Hasbro Responding to HasLab Victory Saber Backers with a Couple Options to Resolve Issues
Tuesday, January 3rd, 2023 2:10PM CST
Category: Toy NewsPosted by: william-james88 Views: 96,571
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We are currently offering you two options to resolve the matter – 1) returning the product for a full refund or 2) returning the product for a replacement at no cost to you (to be delivered in 2023, exact date to be confirmed). Details for both options are outlined below:
Process to Return for a Full Refund
1) Reply to this email expressing your request for a refund with photos containing the following:
• Your HasLab Transformers Victory Saber, including all accessories (.jpeg or .gif)
• As well as a note containing your Hasbro Pulse order number and Consumer Care incident number
• Your complete mailing address & phone number
2) Once this information has been received and verified, our team will issue a pre-paid Postal Service shipping label to return the Victory Saber. The item, including ALL accessories, is required to process your refund:
• 8.5-inch VStar Figure
• 5-inch Saber figure
• 1-inch Brainmaster figure
• Victory Leo figure
• Holi figure
• Fire Figure
• All accessories (weapons, stands, etc.)
Process to Return for a Product Replacement
If you wish to proceed with a full replacement product, please reply to this email confirming that decision.
In the coming months, we will reach out to you to provide the estimated shipping date of this HasLab Transformers Victory Saber replacement product, and the next steps on returning your HasLab Transformers Victory Saber.
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Posted by GrangerPerry on January 3rd, 2023 @ 2:22pm CST
Posted by cloudballoon on January 3rd, 2023 @ 2:28pm CST
It's still a shitty decision to go for the replacement (instead of Hasbro shipping me the missing V-Lock Cannon handle). Guess I'll reopen my Victory Saber & Deathsaurus at the same time...
Posted by Flashwave on January 3rd, 2023 @ 2:31pm CST
GrangerPerry wrote:There’s 26,211 Victory Sabers right now. If less than 15% backers replace their figure there will be 30,000 Victory Sabers. If these were a regular release in stores I doubt people would be as sensitive to issues. That would be funny if they end up with more victory sabers made then say the ark or something like it
I asked this when they started the campaign. No one that I saw had official production numbers but the estimate for Titans was north of 50k.
But I am in agreement that they probably could have pulled this off as a Titan at the higher production run and solved a lot of the issues involving expectation. They would have been hit with the "but it's not one huge dude, it's Teo smaller dudes with a bunch of stuff" that the Leader Class gets but I think it would have worked. And maybe the additional profit margin would ha e gotten them better protection for chrome parts in shipping.
Posted by ZeroWolf on January 3rd, 2023 @ 2:35pm CST
Flashwave wrote:GrangerPerry wrote:There’s 26,211 Victory Sabers right now. If less than 15% backers replace their figure there will be 30,000 Victory Sabers. If these were a regular release in stores I doubt people would be as sensitive to issues. That would be funny if they end up with more victory sabers made then say the ark or something like it
I asked this when they started the campaign. No one that I saw had official production numbers but the estimate for Titans was north of 50k.
But I am in agreement that they probably could have pulled this off as a Titan at the higher production run and solved a lot of the issues involving expectation. They would have been hit with the "but it's not one huge dude, it's Teo smaller dudes with a bunch of stuff" that the Leader Class gets but I think it would have worked. And maybe the additional profit margin would ha e gotten them better protection for chrome parts in shipping.
I think the fact that it hit 25k means they would classify it as flop if only that many sold out of a 50k run, which would bode badly for Deathsaurus. There's also the matter of which corners would have been cut to make it a retail product.
Posted by blackeyedprime on January 3rd, 2023 @ 3:15pm CST
Posted by Immortal Starscream on January 3rd, 2023 @ 3:33pm CST
Posted by Flashwave on January 3rd, 2023 @ 5:18pm CST
ZeroWolf wrote:Flashwave wrote:GrangerPerry wrote:There’s 26,211 Victory Sabers right now. If less than 15% backers replace their figure there will be 30,000 Victory Sabers. If these were a regular release in stores I doubt people would be as sensitive to issues. That would be funny if they end up with more victory sabers made then say the ark or something like it
I asked this when they started the campaign. No one that I saw had official production numbers but the estimate for Titans was north of 50k.
