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First Images Of Upcoming Studio Series Jolt and ROTF Sideswipe

Transformers News: First Images Of Upcoming Studio Series Jolt and ROTF Sideswipe

Tuesday, June 29th, 2021 8:32AM CDT

Categories: Movie Related News, Toy News, Rumors
Posted by: william-james88   Views: 91,526

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Fellow Seibertronian EvasionModeBumblebee, among others, alerted us of new images showing the upcoming deluxe Studio Series Jolt and ROTF Sideswipe. These deluxes are going to be in the same wave as the previously revealed SS 86 Gnaw figure. Jolt is a completely new mold while Sideswipe is a retool of the DOTM SIdeswipe figure we got a few years ago. The molding differences are all in the alt mode since he is no longer a convertible here.

These should be coming out in a couple of months and their preorders were already available when the full waves became available to purchase a month ago on a few sites like BBTS and Entertainment Earth. However, both these toys are called "TBA" in those full wave listings. We don't now when Hasbro will choose to reveal them officially but it should be soon or else we will see these at retail before the reveal.

Transformers News: First Images pf Upcoming Studio Series Jolt and ROTF Sideswipe

Transformers News: First Images pf Upcoming Studio Series Jolt and ROTF Sideswipe

Transformers News: First Images pf Upcoming Studio Series Jolt and ROTF Sideswipe

Transformers News: First Images pf Upcoming Studio Series Jolt and ROTF Sideswipe

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Re: First Images Of Upcoming Studio Series Jolt and ROTF Sideswipe (2108605)
Posted by Munkky on June 29th, 2021 @ 10:39am CDT
I've been waiting a long time for this reveal, as I suspected it looks as if Jolt has been modeled on his final design in the movie rather than the concept art that every other Jolt toy is based on. He's a bit kibbly, but still looks okay, I may need to see a few more images before I commit to buying one.
Re: First Images Of Upcoming Studio Series Jolt and ROTF Sideswipe (2108607)
Posted by That_Guy on June 29th, 2021 @ 10:55am CDT
It's sad I keep forgetting Jolt exists. I feel like he didn't get much love in the toyline.
Re: First Images Of Upcoming Studio Series Jolt and ROTF Sideswipe (2108608)
Posted by Spider5800 on June 29th, 2021 @ 10:56am CDT
I have the original RotF Jolt, and he's such a minor character that I was going to skip this, but that actually looks pretty good.

Having a hard time telling from EvasionMode's pics if it's actually more accurate, though, haha. Can't even tell if he had those turbine's/fans on his chest in the movie. The hands look better, at least. :lol:
Re: First Images Of Upcoming Studio Series Jolt and ROTF Sideswipe (2108609)
Posted by o.supreme on June 29th, 2021 @ 11:01am CDT
I'm going to be watching Pulse like a hawk for the next hour or so. There has only been ONE TF reveal in all of June, and I (randomly) predicted there would be *hopefully* one more, even in a GI Joe focused month of June. I believe we will be getting a LOT of reveals in July. Although I don't collect SS, I think it would be nice for Hasbro to throw it's fans a bone once in a while. ya'll have been more than patient.
Re: First Images Of Upcoming Studio Series Jolt and ROTF Sideswipe (2108610)
Posted by Spider5800 on June 29th, 2021 @ 11:06am CDT
That_Guy wrote:It's sad I keep forgetting Jolt exists. I feel like he didn't get much love in the toyline.

He actually did pretty good toywise for such a minor character. Two different deluxe versions between RotF and DotM (a movie he didn't even appear in), a few repaints, and I believe a legends figure too.


Edit: Takara had a really good repaint of the DotM mold with better accessories, too.

Re: First Images Of Upcoming Studio Series Jolt and ROTF Sideswipe (2108613)
Posted by JazztfLaw on June 29th, 2021 @ 11:27am CDT
Figures.... I gave up hope that they would ever release a ROTF remold of, Sideswipe, that I went bought the current one for 30 bucks extra. Way to go, Hasbro. Your timing is beautiful :roll:
Re: First Images Of Upcoming Studio Series Jolt and ROTF Sideswipe (2108614)
Posted by jtanimator on June 29th, 2021 @ 11:29am CDT
o.supreme wrote: I think it would be nice for Hasbro to throw it's fans a bone once in a while. ya'll have been more than patient.

Thank you, kind sir, for being considerate enough to say this. It's rare for non SS series fans to understand that large amounts of people still like what they may not, and every part of this fandom deserves their portion of fun.

