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First Look at Transformers Kingdom Dinobot, Ultra Magnus and Inferno

Transformers News: First Look at Transformers Kingdom Dinobot, Ultra Magnus and Inferno

Friday, November 20th, 2020 2:14PM CST

Category: Toy News
Posted by: william-james88   Views: 46,993

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Big day for Transformers Kingdom news. We have our first look at more second wave figures. Not only do we have more pics of Airazor and Huffer, but we now also have Leader Ultra Magnus (who does indeed have an Earth Mode now), Inferno and Dinobot.

We have their packaging, which does indeed give us an idea of Airazor's wings in robot mode.

Let us know what you think.

Transformers News: First Look at Transformers Kingdom Dinobot, Ultra Magnus and Inferno

Transformers News: First Look at Transformers Kingdom Dinobot, Ultra Magnus and Inferno

Transformers News: First Look at Transformers Kingdom Dinobot, Ultra Magnus and Inferno

Transformers News: First Look at Transformers Kingdom Dinobot, Ultra Magnus and Inferno

Transformers News: First Look at Transformers Kingdom Dinobot, Ultra Magnus and Inferno

Transformers News: First Look at Transformers Kingdom Dinobot, Ultra Magnus and Inferno

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Re: First Look at Transformers Kingdom Dinobot, Ultra Magnus and Inferno (2087442)
Posted by Sentinel_Primal on November 20th, 2020 @ 2:17pm CST
Whoops, guess I should have waited :oops:
Re: First Look at Transformers Kingdom Dinobot, Ultra Magnus and Inferno (2087443)
Posted by GeekyGamer Gal on November 20th, 2020 @ 2:18pm CST
Oooh, Dinobot looks like a great upgrade to the original toy, and without the Masterpiece price tag.
Re: First Look at Transformers Kingdom Dinobot, Ultra Magnus and Inferno (2087444)
Posted by Brutal brawl on November 20th, 2020 @ 2:18pm CST
Re: First Look at Transformers Kingdom Dinobot, Ultra Magnus and Inferno (2087445)
Posted by Sentinel_Primal on November 20th, 2020 @ 2:21pm CST
I just realized that Dinobot has partial faux parts, rather than the full faux parts of the MP cause the raptor head folds into the center of the fake halves. That's really awesome!
Re: First Look at Transformers Kingdom Dinobot, Ultra Magnus and Inferno (2087446)
Posted by william-james88 on November 20th, 2020 @ 2:25pm CST
Lore Keeper wrote:Before I die, I'd like to see ONE person use a decent camera to break the news on leaked figures. Just. One.

Two posts below yours we got our very first look at Dinobot which I must say is a pretty good pic, inc comparison to everything else. You can die now.
Re: First Look at Transformers Kingdom Dinobot, Ultra Magnus and Inferno (2087447)
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on November 20th, 2020 @ 2:28pm CST
Very nice Dinobot.

Well, wave 2 will be pretty light for me. 2 deluxes and 1 voyager. But those 3 figures are looking pretty good so far, I'm excited for them
Re: First Look at Transformers Kingdom Dinobot, Ultra Magnus and Inferno (2087448)
Posted by WeatherManNX01 on November 20th, 2020 @ 2:31pm CST
Dinobot, Airizor, Huffer, and Inferno look great (as far as we can tell, at least). Ultra Magnus looks pretty good, but I need to see better images and size comparisons of both modes to determine if I'm going to replace the CW version.

Dinobot's head is gorgeous.

I'm most chuffed by Huffer out of that lot, which definitely looks better compared to his CW figure.
Re: First Look at Transformers Kingdom Dinobot, Ultra Magnus and Inferno (2087449)
Posted by Sentinel_Primal on November 20th, 2020 @ 2:33pm CST
WeatherManNX01 wrote:Dinobot, Airizor, Huffer, and Inferno look great (as far as we can tell, at least). Ultra Magnus looks pretty good, but I need to see better images and size comparisons of both modes to determine if I'm going to replace the CW version.

Dinobot's head is gorgeous.

I'm most chuffed by Huffer out of that lot, which definitely looks better compared to his CW figure.