But I am in agreement that they probably could have pulled this off as a Titan at the higher production run and solved a lot of the issues involving expectation. They would have been hit with the "but it's not one huge dude, it's Teo smaller dudes with a bunch of stuff" that the Leader Class gets but I think it would have worked. And maybe the additional profit margin would ha e gotten them better protection for chrome parts in shipping.
I think the fact that it hit 25k means they would classify it as flop if only that many sold out of a 50k run, which would bode badly for Deathsaurus. There's also the matter of which corners would have been cut to make it a retail product.
1) they absolutely would cut corners to make it a retail product anyway just because they can
2) they absolutely would not have given us the trays and reversible packaging for the box.
3) in a perfect world it’s already sold at retail prices for a Titan (one can argue the cost and value of the size of the figures and number of accessories that it’s probably not worth Titan priceso they shouldn’t have to cut costs. And with the higher production run and the liability of sales on the stores, not Hasbro, that means a lower production cost per unit
That also means higher logistical costs and overhead from the shelves so it might be a wash, though
4) On the one hand, yes 26k is only half the product run but that is 50% of the sale in preorders. That actually seems like a significant chunk based on what little I know. Impulse purchases, sales, and Junior going “look mommy at the cool lion space ship thing!” Might add up the rest of the sales, or to whatever the threshold is for success and right off
Posted by Grahf_ on January 3rd, 2023 @ 5:23pm CST
The last time I sent them something back to be replaced, back when they were actually doing that, the replacement needed to be replaced as well. One of my three Reflectors had two left arms. I sent the three pack back only for a different one of the three to be missing the front pelvis plate. This all took over three months to accomplish even though I shipped out immediately. Had they just worked these things like Amazon where they send you the replacement first, then when you confirm the replacement is satisfactory, you send back the item with the problem. At least that way I could've just swapped the arm I needed and sent back the one set that would now have had two problems instead of two sets with one problem each. At the very least they did let me keep the second problem set when sending out the third set. I just wish it was the first set as two left arms is better than a missing front pelvis.
However if someone in the SW Florida area that needs to send their set back for another reason would like to swap the problem piece on my Victory Leo with the one they're sending back that would be awesome. It's the figure's right hip piece on the backside. So when looking at the figure's back, it's the one also on your right. Just need to unscrew two screws and that white piece that comes off first is the piece I need replaced. Mine caved in on the port when the leg was snapped into place before it was packaged.
Maybe others could get together to try and swap other defects before sending back a set. Try to get as many problems onto a single set before shipping the set back. I'm sure there's people with hair under their chrome who would like that. Assuming that's not a problem they're addressing.
Posted by chuckdawg1999 on January 3rd, 2023 @ 6:17pm CST
Posted by william-james88 on January 3rd, 2023 @ 6:23pm CST
cloudballoon wrote:I got the same email. I wonder where the shipping destination will be? The email is from the US, but I live in Canada. They might have me shipped to Montreal, Quebec.
It's still a poopy decision to go for the replacement (instead of Hasbro shipping me the missing V-Lock Cannon handle). Guess I'll reopen my Victory Saber & Deathsaurus at the same time...
This poopy decision is part of their standard approach to create an extra obstacle to deter people from taking action. Same way people make it harder to unsuscribe from stuff or get insurance money.
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on January 3rd, 2023 @ 7:04pm CST
Posted by CircuitBreaker on January 3rd, 2023 @ 7:05pm CST
Posted by Crosscheck on January 3rd, 2023 @ 9:18pm CST
D-Maximal_Primal wrote:Bummer, I really just needed a new Saber only
That is my issue as well. The rest of the figure is great and I really don't want to end up with a figure that has a different issue. And the issue with my Saber is only really present in his robot mode (one of the shin panels snapped the literal first time I transformed him). The larger robot body and Victory Leo are 100% perfect.