Concerning this reveal, this Jolt is about as kibble heavy as car bots come, but it is pretty dang accurate so He'll certainly be in my collection! Finally, he's been revealed!!
Re: First Images Of Upcoming Studio Series Jolt and ROTF Sideswipe (2108615)
Posted by That_Guy on June 29th, 2021 @ 12:07pm CDT
Spider5800 wrote:
That_Guy wrote:It's sad I keep forgetting Jolt exists. I feel like he didn't get much love in the toyline.

He actually did pretty good toywise for such a minor character. Two different deluxe versions between RotF and DotM (a movie he didn't even appear in), a few repaints, and I believe a legends figure too.


Edit: Takara had a really good repaint of the DotM mold with better accessories, too.


I wanna say Hasbro had a really good one that was suppose to come out, but it got cancelled. I never really looked at the Takara ones, at least then I didnt. As I didnt think I could obtain those. I was always a brick and motar guy back then.
Re: First Images Of Upcoming Studio Series Jolt and ROTF Sideswipe (2108616)
Posted by Jelze Bunnycat on June 29th, 2021 @ 12:21pm CDT
That_Guy wrote:I wanna say Hasbro had a really good one that was suppose to come out, but it got cancelled.

He actually was at one point, as the ones involved in the movie couldn't make up their minds whether or to include him. That lead to the design of his original toy being halted upon notification he was cut, only to be rushed to completion when they realised the news was a tad premature. That's why the original wasn't... quite to standard, even with the line plagued by late mold changes of earlier figures thanks to the 2008 crisis.
Re: First Images Of Upcoming Studio Series Jolt and ROTF Sideswipe (2108624)
Posted by Tuned Agent on June 29th, 2021 @ 12:48pm CDT
Jolt finally revealed! And... I'm so used to his RotF toy design that his hands are the only thing that looks familiar on this toy. I need to re-familiarize myself with Jolt. :lol:

I never really liked the original SS Sideswipe, mostly because of his deco. He used this cheap looking (IMO) light gray plastic for a lot of his parts that really clashed with his silver alt mode parts. This version fixes all of those deco issues, and just generally looks so much more visually consistent. Changing the plastic colors, painting the head, forearms, torso and wheel rims, and not having two-tone thighs makes a MASSIVE difference. Plus, I always preferred the RotF alt mode. This guy looks fantastic, I just hope he still has his guns.
Re: First Images Of Upcoming Studio Series Jolt and ROTF Sideswipe (2108625)
Posted by william-james88 on June 29th, 2021 @ 12:50pm CDT
That_Guy wrote:It's sad I keep forgetting Jolt exists. I feel like he didn't get much love in the toyline.

I would say Jolt got a ton of love (like 4 toys at least) compared to characters that were in there for as long as him and got no toys so far (like Devcon).
Re: First Images Of Upcoming Studio Series Jolt and ROTF Sideswipe (2108631)
Posted by Nemesis Primal on June 29th, 2021 @ 1:13pm CDT
I'll be honest, I kinda burnt out and lost interest in SS last year and ended up skipping a few figures I intended to get (Jet Shatter and Blitzwing, mainly), and so far this year only select SS86 figures had caught my eye, but I've been campaigning for a new Jolt in this line since it started, so of course he's the one to bring me back in. He looks good, I'm sure he'll look better with his kibble transformed properly (since it looks different in every shot), and hey, I was today years old when I learned that Jolt has had the wrong head for the past 12 years and was supposed to be Garrus Vakarian this whole time.

Sideswipe is a pass since I got the DotM one already.
Re: First Images Of Upcoming Studio Series Jolt and ROTF Sideswipe (2108642)
Posted by hausjam on June 29th, 2021 @ 1:32pm CDT
2021. And Hasbro is still making shellformers. It was a fun gimmick 20 years ago. Now it's just lazy and ugly. (I mean, I am too, but I am not trying to get paid for lazy and ugly)
Re: First Images Of Upcoming Studio Series Jolt and ROTF Sideswipe (2108649)
Posted by Sabrblade on June 29th, 2021 @ 2:07pm CDT
hausjam wrote:2021. And Hasbro is still making shellformers. It was a fun gimmick 20 years ago. Now it's just lazy and ugly. (I mean, I am too, but I am not trying to get paid for lazy and ugly)
You do know that all that kibble is how Jolt's CG model from Paramount and ILM looks, right?
Re: First Images Of Upcoming Studio Series Jolt and ROTF Sideswipe (2108660)
Posted by EvasionModeBumblebee on June 29th, 2021 @ 3:05pm CDT
More pics of Jolt and Sideswipe. Jolt seems to have much longer whips than what appeared in the first round of pics (and appears to be somewhat better transformed here, though they forgot to fold up the tires on his hip panels), and we get confirmation that Sideswipe will have his guns.