Magnus is a retool of Siege to look more Earth-like so he'll be that size, and likely have a similar trailer section
Re: First Look at Transformers Kingdom Dinobot, Ultra Magnus and Inferno (2087451)
Posted by Razorbeast88 on November 20th, 2020 @ 2:37pm CST
I need that dinobot!
Im interested to see more of earth mode magnus as well
Re: First Look at Transformers Kingdom Dinobot, Ultra Magnus and Inferno (2087452)
Posted by Overcracker on November 20th, 2020 @ 2:41pm CST
Dinobot looks awesome. When is he available to pre-order?

I may be tempted to get Airazor.

Magnus, I'm guessing a retool to the cab section to make it more flat nosed earth / prime like. The trailer is likely going to be the same as WC and Netflix.
Re: First Look at Transformers Kingdom Dinobot, Ultra Magnus and Inferno (2087454)
Posted by Whifflefire on November 20th, 2020 @ 2:42pm CST
Very exciting! Glad Huffer appears to be pretty beefy, maybe he'll be able to carry Prime's trailer. Also glad they included Inferno's ear-wing things. Airrazor is very welcome, can't wait for Tigatron. :MAXIMAL:

I like the way Dinobot's beast head is framed by faux parts to be show accurate while having the correct transformation.
Re: First Look at Transformers Kingdom Dinobot, Ultra Magnus and Inferno (2087456)
Posted by sol magnus on November 20th, 2020 @ 2:47pm CST
WeatherManNX01 wrote:Dinobot, Airizor, Huffer, and Inferno look great (as far as we can tell, at least). Ultra Magnus looks pretty good, but I need to see better images and size comparisons of both modes to determine if I'm going to replace the CW version.

Dinobot's head is gorgeous.

I'm most chuffed by Huffer out of that lot, which definitely looks better compared to his CW figure.

He looks like a partial retool of the trailer and a full retool of the cab. I want to see his head, the eyes look different.
Re: First Look at Transformers Kingdom Dinobot, Ultra Magnus and Inferno (2087457)
Posted by william-james88 on November 20th, 2020 @ 2:48pm CST
Sentinel_Primal wrote:Whoops, guess I should have waited :oops:

You did fine, nothing wrong. I did take the credit though since I found it before seeing it elsewhere.

GeekyGamer Gal wrote:Oooh, Dinobot looks like a great upgrade to the original toy, and without the Masterpiece price tag.

It's really smart what they did there incorporating his beast head into his body while making it look show accurate (stretched out).

WeatherManNX01 wrote:Dinobot, Airizor, Huffer, and Inferno look great (as far as we can tell, at least). Ultra Magnus looks pretty good, but I need to see better images and size comparisons of both modes to determine if I'm going to replace the CW version.

it will be exactly the same as the difference in height of shown below:

Re: First Look at Transformers Kingdom Dinobot, Ultra Magnus and Inferno (2087460)
Posted by Sentinel_Primal on November 20th, 2020 @ 2:56pm CST
william-james88 wrote:
Sentinel_Primal wrote:Whoops, guess I should have waited :oops:

You did fine, nothing wrong. I did take the credit though since I found it before seeing it elsewhere.

Oh no, I was just trying to make a joke cause I literally hit the submit button and then when the page loaded I saw the news post. Guess it didn't really work, but not every joke works over text :lol:
Re: First Look at Transformers Kingdom Dinobot, Ultra Magnus and Inferno (2087461)
Posted by Notimus Crime on November 20th, 2020 @ 2:59pm CST
Airazor and Dinobot look really cool so far, but I'll have to wait until we get a more complete look at their robot modes (and beast modes) until I decide if I want them or not.

Inferno is basically a done deal. I know the mold is pretty great because I have Grapple, and it's looking even better as Inferno here.

Ultra Magnus....maybe. I don't have a Magnus, but it's hard for me to commit to saying whether or not I plan on getting another leader since I already plan on getting SS86 Grimlock and Kingdom Megs, and those'll be stretching my Trasformers budget pretty thin as is. So he'll probably go into the "might get but very low priority" pile along with Huffer.
Re: First Look at Transformers Kingdom Dinobot, Ultra Magnus and Inferno (2087462)
Posted by GeekyGamer Gal on November 20th, 2020 @ 3:00pm CST
Notimus Crime wrote:Airazor and Dinobot look really cool so far, but I'll have to wait until we get a more complete look at their robot modes (and beast modes) until I decide if I want them or not.

Yeah, I'm hoping that Dinobot doesn't have the robo prolapse of the Masterpiece in raptor mode.
Re: First Look at Transformers Kingdom Dinobot, Ultra Magnus and Inferno (2087463)
Posted by Fires_Of_Inferno on November 20th, 2020 @ 3:19pm CST
War for Cybertron Kingdom Inferno!