Posted by VictoryRicko on January 3rd, 2023 @ 10:36pm CST
Posted by william-james88 on January 3rd, 2023 @ 11:33pm CST
VictoryRicko wrote:So what happens to people like me who bought him on ebay and have an issue? We won't have Hasbro Pulse invoices to submit.
Contact them and see what they offer you
Posted by cloudballoon on January 4th, 2023 @ 1:04am CST
william-james88 wrote:cloudballoon wrote:I got the same email. I wonder where the shipping destination will be? The email is from the US, but I live in Canada. They might have me shipped to Montreal, Quebec.
It's still a poopy decision to go for the replacement (instead of Hasbro shipping me the missing V-Lock Cannon handle). Guess I'll reopen my Victory Saber & Deathsaurus at the same time...
This poopy decision is part of their standard approach to create an extra obstacle to deter people from taking action. Same way people make it harder to unsuscribe from stuff or get insurance money.
My issue is the whole V-lock Cannon's handle is missing on my copy. But on TFW2005's forum I know someone in Australia 3D designed a substitute piece. The designer sells the design, but he's willing to print & mail it at cost to people like me (that doesn't have a 3D printer). I wonder if I can contact Hasbro again to issue me a Hasbro Pulse credit or something (equivalent to the cost of me getting the 3D printed version) rather than a refund/replacement. As other people already mentioned, there's no guarantee the replacement is QC perfect...
Posted by -Kanrabat- on January 4th, 2023 @ 4:39am CST
william-james88 wrote:VictoryRicko wrote:So what happens to people like me who bought him on ebay and have an issue? We won't have Hasbro Pulse invoices to submit.
Contact them and see what they offer you
At best, they'll ask you to send back the whole thing so they can send something of "equal value" like a Rescue Bots playset.

Posted by DeathReviews on January 4th, 2023 @ 10:09am CST
Measure twice, reap ONCE.
Are there any chances the defective versions will become MORE valuable over time, like old tyme stamps printed upside-down?
Posted by william-james88 on January 4th, 2023 @ 10:45am CST
DeathReviews wrote:Are there any chances the defective versions will become MORE valuable over time, like old tyme stamps printed upside-down?
Posted by -Kanrabat- on January 4th, 2023 @ 11:05am CST
william-james88 wrote:DeathReviews wrote:Are there any chances the defective versions will become MORE valuable over time, like old tyme stamps printed upside-down?
In all of TF History, defective units never, ever gained any value. Some tries their luck on eBay by selling a "highly valuable" defective toy and each times, the shame gets on display for weeks or months.
Posted by o.supreme on January 4th, 2023 @ 1:03pm CST
As for Haslab VS. I truly am sorry for anyone who has had QC issues, and I hope Hasbro makes it right replacing everyone's, not exchanging for value paid because the item itself is worth far more than a full refund. Still with 26K+ units, if only 1% had issues, that would be 260. I know there are multiple reports, but I know if mine were defective I'd be very vocal. I seriously doubt however the number of defective units is anywhere near 15%, if they were even 5% it would be an unmitigated disaster, its probably closer to 1%, hopefully less.
Posted by ZeroWolf on January 4th, 2023 @ 1:17pm CST
o.supreme wrote:Even "Prototypes" that try to sell for high prices, I dont think are very successful. Defective Transformers wont gain value.
As for Haslab VS. I truly am sorry for anyone who has had QC issues, and I hope Hasbro makes it right replacing everyone's, not exchanging for value paid because the item itself is worth far more than a full refund. Still with 26K+ units, if only 1% had issues, that would be 260. I know there are multiple reports, but I know if mine were defective I'd be very vocal. I seriously doubt however the number of defective units is anywhere near 15%, if they were even 5% it would be an unmitigated disaster, its probably closer to 1%, hopefully less.