The post also claims to have pics of SS High Octane Bumblebee, which is identical to the release from a 2017 box set. JTPrime confirmed that it is, in fact, a new production number, so this does seem legit.

Here's a few of the notable ones:

Jolt 1.jpg

Jolt 2.jpg
Re: First Images Of Upcoming Studio Series Jolt and ROTF Sideswipe (2108666)
Posted by Rtron on June 29th, 2021 @ 3:54pm CDT
Yay, I love Jolt! Despite him barely existing. I think it's because he's basically the only normal car in the movies. Also, he is easily headcanoned into a sort of nurse robot because of his tiny role in combining Optimus and... Jetfire's corpse. I just love bots with civilian roles and everyday altmodes. They feel more like "robots in disguise" to me. Everyone else in the movies is some custom vehicle or ultra expensive car, they'd catch a lot of eyes. Not a very good disguise. I still remember the only Camaro I've seen in my life, and it turned out it belonged to a local drug lord. But I wouldn't look twice if I saw a car that looked like Jolt's alt mode on the street.

o.supreme wrote:I'm going to be watching Pulse like a hawk for the next hour or so. There has only been ONE TF reveal in all of June, and I (randomly) predicted there would be *hopefully* one more, even in a GI Joe focused month of June. I believe we will be getting a LOT of reveals in July. Although I don't collect SS, I think it would be nice for Hasbro to throw it's fans a bone once in a while. ya'll have been more than patient.

Such a nice comment! Very much appreciated. You were right about the reveal, although it turned out to be a Jurassic Park one.
Re: First Images Of Upcoming Studio Series Jolt and ROTF Sideswipe (2108689)
Posted by EvasionModeBumblebee on June 29th, 2021 @ 6:30pm CDT
Quick edit to my post from earlier, JTPrime found that the production number on that High Octane Bee is actually new. Looks like it is getting reissued, likely as a part of Buzzworthy.

That's really disappointing for me, High Octane Bee is the only deluxe Bayverse Bumblebee I don't like.
Re: First Images Of Upcoming Studio Series Jolt and ROTF Sideswipe (2108697)
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on June 29th, 2021 @ 7:45pm CDT
I hope they officially reveal all these guys soon. I want to see some good stock photos to take a deeper look at the new guys, Jolt especially with his movie accurate head for the first time ever.

I will be very sad if they just reissue the original High Octane Bee. that mold really needed another go, it was probably bottom 3 weakest AOE toys to come out. Which is a shame because that design is really nice.
Re: First Images Of Upcoming Studio Series Jolt and ROTF Sideswipe (2108699)
Posted by Overcracker on June 29th, 2021 @ 7:47pm CDT
Sideswipe looks pretty cool, Hopefully I can get him.

Also, am I the only one having issues accessing this site? Seems I can only access it on my phone’s cellular connection. When using Wi-Fi it simply won’t load. And the report a problem thread just gives me a 503 error.
Re: First Images Of Upcoming Studio Series Jolt and ROTF Sideswipe (2108701)
Posted by Rtron on June 29th, 2021 @ 7:50pm CDT
EvasionModeBumblebee wrote:Quick edit to my post from earlier, JTPrime found that the production number on that High Octane Bee is actually new. Looks like it is getting reissued, likely as a part of Buzzworthy.

That's really disappointing for me, High Octane Bee is the only deluxe Bayverse Bumblebee I don't like.

Oh, I hope that's not really the case, it was a very disappointing figure. And a new, good one would be a pretty easy remold from SS-01/27.
Re: First Images Of Upcoming Studio Series Jolt and ROTF Sideswipe (2108706)
Posted by EvasionModeBumblebee on June 29th, 2021 @ 8:38pm CDT
There is a possibility that this Bee will be a part of Buzzworthy but not Studio Series, leaving room for a new Studio Series one.