Re: First Look at Transformers Kingdom Dinobot, Ultra Magnus and Inferno (2087466)
Posted by Betenoire on November 20th, 2020 @ 3:42pm CST

Now give me a modern Gears, please, and Christmas 85 will be complete and modernized from the last few waves.

Dinobot looks good as well s Airazor. Weirdly unmoved by Inferno, maybe because of the MP I have.

And they can keep Magus. I have both the first release nd the netflix spoiler and am not interested in a slightly tweaked version of the figure, especially as for space reasons almost all my TFs are in bot mode and he doesn't seem to be retooled much-if any-in that form.
Re: First Look at Transformers Kingdom Dinobot, Ultra Magnus and Inferno (2087469)
Posted by blackeyedprime on November 20th, 2020 @ 4:09pm CST
Infernos a likely, dont really need it with having the MP but seeing as I dont have a toy version (unlike Grapple) I'll probably pick him up.

Predacon Dinobot will be a must, always thought the MP was too big to sit on any possible future transmetal rattrap and I think he will pair up nicely with MP Prime as a jurrasic park sized raptor.

Ultra Magnus, unless a size increase easy no. I've got the perfect effect kit coming for CW Magnus so I wont need to buy Kingdom and any future upgrade for him although it is hard to pass on any toy of Magnus.
Re: First Look at Transformers Kingdom Dinobot, Ultra Magnus and Inferno (2087470)
Posted by sol magnus on November 20th, 2020 @ 4:11pm CST
blackeyedprime wrote:Ultra Magnus, unless a size increase easy no. I've got the perfect effect kit coming for CW Magnus so I wont need to buy Kingdom and any future upgrade for him although it is hard to pass on any toy of Magnus.

Nearly impossible for me.
Re: First Look at Transformers Kingdom Dinobot, Ultra Magnus and Inferno (2087472)
Posted by blackeyedprime on November 20th, 2020 @ 4:20pm CST
sol magnus wrote:
blackeyedprime wrote:Ultra Magnus, unless a size increase easy no. I've got the perfect effect kit coming for CW Magnus so I wont need to buy Kingdom and any future upgrade for him although it is hard to pass on any toy of Magnus.

Nearly impossible for me.