Either way, I would expect Hasbro to keep a closer eye on that factory in future.
Did any of the other haslabs suffer from bad QC?
Posted by o.supreme on January 4th, 2023 @ 2:17pm CST
Posted by WeatherManNX01 on January 4th, 2023 @ 6:31pm CST
The only other issue I have is that the antennae on the helmet are very loose and floppy.
What is the timeline on sending back defective units? Do they let you keep it until the new one arrives, or do they want it now? If the former, I'd consider applying for a replacement, swap out the pieces I need, then send back the unwanted version, but I feel like we're not lucky enough for that.
Posted by william-james88 on January 4th, 2023 @ 6:38pm CST
ZeroWolf wrote:o.supreme wrote:Even "Prototypes" that try to sell for high prices, I dont think are very successful. Defective Transformers wont gain value.
As for Haslab VS. I truly am sorry for anyone who has had QC issues, and I hope Hasbro makes it right replacing everyone's, not exchanging for value paid because the item itself is worth far more than a full refund. Still with 26K+ units, if only 1% had issues, that would be 260. I know there are multiple reports, but I know if mine were defective I'd be very vocal. I seriously doubt however the number of defective units is anywhere near 15%, if they were even 5% it would be an unmitigated disaster, its probably closer to 1%, hopefully less.
Either way, I would expect Hasbro to keep a closer eye on that factory in future.
Did any of the other haslabs suffer from bad QC?
Yes, Sentinel had issues with the knees and the sail barge also had QC issues (not sure exactly what though, I just know customer service tickets were opened for that one).
WeatherManNX01 wrote:My VS is one with the missing peg cutout on the Saber jet nose. I've not been paying attention — has there been a publicized DIY fix for this?
The only other issue I have is that the antennae on the helmet are very loose and floppy.
What is the timeline on sending back defective units? Do they let you keep it until the new one arrives, or do they want it now? If the former, I'd consider applying for a replacement, swap out the pieces I need, then send back the unwanted version, but I feel like we're not lucky enough for that.
There is no easy DIY fix for that if you don't know how to handle specific power tools. The entire hole is filled so you need to recreate a hole with a drill and then carve out a hole at the top with a hobby knife.
Also, Hasbro won't send you anything unless you send them your copy first.
Posted by WeatherManNX01 on January 4th, 2023 @ 8:00pm CST
william-james88 wrote:ZeroWolf wrote:There is no easy DIY fix for that if you don't know how to handle specific power tools. The entire hole is filled so you need to recreate a hole with a drill and then carve out a hole at the top with a hobby knife.
Also, Hasbro won't send you anything unless you send them your copy first.
I was afraid of that.
I was afraid of that, too.
Well, crap.
Posted by william-james88 on January 4th, 2023 @ 8:02pm CST
WeatherManNX01 wrote:william-james88 wrote:ZeroWolf wrote:There is no easy DIY fix for that if you don't know how to handle specific power tools. The entire hole is filled so you need to recreate a hole with a drill and then carve out a hole at the top with a hobby knife.
Also, Hasbro won't send you anything unless you send them your copy first.
I was afraid of that.
I was afraid of that, too.
Well, crap.
The options are basically to live with it or roll the dice. I have the same issue and I'm gonna roll the dice.
Posted by VictoryRicko on January 4th, 2023 @ 10:08pm CST
-Kanrabat- wrote:william-james88 wrote:VictoryRicko wrote:So what happens to people like me who bought him on ebay and have an issue? We won't have Hasbro Pulse invoices to submit.
Contact them and see what they offer you
At best, they'll ask you to send back the whole thing so they can send something of "equal value" like a Rescue Bots playset.
Bleh. I should have never hesitated last year when it was funding. Stupid stupid stupid.