For example, there was a repaint of the original 1976 Camaro Bumblebee mold in a box set (with the prior release of HO Bee) that came out less than a year before SS-01 was released. Hasbro definitely knew they had a new mold in development, but they used the older mold in the meantime since the new one wouldn’t be out for a while longer. Maybe that’s the situation we’re in now?
Re: First Images Of Upcoming Studio Series Jolt and ROTF Sideswipe (2108710)
Posted by Sentinel_Primal on June 29th, 2021 @ 9:12pm CDT
EvasionModeBumblebee wrote:There is a possibility that this Bee will be a part of Buzzworthy but not Studio Series, leaving room for a new Studio Series one.

For example, there was a repaint of the original 1976 Camaro Bumblebee mold in a box set (with the prior release of HO Bee) that came out less than a year before SS-01 was released. Hasbro definitely knew they had a new mold in development, but they used the older mold in the meantime since the new one wouldn’t be out for a while longer. Maybe that’s the situation we’re in now?

Does Age of Extinction have a big anniversary coming soon? Cause if not, then I kind of doubt that they're using it as a placeholder until the new figure cause typically when they use an old mold instead of a new, more accurate one, it's because they have a big anniversary coming up and can't wait for the new mold. The only recent one I can think of was the use of IDW Blurr in the TF:TM boxset instead of the Titans Return one that was coming out a year later.

That said, it's not impossible. After all, they repainted AOE Bee into TLK Bee because they hadn't finished the mold for actual TLK Bee by the first wave of figures after all.
Re: First Images Of Upcoming Studio Series Jolt and ROTF Sideswipe (2108711)
Posted by Mindmaster on June 29th, 2021 @ 9:12pm CDT
I don’t remember Jolt’s head looking like… that. Then again, it’s been a very long time since I last watched Revenge of the Fallen so I might be misremembering. Won’t stop me from getting him, and I like Sideswipe with a hardtop hood more than his convertible hood version so I’ll get him too.
Re: First Images Of Upcoming Studio Series Jolt and ROTF Sideswipe (2108722)
Posted by Sabrblade on June 29th, 2021 @ 10:01pm CDT
Mindmaster wrote:I don’t remember Jolt’s head looking like… that. Then again, it’s been a very long time since I last watched Revenge of the Fallen so I might be misremembering. Won’t stop me from getting him, and I like Sideswipe with a hardtop hood more than his convertible hood version so I’ll get him too.
Yeah, most of Jolt's previous toys had a head design based on early concept art instead of his onscreen movie model.
Re: First Images Of Upcoming Studio Series Jolt and ROTF Sideswipe (2108838)
Posted by LinaNui on July 1st, 2021 @ 8:26am CDT ... =chefatron

We've got our best look yet at BB movie Thrust from chefatron. I got say, he looks really good and I can not wait to add him to my collection! I am actually looking forward to all the repaints, especially the skywarp that :TAKARATOMY: leaked already.
Re: First Images Of Upcoming Studio Series Jolt and ROTF Sideswipe (2108842)
Posted by -Kanrabat- on July 1st, 2021 @ 9:13am CDT
Greetings Seibertronians!

Fellow user LinaNui pointed us out that Youtuber chefatron found SS-76 Thrust!
He found it at his local Toys R Us in Asia.

This voyager class figure is a repaint/retool of SS-72 Bumblebee Movie Starscream. Thrust have a new head with a "gaz mask" much like Blitzwing. A "conehead crest" have been added behind his head to give him that iconic "conehead" look. His overall colors give strong Armada Thrust vibes.

chefatron may have landed a serious lemon with his SS-72 Starscream. But this time around, it seems that Thrust's quality is greatly improved over his moldmate.

You can check out the video review below:

What do you think of this release? Will this Thrust be the gateway to build yet another seeker armada?

Please let us know!
Re: First Images Of Upcoming Studio Series Jolt and ROTF Sideswipe (2109017)
Posted by EvasionModeBumblebee on July 2nd, 2021 @ 10:57pm CDT
Box pics for Jolt and ROTF Bee:




Jolt has a seemingly new render of what he actually looks like in the movie, can’t wait for some clearer pics of that. It also looks like Jolt might have a new backdrop.