If they ever do Kingdom selects in the rare G1 reissue repaints I will be in trouble as I would really want the Yellow version. Original diaclone advert using the diaclone/Delta Magnus as troop builder/carrier doesnt help any too.
Re: First Look at Transformers Kingdom Dinobot, Ultra Magnus and Inferno (2087473)
Posted by Rodimus Prime on November 20th, 2020 @ 4:23pm CST
I'm a bit disappointed in Cyclonus. He looks a bit too flat. The BW figures are a pass, not because they're bad, but because the ones I have already are good enough. And Magnus will depend on what the vehicle mode looks like.
Re: First Look at Transformers Kingdom Dinobot, Ultra Magnus and Inferno (2087477)
Posted by Munkky on November 20th, 2020 @ 5:13pm CST
Trying to use Arcee as a height comparison for the other Deluxes, Huffer seems to have a decent amount of bulk on him, I was expecting something closer in size to Earthrise Cliffjumper. Airazor and Dinobot look great and I can't wait to have both of them. Ultra Magnus is on my maybe pile, I still have the Seige figure but wouldn't mind an Earth vehicle mode version.
Re: First Look at Transformers Kingdom Dinobot, Ultra Magnus and Inferno (2087478)
Posted by Lunatic Prime on November 20th, 2020 @ 5:13pm CST
Huffer is actually a nice surprise to me. Before these images of him leaked he was a definite pass to me but I really like his alt mode in the box art. It looks pretty retro-styled modern or even futuristic and might even fit more into the design concept of the SIEGE than Earthrise line. I hope that the actual toy's alt mode looks exactly like the concept art. And I really like the shield. I have to say that since Earthrise there are quiet a few figures that got shields to get rid of alt mode kibble :-P
But I don't think that he could attach ER/K Prime's trailer appropriately because if you look at the pictures of him unpacked he has one 5 mm port in each of his shins which will be the truck's bed. But of course there might be another one in the middle. In the picture there's even another dark spot at the inner edge of his left shin so that's either a whole in the cardboard insert for the plastic straps he's attached with OR another 5 mm port for alt mode.
Airazor: I think I'll stick to my Armada one or maybe even get a Transmetals one.
Inferno: Grapple is definitely my preferred version of this mold.
Dinobot: The weapon shown in his box art looks like the original one and I'm pretty sure that it'll be his tail transformed because it's a good way to get rid of it being alt mode kibble in robot mode. But it's a bummer to not see his rapier in the box art. It's an indicator that he'll not come with it same as Cheetor didn't include his original weapon(s). But his chest transformation is pretty neat. I thought that the sides of the raptor head could possibly flip up to make it wider for robot mode and show his raptor eyes on his robot chest but also might not end up looking as good as how they actually solved this now and this way the color of the raptor eyes in robot mode is more accurate, too. And in Dinobot's case I hope that the actual figure won't end up looking like its box art in alt mode. But as for the Beast Wars characters in this line it doesn't seem to be the case that it's that accurate I still got hope.
And for Ultra Magnus I haven't been interested in the SIEGE version of him even though I prefer Cybertronian alt modes and therefore I'm less interested in this one. My definitive Ultra Magnus is still the Combiner Wars one. By looking at his box art it looks like they didn't change the inner robot's shoulder parts and he's missing the two big black blasters SIEGE UM came with. But he looks pretty tall. So maybe they copied the engineering of the 3rd party thigh extenders for him and integrated this mechanism into this version and therefore left out the two blasters. It would be kind of funny if they actually copied a 3rd party upgrade kit for this mold this obviously. And for retooling I think that his thighs are the same, too. I guess that all parts of the inner robot that you only see in robot mode are the same as the one's of the SIEGE version.
Re: First Look at Transformers Kingdom Dinobot, Ultra Magnus and Inferno (2087479)
Posted by Seibertron on November 20th, 2020 @ 5:28pm CST
Is Dinobot a Voyager or a Deluxe?
Re: First Look at Transformers Kingdom Dinobot, Ultra Magnus and Inferno (2087480)
Posted by Lunatic Prime on November 20th, 2020 @ 5:35pm CST
Seibertron wrote:Is Dinobot a Voyager or a Deluxe?

Voyager class according to the leaked listings.
And all for spots for wave 02 Deluxes are already occupied.
Re: First Look at Transformers Kingdom Dinobot, Ultra Magnus and Inferno (2087482)
Posted by bacem on November 20th, 2020 @ 5:49pm CST
Interesting, so according to that boxart, huffer has a shield, which may or may not be part of his backpack, which means he is like arcee, where you have option to make it fully transform at cost of huge backpack or using partsforming to make the backpack more compact, except on huffer's case, huge backpack is accurate to his g1 self, and a shield makes more sense than random hoverboard. Depending on how clearer, more detailed picture turns out, i may end up getting him.
Re: First Look at Transformers Kingdom Dinobot, Ultra Magnus and Inferno (2087484)
Posted by Nemesis Primal on November 20th, 2020 @ 5:56pm CST
bacem wrote:Interesting, so according to that boxart, huffer has a shield, which may or may not be part of his backpack, which means he is like arcee, where you have option to make it fully transform at cost of huge backpack or using partsforming to make the backpack more compact, except on huffer's case, huge backpack is accurate to his g1 self, and a shield makes more sense than random hoverboard. Depending on how clearer, more detailed picture turns out, i may end up getting him.
According to Apollux, the shield actually forms an optional cover for his truck bed and has nothing to do with his backpack.

Seibertron wrote:Is Dinobot a Voyager or a Deluxe?
Voyager, courtesy of both leaks and the text on the side of his box (EDIT: And the Deluxes already being accounted for, as Lunatic pointed out).
Re: First Look at Transformers Kingdom Dinobot, Ultra Magnus and Inferno (2087492)
Posted by blackeyedprime on November 20th, 2020 @ 6:41pm CST
They might be able to cobble up a homeage of animated Wreckgar repaint out of Huffer with remolded bed cover/prong weapons.
Re: First Look at Transformers Kingdom Dinobot, Ultra Magnus and Inferno (2087493)
Posted by TheForgottenTaxi on November 20th, 2020 @ 6:54pm CST
You know, for a while there I was thinking "Damn, could this new Kingdom Cyclonus be so good it replaces Universe 2.0 Cyclonus, one of my favorite CHUG toys of all time?!" Certainly other WFC figures have knocked out CHUG toys I was quite fond of.