I'll take a Menasor in exchange if they got one sitting around somewhere

Posted by God Sunstreaker on January 5th, 2023 @ 4:47pm CST
Posted by william-james88 on January 5th, 2023 @ 5:55pm CST
God Sunstreaker wrote:Mine is still in package. Does anyone have a list of all the known issues? Maybe a link. I think all parts are there but after skimming this thread I am not so sure. I have kids and don't have much time so a bulletpoint list would be an amazing tool.
https://www.seibertron.com/transformers ... ber/47410/
Posted by sol magnus on January 15th, 2023 @ 9:10am CST
Posted by FernandezKolf on January 22nd, 2023 @ 12:45am CST
-Kanrabat- wrote:william-james88 wrote:They ordered more. Robot Kingdom ordered 750 more.
So Robot Kingdom sell Victory Saber for 200$US.
That's just 20$ more than what Hasbro Pulse charged. I don't think they got a group order deal at all. Factor in import taxes and shipping and they may barely make 2$ of profit for each VS sets. Why bother going through all that trouble for peanuts? They should have sold each sets for 250$ or 300$ to make it worth their while, no matter how long it would take to sell them.
Maybe they just don't want to store those sets for long because storage costs money after all. So they decided to do a clearance sale right from the start to fix their mistake. Maybe once they only have a dozen or so units in stock, they will increase the price to at least turn some profit.
Yes, it was confirmed by an employee that they were indeed doing a clearance sale because they were running out of storage space. Now they've upgraded to ottoman storage hence the sale is no longer there.
Posted by Immortal Starscream on September 5th, 2023 @ 8:15am CDT
So a couple weeks ago now, my replacement came in. The box this time was intact, but crinkled up around the edges and the corners were all smashed. Obviously this is due to the shipper being so tight and not any padding to protect it. I open it and immediately I see a chip in Star Saber's chrome in the exact same spot as the one I sent back. It is smaller and less noticeable, particularly if light is shining on it, but still there. Then I notice his antenna wont stay up. they just flop around loose. then, when I pull him out of the package, his arms flop around loose, and one falls off. His biceps weren't screwed together. They literally sent me an even more defective one to replace my slightly defective one. I should have just got the toyhax set and forgot about the box on the original.
I will say Leo was better overall, tighter joints, no chrome issues, and his knees hold together unlike my first one. Rather then send this one back, I just fixed it. I pushed the pin in on his antenna so now they are nice and tight, replaced and screwed together his arms, and will get the sticker set to fix his chest.
I sent in a complaint to hasbro, because they need to know this wont fly. I let my gojoe dragonfly go over this, and am now dreading how my hiss tank and deathsaurus will come.
Posted by -Kanrabat- on September 5th, 2023 @ 10:35am CDT
As if they took your old one, put it on top of the defective pile, then took the "replacement" randomly from that same defective pile.
Lo and behold, you'll return this new one and you'll get back a Rescue Bots playset "of the same value".

Posted by sol magnus on September 7th, 2023 @ 8:08pm CDT
Immortal Starscream wrote:I wasn't sure if I was going to post about this or not, but I decided to go ahead and bite the bullet. I am not sure if I can in good faith continue to support haslabs going forward because of this. So I was one of the people who had issues with his Victory saber set. The box came shredded with as massive hole punched in it, and both Star Saber and Victory Leo had chips/scuffing in their chrome. So I opted for the product replacement. I almost missed the replacement, because the email that it has come available went to my spam folder.
So a couple weeks ago now, my replacement came in. The box this time was intact, but crinkled up around the edges and the corners were all smashed. Obviously this is due to the shipper being so tight and not any padding to protect it. I open it and immediately I see a chip in Star Saber's chrome in the exact same spot as the one I sent back. It is smaller and less noticeable, particularly if light is shining on it, but still there. Then I notice his antenna wont stay up. they just flop around loose. then, when I pull him out of the package, his arms flop around loose, and one falls off. His biceps weren't screwed together. They literally sent me an even more defective one to replace my slightly defective one. I should have just got the toyhax set and forgot about the box on the original.
I will say Leo was better overall, tighter joints, no chrome issues, and his knees hold together unlike my first one. Rather then send this one back, I just fixed it. I pushed the pin in on his antenna so now they are nice and tight, replaced and screwed together his arms, and will get the sticker set to fix his chest.