I’ve always liked that render for ROTF Bee, so I’m glad they’re using it here, especially since the Buzzworthy release used 07 Bee art instead of an ROTF render.
Re: First Images Of Upcoming Studio Series Jolt and ROTF Sideswipe (2109070)
Posted by EvasionModeBumblebee on July 3rd, 2021 @ 6:11pm CDT
The newest wave of SS Leaders has been spotted at a Target in the US (Virginia), including Grindor.
Re: First Images Of Upcoming Studio Series Jolt and ROTF Sideswipe (2109071)
Posted by Hellscream9999 on July 3rd, 2021 @ 7:01pm CDT
I know selects don't use studio molds, but I would kill for a darksteel retool of sidswipe, that was a killer figure
Re: First Images Of Upcoming Studio Series Jolt and ROTF Sideswipe (2109077)
Posted by EvasionModeBumblebee on July 3rd, 2021 @ 8:15pm CDT
Hellscream9999 wrote:I know selects don't use studio molds, but I would kill for a darksteel retool of sidswipe, that was a killer figure

I’m all for a Studio Selects line, it’d be cool to get figures like Stealth Bumblebee with the updated molds.
Re: First Images Of Upcoming Studio Series Jolt and ROTF Sideswipe (2109079)
Posted by -Kanrabat- on July 3rd, 2021 @ 8:32pm CDT
EvasionModeBumblebee wrote:
Hellscream9999 wrote:I know selects don't use studio molds, but I would kill for a darksteel retool of sidswipe, that was a killer figure

I’m all for a Studio Selects line, it’d be cool to get figures like Stealth Bumblebee with the updated molds.

It could also be a good opportunity to have a few OFFICIAL Nemesis Primes. Both ROTF and Bee Movie versions.
Re: First Images Of Upcoming Studio Series Jolt and ROTF Sideswipe (2109082)
Posted by william-james88 on July 3rd, 2021 @ 10:45pm CDT
Firstly, the final Studio Series leader class toys of 2021 are out at US retail. Those are Grindor with Ravage and Slag. They were found at Target in Virginia by TF fans Bryanwes and mlgpapalouie. As predicted, Grindor is out before Hasbro officially revealed him.

We also finally have stock images for Studio Series ROTF Bumblebee, Jolt and Sweep. As the Studio Series 86 line is all about movie accuracy, the Sweep is indeed almost identical to Scourge. The only difference with this toy seems to be that he has the "closed" hand on the left. Scourge had been hard to find for many and the sweeps are supposed to all look the same as him so this just makes any army building easier and gives others a chance to add Scourge to their collection.

Jolt's box is rather noteworthy since this is the very first accurate image we have ever had of his final look in the movie. These product images came from a site called koreannet.








Re: First Images Of Upcoming Studio Series Jolt and ROTF Sideswipe (2109083)
Posted by Mechastrike on July 3rd, 2021 @ 11:08pm CDT shows pics of Scourge and a Sweep.
me: they're the same picture.
Re: First Images Of Upcoming Studio Series Jolt and ROTF Sideswipe (2109084)
Posted by Sabrblade on July 3rd, 2021 @ 11:11pm CDT
Mechastrike shows pics of Scourge and a Sweep.
me: they're the same picture.
Look closer.
Re: First Images Of Upcoming Studio Series Jolt and ROTF Sideswipe (2109085)
Posted by -Kanrabat- on July 3rd, 2021 @ 11:13pm CDT
Sabrblade wrote:
Mechastrike shows pics of Scourge and a Sweep.
me: they're the same picture.
Look closer.

The joke is there's barely any difference.
Did I really had to explain it? #-o
Re: First Images Of Upcoming Studio Series Jolt and ROTF Sideswipe (2109086)
Posted by william-james88 on July 3rd, 2021 @ 11:35pm CDT
Mechastrike shows pics of Scourge and a Sweep.
me: they're the same picture.

Joking aside, this is the best scenario to satisfy both army builders and ensure everyone gets scourge. Don't know of they opted for this instead of simply repacking scourge so to ensure that stores would stock a "different" product and make sure everyone gets as many as they need.
Re: First Images Of Upcoming Studio Series Jolt and ROTF Sideswipe (2109087)
Posted by King Kuuga on July 4th, 2021 @ 12:02am CDT

That said I'll be buying two Sweeps and selling off my duplicate Scourge.
Re: First Images Of Upcoming Studio Series Jolt and ROTF Sideswipe (2109091)
Posted by transformers_va on July 4th, 2021 @ 12:52am CDT
Looks like Slag was actually found in Virginia, NOT West Virginia as reported by william-james
Re: First Images Of Upcoming Studio Series Jolt and ROTF Sideswipe (2109092)
Posted by transformers_va on July 4th, 2021 @ 1:10am CDT
King Kuuga wrote:Mandatory:

That said I'll be buying two Sweeps and selling off my duplicate Scourge.