But seeing them side-by-side...nah. The new one may be more "accurate," but it's also just really... clumsy looking by comparison.
Re: First Look at Transformers Kingdom Dinobot, Ultra Magnus and Inferno (2087495)
Posted by Seibertron on November 20th, 2020 @ 7:09pm CST
TheForgottenTaxi wrote:You know, for a while there I was thinking "Damn, could this new Kingdom Cyclonus be so good it replaces Universe 2.0 Cyclonus, one of my favorite CHUG toys of all time?!" Certainly other WFC figures have knocked out CHUG toys I was quite fond of.

But seeing them side-by-side...nah. The new one may be more "accurate," but it's also just really... clumsy looking by comparison.

I don't know. I loved Universe 2.0 Cyclonus. It has been one of my favorites for past 11 or 12 years.

Kingdom Voyager Cyclonus just dethroned Universe 2.0 Cyclonus yesterday for me. I can't get over how slick it is. The transformation is fairly unique (they did the accordion style transformation with the nosecone, which I love ... one of my favorite things from TFP Deluxe Vehicon) and the leg transformation is awesome that all of the robot kibble folds up nicely inside of the back of the jet so that it is is fully enclosed. It hits all of the right spots for me.
Re: First Look at Transformers Kingdom Dinobot, Ultra Magnus and Inferno (2087496)
Posted by Seibertron on November 20th, 2020 @ 7:09pm CST
To those who clarified that Dinobot is a Voyager ... thanks! :-D
Re: First Look at Transformers Kingdom Dinobot, Ultra Magnus and Inferno (2087501)
Posted by just_aCloud on November 20th, 2020 @ 8:34pm CST
Rtron wrote:Huffer! Yes! Now he and Rattrap can complain together for eternity.
Hahaha nice.

Fires_Of_Inferno wrote:War for Cybertron Kingdom Inferno!



Heheheh...dang it.
Re: First Look at Transformers Kingdom Dinobot, Ultra Magnus and Inferno (2087512)
Posted by ZeldaTheSwordsman on November 20th, 2020 @ 11:18pm CST
Seibertron wrote:
TheForgottenTaxi wrote:You know, for a while there I was thinking "Damn, could this new Kingdom Cyclonus be so good it replaces Universe 2.0 Cyclonus, one of my favorite CHUG toys of all time?!" Certainly other WFC figures have knocked out CHUG toys I was quite fond of.

But seeing them side-by-side...nah. The new one may be more "accurate," but it's also just really... clumsy looking by comparison.

I don't know. I loved Universe 2.0 Cyclonus. It has been one of my favorites for past 11 or 12 years.

Kingdom Voyager Cyclonus just dethroned Universe 2.0 Cyclonus yesterday for me. I can't get over how slick it is. The transformation is fairly unique (they did the accordion style transformation with the nosecone, which I love ... one of my favorite things from TFP Deluxe Vehicon) and the leg transformation is awesome that all of the robot kibble folds up nicely inside of the back of the jet so that it is is fully enclosed. It hits all of the right spots for me.
Interesting that you cite the leg transformation as a pro. I can see people really not liking the legs - they approach the CW version's bulk level, ending up rather boxy compared to the Universe version's more slim calves (which in being slim are closer to the screen look are several respects):

Of course, the tradeoff is that the Universe versions legs look kinda janky in altmode (even if you fold the toe tips together, which has not been done here):

Can the Kingdom version's wings be pointed outward in robot mode while folded behind his arms, as the Universe version's can?
Re: First Look at Transformers Kingdom Dinobot, Ultra Magnus and Inferno (2087515)
Posted by Seibertron on November 20th, 2020 @ 11:31pm CST
ZeldaTheSwordsman wrote:Can the Kingdom version's wings be pointed outward in robot mode while folded behind his arms, as the Universe version's can?

Yes, if you mean like Seeker wings, but attached to the arms.

Here's the rear view win for Kingdom Cyclonus. Kudos to Hasbro and Takara for making this happen. I'll admit his robot mode lower legs are a little "bulkier" than I would prefer, but it's minor to pull off this clean off a space jet mode.