I sent in a complaint to hasbro, because they need to know this wont fly. I let my gojoe dragonfly go over this, and am now dreading how my hiss tank and deathsaurus will come.
Sorry about your luck. Mine was perfect. I did a review.
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on September 9th, 2023 @ 6:01pm CDT
And sadly? I just don't like Victory Saber. He is at the back of the Big Guys shelf, mainly because he just isn't as much as I had hoped he'd be. He just doesn't excite me, and that makes me really sad.
I am hoping Deathsaurus is much better.
Posted by chuckdawg1999 on September 9th, 2023 @ 6:28pm CDT
D-Maximal_Primal wrote:On a different, but sort of similar note, I messed with Victory Saber some more over the past week, since I was retooling my "big guy" shelves to add as well as rotate some combiners.
And sadly? I just don't like Victory Saber. He is at the back of the Big Guys shelf, mainly because he just isn't as much as I had hoped he'd be. He just doesn't excite me, and that makes me really sad.
I am hoping Deathsaurus is much better.
They really didn't give us the figure we paid for and deserved. They were more concerned with it fitting in with the Legacy gimmick.
Posted by Sabrblade on September 9th, 2023 @ 6:33pm CDT
What Legacy gimmick? Does one of his weapons count as an energon weapon?chuckdawg1999 wrote:D-Maximal_Primal wrote:On a different, but sort of similar note, I messed with Victory Saber some more over the past week, since I was retooling my "big guy" shelves to add as well as rotate some combiners.
And sadly? I just don't like Victory Saber. He is at the back of the Big Guys shelf, mainly because he just isn't as much as I had hoped he'd be. He just doesn't excite me, and that makes me really sad.
I am hoping Deathsaurus is much better.
They really didn't give us the figure we paid for and deserved. They were more concerned with it fitting in with the Legacy gimmick.
Posted by chuckdawg1999 on September 9th, 2023 @ 6:36pm CDT
Sabrblade wrote:What Legacy gimmick? Does one of his weapons count as an energon weapon?chuckdawg1999 wrote:D-Maximal_Primal wrote:On a different, but sort of similar note, I messed with Victory Saber some more over the past week, since I was retooling my "big guy" shelves to add as well as rotate some combiners.
And sadly? I just don't like Victory Saber. He is at the back of the Big Guys shelf, mainly because he just isn't as much as I had hoped he'd be. He just doesn't excite me, and that makes me really sad.
I am hoping Deathsaurus is much better.
They really didn't give us the figure we paid for and deserved. They were more concerned with it fitting in with the Legacy gimmick.
I think the sword being able to peg into different holes counts. It was molded in clear blue plastic too.
Posted by sol magnus on September 9th, 2023 @ 6:36pm CDT
Sabrblade wrote:What Legacy gimmick? Does one of his weapons count as an energon weapon?chuckdawg1999 wrote:D-Maximal_Primal wrote:On a different, but sort of similar note, I messed with Victory Saber some more over the past week, since I was retooling my "big guy" shelves to add as well as rotate some combiners.
And sadly? I just don't like Victory Saber. He is at the back of the Big Guys shelf, mainly because he just isn't as much as I had hoped he'd be. He just doesn't excite me, and that makes me really sad.
I am hoping Deathsaurus is much better.
They really didn't give us the figure we paid for and deserved. They were more concerned with it fitting in with the Legacy gimmick.
No. Just has blast effect compatibility. No energon weapons.
We all have our different tastes, but I don't see what so about him.
Posted by Sabrblade on September 9th, 2023 @ 6:37pm CDT
Couldn't the MP also do that?chuckdawg1999 wrote:Sabrblade wrote:What Legacy gimmick? Does one of his weapons count as an energon weapon?chuckdawg1999 wrote:D-Maximal_Primal wrote:On a different, but sort of similar note, I messed with Victory Saber some more over the past week, since I was retooling my "big guy" shelves to add as well as rotate some combiners.