His left hand is different.. completely worth it :-D
Re: First Images Of Upcoming Studio Series Jolt and ROTF Sideswipe (2109093)
Posted by Ultra Markus on July 4th, 2021 @ 1:45am CDT
I guess we will have to wait for someone's toy review of the sweep to really see if there are any differences besides the hand swap
the fact is there shouldn't be any differences at all but it would be nice to have the sweeps at least have a slightly different shade of blue than scourge
Re: First Images Of Upcoming Studio Series Jolt and ROTF Sideswipe (2109094)
Posted by Razorbeast88 on July 4th, 2021 @ 2:07am CDT
transformers_va wrote:Looks like Slag was actually found in Virginia, NOT West Virginia as reported by william-james

Mountain mama?
Re: First Images Of Upcoming Studio Series Jolt and ROTF Sideswipe (2109095)
Posted by Blackstreak on July 4th, 2021 @ 3:52am CDT
Did anyoen else notice there is a difference in the chest piece of The Sweep? I think the head module is slightly smaller too.
Re: First Images Of Upcoming Studio Series Jolt and ROTF Sideswipe (2109096)
Posted by Munkky on July 4th, 2021 @ 5:03am CDT
As far as I can tell, other than the remoulded hands the only big difference I can see with the Sweep is the blues and greys seem to be slightly different shades, with the Sweep's greys having a feint purple tint to them. But that could just be the lighting quality in the photo.
Re: First Images Of Upcoming Studio Series Jolt and ROTF Sideswipe (2109100)
Posted by Gauntlet101010 on July 4th, 2021 @ 7:50am CDT
I'm going to go out on a limb and that that's lighting.

The more I think about it, the more I think I think the way they handled it was for the best. At least for this line.
Re: First Images Of Upcoming Studio Series Jolt and ROTF Sideswipe (2109102)
Posted by AllNewSuperRobot on July 4th, 2021 @ 8:30am CDT
I thought the SS Sweeps were rumoured to be a two pack IE specifically due to their Army Building nature?
Re: First Images Of Upcoming Studio Series Jolt and ROTF Sideswipe (2109103)
Posted by -Kanrabat- on July 4th, 2021 @ 8:47am CDT
AllNewSuperRobot wrote:I thought the SS Sweeps were rumoured to be a two pack IE specifically due to their Army Building nature?

Very rare are those who would buy a two pack of the EXACT SAME TOY.

If such a two pack would be a thing, one of the two should have a different facial expression plus added deco like the good old "battle damage".

Sweep is basically a re-release of Scourge anyway.
Re: First Images Of Upcoming Studio Series Jolt and ROTF Sideswipe (2109105)
Posted by TF-fan kev777 on July 4th, 2021 @ 8:49am CDT
Managed to find Slag and Grindor this morning. Its going to be a good day.
Re: First Images Of Upcoming Studio Series Jolt and ROTF Sideswipe (2109106)
Posted by AllNewSuperRobot on July 4th, 2021 @ 9:12am CDT
-Kanrabat- wrote:
AllNewSuperRobot wrote:I thought the SS Sweeps were rumoured to be a two pack IE specifically due to their Army Building nature?

Very rare are those who would buy a two pack of the EXACT SAME TOY.

You say that but...







That's the purpose of an army builder. Who would want only one Sweep? Perhaps if they release SS Cyclonus Armada. That would be passable as a lone release.
Re: First Images Of Upcoming Studio Series Jolt and ROTF Sideswipe (2109107)
Posted by -Kanrabat- on July 4th, 2021 @ 9:18am CDT
But those are clearly aimed at collectors and not for a wide release. :-?

I wonder how those sets would fare if they weren't limited exclusives?
Re: First Images Of Upcoming Studio Series Jolt and ROTF Sideswipe (2109108)
Posted by AllNewSuperRobot on July 4th, 2021 @ 9:24am CDT
Well Hasbro have released three packs of GI Joe figures for mass retail. One "main" character, alongside two army building troopers. They sell relatively well. I have seen shops that stock NECA Foot Soldiers, selling faster than the other figures. Boss Fight Studios even commented on their social media, that the Toad Troopers are the best sellers of the Bucky line. Wherein no one ever buys them singularly.

That is the whole point of army builders. You couldn't have an effective display, for example, with Shredder commanding a single Foot Soldier.

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Posted: Saturday, July 13th, 2024

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