Re: First Look at Transformers Kingdom Dinobot, Ultra Magnus and Inferno (2087517)
Posted by Sentinel_Primal on November 20th, 2020 @ 11:33pm CST
The way I look at it is each Cyclonus fills a different role. Universe serves the role of smaller scale, plus he comes with his Targetmaster who can peg into the hands like the JG1 Targetmasters, CW is a combiner, and Kingdom's is voyager, plus a really clean transformation overall. And personally if a Shapeways person releases a replacement head to turn Kingdom Cyclonus into IDW Cyclonus, that'd be even better
Re: First Look at Transformers Kingdom Dinobot, Ultra Magnus and Inferno (2087518)
Posted by Seibertron on November 20th, 2020 @ 11:33pm CST
The space jet mode of Cyclonus reminds me a lot of Transformers Prime Vehicon. While out of scale, I'd love to see Cyclonus remolded into Vehicon. Maybe they can repurpose that character into something else for the line.
Re: First Look at Transformers Kingdom Dinobot, Ultra Magnus and Inferno (2087520)
Posted by Seibertron on November 20th, 2020 @ 11:37pm CST
Sentinel_Primal wrote:The way I look at it is each Cyclonus fills a different role. Universe serves the role of smaller scale, plus he comes with his Targetmaster who can peg into the hands like the JG1 Targetmasters, CW is a combiner, and Kingdom's is voyager, plus a really clean transformation overall. And personally if a Shapeways person releases a replacement head to turn Kingdom Cyclonus into IDW Cyclonus, that'd be even better

Generations Selects IDW Cyclonus would be truly awesome. And in a 2-pack with Tailgate please. Thanks.
Re: First Look at Transformers Kingdom Dinobot, Ultra Magnus and Inferno (2087523)
Posted by Rodimus Prime on November 20th, 2020 @ 11:46pm CST
In my collection CW Cyclonus represents the IDW version. I think the paint shade matches the closest between them. I swapped his cannon with Motormaster's sword so he can have his great sword and Menasor can have a big cannon. And I do have Generations Tailgate to go with him. If I do get the Kingdom version, he'll go on my TF:TM shelf. I'm not impressed by him so far, I don't like his legs and feet, and his paint is too pale from what I've seen. He'll be an in-hand decision.
Re: First Look at Transformers Kingdom Dinobot, Ultra Magnus and Inferno (2087524)
Posted by Seibertron on November 20th, 2020 @ 11:50pm CST
You can basically turn Blackarachnia into the Spider-Man symbol. It was fun.

Re: First Look at Transformers Kingdom Dinobot, Ultra Magnus and Inferno (2087527)
Posted by PerfectVision on November 21st, 2020 @ 12:03am CST
Seibertron wrote:The space jet mode of Cyclonus reminds me a lot of Transformers Prime Vehicon. While out of scale, I'd love to see Cyclonus remolded into Vehicon. Maybe they can repurpose that character into something else for the line.

Cyclonus has a special head,i don't like it a lot but the vehicon's one is very dull,in general, he's it compared to the flesh eaters from TUROK or even...Those from BEAST MACHINES.

What an idea...
Re: First Look at Transformers Kingdom Dinobot, Ultra Magnus and Inferno (2087528)
Posted by Emerje on November 21st, 2020 @ 12:04am CST
sol magnus wrote:
WeatherManNX01 wrote:Dinobot, Airizor, Huffer, and Inferno look great (as far as we can tell, at least). Ultra Magnus looks pretty good, but I need to see better images and size comparisons of both modes to determine if I'm going to replace the CW version.

Dinobot's head is gorgeous.

I'm most chuffed by Huffer out of that lot, which definitely looks better compared to his CW figure.

He looks like a partial retool of the trailer and a full retool of the cab. I want to see his head, the eyes look different.

I'm seeing half of both. The "cab" of the truck (i.e. the bot mode torso) appears to be entirely new while the arms and legs are the same. White "Prime" head is probably the same as well and they seem to have fixed the gap between his "hips" and wheels in truck mode, at least according to the art. The top half of the trailer as armor (torso and shoulders including pylons) seems to be altered to be more G1 without the greeble judging from what we can see through the window, but the art shows the legs are completely the same. Not seeing any sign of the Galaxy Upgrade side guns, I hope they replaced them with something and didn't just drop them.

Other thoughts: Airrazor looks great from what we can see, can't wait to see what the bird mode looks like. Huffer is very nice, but I still hope he can pull a Prime trailer, maybe that's why the shield is needed on back, to give it some lift? Curious why Pipes needs those extra exhaust guns on his arms. Ractonite looks great, can't wait to see what secrets he holds, really love the head sculpt. Inferno will be good, just hope they fixed the peg issue. Dinobot is better than I was expecting. One leak said he'd be in original toy colors and I'm very thankful that he's in cartoon colors (skin is a little pale, but that's fine).