And sadly? I just don't like Victory Saber. He is at the back of the Big Guys shelf, mainly because he just isn't as much as I had hoped he'd be. He just doesn't excite me, and that makes me really sad.
I am hoping Deathsaurus is much better.
They really didn't give us the figure we paid for and deserved. They were more concerned with it fitting in with the Legacy gimmick.
I think the sword being able to peg into different holes counts. It was molded in clear blue plastic too.
Posted by chuckdawg1999 on September 9th, 2023 @ 6:38pm CDT
Sabrblade wrote:Couldn't the MP also do that?chuckdawg1999 wrote:Sabrblade wrote:What Legacy gimmick? Does one of his weapons count as an energon weapon?chuckdawg1999 wrote:D-Maximal_Primal wrote:On a different, but sort of similar note, I messed with Victory Saber some more over the past week, since I was retooling my "big guy" shelves to add as well as rotate some combiners.
And sadly? I just don't like Victory Saber. He is at the back of the Big Guys shelf, mainly because he just isn't as much as I had hoped he'd be. He just doesn't excite me, and that makes me really sad.
I am hoping Deathsaurus is much better.
They really didn't give us the figure we paid for and deserved. They were more concerned with it fitting in with the Legacy gimmick.
I think the sword being able to peg into different holes counts. It was molded in clear blue plastic too.
No, the MP had the proper sword storage because Takara knew that, THAT'S what the people wanted.
Posted by Sabrblade on September 9th, 2023 @ 6:40pm CDT
But the sword stores away properly inside either of the legs. That's even shown in the instructions.chuckdawg1999 wrote:Sabrblade wrote:Couldn't the MP also do that?chuckdawg1999 wrote:Sabrblade wrote:What Legacy gimmick? Does one of his weapons count as an energon weapon?chuckdawg1999 wrote:D-Maximal_Primal wrote:On a different, but sort of similar note, I messed with Victory Saber some more over the past week, since I was retooling my "big guy" shelves to add as well as rotate some combiners.
And sadly? I just don't like Victory Saber. He is at the back of the Big Guys shelf, mainly because he just isn't as much as I had hoped he'd be. He just doesn't excite me, and that makes me really sad.
I am hoping Deathsaurus is much better.
They really didn't give us the figure we paid for and deserved. They were more concerned with it fitting in with the Legacy gimmick.
I think the sword being able to peg into different holes counts. It was molded in clear blue plastic too.
No, the MP had the proper sword storage because Takara knew that, THAT'S what the people wanted.
Posted by chuckdawg1999 on September 9th, 2023 @ 6:49pm CDT
Sabrblade wrote:But the sword stores away properly inside either of the legs. That's even shown in the instructions.chuckdawg1999 wrote:Sabrblade wrote:Couldn't the MP also do that?chuckdawg1999 wrote:Sabrblade wrote:What Legacy gimmick? Does one of his weapons count as an energon weapon?chuckdawg1999 wrote:D-Maximal_Primal wrote:On a different, but sort of similar note, I messed with Victory Saber some more over the past week, since I was retooling my "big guy" shelves to add as well as rotate some combiners.
And sadly? I just don't like Victory Saber. He is at the back of the Big Guys shelf, mainly because he just isn't as much as I had hoped he'd be. He just doesn't excite me, and that makes me really sad.
I am hoping Deathsaurus is much better.
They really didn't give us the figure we paid for and deserved. They were more concerned with it fitting in with the Legacy gimmick.
I think the sword being able to peg into different holes counts. It was molded in clear blue plastic too.
No, the MP had the proper sword storage because Takara knew that, THAT'S what the people wanted.
Yes and that's nice, but it's NOT how it was on the original toy or on the show. The sword was drawn out from behind the right shoulder. Correction the cockpit of the saber jet flew onto the blade then Star Saber drew it out.
Posted by D-Maximal_Primal on January 20th, 2025 @ 8:39pm CST