra.

Also, you're confusing Mysterians with Car and Cable.

Well, all 4 G.I Joe miniseries and both TFTM scripts share the same plot structure, but Revenge Of Cobra (the second one) was the most recent one at the time and the one it most resembles. Where it maintains enough of a through-line until the halfway point (in this case, after the fight on the asteroid) before the protagonists are split off in three directions and we ping-pong mercilessly between their plots, usually spending a minute or less on each location before cutting somewhere else.
Re: First Draft of The Transformers Movie 86 at TFNation 2022 (2142738)
Posted by Bumblevivisector on August 25th, 2022 @ 2:02am CDT
Sabrblade wrote:
chuckdawg1999 wrote:Perhaps Ron Friedman was basing some of the plot off of the pre, pre-transformers concepts, that odd storyline where Bumblebee looked more like a Go-Bot, I think it was going to be the Mysterions? This really feels like a Mysterions story.
According to fellow user Greebtron, much of this draft's plot beats were recycled by Friedman from the second G.I. Joe miniseries, The Revenge of Cobra.

Also, you're confusing Mysterians with Car and Cable.

I've read Jim Shooters's blog, but not Car and Cable. Considering Galaxy Rangers had a robotic regular named Buzzwang, I guess "Muffy" is innocuous by comparison. Indeed, he looks like a cross between Super-GoBots Bug Bite and Bumblebee's "Decepticon Patrol" body.

And since GoBots came up, I recently watched the entire series, and read Counter-X's commentary that even though Tonka got their product out first, every move their franchise made was in response to something Hasbro was going to do with TF, beating them to the punch by cutting corners like oversight of the cartoon etc. But since Friedman was clearly spitballing ideas in this first draft, I wonder if some of them were ways in which Hasbro could emulate their competition's more eccentric moves.

Namely Rails. Although he surely influenced Dragon Beast and Sky Lynx down the road, a rectangular robot snake monster just makes me think of this fellow:

Though "Rails" rhymes with Tonka's other similar but actually transforming original toy:

If only Hanna Barbera would release the first draft of 'Gobots: Battle of the Rock Lords', man that would...surely end up being boring as slag compared to the insanity of these TF:TM drafts we now know of. And appropriately so.
Re: First Draft of The Transformers Movie 86 at TFNation 2022 (2142746)
Posted by Greebtron on August 25th, 2022 @ 6:23am CDT
Well, thanks to Jim Sorenson making it public, we do have the outline (which I'm guessing is how far it got) of an earlier version of the Go-Bots movie: Starquest. ... sp=sharing

If there's not time to go through 41 pages, the Go-Bots wiki has the writeup:

Certainly interesting in terms of the overall focus, which is basically "Go-Bots will continue, along with these Rock People we're bringing in", as opposed to the finished film, which was "Go-Bots is dead, everything has to be about Rock Lords now."
Re: First Draft of The Transformers Movie 86 at TFNation 2022 (2142795)
Posted by Hero Alpha on August 25th, 2022 @ 1:21pm CDT
Am I the only one that just doesnt care for Floro Dery's concept art? I am glad it had very little to do with Transformer design/looks. He does awesome background work though. Its just all the little gears and steampunk look(for lack of a better term), I really dont like. I know the new movie characters are a lot his designs. But without the overdone details or greebling I guess we call it now.
Re: First Draft of The Transformers Movie 86 at TFNation 2022 (2142923)
Posted by Greebtron on August 27th, 2022 @ 8:32am CDT
Full panel videos are here: ... gust-14th/

Just remember that these are uploads, which have a data transfer quota for free viewing. You may need to pace out how much you view each day.
Re: First Draft of The Transformers Movie 86 at TFNation 2022 (2144079)
Posted by sto_vo_kor_2000 on September 8th, 2022 @ 10:04pm CDT
This is fantastic I love it and the new information is found
Re: First Draft of The Transformers Movie 86 at TFNation 2022 (2144370)
Posted by Sabrblade on September 11th, 2022 @ 10:45pm CDT
Here's something else fun that Chris McFeely hosted at TFNation: The Matrix Test:

My score: 30/35.

The ones that stumped me or I ran out of time before realizing the answer were 1.5 (didn't recognize the commonality), 2.4 (didn't remember their names until time ran out), 2.5 (didn't recognize the picture), 3.4 (failed to recognize the pattern), and 5.8 (thought too hardly about the R to realize who it was before time ran out).
Re: First Draft of The Transformers Movie 86 at TFNation 2022 (2150275)
Posted by Greebtron on November 30th, 2022 @ 8:43pm CST
I've been given clearance for the next stage of showcasing this script. Back in January 2021, I completed a 16k word detailed outline of the script, having read all 210 pages thoroughly to make sure nothing was missed. Done my best to approach it impartially and from the perspective of someone reading it when it was received in February 1985. With no reference to what came later, save for the little sub-headings I've put on the story beats.
Now at last, I can show my work to the public:


Re: First Draft of The Transformers Movie 86 at TFNation 2022 (2153621)
Posted by Greebtron on January 12th, 2023 @ 7:25pm CST
Full videos of the panel are now up on the Youtubes

Act I

Act II


And the next day "Making Of" panel

Re: First Draft of The Transformers Movie 86 at TFNation 2022 (2153761)
Posted by Sabrblade on January 14th, 2023 @ 9:10pm CST
Finally had a chance to watch all four videos. Boy, did I sure get a lot of little details wrong in my write-up.

Broad details were fine, but little things were confused in the second-hand reports on Discord and Twitter that I was going off of.
Re: First Draft of The Transformers Movie 86 at TFNation 2022 (2153762)
Posted by Greebtron on January 14th, 2023 @ 9:16pm CST
Sabrblade wrote:Finally had a chance to watch all four videos. Boy, did I sure get a lot of little details wrong in my write-up.

Broad details were fine, but little things were confused in the second-hand reports on Discord and Twitter that I was going off of.

It's understandable given that these 3 panels were blocked out at 30 minutes each. As you can see from the videos, the total overrun was about 40 minutes and they still had to speedrun through a lot of the second half. The script is just that crammed with repetitive and redundant material.

Since then, I've had permission given to release my detailed outline, going off my thorough reading of the script two years ago: ... first.html
Re: First Draft of The Transformers Movie 86 at TFNation 2022 (2157204)
Posted by Greebtron on March 3rd, 2023 @ 4:17pm CST
In just over a week, the 13 year wait will be over: ... unbow.html


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