Re: First Look at Transformers Kingdom Dinobot, Ultra Magnus and Inferno (2087529)
Posted by Emerje on November 21st, 2020 @ 12:29am CST

I can't be the only one that wishes Blackarachnia was a Core class, but then again I guess they'd have to make Airrazor smaller and that could be even more difficult. Still, they don't scale too great.

Re: First Look at Transformers Kingdom Dinobot, Ultra Magnus and Inferno (2087530)
Posted by Seibertron on November 21st, 2020 @ 12:34am CST
More Beast Megatron and Optimus Primal fun ...


Re: First Look at Transformers Kingdom Dinobot, Ultra Magnus and Inferno (2087531)
Posted by Seibertron on November 21st, 2020 @ 12:39am CST
I really like Optimus Primal. My only gripe after doing his photo shoot, other than his legs are a little odd in gorilla-mode, is that I wish he had a "snarling" face that exposed his beast fangs. I think that would be much better than the standard static face (which I normally prefer for robot modes) than for "beast" modes.

I think the same for Cheetor. He basically always has the Cheetor-"shocked" face when the beast mode jaw is opened. I would prefer some more movement with Cheetor. His beast mode doesn't seem that different from the original. The lack of head movement and the shorter neck kind of kills this being an update from the original. Yes, his legs are poseable, but without a poseable neck, Cheetor feels very much like his original version from 1996 unfortunately.

As does Rattrap in beast mode, though you can stand him up on his hind legs, but it's not much of an improvement over the original in beast mode.

Optimus Primal is definitely the improvement of this group.
Re: First Look at Transformers Kingdom Dinobot, Ultra Magnus and Inferno (2087532)
Posted by Seibertron on November 21st, 2020 @ 12:42am CST
Seibertron wrote:As does Rattrap in beast mode, though you can stand him up on his hind legs, but it's not much of an improvement over the original in beast mode.

Re: First Look at Transformers Kingdom Dinobot, Ultra Magnus and Inferno (2087533)
Posted by Sentinel_Primal on November 21st, 2020 @ 1:00am CST
Out of curiosity, how does Megatron's rubber-y plastic feel?
Re: First Look at Transformers Kingdom Dinobot, Ultra Magnus and Inferno (2087534)
Posted by Seibertron on November 21st, 2020 @ 1:03am CST
This is the photo that I took where I thought Optimus Primal should have a snarling face instead of the static face that I normally prefer for ROBOT modes.

Re: First Look at Transformers Kingdom Dinobot, Ultra Magnus and Inferno (2087535)
Posted by Seibertron on November 21st, 2020 @ 1:06am CST
Sentinel_Primal wrote:Out of curiosity, how does Megatron's rubber-y plastic feel?

Awesome. Honestly, I thought he had "die-cast" on him somewhere because of how heavy he felt when I first handled the "beast" Megatron action figure from Kingdom.

I wish all of the "beasts" had the same feel, like Blackarachnia's spider abdomen and others, even if it's not realistic. Hell, I'd like Cheetor with that "feel" as well, but maybe not appropriate for a "cheetah" versus a "t-rex". However, I'd argue that you get the "beast" feel when the "beasts" have a special touch/feel versus the mechanical vehicle-mode Transformers.
Re: First Look at Transformers Kingdom Dinobot, Ultra Magnus and Inferno (2087536)
Posted by Sentinel_Primal on November 21st, 2020 @ 1:08am CST
Seibertron wrote:
Sentinel_Primal wrote:Out of curiosity, how does Megatron's rubber-y plastic feel?

Awesome. Honestly, I thought he had "die-cast" on him somewhere because of how heavy he felt when I first handled the "beast" Megatron action figure from Kingdom.

I wish all of the "beasts" had the same feel, like Blackarachnia's spider abdomen and others, even if it's not realistic. Hell, I'd like Cheetor with that "feel" as well, but maybe not appropriate for a "cheetah" versus a "t-rex". However, I'd argue that you get the "beast" feel when the "beasts" have a special touch/feel versus the mechanical vehicle-mode Transformers.

That's good to hear. I wasn't really worried, but it's good that it seems to be good quality

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